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[suggestion] world completion account bound

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


Pure lazyness? You can say that. But again, I really really hate doing the same thing over and over and over. In this case walking to unlock the same waypoints again and again.

Map completion is one of the least repetitive things in the game. You run it exactly once per character. Almost everything else, you do multiple times per character: exact same dungeons, exact same world bosses, exact same PvP maps and WvW maps, very similar dailies, whatever. Over and over again.

Silverwastes is too easy

in Living World

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


See those 3 paths leading out in the west of the zone? There’s a good chance your extra tier will appear there.

Ret-con promotion for our characters?

in Living World

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


We’re not really second in command of the Pact, though, since we’re outside of the chain of command. No one reports to the player character, except for the duration of an occasional mission. All the other high ranking officers report directly to Trahearne (as do we).

So it’s more precise to say that we’re the second highest in rank in the Pact, with special responsibility to run around and do whatever we feel like.

Sanctum Harbour WP in Lions Arch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


It is a bit annoying, yes.

Harder, and harder to come back to GW 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


Uh… guys? The OP is gone. Hasn’t posted since the original posts. Maybe arguing about what he meant is a waste of everyone’s time?

Just a thought.

(P.S. – Feel free to interpret this any way you’d like)

What? The OP’s been kidnapped?!

Please Let Living Story Unlock account wide

in Living World

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


+1 to OP. The need to repeat all the instances to get achievements at all is annoying enough (though I do at least understand it). But having to unlock the ability to get the achievements per character is just pointless.

Choppers, subs, ray beams, portals, but no...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


…radios? Or any other perhaps more fantastical communications device(s) we could use when we need to signal the crew of one of the afore-mentioned technologically advanced machines that we’re ready to be picked up and we’d rather not make a big HEY HERE WE ARE scene in the middle of enemy territory?

For that matter, why do we need choppers anyway, or submarines, or even caravans when we have all those wonderful waypoints that preclude even the suggestion of the use of you know whats?

Gosh, when one thinks about it, the only practical use for caravans or any other form of physical transport living or mechanical in our little corner of Tyria would be when there’s a need to construct new waypoints in areas not yet waypointed. Well, beyond traveling short distances, like down to the corner grocery for a sack of beans or whatever.

Is it not so?

Author’s note: this thread was inspired by a thread up in the Echoes of the Past subform, but this is a topic that goes far, far beyond the unwise shooting of a flare while deep within enemy territory.

Since I can send an instantaneous message to any other PC in-game, they should have sent such a mail message instead of shooting a flare. But it has always been painfully obvious that whoever is writing the Living Story has no knowledge whatever of tactics and/or strategy. If I was writing anything about combat I would have some kind of military adviser to run stories past. An ex-military person or something.

In terms of living and personal stories, other PCs don’t really exist.

What would you play???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


Giant thief.

the Squirrel is a lie!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


We were promised flying bunnies. I won’t be put off with squirrels.

Why send up a flare?

in Living World

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


It’s probably a soft introduction to the airstrike mechanic in the fort defenses.

Transmutation Costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


You wouldn’t. If you have an item called “[Something] Skin”, which is how skins from the gemstore are supplied to you, then you can apply that to a piece of armour or a weapon without using a transmutation charge.

maybe your a little confused?

please observe the image below.

That is not an item. That is an unlocked skin in your wardrobe. You got the item in the mail when you bought it from the gemstore.

ahh I see so my question is improperly worded? as in why are unlocked skins that are brought in the gemstore require transmutation?

When you have the item in your inventory, it doesn’t use up a transmutation charge. So, when you buy skins from the gemstore, but have 0 transmutation charges, you don’t need to spend any more money/gold/gems. That only works the first time, as the item is consumed.

Unlocked gemstore skins, in the wardrobe, are no different from any other sort of skins. Before the wardrobe came in, you’d have needed a transmutation stone/crystal to move the skin to a different piece of gear…. after the first use of the consumable item (which was free).

Compared to HoM and Zenith skins, where there is and always has been an infinite supply of the skin items.

Transmutation Costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


You wouldn’t. If you have an item called “[Something] Skin”, which is how skins from the gemstore are supplied to you, then you can apply that to a piece of armour or a weapon without using a transmutation charge.

maybe your a little confused?

please observe the image below.

That is not an item. That is an unlocked skin in your wardrobe. You got the item in the mail when you bought it from the gemstore.

Waiting to go faster...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


Fully agree about the rolling swamp thing. It generally takes more time to get swamp up, than the minute or two saved by swamp being the fastest (and that only if players get it right the first time, which isn’t always guaranteed. Believe me, I’ve had some truly horrific pug runs in swamp).

Zerker groups are rarely necessary, but the gear check gives the hardcore dungeon crowd something to talk about, I guess. They never seem particularly communicative otherwise.

Transmutation Costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


Because they’re rewards which can be acquired countless of times.
Would be silly to charge it normally when you get pick up a skin from Achievement Reward Tab.

Yes I understand this, however what I do not get is why when I pay $ for and outfit (glasses, glowing eyes etc.) if say I was out of transmutations (I’m not but that isn’t the question), I would have to pay more $ just to use it.

You wouldn’t. If you have an item called “[Something] Skin”, which is how skins from the gemstore are supplied to you, then you can apply that to a piece of armour or a weapon without using a transmutation charge.

I sit at loading screens

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


How long, on average, does a loading screen take for you? 10 seconds? A minute? 5 minutes?

Harder, and harder to come back to GW 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


OP: ‘We really wanted GW2 to be revolutionary! And now I can’t come back because it’s all “generic MMO” grind. Oh, but the reason I quit in the first place was because there was no Holy Trinity, and there was no vertical progression with dungeon gear.’

I’m honestly wondering if the OP came back at all, or simply created a rant by mashing together all the recurring complaints from these forums.

New Trailer up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


I find it highly unlikely that a dragon egg could help us defeat the dragons…

the egg will be <7 years old… the elder dragons are >1000 years old.

I hope this doesn’t dissolve into another scarlet fiasco with terrible inconsistent plot lines.

I wonder if perhaps they are going down the path that the baby dragon could absorb some of the wild magic released into the world by killing an elder dragon. Additionally, if we as heroes were to raise said baby dragon, it should theoretically be on our side.

That might be workable… not what’s going to happen though. We are going to find the egg, it will have mary sue super powers, and then trahearne will ride it into battle and single handedly defeat mordy.

You’ve got it all wrong. We take the egg to Mordy, who sees it and is all like “D’aww, who’s a cute little dragon?” and while he’s distracted, we attack him from behind.

PSA: How Farming Works

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


In this thread, I want to look at how farming works, and why moderate farming is actually good for all players in mid-term.

Moderate farming has always existed in GW2, and continues to do so.

Perfect solution to SW Amber farm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


Right, so they just added three other forts and the rest of the map to be ignored and left to be overrun by mordrem? The devs are human, they can sometimes overlook things and make a mistake. Perhaps they didn’t see players being so greedy? I know it’s common sense for us, but apparently not always for them.

Ironically it’s not the other forts that suffer the most from this, it’s Amber.

I was trying to farm Amber’s chests between defense events earlier today, but evidently everyone else decided a) it was better to let Amber fall (so no defense events would pop) and b) even if they run away when the event starts (which they don’t) it’s already been scaled up (try defending the fort with six people when you have two champion mordrem hounds charging in to maul everyone to death).

And, to be perfectly honest, I can’t blame them; the rewards for farming chests are far better than the rewards for holding forts and beating the Breach event and about the only incentive to do events is to get shovels.

Only if the chestfarming zerg are idiots. If you’re farming chests around Amber, it’s generally pretty useful to have: 1) more crests, 2) a place to buy keys, and 3) enough shovels to last forever (assuming zerg is of sufficient size). Holding on to Amber and doing the events at the same time as farming chests makes it all much, much more profitable for everyone there.

Legendary for a girlfriend!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


These forums are not a grey market.

The OP is asking for help, not to trade. I’m pretty sure that’s acceptable, though the thread should probably be in the Players Helping Players section.

Jumping Puzzle

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


Yes. You can even leave a character “parked” at the end of a jumping puzzle, and open the chest with that character every day.

[SPOILERS] Guess what race is being added?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


Actually I would say the book more or less does the opposite, since it basically says that the Tengu have decided to flee

Wait, if I remember right it told the story on how they fled Cantha, build their Dominion of Wind against Zaithans hordes and are now sending out notes to all other Tengus that there is still hope and that they will fly again. Not flee.

They are bird-people. They want to spread their wings.

‘Fly’ can mean ‘flee’. Considering their penchant for hiding from everything, I’d say it’s more likely they want to flee than fight.

The Replica Annoy-o-Tron

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


Yeah, but here’s the thing… the owner would still hear it. And he’s the one who bought it. If the rest of us really want to hear it then we can buy one ourselves. Some people though don’t WANT to hear it.

And I WANT others to hear it. Its part of the fun of this item.

As previously stated…

" Not everyone that buys this thing is a griefer, but just by reading some of the above comments, this can be (and is) used as a griefing tool."

You cant grief with this. Its limited to one line per 30 seconds and selected by the game. Its not any more annoying than hearing “For greater justice!”. So I am highly amused by people complaining about it. Makes the 500 gems well spent.

You can grief with it because the player’s actions cause it to say certain things. Taken from the wiki:

If you cast swiftness, it says one of the following:

“Faster. Faster!”

Bottom line, I don’t want to hear that kitten. But I don’t mind hearing other NPC conversation dialog. I want a volume slider to turn this back pack, like player instrument volume, off.

But hey, if we’re going to grief, kitten-it, let’s do it right – Open World PVP!

You realise characters say things anyway when they get swiftness (or any other boon or condition)? What makes this any different from “I could outrun a centaur”?

Dry Top area awful!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


Any time you say “a lot of people” you’re projecting,

So… if I go and do Teq, and say, “there are a lot of people in this zerg,” I’m projecting?

How very satisfying.

Issue with zerg shoveling

in Living World

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


Suggestion: scrap the perseverance buff. Instead, give a buff that stacks up to 12, based on how many forts are held and how upgraded they are. Chest loot would be tied closely to this buff, so you’d get very little at low levels, but a bit more than now at the highest levels. Then add an extra level if you win at the Breach. The level of stacks at the end of breach lasts through Time Out. That way, people have to do the events to get the best chest loot, and you get far and away the most per key if you kill all the Champs in the Breach.

Help! I bought the wrong thing!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


Submit a support ticket.

Where's the Executioner?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


It’s random, so it’s mostly just luck. I’ve heard people in map chat saying that Annihilator is the one that never spawns. For me, I had to wait ages to get Tormentor.

Why is Anet so afraid of mob loot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


The non-event mobs drop loot fairly normally. And I occasionally get it from event mobs as well.

New Weapon Skill Unlock Is Ridiculous

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


The weird thing is, the old system was better for newer players (or, at least, players new to that class). The new system is better for people who already know what they’re doing.

I prefer the old one, myself. Unlocking weapon skills was an interesting thing to do while levelling, and it got you to try out all the different weapons which you normally wouldn’t touch in PvE.

Agent of Entropy achievement

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


IMO they should remove it once capped. The hobby dungeon one is somewhat useful because you can see how many dungeon paths you have run after unlocking it, but who wants to know how many items he has salvaged?!

Me. Not as a specific priority, but I like looking at overall statistics from time to time. I would actually like all achievements to be infinite, so I can see exactly how many kills I’ve got with staff, or how many Risen I’ve killed, or how many times I’ve run the Q’dale JP, or whatever, in my entire time in GW2.

I understand that it’d be impossible to implement retrospectively, but it would’ve been nice.

[Suggestion] Currencies & The Wallet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


The devs have said before that they don’t want seasonal / holiday currencies in the wallet because they don’t want to clutter it with stuff you won’t need and that serves no purpose 99% of the time. And I can kind of see their point there, although I’d still favor a separate tab or something just to get some of that out of the bank while still keeping it from cluttering the wallet. Just throw a tab on the side for “Holiday currency” so that it remains hidden.

I can’t see their point. The wallet UI is not anywhere approaching cluttered. I really don’t think I need a giant panel to read that I have 200 Ascalonian Tears. You could have twice the amount of currencies in there as are currently in there, and it would still not be cluttered.

But yes, a Living Story tab and maybe a Holiday tab would be good solutions.

Open World PvP is here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


And other thing… If we have AP and Titles for many of Duels wins. Ill see many full PVE players doing it ahahaha they will not lost their precious AP.

Yep. “Looking for someone to swap duels with”. Will be slightly less difficult for PvE players than Costume Brawl.

Stats for 'Elegant' Backpacks

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


I’m a level 80 Ranger and am equipped, among other things, with a ‘Bowyers Delight’ quiver which has the following stats: +56 Power, +35 Toughness and +35 Vitality. I’ve recently become aware of the existence of Elegant Backpacks for Weaponsmiths and Huntsmen, both of which I could craft. My problem is that I can’t find any stats for these items so don’t know if crafting either of these would give me an advantage.

Any ideas guys?

Bowyer’s Delight is an Ascended backpiece. It has better stats than any exotic.

Blue fog effect?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


Yeah, it’s the Forge buff.

Game Feels Too Empty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


Global trading, aka, the Grand Exchange in Runescape killed Runescape. I think global trading centers destroy video games. I enjoy running around and bartering the price of 10000 cow hides face to face with someone. It’s part of the game that just gets worked around when they incorporate a global trading system. Where’s my community???

I really, really, really, really hate doing that. It also makes for a worse economy.

[Suggestion] Blood, Empyreal, Dragonite wsets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


A pretty simple sink for ascended mats would be to make the skins of ascended weapons (there are many of these), but with only rare/exotic stats and at a fraction of the price. I quite like the Calcite Antique skins, but I’m not going to spend the gold to make a binch of Apothecary’s ascended weapons just for the skins.

Leveling blow out, why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


Interesting, never noticed this till I watched for it. Always thought it was someone else doing a CC attack.

Don’t have a problem with it and think it’s kind of original in a way. Curious now if it happens at level up if over 80.


Yes, it happens every time a lvl 80 character earns another skill point.
Personally I always liked the feature.

I believe it doesn’t happen in WvW. Or PvP either ofc (you can level there if your daily takes you up a level).

PVE: Heart quest has so little target

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


The heart icon & description disappears from the right hand side UI if you’re out of range. At least, that’s what I’ve always used as a guide.

It does, but that relies on trial and error. And sometimes the quickest way to do a heart is in a direction you might not expect to go at all; or the radius is only a very short distance in one direction, but a massively long way in another.

PVE: Heart quest has so little target

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


Most hearts are completed much faster by doing something other than killing mobs. You need to read the text, or possibly talk to the NPC. There are only a few that are actually horribly slow, and some of those are because they are bugged.

The main problem I have with the current system, is that there’s no way of knowing (except experience) how far the heart extends. There are often large areas where you can progress a heart, that extend off in different directions and aren’t immediately obvious. I think I once suggested a map UI upgrade, whereby you could hover your mouse over the heart, and see the area in which you can do it.

Leveling blow out, why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


My experiences in the Labyrinth demonstrate how much this is not a problem: every so often (certainly less than once per door) a knockback happens from someone leveling up. Someone says “no knockbacks please.” I explain about this. At least one person every time says something like, “I’ve been playing the game for 2 years (or have 8 level 80s, etc) and never noticed that.”

If so many people don’t even notice it, I doubt it’s that much of a problem.

Make map completion account bound

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


Definitely not. Would massively reduce replayability.

Why can't we queue up for Clocktower ?

in Living World

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


It’s a persistent problem with all ‘activities’ in the game. There have been numerous requests for a way to play with friends, and suggestions for how to do this, since activities were first introduced, but nothing’s been done or said about it.

Next class for mob tagging

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


As long as the mobs stay in one place (like they do at the farm doors), any class will do well (except maybe mesmer). You just need a set up that does lots of hits of aoe damage; preferably not just based on your auto attack (as this is usually limited to 3 targets, rather than 5).

Bubbles' / Steve's possible real name

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


I appear to be missing something. Abaddon changed into Steve?

Some have speculated that the human Six Gods were, in fact, the Elder Dragons. After all, Arah was build on top of Zhaitan.

I recall a theory that the human gods were the equivalent of elder dragons on their original world, but I’ve not heard one that they literally are the same beings. It doesn’t make very much sense at all, to be honest. Do you have a link to a discussion supporting it?

Bubbles' / Steve's possible real name

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


What about… Splashmaster?

Suggestion: Guild Vehicles.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


This is hardly game-breaking insanity I’m suggesting.

Actually, it kinda is. To implement vehicles like this, you have to have them in mind from the design phase. GW2 and its zones just aren’t set up for vehicles; notice how there are almost no moving platforms you can stand on in game at all – the only ones I can think of are the airships in Arah story, where they’re completely scripted and very circumscribed in what they do (in fact, they may even be set up to stay still, while everything else moves around them).

Why Dry Top Isn't Just a Boring Farm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


So, what you’re saying is that it’s not just a mindless boring farm, it’s a boring farm that can be done mindlessly, but gets more profitable with some organisation.

I still haven’t seen any argument against the “boring farm” part, though.

well, partaking in a large coordinated effort that has a chance of failing is actually not boring to some people. it stimulates any or all of their mind/reflexes/interest…….and if it does so, it is neither “mindless” or “boring”, regardless if its a farm. i personally don’t do it for the farm (there are much better places for that), i do it for fun.

you simply are uninterested in any version of a “farm” and ALL of the events on dry top…………and that’s fine…..but the OP’s post has some value. hapahazard/mindless group play is not the same as a coordinated effort……the latter might appeal to players the former doesn’t. some players might be unaware that seriously coordinated efforts are being done still.

that said, the tiered reward structure is only one aspect of Dry Top. I’d argue its good content because its so varied(lots of different events, multiple scavenger hunts, the entire map can be explored like a jump puzzle, some of the mobs are more challenging/have new mechanics, change in weather effects gameplay, etc)……it offers much more than any other map in the game . if one happens to dislike everything it offers (and thus call it “bad content”), i’m not sure there is any way Anet can please you w/ regards to open
-world content.

It doesn’t have a chance of failing, though. Just of being a bit less profitable. All it is is doing the same set of events at set intervals each hour, none of which is challenging in themselves. The ‘challenge’ is essentially just hoping that people are doing all the other events every hour. It’s not even really an organisational challenge: you can easily achieve T6 if everyone on the map is trying for it, by independently doing their own sequence of events. I guess you could call it a challenge of cooperation – getting enough people on map with the right attitude.

Yes, there are other aspects of Dry Top, and I’m all in favour of adding new open world maps to the game. But it’s a very small one, with limited replayability unless you want to do the farm (coins, etc, don’t respawn – you can’t even see where they were), and absolutely no diversity, since everything runs on clockwork. For all that it is unique in many ways, it’s actually a pretty bland zone.

Why Dry Top Isn't Just a Boring Farm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


So, what you’re saying is that it’s not just a mindless boring farm, it’s a boring farm that can be done mindlessly, but gets more profitable with some organisation.

I still haven’t seen any argument against the “boring farm” part, though.


in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


Just a quick update for our SSOM owners.. We’ll be improving the per use cost of the Silver-fed Salvage-O-Matic in one of the upcoming releases. Stay tuned.

I hope by “improving” you mean “decreasing”


1 Candy Corn per use.

Of course not. It’s a Silver fed Salvage-o-matic… it’ll be one silver doubloon per use.

Is boycott the answer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


what i came to ask is a game direction or plans so me as a consumer can plan and decide if spending my time with the game will be a good time investment.

I’ll simplify your dilemma for you. Do you enjoy playing Guild Wars 2 right now?

→ If yes, then spending your time with the game will be time well spent.
→ If no, then maybe you should try something else.

That’s it. If you like the game as it is now, then play it. If not, don’t. Maybe it’ll get (subjectively) better in the future, maybe it’ll get worse.

Your problem is you’re thinking of a game as a “time investment.” There is no ‘investment’ in playing the game… except in the game itself. Which is pointless unless you do actually like the game.