If you’re wasting your first opening strike on an auto attack, then don’t enter combat with auto attacks.
If you’re running remorseless and wasting your opening strikes on autos, then you need to refine your playstyle. I ran a remorseless build for a long time and never turned off my auto attack (except on sword, before the sword overhaul). I wiffed a few of them on autos, but that just helped make me a better player.
Balthazar is raising an army because Kralkatorrik also has an army. Plus, now that we’ve gotten wise to his plans, he would rightly anticipate interference from our newly formed guild. He could very well be stronger than Kralkatorrik, but not strong enough to kill Kralkatorrik while also fending off an army of branded and our character/Dragon’s watch.
Either way, I’m expecting a very one dimensional ending to this story, like we got with every GW2 story so far. At the end of PoF, Balthazar will be dead, Taimi will magically figure out how to put Kralkatorrik back to sleep, and someone (perhaps Menzies) will become the new human god of war after absorbing the rest of Balthazar’s power.
well, considering that pretty much every power build runs predator’s onslaught anyway, this is kind of a moot point. But for remorseless to be made a grandmaster minor, the +25% damage component would need to be removed, as it would be too strong for a grandmaster minor. I feel like remorseless was in a good spot before predator’s onslaught got buffed, and the pulsing fury from strength of the pack got nerfed. It offers a unique playstyle that other specs don’t, but it’s just not strong enough anymore to compete with the buffed predator’s onslaught.
After some testing these were my DPS results:
Longbow + Shortbow:
[img]http://www.deathtrap.se/gw2/gw2_LB_+_SB.png[/img]Longbow + Greatsword:
[img]http://www.deathtrap.se/gw2/gw2_LB_+_GS.png[/img]Longbow + Sword/Axe:
[img]http://www.deathtrap.se/gw2/gw2_L_B+_SW,AXE.png[/img]Is this a good way to determine what build to use?
I have used the same skillbuild for all 3 weapon combos.http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNQQNAT8XnMqAtCilsAuqActgh9gav9AY0/4ocf6OG+9hIDnMjND-TBCBwAAuIAJMDcWJYgnAQKdP4U/B7+jSPjKDIDg+YA-eIf I go by these results the Longbow – Sword/Axe combo seems like the best.
longbow/Swaxe has been the power build meta for a long time. I used to run sword/axe+GS with remorseless, but after anet nerfed the pulsing fury on “strength of the pack” it kind of put the final nail in that build’s coffin. I may revisit it, as I enjoyed the big spikes of damage, but the consistent +15% increase from predator’s onslaught is simply better.
I don’t remember a bloodstone being destroyed during arah P4. I remember destroying a small bloodstone shard.
If the entire arah bloodstone was destroyed, why wasn’t the cursed shore turned into a smoldering crater like bloodstone fen? I mean, Balthazar absorbed most of the explosion and it still devastated the landscape.
I get that an elder dragon>one bloodstone in terms of magic. But surely 5 bloodstones>one elder dragon, even after absorbing magic from two others. Keep in mind Aurene took the lion’s share of mordremoth’s magic, and I’m assuming zhaitan’s magic was fairly evenly spread across the other 5 dragons at the time.
Edit: I feel like the disconnect between primordus’ appearance in GW1 vs GW2 is simply because of different art teams working on them, and Anet not really caring about consistency as long as it looks cool. Besides, the only part of primordus we actually get to see was its face…I kind of feel like the art team whipped it up in a week without looking at assets from GW1, because they needed to ship it out as quickly as possible.
(edited by Quarktastic.1027)
I know Anet needed a reason to send us to the crystal desert, but I’m going to throw this out there anyway.
Why does Balthazar need to go after an elder dragon specifically when there are still 4 bloodstones scattered about Tyria, just waiting to get blown to bits by a vengeful god. I mean, Balthazar is probably stronger than Kralkatorrik at this point, after absorbing the magic of one bloodstone, and most of the magic from Jormag and Primordus. But the other bloodstones seem like easier targets to me. Perhaps he still can’t extract bloodstone magic on his own, despite being one of the gods that created them? And he was only able to absorb the magic from the bloodstone in bloodstone fen because the white mantle had been tampering with it for years?
Maybe he knows that killing one more dragon would push Tyria past the point of no return, and simply wants to destroy it…for reasons…I got nothing.
This puzzle is present in more games than I probably know of. I don’t understand why people are unable to wrap their brains around it. I was a bit surprised to see it pop up in GW2, but ultimately, it’s the same tired old puzzle.
RIP loot stick. You will be missed.
Protip: engis have a 1500 range loot stick. It’s called “grenades”
When was the last time you actually played this game?
idk like…2012?
Honestly, after playing my ranger for a couple days, it made me miss what my power reaper could do. So…bright side, we aren’t the absolute bottom of the barrel.
RIP loot stick. You will be missed.
Protip: engis have a 1500 range loot stick. It’s called “grenades”
The pull of the iboga over 1200 distance is really cool
Hope they won’t nerf it for wvw
Honestly, every pull skill should have the same pull distance as its range. It’s kind of stupid to have a 1200 range skill (path of scars) with only a 450 range pull.
You used to be able to get it to pull 3 separate times on a single target if you used it while the target was affected by cripple or chilled and you moved backwards after you used it.
I do remember that happening. I still think the pull being less than half the range of the skill is stupid. Like what am I going to do if I’ve got a sword in my mainhand and my weapon swap is on cooldown?
I typically run GS and Sword/axe in PvE, switching GS for LB when I know I won’t be able to melee effectively. As for traits and things, I’m experimenting. Remorseless is fun but difficult to play optimally. Predator’s onslaught is set it and forget it.
Honestly though, I’m a bit disillusioned by my ranger at the moment. It lags behind even my reaper in terms of damage and survivability. I’m hoping soulbeast changes that, but I’m not holding my breath.
The pull of the iboga over 1200 distance is really cool
Hope they won’t nerf it for wvw
Honestly, every pull skill should have the same pull distance as its range. It’s kind of stupid to have a 1200 range skill (path of scars) with only a 450 range pull.
Grimdark really isn’t my thing.
Rangers have condi cleanse? What is this? 2012?
I prepurchased without knowing anything about the elite specs. But I loved the crystal desert in GW1, and I loved the idea of mounts. I ended up hating the elite specs.
It’s absurd that you can’t swap, it makes something that could be fluid into additional hotkeys and cds for zero reason.
This. Pet F2s should have also been worked into the fused state. Maybe in place of the F5 skills we got. A couple of those are pretty good though. But worldly impact kind of sucks. It should be a blast finisher with a larger radius.
And thieves complain when they get oneshot by a gazelle. Now that I think back on it, all of these complaints happen with every new thing. Vanilla thieves were called OP with their stealth/heartseeker spammage. It’s a vicious cycle of one class calling another OP just because that class is pumping out bigger numbers than they are.
Play a holosmith then. I just might…looks interesting.
I only see 9k in the screenshot.
ez 36k
Was that the gazelle itself or the fused skill?
With as much of a condi spec anet seems to want soulbeast to be, I think you would get more mileage out of a condi build and the fanged iboga pet.
Also, that’s a lot of work for some average DPS numbers.
Maybe Anet changed something but Shades stack for F1. It wasn’t like that yesterday.
If you want real crazyness the F5 proccing F1 is TRIPLED if you have three Shades on target as well. It also works for Dhuumfire.
If you are standing next to the target F5 procs you as well. So thats 6x Torment’s and 6x Cripple per tick. Oh and 4 Burns a tick.
For PvP I doubt this will have much effect but it’s a big deal for PvE.
It kind of makes sense for shades to each have their own target cap. If you were to space them so they didn’t overlap, only one of them would benefit from those traits, which would kind of suck. If they only applied to only one shade, then there would be no reason to not use the giant shade…but since they apply to all three shades, then there’s no reason at all to use the giant shade.
It’s going to be tough to find a middle ground here.
I only see 9k in the screenshot. Still, it’ll hit for more than that if the ranger knows what he’s doing. Attack of opportunity+sick em makes charge hit like a truck.
Or are you talking about the soulbeast version? If it hitting a downed opponent more than twice (one tick of “travel” damage, and the end damage) then it might be a bug.
(edited by Quarktastic.1027)
That’s pretty cool actually.
Anet has always taken a rather hamfisted approach to game balance. Even through they might state otherwise.
See: Smiter’s boon (GW1)
Funny how the soulbeast was the only one to get a perfect score. Rangers are (still) Aquaman confirmed.
Actually firebrand got a perfect too
I must have glossed over that one.
Funny how the soulbeast was the only one to get a perfect score. Rangers are (still) Aquaman confirmed.
I still enjoy playing GW1. It just has something that GW2 lacks. I think it’s the team building aspect. Of course, my perspective comes from someone who has been playing since 2005.
The game may be difficult to get into. The lack of a strong playerbase means you’ll be playing with heroes/henchmen most of the time. The in game economy is in shambles, which can make it difficult for a new player to earn the more money oriented titles like drunkard/sweet tooth/party animal, or to outfit an entire team of heroes.
On the bright side, once you’ve made enough progress through each campaign to farm Nick gifts each week, you can get a pretty steady income going.
I would recommend at least giving it a try. All of the item rewards for the hall of monuments only require 30 points, most of which are fairly easy to acquire. Getting 50/50 takes quite a bit more time (I actually only have 49/50…CBA to finish legendary skill hunter) and GWAMM takes longer still. Though, if you do everything on one character, getting 50/50 will have you very near GWAMM. I however, spread all of my titles out across 5 or 6 different characters…so I don’t have GWAMM either.
I purchased a 10 pack. Ended up with 63 cogs, one sclerite skin, some salvage, and passion flowers/karka shells.
All in all, I got back about the gold value of the 1500 gems I spent.
Curse/SR/Scourge, dhuumfire is the key here, that trait proc every time you shade hits. This means your F5 applies 7 stacks of burning over its duration, and every time you press F2 etc, it apply one stack of burning. rest is self explanatory.
Scepter/Torch + Scepter/Dagger most likely, BIP is probably core, last two slot depends. CPC if you need projectile protection, epi if you need aoe, desiccate if you need LF etc etc.
I haven’t figured out a right rotation yet, but you basically hit all your shade skills as soon as they come on cd, prioritizin F5 over everything else since it pulses 7 times. if you run out of LF, use desiccate. Because your shades act independently from you, you can actually double cast with scepter and shade at the same time.
Seems pretty dull.
Then again, I find all condi builds to be pretty dull. I kind of miss my trap throwing ranger though…maybe I should play a grenade engi.
Never ending topic about how the game continues to be GATED!
There is more than enough FREEDOM to build Profession, but it’s still never enough for some folks.
GW2 has more FREEDOM in builds compared to many MMORPGs out in the market.
We are lucky we do not have skill trees forcing you to follow one path.
We do basically have skill trees though. The only difference is you get to change them whenever you want. The problem is: not being able to mix&match like you can with a lot of “skill tree style games.”
I’m fine with not being able to use more than one elite spec at a time, but the lack of freedom to create builds has always been GW2’s weakness. GW1 had hundreds of skills to choose from, any profession could wield any weapon, any profession could choose any other profession as their secondary.
GW2 is severely lacking in build diversity. Part of it is the cancerous “meta” cooked up by tryhards who like to squeeze every bit of efficiency out of everything. The vast majority of it is Anet’s implementation of skills, traits, and specializations.
In GW1, I could make my necromancer into a very viable healer. I could give my ranger a hammer and spam knockdown combos with my pet. I could load up my mesmer with fast casting fire magic spells. Can’t do any of that in GW2. I will admit, they are fundamentally different games, but if Anet really wants to expand diversity with the implementation of elite specs, they either need to balance them better against one another, or allow us to mix&match their weapons/utility skills.
According to the profession forums every single new elite is terrible and proof that Anet hates that profession. Yes, including the Deadeye.
I have to admit I don’t really get the Soulbeast, I can’t see what it offers that I’d be interested in having (other than maybe main hand dagger) but I thought the same about Druid and now I’m thinking I’d hate to give it up (and no, I don’t run a support build, it’s mainly condi DPS).
But just because you prefer one elite spec to another doesn’t mean it’s useless and certainly doesn’t mean the entire profession ‘died’.
Well of course the profession didn’t die, they make great healers! I just don’t think Druid is a suitable spec for a Ranger. This is coming from someone who mains healer classes in other MMO’s. I love to heal but I don’t expect a Ranger to do that job. I think a more suitable spec for Ranger would be one that focuses more on traps or allows us to infuse our attacks with conditions similarly to how Sharpening Stone works. As mentioned in my original post, I do like Soulbeast as a spec, but I feel it doesn’t offer much and is underpowered compared to other classes elite specs.
After playing core ranger from launch until HoT, (and then skipping druid) if soulbeast really doesn’t have much to offer beyond what core ranger can do, then I’ll end up skipping it.
Honestly, I feel pretty disillusioned by all of the current specs. I loved my reaper when HoT had just launced, but with all of the minor nerfs reaper has gotten since then, it has just become less fun.
If you want to keep your rewards from this weekend, then don’t play a demo character.
You either get to play the new elite specs, or you get to keep the stuff you earn. You don’t get to have both.
Underwater content is always going to be an afterthought for the devs. Something to be swept under the rug unless it absolutely cannot be avoided. And when it can’t be avoided, it is addressed in the easiest (and sometimes worst) way possible.
Like what to do with all of the Scourge’s new skills. Too much work to make them work, let’s just replace them with vanilla death shroud. You have to remember, it’s been 5 years, and the Necromancer’s Flesh Golem skill still doesn’t work underwater.
According to the profession forums every single new elite is terrible and proof that Anet hates that profession. Yes, including the Deadeye.
I have to admit I don’t really get the Soulbeast, I can’t see what it offers that I’d be interested in having (other than maybe main hand dagger) but I thought the same about Druid and now I’m thinking I’d hate to give it up (and no, I don’t run a support build, it’s mainly condi DPS).
But just because you prefer one elite spec to another doesn’t mean it’s useless and certainly doesn’t mean the entire profession ‘died’.
I was basically about to post the same thing. I haven’t played any of the elite specs yet, because they aren’t available outside of pvp, and because they all seem to be very much tuned for competitive play. Things that are balanced for pvp tend to not be quite as fun in pve.
The beta story instance was more challenging than most, but after playing through it as a condi ranger (a spec I have 0 hours of experience with) and not even getting downed, I’d say it’s not that bad.
Typically those who didn’t need SR were those who played braindead Condi based builds (to include hybrids). This was supposed to be the patch that buffed power reaper, not nerf them into oblivion.
You literally just got a trait that allows you an extra 270 Power whilst in Shroud, and you think it’s unfair you can’t stay in Shroud as long.
I haven’t done the math yet, but I’m fairly certain close to death is still better.
Probably just going to run blood magic instead. My blood magic reaper build is Much better at staying alive anyway. Though not quite as good at dealing damage.
Without reading that huge wall of text: No.
My ranger already got shafted with the druid spec. I don’t want the same nonsense happening to my necromancer.
Reaper greatsword is a power weapon. There are condi builds that use GS, but not as a main weapon.
Your build is entirely up to you. Want to stack bleeding/poison/torment on stuff? Go condi stats. Want to hit things really hard? Go power.
It’s tricky though, say it’s reversed and that shouts do beat dodge/block. How would things like “chill to the bones” be like? Pretty op I think
Wasn’t “Chilled to the bone” unblockable originally? I remember people making a stink when anet changed it.
Anet seems to be avoiding underwater combat recently. Not that I blame them! (Seriously though, I enjoy underwater! Fix underwater skills
Personally, I think that all skills should at-least have an underwater equivalent. Maybe by the time we fight the Deep Sea Dragon we’ll get some changes.
(inb4 the Deep Sea Dragon is fought on ships. Or on the surface.)
Or never. ya know, because killing it will destroy the world or something.
I just stick with the most cost effective power food I can get. Orrian steak frittes are pretty good.
The footsteps are changing just fine, just not the blade. At least, the Sunrise version doesn’t become the Twilight version. The Twilight version goes to Sunrise like it’s supposed to.
That’s weird. I just swapped back to my eternity skin to check it out, and It changed from day to night just fine. No map swapping or anything.
I like how conditions in guild wars 1 did health degen and not damage ticks. And health degen was capped. Too anyone who plays revenant, but never played guild wars 1, health degen is like energy for revenant. It shows pips.
https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:Health_bar-poison.pngedit: For GW2 it could be implemented and only the players have the degen cap, and pve mobs/objects/etc would have no cap.
Active health degen was capped, but you could stack health degen indefinitely, which would negate health regen effects until they exceed the health degen. Spectral agony on an uninfused player would inflict 30 pips of degen, so even if you cast something like healing breeze on the player, they would still have 10 pips of degen.
The problem with some break bars is that they’re balanced around the assumption that everyone has the equivalent of a 5s stun, when realistically most have the equivalent of a 1s stun at best. It’d also be a lot more fair for groups if the conditions ticked simultaneously.
I believe most champions start with 600 break bar health and scale an additional 180 per person who joins the fight. This means that if everyone brought a 2s stun with them every break bar everywhere would be broken. Sadly there are not enough Bearbows around anymore to bring the CC we need.
I don’t know about the numbers, but breakbars on some bosses seem to scale faster than others. Vinetooth prime and the wyverns especially. I’ve seen vinetooth prime taken down flawlessly by <10 people…but the zerg fails every time.
Okay, so I noticed it again in Sparkfly Fen today. I got there when it was daytime, and it transitioned to night while I was there waiting for Tequatl. It’s definitely nighttime, per wiki, and I waited a good fifteen minutes to see if it would shift, and it did not. Do you have to change maps to make it shift skins? If so, that’s really lame.
You don’t need to change maps to make the skin change. Eternity works just like the weapons from Ascalon Catacombs.
At dusk, you should notice the footprints and aura change to the nighttime version, and finally, at night, the blade changes. Incidentally, I transmuted my eternity to an Ascalon Catacombs GS. That one transitions fine…I’ll have to transmute it back and see if anything is weird.
Please defend the medium legendary armor
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Quarktastic.1027
Legendary armor in general doesn’t appeal to me.
I might like the heavy armor if it didn’t transform into that spiky mess, but then I suppose it would be less…legendary? As far as appearances in general though, I’d rank the medium armor higher than the light armor. That crap is just fugly.
Working as intended.