Showing Posts For Hyper Cutter.9376:

Avoid exclusive content to reward minorities

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

The only skins exclusive to raids should be the ones associated with the bosses themselves. Things like that half set of White Mantle weapons are just not acceptable, those should have been rewards in Bloodstone Fen.

Raids are less Toxic than dungeons were

No they aren’t. Raids are the toxic “DPS uber alles” meta of dungeons given an entire game mode, where you need optimal builds in order to win at all. Any 5 idiots can beat a dungeon bringing virtually anything, and the dungeon meta was just about beating it quicker.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

(The mystic weapons are only required by the Treasure Hunter Collection, a pipe dream for the majority of players even as some of its items have decreased in price, some have increased.)

Seven of them are also required for the elite spec weapon collections.

Season 5 Class Balance Thread

in PvP

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

Druid = from 40 pets theres 2 outliers… reduce damage by 50-75%

Hahaha are you kittening serious. Those two “outliers” are the only ones that are actually functional and you want to nerf them even more (after both have been nerfed repeatedly over the last year, by the way)?

Why A New Race Is Highly Possible [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

Classic example of people using their desires to reshape facts. The two most requested playable races are Tengu followed by Largos – as in, the masses desperately want to play bipedal birds for some reason and I’d much rather roll an aquatic butterfly.

Both of those races have character models distinct enough to require a complete rework of all existing armors.

They actually don’t, though. The largos share most of their assets with the other humanoids and the tengu share theirs with the charr (pre-HoT tengu even share the same posture and idle animations).

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

I’ll never understand people who think making a map easier to get around on (ie, by putting enough waypoints in to actually be useful) is a bad thing.

The ones that aren’t making a stealth argument for mounts or some other archaic feature, anyway.

Guardian And Warrior Overly Represented

in PvP

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

Theres no mystery. Guardians and warriors are Anets babies and they never gonna nerf them like other classes. Just look at the treatment of scrapper gyros vs dh traps. Everything nerfed to the ground yet once DH traps came up on the balancing table they replaced daze instead of simply removing it like on the super stronk gyros.

They’ve nerfed traps repeatedly since HoT launched, there’s not much more you can do to them without making them unviable.

Celestial Avatar needs a nerf

in PvP

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

Only thing that really messes Druid balance is the overpowered as heck HoT Pets (Looking at you Smokescale and Bristleback )… Who are bruiser.. do all the damage and yet no weakness of less life or toughness. They need to be brought down to the LOW level of the other pets… simple as that.

The HoT pets (just say bristleback and smokescale, nobody’s pretending the wyverns are good and the tiger’s just another cat) aren’t overpowered, the old pets are under powered. The smokescale and bristleback are what pets should always have been.

Hearts and Minds: Mordremoth fight :(

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

They really should keep your “place” in the fight if you die (like almost all story instances do), and leave the full reset on death (and the penalty box) for the challenge mote version of the fight where it’s more appropriate. It’s not even a particularly hard fight, it’s just really long.

There’s other bugs that still need to be fixed, like the third miniboss (all of them can do it, but Caithe/Braham/Canach has perma-stability so the rift can’t pull them) becoming agressive again while still being invincible if you take to long to channel the rift (because, say, one of those bullet hell orbs was right by it and kept hitting you), or that wind barrier thing Mordremoth creates being able to drag you out of the air if it’s still going when a gliding phase starts.

Hopes n Dreams about Expac 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

I don’t know why everyone always wants a new race as well as more armor sets, it will be one or the other. ANet already has enough trouble making armors that almost fit the current races. It would take them even longer to make new armor sets if they also had to fit on a 6th race, which means we would be getting even fewer armors in the game.

All the popular prospects for new races share most of their assets with one or more existing races (tengu share most of their assets with the charr, for example, and largos with humans/sylvari), so much of the work for armor would already be done.

Mark me as one of the people who wants a new race, as well. I love creating alts.

Old vs New Trait System, Viability.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

  • The ability to pick lower tier traits. This is pretty simply really, instead of picking 1 adept, 1 master and 1 grandmaster trait we should be allowed to pick 1 adept trait, 1 master/adept trait, and 1 grandmaster/master/adept trait. To explain more, I should be able to slot a lower tier trait into a higher tier trait slot if I wanted to (but not the other way around), so I could have all 3 adept traits selected at the expense of no master/grandmaster traits, or 2 adept and a master trait, 1 adept and 2 master traits etc…. You wouldn’t be able to equip more than 1 grandmaster or more than 2 master traits under this system, but it would open up the door for so much more build variety by opening up your options for traits.

If you’re taking a low-tier trait over a higher-tier one, there’s something very wrong balance-wise. That was one of the biggest flaws of the old trait system.

Transmutation/Skins still disappointing

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

As to getting skins through activity in specific regions in game, I dont recall having orrian weapons drop outside of orr, nor bandit weapons outside of areas frequented by bandits (etc).

Also heart vendors and other karma vendors (karma being the intended “reward for doing events” currency) have hundreds of unique skins on offer, including multiple entire armor and weapon sets. There’s also plenty of regional skins, for that matter.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

They need to keep going higher. Legendaries are too undervalued and mystic coins are only part of the solution.

Mystic Coins are needed for a lot more than legendaries, genius, including the mystic weapons needed for the elite spec collections and a lot of skins that used to be comparative in price with crafted exotics.

Transmutation/Skins still disappointing

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

Sorin Noroku.5342:“Now this is also ONLY using the money from daily rewards! Passive playing will get you more. You want to change looks, just spend a bit of gold.”

Sounds like you are saying that it is fine to purchase clothing and then have to pay a fee to actually wear that clothing. Doesn’t make sense to me.

You only need to pay to use a skin more than once. Skins you buy from the gem store come as a consumable item that allows you to apply that skin once for free as well as permanently unlocking it in your wardrobe at the same time.

Which is a lot better than the old system before the wardrobe, let me tell you.

A-Net Please enable Gliding in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

They would have to put up a lot of invisible walls, would that break immersion for you?

No-fly zones are already a thing.

Winter Jumping Puzzle - non comp

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

All activities use PVP architecture even if there’s no actual fighting involved (you used to use your PVP armor in them, back when that was a thing).

Transmutation/Skins still disappointing

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

They bring back skins to the gem store all the time. If the ones you want aren’t there right now, just wait and they’ll be back eventually.

Pre Cursor crafting is a joke!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

so the op thinks anet controls the tp right?

They literally based how much it takes to craft a given precursor on how much it was going for on the TP at the time. That’s why the resources required vary so wildly (by an order of magnitude or more) between weapons instead of hewing to the usual 2H/1H/OH rules as literally everywhere else in the game.

Enemy density question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

There’s way too many enemies in Bitterfrost and most of them aggro from at least twice as far as normal. They’re not even particularly dangerous for the most part, they’re just annoying.

It’s like pre-nerf Orr all over again, and just as tedious and un-fun to travel in.

Pre Cursor crafting is a joke!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

Anet, true to form, bowed and scraped before the robber barons who run this virtual economy and ended up making a system that’s more expensive and time-consuming than the problem they were trying to address (especially when it was skyrocketing precursor prices that inspired them to start creating a “scavenger hunt” in the first place back in 2013).

Halloween: Bring back the old Lion's Arch!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

I mean you can’t do TP business there, when you have to go back and forth between the bank and the TP a lot.

So exactly like old Lion’s Arch, then.

Now destroyed Lion’s Arch, that was convenient to craft and do business in.

Why druid cant have glyphs under water?

in Ranger

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

Nothing from the elite specs works underwater, even skill types that do work on other professions. Anet was lazy.

You couldn’t even use a tiger underwater at HoT launch because they forgot to code it as amphibious or something.

I miss hardcore world bosses

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

You are kidding yourself if you think Tequatl was never nerfed. I remember when he was new and the whole map was on teamspeak. There were no afk leechers. The double damage spots were already known and people used consumeables like the fire elemental. There was a melee zerg back then.
Yet there were only 2-3 minutes left on the clock despite having a highly organised group of players who were briefed what to do.

Then one day random unorganized pug maps which barely filled 5min before spawn finished with 8-10min time remaining, 10+ afk slackers and no consumeables. And most people just pewpew with ranged attacks from far away not making use of double damage spots.
This was before HoT and crit damage mind you. So at the minimum Anet halfed Tequatls total health to explain this.
At the same time Anet reduced the drop rates of Tequatls hoard. I used to see several hoards posted per kill, now I feel lucky if one person reports a drop.

Again, players were buffed. The exact same thing happened in the Silverwastes, where all the bosses became significantly easier (and stayed that way, because Anet overlooked them when they buffed the health of everything else) and the meta hardly ever failed after that.

It was the trait revamp and the change in stacking conditions that did it, long before HoT.

Why I Left GW2 PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

Or whats up with Druid lately? Nerfing their healing is justified, but will they ever realise that having pets as a damage source is just a really bad idea? Why would you ever pick up a zerk Druid while your pet does the same damage with Magi?

I realize this comes as a shock after years of their being completely ignorable, but ranger pets are, in fact, supposed to be able to hurt you. Crazy, I know.

(and before you bark and whine about removing pets’ independent stats, look up what the stats on the bristleback and smokescale actually are, and consider whether you want to open the can of worms you think you do).

Black Lion Weapons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

Use the Jotun Greatsword, it’s available for karma from one of the heart vendors in Snowden Drifts.

Gw2 asuran fashion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

They use the male version of all armor. And some outfits (but not others, with no rhyme or reason).

The other big issue with asura is that virtually no armor takes their weird bird feet into account (not even most of the cultural armor, really).

(edited by Hyper Cutter.9376)

This game has spoiled me.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

GW2 has better dodging mechanics than pretty much every other game, just because you’re invulnerable for the whole duration. It drives me crazy in other games when I dodge an attack but still take damage (Monster Hunter and its competitors are awful with this).

Finish resolving unfinished HoT plot holes.

in Living World

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

I just find it odd that they would release LS2 to everyone after the fact but not LS1?

LS2 was designed from the ground up to be permanent, replayable content (specifically because LS1 wasn’t, and that approach didn’t work as well as Anet thought it would).

Ranger pet control, a working on/off

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

You can keybind the active/passive toggle in the options, it just doesn’t have a keybind by default.

Any tarrir multiloot nerfs?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

It depends how they fix it, but it is most likely to kill the map completely.

I fear from precedent that they’re just going to take an axe to the meta rewards wholesale, but in theory it’s pretty easy to nerf multilooting without affecting people doing the meta properly (putting an ICD on those big chests, for example, long enough to only allow you to loot them once per cycle but short enough that you can still loot them the next cycle).

Petless Ranger Please. Yes, this again.

in Ranger

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

GW1 handled it well. Why can’t GW2?

GW1 didn’t handle pets well, is the thing.

I miss hardcore world bosses

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

Hardcore world bosses were a terrible idea. Tequatl was abandoned on most servers before the megaserver made killing it regularly possible, and literally everyone except for the specialized guild dedicated to killing the triple wurm abandoned that dumpster fire of a fight within a week.

Tequatl is not even hardcore, it was stealth nerfed multiple times

Tequatl has never been nerfed, players were buffed (removing condition stacks in particular hit world bosses hard and most of them got HP buffs to compensate).

Seperate Raid Masteries

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

Raid masteries should be in their own category just for practical reasons, so any future raid wings can have their masteries put there too. It never did make any sense to lock non-raiders out of spirit shards (whatever little those are worth these days: I’ve literally got thousands) in HoT maps in the first place.

When are we getting more balanced prof specs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

The thing about elite specs is that there’s really no way to make them “balanced” with the core trait lines, because 2 core+ elite will always be better than 3 core for straight-up mechanical reasons (upgraded profession mechanic, new weapon, new skills). The only way this wouldn’t be the case is if the elite were objectively worse than the core trait lines, and then no one would use it at all.

I’m pretty sure Anet realized that pretty quickly, and decided balancing elites against each other was the logical path. That’s why they’re designed to be balanced against other elite specs (you can only equip one, and the weapon/skills require the trait line to be equipped), even though we only have one right now.

Permanent upgrade extractor

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

If anet make it available from NPC or a permanent version… Sigils and runes will drop in price massively

Most of them literally can’t get any cheaper.

Removed crafting stations and vendors.

in WvW

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

Yes, but now you will spend RL $$$ to buy Captain’s Airship Pass for the same convenience. Right?

Unfortunately, those passes don’t have the one thing that made WvW convenient for crafting: you can’t use them go back to where you were.

Reward Tracks

in PvP

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

You sure are mad about people cooperating for their collective benefit in daily rooms.

Did you try to troll one and get wrecked?

Reward Tracks

in PvP

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

Please give new skins to pvp only. Simple as that, one backpiece skin is not enough.

There’s three whole sets of Glorious armor that can only be obtained in PVE, six if you count the Glorious Hero armor too. Three more if you count the legacy armor, though that is also in WvW.

And that’s leaving out the fact that it’s much easier to get dungeon skins (especially weapons) in PVP than it is by doing actual dungeons.

[Feedback] The battle of Fort Salma

in Living World

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

Also Marjory and Kasmeer still straight-up disappear halfway through the thrasher fight. I have no idea why they never fixed that.

Gift of Battle

in WvW

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

wasnt gift of battle just 500 badges before all this kitten?

Yes and any wvwer that was going for a legendary bought some of those before it was stopped. Its the pve that did not read the patch note. They got all upset after it was taken out because they did not see the warning.

That’s because Anet completely mishandled it (not only did they put the patch note in completely the wrong section, they distinctly failed to give any warning about the reward track beta ending.).

+25% movement speed ideas!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

Base move speed needs to be increased across the board, so norn and charr don’t feel like they’re running through molasses and guardians of all races aren’t hopelessly left behind.

Stuff you want in the next Expansion :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

- Longer story with less cut content (who are most of the guys at the mordemorth battle platforms???)

The only one that appears out of nowhere is the nightmare courtier, the others all appear in the story or one of the event chains in a previous map.

Poll to remove Daily Achivement Cap?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

No, but simply forfeiting the leaderboard is not enough to me, you should also have to forfeit progress to the achievement point skins and titles to not devalue them.
It would not be fair if those people who want those 3650 extra AP per year get the prestige stuff potentially years earlier just because they opted out of something they do not care about (according to earlier posters in this topic).

What would be the point of earning AP if you can’t get the only thing they’re actually useful for?

Stop arguing in bad faith and/or being a selfish jerk, whichever is the case here.

[Suggestion] New Wardrobe Unlocks - AP Chests

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

Yeah, the skin unlocks were the best part of achievement chests, adding this new equivalent to them would be a great idea.

Poll to remove Daily Achivement Cap?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

If they remove the cap the oldest players will forever have a huge insurmountable advantage on new players..

They already have an insurmountable advantage in the form of thousands of AP that no longer exist.

And that’s leaving aside that an “advantage” means absolutely nothing in this context beyond getting Zenith/Radiant/Hellfire/Pinnacle skins sooner, which are only an advantage in a cosmetic sense.

Well done on rev nerfs but not well nuff yet

in PvP

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

What is wrong with elite specs being on same level as core. It would mean you would have choice of still playing elite or play core = build variety. Nobody says elite specs should be nerfed to the level of being unviable.

Unless the elites were nerfed so badly that using them was actively detrimental, the sheer mechanical changes they provide (modified class mechanics, new weapon and skills, etc) make them a superior choice over a third core trait line (a lot of which are still pretty mediocre) in pretty much every situation.

PvP Druid needs balancing

in PvP

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

i think a good way to fix this would be to nerf bristle back and smoke scale

No, they’ve been nerfed more than enough, thank you. Especially considering neither is all that good stat-wise, they just have better skill bars than the base game pets so they can actually do their jobs right.

I’d be all for bringing every other pet in the game up their level of functionality, but somehow I think that would just make most of the complainers even angrier.

Auric Basin Multimap: bad for economy

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

The easiest thing to do is just put an ICD on the big sphere chests so you could only open them once per meta cycle no matter how many maps you jump to. In one fell swoop that kills the multimap exploit without punishing people doing the meta legit.

Dragon Minion Difficulty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

Yeah, destroyers are among the last holdouts of enemies with resistances/immunities to things, along with some hylek and all objects in Central Tyria (also dredge, but blind doesn’t do damage so it’s not as big of a problem). Removing that immunity from them has been a long time coming, especially since we’re probably going to be fighting a lot of varieties of them if the mordrem were anything to go by.

Also I have no idea why Anet hasn’t made Central Tyrian objects vulnerable to conditions like the ones from HoT onward, now that I think of it.

Enough server links: finished

in WvW

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

the population imbalance won’t be solved by anet.

Oh, they could solve it, but the player base despises the solutions so Anet will keep going with half-measures like linking servers.

Unlink New Weapons from Elite Specs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

The entire point of linking weapons (and skills) to elite spec trait lines is so that you can’t use them with another elite spec once we have multiple ones.