Showing Posts For Quarktastic.1027:

Another Farming Spot Gets Stealth Nerfed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


They are slowly but surely funneling everyone into farming CoF path 1. Which shows no signs of changing.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

The Moot and guardian builds.

in Guardian

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


I’ve been trying a 10/30/20/x/x build to maximize the damage output of the mace. It kind of works, but I need to spend more time with it.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Zeal Trait Line

in Guardian

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


Despite the lack of minors that are worthwhile, Zeal 20 for Fiery Wrath and Greatsword damage is still worthwhile for GS damage builds. 20/25/x/x/x offers spectacular damage for that weapon. Everything else about it is terrible though, including the Grandmaster traits. You can also make the case for 20/30/x/x/x Scepter power/RHS if you use Scepters as your primary weapon.

I’ve been trying a 10/30/20/x/x mace build with fiery wrath, right hand strength, and mace of justice. I’m not sure how I feel about the mace playstyle, but I think I’ve squeezed as much damage out of the mace as I can.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

The Moot and guardian builds.

in Guardian

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


I like The Moot. I want The Moot. The Moot is awesome…

…But I don’t like the mace playstyle. I’ve been messing with builds, but I can’t seem to find one that makes the mace work as a primary weapon. If I can’t make it work, I may have to get kudzu for my ranger instead.


Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Mini Mayhem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


The basic ones, the special time limited ones from events and such would be found under the events.

A lot of those mini pets never made it into the game. Though I wouldn’t mind having a mini peacemaker shocktrooper. He looks a lot like my guardian.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Search and Rescue

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


It actually got nerfed in PvP to have a longer cooldown. This was done I believe because of the pet leash range, so rangers had the ability to rez a player potentially 5000 range away.

S&R has a range of 600. If your pet isn’t within 600 range of a downed player when you use S&R, it will do nothing, and go on full cooldown.

I could understand the increased cooldown time if it still revived defeated players, but it no longer does. In addition, the pet can be downed while reviving, causing it to stop. It also takes slightly longer to revive a downed player than a single person reviving them.

Arguably, you could revive someone at nearly 2x speed by using this skill, but I don’t feel the nerfs were justified.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Dragon Bash on June 11th Update!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


since we are on beting: who wanna bet that ANet will release that moa race in a super bugged state making some ppl super rich then disable the feature, infracting everyone on forum if you even say a peep about that?

And permaban anyone who made any gold off of it.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

May 28th Guardian Patch Notes

in Guardian

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


if they dont want treb to be blocked, they should just fix treb projectile instead

This doesn’t even make sense.

I’m disappointed in the change to our projectile absorbing skills. Our reflects already didn’t work on unblockable projectiles. There are a lot of unblockable projectiles in PvE, and now there’s absolutely no reason to bring either wall of reflection OR shield of the avenger when facing these enemies.

Only siege shots are unblockable, IIRC. As far as I can remember, any player-based projectile is absorbed by one of our 4 anti-projectile abilities.

I was referring specifically to PvE encounters. Many monsters and bosses have unblockable projectiles. Old Tom in the uncatagorized fractal, for instance.

Also, thanks to the new signet of might, warriors can make their next 3 attacks unblockable. This includes things like kill shot. Though, shield bashing a guardian out of shelter is more trollish.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Huge crits!

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


I love how rangers have to jump through all these hoops and blow all their cooldowns to get these 5 digit crits, while warriors and thieves can achieve the same thing with the press of a single button.

Seems legit.

But your pet is also doing damage. Balance escapes most people.

Using only my pet, and weapon skills, I hold no hope of achieving the same damage numbers as a warrior or thief. I still have to blow all my cooldowns to match the damage they deal with just weapon skills.

Where is the balance?

Rangers do at least 2X more damage than any other class while wearing healing gear. Where is the balance?

2X zero is still zero.


For the record, healing power is a travesty in PvE.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Huge crits!

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


I love how rangers have to jump through all these hoops and blow all their cooldowns to get these 5 digit crits, while warriors and thieves can achieve the same thing with the press of a single button.

Seems legit.

But your pet is also doing damage. Balance escapes most people.

Using only my pet, and weapon skills, I hold no hope of achieving the same damage numbers as a warrior or thief. I still have to blow all my cooldowns to match the damage they deal with just weapon skills.

Where is the balance?

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Huge crits!

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


I love how rangers have to jump through all these hoops and blow all their cooldowns to get these 5 digit crits, while warriors and thieves can achieve the same thing with the press of a single button.

Seems legit.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Changing Sigil in Dawn.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


The sigil doesn’t matter. Just don’t transmute the weapon with anything.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

May 28th Guardian Patch Notes

in Guardian

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


if they dont want treb to be blocked, they should just fix treb projectile instead

This doesn’t even make sense.

I’m disappointed in the change to our projectile absorbing skills. Our reflects already didn’t work on unblockable projectiles. There are a lot of unblockable projectiles in PvE, and now there’s absolutely no reason to bring either wall of reflection OR shield of the avenger when facing these enemies.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Barrage ---> Retaliation?

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


Simple solution: Make retaliation return X% of damage taken, based on power. It reduces the pressure on AoE attacks like barrage, but increases the pressure on burst skills, like kill shot.

Right now, a warrior can hit 3 people for 11-12k damage with kill shot, and only take 800-900 damage from retaliation. While a ranger can kill themselves with a single barrage, and not even come close to reaching that 12k damage.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Consortium Sickle - bugged, right?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


I think the overhead swinging animation is actually intended. Anet reinforced this idea when they lengthened the handle of the sickle so it no longer floats, and changed the sound effect to one of rustling leaves.


Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Human, Sylvari, or Asura

in Guardian

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


Personally, I think that silver/silverish-bluish Electromagnetic cultural armor that is the T3 Asura’s heavy cultural armor looks epic.

You mean like this?


Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Issues with Kudzu

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


The bowstring doesn’t really bother me, but it does really look out of place on the weapon.

Barrage getting a unique animation would be great. They have done this with arrow carts in WvW, turning their arrows into candy canes, so it shouldn’t be too difficult to give barrage golden arrows and flower petals or something.

I would like to see barrage’s arrows turned into the same arrows that kudzu fires, and perhaps adding the flowery footfall effect to the ground where the arrows land.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Issues with Kudzu

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


So Kudzu is one of my favorite legendary weapons, but there are a couple small issues I would like to bring up.

Firstly: The floating bowstring. Kudzu (as well as the verdant longbow and Leaf of Kudzu) have bowstrings that are attached to invisible points, so they appear to hang in midair. The verdant longbow doesn’t bother me too much, but I feel like more attention should be paid to the detail of legendary weapons.

Secondly: Rangers don’t get a unique animation for barrage while using Kudzu. All projectile skills fired with Kudzu get a unique animation. Despite barrage not being a projectile skill, I feel like it could use a bit of jazzing up.

Are these things going to be addressed at some point in the future?

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Legendary Weapons need Flavor Text

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


Legendary weapons aren’t legendary enough for flavor text.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Robert Hrouda on pets in dungeons

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


It has dungeons, whose completion time is the primary goal for people who want to squeeze as much profit into a game with such fabricated grind (legendaries, new RNG crap like 160g+ super rare drop jetpacks from a temporary dungeon).

DPS meters are there to show what everyone in GW2 has already observed one way or another. They may not have the concrete data, but the sum of experiences is there and consensus was formed, and not in favor of rangers.

Raids are not dungeons. Fabricated grind is optional grind. You only grind as much as you want to. DPS meters are for the “elitists” who are only concerned with shaving every possible second off their run. These people are the reason why I never set foot in CoF. These aforementioned elitists tend to also not be very good at adapting when forced out of their scripted farming runs.

So yeah, it sounds like you enjoy WoW more than GW2. you can have your raids, and DPS meters, just keep them out of my GW2.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

dungeon runes and sigil sellable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


Sigils can be sold, runes cannot.

Edit: I believe sigils purchased from dungeon vendors are bound.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Downed 2 Thunderclap Broken?

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


Thunderclap also does nothing if you use it without a target.

Incorrect, it dazes foes near your body if no target is selected.

I guess someone forgot to tell that to my ranger, because my thunderclap frequently does absolutely nothing if I use it without a target.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Rangers are not allowed in speed runs...

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


I did an MF run with a Necro and Warrior the other night. It went like this:

“Stuck on me.”
“Stuck on me.”
“Listen to me. Stuck on me.”
“Are you new? Stuck on me.”

I fell in line because I’m used to players like that, and want no drama, but the other Ranger and Guardian did things their way. Eventually the Guardian quit before the boss, even though we were doing well. It just wasn’t FUN because it was so controlled. Then during the bosses, doing the “stack inside” exploit, it wasn’t letting me stack inside – I was actually walled out. It’s happened to me before trying that, it simply will not let me in. So I had to do it the intended way, and I just got yelled at for a bit until we won.

Go into your options menu, and turn off “melee attack assist.” It will remove all collision between you and enemies, allowing you to run through them.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Robert Hrouda on pets in dungeons

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


You know, like world of warcraft does when it let pets scale fully from the owner’s stats and have 70% aoe damage reduction and built in speed boosts to stay on a target instead of lagging behind and self rooting when attacking.

This isn’t “doing AI right.” Those are all band-aid fixes that blizzard introduced after the fact.

Doing AI right tends to make the AI overpowered. It’s extremely difficult to make an AI that is competent, while also balanced.

Yeah, hunters are very overpowered in raids last I heard. That middle of the pack DPS performance is so over the top!

And GW2 doesn’t have raids, or DPS meters.

In GW1 we had NPC heroes with fairly competent AI. They trivialized all PvE content, even before you could bring seven of them. Olias was a better minion bomber than any player I have ever encountered, able to not only keep up 8-10 minions at all times, but also keep death nova up on all of them. All while following me as I blindly C-spaced my way through hard mode.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Downed 2 Thunderclap Broken?

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


Thunderclap also does nothing if you use it without a target.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Robert Hrouda on pets in dungeons

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


You know, like world of warcraft does when it let pets scale fully from the owner’s stats and have 70% aoe damage reduction and built in speed boosts to stay on a target instead of lagging behind and self rooting when attacking.

This isn’t “doing AI right.” Those are all band-aid fixes that blizzard introduced after the fact.

Doing AI right tends to make the AI overpowered. It’s extremely difficult to make an AI that is competent, while also balanced.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Robert Hrouda on pets in dungeons

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


Where did I say they could do better than a human controlled guardian, a class designed to be the ‘tank’? You went into the ranger class with ANET saying the pet was going to be a big issue. By extension, that meant the pet would be limited by the AI, since you’d be controlling the ranger and issuing general commands to it. If you weren’t willing to accept that, why did you play ranger? For ranged damage? Because if you did, why are you not playing the warrior, the class designed to be the best with hitting stuff with weapons on their own?
The ranger may not match dps of the damage designed classes (fancy that) but the Ranger compensates by being at least as durable if you trait properly. It compensates by being able to split their damage between two targets in opposite directions, nothing any other class can do.

Don’t bother trying to sway him. He hates pets, beast mastery, and anything that isn’t wearing full berserker gear with 30 points in both their power and precision trait lines.

For the record, I run 30 beast mastery, 20 wilderness survival, and 20 skirmishing…and I deal pretty fair damage, and my pets do well in melee range.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Perfectly Logical Nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


The difference is Engineer’s kits count as other weapon abilities. Similar to Elementalist and attunement, they unlock whole new weapon abilities.

If anything, both Elementalists & Engineers get 4 (or 5 including med kit) weapons, so if anything all other professions should be able to cycle through 4 sets.

Why do these professions get 20 weapon skills to play around with but others only get 10?

I think he’s mad because engineers aren’t forced to use kits, like elementalists are forced to use attunements. Therefore, an engineer who doesn’t use kits has fewer weapon skills than other classes. Though, an engineer who refuses to use kits is about as useful as an elementalist who never swaps attunements.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

What is the Molten Jetpack droprate?

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


I gave up and bought the jetpack for 145g off of tp. There’s only about 20 left…. it gave me a sense of weird buyers remorse after buying it though…

I get buyer’s remorse every time I make a big purchase. I usually get over it though. I’ve been trying to decide if I want to spend a big chunk of gold on gems so I can buy a quiver skin and all of the new weekly mini pets.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos


in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


I prefer kudzu, but only because my ranger is a sylvari.

I’m actually torn between kudzu for my ranger, and sunrise for my guardian. If I had to choose a main, I would say my ranger is currently my main…but sunrise is so shiny.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

How Are Cats Squishy?

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


People seem to be forgetting that master’s bond and beast mastery increase all of a pet’s stats, not just toughness and vitality. I don’t run master’s bond, but under the right circumstances, I’ve seen my drake crit for as high as 7.8k. Meanwhile, under the same circumstances, I’m critting for over 4k with Maul. Am I dealing as much DPS as a warrior? Not even close. But putting 30 into beast mastery certainly doesn’t kitten my damage.

I could get +300 power if I replaced my beast mastery points with points in marksmanship, but my pet would lose 300 power, In addition to 300 points in every other stat. To me, beast mastery is a traitline that just makes sense to invest in.

You don’t spend in traitlines just for the raw stats. The major traits are a large part of the build, and major traits for BM are garbage in the damage increase department.

Signet of the beastmaster gives you a 25% damage increase to you and your pet for 8 seconds every 42 seconds. That’s an important burst tool. It also gives you better personal survival through signet of stone’s immunity, so you can melee safely for 6 seconds even during a dangerous phase.

It’s also worth noting that the increase from power on you as a player on berserker gear with 110% crit damage bonus and over 54% crit chance is much higher than a drake’s benefit from power when at best they can get 30% bonus crit damage.

So when you got 30 BM, you are sacrificing not only the raw stat for yourself from either skirmishing or marksman, but you are sacrificing beastmaster’s signet trait, and you are sacrificing 10% extra damage from flanking on skirmishing’s 25 passive.

So, you hate beast mastery. Nothing anyone can do to change that. But when nearly half my total damage is tied up in an AI that can be easily killed, I would rather ensure it has the best chance of survival possible.

Signets are nice. I even use signet of the wild’s active from time to time to increase my pet’s burst. That’s right, I use signet of the wild, completely untraited. Come at me bro.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

How Are Cats Squishy?

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


People seem to be forgetting that master’s bond and beast mastery increase all of a pet’s stats, not just toughness and vitality. I don’t run master’s bond, but under the right circumstances, I’ve seen my drake crit for as high as 7.8k. Meanwhile, under the same circumstances, I’m critting for over 4k with Maul. Am I dealing as much DPS as a warrior? Not even close. But putting 30 into beast mastery certainly doesn’t kitten my damage.

I could get +300 power if I replaced my beast mastery points with points in marksmanship, but my pet would lose 300 power, In addition to 300 points in every other stat. To me, beast mastery is a traitline that just makes sense to invest in.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Final Rest - Current Theories

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


I just fought Shadow Behemoth. And received Final Rest. =P

No one cares about final rest anymore. It’s less than 10g now.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Braham, Rox - bit hard to take seriously...

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


Sorry! But with the anime eyes and now the whole -pickheart- bit which was only missing a prince charming or animals showing up as she sings really bad Disney corniness. The more this character goes on the more I wish a demon dog would eat Rox’s eyes. So at least one bad trait would be gone and she’d look more kitten that way anyways and we could get back on track to her being a kitten trying to join Rytlock not a cuddly anime charming disney cuteness.

Never going to like her as is period and if you ever give me an option to kill her in personal story it will happen.

Says the charr with the neon purple mohawk.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Precursor Scavenger hunt revealed!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


The thread title had me going for a second.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Stealth should get a counter...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


Make all incoming damage remove stealth. Problem solved.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Balance issues threatening the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


Thieves are underpowered in PvE? Maybe. But at least you can still go to WvW and /faceroll people.

If you’re this uptight about your thief being weak, your head would probably explode if you even tried to play a ranger.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Is it time for the champion to get changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


The champion risen baron is classified as a risen noble. Before the update that made all risen nobles overpowered, it was easily soloable by most classes.

Now, imagine fighting a risen noble at champion strength. This is the new risen baron. Teleport+pull+symbol that ticks for over 2k damage per second, and an insect cloud that also ticks for over 2k per second. Not to mention the boss’s regular attacks that can hit for upwards of 3k.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Berserker Tonic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Worth coming back?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


So you devoured all available content by playing 10+ hours per day, ground your way to shiny nirvana, then got bored? Well, you’ll probably still be bored after you’ve devoured the new flame&frost content in under a day.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Apian Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


I’ll admit. I had to google “apian.”

But anyway, there’s always hornet’s sting.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Newbie needs opions on ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


In all honesty all new players should run Faux build. He designed an awesome healing/tankish/beastmaster build.

I’m sure it works fine in WvW, but in PvE, it will be dreadfully boring to play. Not to mention, it’s downright useless in dungeons.

You’ll never die, but once the boss instagibs your pet, you’ll never kill anything either.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Giving up on bows for now

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


Kinda funny, considering Warriors want the bow skills of a Ranger.

Just give me dual shot and arcing arrow and I would be happy.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Considering RTL nerf.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


next update thieves will be able to shadowstep forwards without having any target. And because it has no cooldown… How is it fair?

Steal has a 45 second cooldown.

The developers didn’t mention anything about infiltrator’s strike being changed.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

A week of lag, what do ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


The last time I had really bad long term connection problems, I figured out that my router was overheating, and beginning to fail.

Replaced it, and all is well.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Why'd you break Kudzu?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


It’s been this way since launch. All bows have bowstrings, and none of those bowstrings show up in the preview window or hero panel.

I was just about to post a topic about this myself. I would like to see the bowstring fixed, even perhaps a unique looking bowstring, considering kudzu is supposed to be legendary. I also want to see barrage get a unique animation when fired from kudzu…since it doesn’t have one.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Lightning Reflexes - Break Immobilize

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


Empathic bond is bugged (since launch) and the conditions are just removed, they’re not transferred to your pet at all.

Not anymore. It was nerfed fixed in a recent update. Your pet now takes 3 conditions from you every 10 seconds.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Runes of the ranger versus ruby orbs

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


Been trying a little math. I used the formulas here and here I made the assumption you are attacking using a shortbow with a dmg range of 905-1000, and attacking a target with 2500 armor.

With runes of the ranger, auto attacking a target , based on the stats you mentioned you would do 283.7 to 313.48 on a non crit and 632.65 to 699 on a crit hit.

Using orbs, non crits would be 287.57 to 317.76 and you’d crit for 652.78 to 721.31.

The difference is not huge, but ruby orbs out dps runes of the ranger.

Also, didn’t realize that runes of the ranger still apply bonus when your pet dies.

This is precisely the kind of data I was looking for. Thanks!

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Runes of the ranger versus ruby orbs

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


It doesn’t really matter, the diffrence is going to be tiny but it also depends a little on what your total stats already are before the runes/orbs.

With the ranger runes: 1866 power, 1700 precision, 73% critical damage. I think those are the only relevant stats in this discussion.

With the orbs: 1986 power, 1619 precision, and 77% critical damage.

Without either: 1866 power, 1535 precision, and 65% critical damage.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Molten Alliance Pick [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


“…the convenience factor not have to ever be troubled with running out again.”

Yes, I think you have found my reason for buying some.


I’m actually considering buying a second one, but I really have no reason to keep multiple characters for gathering.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos