(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
I use it all the time.
I honestly don’t see much crying about anet making an xpac thou.
The only ones doing it are the uber casuals who just miss their little story plots every 2 weeks and new skin to play dressup..
Clearly, you did not read the forums last year.
A thousand years ago, there used to be many low-level trains. The king, or queen, was in Queensdale itself. Back then, the zone was filled to the brim with people.
But it was also filled with nonstop complaining.
Before the nerf, most of the veteran mobs were champions. And these provided loot, levels, and achievements in a very effective way. Don’t get it twisted. The low-level trains were not nerfed because low levels complained because of some notion of a ‘ruined’ experience.
That’s the excuse ANet gave the community.
They were nerfed because people got greedy, selfish, and spoiled about killing those champions. Many a player made their names infamous ‘derailing’ the champion train and laughing about it.
And the player reports and complaints flowed in. All because they didn’t get their loot or achievements killing those champions.
That’s the real reason for the nerf to low-level trains: stupidity.
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
Thank you for posting that, Tuskin. Seriously, they need to bring the fountain back.
Waste of gems. Saved mine instead. I’d recommend others do the same.
Black Desert is the best MMO I’ve seen on the proverbial horizon. How well it plays to an American and European audience is another topic. But I’ll say this: if it’s anything as good as the hype, I’ll be done with Guild Wars 2.
Hope they know the bridges are burning with all their missteps and lack of communication.
Here’s a review for those interest in that game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqZgop1H4Tw
Edit: Ugh! It has open world, unavoidable PvP? My carebear butt ain’t having none of that. A pity. . . .
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
Personally, I very much miss the bi-weekly to bi-monthly content releases as well. But, as others have said here, this is what the overall community wanted.
And here it is . . . warnings from us about this content drought be kittened.
What weapon combination makes Rangers dps one of the highest? Sw/axe?
Given the lack of underwater content, and the reaction and removal of it, it’s unlikely we’ll see anything with new re-breathers, or like your adjustments like in your awesome suggestion, anytime soon. But it’s a great idea. Here’s to hoping they’ll do it. +1
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
Honestly, after reading these forums over the last couple years, I’m not surprised at what anyone complains about anymore.
Need examples?
1. Please get rid of ambient killer daily. It’s cruel to the rabbits.
2. The free (insert item) wasn’t good enough. I want something better.
3. ANet is releasing content too fast!
4. The Wintersday achievements are too hard. (This was last year when you literally just talked to NPCS or made snowmen to get rewards.)
I could go on, since all the examples actually happened, but I hope it proves a point.
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
I agree. A toggle makes the most sense. But, in the meantime, there’s Scotch tape.
White space is your friend. But, in my opinion and for right now? No, it’s not worth coming back unless you have a lot of content you haven’t done. If you’ve completed the majority of the content, you’ll be twiddling your thumbs like the rest of us.
If nothing else, log in and get your daily rewards and the like, but otherwise . . . I’d wait for the expansion to add more carrots to chase.
The class itself just attracts bad players most of the time. It makes me feel sorry for the people playing ranger that are actually good players tbh.
You are fully aware you just proved the OP’s point about ‘elitism’ aren’t you?
In fact, in some/many instances, a bad ranger’s survival capability is THE REASON a they are surviving long enough to res their teammates—by playing safe and shooting at range, their damage and mechanics are bad to the point of being detrimental to the party’s success.
The mere fact that anyone is defending that they being dead while the ranger is still alive and rezzes everyone else afterwards . . . yet the ranger is the one who is ‘bad’ . . . well . . . that says a lot more than you know.
And it’s a huge reason I solo content in Guild Wars 2. But let me understand your logic: You’re dead, but I’m alive and successfully completing the content, while you could not, yet I’m the bad player and harmful to the team because I didn’t bring enough damage to the table? Do you have any idea how beyond mind-boggling that sounds? You know you bring no damage to the table if you’re dead, right?
Survival is the key to measuring success in any MMO much less a dungeon run. You can’t complete anything if you fail or wipe. And, in most cases, failure is death. Yet, somehow, that’s not a detriment to a group? Surviving is? Really? We’re debating that?
How that got turned on its head is again beyond mind-boggling.
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
Marjory's racism if you are not a Sylvari PC
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590
Given the circumstances, especially after with what happened to her sister, I can’t blame her for being more than a little suspicious.
I’m guessing more bugged than anything. Though it would be awesome if it stayed that size. But unlikely given how some have already complained about the size of the mini dragon. . . .
Not 100% sure, but I noticed if I dodge rolled in or out of Healing Spring, it wouldn’t activate. Only when I walked or ran out and then back into the circle, would it activate.
It does still activate it other players walk into the circle, if damaged, though.
I always laugh when I hear people say, “No rangers!” in any group. It’s part of the reason I tend to solo everything instead. But, ironically, I tend to be the last person standing in any group I join and rezzing everyone afterwards.
But, all that said, I’d never let the whims or dislikes of other people dictate what class I play.
I suggest you do the same.
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
I hope ANet reads this thread. Pretty kitten telling.
I was under the impression that if you get smaller or ‘shrunk’ via spells or effects, then when you preview minis in that panel, you appear smaller than the minis. Thus, effects like the one you’re seeing.
It’s just perspective and programming.
Dailies and that’s it.
What if they announced 3 PvE maps for HoT?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590
Here’s a reality check: If they release an expansion with three maps, please know everyone could have had those same three maps by now, via Living Story, given the amount of time we’ve waited for this expansion.
Think about that for a second and then realize why people are less than thrilled with this. That is not what the community expects when they ask for an expansion.
It means we’ve sat around with nothing to do, with no seasonal or special events, and watched our peers leave for livelier pastures, for the same amount of content that could have and has been delivered in the same amount of time.
For free.
ANet just withheld it during that time and then released it all at once instead with a huge price tag to boot.
So, yes, if it’s only three or four maps of fluff content for fifty dollars or more, expect the reviews and reactions to be as bad as that Fantastic Four movie, but a lot less civil.
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
Better communication.
Again, the answer really depends on your play-style. My one and only character is ranger. I’ve soloed pretty much all the content barring zerg-style raids in Silverwastes. Even dungeons and fractal content.
I could not have done these things with a thief. People tend to be dismissive of pets, but if you know how to use them correctly . . . you can do some amazing things.
But your damage will never be as grand as a decked-out thief. It just isn’t going to happen. Plus, a thief who knows how to use stealth properly, can be a real challenge in PvP.
Honestly? In your case, given what you’ve said so far, I would recommend rogue first. But, again, that’s just my humble opinion.
At this rate, you’ll have plenty of time to level that class before the expansion comes out. And heck, you can earn plenty of Tomes of Knowledge to express-level a ranger if you so choose.
Definitely not . . . thank God.
I played dual pistol thieve and in pvp all I have done is 2222222 333333 2222222 and its actually really easy
Would you like me to add ‘competently played’ to my reply? If anyone wants to spam one or two keys, that makes any answer kind of moot . . . especially if they intend to PvP. As a ranger, I love opposing players who only hit one or two keys.
But that’s another topic.
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
Bump! These need to be addressed sooner than later. Especially Healing Spring. It’s still a bugged nightmare.
Been there, suggested that.
1. Yes people, especially those who run dungeons, dislike rangers.
2. Thieves a have higher damage output, but rangers tend to have better survivability.
3. If you enjoyed your ninja more than your monk, choose thief. But please be aware a ranger has an easier learning curve than a thief. Thieves are more prone to dying in both PvE and PvP. If you liked your monk more, guardian may be your better option.
This all said, it might be best if you test all the classes and see what feels better for your play-style.
Hope this helps.
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
Block is there for a reason. If everyone blocks and reports them, those flowers tend to wilt and die when no one responds to their special brand of stupid.
Report, block, and move on. It takes time to develop a thick skin against their stupid, but certain PvP rooms help this process. These days, after an hour or so if that, I tend to forget their names. The next day? I definitely forget their names.
They’re not worth anyone’s time much less a thread about them.
Dailies are pretty much the only thing I do in the game now.
Will give fact and opinion based responses to your question.
Fact 1 – The MMO market is oversaturated. Google the list of MMOs. It is huge with new ones announced every month.
Opinion – Because of the increase in variety of gaming genres and platforms, MMOs do not draw and retain players like they did in the 90s. People have many videogaming choices and MMOs are not always their top one.
Fact 2 – Majority of people consume content at a fast rate. Sometimes faster than devs expect.
Opinion – Devs cannot keep up with the pace that majority of people consume content. Some devs have lost credibility because they share a content schedule to justify subscription costs. But end up not delivering on that schedule several months after launch. Therefore, players and watchers (ppl who track MMOs) have become disillusioned, resulting in quitting that or MMOs in general.
Fact 3 – Average age range of videogamers is in 30s.
Opinion – Demographics of videogamers has changed and so have their playing habits. They no longer see videogames as an “investment.” Instead, they “invest” in their real life and make that a priority. Therefore, more and more gamers are leaving MMOs because they cannot or do not want to “commit” to long term investments.
Very true. Back in the day, before FaceBook and Twitter, a lot of our peers kept in touch with their friends through the game. This was especially true for guilds via Vent and similar media.
Also, you had maybe one or two really good MMOs to hold your attention. DAoC benefited greatly from this lack of competition. And then Warcraft came along and all its copycats.
Yeah, lots and lots of choices now, much like everything in entertainment . . . music and publishing included. So companies have less chances to screw up and be forgiven by the public.
These days, they’ll just move onto something else. And it’s death for some games and companies. Warhammer Online, City of Heroes, Hellgate . . . people won’t put up with half-kitten products and poor decisions anymore.
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
Well, i urge those that don’t know it by now, or realise what difference a concept makes :
Take a look at Skyrim versus Elder Scrolls Online (ESO). When that came out, all the skyrim (and older installments) players expected something like skyrim, but then online.
Boy, did they get a surprise. Not only was it nothing like one of their most succesful games, it was a total loss, pushing people away from the mmo genre even.
Man, this is so true it should be framed on the wall.
Yes, that article was also on Yahoo yesterday. Warcraft lost another million players within the last few months or so. Regardless, it kind of proves the OP’s point.
Players are bored with the same formula and want something new. I’ll include myself in that equation. My wife and I did our dailies and logged out within ten minutes. She went to check out Path of the Exile.
I tried and researched Drakensang and Witcher 3. Heck, it might be time to finally play GTA5.
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
There is something of a shift from MMOs because they tend to be more of the same. Also, the latest batch of MMOs, to include expansions, have been complete flops. Sadly. But, I’ll say this much: GW2 has held my attention longer than any other MMO so far. And I’ve played a lot of MMOs.
But, again sadly, they moved from what made them unique and exciting to the standard same-old-same-old, and well . . . here we are discussing this topic.
When I spend more time of the forums than in the game, that’s never a good sign for me. Usually . . . it means I’m all but done with the game.
Hope this expansion walks on water.
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
5. Low quality sub par content. LS doesnt hold jack to games like Witcher 3, or DAI on the story front, and if all anyone does is play for LS they are missing the entire point of why play an MMORPG and become part of the above mentioned communities, without this, other players might as well be more NPCs or props, and you get better versions of those in single player RPGs nowadays. So LS is kinda pointless. In fact, if anyone reading this is playing solely for LS, they should really go pick up Witcher 3 instead of HoT and they will be absolutely amazed at what they’re missing out on.
Interesting. Thank you. I’ll check Witcher 3 out.
Heart of Thrones prices should be adjusted!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590
Um . . . it’s Thorns . . . not Thrones.
The population drop, if the evidence provided is to be believed, has nothing to do with either Seasons One or Two, nor anything as pedestrian as ‘grinding’ for loot or achievements.
The population drop has everything to do with the players having nothing to do in the game right now. And, unfortunately for ANet, other games are now drawing that population with shiny new carrots.
Keep in mind, the pool of players is pretty much the same. It doesn’t take a chart or rocket science to understand that if players have nothing to do or chase in one game, they’ll find another game to occupy their time.
The multiple threads over this past month begging for special or seasonal events again bear this out.
I don’t use this application either, but I do find the sampling indicative of the current population and interest in the game as a whole.
The second chart: http://massivelyop.com/2015/07/29/ffxiv-swtor-and-guild-wars-2-fall-in-raptrs-june-rankings/ bears that out.
Regardless, this shouldn’t be a shock to anyone paying attention.
So am I correct then in understanding that essentially the format of any new maps (regardless of size, that’s not what I’m asking) will be of the Silver Wastes variety?
Yes, more or less. Silverwastes is basically a preview of things to come. ANet has admitted as much in previous interviews.
I was hoping the expansion would bring in more areas like Caledon Forest or Bloodtide Coast, but instead we seem to have yet another Silverwastes/Dry Top area. Factions and Nightfall increased the entire world map of GW1 by 100% each, but these small “Season areas” do nothing exciting for me. I know it’s a beta, but this isn’t giving me hope for what I was expecting out of a huge expansion. It seems more like season three bundled up into what they wanted to call an “expansion”.
Is this the part where I say, “I told you so,” or should I wait until after the expansion’s actual release?
Yes, sadly, a lot of us predicted this very thing. It appears, from your observations, on point . . . but it wasn’t unexpected either. At least, from some of us with a little more insight.
But here’s to hoping otherwise.
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
Time doesn’t make an opinion right. That said, most of Guild Wars 2’s players aren’t two-plus-year veterans. Those have moved to other pastures or aren’t beta testing. Again, time doesn’t make an opinion right or more accurate.
I wouldn’t troll anyone, but I guarantee you someone out there will.
Thank you for posting this. It’s a nice touch.
What if they announced 3 PvE maps for HoT?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590
Answer: I would have none. I expect that to be what happens given what we’ve seen and heard. And no, I don’t include cities and similar content as ‘maps’ of PvE content. Yes, they are areas, true. But not PvE maps. Let’s kill that argument before it begins.
Again, we’re not expecting a continent of maps given how little hype we’ve heard and seen on this issue . . . sadly.
Well . . . it’s not like they’ve introduced loot that will allow you to beta test their game for bugs. Rare loot that pretty much required you to farm for it. How silly would that be?
Oh . . . wait.
So you would prefer to wait another half year without any new content ?
Lord . . . you do not want to go down that road. Believe me.
Um . . . no.
I’m still hoping for a Christmas/Holidays date, but I also sincerely hope they don’t rush anything just to make some unknown deadline.
I’d love it if they made the dungeons solo-able for all. Might generate more interest with dungeons. A lot more.