I’d rather see EU vs NA.
Most wouldn’t tick anything during off-peak hours, but it would be interesting to watch during overlap of prime.
EU server vs NA server is totally boring: NA-prime vs EU-night and EU prim vs NA-day
What would be more interesting is: merge 1 NA-server with 1 EU-server, e.g. EU-1 with NA-24, EU-2 with NA-23, …, EU-24-NA1 (drop EU-25-27)
Would work best if the “Match is moved around the world”, e.g. During EU-Prime it’s hosted in Europe (and all non-EU user are routed to the EU-server), during NA-prime it’s in NA (and all non-NA user are routed to the NA-server) and during OCX/SEA in Singapore/Australia (and all non-OCX/SEA user are routed to the OCX/SEA-server).
(edited by Dayra.7405)
YB will never get to tier 1 in the next months, tier 1 servers are very close in points. Only if 1 server start a mass exodus which wont happen due to transfers lock.
So if you transfer to YB you got pwned by arena net and you are doomed to pvdoor for a year
Not true, YB has an ~10% change of rolling into T1 replacing either BG , TC and even JQ. But as Ken is in holiday we don’t know the exact numbers.
Match-glicko = Glicko + RND(0.45deviation + 10)
deviation is around 125 as you can see in https://leaderboards.guildwars2.com/de/na/wvw
On a +1 roll YB goes up +66pts, on a -1 roll TC/BG/JQ go down -66pts
so the maximum glicko-difference the random-variation can bridge is 132pts at moment.
YB is 91 Glicko-Points behind TC and 97 pts behind BG and 116pts behind JQ http://www.gw2wvw.org/
So it is possible for all of them to be replaced by YB currently.
Now you could start calculating (I am to lazy) how likely it is for YB to roll up ahead of each of the T1 server, and if you add these numbers up (they are really independend), you get the total probability of YB being in T1 next match.
(edited by Dayra.7405)
Servers will stay prety much where they are unless one of the 3 below happens
1. Mass exodus happens like what happend to SoR
2. Two servers tag team a server long enough for one to drop down and one comes up
3. A sever fights its way up
There are two more possibilities:
4. HoT attracts many new WvW player increasing the pop of T3+
5. Servers are merged/closed
T1 vs T2 is currently not match locked. YB has a small change of replacing TC or BG in T1.
I don’t know for Yak’s bend but several Full server will stay Full for month or even Years as this change comes 1.5 years of overstacking a few server to late.
In such a situation a queue doesn’t make much sense most people that queued in will have stopped playing before they could join.
Refreshing probably doesn’t make any sense, if the status changes it likely changes at reset (friday 20:00-20:15).
(edited by Dayra.7405)
P.S. You can also have alot of fun in silver league, the servers ARE populated and theres alot fo fun to be had here, just because you can’t blob allday on sfr don’t mean you can’t have fun in wvw. if you like blobbing so much go join pve champ train.
I am on a silver league server
PS: “Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!” does not mean I play on SFR nor that I like SFR. (see also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carthago_delenda_est)
If I would implement the count I would count:
Total of player-hours spend in WvW and WvW-Queue during the week of the last match.
If I would have enough time to implement it, I would add a transfer adjustment, i.e. if a player qith 40h last week moves, his source is reduced by 40 and his target incresed by 40.
But no idea what ANet really implemented and the most important open question:
Does the count include EotM (which is in ANets view part of WvW) or not.
Labeling an empty server like Underworld “medium” population is clearly a lack of a measurement on your part. Please do it again seriously.
I guess it is seriously measured, but you cannot really use the word Empty as server label
Medium is the polite / marketing equivalent of empty
High likely means slightly below average
Very High likely means slightly above average
Full likely mean much above average
(edited by Dayra.7405)
Problem is you currently do NOT wear your helmet underwater, so you wear only 5 runes and the 6th effect doesn’t work, except if you put the same rune into your waterbreather.
Not that I think that 45 is to much and not that I cannot buy a new slot for gold-gems, but
I am always upset about pricing that does not respect that I already bought the base game for 50.
So here a proposal for a symbolic gesture:
If you buy it and use it stand alone you get HoT and base game with 5 slots,
If you buy it and attach it to an existing account you get HoT and 1-5 slots at your existing account.
Why? The Mordremor attack finished, The plant there is long gone, LA is rebuilding,
And why was the WP closest to PvP/WvW/EotM chosen to be contested and not e.g. the one close to mystic forge or Fractals?
You still level chars?
Since Januar I collected 130 Tomes of Knowledge just from login and daily rewards (without playing pvp, then it would be much more). Looks I’ll never have to level a char again.
Btw.: you do not level chars by killing mobs in GW2, you level by doing events. And it’s up to you where you wana do that. EotM, PvE-Maps, Story, Dungeons.
Do NOT level your char, play it, you’ll be 80 long before you exhausted the content to play
(edited by Dayra.7405)
How about starting with not spreading around the under populated sides.
Currently the system is set up in such a way that when 1 team creates more instances, through sheer numbers, the smaller teams get spread out.
For example. Each team can have 50 players per EotM map. Green queue’s with 150, Red with 60 and Blue with 45.
The end result is three instances that look something along the lines of:overflow1: 50 green, 20 red, 15 blue
overflow2: 50green, 20red, 15blue
overflow3: 50green, 20red, 15blueBecause players get spread out, instead of stacking all Red and Blue into the same overflow untill they start spilling over.
Then atleast youll have a few instances that are equally populated, instead of every single instance being a complete blow out.
Would be better, especially as overstacking would turn from a clear win strategy it is today into a clear boredom strategy, that affect those that do overstack and no longer harm the ones that do not.
Moving down at least 10 ranks should be free. This would give at least some motivation to migrate to the lower ranked servers.
I do not agree with that. We have at least 9 (if not 12-15) server to many in EU. Spreading equally over all 27 EU server would not make the game better, spreading equally over 9 high-pop and 9 lower-(cap)-pop would make the game better in my view.
Transfers should be free, but there should be a WvW-player only based maximum of player, something around mean-pop*1.1
I keep inviting more and more people to SFR, I like long queues.
As it gives you more followers in OS and EotM?
Haha, funny, your forum history looks like in Feb you where on Gandara, now you moved to SFR and want to close it for being full
same problem
How about just moving away if it is to full for you?
PS: e-Forum does not write the year for me (see pic) beside posts … No idea, which Feb it was..
But the point is always the same: a former bandwaggoner complains about the new generation of bandwaggoner. And if I remember right a bit more than 2 year ago SFR was quite upset about all the bandwaggoners that join it, during their long-time match with Deso and Vizu, so upset that some guilds left, some stopped playing, and SFR and Deso got crushed for 2 month by Vizu
(edited by Dayra.7405)
Exactly what t-1 been doing for about a year now with push weeks and with multiple accounts
Last swiss-tournament is just 8 month ago (clearly less than a year), it clearly confirmed that NA-T1 had to be separated from NA-T2. I would love if we would have that in EU too, but here we don’t have 3 overstacked server to be locked away, just 1 overstacked one, such that week for week 2 have the bad luck to play against it.
My prettiest human girl got deleted by ANet 2 weeks ago kitten I want this beta-revenant armor for my warrior or guardian girls
My only girl that made it in the news-paper: https://forum-de.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/WvWBild-News-Ticker/311594
Mordremoth is only a plant, isn’t he? Nuclear weapons aren’t the most effective weapon against plants. US Army won against plants around 50 years ago with a weapon called “Agent Orange” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agent_Orange). Chemical Industry has made a lot of progress killing plants since them (called Biocide http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biocide), so they win for sure. Only remaining question is will Humanity surive such a victory for very long?
(edited by Dayra.7405)
Overlooked the button named “individual amount” at the bottom right of the gold-gem exchange dialog?
And why do you want to transfer for real money? If you wanna spend real money better buy a new account for 10$ at the next occasion, instead of transferring for 20+$.
For half the price you not only get wvw/EotM for both worlds, you also get 5 char slots, a bank slot, double login rewards, …
(edited by Dayra.7405)
There aren’t any competitive matches (only manpower-imbalance, coverage-domination, karma-trains, PvD-races, achievement-farming, …), so there is nothing you can manipulate, consequently there is nothing you can report and nothing for ANet to do.
WvW-Scoring has nothing to do with winning, it’s only purpose is to give you a more adequate opponent next week.
- you got a lot score: increase your probabilities to get a stronger opponent next week
- you did not got much score: increase your probabilities to get a weaker opponent next week
That’s it. Manipulation in your sense is nothing than the expressed will to get harder (bigger blobs, better coverage) opponents next week, so if they want that, give them that.
(edited by Dayra.7405)
Why are points set in stone anyway? Why not have the points adjustable like they are for traits?
Would make the points pointless if you can adjust them on the fly. Need ballista? Unskill arrow cart and go ballista. Having more than x points would turn into a quality of life reward to save you 10s of reskilling.
Not on the fly, but say outside WvW or only while you have the spawn-area buf.
The way it is, it is just another burden for new player, whereas the veterans don’t have to care, they have everything max
(edited by Dayra.7405)
Simplest and in my view best:
add a “minus” button as for traits
but to avoid the to powerful changes on the fly:
You can only use the minus button while not in WvW.
Reset is annoying for all those that spend their points as they wanted them
No change is annoying for all those that made a mistake.
As if the time gating weren’t already restrictive enough, this means that you can only charge a crystal three out of every four days if you don’t buy crystals or a home node.
I am very happy that I foresaw this at the last Zephyr Sanctum party and bough 5000 for 9b each. Should have bough even more, such that I could not only build 200 charged ones, but could sell them for 20 times their buy-value
I don’t see why don’t you just choose good server in launch and stay there. What kind of noob change server anyways.
There are a bunch of good (not noob related) reasons:
- You don’t like some of those that play at the time you play, e.g. the commander
- You server depopulated as others moved away
- Your server went up higher than you wanted, such that you (your group/guild) that did well before is now always overrun.
- You did not care about WvW when you choose your server, but now you would like ….
- You meet people in PvE/PvP that are on a different server and now you like to play with them WvW
- Your friends move (whatever their reason was, yours is a good one)
- You are curious how is WvW on other servers/tiers
- You are bored of having the same opponents for to long
- You are bored of having the same team for to long
- ….
(edited by Dayra.7405)
can’t you just mix and match ? berserker + nomad .
No celestial has a much HIGHER sum of attribute boni, e.g. for Mask 7*22 = 154 vs 47+34+34 = 115, Doublet 7*50 = 350 vs 106+76+76 = 258, …
If you mix berserker + nomad you will end up having only around 75% of the total attribute boni you will have wearing celestial.
This makes celestial superior for any build (class) that has good use for at least 5-6 of the 7 attributes.
(edited by Dayra.7405)
server transfer lower then your server should be free
No, unfortunately that’s to simple to be good. Massive down movements, pushing their destination server beyond the capabilities of it’s opponents and leaving their source as a victim of it’s opponents was the reason why player once voted for transfer costs.
Assume a guild/group of ~150 WvW-player bored to play T1.
20 of like to play at night, 50 of them like to play at day, 80 of them like to play in the evening. Assume they move to a T7-9 server. They win every match till they reach T2/3, when they start loosing they transfer to a new T7-9 server. This leaves their old server doomed to be smashed till it falls back to T7-9 and enables their new server to smash it’s opponents till it climbs to T2/3.
Just more imbalance in all tiers will be the result.
It’s also questionable that we want a spread out of player, not even T2 has enough player to fill it’s maps.
I would rather vote for free movements UP (till it reaches full, but the population status should be based on active WvW-player(-hours) and not include inactive and PvE-player), such that in the end we get a few full server and we can close several no longer needed empty server.
(edited by Dayra.7405)
The physics behind undead dragons or why Tequatl can fly
Living consist mostly of water and water is the main reason of weight of Living. On dead living dry out and dead creatures are also infected by bacteria that produce Methane. Methane is slightly lighter than normal air.
So Tequal is a kind of Methane-ballone where his cells are now filled with Methane instead of Water, making him in total only slightly heavier than air, a weight his wings can easily cary in air.
Methane is also burnable (-> dragon-fire), the smell of Tequatl breath that let us all run away when he cries does NOT come from Methane (it’s odorless) but from Hydrogen sulfide also produced as Tequal is rotting since ages.
Summary: If we would have undead dragons on earth they could fly on earth without any magic
(edited by Dayra.7405)
They can leave it TBH.
Its just played by people levelling/karma training – people you dont want in a competitive wvw match anyway.
Problem is unless you are talking about a T1 server then those ppl can play WvW to Ktrain. This will get some of the lower tiers players to fill their otherwise empty maps.
The same number of WvW-teams for 1/10 of people (compared to 1st year) interested is the problem of WvW and that you can only resolve by reducing the number of teams and the manpower requirement of a matches. Trying to force (it will loose more people than it brings people to WvW) people to play something they aren’t interested can’t be the solution.
(edited by Dayra.7405)
4) Mystic forge recipes to get 10x blueprints.
Just refreshing an old suggestion, i know.
Easier and better: Move blueprint upgrades from the mystic forge to any crafting profession. Make the recipes buyable for 1000-5000 BoH each.
6) Blueprints and traps should be shared between all characters inventory. Why:
Managing all the siege/traps spread across 8 characters is annoying and confusing.
Make a special bank (mats-tab) container for all siege, sell it for say 500gems in the gemshop.
If you bought it, you can deploy all your siege in there (up to 250-1500 depends on your bank-upgrades). “Transfer all Materials” also transfers all siege in your inv into the bank. To use the siege, You also get a small “skill-bar” with 1 button for each siege type (ram, AC, ballista,cata, treb, golem and a popup for the quality (normal, upgraded, guild (or guild1, guild2, but why are there two different items for each, both methods to get them could produce the same item)
9) Limit N° of rams deployable x gates. Why:
Siege wars should be based on strategy, not on mindless bruteforce ram spamming.
Isn’t there already a limit on how many siege you can place in a specific radius?
(5 if I remember correctly)
(edited by Dayra.7405)
1) Go all back to math in 1st class 500+500+8 = 1008 (not 10008)
2) OP is not talking about one map but the sum of players over all EotM Instances.
3) yeah I do not like ANet’s player distribution method as well
Green creates new maps as they are so many, and the more instances it create, the thinner is the pop of blue and red per map as the are distributed over all of them to provide green with some easy to farm activity.
I guess the main reason for hate in the forum is:
I can feel pro, if I express hate on a game mode widely accepted as shallow
Before EotM they “hated” random’s, non-TS-player, upleveled, rally-bots, … in WvW. Now that most of them left WvW partially towards EotM, they hate EotM for giving their hate-targets a new home, as they need them in WvW to feel great
(edited by Dayra.7405)
But it doesnt really matter, of course Anet will keep the transfer cost. Only WvWers suffer it so its free money for little to no effort for Anet. I cant imagine any sane Anet boss would ever agree to remove it or reduce costs.
I am not so sure of that.
- ANet was very lazy about introducing transfer costs at the beginning, their development was speed-up by massive player-wish in the forum, after we had some cases (e.g. Blacktide in EU) of massive movement of people to a low-rank server, crushing it’s slow way up, crashing after some weeks at the top, being crushed on it’s slow way down.
- massive player protest against free transfers to specific servers before season 2. (In EU these transfers turned Gandara from a bad silver-league server into a dominant silver-league winner, that’s still middle-gold due to that free-transfers.)
Of course, both where problematic at that time, as we had some balance that got disturbed.
But now transfer costs only preserve imbalance, still a lot of people here want this preservation of imbalance. Do they want to keep the few that still follow them and fear that they will loose them as well? Do they fear they loose their dominant position? I don’t know.
I think transfer-costs were good when we had some balance. But currently, where we don’t have any balance, a total mixup by free transfer would be better.
(edited by Dayra.7405)
If it would be free I would likely do a world-tour, a week here, a week there, getting a better impression of the overal state. But no gems for transfer, I do not believe in greener grass somewhere else.
By this time, on NA it’s 18 very high and 5 Full.
IF anet didnt change they migh have a good reason for that, also price being based on server rank, would lead to server manipulation prices for easy stacking.
The reason has long gone with the introduction of mega-servers. Unfortunately at that time it lost any meaning for PvE, just has meaning for WvW left, that’s why it never changed to something meaningful for WvW.
Here an old post about it’s defenition: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/Free-Transfers-to-Seafarer-s-Rest/1817469
(edited by Dayra.7405)
dummy to scroll back Please fix this years old forum bug (no page 1 button with exactly 49 posts)
NOPE, there is no lag cos EoTM run “new enginee” – I will call it as this. While old WvW maps run " old pve enginee". Basically old borderlands lag cos of PvE constrution for em, while EoTM have completly diffrent contruction. Also if u ever got over slow loading textures u could see HUNDREDS of lvls of textures under current ones. For example, under blue spawn wp is a lot of snow, water etc. and at this point, THE WATER is lagging, not fps, but ping lag.
Any source or evidence for your otherwise completely unjustified conjectures?
Why are they sitting at spawn when they could be depleting supplies by building random trebs, catas, and rams inside the enemy keeps, à la Far Hackerpeaks?
- Hard to play two avatars at the same time.
- harder to prove grief play
- completely sufficient to keep the enemy away from the map
There is only 1 solution: Give people control over their team, i.e. get rid of open servers and replace them by
- closed alliances i.e. large guilds of guilds (where people can play serious)
- random teams (where you just hop in to play a bit)
(edited by Dayra.7405)
I’m all for another WvW tournamant IF the losing side in each match gets the most rewards.
sounds like the most useless tournament ever
Coming from a supporter of Ultimate Dominator farming in OS I take that as a compliment.
I fail to see the connection. Loosers should get nothing and not the best/most rewards.
The only admissible ticket reward I see is the one I proposed 2 seasons ago:
@Malediktus: Interesting problem: How to distribute 30 accounts over the 51 server to maximize ticket earnings. All to SFR? Rofl.
(edited by Dayra.7405)
WvW was even more PvD than EotM.
But I left EotM now as well, a permant 3:1 isn’t fun, neither on the 3 side nor on the 1 side.
It seems you need to come to terms with certain aspects of this game. The fact you think WvW is more of a K-Train than EoTM is just ignorant bias. There are ZERO people in WvW yelling at you for defending.
PvD for scoring with many map-jumps of course is grand-strategy not k-train This is how WvW works in the early morning, one side is superior and runs over everything with golems (if defended or not doesn’t really matter), the minority side(s) try to cap back (avoiding all further fights after they already lost the fights for the WPs). Rarely seen somthing else in Off-time.
In prime-time of course it’s different.
And defending in wvw? You sit hours in a tower till bored to dead, just to be overrun afterwards by a blob within seconds. No, not a game I am interested in.
(edited by Dayra.7405)
We also have to consider what the servers might look like if there were no cost..
- extremely stacked servers
We have that, that’s no change.
- Major spying & trolling. Imagine whole guilds transferring to troll another server
Irrelevant since many people have accounts on every server of a tier.
Server system is
- senseless since mega-server,
- broken since wtj-transfers before season 2
- corrupted since a growing amount of people have accounts on several server
It’s overdue to get rid of servers. Just that ANet seems to have no idea.
(edited by Dayra.7405)
With Veratas Armor/Wepons there is now the first Asc. set of recipes that you can buy in the TP.
Given that, I do not see a reasons why all others are only available for laurels.
I went from WvW to EotM because I started to hate the unresolved 24/7 coverage issues, and as someone playing in the morning, WvW was even more PvD than EotM. Better no one takes scoring serious, than some take a meningless scoring serious.
But I left EotM now as well, a permant 3:1 isn’t fun, neither on the 3 side nor on the 1 side.
If HoT will not fix anything in the match-structure, I will not buy it, and without HoT I’ll be only a second class citizen in Tyria, so I likely take this opportunity to forget GW2.
But what if we( me and my friend) have queues for WvW and want to play together? Or when my guild can’t get into border and we would like to play at EoTM against some other guild? Ur sollution die here
If you are on a server with queues for all maps: Then you are the problem that has to be resolved. Move to one of the many servers without queue instead of overstacking at SFR.
EotM has a high fluctuation. There is a steady stream of coming and going. With 2 you probbaly not even notice any wait time till you can join the same team. The more you are the more effort you will have. And this is good. A to large organized group in a random team environment is a confounder.
Also unbalanced EoTM isn’t even anet’s fault, it is players fault for blobing at SFR and then having queues – being forced to play EoTM.
In the meantime it’s the other way around a lot of people overstack SFR, as this gives them effortless farming in EotM.
balancing edge is just an unrealistic goal. …
Balance not means that the pair of scales is arrested in the middle and cannot swing. Rather it means scale it swings and it swings to both sides nearly equally.
You describe a typical swinging process, fine for me.
But currently there is no swinging of the scales in EU.
The current imbalance fixed one at the top and one at the bottom.
(edited by Dayra.7405)
A simple: If you join EotM, you join the smallest team, would do it.
yeah that’s a good idea. it only stops people from playing with friends and guildies. no way annnnyyyyonee would care about that /s
(eotm is not serious or competitive, you don’t even get anything for winning.)
I see the relation between EotM and WvW similar to the one of rPvP and sPvP.
If you want to play with your friends go to wvw, if you just want to play a bit and do not care much with whom go to EotM.
Having said that: a small dialog (as in rPvP) that let you join smallest side immediately or wait for a place in your preferred side isn’t a big deal.
And you are right EotM is as less competitive as rPvP, still that doesn’t mean rPvP matches should be always 5:1-2 or EotM matches always 90:20-40. As this is not even not competitve, it isn’t a game anymore.
Playing with your friends could also be duelling your friends, practical impossible today, easy with an EotM where the server-team binding is dropped.
(edited by Dayra.7405)
Edge of the mist needs not re-balancing because it wasn’t meant to be a game mode in and of itself.
I do not understand what your “because” is based on.
- Why has an overflow to be unbalanced? To provide more and easier EotM-baggies to the WvW-winning side?
- Unbalance in EotM increases imbalance in WvW, in EU a lot of people transferred to SFR because that easy leveling in EotM, boosting the SFR WvW-team further when they finished leveling. Is this boost needed and necessary?
- As you wrote green is likely composed out of the strongest WvW-teams, is this why they urgently need a further boost by free resources from eotm?
- Even if EotM was originally added as overflow, it developed into an own game mode. And if you do not like how the people play in EotM, why do you want them to be in the game mode you like?
- WvW-maps are empty (less than 30 people per team hopping over 4 maps in a PvD-race) in lower tiers from 0:00-18:00. How is this any better than the Karma-train in EotM?
- If you randomly join a WvW-map in lower tier from 0:00-18:00 you are quite often the only one of your team on this map at least no one answer your “Someone here to take a tower” question. This is much better in EotM, you find at least a handful of people to play with even if you are not green (or SFR-side, if they aren’t green in EU).
(edited by Dayra.7405)
EotM has zero impact to me as a WvW player, so I don’t care if it’s removed or not.
Good argument, let’s turn it around:
WvW has zero impact to me as a EotM player, so I don’t care if it’s removed or not.In fact both are broken (imbalance, PvD, Scoring, K-train, …) and should be replaced by something that works better.
Let me clarify: EotM has zero impact on me as a WvW player, so let it stay. I immediately thought of rewording my post after I wrote it, because I would never advocate for the deletion of PvP or PvE due to its lack of direct impact on me as a player — knowing full well that many of the people that play those game modes are also WvW players, and may well leave the game if they were removed. Indirect impact is always a factor, so yes, my post was poorly-worded.
But it does have an impact. All those EotM instances use up server resources — server resources that very likely used to be allocated for real WvW.
the inverse is also true, as is the fact WvW uses resources that could be allocated to the ‘real gw2’ PvE. eotm is as ‘real eotm’ as WvW is ‘real WvW’, which is a fancy way of saying things are what they are, which is redundant.
This is in fact a very dangerous argumentation for WvW.
In EotM you have exactly as many instances as needed to fit the players that want to play => no waste of resources.
In WvW you have always 36 (9 matches a 4 maps) instances in EU (32 in NA) most of them with none in it most of the time => a lot of wasted resources.
Stop this waste of resources and assign the resources where they are used efficiently would be my conclusion.
You cannot farm them, it’s a lottery, if they have say 100 places for the closed-beta, 100 people will get such a portal. If there is a high drop rate, the 100 will be determined after a minute. If there is a low drop rate the event will take longer.