Showing Posts For dbgamer.3407:

Kessex Hills' Skill Point - Ol' Stinky

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


No fix for this yet?

Come on… this was identified a month ago?!

Fort Aspenwood – still broken

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Account Bound Legendary Weapons

in Suggestions

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


agree +1 for sure

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

What Eternity Should Look Like

in Suggestions

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


Just saw the Sunrise aura on full resolution – makes me miss my Sunrise – the Eternity aura is so terrible.

Please update!

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

What Eternity Should Look Like

in Suggestions

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


RoyalPredator, that’s pretty cool

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

New Legendaries to compete with ESO?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


You may be right, but I’m sure there are a lot of GW2 players (other than myself) who are itching for new content that will go check out ESO if ANETdoesn’t introduce something cool to grab our attention

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

New Legendaries to compete with ESO?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


“aren’t an interest for the majority of the population”? I wouldn’t think that’s true.

A lot of them don’t care – that’s a more reasonable thing to say than “the majority don’t care”

Just sayin – I would personally think the majority of players do care about Legendaries, but may never actually attain one.

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

New Legendaries to compete with ESO?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


not worth it. Legendaries are not even an interest for the majority of the population.

They need to come out with something that appeals to everyone, or at least release a wide range of content that appeals to different people.

Do you have some stats to back that up?

Not sure you can make a blanket statement like that.

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

New Legendaries to compete with ESO?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


Has there been any more whisperings about the next legendary weapons?

If I was working at ANET, I would release them right before ESO is launched to re-energize the player base, but I would probably already be talking about them.

Maybe in the new year?

Any thoughts?

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Hide Aegis

in Suggestions

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


agree – PVE only makes sense, I suppose people would be looking for the aegis in pvp.

Even an out-of-combat disable would be useful. I just dislike seeing it when I’m trying to look at my shield!

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

What Eternity Should Look Like

in Suggestions

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


Eternity needs an upgrade! keep this going!

at least needs to have the missing weapon effects fixed.

I think the aura needs to be fixed – the purple smoke looks like my toon is sick.

I think Eternity should have a unique look, with the click-able option to switch to twilight or sunrise!

just my two cents.

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Kessex Hills Skill point bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


it’s been a while since I’ve done a map complete, but it seems the Skill Point at Eukaryan Caves is bugged, can’t interact with “Ol’ Stinky” to complete the skill point.

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Armor Cap to avoid Pure Zerker Builds

in Suggestions

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


So basically you are saying. I don’t like full zerker so it would be better if the game make it impossible to play full zerker.?

Nobody force you to play full zerker. Only a fraction of LFG post ask for full zerker. So let people play full zerker if they want and play how you wanna play. I play full zerker on some of my character and other I play differently. Play as you want and let others play as they want.

This. exactly.

You don’t like a build? don’t use it – you want other builds enhanced? lobby for that. Don’t ask for a nerf because you don’t like something.

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

"Use all" option on consumables

in Suggestions

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


+1 for this – think its a great idea.

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Ascended Gear Look

in Suggestions

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


ascended heavy is perfect

cool picture – disagree 100%. This is absolutely preference, but I think the heavy armor looks awful.

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Cape and Mount!

in Suggestions

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


Agree with both, especially the capes.

I’d love to walk around with my plate armor and a cape!

I’d also add hoods to this thread. I think we should have cape/hoods that we can hide/show. New back items!

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Alternate advancement

in Suggestions

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


add new trait lines and weapon skill points to buy with skill points.

One quick example:
Rangers: Deathshot: 50 skill points – attunes your bow with nature and fires a deadly shot that instantly kills your enemy if they are below 50% (only works on mobs below Veteran)

Add new skills that players can work towards that won’t push them into OP territory, especially in PVP, but have cool animations or tactical effects.

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

More Titles

in Suggestions

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


“Weaponmaster” – for 100% weaponmaster completion
“The Legendary” – for finishing the legendary achievement (all 5 I think?)
“The Hero” – for completing the Hero section
“Master of Tyria” – for 20k AP
“The Traveler” – for world complete on 3 toons
“The Dragon Slayer” for killing all 3 dragons in one day

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Dragons, Dwarves, Raids? More Content?!

in Suggestions

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


Agree the game desperately needs a new race. I keep wondering why I have such nostalgia for previous MMOs and I think part of it is the rich lore of some of the races – dark elves, dwarves, wood elves, etc.

I think your player base would flood these forums with praise if you added a new race – specifically dwarves (even though I’m partial to elves)

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Eternity - upgrade

in Suggestions

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


ANET please give Eternity the upgrade it deserves Every time I see the aura around the Twilight and Sunrise users, I ALMOST kick myself for upgrading to Eternity. Same goes for the whirling wrath animations and downed state animations.

I think those Eternity users out there would agree the purple aura and jeweled hilt wasn’t really enough of an upgrade to our blessed greatsword.

just my opinion though.

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

New Legendary Greatsword 'Spectrum'

in Suggestions

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


nooooooooooooooo more rainbow effects please!

OP – great idea, great artwork, but disagree simply from a preference perspective.

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

weapon set switching for elementals?

in Suggestions

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


Make this an OOC swap and I’d agree with you 100%

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Ideas for future Legendary

in Suggestions

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


I’ve got a ton of ideas for new legendaries – ANET I will offer them up for free, PM me! muahaha

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Ideas for future Legendary

in Suggestions

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


I would like to see a phased-approach to the legendaries – like the fractal capacitors, so you can ascend your legendary to the graphic effect you like best.

For example, using greatswords, the first version might be an awesome legendary greatsword with gems and shining hilt, and a shimmering blade for the initial version, and then the first ascension can add whichever partical effect you want – lightning, fire, ice, blood, light, etc. The next ascension could be a change to the build of the weapon, bigger blade, more jewels, etc., and the finale could be the addition of a proc/effect/aura/footfall or whatever, but something awesome to cap it off.

This approach allows the players to really customize their Legendaries, and if they don’t like a certain aspect, they don’t have to ascend it.

Also, dual sets of legendaries would be cool – daggers, pistols, swords, etc. make for good dual-wield weapon sets.

And lastly – I think the next legendaries should be account bound!

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Transmutation Stones for Q4 results?

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


I always found this conspiracy that ascended armour looks so bad because Anet want to sell transmutation stones incredibly stupid. While I personally don’t like the look of them there are far worse looking armours already in the game including some Gem shop ones.

Yes I know personal opinion and all that but some people are acting like Anet just ported in some assests from some 90s shovel ware game and slapped them on as the Ascended look. When what actually happened is that they had a design for these armours that just happened to not click with the large portion of their playerbase (and with the random mishmash of armours I see running around LA you can’t really blame them for thinking it would go down well).

On a slightly related note I want to know what I am doing so different from everybody else that I have quite a few of both kinds of transmutation stones sat in my bank because I didn’t buy them and I don’t buy BLC keys.

I would like to agree with you – I know I started the thread, but I still have a hard time believing there’s anything as sinister as the transmutation stone trick in mind…

As to your question – you must just not transmute your armor that frequently. I do it quite a bit, so I only have 1-2 of the stones lying around.

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Transmutation Stones for Q4 results?

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


Has there been any official response from ANET on the negative feedback pertaining to the aesthetics of the ascended armor? anyone know?

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Transmutation Stones for Q4 results?

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


Those are pretty sweet – even the weapons look really cool.

I agree Ezd

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Transmutation Stones for Q4 results?

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


Am I actually the only one who is perfectly fine with them being “decent at best” (if you are an optimist!) in order to boost the transmutation costs sales? It is maybe because exotic crafted weapons already are the ugliest weapons in the game, but I think that pushing the customer to buy COSMETIC items from the gem store is all right and in line with their manifesto. Come on, you can get 25 transmutation stones (so, 4 complete armor sets… ) for 800 gems, which is ~65g or 10€ / $. Given that nobody has to pay for the game after the initial investment, asking for little more than 2€/$ per ascended set isn’t so outragious.

I’m much more bothered by the time investment needed to craft the set than by the amount of geems needed to make it not hurt the eyes.

EDIT: Even if I said that I’m fine with bad ascended armor look, I wouldn’t be against more armor sets, either by dungeons (like, fractal set with relics?), guild commendations, laurels, drops, chests… whatever!). Compared to GW1, where every CLASS got sets opposed as every armor tier, this feels a little lackluster.

I don’t think anyone is fine with this concept if ANET made these armor types with the intention that people wouldn’t like them.

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Very cool release

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


Agreed – I wasn’t phased at all when they said they wouldn’t be releasing new content until mid-to-late January. Enjoy the break ANET and come back strong in 2014!

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Very cool release

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


Just wanted to say I’m pleased with the Wintersday release.

While I would have liked to have seen better ascended armor skins (I’ve made my opinion loud and clear in other posts), I’m quite enjoying the content that’s in this living world release. The JP, the snowball fights, the winter-themed Lion’s Arch – all very cool.

Good job team

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Jumping Puzzle Raaage...

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


Ok, I know it’s not supposed to be easy. However, I’m having three problems that are a long way from fun and beyond frustration, so some help and sympathy would be appreciated.

1. Huge hairy tigers and chunky Norn’s – My toons aren’t large, and I can’t see when the big chaps are jumping around at the same time. Wouldn’t be a problem if there was no timer and melting snowflakes. However, it’s much worse…

2. At the stairs of exploding presents. Even if I wait a looong time until there’s no one else around, as jumping with other people is extreeemely difficult and totally random, I can’t seem to press the jump button fast enough, my old, war wounded hands just can’t take it :’(

3. And what do old people suffer from the most? WIND! Yep, it doesn’t help that I’m freezing to death (and we’re not just talking about the price of electricity in the UK here), with my health running low, but random gusts of wind keep blowing me out of safe spots.

The exploding presents and random winds are just too random, and way too frustrating. I really like jumping puzzles; as a test of skill, but the random nature of the latter part of this puzzle is provoking my PTSD….



TBH – I felt the same way you did for the first 10-15 tries of this – I was kitten ed that it seemed so hard.

But don’t give up hope! it does get easier. Once I completed it for the first time, the second time came soon after, and then 3-6 were relatively easy. I expect to get to 20 tonight without too much trouble.

I think the JP was done really well – I liked the challenge once I got the hang of it – seemed like an accomplishment.

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Transmutation Stones for Q4 results?

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


That’s one assumption.
Another one would be that whoever is designing the armor/clothes… just isn’t fit for designing armor/clothes.

In my humble opinion it’s been a while since I last saw a decent, cool looking fantasy medieval fitting armor/look.

Maybe… they should improve their design team?

I agree with this 100%. It is sad that everyone is asking for Guild Wars 1 Skins so badly because of the lack of quality coming form Gw2 Skins.

Yea, I agree with both of your thoughts here – perhaps it’s not the QA team but rather the designers. Perhaps it’s time to expand the team or bring in some new blood.

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Transmutation Stones for Q4 results?

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


The forums seem full of comments about how hideous the new ascended armor models are, regardless of the race/gender combination.

The main reason people seem to come up with is that ANET released this horrible armor with the intention to boost sales of gems to purchase transmutation stones.

I’m an optimist, and find it hard to believe that such a despicable ploy would be possible from a large company who seems to care about their player-base. I can’t accept that this would have to do with something like quarterly results. However, I’m really really confused as to how this armor got past your QA team?

If the armor is getting this much negative feedback (and has been since the codes were leaked several weeks ago) why was this not realized by the ANET team as well?

The only conclusion people can jump to is the transmute stones. ANET please say it ain’t so.

If it was a QA issue, please, please, ensure you get a better system in place for ensuring only quality items/armor/weapons are going out the door. With the saturation of legendary weapons and the declining interest in the current theme of content, I’d say you need to keep players acutely interested in new items.


Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Hide Aegis

in Suggestions

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


I’m even not a fan of having the aegis on when my greatswords are up – would really like to be able to remove

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Hide Aegis

in Suggestions

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


Even a “double click to remove” would be beneficial – like what you can do to end some tonic effects

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Leaderboard - where is it?

in Fractured

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


My guess is they may be rethinking the way the leaderboard works based on the negative feedback received on the “first come first serve” approach

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Ascended armor - looks.

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


There were a ton of threads about ascended armor looks – mostly about how terrible they looked ( which is still the case) – when the codes were first found.

Any update on this ? has anyone heard of more skins?
There’s been a lot of time since that all happened – a lot of the community wanted better looking armor ( since it’s THE hardest armor to get in the game) – but have they actually done anything about that?

TLDR : has it been improved visually? Will it be? do you want it to be?

Agree with this – I really hope they change them visually – I think they look really really really bad. The only thing I can think of why this was done was to boost transmutation stone sales.

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Leaderboard - where is it?

in Fractured

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


I’m sure there are threads about this – but when I typed it in the search nothing came up.

Was there a response on why there is no leaderboard for fractals? or when it’s going up?

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Hide Aegis

in Suggestions

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


I’d like to be able to hide Aegis on my guardian so that I can clearly see my shield. I just made The Flameseeker Prophecies, and the pages are obscured by the aegis

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Ascended Armor

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


With it arriving on the 10th, how many people are happy about this new (I am assuming) grind?

Will it be something you work towards? Is it a step in the wrong direction in terms of time investment/enjoyment, or welcomed?

Will you work towards the armor due to aesthetics? Does the design encompass what you would expect of the “high-end” gear treadmill? (Judging by the image posted on the preview page, the armor itself looks lackluster, and imo kinda stupid >.>)

What is your estimation on the overall % for the power creep that will be introduced with this new tier of gear?

and finally: Do you believe this will be the final tier of gear that will be introduced? Or is there speculation that a tier for Legendary, and perhaps even a seperate new tier will be introduced later on in the game’s life?

New Ascended Armor models are all really really ugly in my opinion. Very disappointing.

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

fractals leaderboards are a joke

in Fractured

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


you have not even seen yet.

Umm… We all seen and heard it on the stream what devs were talking about it. So it’s not “imagined” or “throwing ridiculous statements”. It’s all facts that have been said and confirmed by devs themselves. Do some reading and watching rather than commenting on stuff that you’re clearly not informed on.

You make my point in your statement. You’ve seen the live stream – not the content first hand. You’ve heard a quick statement about the leaderboard, not a full explanation of how it works.

I watched the live stream and have heard the statement.
Clearly informed

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

fractals leaderboards are a joke

in Fractured

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


“First come first rank basis – if you are the first to reach a fractal level, you are ranked first for that level.”

Source :

This is just stupid, learderboards are supose to keep the game(Fractals) competitve, but this, is just an excuse to reset the player base to lvl 30.


You haven’t even seen the implementation yet.

I’m sick of posts like this before people have even seen the content.
You’re basing a flame post on so little information – chill out.

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Do something about the gold sellers

in Suggestions

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


I’m just curious, is the gold selling problem as rampant in other MMO’s as it is in GW2?

I’m not getting personal whispers all the time about gold sellng.

ANET if you can’t get a hold on it, please give us some better options to filter in-game mail, and /whispers/ blocking people

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

DC'ing when changing graphics setting

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


I’m getting really sick of disconnecting when I change my graphics setting from Auto-detect to best performance.

I just waited an hour in a queue for EB and the game crashed to the “send us your error report” screen as soon as I remembered to change the graphics settings.

This happens all the time in Teq too.

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Bifrost Rainbow Animations

in Crafting

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


ty – plus 15 characters

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Bifrost Rainbow Animations

in Crafting

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


Anyone know about the Guardian 2?

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Bifrost Rainbow Animations

in Crafting

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


Does this work for all staff classes now? the wiki shows that Guardian Staff 2 works with the rainbow effect, but I have heard conflicting things.

Can anyone confirm?

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Is not solo'able

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


The champion is really easy to solo. I did it first try, no problems at all. Almost everyone I’ve spoken to has as well.

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

[Merged] Think "Mounts" outside the box!

in Suggestions

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


Broom and drill offers no advantages. However people are asking for advantages to these and that is a nogo because it would require a redesign so these mounts don’t turn into pure screen clutter.

And that last statement is called Appealing to the masses.

I think those that are asking for speed increase and flying mounts are ambitious in their ask, which is why I’ll say I agree with the arguments against them, even though I personally would want a speed buff mount.

All I’m saying is that there are ways to implement mounts that don’t go to either extreme – the Broom vs. the Flying turbo rocket ship – that could appeal to both sides. Also, people throw around stats about the “majority of players” or “about 25% of players” when they (and no one on these forums) really have any way to back these stats up. The most vocal people on the threads do not account for what the “majority” of the player base wants.

To your point about appealing to the masses: I’ve already disagreed with what I think peoples’ view of what “the masses” is, but I don’t think that everything that is implemented needs to appeal to the majority of players, but rather some things can appeal to a subset of players, so long as it doesn’t encroach on the majority. A good example of this would be changes made to things like tpvp or specific content for end-game players. There are changes made all the time to this content that enhances the gameplay of a smaller subset of the player base, but doesn’t (necessarily) negatively affect the majority.

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

[Merged] Think "Mounts" outside the box!

in Suggestions

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


If players wanted mounts in the first place, players would have bought the broom and drill enough to show that those things are desirable. In turn, arenanet would make more to sell like the infinite tools.

However, that never happened.

Now even though this horse has been beaten way more than the thieves horse and the same arguments have been thrown around for possibly (and literally) the 1000th time I have a question to ask:

What in blue blazes makes you think arenanet is going to change the whole game just so arenanet could make mounts for a minority.

There are at least a couple of flaws I see with this.

First, you think that the number of Broom and Drill sales is exactly equal to the demand for mounts in general? I don’t even know how to explain why this is wrong.

Second, why would ANET have to change the entire game? If the Broom exists, to your example, why could there not be other mounts that function in the exact same way? or in a slightly different way that would require small changes?

Third, where are you getting your statistics around people who want mounts being the “minority”? If this is the 1000th thread, doesn’t that lend some credibility to the fact that maybe there is more demand than you think?

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Is not solo'able

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


Oh crap, it looks like some parts of a massive multiplayer online game might not be solo-able.
Who could’ve guessed that?

Yep, agree.

We’ve got people in this thread qq’ing that it’s not soloable, and other people qq’ing because it’s too easy and you can solo it.

This is an MMO, and ANET has mixed up the content from easy to difficult solo content, and also easy to difficult group content.

People need to quit whining. The game needs to appeal to hundreds of thousands of people, not people who want 100% one way or another.

I was blown away reading a post a few months back titled something like “please don’t ever make me play solo again” where someone complained that there was a solo instance that they had to encounter.

And to the OP, this is absolutely soloable. Do you need to move with a group of players to get there? Probably. Do you actually have to GROUP with those players? Absolutely not.

People need to quit complaining.

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood