Showing Posts For Cerby.1069:

15 vs 40 make it possible?

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


lol 15 lions vs 30 sheep. i dont think thats a very good example tbh

Okay fine…..

15 cakes vs 30 glasses of milk.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Obsidian Sanctum Mission

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Hail friends!

This is indeed a bug and we have a fix for this planned in an upcoming release provided it passes all of our QA checks. Thank you all for the reports here in the forums and to those who have been sending us reports with [/bug].

Can you fix the bug that keeps this map from being worth a kitten?

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

15 vs 40 make it possible?

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Change the downed state and death system for wvsw….its not rocket science.

Dead people need to stay dead (there are waypoints everywhere already….)
Downed players that have an enemy instant flag plant should die so long as the flag planter finishes the animation. You shouldn’t be able to heal them faster than the flag plant takes, and if they do they should have to pay a cost for doing so.
Players downed and then up’d should have wayyyyyyyy more downed penalties. ANd if they are downed a third time in a row they should just instant die.
Downed state health should be lowered a percent across all classes.
All downed state abilities outside of the ‘1’ should have a cd like they used to have. And that cd should be AT LEAST as long as a flag plant takes (like it used to be).

The number of abilities to instant rez downed players should be changed/fixed dramatically.

You shouldn’t be able to heal a downed player (with F) faster than a glass cannon can do damage to them.

Why can’t those 15 lions do anything against the 30 sheep? CAuse the 30 sheep are immortal by design. They each have 2 lives (up and downed state), that can be infinitely refreshed after the first OR second life is taken after a 3-10 second pause (reviving the downed/dead). The lions have 2 lives that can not be infinitely refreshed after a 5-10 second pause. So hypothetically, or in layman’s terms, you got 30 vs 60 where the 60 have instant infinite respawn…..


I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

Just One Week of Old School

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


You don’t see the irony there? Buy the game (whatever ur paid for it originally). Pay 50$ for the expansion. Pay 50$ to uninstall the expansion for a week.

But ya…I would like a vanilla class


I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

GW2 WvW...what's the point?

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


@ OP

I share your thoughts. When I look at the history of the mode and the game, it seems absurd that the devs are doing this whole ‘beta’ redesign thing. They aren’t committed to actually making the mode a meaningful experience. I really could not tell you the intent or the purpose of this whole promotional skit they are putting on. PR maybe? Is it just a giant advertisement to try and attract more people to the game in face of bad sales?

There are many better things to put ur teams on that could do that. In which case it implies that resources are scarce and that ‘adding’ gizmos to an existing mode like wvsw is the only viable way they have atm.

I mean then we always got people like this saying:

WvW isn’t going to be good until there is more infliction of more players.

We always say things like this. We say that we have enough people tier 1 to add in the real ‘meat’ and make the mode meaninful, but that we can’t since the other tiers don’t have enough people yet. We say we can’t make the lower tiers better since that would ruin tier 1. Then we say that overall the entire population isn’t high enough to warrant any meaningful gameplay additions….. “you know we have enough people FINALLY, but the overall population is too low to warrant investment in changing anything….you know, its not anet’s fault. They had this brilliant game all layed out but they needed 100x the playerbase before they could actually input it” -Some kitten bulloney like that. THEY DON"T WANT TO CHANGE THE MODE. THIS IS HOW THEY WANT IT TO PLAY.

The truth is that anet designed wvsw as a run and gun (RNG) mode. Its no different a concept than those dumb little wintersday minigames they setup……the main ‘motivator’ is to simply jump in and farm the mode in the boringest way possible. That’s what they are treating wvsw like with the blob meta. They don’t want wargaming. This ain’t no RTS or 4x game…..its just a instant respawn 1 map cod experience where you are fighting for the chance to bottleneck the enemy to 1 section of the map for eez kills.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

The change to mortars is OP

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Seriously…. make a video of some1 of value dying from 100% hp to a incendiary shot or it didn’t happen, especially when you got 1 or more allies in the area that can rez.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Stuck in movement { Seems fixed ! }

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Well be thankful its not happening on every movement skill you use. I found using an asuran warrior helped decrease it dramatically. I totally rerolled from my human to the asuran because of this bug….its rly bad on human race in my experience.

I still get it alot on my asuran sometimes but i find it depends on my build. Right now im running 90%-100% edurance regen with sigil of energy on my alt weap set. If I’m dodging an insane amount I find the bug to have occcur ALOT less…its almost nonexistent at times. Pretty much swapped builds on account of this lol.

Personally I have another problem with gs 3 though and thats the fact the delay from when I proc it to the actual evade/spin is a ridiculously long time lately….and it keeps getting longer. It can’t be just lagg since I can use other abilities fine and yet as soon as i gs3 there might be a very very longer delay before the spin than usual.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Outfits/Armor you'd like to see?

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


capes….helmets that cover the entire head (nobody wants to see ur ugly faces)…just anything that looks bulky and looks like actual armour rather than cardboard. Even if its like Frodo’s mithril jacket…all light and t-shirtey looking it should have scales or shine or something to indicate the special properties making it seem legit.

Also want more armourless options. Like we can turn certain pieces on/off….would like to see that for breastplates or something like that for charr and others.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Warriors, are you scared?

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Being a warrior is by definition: to never be scared.

If we stuck around in the class before the buffs, we definitely aren’t scared of any nerfs….it won’t be worse than it was before (until the next expansion x.x)

If I had to be scared of something, it would be of every other class getting more damage reduction and evade/kite/heal/sustain/invulnerability kitten sandwiches.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

PvP: This season has been a lie

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


“Good riddance.”


That kinda takes the cake for ‘blatantly’ mean comments this week.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Servers that are abysmally bad at WwW

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


i don’t think any servers are bad at wvw. i have thousands of hours inside wvw and i’ve played on a handful of servers and every single one of them has the mentality that the servers they play against in any matchup are bad/keep huggers/siege humpers etc. i honestly think this is due partly to the fact that there’s no cross server communication in wvw and the enemy players just become <Server Name> Gold Soldier.

the truth is that every server is playing wvw in the exact same way. we all have pugs/pugmanders, we all have roamers, and we all have guild groups. we all have blobs and casual players that stay in keeps and fire acs at passing guild groups.

instead we should focus on which server has the most cancerous, elitist guild groups that try and lure pugs out of EB so they can do ‘muh zerg bust’ when in reality rolling 40-50 deep against an unorganized pug zerg on another server is just an effortless bag farm – the thing guild groups actually seem to be after. the second any kind of challenge arises, they just switch maps to find another easy, unorganized bag farm. if that doesn’t work they’re guaranteed to go troll on gw2wvw because they are le epic uncaring stoic internet hero.

inb4 trite ‘lel u mad bro’, packet-of-salt.jpg replies

You deserve a medal sir.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Linked Worlds Transfer Restrictions

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069



I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Remove mystic forge from wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


No. The Mystic Forge is useful in WvW for crafting superior siege.

Ya, its rather hypocritical of Anet but this is likely the reason they will choose to not remove it.

Taking time to craft ur food/weapons/armour is increasing que times, but taking time to craft ur superior siege is fine…..cause reasons. Everyone knows how ridiculously long it takes to craft enough superior siege.

Anyways they’ll be decreasing the idle time next….to something even more ridiculous, at which point why would you even want to use the forge for anything more than a couple craftings.

They could free up a ton of que space by getting rid of all npc interaction. no bank no anvil no merchants no forge nothing…it would free up space! IT WOULD!!!!!! To those complaining about que lengths….that would be an easy fix. Rejoining the maps would present shorter que times as welll… some might suffer in needing to change their gear….but the d/c complainers would be happier.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

Reset Glicko...

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Lol I just have to laugh seeing these scores…Ironically the only tier with a somewhat close match up is Tier 1 rofl. Well you all asked for it now you have 3 unbalanced tiers with blowout scores because anet listened to the whiners and decided pairing 4 servers against 3 paired servers against 2 somehow equated to balance and would help spread the population.

Resetting glicko wont help it, it would just cause more problems and kitten off a lot of people.

None of ur post makes any sense whatsoever.

Pretending it does make sense you are saying:
Don’t complain, its ur fault this is happening. Don’t solve the problem, you deserve to be miserable. Be quiet, and let me enjoy ur misery.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

The Ridiculous Mashup of CD/BP/ET/Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


If the SF combo was doing as badly as we are (DH/EB) I would just outright suggest we let CD own all of EBG until everything becomes fortified….then we screenshot it and send it to anet.
I mean Anet would HAVE TO do something about that, no way around it. Nothing would be more insulting and humiliating to them than that…especially if it was on the first week of ‘balanced’ matchups.

I mean if this carries into another week and the 4 servers get organized…it could happen. They’ve owned all of ebg at least once so far that ive seen.

The “Fantastic Four” will have a very hard time as it faces stronger servers. Organizing is difficult. We could also use a good pugmander. Haven’t seen a t1 quality tag yet

I mean its easy to talk down on them like that…..
But honestly I think if they were paired against Blackgate or the other T1 they would be holding their own if not outright winning. Look at those STATISTICS..the size….the uptime.

Can’t wait to see them climb the ladder to T1.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Aoe Field on Mortar ?

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


You’d think they would change the base mortar shot to shell so we don’t have to waste time toggling off of incendiary. Most of the time I forget its on incendiary since the picture is so kitten confusing.

Regardless, I’m still waiting for mortar burn to actually ‘DAMAGE’ people….kitten forbid some1 ever dies to a normal base damage mortar incendiary round. Why don’t they just remove incendiary shots completely? They serve no purpose. At least make the aoe like trebuchet cow shots…..these cow pie aren’t making anyone flinch in the zerg meta.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Need official WvsW gamerules Page

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Also “The Basics of WvW guide and more!” sticked thread should probably be replaced/removed given it no longer applies. Regardless of any ‘good’ information that still applies….its too confusing to new players given how much of it is outdated and the fact all of it is still sticked with dev approval.

They are changing the scoring system, among other things with incremental updates rather then shipping them all out with one big update. This was discussed a lot on the forums, there was plenty of notice given, even a poll done, on what was going to be done and how. This allows the changes to sink in a lot easier then it would if it were all done at once.

You need to reread the OP, I think ur responding to the wrong thread.

In terms of letting changes sink in…..doing what I proposed would help us do exactly that.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Need official WvsW gamerules Page

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


It changes too fast and there are too many unconfirmed things for the wiki to handle.

You keep changing the PPT system each update. You need an actual databank/list that states how all the pointing works currently, and this databank needs to be updated with each update. Databank sounds complicated….but all you have to do is list how the ppt is calculated, and what gives xx many points.

You want us to play the game the way it was meant to be played, yet nobody knows the rules of the game since you keep making new rules up every few weeks.

And it needs to have the little things like: Does bloodlust grant 3 ppt per flagplant? Is it only 3 points on the bl’s? And there are other little things like that you need to have sorted in a very clear concise manner.

Nobody should have to look through 6 months of changelogs AND the old wiki pages, for how base wvsw is played, just to find all the pages of the rulebook.

You can even just put it on the forums here. Have an admin post it, sticky it to the top of forums, update it each update along with posting it in the change-logs.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

About the new poll

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


INB4 Desert is garbage, nobody plays it, ANet is killing wvw, ANet should listen to the wvw vets, ded gaem.

Well then now both the community and anet are killing wvsw.
You must feel very lonely at this point. You had to fight against anet and rally the troops to get alpine back in. And now the army you created has sided with anet, leaving you out on the curb to rot.

Would you like a hug? You look like you need a hug.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

Emergency WP location

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


I think the fixed location is fine. Honestly it should likely be on the exact same location as the regular waypoint. I woulda made the emergency waypoint just unlock the existing waypoint or open one on the usual wp location. If the attackers are already through inner then the game should shift in favour of the attackers not against them. Having an emergency waypoint AND having it port people right into the right spot at the right time is TOOOO much. I understand that most of the time the attackers are a massive blob outnumbering hte defenders a ridiculous amount, but 2 wrongs shouldn’t make a right.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

WvW Since HoT Was Released

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Mbe ANet should make a vote:

Was HoT a good thing for Wvsw:
1. Yes
2. No

They can start trolling themselves….the community is getting tired of doing it for them.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

The Ridiculous Mashup of CD/BP/ET/Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


I mean I’m happy for the lesser servers getting mashed together under the strong leadership of CD. I’m happy ur having fun, but everyone can see that EB/DH is the dumping ground of this matchup. Its pathetic to watch us try to take SM. We don’t have anywhere near enough people, the most we can do is sit and watch. Only SF can oppose CD on that account….and most of the time I just see them sitting around inner pvding waiting for the CD zerg to come out and play. They don’t seem to care at all about capping anything on ebg that’s fortified or upgraded.

SF and CD are often ganging up on us and k-training all our stuff….cause lets face, we are clearly the loser this week and are weak. Everyone by nature is drawn to attacking the weakest alliance, and that is us.

I was honestly hoping we could proc into second place before the weekend ended, that way we wouldn’t become the dumping ground of the matchup. That didn’t happen though. Now with this 7vs2 thing going on we are destined for 3rd place.

eBay is the largest single server in this match.

Tell that to Anet. We should have been a host server on our merits alone.

I doubt we were ever that large though, back before the mergers we fought dh/nsp/sf/hod and others all on equal footings but I would never say we had more players than any of them. Saying we are larger than CD is insane….they always dominated if i remembered correctly, although it wasn’t half as bad as vs Mag.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

request to REMOVE PVE mobs

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


I want more dynamic wildlife, otherwise the maps get stale. Maybe thats one of the reasons I get so bored of EBG…..there is no wildlife except for the outer regions of the map.

Game needs less guards and stuff though around objectives….raise their damage but decrease their numbers.

I mean some stuff doesn’t really make sense to me though and looks totally out of place. Take the villagers in NN alpine camp for example….just ‘why’ do these exist….? They just stand around in 1 spot looking stupidly at you….most die in 3 hits, most don’t attack you, some do attack you but they are so laughable in damage (the big norn dude does) that it just doesn’t make any sense why they are there. And when you cap and recap a camp they automatically respawn/reset……its so cheesy and artificial looking for a supposed village.

DBl had some truly interesting pve in it. There wasn’t really any reward for doing it though…..they really should have given a reward. Take the Wyvern dragon in far NE DBL. There is literally no strategic reason to go all the way out to that spot….nobody was bothered by it and those that wanted it were happy it was there, thats a win-win. And the silver wyvern was a very very cool miniboss event with special animations and all that…the gold wyvern were weaker which made no sense….but the silver one was very very fun to fight. Again though, no real reward for doing it and it just respawns in 5 minutes after u kill it :/

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

Dying Is Not Permanent in WVW

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


So, the top server is running around K-training & pvd’ing doors. They begin attacking our EB keep again-knowing there are few defenders on map. Threw up disablers. Put in a call-KEEP! To which I get a response-“You want 5 people to fight a 50 man blob?” Umm-yea-we can try our best or just let them walk in with no resistance. SMH-I don’t care about dying-it’s not permanent. And maybe-just maybe we can defend. Unlikely, with few supplies & no siege built, but that is WVW. I believe in trying. If they run over me-Oh Well. Won’t be the first time. The enemy walking in with no resistance is not the answer IMHO. But, who am I? I am not a Tag or a great player. But am always willing to “Take one for the Team”. Sorry about the rant. I logged b4 the enemy broke down the inner gate. Just didn’t seem worth hanging around. Maybe I will try again later tonight when more people are online. Or maybe I will sit out this lopsided match. Either way-it won’t matter to anyone else.

Well your not really taking one for the team. Ur actually just feeding the enemy k-train movement. They get loot and points from ur corpse. You would be doing more for ur team by not dying. K-train members will get bored from just pve without any form of pvp where they get kills…..making them disperse into smaller groups looking for fights. Next time do what the others here say, defend the keep then when they get inside don’t stick around to die if its a losing battle.

You acknowledged you have alot to learn about the mode still, take a note from ur teammates on this one.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

The Ridiculous Mashup of CD/BP/ET/Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


1. Why were they mashed with CD? CD was already huge to begin with, it seems like a bad idea to mash 3 servers onto an already huge server. The population/participation rate of the 3 smaller servers is also going to go up with this change, from transfers and old players returning cause of the high population. So those 3 smaller servers on their own ain’t gonna be so small anymore….
Plus how do you decide which is a small server? If they decided it based on participation during the past 2 months then it might be very very low if nothing changed for those servers or they got the short end of the straw again. If they based it on total server population (even those that don’t play wvsw) then that number would be less prong to giant jumps and better to use as a guideline.

2. Why were they matched against EB/DH?!??!? DH was third place for every single week minus one during the first pairing period (2 MONTHS). EB was first place every single week for those 2 months but they were the ‘guest’ server. Why wouldn’t you put 2 host servers or one of the giant T1 servers and a small server against this 4 alliance behemoth?!??!? ITS CD!!!! They are HUuuuuuuuuGe! CD vs Eb/DH on its own would have been a balanced fight probably. Neither Eb nor DH on its own could ever stand up to CD…..and DH is weak as can be from the pairing period, EB also has been weakened a bit although nowhere near as much as DH. Dh is the host server and yet EB could beat it easily in its shattered state. Cd is stronger than ever from that 2 month pairing period. HOW DOES THIS MAKE SENSE? Was anet expecting 4 communities randomly being shoved together to be a handicap? DO they not know their own game!!!!? WvsW is setup in a way where: NUMBERS WIN PPT EVERY TIME. Also take into account the coverage periods of all 4 of these servers….they all have different highs points! Meaning their total 24/7 coverage period is INSANE.

Its like anet learned absolutely nothing during those 2 months. What matchups were you eyeing exactly to come up with this nonsense we see today?

SF/GoM/FC against DH/EB is actually doable and arguably ‘fair’ as a matchup. Even though they outnumber us we have enough experienced members to offset this and put up a decent fight some of the time (even if it is a losing battle). I could see us beating them some weeks after we get our kittens together.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

Has WvW been considered PvP yet?

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Hello! I had a quick question, and can’t seem to find much info online about this.

I have been gone for a while and am currently updating my client to join back into the fray! When I last played the game, WvW was not considered “PvP” by Arenanet. The PvP class tweaks did not affect it, the gear was not normalized so PvE gear disparities were present, and whatever gear/stats you brought with you from the PvE side of the game was all you had for WvW.

Is this still the case, or did it ever get upgraded to PvP status? I always thought this was a bit… strange, and then I heard that some WvW patches were in the works, so I wanted to see what the news was on this front.


This has to be the laziest excuse for a posting I’ve seen in a while. You are speaking ur mind for the sake of speaking ur mind. You already know the answer to ur question, and if you don’t you know nothing about the mode so why don’t you actually play it and then start making threads.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

What's best way to Attack Overlook?

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Tested a bit.
You can clear both oil pots on the double gates with a ballista ontop of the W lion statue (much faster than an a/c). An a/c on the same spot can hit any defensive a/c or siege ontop of the wall.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Who gets who?

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


According to that list Ehmry Bay would change from ‘forgotten’ to ‘host’ server. No other ‘forgotten’ servers are awesome enough to come back from the dead?

Bay of Madness?

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Auto-run On/Off indicator PLZZZZZZZZ

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cerby.1069


I have auto-run binded to R.
When I’m fighting others players I always want to be running forward toward them since I’m melee warrior. THis means having auto-run on all the time is to my advantage (less key presses and micromanagement).

However pressing w when i need to sway left or right…turns auto run offff. Using certain abilitiy turns auto run off RANDOMLYYYYYYY. Gettting immobilzed has a habit of TURNING AUTO RUN OFFF 1-2 seconds AFTER you break the immobolize…..which is completely kitten! (literally using auto run in a straight line….i get immobolize…..i dont touch a thing and wait….immobilze wears off and i keep running 5 m forward… character randomly stops running).

Combat is very hectic and occasionally its not the games fault but mine for pressing the W key and not pressing R again to compensate.

Regardless I would like an optional indicator on the screen to tell me when auto run is on and when it is off. I hate having to second guess whether its gonna be on or off when i finish a combo and need to chase the enemy (1 second of standing still is bad).

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Stopping enemy players from messaging you?

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Blocking isn’t enough to stop them. Appearing offline and hiding from the world is the only way, but they can still mail you. You can’t stop them. Anet doesn’t want you to stop them. Anet wants people to be able to troll you.

Let that sink in a moment….

Now the healing can begin.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Warrior Freeze bug - how to limit occurrence?

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Can you be more specific? I mean, I often freeze when I break channel from Flurry->100b (not actually frozen, just prevented from activating 100b), or get immobilized in mid air, but I get the sense that isn’t what you’re talking about.

that’s exactly what im talking about. There are many other instances where it can occur though, and more sporadically. It generally occurs after other combo/attack moves. you finish a combo on an enemy and you suddenly can’t move and/or you cant activate certain skills.

you hit sword 2 to break immobilize or when u have cripple/chill on you…once you land you cant move even with the effects off of you, unless you weapon/swap or use another skill. whether the chill stops while midair in sword2 or the chill hits you midair…..just anything really can cause the freezes.

Generally in all these instances the freeze effect goes away if you simply wait 2 seconds without pressing anything…like the game finally catches up to the problem.

was fighting warrior…he gs5 away from me and gs 3 back to face me and he was frozen inplace very noticably.

i mean ive had dumb instances where im just running around the map…and gentle height elevations while using movement skill (sword/gs) will result in being frozen inplace and unable to wasd…even while not incombat. i have to swap weap or use a weap skill to break….or wait 2 seconds

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

What's best way to Attack Overlook?

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


I’ve seen organized group do the hill thing before the mergers. Its very prong to failure though, just because of how long it takes to get the inner down. Defenders have multiple opportunities to rebuild the mortars, and many opportunities to speed build counter trebs all over the place with shield gen. And the longer you do it for…the more prong ur shield wall is to mistakes at which time the defenders can get some hits in.

I mean that alone makes it a hard sell imo. Considering also 1 disabler is gonna be enough to screw ur entire operation…..ive gone up to the hill through the zerg and gotten a disabler on the shieldwall before and it got wrecked immediately by our previously failing counter siege. ITs gonna be really hard to protect the entire hill from just 1 person with the right build and invulnerability stacks….if there are 2 or more attacking it ur pretty much gonna need to plan for getting disabled. Unless you have infinite power and condi damage on every spot of ur hill.,,,ur gonna get disabled by some1 who knows what they doing.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Warrior Freeze bug - how to limit occurrence?

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Was curious if anyone else found things that limit the occurrence of the bug.

I mean it seems to come and go alot depending on when I log in…which is probably conjecture.

It was so bad at one point on my human warrior, was happening ~30-40% of the time I did a combo, that I decided to transfer everything over to an asuran just to see if it helped. And it did, I didn’t get the bug at all for weeeeks….then it came back more and more though. Recently again it was really really bad on my build so much that I was really playing horrid. I switched to an older build that stacked endurance regen (90% passive endurance regen) and now I honestly don’t think I’ve gotten the freezes once since doing this. Dodging ALOT in between combo’s and what not seems to limit the bug’s occurance. I basically just switched my food and swapped signet of might for stamina….i might do some testing to see if signet of might actually contributes to the bug’s occurance….its hard to live without this signet. For now though I’m rather happy having any build that doesn’t seem to be at the mercy of freezes.

Just thought I’d share, was wondering if anyone else found certain builds more prong to freezes than others.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Yeah, were talking about wvw here. Tbh, I just take extra care when they turn red. You know they’re going to try a burst almost as soon as they enter, and then they’re probably going to try and cram in as many bursts add they can while they’re in primal.

Be prepared to dodge (or just automatically dodge) a split second after they turn red, or use EP if the reason they’re in primal is because you didn’t dodge Headbutt. After they burn their initial burst, try to pay attention to their adren gain to get a sense of when that next one will come and pressure then until you think they’re going to do it again, then mitigate. Or change up your fight style and kite them more while they’re in primal… they’ll generally try to be more aggressive when they’re red in order to cram in the bursts, so give them fewer opportunities so you know when they’ll try to burst and otherwise deny them their precious adrenaline. Whirlwind through them when they get close, toss up shield block if you get cornered, etc. and you’ll find a lot of Berserkers start making mistakes as they get desperate to get some value out of primal.

If you’re not running a warrior, use blinds, aegis, stealth, and any opportunity to range pressure when he’s red.

Does adrenal health and or berserker’s strength (20% extra damage on burst land) of arc divider proc if it lands on some1 with endure pain active?

Also I guess you would have to care not to fight the zerker near any buildings or siege or static objects or birds/rats/littleanimals lest their 360 aoe arc dividers be in range to proc them….

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Any WvW build tips with new HoT line

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Ur really not going to get anywhere using a warhorn. Ur solo game is gonna be blah, and even in a supporting role for large groups the weapon is blah compared to what other supports bring (vigor and blasts are great…that’s rly it). Its really just a weapon you sub in while out of combat for the swiftness atm. Try and get it out of ur favourites.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Cancelling Out of GS Skill 2?

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Jump works for me

Ummm jump has never worked on my asuran while im using a channel skill (pretty 100% sure it never worked on my human war either)…idk what ur talking about.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Counter it by keeping your health above 50%, then stack up your protection and various other damage reduction abilities. It doesnt hit that hard (unless we’re gonna bring WvW into this, which with all the gear and food is redic anyway so who cares XD )


I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


How do you counter arc divider atm? I’m assuming blocks and hard invulerabilities work fine on it. Is there a way to time ur dodge to avoid it? With quickness on it is it a sure guess to dodge automatically when u see the warrior enter berserker stance? ANd if I do dodge should i double dodge if i start right after seeing him go berserker stance? or single should be good if he goes berserker straight to arcing slice?

This is something i need to learn to counter to fight the good berserker warriors, and right now im failing miserably. Getting out of 450 range when they hit berserkr mode seems to be really my most viable option atm…..but kinda hard when i run melee only.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

What's best way to Attack Overlook?

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


@Radian your post was most insightful.

I imagine this will be difficult with pug groups though to alternative shields when they are all ontop of eachother (left to right technique wouldn’t work well). Will have to think of a method to get that done easily. Getting hit by an out of range a/c at that spot is pretty much to be expected a this point.

I was curious with the double gates. You can actually stand ontop of that lion statues and place siege up there. It gives a good angle from which to take down defensive siege. If you outnumber the enemy in terms of ‘ranged firepower’ I’m curious if that would allow you to clear the outermost gate without much trouble. With the inner gate though I’m curious if there’s a ram spot that isn’t able to get hit by the cannons or a defensive treb/cata

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

What's best way to Attack Overlook?

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Just curious what people think of this keep. I always find it the hardest to attack, mainly cause the double gates are not viable (literally the worst part of the keep to hit without air support) and inner wall/gate can be very ‘flak’ heavy.

What’s the most effective way to take it?

-attacker:defender ratio
-organization level of defenders and/or attackers

Or maybe there’s more than 1 way depending on those factors listed. What are your thoughts?

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Couple of thoughts from a mainly PVE player

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Ya ur ideas are good, I would support them. I think its a case where any vision that includes drastic change that focuses on building specific things within the gamemode, mainly introducing wargaming mechanics, into wvsw is gonna be a desired change.

I mean like taking wvsw and making the map mimick a basic moba type game would be awesome…just cause it has various specific goals and each small victory leads somewhere forward towards an even greater victory. Taking an enemy crux would be huge…..taking their keep atm tho is just not at all huge. The guild upgrades they have on it and the number of players defending it are the only things ‘making’ it a somewhat big deal at times…..ya, guild upgrades are doing something awesome for the mode go figure.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

Animations and Dodge lockout

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cerby.1069


ya and my warrior shouldn’t randomly freeze up while im finishing a combo…
and movement skills should break immobilize when im traited for it
ANd movement skills should actually make me move in the right direction when autotargetting.
And only half the attacks can be que’d up, the others pretend to que and don’t fire last minute.
And when ur off the ground from an airial move it screws up ur next attack if its ground based unless you click it right when the animation finishes…having 2 feet on teh ground isn’t good enough the airial animation has to actually be finished for all preceeding attacks to work. if not only some of them will work.
And whirlwind is laggy and has a slow windup, and the screen size is so small that if u want to use it in the opposite direction….clicking too close to the ui will make it go the opposite direction……
and and and adnadnadnndandanadnadndnadnnndndandandndnandnadnanndandandandandanddnaadnndandadanadnadnadnandadn

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

[Video]How To Fight Against Warriors Guide

in Thief

Posted by: Cerby.1069


“How To Fight Against Warriors Guide”

Use irl stealth if any part of that statement presents a hazard to you.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Warrior 101

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


ok lots to read

ill teach you how to warrior in wvw

buy full zerk armor and trinkets

buy melandru runes if ur a noobie

use discipline brawler recovery if your a noobie

but whatever you do

ALWAYS RUN FULL ZERK ARMOR. IF YOU DONT YOU WILL NOT LEARN. QQ somewhere else if you think you need more thoughness, like i say, if you need it then get melandru runes for cc control

if you cant blob on your warrior running full zerk and offensive rune set up without defense, you need to re roll especially if you have been playing warrior as a main for years.

well ur using an endure pain if not also berserker stance if ur running something without defense traited. So by that logic the only thing preventing everyone from needing to reroll is their 4 second ‘godmode’…..pretty lame advice bro.

melandru runeZ? da fuuuuuzz? melandru runess…….rofl, funny joke indeed. if u need cc control use stability. vitality toughness and stun duration decrease…lmao

bad response

How much you wana bet even if i slap on melandru runes, I will have more power than you?

and melandru is a joke in my comment. All i use is scholar which is better than strength by a mile.

I will say this, melandru is better than any rune out there except maybe for durability. so dont think its a funny joke. Are you new to warrior? whats your name

Im hero pride

I didn’t find this the least bit insulting. Pretty funny though. I’m sure the OP will take ur advice to heart though given ur proud reputation as bona fide pokemon master.

Wanna link a Melandru runes build then? We all have much to learn from you clearly. The OP is probably on the edge of their seat by now. Teach us something.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

New warrior looking for gearing advice.

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Personal Preferences

Power Warrior

  • Berserkers or murauders stats
  • GS, Axe/Sheild
  • Rune of Air
  • Leaching, Generosity, Hydromancy, Force, there are others. but these are what i use.

or you can just do what i do in WVW and run a hybrid warrior with full celestial.

Rune of Air? definitely No. Power > ferocity for pretty much everyone except dungeon and 25 might stack crew where you are dealing with over 3500 power.
Not force or generosity. And leeching is still bugged i think, so don’t use that if it is.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Cancelling Out of GS Skill 2?

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


go to controls. go to very bottom. bind a ‘stow weapon’ key. press this key at any point when gs2 is channeling. alternatively swap weapons.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Warrior balance

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Defy pain @ 50 is the only thing saving you from being burst shanked by daredevils and all kinds of other terrible things if ur running full damage.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Warrior 101

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


ok lots to read

ill teach you how to warrior in wvw

buy full zerk armor and trinkets

buy melandru runes if ur a noobie

use discipline brawler recovery if your a noobie

but whatever you do

ALWAYS RUN FULL ZERK ARMOR. IF YOU DONT YOU WILL NOT LEARN. QQ somewhere else if you think you need more thoughness, like i say, if you need it then get melandru runes for cc control

if you cant blob on your warrior running full zerk and offensive rune set up without defense, you need to re roll especially if you have been playing warrior as a main for years.

well ur using an endure pain if not also berserker stance if ur running something without defense traited. So by that logic the only thing preventing everyone from needing to reroll is their 4 second ‘godmode’…..pretty lame advice bro.

melandru runeZ? da fuuuuuzz? melandru runess…….rofl, funny joke indeed. if u need cc control use stability. vitality toughness and stun duration decrease…lmao

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

New warrior looking for gearing advice.

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


zerk if not condi.

not sure what condi gear is best tho…..rampager mbe.

weapon: gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs
regardless of ur build the gs is always 1 of ur weapons.

offhand axe and sword and warhorn are dumb.
offhand mace only for dungeons and pve party stuff.
hammer subpar on the dmg. i think its dumb but some still use and says its awesome.
might is primary damage source of all power warriors…..condi idk
rifle only good for gunflame
bow only good for condi
mace for duels and small group fights
axe for cleave
sword for mobility and condi
shield for everything

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

add resource nodes across BLs?

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


They used to be located in open field. I don’t know why they got put in the structures. But that was before they became synthesized too.

They were put in the structures because the dbl was an unfinished mess when it was introduced. It went live without any resource nodes at all so they patched in the synthesized ones later on.

Why they decided to stick with that half kitten patchwork and convert the other maps to follow suit is beyond me.
At the very least they should move the nodes to the edge of the capture ring so you can gather while capping.

Sorry its just rather amusing how some1’s hate for DBL literally changes all their memories to be things that validate said hate.

I’ll try and jog ur memory a bit though: Synthesizer Nodes were in ebg long before DBL was a thing…..

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]