Also you may have town clothes still sitting on various alts. What you want to do is take each alt in turn to the armor trader at a TP in a major city. The npc will offer to convert town clothes for you. This will turn them into armor skins in some cases (eg if you have the baseball cap from game launch) or tonics in others (eg the old cultural clothing like the human male vest/shirt/trousers). The tonics are sucky, you don’t get to pick which pieces go with which — the hoodie now has jodhpurs attached — and you can’t dye them, use them in combat, or even make them last longer than 15 minutes at a time. But at least your cherry blossom shirt or your hoodie isn’t totally gone forever. The tonics can be sold on the TP if you don’t care for them yourself.
I’m also saddened by a second year in a row without rampant silliness. When I logged in to the aviator prank, having carefully avoided any spoilers, I felt nothing but pure delight. Yes, I had been following the news about the plane crash in great detail, yes, I was fully aware of the tragedy, but nothing about the aviator prank felt even remotely connected to the crash. The wave of outrage on the forums seemed vastly out of place to me.
So then last year we didn’t get a fun thing, just patch notes — pretty much every MMO puts out fake Apr 1 notes, it’s hardly unique to GW2 — and of course the return of SAB which is indeed fun but isn’t, at this point, a prank.
I don’t like mean jokes, I never have. But ANet gave us pure goofiness for a day and now it’s a let-down not to have something like that any more.
Oh well, I suppose I can head into ESO for some more fireworks and pig stealing and Renn-Fest playlets before their Jesters Festival ends, with my silly high-step walk and flourishing bows, to see if I can complete the meta achieve there on a second alt while getting double xp (those food recipes just refuse to drop, grr, but it’s still a fun time).
I’ve tried on a DR character in the Terrace and on a character in Queensdale. Haven’t yet tested the one who is in Lake Doric. But we are not alone.
I’ve only beaten the Toad by cowering out of range while friends killed it >.>
So I may also be down one cat. Woe. I am terrible at SAB — unless someone very patient leads me through it I doubt I’ll get any more achieves done than I already have, let alone see all the cool stuff in World 2.
Grats on your cat, Rikimaru, it took some skill to get!
VB isn’t the only map with a meta. In all the HoT maps, the sub-events add up to getting allies added to your efforts that improve your chances of dealing with the main end fight. Each map has an overall story that the meta cycle tells, too, so if you follow each event chain from start to finish, over time you’ll learn a lot more of the lore of what’s going on.
I got the sword in 25 keys. Well, less than 25, it dropped somewhere in the middle of all the double clicking. I’d much rather have gotten the Infinirarium Glider when I dropped 25 keys in hopes of that one, or the celestial rooster mini. Didn’t get either of those, did get the ghostly glider.
So in my limited anecdotal experience, 25 keys has a reasonable but far from guaranteed chance to get the random item of the season.
As far as I can tell, no. Normal modern charr do not give a flying fig about what’s under the fur. I’m not a lore expert in terms of having memorized all the details, but my understanding from my general lore osmosis is that a female charr led an uprising against the Flame Shamans and most of charr culture came around to the current completely egalitarian situation. The Flame Legion remains, of course, but most charr are of the new mindset.
Physically the females do seem to be shorter and slimmer, though with a good deal of overlap. This hasn’t seemed to prevent any of them from holding high rank, being dominant in groups, or handling massive machinery.
Crowdfunding is there to help nascent businesses get off the ground. If you want to direct how they spend their resources, get hold of enough stock to count as a major investor … but even then, what you’re asking is to buy them a service they might not need, based on your gut feeling rather than on solid, comprehensive data.
I would find it incredibly sleazy for a successful business to ask people to give them money beyond that paid for the business’ product and services.
Please Gaile talk to Keenan about the asuran portal of the Royal Terrace. That permanent sound is really annoying
We also need silent technology there! It’s impossible to relax there.
Huh! I must stand somewhere different because I don’t hear that. Let me hop into the game and take note of what you’re hearing. Thanks for the input.
EDIT: I’m standing in the RT, practically in the gate, and I don’t hear a thing. I checked my sound settings, and everything is on, so … I can’t figure out what the issue is. Could you explain? Thanks.
It’s highly audible when standing near the TP on the Terrace. A deep slow throbbing hum. If you go up to the craft stations, then run back towards the gate, you’ll hear it. At least if you have my sound settings, see below.
On Quip/Dreamer — I am one of those that finds the current Dreamer to be nails on chalkboard when it’s spammed, tolerable when it’s intermittent. I don’t hear Quip nearly enough to care, plus Quip is a more musical sound to start with.
I support the idea of a slider specifically for legendary sound effects. While I’d hate to mute my HOPE’s pew pew, and I know a few people have heard me shooting HOPE and told me now they want to make it since they know it has a cool sound, I’d be fine with doing so while around a Dreamer. And I’d be fine with others not hearing my HOPE. (I do wish I got longer lasting footfalls, but that’s another issue).
But I really don’t think the wielders of the weapons should lose any effects. It’s been a pretty big deal any time you’ve changed the cosmetics on something already released in game — remember Flamekissed? — and while I can’t personally understand liking the Dreamer sound, I have a good friend who loves it and I’d hate her to have it removed.
Eep, glad I missed that one. Huzzah for restoration of what is good and right in this world!
Here’s my guess as to what happened:
I noted that there was an off-topic post between AP’s last two listings, something along the lines of “I hope that x items(s) will show up during the sale.” I didn’t report it myself, it was short and didn’t cause a derail, but it seems likely to me that a mod chose to delete the post and accidentally deleted the thread instead.
Hopefully the thread can be restored from the Trashcan. It’s far too useful to lose.
I know it seems folks are just poking holes in your suggestions. I think it’s great you’re making suggestions, and with a positive tone at that, but I’m a’gonna poke just one more hole
On your wish that the Revenants actually transformed: That’s a really cool idea but it has some practical side effects, to wit, player control over their character’s appearance. It’s one thing to have short form transformations such as Reaper shroud, but the player base has spoken loud and clear to the devs over the years about wanting their chosen appearance and character design to be mostly what others see. There was a big revamp of Engineer kits, for instance, so Engies would have a reason to wear backpack skins that wouldn’t be hidden most of the time.
Since a Rev is always in one Legend or another, they’d never get to look like themselves if it was a full-on transform.
It does drop, since the 3 recipes from it are on the TP.'s_Jewelry_Recipe_Book — follow the links to each — looks like 15-20 gold each, so it’s not a hugely common drop. But if you want to make the jewelry you can buy the recipes without relying on RNG drops.
Note that this is the case with all those account bound HoT stat book drops: Once you pick one of the things from the book it becomes tradeable. I finally cleared out bank space in my tab o’ recipes by learning the most costly ones via my stacks and buying the rest or holding off until I need them later, as most of them are in the few silver range.
(edited by Donari.5237)
Don’t toss it. If Dire proves not so great for you, you can fairly cheaply convert the weapon to other stats via the Mystic Forge.
Just get an ori inscription with the new stats you want and use that. So what you have is an ascended weapon of any stats you want; choose an alt that needs one and customize it for that alt.
The problem is that, as they told us last year, the coding for SAB has to be updated with each overall game build. They can’t make it permanently accessible as they’d have to constantly maintain it and they don’t have the resources.
So they’ll drop it in for a few weeks between patches, but then let it lie fallow again until next year.
But some of my favourite jeans are a style called “boyfriend” which is basically mens straight-leg jeans in womens sizes. They even have pockets you can actually put things in! Like a whole phone or a wallet! (Or a bat or a small snake, if you’re me.)
I always enjoy your posts but you just moved up into one of my total faves on this and ESO forums (yes, I lurk the latter, but haven’t figured out how to make an account for posting which might be for the best given how chatty I can get).
Pockets are great, so are bats and snakes.
Sadly, GW2 only has one of the three, and it’s more a tiny flying reptile than an actual bat. At least pockets aren’t vital when all our inventory magically appears out of thin air …
Slippy, I think OP likely needs the Warbler for the VB section, getting the Scouts to talk — it’s really not needed after that. I don’t know that the sad frog activates that dialogue if you aren’t on the TD part of the story.
Oh dear
I’m not at all sure that you can replace it. As to where he is, check in Tangled Depths outside Teku Nuhoch, west side, he hangs out there to give you the Way In quests later in the story. Maaaaybe he would offer another?
If not, you may need to file a Support ticket.
If you play through HoT enough times (you will need a lot of alts), you can complete the ley armor collection, which awards an ascended armor box on top of getting all 18 skins without having to spend a ton of resources or getting good RNG in multiple DS runs with your pod openings.
It doesn’t affect the chances, but it does tell you whether the specific node you’re trying to get is even in the current loot table. If you want a flax node and the two nodes on the table are not flax, you can save your resources/keys.
Every time I preview I make sure to check that the Permanent Hair Stylist is still there. I know I’ll never ever get one, but at least there’s a tiny chance each time I open a chest.
It’s been brought up many times, though ANet has not commented on it that I know of so I fear that hoping they are only avoiding it due to coding issues and time constraints is likely only wishful thinking.
I would love this to happen. My bank space (which is maxed, they can’t sell me any more of it) is clogged with unlocked skins that I have not yet found the right use for. Yet the gem value of the amount of charges I’d have to use is huge enough I don’t want to delete the one-free-use (not that I ever directly buy transmute charges, but I do tend to hoard them so I never would have to buy them if I wanted to change an armor or weapon look, and converting all my unlocked one-use skins to fungible charges would be awesome).
Functionally, these skins are transmute charges. Why not let us turn them into charges rather than having to use bank space against future wardrobe changes? If we “burn” them on skins that aren’t the specific skin, what harm is there?
Locked skins that are still tradeable should of course be exempted, but once the only thing we can do with an unlocked skin already in our Wardrobe is apply it to our own gear, it would be major QoL to get it the heck out of our inventory.
Recently I joined in the vine event and found we can attack while gliding. Sooooo cool! I really hope this is permitted more. (Is it already, if so where?)
Two other places: Bloodstone Fen, once you do enough story to get one alt there and then gather enough unbound magic (done by gliding through bubbles in the air, mostly, you’ll love it) to buy the skills, you get 5 aerial skills. Long range zap to the ground, long range aoe to the ground, long range heal/regen field on the ground, evasive roll in the air that gives you regen, and a high speed long range dash.
Then when you do the story to get into Lake Doric (current LS), if you glide over jade cannons (via riding a ley line to them and then using the updraft by them, or by finding a way to glide into the updraft from elsewhere, the Bloodstone Fen air combat skills are available to blast the cannon, though the White Mantle defending the cannon will murder you faster than you can use the 4 skill so you’ll have to drop down eventually to finish the fight.
edit: Oh, and I think there is some use to gliding in raids, mostly for evasion rather than assault, though it’s a necessary way to get to some places in the raid maps.
Quaggan are something people love or hate, it seems. I’m in between. I don’t find them adorable, but I don’t want to kill them with fire, either.
If you choose quaggans you will have some underwater combat. Hylek will give you some insight into hylek culture that you won’t really get elsewhere in the game; skritt info is more ubiquitous.
Here’s a consideration: whichever one you choose to study, as you progress the story later you will end up with a group of them in your home instance. In Salma (humans), the skritt are tucked away in a back street, the quaggans are in the fountain, and the hylek are on top of several gathering nodes if you have bought nodes for the home instance. It’s alt-specific, so if you do the story on a couple more alts you can experience each race (and each race has two sub-options on which way to handle things, so it takes several alts to see them all — on top of that, other races get chances to study grawl and ogres).
I would say of the three choices you have, the hylek have the most compelling story, the one that most engages your sympathy. But that’s subjective. You may end up doing them all over time, depending on your interest in running multiple alts.
I stack them in my banks mats collection until they overflow (I have expanded to 2K mats per slot there), and keep 3 slots in my regular bank to pile them up. Any time I hit 250 in a bank slot, I use an eater.
Sometimes I make the refined form, in case the guild hall will need it later.
You do have to walk/run out the shimmery portal. There are invisible walls everywhere else. But there’s no loading screen. You can run in and out through that gateway at will, so long as you have the pass.
I think it’s the best of the Pass areas in terms of layout and convenience, but it does suffer from two things: One, it has no activity NPC so you still must go to LA to do that (outside of festivals) for dailies. Two, during Wintersday it loses an NPC, the makeover preview one, as it reverts to an older version of the Terrace.
There is one (amusing?) result of this: If you make the elixir on an alt and log off before reset, if you log in on that alt a few days later when you haven’t done the daily elixir addiction, you auto-complete the daily (even if you are somewhere else, eg the Royal Terrace) and then the buff vanishes.
For those dwelling on the penalty box, while I agree with you that it is an annoying thing to deal with in the fight, check the dev response above that says the coding to remove it would be too complex for this project.
You may wish to focus on smaller changes that could improve the experience, and highlight those so the devs can see them in the thread without having to wade through a zillion requests for something they’ve already told us we cannot have.
On that latter idea, I always locate the commander of the squad and select him/her to join for map switching. It seems very unlikely the commander would be on the wrong map.
Commanders can make this easier by moving themselves to group two for easy location in the squad grid. The symbol isn’t always visible or obvious, especially as larger squads shrink the boxes.
Another thought: could it be a Revenant? Their various facets make various sounds. Check if someone near you has a big pinkish crystalline blotch under their feet when you hear it.
I will pat myself on the back for once. Called it!
I’m so wishing I’d known to feed him day one. I’m still on letter 3. So very curious where this is going. Is it a major plot point? Is it fluff like the cats collection? (I am all for silly fluff btw, it adds a lot of fun. It’s why I sit through movie credits, just in case there’s a “cookie” at the end).
Ele is pretty much the squishiest profession and needs the most stance-dancing and memory of different skill sets (they change as you swap attunement, and are weapon based), so you’re right, it’s not so handy to learn on.
Necromancer is much tankier, and leads to a super fun elite in end game. It’s not as desired in raids afaik, but for regular PvE it does great. Warrior might be a safe bet for you, as it’s extremely versatile and can be played simplistically or with complex nuance once you know what you’re doing. Both of those also offer weapon swap (only Ele and Engineer lack that, due to them having attunements/kits to get the same effect) and it’s worth figuring out how to include swapping in your rotation.
Me, I love necromancer both plain and elite, so I suggest that. It’s not a grimdark profession in this game, simply another way to manipulate magic. Ok, it does involve poison and chill and bleeding and raising of flesh and bone minions … but it’s not evil. really.
An account birthday gift AS WELL AS character birthdays would be most welcome.
There is such a thing. For the fourth birthday we got a cultural backpack and had to choose just one of the five skins. We don’t yet know if we’ll get a shot at a second skin this year. Anyway, that is account on top of individual character ones.
Though it does require having gotten a character to 4 years, I admit, it’s not purely based on account age.
I stand corrected. I have the mats for a second one, just haven’t bothered to make it yet, but would have to gather them to make a third. It felt cheaper due to getting the pricey part for free from the event chain
I guess if someone hasn’t done the Caladbolg quest at all and is willing to sacrifice the weapon (along with the very cheap remake of it you can do at will through the npc) it would be an easy source of things needed for Ad Infinitum. They just wouldn’t have a weapon that can changed from type to type for 1K unbound magic each time (and loss of non-extracted infusions).
The chief annoyance for me will be that reset will now be exactly when my Sunday 5E game begins, so no more getting dailies out of the way before diving into the Faerun Silvermarches.
That and having dailies be an hour closer to bedtime just means less time to relax overall. I have a habit of logging in just before reset if I am not already in game, doing dailies, then seeing if there’s anything else in game I want to pursue for the evening.
For a relatively cheap source of ascended weapons to salvage, consider the current events quest for Caladbolg — with some mats investment (and enough alts who have done Hearts and Minds) you can get 5 weapons out of that.
It’s less good to have a relative in Arizona — I have to calculate our time difference based on the time of year
Thanks for the post, Cedo. I was going to do my usual PSA tomorrow on the subject.
It’s been asked for a number of times in the Glider Suggestions thread stickied atop the HoT subforum. The devs likely know people would like it
It’s not a troll, it’s a parody.
I’ve put it on a few alts. My fire ele was using the fire wings; this is a much bigger version. Another alt has it dyed all Shadow Abyss, which gives her a misty black ghost raven surrounding her as she glides.
One drawback I found when using it on a reaper (in dark green hues) while gliding about doing daily unbound magic gathering is that it’s very large and while you can see your character through it, it does obscure a lot of surrounding detail. I had some problems navigating to hovering magic with this glider equipped, whereas with the macaw wings I have no such issue. (I have my camera zoomed well back; I do not know if the problem would be better or worse zoomed further in but will not test it because it’s not worth the motion sickness I’d get).
Right — I was saving the OP the time of logging in! I only log in on my home PC myself, so when I check the forums on tablet or phone (don’t want to key in my password on those) I have to rely on memory of what I have and have not read. Add in the long load times for the multipage sticky on a slower device and yeah, I do tend to take note of the post count before opening the thread.
Well, in the meantime, if you would have 2 minutes (per day) to log in to buy something, perhaps a reminder to check the Sticky above, each day, about Gem Store offerings would suffice. It probably would not take more than 2 minutes.
Good luck.
This. That sticky is updated generally within 30 minutes after the items show up in the gem store, usually more like 15 minutes after. So if you check this forum at around 9:30 am Pacific, you’ll see what the day’s offerings are and if you want them you make sure to log into game to buy them once you get home in the evening.
You can check even faster if you remember how many posts are in the sticky thread. If the number hasn’t changed since you last reviewed the most recent post, there’s no need to load the forum page.
The shoulders look to possibly be norn heavy cultural T3. So when you preview at a bank wardrobe, do it on a norn. You won’t be able to see the cultural armor on another race.
There’s also ‘Snap Ground Target to Current Target’ which literally just makes ground targeted spells cast on your currently selected target. (Assuming it’s within range, of course.)
This is such a huge thing for me, since I mouse move and that means strafing around in combat will take my cursor away from the target most of the time. Used to be I had to stand still to drop aoe’s — with this option I am free to move.
For extra goodness, you can hotkey a toggle to put it on and off. So if I need to cast on something that is not my target, I can tap my toggle (I picked ctrl-s so I never hit it by mistake), put my missile barrier down or my fear well on adds, etc, then go back to snap-to-target without ever opening the Options menu. The only thing lacking is some sort of UI indicator to remind me whether it is on or off, other than opening Options and looking at the tick boxes.
You can also use a Windows setting to make a shrinking white circle appear around your cursor when you press and release CTRL. It doesn’t help in true split-second situations but otherwise is pretty handy.
Another thought: could it be a Revenant? Their various facets make various sounds. Check if someone near you has a big pinkish crystalline blotch under their feet when you hear it.
Since this thread’s been resurrected … I happened on a 50% Hablion a couple of days ago. Mindful of the need to tag him on the ground, I glider-lasered my way into the fight, then avoided the blue circles to beat him up a while, then glider-lasered him at the end. I did get credit. I was on a Reaper so I was thwacking him reasonably hard while on the ground.
Though still nascent, we are seeing a little bit of this “customizing” — except it’s by profession, not by area of interest. We are getting obstacles, eg a locked door, that are approached differently depending on whether you’re playing a thief or other, or whether you are in the Whispers order or not.
I like that kind of shout-out more; everyone has a way through the puzzle (could just be brute force if you’re not one of the fortunate featured professions at that spot), no one is barred from getting through based on a broad brush gameplay choice.
Huh, interesting. I wonder why they’ve never implemented this filter, then? There’ve been many, many threads asking for it over the years.
Any suggestions on how to do this without making the TP compare every item on it to every item in each individual’s account each and every time a player opens the TP, simultaneously for every player doing so at that moment? I’d rather not wait thirty minutes (random figure, I’m not a programmer, I’m just married to one) every time I press O.