Anyone in yet to test? Taking me forever to dl this patch.
They just attack really slowly. (same reason why confusion does 2x more damage in PvE compared to sPvP)
The moment they add vertical progression to weapons, a huge group of people will probably look to quit the game. I’m already done with this game in terms of PvE content after the ascended rings (spvp only, and a little wvw). Especially if its grindy.
If its your first time, try running it with your guild and/or level 80’s.
There’s a huge difference between a natural 35 and a scaled down lvl 80 in ac ex (in terms of damage/survivability) Running it with a high level group will make it go much smoother and it will be easier to learn the mechanics.
If you go in with a group that is all low levels, you will probably find it difficult, especially if you have zero dungeon experience (ie: everyone running solo builds, not understanding boss mechanics, or how important dodging and resing allys is, etc)
Zero reading comprehension here… People still listing condition removal skills via actives abilities. Yes warriors (like all classes) have actives/utilities to remove conditions. Almost every other class has passive condition removal via traits that are vastly superior.
For example, my thief can remove a condition every 3 seconds in stealth. I do not need to use a skill designed SOLELY FOR CONDITION REMOVAL TO REMOVE CONDITIONS. So when you respond by listing a skill like “shake it off” which is a skill designed solely to remove conditions, i question your ability to read and/or critically think.
Again, for example i can remove a condition on my elementalist by attuning to water. Do you understand now? Other classes can remove conditions via traits by using skills that are not designed for the primary purpose of condition removal. They can trait to have other skills they use remove conditions instead.
Warriors trait for condition removal is shrug it off. It is probably the worst passive condition removal since it 1.) has a 30 second cd which is significantly higher that other classes (check how often a thief can enter stealth, or a mesmer can shatter, or a ele attune to water, etc…..) and it only removes 1 condition and triggers only if you have more than 1 condition.
I don’t get whats difficult to comprehend. Clearly this trait is sub-par and should be improved and/or replaced with something similar to what other classes have. (my idea was a trait that lets you remove a condition via a burst skill use, but anything that would bring passive condition removal to ~10-12 seconds would be good)
For the first time ever i got stuck in a wall while using mesmer down skill #2. (the one that teleports you a short distance randomly and creates a downed clone) Not once, but twice today as well, both in sPvP (different maps: once on legacy of the foefire, and once on raid of capricorn). Both times i was able to res myself while stuck in wall, but unable to move afterwards
The first time (on foefire map – wall near blue keep gate) apparently the enemy couldn’t see me. I was locked in combat so i couldn’t wp back. Eventually a friendly mesmer dropped a portal by the wall i was stuck in, and was able to port out with it.
The second time (on capricorn map – wall near the beach cap point). Again, locked in combat. This time i was surrounded by enemies, and i asked them to attack me if possible (i was target able by AoE damage, and died. I could not target anything myself while inside the wall, but i could kind of see through it)
Not a huge deal, and pretty rare, but thought i’d let you know. Its quite possible for mesmer #2 skill to move you into a wall randomly.
I think you are missing the point i was making. I wasn’t implying that HS is broken or OP or anything of the sort. I was saying due to the way the initiative system works, you are essentially forced to spam 1 ability (in this case hs) for maximum efficiency.
Its makes playing the class somewhat overly simple: there really are no “decisions” to make like other classes that are limited by cooldowns (and have to decide "do i use this ability now, or do i use it later) The right decision is almost always just to use the ability now, and the ability that is the strongest (hs). It creates a lot less variability in the attack pattern (which can be good or bad depending on how you see it) Just like most of the sPvP population, i have a thief alt too, and find it somewhat repetitive once you get past the giggle factor of destroying noobs. At least for d/d bs that is (which is why i play condition thief now even if its not as optimal, at least it requires a bit more thinking heh)
Would be a tad bit OP. If you could repair something like golems, every server would be able to maintain a small golem army pretty easily, and things would get silly, fast.
You can occasionally rally off of something from necros, i’ve had it happen before. Not from the re-animator trait necessarily. I’ve had it happen on 1v1, randomly rallied from a vengeance before i had killed the necro (killed a bunch of his pets while he was trying to kite me, so i’m not sure which it was) It doesn’t happen that often though so it might just be one of the random vengeance bugs (vengeance has 2 bugs: 1.) sometimes randomly rally off of it without sweet vengeance trait – very rare. 2.) can die a second time if you die under effect of vengeance – this can even carry over a map load – i’ve died while under vengeance at end of map, map change happens, load in, die again)
My guess is its just the vengeance bug. i don’t rally off necro pets on a consistent basis by any means.
Has no effect on condition damage.
I actually don’t think its a bad idea or anything because it’s unlikely someone will bring a condition-spec to attack the treb (in that scenario, the warrior would most likely lose) since it would take alot longer to kill the treb. I don’t think its as efficient as a mesmer still though, since they have way more room for error.
Well…. If you win every fight then sure. If you lose, your treb is down and so are you. Mesmer, if he wins, he wins slower sure. If hes about to lose, he can just leave, throw down portal as they finish it and have the treb repaired back way, way faster, forcing the other team to spend a guy at you’re treb much longer than they would like.
People use throw bolas? that thing misses half the time if the enemy is even on a slight incline lol.
If you’re getting immobilized alot, it probably is throw bolas. It has a relatively low cd, but its pretty easy to dodge, and it randomly misses on its own if your on a different elevation. Its a really inconsistent skill; most of the time its only worth it if you can lock them down via some other method first, so that your throw bolas will for sure land (ie a stun, or another immobilize applied first via ranged, like a leg specialist-cripple)
You can run away from a d/d bunker ele pretty easy. All you really gotta do is make sure to dodge the earth #3 skill. In terms of gap closers/escapes a warrior is as good as a d/d ele. GS 3 > 5 > swap to sword/shield 2 > 4. And if really needed, bulls rush after. They don’t do enough damage to kill you if you try to run (i roll a d/d bunker ele myself for fun)
Some people seem confused. Warriors do have active condition removal. We have extremely poor passive condition removal. I can’t explain it any easier than i did earlier. By passive condition removal i mean condition removal via traits. Pretty much every class has a superior passive condition removal via traits compared to shrug it off which removes 1 condition every 30 seconds if you have more than 1 condition applied to you.
Read my previous post which explains how much more superior other classes versions of these traits are. Most of them can be triggered ~10 seconds or less, and some of them can be triggered back-to-back-to-back and remove multiple conditions in a very short time frame.
This isn’t even a discussion as anet already admitted warriors are hard-countered by conditions and that they have weak condition removal passive.
1) Shake it Off!
2) Trait for Shake it Off!
3) Mending
4) Endurance Signet’s Active
5) Traiting Warhorn to convert conditions into boonsWarriors have plenty of condition removal. It’s just so many warriors are playing the class like the easymode thing it is without putting any thought into their build. You know those rune things? Guess what happens if you put 6 of the ones called ‘Superior Rune of the Soldier’ on? It makes “For Great Justice!” suddenly even better, and likewise with “Shake it Off!”
Not every class should get every thing. Warriors already have it good enough. I’d look at ranger before I even glance at warrior sideways.
Spoken like someone who has never played sPvP before. Thanks for reading the guildwar2 wiki. Go roll a warrior alt and try what you just recommended. Get back to me when you do anything useful with that build.
If this is a PvE discussion, warrior is completely fine. We are actually on the strong side compared to most classes. Survival is definitely above average here.
If this is some sort of comparison to guardian tanks, no we aren’t as good at tanking as guardians. We are still better than the other classes minus guardians when it comes to tanking. Stealth and invulnerable are not valid tanking options (stealth removes aggro, and anything that triggers invulnerable like mistform has a huge cd)
The 3 mechanics you listed are many times stronger in PvP. I think if fast hands gets fixed, and a good passive condition removal trait gets added (something that can feasibly trigger every ~10 seconds or so) then we will be in a solid spot for pvp also.
This game is balanced around the idea that every class is self sufficient. There are no dedicated healers for example like in basically every other MMO.
Yea if we had dedicated healers in this game like monks or whatever, i’d say sure, ok warriors can have this glaring weakness to condition damage, because there will be another class that cover this weakness for them and create a sort of give-take synergistic relationship. Unfortunately this is gw2. There are no dedicated healers. This is not as “team oriented” a game as other mmo’s because there is significantly less direct support you can offer your allies. Every class needs to be somewhat balanced around 1v1 because of this. They don’t need to be EXACTLY even; each class can have niches to a small extent, but you can’t leave a class with almost no options vs 1 type of build.
HS spam only seems bad because its spam-able due to initiative.
For example, i’m a warrior and i use sword/shield so my sword 2 skill is fundamentally the same as hs (gap closer to target + damage). It has more gap range and way less damage, but its functionally the same. The difference? i can’t cast it 3-4 times in a row.
The initiative resource system, while unique and interesting for the thief class, just dumbs down the class really, since you are always gonna choose to use all your initiative on the most cost effective skill (for bs theives, this ends up being hs, for a d/d condition thief, this will be death blossum) and only use that skill to the exclusion of every other skill. So lets say for example, they nerfed HS into the ground. Something else (maybe CnD) would just end up replacing it, and thieves would spam that instead. This is the downside to the initiative system; theres no real cost-benefit – just choose whatever the best skill is, and spam it.
Honestly, i think the best way to improve for wvw, is to play sPvP. You will get your kitten handed to you at first, but if you stick to it, you will learn your class and how to fight against specific classes/builds much, much better.
I stopped playing wvw regularly a bout a month ago and switched to sPvP mostly, then came back to wvw again the past week since my guild kept asking, and it feels way too easy. I even roll full glass cannon now in wvw, which i hadn’t done previously, and never feel worried, because the average wvw player doesn’t know how to pvp optimally, compared to a regular sPvP player.
Warrior has condi removal with Signet of Stamina and Shrug it Off.
Ranger is a pretty solid professions, the problem I see with a lot of Rangers in SPvP is that they try to make a balanced build and forget to pick a role. Some that will have some burst or some condition or some survivability, instead of Being full burst, condition or survivability.
Another thing is that this is a team sport, so you don’t always have to rely on yourself for condition removal. I run with a friend that is a guardian and he is always cleansing and healing me.
Other classes can get passive condition removal from traits pretty easily, meaning they don’t have to use a utility specifically designed for condition removal.
For example, if a thief takes shadow’s embrace, he gets 1 condition removed every 3 seconds of stealth. Most thieves have at least 3 ways to stealth, and one of them (shadow’s refuge" is gonna let them remove multiple conditions). Mesmer can for example remove condition anytime they shatter, Ele can remove from attuning to water, or from getting regen. The list goes on and on.
Warrior can currently get shrug it off from traits, which only triggers with more than 1 condition on you (removes 1) and has a 30 sec internal CD (much larger than say, a thief’s ability to stealth, a mesmer’s ability to shatter, a ele’s ability to attune or get regen…..
This is why warriors are considered weak to conditions, because we have extremely poor condition removal passive. Keep in mind, there is currently no viable warrior bunker build either (ironic since we are one of 2 heavy armor classes). Its either dps, or cc-support.
The problem is its only an issue in wvw due to rendering issues (ie, they render way too slowly: by the time i see the “smoke” de-stealth animation which occurs 1-2 seconds slower in wvw, they already have stealthed again via CnD. In sPvP stealth decloaks render much faster, so its way, way less of an issue. Unless they decide to make balance changes for thief specifically in wvw only and have essentially “2 different” thief classes, i don’t see how they will be able to fix it.
One thing they should do imo though, is drop priority on rendering pets, by alot. That might help a bit; and increase rendering priority on thieves in general (not sure how the system works but it like when it does its check on who to render it should do 1.) all thieves within 1500 range >2.) distance to you, (closer gets more priority etc.) yada yada.
Yup. Its an easy fix too, just add a condition removal trait (other classes have this already).
For example, make new grandmaster traits in the discipline tree (both the existing ones are complete garbage, i’ve never seen a build use them before. Change one to “burst skills heal you for 5/10/15% of your max life (based on how many adren bars) + remove 1 condition” (at the moment, its better generally speaking for a warrior to NOT use their burst skills – there needs to be a powerful incentive to use them.)
Its the same amount of invulnerability you get when you rally………. which is 1 second.
You are not immune to anything while under vengeance, aside from the 1 second when you pop up (again, the same as if you rally)
So, I read the posts…
Longbow is pretty good for AoE? To be honest, I leveled the warrior to 80 without any ranged weapon. Haven’t needed it. If you say its AoE is pretty good, I’ll give it a try.
Burst skill is aoe, and skills 2,3,4 are all aoe. Just open fight with with bow (lets say you tag 4-5 mobs), use burst skill to lay down aoe first, then use 3 > 4> 2> switch to melee weapon (most mobs will be half life or lower, and burning) then finish off with 100b or axes or whatever. This is basically what i do when i farm stuff; run around tagging stuff with bow, then cluster them up for aoe.
d/d bunker build, you can’t really win. I rolled one as an alt to learn how the kit works (i do this for any build i have trouble with), and it has way too many methods to nullify your burst and heal back to full. It wins by bleeding and burning you to death slowly (very slowly, since the build doesn’t do damage, but its enough to beat your own healing).
You can run from it pretty easy though, cause again, the damage is very low. I do believe they will nerf it again though. Its beatable, but not really by our class with a typical gs build. (I can beat it somewhat more often with a gimmicky condition build, but that’s it)
Since I was kind enough to explain it to Guardians on their mace skill Faithful strike, here is the formula for this trait.
40+((Level^2) x 0.18) + (Healing x 0.8)
so at 0 healing at level 80: 40 + 1152 = 1192
at 1500 healing at level 80: 40+1152+1200= 2192
Not sure what the point of putting the formula with 0 healing is. You are required to get 300 points in healing power just to get the healing shout skill. Saying its 1192 for 0 healing is somewhat confusing to noobs, because they are thinking*oh, i don’t have any healing power gear so this is what it is", when in actuality its a bit higher since they have 300 healing power default to get that trait.
I stopped 3 weeks ago after i got my rings. Why? Because the higher you go, the harder it is to get a group for the specific progression level you want. Not interested in wasting hours trying to form a group to do something that will take a fraction of that time.
Really poor design to segement the player-base so much. This dungeon single-handedly killed alot of PvE zones and dungeons in the process; now you see people just sitting in LA spamming chat, idly doing nothing.
Warriors actually on the strong side when it comes to PvE, so i’m not quite sure why you’re having trouble. If worst comes to worst, equip a lb as your off-set, and kite while spamming aoe damage.
If your fighting more than 3 at once regularly, maybe use axes. GS only hits 3 targets max on autos and 100b. Axe #2 and Axe 5 both hit more than that (and the axe auto attack is the best in the game imo)
Try everything tbh, and choose what you enjoy leveling with. Once you hit 80 and are looking for builds with specific goals, then look up a build online. While leveling though, play with the weapon you enjoy most (for example, i leveled almost entirely using hammer cause i liked how the swings looked all beefy and cool, but i basically stopped using it at 80 – not cause its bad, but because i don’t do anything that requires a hammer)
Well if your going for dedicated bleed build, you should probably pick up bleed duration runes.
For example, on my condition/bleed thief, i run with 2x rune of afflicted/krait/centaur which is +45% bleed duration (get some condition damage from them too).
Not a huge fan of condition build on warrior though. Can’t stack bleeds as fast as a necro/thief and can’t do it aoe either.
You can solo the chieftan with most classes but some are more viable than others.
For example, I can do it on both my condition mesmer and my glass cannon warrior.
My warrior gets downed towards the end of the fight, but i can finish it by throwing rocks at it (sometimes i gotta pop vengeance too, but i have sweet vengeance trait so i get a full rally from it). The good thing is, that it kills the chieftan solo pretty fast. The bad thing is I’m totally screwed if an enemy comes and interrupts me (100% i’m gonna die, no way to flee/survive since i will be treading like line just killing the chieftan)
My Mesmer can do it much, much safer. He kills clones pretty quick, but i run a condition build and can kite it around reasonably well. The plus side to this is if i get interrupted, i have a much easier time escaping and/or fighting back. The downside is, this takes at least 3x longer than my warrior to solo, maybe more, so the likelihood of getting interrupted is much, much higher.
Thief is hands down the best for stealing it though
They’re not account bound. But they should be.
looked at it yesterday when i saw this here… and they really are account bound
(only the ones from SPVP ofc)
still its a lot about money, as said, they cant give us EVERYTHING for free, we are playing buy2play game, we must count that some work will be needed if we dont want to pay moreor just pay for gems, get gold and buy three dyes which you want from auction on every your character, problem solved… this is bussiness and you dont need colors to play the game, so its definitely fine and only cosmetic thing for money… or play PvE and get gold from it :P
I am totally confused about what you all are saying. I am rank 30, I’ve only played SPVP. I’ve recieved at least 30 dyes from chests. I’ve sold about half of them directly on the AH and the other half I consumed on the character. None of those dyes I consumed on character A are available on character B. What am I missing?
I don’t get whats confusing. sPvP unidentified dyes are ACCOUNT BOUND. If you ID the dyes, that’s a different story, you can sell them after. Unidentified dyes are worth a good amount of silver.
Biggest issue is the tournament setup imo. Needs to be scrapped completely and made into a ranked queue match setup instead. Waiting for 8 teams is kitten And we need a easy to access ranking system to keep people interested/having a goal. Follow the LoL model. Hotjoin = normals, Ranked solo = ranked solo, Paid teams = ranked teams.
If its a contest to see what class is the better tank (warrior or guardian) i think even most warriors will agree (myself included) that a guardian is a better pure tank class. They have way better self-sustain and better mitigation skills (better panic buttons too lol).
That being said, a warrior can tank just fine too. its not as easy, and not as efficient, but its plenty doable. I recommend gs + mace/shield if you want to tank. The benefit of a warrior tank is some more damage than a guardian tank. Mace/shield gives you some good cc and blocks, and GS gives you an extra dodge roll basically (as well as awesome damage)
I can’t even imagine what 100b would look like with this.
And not really. I’d rather they add a 2handed axe or something.
Sword + warhorn / Rifle isn’t really viable in sPvP. Warhorn is useful for mobility but spvp maps are relatively small. Shield is always a better offhand in sPvP. This build only gives you bleed damage, which makes it easy to cleanse, and has very little aoe as well (all the good condition damage builds either stack multiple types of condition damage, stack it quickly, or do aoe condition damage, or some combination of this)
Condition damage build in general for a warrior is a gimmick because of this; it can win some 1on1 fights, but is completely useless beyond that since the AoE is really low, can’t stack bleeds fast outside of sword adren skill, and you can only get either burning (have to use a bow = bad), or confusion (ok, but not great)
In WvW, you’re kinda out of luck. Due to culling, stealth is stronger there, as well as the fact that they don’t have an “objective” like a point to cap + the map is much larger so its alot easier for them to run. Alot of thieves run a perma-stealth, high survival build just to troll you in wvw.
In sPvP, culling isn’t an issue, and the maps are smaller so its easier to hunt a thief down. Also, the answer to a backstab thief is a shield + defensive cooldowns. In WvW you’re probably running with a ranged weapon instead which makes you weak to thieves. In sPvP you’re almost assuredly running with a shield, and most likely running with endure pain as well. You only need 1 of these to stop the thief instagib; if you have both, you should win even easier.
As for sPvP weapon set, go with GS + any 1h + shield. Sword is probably the easiest to use since you have a gap closer/escape with it, as well as a long duration root (use sword burst > instaswap to gs > 100b. If they can’t remove the immobilize, you get a full cast 100b on them without frenzy) Mace and axe both work fine as well (slightly different nuisances/objectives when using those weapons -axe more more strait up damage/burst and mace for more control/defense.
(edited by Recently.1043)
Perma stealth is completely pointless in sPvP. I think you’re looking for the WvW forums….
Its only because you have no reason to beg for fixes and buffs. You’ve had your share of the love; time for the other professions to have their share, you greedy Warrior.
I guess being completely ignored = “share of the love”?
Have you followed patch notes for this game at all? We had not been touched since release until the most recent patch basically, which gave us 10% extra damage on lb auto attacks, and made our UNDERWATER SPEAR GUN projectile attacks combo finishers (like the vast majority of projectile attacks in this game mind you). kitten i know rangers are in a bad state, but warrior is in a similar state as well. Probably worse off actually since ranger buffs were promised in the upcoming patch whereas it has once again been DEAD SILENT on the warrior front.
I’d only go down this tree if you are planning to use a hammer, and/or planning to be a tank (and are going down tactics line as well)
Pick up healing shouts line. Pick up both GS main traits. Good mix of damage/utility. Gear according to your situation (if you pug alot, i’d bring more defensive oriented gear, otherwise, go for zerkers if you play with guild and/or guardians alot)
Swap out FGJ for Bulls rush (yea its the cookie-cutter build i know).
Less people bring condition removal and stun breaks in WvW compared to sPvP. Way less shields as well. If your roaming around its really, really easy to set up 100b kills compared to sPvP. Honestly after take a few weeks off from wvw to only spvp, after i came back to wvw, i felt like i was playing against a bunch of noobs. Only thing that got more difficult was thieves (perma-stealth troll builds in wvw with culling is annoying)
I’d take the 5 extra from strength and disc, and just move it into precision for the 2nd GS trait, or into tactics for the cripple gives 1 sec snare.
No that rune does not work (the 6 set bonus).
“healing skill” and “skill that heals” are not fundamentally the same. “healing skill” is literally a slot-specific skill, the same way you have “utility” and “elite” skills.
Is it doable? Probably. if all 5 are extremely skilled. But what’s the point of purposely handicapping yourself?
I’ve run with 2 × 5 sig warriors in my party before, and it was pretty bad. Like most 5 sig warriors, they were noobs too. It was getting to the point where i stopped resing them since they would be downed ever ~10 seconds or so, and it was absolutely pointless to constantly waste time resing them only to watch them get downed against instantly. Running dungeons with everyone having Zero support skills is masochistic basically. Sure its doable, but whats the point? Its not gonna prove that 5 sig warrior is superior. All it proves is that you’re a masochist.
A wall of buffs.
Good thing you aren’t part of Anet. This is not how one balances a game.
Wish you could get exp from sPvP also. Got a bunch of alts i made for sPvP purposes, but can’t bring myself to grind to 80 again on them.
I’m actually ok with both stealth and mist form stomps.
Mist form has a really long cd, so if they are using it to stomp you, they are likely wasting it incase another fight breaks out.
As for stealth stomps, people need to learn if a they see a thief go invis by a downed teammate, they should be WILDLY SPAMMING ATTACKS OVER THEIR TEAMMATES BODY instead of trying to res them. As a warrior, whenever i see this happen i IMMEDIATELY throw a blind 100b right on top of my teammate and 9/10 this kills the thief that is trying to stomp my teammate. It really bothers me when people don’t realize this is how you counter it. Same with people trying to stomp invis-downed thieves. I can’t count the number of times i see someone walk away looking for the thief instead of blindly auto attacking the spot they downed-invised at.
Pick the class you enjoy playing the most, not the class you think is strongest. Try rolling a bunch of different classes and testing them out. My main is a warrior, and i play about 60% of my sPvP on it, but i also rolled mesmer, ele, thief and necro alts to play sPvP as a change of pace.
Once you find what class you like playing, then just look in that class’s forums for builds, its not that difficult to find.