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Scarlet = Permanent Content?

in The Edge of the Mists

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


I do hope that some aspects of the Scarlet living story (event etc.) survives. It does feel like a lot can be done (in a more permanent way) with what we’ve seen up until now (at the very least there’s a lot of art assets that could be used to create new dynamic events in a number of maps). Not necessarily sure if Scarlet herself survives, I have the odd feeling though that she’s actually trying to be the good guy / girl here, taking extreme measures in order to try and defeat a even more extreme adversary (a dragon be my guess). Most of these events could be a sort of trial by fire for the heroes of Tyria. Now if this is the case she might survive, or she might die with a ‘valiant’ death.

Hidden jumping puzzle in Southsun Cove

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Yeah, this really makes me wish there was slightly more organic exploration (i.e. no / less invisible walls).

I'm Calling It Now... Abbadon

in Lore

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


she’s many things, but not a timelord.

Actually one theory on these very forums was that she was a time traveller from the future.

So, ANET... About Taimi.

in Lore

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


I suspect she’s an engineer. She seems really interested in Scarlet and her research and when I talked to Taimi on my asuran engineer she had special slightly different dialogue than my other characters.

i’m pretty sure we have never had any instance where profession determines dialogue. the different dialogue might have been because you’re asura (i know for a fact she talks to humans and asuras differently during the LA instance).

and i’m not sure if engineer is the proper term. she’s a golemancer (which can be argued is a specialization of asuran engineering), which as far as i know, can’t be translated into an in-game profession.

Apparently it’s like necromancy but not.

Bring back the -RP- to MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Yeah, you do know ‘role playing’ is a extremely broad and inclusive term particularly in games. Some might argue having a leveling system is RPG, other might require a heavy focus on story, while others would require detailed character customisation. Some might only see a game as being role playing if it has the tools for user created narrative and story. So this is a rather pedantic minefield, and I’m not feeling too pedantic today.

I love Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


More topics like this would be nice, so much moaning on the forums (even in this thread there’s already people trying to moan).

Scarlet's Experiments: Leading to a New Race?

in Lore

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


As for Scarlet creating a new race – she already has. She engineered the Toxic hybrid, a fusion between Krait and Sylvari – of course this thing is not going to become a playable race xD, but it gives you a very good indication of what anything she creates is likely to be like.

I wish ANet had done a little more with the hybrid, it had such an interesting design (for me at least), not even a couple of hybrid trash mobs. Maybe when Scarlet is dead a couple of them can slink away and make a nice home somewhere, so I can kill them in mass.

I'm Calling It Now... Abbadon

in Lore

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Tell me Eluveitie, how does a God in Tyria die?

Well the Charr seem to have this little theory that the gods aren’t really very godly, they’re just very powerful beings.

Kessex Hills Tower Ruins Cleanup

in Lore

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


I don’t think we’ll really start to see a change until Scarlet’s dead for good and the Toxic Alliance is broken up – for good. The Toxic Alliance are still about, and even then we’ve been wanting permanent content so Anet could just explain away those offshoots as being protected by small fractions that remained allied even post-Scarlet.

I was hoping ANet would be doing this as well. Even after defeating the Molten Alliance there was no reason some of the portal events couldn’t remain (or even the dungeon, but I guess they included that into the fractals). Same for the Aetherblades, no reason some of them didn’t survive to create a couple of dynamic events here and there.

Does Braham like Ham?

in Lore

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Since Braham is a Norn you’d expect that he’d do most of his eating in Hoelbrak so not sure how a ham shortage in krytra would impact him too much.

… Of course I must admit I don’t see too many farms in the Shiverpeaks (in fact what does the Norn diet exist of? Other than mead) so I’d imagine they rely heavily on imports. So that would support the initial argument.

However if a large portion of their food comes from abroad what do they export? They have to export something to cover the costs of the imports. Mead? I know they’ve got plenty of Mead. Paradoxically since they don’t remember seeing too many bees. In fact Shiverpeaks doesn’t seem to have any seasons other than winter so there goes bee keeping and mass farming.

So I guess if he likes the ham it’s probably wild boar (does wild boar still count as ham?), and his access to it would be limited.

Stop crowbarring her in everywhere. Please.

in Lore

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Well the clockwork horrors can be factory produced, but the sylvari, charr, humans, norns and asura…

Inquest cloning facility (or ten). Called it first!

Open raid content is amazing!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


I for one welcome our open world raid content.

Dangerous precedent: Watchwork Pick

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


I think a perfectly good conversation about the gem shop was knee capped and dumped into the lake so that players can whine and complain… Seriously, do you all think ANet would take something like this seriously?

Queens Gauntlet not sealed anymore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


No way they’d put that much effort into something and only use it once. So it’s coming back, when is the question.

replace Marjory or Kasmeer?

in Lore

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Why does DE2 need to be a representative and dungeon-group-sized? No reason they couldn’t be casual-guild-sized.

Tyria , Past and Present

in Lore

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


I remember something one having done something similar:

So, ANET... About Taimi.

in Lore

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


When she was younger she probably did. She probly got into trouble and she probably cause Braham to get a concussion which is why he forgot her. Norn are know for their hard headedness after all.

Braham didn’t forget her. Taimi is running a game on Logan. It’s obvious in all her mannerisms she is blatantly being manipulative to get what she wants. Which is to “meet” Scarlet.

My thought as well, she’s clearly manipulating Logan (who falls for it, probably thinking too much about Queen Jennah to notice).

I don’t know I like it her (although she’s only had a couple of lines of conversation) smart, self confident but less arrogant than the average Asura. Seems she and Braham might become an adventuring duo, now that it seems Rox is leaving (poor Braham he seems sad about it). Or she might turn evil… ArenaNet has yet to show us they can handle a villain properly (in my opinion Zhaitan and Scarlett didn’t really do it for me) so yeah I’d rather prefer her to remain on the good guys side, preferably in the grey area.

Max players cap per map

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


I agree,I never saw “overflow” in any game and here is vary annoying

Devil’s advocate here: pretty sure massive lag and servers falling over would be even more annoying. Even Blizzard struggles with it.

I’ve played a lot of MMORPGs, in which I’ve never encountered something as shocking, amateurish and annoying as this. I mean, the smaller realms in World of Warcraft have a player cap of 4000 players online at a time, and the bigger realms even have caps of 7000-8000 players online at a time. Even Runescape can handle 2000 players per world at a time! Looking at the game of Guild Wars 2, you could easily hit 250 players, and with a little effort maybe even 1000 players per map at a time!

Not even wow can support 1000 players in the same area. Physical server architecture simply doesn’t work that way, each server has a maximum capacity it can process, with cloud computing or grid computing you can share workload over a number of machines but you still have issues of physical latency between servers (either because of limited bandwidth, resource locking while waiting for a response (limited parallelisation I believe) from another server, or even just poor optimisation of workload balancing) . When all players are in the same area, all doing things, it’s impossible to process all of that on a single server, so either you bring in more servers or increase the capacity of the cloud instance (depending on if you’re using cloud or just boring old clusters… not that practically there’s all that much of a difference but lets not get into leaky abstractions). The more servers you spread the workload over, the more those servers need to communicate, share data etc. (especially if the players are in the same area, for example dpsing the same boss, since all that data needs to be collated and disseminated back to the players) and the larger the physical delay becomes. WoW probably has a very interesting architecture since it allows for non-instanced open world, but at the end of the day they still need to spread the workload and that’s a lot easier to do when players are in different locations since that way you can easily spread the workload out without having to worry about sharing data between servers too much. (Or that’s my opinion, if I’m wrong I’d love to know where and how).

But to be constructive, I’d rather prefer a tiered overflow system. That way you can move up the ‘ladder’ from less populated to more populated overflow servers (same concept can be used for underflow servers), one of the issues with overflows tends to be the lack of people. I’ve noticed this several times in the marionette encounter that we just didn’t have enough people per lane).

The Great Champ Revamp

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Well most of it seems good, the coins though would kinda make joining the train mandatory for those of us who like to collect skins, and I’m fine with trains as long as I don’t have to do them and they don’t bother me.

Bring an end to Queensdale champ farm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


GW2 is an MMORPG. The champ train removes the “RPG” part. If you want to get to lvl80 as quickly as possible and endlessly run the champ train to get gold and items until you get there, you aren’t playing an Role Playing Game, it’s as simple as that. If you wish to argue, please state the role play or story elements involved in the endless champ trains.

Well clearly they’re an elite group of monster hunters ensuring the safety of the farmland in Queensdale and heading off any possible threats to Divinity’s Reach. This group, going by the moniker ‘Train’ (although since no such technology or creature exists in Tyria it’s a bit of a mystery), patrol the lands of Queensdale, always ready. A fairly eclectic bunch, most of the dominate races are represented, all battling together to ensure freedom and peace can rain across Queensdale. A contingent of the Train can also be found in Frostgorge Sound, although given the harsh climate and distance from civilisation, new members prefer the sunny climate of Queensdale.

But on a serious note.

The train is not the problem – the train exists because the people that run it exist. People like me that want to get REWARDS and like to spend our time as efficiently as possible.

This. I personally don’t do the train, since I get burned out on boring things, but there will always be players who will take the shortest route to success, always find the optimal path. Even if ANet fixed the champ train, they’ll just find something else to do. The trick here is to attempt to introduce new mechanics or features which appeal to these players and add some fun. However this seems near impossible since these players are technically grinders and introducing more fun grinding gameplay mechanics would just cause people to complain about the manifesto and how ANet is not adhering to it.

So in summary, there’s nothing anyone can do to fix this problem, at best you can try and minimise or push it onto some other aspects of the game but in the case of ANet they’re pretty much in a catch-22 since some players like the train.

Thinking back to "xpac worth of content"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Oh look people complaining and arguing on the internet. Well let’s hope something comes of this, something more important than some catharsis.

been AFK 6 months what's new?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


If you leave, then you will miss stuff and not get the chance to do it ever again.

Doubled edged sword that, motivates players to stay but also excludes new player from old content.

Will we ever get a skin and stat locker?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Well many moons ago I did hear that ANet was working on something, a wardrobe feature. Although it wasn’t priority from what I recall.

A quick google search turned up a link:

Straits of Devastation - Door

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Yes you need a special weapon, you get it as part of the event chain that opens said door. If you want to progress I’d rather say run down the middle, you don’t have to wait for any events.

Destroyer and Corrupted Armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Armour is more difficult for the developers to make then weapons. Because of the different races, different body sizes they essentially need to make a ‘new’ armour for combination. This is why we have so many back pieces and weapons since those can made with minimal adaptation across races. However that said (so your suggestion seems unlikely) I do fully agree.

Open raid content doesn't work!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Agree with open world content. Do think ANet could work on scaling it better, overflows usually suffer from a lack of people (coordination is a bit iffy but some overflows are actually pretty organised). Hard content also becomes old, people do it then get over it, so although large groups were possible initially after a few months on a dedicated guild will have the manpower to do them. With better scaling a lot of issues can be solved.

Mark Probes on Map

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Probably at this point dulfy (or something equivalent) is your best bet. Although it is a bit odd, there’s been several complaints in the past about living story content being extremely difficult without a guide, and I was sure ANet gave some acknowledgement of the fact.

I took a 3 month break. Nothing changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


I’m waiting… for april.

And in April you will be waiting for May and in May you will be waiting for June and in June you will be waiting for July and the list goes on an on.

I’m still waiting for all those promises in 2013 that never came to pass.

The problem is GW2 is that’s pretty much all we do these days – wait for things that never come and keep buying into every lie that Anet feeds us.

Quite frankly I’m of the opinion – I may be done waiting VERY soon. The game simply isn’t delivering on anything it promised and there are a lot of other viable options for gaming these days and coming out in the near future.

I don’t think any person of sound reason would wait over 2 years for anything to happen in GW2 that would change the end-game content of this game. There are plenty of games on the horizon that will take even more people from GW2 unless there’s de facto something expansion-quality-wise coming out in April.

We shall see soon enough.

Big patch around the same time as ESO is released. (I’m not a fan of eso but a ton are).

It’s my opinion and I’m sure a lot would agree they have one last chance to impress us come April before most simply give up and move to other games.

Possible, but lacking any hard figures on this who knows. Not sure the forum is always representative of the majority of the players, one can make the argument that happy players are playing (in my defence I’m downloading the patch right now). However the release of a competing game should give ANet reason to (no matter said previously mentioned figures) put a bit of extra effort into the game around that time. At the very least they should have something news worthy, if only to keep GW2 somewhat present in the minds of the mmo gaming community. An expansion announcement might be good wink wink.

Allow pooling of a few dailies?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Well on the one hand I really like this idea, would fit me as well given that most day’s I get home too tired to login and complete another chore.
On the other if it wasn’t for dallies I’d probably only play over the weekends.

So I guess from a purely self centred perspective, yes I’m all for this.

Good drops for me today...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Was it really RNG though?

A lot of players say that after a long’ish break they get awesome drops in there 1st week of returning.

Its possible the best way to get awesome drops is to not play for 6 to 18 months (in the OP’s case), would not surprise me if this was a ‘hidden’ mechanic in the game, ArenaNet do some crazy stuff…

It makes sense really, people who are not addicted to GW2 give them nothing…

Those who are not, give them something awesome and hope they get addicted.

I’ve mused about this as well, after taking a month break not to long ago and getting some nice drops. Although it could very well just be my brain attempting to create patterns where there are none.

Do You Enjoy Massive Zerg Content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


I like zerg content, that said of course I do think that there needs to be a bit better scaling. Most of it doesn’t down scale well, I’m afraid so once the content gets old it can be a bit of an issue to complete it. As far as I remember most content has a upper and a lower scaling limit, so once you’ve got more people when the upper limit content can become a little to easy. The alternative would be to add things like 1-shot kill abilities, since that would drastically decrease the advantage that a zerg brings, although most players would hate that.

Arah sells

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Oh u wait 2h for someone else to form a party for u instead of taking 10s of your time to make your own full party?

Of course not, I’m just egging you on. I’m bored I guess.

Arah sells

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


@CureForLiving Yea..they already have that checkbox in the game. It’s called a guild. Other then that why not start your own party with no fees and let ppl join it? I don’t get it. It’s not like the game asks a fee for advertising to form a group.

I call it laziness expecting ppl to do everything for u really. Is it that hard to create a party called “LF4M arah pX” ? in less then 10 seconds it will be full….but noo instead of that u wait 4h in front of a screen spamming 1 refresh button.

I’ve never waited 4 hours, I usually give up after 2.

Arah sells

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Yeah. I wish there was a checkbox or something so I could turn off these path sellers, they’re just wasting space on my LFG window.

Why Still No First Person View?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


This would be great for my screenshots folder +1

Horizontal progression: animation packs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


I agree with more animations, I agree with a selectable ‘combat style’, bit iffy on the gem store but I guess if that’s what it takes… will still prefer it to be in-game not in-store.

Confirm Deletion Requirements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Turn on you’re item rarity colours in your inventory, might prevent you from accidentally salvaging something important again.

[Merged] Request: Race Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360



in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Therefore, I propose that if you purposefully handicap yourself by playing in lower quality gear, you should get better rewards, as you’re having to play at a higher skill level.

Better rewards such as in better gear? Kinda a contradiction. Unless you means money or karma, in which case prepare yourself for every single player with a legendary or ascended gear complaining about how much ANet is punishing them.

Grinding gear.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Friend asks “what happened to no grind?”.

Players happened, s whiny lot of players came whining on the forums about how easy it is, about how much they want hardcore content, how ANet needs to give them Raids and what not. So ANet gave them fractals, easy to get into but with scaling difficult thus they made high level fractals hard, so hard that if you really wanted to beat it you had to work for it. And now everyone’s complaining again.

Time For Change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


I have been playing GW2 since launch. I have found there is nothing to keep my interest in the game.

Well okay, no game can appeal to everyone so maybe GW2 isn’t for you. Perhaps try a few other games? More than a year of gameplay, at least you can’t complain about not getting your money’s worth.

Replay old living story seasons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


I agree in principle but I’d say creating a new server isn’t an elegant solution.

I just realized something

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Screw this I want it to glow with fire and spit lightning. The rest of you can save the world.

Next living story event, “The Reign of Korossive.7085”. Bear arms heroes and defeat the fire-y lightning spitting villain!

Some straight answers.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Just because someone doesn’t do something doesn’t mean they can’t. Most of the other players pretty much reflected this in their comments so there’s little reason for me to rehash. Simply because ANet is not sending you a personal email doesn’t they’re stonewalling.

Another lesbian relationship?

in Lore

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


For the sake of diversity, however, I will say that I wouldn’t mind seeing another heterosexual relationship take stage, or maybe (and this is a bit of wishful thinking) a relationship between two men.

Calling it now, Braham/Rox. Fanfic writers, on your mark . . .

Wait you do know Rox is a girl right? So it would actually be an interracial straight relationship. Which I’d actually find rather interesting.

Actually why don’t we have interracial relationships? You like tall women? Well go get yourself a Norn. You like the furry? Charr! Dendrophiliac? I don’t know… Asura or something?!

Keep Things In Perspective

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360



Rub it’s little tummy?… Just joking :P I know you meant to say kitten, or may kitten or who knows maybe even kitten.

But yeah what bothers me is that we (myself included) ask ANet to communicate with us, engage with the community. When they do it formally it get’s called PR speak, when they do it more casually then it’s like ANet brought the tablets down from the mountain and then everyone complains about ANet not keeping their word. Although they do seem to have found a middle ground, postfixing almost every comment about the game with a disclaimer.

Are the Asura "evil"?

in Lore

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Well to me Asura in general are not so much evil as amoral, they have a rough set of ‘ethics’ which guides their experiments and frankly it is the only thing that separates them from the inquest. But evil no, if by evil you mean knowingly take action to harm others. Sure they might harm others by accident and not particularly care but it not like they meant to unless a ravenous army of flesh eating slime monsters, and so much interesting data was produced!

Why can't I play on my own server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Pretty sure if you’re in a party and you DC, you can login again land in overflow and then hope over to the main server, even if it’s full. That’s what some of my guildies in the early days of the Scarlet world events did.

Too easy, Too hard.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Sounds like you’ve reached burnout.

Take a break and go play something else for a while. Come back in a while to see what’s changed.

In the meantime, I wish you the best.


This. You’re clearly burned out on GW2. Find another MMO, or pick up a hobby. Maybe in a month, or maybe in two you’ll feel like giving GW2 a shot. Or maybe you find something else you like.

Black Lion Keys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


2 keys over here myself.