Then they need to make a way that players who get Fossils, but don’t want them, feel like they’ve been rewarded, and a way for the unlucky players who want an Ambrite weapon, but just can’t get one, to be able to work towards it. If Fossils aren’t going to be tradable, then we need the following:
1. The ability to trade Unid Fossils to Gentt for Ambrite/Geodes/Lockpicks, so players in Group A at least have something to do with the Fossils than just destroy them.
2. The ability for players in Group B to earn Fossils by trading a high amount of Geodes (I’ll leave it up to ANet to decide what would be a reasonable amount) to the vendor. Fossils might only become available at T4 or T5, giving incentive for players to cooperate in the map.
These are some great suggestions and I could really get behind the ideea of getting lockpicks or geodes for the unidentified fossils. My love of opening chests makes me think more fossils will come my way and I would hate to have them go to waste.
At the moment I am considering making one of these weapons just to support ANet’s initiative to add more weapons to the game to be obtained by gameplay and not cash (I hope there is someone monitoring how many of these are made to see if the ideea was popular, so I would like to add my contribution to that!).
To me it seems best not to hide part of the components behind RNG, but to rather tie them to achievements or even farming. Stuff that requires actual gameplay. And, yes, technically the current system does require actual gameplay, but the RNG can be very broken at times, thus leaving many people with either a lack of- or an overabundance of the account bound component…
So your idea is to salvage exotics to get both of these globs, and then salvage one of these globs to get those other globs?
Sounds silly.
It may sound silly, buy it would be a boon for many people. I currently am at ~230 Dark Matters after one set of ascended armor and about 7 weapons. I may craft more in the future, but not many and the Dark Matter just flows and has no use…
Being able to salvage Dark Matter for t6 dust would be awesome. Ectos may be too much to ask for, but it still should have a decent material output since Dark Matter does come from salvaging exotics.
Or bring precursor crafting online and have players need to throw one stack of refined dragonite&co and one stack of Dark Matter into each precursor, that would make things interresting…
TL;DR: Dark Matter needs either new uses or to be salvageable for t6 mats/ectos.
Double teaming is the way of the threeway WvW. It’s not always like this, but it does happen, and when you’re at the business end of such a double team, all you can do is buckle up and enjoy the bagflow. We on JQ have done this double team in the past and it’s a bit silly to complain when we’re at the receiving end. It will pass and maybe next time BG will take our place. Or TC. But BG more likely.
FR is generally hated because they defend their keep a lot (since do defend that hellhole is so frikkin easy) and thus slow the ktrains of the other colors. Because of this, both other colors will always stomp FR as hard as they can whenever they have the opportunity, hence spawn camping happens. It’s pretty simple, really – FR are jerks to the others, the others are jerks to them as well. Maybe there’s a conclusion to be drawn from this.
Count me in as well, if the draw has not been made yet.
Anet has amazing environmental artists but their designs for weapons and armour are really lacking. I’m picky and prefer minimalist looks but to me 80% of the weapons/armour in GW2 looks pretty terrible for my tastes.
Infinite Light, Bonetti’s Rapier and the Lovestruck sword to a certain extent are the only good looking swords in this game.
I would add the Fractal Sword to this, and also Honor of Humanity and Firebringer. And maybe the Ebon Vanguard sword. I myself use Infinite Light since, to me, this is by far the best-looking one. It was well worth the insane cost IMO. Now, if only the rather cool glowing runes would not glow when sheathed and it would appear just like a regular longsword when not drawn… This has already been done with Beacon of Light, why not with Infinite Light as well? Especially since the cost of the latter is mind-numbing…
They should have a contest and get some weapon ideas from the player base. I know Rift did that and you could really see a lot of neat designs for things that way. And the top winners could win gems or something.
Maybe then they’d add some more elegant looking weapons to the game, so long as they actually pick them of course.
Would love to see a scimitar. Or an actual longsword. Not the blunt object you run around with throughout the whole game.
GW1 actually did this and the results were pretty amazing (mmm, Dryad bow…)
All these surfboard greatswords
Haha, so true.
I can’t bring myself to play a greatsword-anything because of this. Almost all swords and daggers are also oversized. Ah well, back to my engi who doesn’t have that problem.
Ebon Vanguard greatsword is the perfect solution for you, it seems, if you like the design; the size is excellent.
Ah the old Guild Wars-mentality of ‘I only want realistic stuff’. I like the fancy kitten. If I want simpe and realistic stuff, I have the reality that surrounds me about 95% of the time.
Unfortunately, we don’t seem to live in a neighborhood where people carry their swordbelts in their everyday lives or sport halberds to go to the market…
I had a thought the other day when talking to guildies about how many thousands of wvw badges/frac relics we had and millions of karma with not really anything ‘useful’ to use them on.
I was wondering if they made a second currency you could buy gem store items with (not 1 off stuff like armour or weapon skins but items like wvw exp boosters, finishers or transmutation charges, also not stuff that you can profit from like keys or dies). this currency would be purchased with the items that generally aren’t needed in end game.
But as anet makes money from the gem store I can see them not being keen for this but just a thought I had.
This would be soooo awesome!
The issue with builds and gear is that you can’t have people ping their build ( traits) and gear – they can ping any gear and wear other gear.
This doesn’t work because it’s not something you can check. Sure it would be great if we had this option but we don’t.Gods I hope we don’t get a feature like that because then the elitists would make sure that noone but other elites can join their PUGs and most PUGs, from the LFG comments appear to be elitists already.
You want dungeons to be challenging, PUG with a group of newbies and show them the ropes, which doesn’t mean shout follow me and disappear down an not so obvious path.
Also the feature you say would be " so terrible " wouldn’t actually be that bad. Think about it:
If only elitists could join elitist pugs then the “non-elitist” players would be spared a lot of abuse and trouble and they could just make their own groups and go on their own.
That is assuming they want to do the dungeons with people who are/think like them and not just get carried by “elitist scum” for easy rewards.
Quoted for truth.
Also, that feature already exists in PvP in spectate mode so I really don’t see how it would be that hard to implement…
What does this have to do with buying gems?
Buying gems = support for ANet.
Buggy content and contempt towards the players = no support = no gems with cash.
I decided to stop all gem purchasing for myself as well due especially to their bad customer support, who apparently can’t fis a simple issue because they can’t fix it. Great logic.
My thorough dislike of Scarlet makes me wish this would not happen, I wouldn’t want her getting any vindication, but it would make for an interesting story and maybe some cool events. Time will tell.
There are a lot of people wanting to craft the weapons who can’t find them because of RNG… and there are people like myself who got lucky and had one (or, in may case, 3) as drops but don’t intend to use them.
These items should be tradeable on the TP, that way anyone can either craft what they want or get a little proffit out of an otherwise useless-to-them rare drop. And more money goes into the money sink through the TP fees. Everybody wins!
I understand that ANet has responded to the many requests to add more items that are obtained through gameplay rather than cash (which is great, thank you for this!), but don’t spoil it at the end and hide them behind such RNG! The costs to craft these weapons in account bound geodes are already high enough to require some farming…
Forgal, by far. And it was infuriating how Scarlet taunted you in Nightmare Within when you got to face your mentor in one of the rooms and she was all “Teacher’s pet, teacher’s pet, how dead did your mentor get?”.
Belinda’s death was unexpected and, while she was not that present in the story so far, her connection to one of the main characters made her important. I especially liked how they handled the situation and the dialogues regarding this. I hope to see more of the same quality writing in the next installments of the LS.
Yep, great season so far. These 2 episodes are better storywise than the entire LS1 IMO. Whoever made this should get a raise, they are on the right track!
There are 2 flaws with the new ambrite weapons.
1. Fossils locked behind RNG.
2. Requires T4/T5 Dry Top. May not be a problem today, but what happens after Season 2 goes away or people loose interest?es.
Can you confirm that they are tier locked? According to it doesn’t seem so.
The fossils drop at all tiers, I got 2 and it was in low tier maps. You only need t4/5 for the weapon recipe, which you buy with geodes from merchants and are only available in t4/5.
Wow, so much needless hate in this thread…
Guys, the situation seems clear to me: AP is definitely not a measure of skill. However, having high AP means you actually did something in this game, and that you came in contact with its mechanics and shenanigans and so you have some experience with it; therefore, a player with higher AP is likely to play better than someone with less. This is only an assumption that one makes because one has no other way of telling who is better, so one makes it based on what one has. In no way, shape or form is this a guarantee, but it’s the only thing you have when deciding which complete stranger to accept: the one who seems experienced or the one who does not. I will always chose the player with the most AP if I don’t have anything else to go on, it’s only logical.
I have done my share of teaching in this game but I generally preffer to play with “elitists” because I simply don’t have the time to both play the content I want to play and teach others, I can only spare 2-3 hours a day for this game and I want to get the most bang for my buck. Besides, most of the times newer players are very clingy and the experience turns sour for the teacher due to the endless stream of questions that the newer player could simply answer for himself if he spent a little time on the wiki or used some common sense.
GW2 is the last one that will continue to grow. also no, what you said would count if every1 could have it, but the gw1 players would get it with no struggle (just get it for free no prob), while the GW2 players have to struggle and farm and stuff. its messed up that gw1 players can get something we cant never get in a gw2 game.
Dude, you are as clueless as a carrot on the moon. For free? Are you insane? Do you have any ideea how much work went into that?!?! How much time spent?! Oh, and guess what – GW1 had no gem store and buying gold was illegal all around, so no using your parents’ credit card – you had to actually work your kitten off to get the cash needed for the HoM.
And now people complain about rewards rightfully earned by others, because they are too lazy to get them for themselves… If anything, the rewards were far too little for the amount of time spent and even more so due to the amount of items that remained in gw1 and had no impact on gw2.
Join a community dedicated to events like this, show up in time for the attempt and you won’t have any trouble. Teq is almost laughable now, even pugs can do it, but for Wurm you need a bit more organization. It’s definitely working as intended and we ckittene some more events like these. The only bad part about it is that it’s not instanced – if a guild spawning a world boss could get a locked OF (or more) of its own where people can enter only if they are taxied in by the guild that spawned the event, that would be the greatest thing since the Wardrobe and account-bound dyes. Just have the officer who starts the guild event thingie be automatically transported to an empty, locked OF and he can start taxiing people, who can taxi more until the map is full.
Try all, avoid none for now. Level them tp 80, make proper builds and see how it goes. Then decide which is (are) your main(s).
Is it just me or is Taimi’s carefree Scarlet worship starting to be a problem. She has always been fascinated with Scarlet’s research but then we find the machine that supposedly caused Scarlet to go nuts and she runs inside without a thought about what could happen and it jealous that you got to see the eternal alchemy instead of herself. I could easily see the GMs making Taimi turn into Scarlet 2.0 before the end of the season and force the player to kill her. Anyone else thinking the same thing?
I doubt ANet has it in them to make Taimi the new villain, but that would be AWESOME!
I need to do this with all the tonics. ALL THE TONICS!!!!
ANet, NEVER fix this, please!!!!
Opened one yesterday, got one fossil, but I played too little to look for more. Looks like I was lucky.
Farm gold, buy lodestones (or cores if it’s cheasper to promote). You will also want to do as much CoF as possible. Each dungeon drops a speciffic lodestone/core from its chests, and CoF drops Molten (CoE drops Charged, SE drops Destroyer, TA drops Onyx etc.). It’s not a guaranteed drop, but it’s fairly often at least for cores.
You can still get it as long as you follow Caithe in to the room and interact with the box. The Twilight Assault phrase is reference to the dungeon path and not the living story event.
(Edit: I’ve carried some pugs trough Aetherpath and they got the achievement well after the LS ended.)
Sweet, thanks for the input! I’ll give it a try this week-end, I sure don’t mind those extra APs from the Aetherpath meta.
I recently noticed that the only achievement I have left to be done regarding the Aetherpath is the Broken Clockwork one. I assumed that meant killing the endboss of the dungeon, but I completed the path several times and did not get it. Upon closer inspection and research, it turns out that it’s not the endboss of the dungeon that needs killing for this achievement, but a Clockwork Horror found after interracting with a “Suggestion Box” in Scarlet’s secret room where Caithe leads you after the endboss is defeated.
My question is, can I still obtain this achievement now? Or was it exclusive to the 2-weeks period when Twilight Assault was up and running? The reason I ask this is the text in the achievement description: “Defeat the Clockwork Horror during the Twilight Assault”.
Has anyone done this achievement after the Twilight Assault LS episode was over?
So… Any news about the fabled leaderboards?
It has always puzzled me that we dress ourselves in the costumes of our hated enemies. Karka tentacle backpacks, scarlet backpacks, aetherblade outfits and slick packs…its like the allies winning world war 2 and then dressing as the Reich.
The allies did exactly that; not with clothes (even though tons of westerners now wear Hugo Boss), but with technology. The germans were much more advanced by the end of the war and the allies took their rocketry and jet engine technologies and put them to use, to name a few…
i want the norn to become more important but in the right way, make far northern siverpeak open to explore and have a story based on that area.
better yet, what if we have a story that has to do with jormag’s general and the rite of svanir, would love to see some really awesome nordic areas and architecture.
We’ll get that once Jormag is ready to be trahearned. They will most likely open up areas northward in order for us to get to Jormag’s crib and watch Trahearne do his thing. But most Norn settlements will have been destroyed by the icebrood and svanirs, I think. I sure hope we get to visit Gunnar’s Hold or the Eye, though… Even as far north as the ancient Kodan lands? Mmmm…
It wouldn’t be much of an achievement if you only had to kill, say, 5…would it?
5, no, but 100 would still be impressive considering there are only like 4-5 giants in the game that count for this chievo, and the easiest to farm seems the Naegling one which is a huge group event…
1.000 giants is stupid.
With 266 MF I usually get at least 1 every 2 days (that means 3-4 hours of gameplay/day), sometimes more, farming eotm or karkas, or doing dungeons/fractals. EOTM and karkas seem the best place for me since you kill tons of champs and vets+players in one, and high-level vets in another. Not to mention that karkas give you awesome proffit, about 5-6g/hour, just from the guaranteed karka shells you get for each vet kill…
You’ll never get the good stuff as long as you keep killing low level mobs in Kessex Hills or w/e.
MF is not a hoax, but you need to get past 200 to start feeling it, from what I saw. My best streak so far was in eotm a few days ago when I got 6 exotics and ~20 rares in ~2 hours of ktraining. But stuff like this is rare.
It may be Zammoros trolling the users of the MF by giving them accuracy sigils because of the “high” accuracy the forge has in dropping precursors…
I used to play with a deaf player in another game, worked just fine. He had a speech to text program that displayed what we were saying in a window on his second screen which he could look over at. It flashed when new messages were up. He was a great player as it was even without teamspeak.
Personally I find that it makes your team look amazing when they can play well regardless of any personal handicaps they might have.
But this is just my opinion though. If the others teams requested that teamspeak was a must then those are their rules and it’s their option to follow them. Can’t do anything about it.
This… this seems like a great solution. OP, have you tried using something like this? It might be that little something to make TS communication possible. It would also help a lot if you could talk and relay your info to them without typing; I don’t think you mention if you can in any of your posts, but I understand that people who are born deaf can learn to speak. Sure, some teams might still reject you, but you’d have a much better shot with this to be accepted for tryouts and to make it into a team.
We’ve seen Flame Legion, Nightmare Court, the new(ish) Aetherblades, Dredge…
All factions in this lengthy Living Story thread.
And now, Inquest. Woot.So where are the Svanir in all this? Or any other antagonist Norn? Why is our only proper Norn representative in LS2…. Brahm? Nice guy, kinda dumb, big.
Like every other Norn in the game. Ergo, boring and noninfluential.Why isn’t there a rogue group of Norn following Raven or some other “witty” totem doing something much more menacing. Or at least a better-plotted Svanir that actually contribute to Season 2.
The Norn are there, writers, waiting to be made interesting. Hop to it.
You’ll get enough svanirs to last you a lifetime once the LS moves on to Jormag after Trahearne cough-cough kills Mordremoth (and Bubbles and the rest of the bunch, it all depends on the order they want to have Trahearne kill the dragons off).
there are no healers… ofc you aren’t getting rewarded… no one needs your healing lol, i can handle myself just fine . ty thou..
That’s the one glaring bad thing about this game – there’s no real community. You can literally just do everything solo, on your own (outside of dungs/fractals)…
Open world events? nope, not required to join a party , no real benefit other than somewhat making it easier to tag mobs.
Teq/Wurm? nope, you will still get chest if you arent in a party
You can still get boons and reflects, etc without being a party.
Too much zerg oriented content in this game… which is great for casuals lol
WvW? nope hop on a zerg or solo roam.
PvP? outside of team arena, no need to party up.this game could use more instanced content where it’s absolutely beneficial to be in a good, coordinated group of people. Theres too few examples of this right now. even after nearly 2 years, its only fractals/speed clearing dungs really.
Do you even play Teq or Wurm?
You need other players doing their jobs in different parts of the fight in order for the run to work.
Try doing teq without turrets – or wurm without reflects and tell me how it worked out.This game also caters to people who like more independence and not being tied down to other players. If we wanted that we’d be playing other trinity games where you can’t even attempt content without certain people playing healer or tank or whatnot.
I have done teq, many a times. and You don’t need to be in a group to win. You can just solo and hop on turret defense or join the zerg at teqs feet or shoot turrets, etc… then battery phase, just pick one and help defend it… done this countless times without needing to be in a party…. does it help to be in a full group doing a specific role? sure, more organized is always better, but I can still go in teq and it can still be successful without a party
You are missing the point entirely, I would assume because you (falsely) think that group = party. It is not like that. A teq kill cannot be done unless you are in a group, and a large one at that. You cannot kill it solo. The fact that you go there alone and not in a party does not mean that you are not in a group without which you cannot win. All those players doing the teq event form one group, each with his set task (turret op, defense, ERT, DPS zerg…) and you are part of that group and you do your bit, as do all the players there.
But I do subscribe to your point, we need more organized content and it definitely should be instanced because it is a nightmare in the open world. It should also have somewhat better rewards. The best experience I got strictly from gameplay in gw2 is the triple trouble wurm event and I would love to get more content like that.
So they should add queues to a map designed to alleviate queues for WvW proper? =))
Woohoo, finally Giant Eyes will be farmable available… maybe.
Sorry, but you werent allowed the chance to trial because you wouldnt or couldnt use teamspeak.
You being deaf might be the reason for you being unable to use voip, but it is NOT the reason why you werent allowed to trial.Every guild, group, whatever has the freedom to set certain ground rules, being able to use teamspeak is just one most groups use.
You dont like that – nobody is keeping you from building your own team.
Sorry to be so harsh, but imo you are riding a dead horse here. You are not going to force any kind of change because arguments for using voip for team-fights are just way too strong atm. This will change as soon as teams have more tools for ig communication on hand, but until then… voip is the smoothest way.
Stop trying to force people to adapt to you. Stop insinuating people are trying to discriminate you just because you are deaf. Someone that wont use voip because of other reasons would be treated just as you were.
Also, regarding your better visual skills and map awareness – this in no way lets you see what the other people see on their monitors who are halfway across the map, and while you can make an educated guess based on experience and be right, say, 90% of the time, they would still have to type the info in to make sure you know of it in order to reach 100%, and this would mean that they waste valuable seconds in which they can’t interact with what happens around them because they have to type. In this respect, I don’t think it’s about you being a bad player, it’s about you forcing the others on your team to not play as well as they normally would.
I have been running PS build of late and I like it, so I always have EA with me and always announce it at the start of the run. Makes for a good addition to the party and bolsters the DPS of an otherwise meh pug group.
DPS means either GS/LB or GS/Axe+something. Anything else on a warrior is not only sub-par, but so bad you will be kicked out of most parties in dungeons for not carrying your own weight. Condi damage means NOTHING in PvE. Also Rifle is nigh useless, unfortunately.
You can of course try it out and play the hell out of it if you like it, but just do it solo and do not burden others with it: there are enough staff guards that need to be carried through dungeons already…
Let me change plz my 24h Birthday Boosters to 24h Karmaboosters
i have 18 birthday boosters left and they are useless for me
i have 31 characters and after this new trait system i dont wanna lvl anymore – so exp useless
wxp useless for me cause i dont care for wvw – atleast not all this siege stuff
and magicfind useless too cause everything drops is gated behind bags – magicfind in this game here is just a placeboso my suggestion -let me change on a vendor my birthday boosters to karma boosters
edit: soon start second birthday from characters – plz dont give me more 1to lvl 20 scrolls or exp boosters
Dude. Read the item description of the bday booster.
From the wiki:
“Double-click to consume.
Double-click to gain a 24-hour buff that grants a 100% boost to magic find, karma gain, WvW rank gain, experience from kills, and gold from kills. "
So you get double the karma with this booster active, not to mention the other boosts…
I would advise that you take these bad boys on a lvl 80 char to EOTM and join the ktrain there, maybe coupled with other karma and magic find boosters. You. Will. Be. Amazed.
Birthday boosters ROCK!
EDIT: read some more on the wiki and it also says this "Karma boost is in the description but is not in the buff you get. ". So you may be onto something there, I’m not sure if you actually get double karma regardless of it not saying it, and I did not really pay attention last time I used one since I only cared about the mf (which, believe it or not, does help if high enough, 200-250+) and wxp gain…
Since you have so many, go do a random event in PvE, get gold reward, note how much karma you get, then wait for that event to pop back, activate the bday booster and get gold reward again, then see if it’s double the previous amount or not. My guess is that it will be, EOTM ktrain with bday booster on does seem to bolster karma significantly…
(edited by SkyFallsInThunder.8257)
I only got one skin since the Fractured update, I think it was staff or shield or something, and it seems I was lucky since I got it in one of the only 17 runs I did since that insulting update slapped me across the face. Before the update the skins dropped a LOT more, I have ~10 from back then (including 2 shields, 2 hammers, 3 spears – lucky me!). I started doing FOTM again, but slowly, 1-2 runs per week, not my usual pre-update daily 48 run. Maybe some day I’ll get that silly sword skin that I will probably never use since I find Infinite Light to be superior… But, heck, it’s on my mind so why not try for it…
And, yes, an exchange rate of pristine relics-to-fractal skins would be AWESOME. Maybe even one for the tens of rings lying uselessly in my bank chars’ inventories… Go-go Mellaggan’s Whorl power!!!!11
Never Forget.
I hadn’t done dungeons for a long time, however yesterday I did 3 AC paths, 1 SE path and 1 Arah path and ended up with 15 gold. That’s maybe 6 hours (Arah took a while) to get 15/100 runestones. Do you have the precursor etc? Because you’re in for a surprise since the runestones are more of the easy part of a legendary nowadays.
6 hours for 5 dungeon paths? What, you did SE2 and Arah4?
If the pugs you get are half-decent, the times would more likely be: AC any path should take ~20 mins, SE1 about 10, SE3 maybe 15, CoF1 ~7-8, CoE any path ~25-30 mins… Not sure about Arah as I don’t do that one much, same for other dungeons. That’s ~13g solid cash just from the paths I mentioned and it shouldn’t take more than 3 hours to get them all done. Not to mention the tokens and loot…
GL on your legendary!
Your home server only affects which guilds you can join and your WvW standing.
If you do want to start playing WvW I wouldn’t recommend the top 1-3 servers (Jade Quarry/Blackgate/Tarnished Coast) since they will have the longest queues and biggest zergs. Somewhere down the middle (Tier 2-5) I’d say would be the most balanced and enjoyable for more casual players. The lowest tiers will have the smallest populations so if you join those you may find yourself outmatched or underpopulated some of the time. PvE has Megaservers so outside of grouping up with guildmates you’ll be able to play with others outside of your home server in open world. PvP is regional so your home server makes no difference as far as I know.
This “zomgz longest queue t1 runneh awaaaaay!!!!11” is total bullkitten. On JQ we have a queue only on reset nights and only 20-30 people long max on EB, very rarely at other times, and even a queue of 30 is a small wait, 10-15 mins? The days of hours-long waits in the queue are long gone, some people really need to get with the times. Or not talk about stuff they don’t know much about.
On-topic, the best choice would always be a tier 1 server for a new player: these are servers with very large communities where you can pretty much test any play mode you want and learn the ropes. But, in the end, server only matters for WvW, so if you decide that you preffer smaller scale WvW, you can always transfer out to a lower tier server. But on t1 you will always find people to play with in WvW, no matter the hour.
You can enjoy PvE from any server since GW2 has the megaserver tech, which populates the maps with players from all servers and when one instance of the map is full, it creates another one and starts populating that one as well. There are no more empty maps now.
Server does not matter for PvP as far as I know, you play with/against people from all servers.
You can also join TC or BG even if it says it’s full, but you will need to wait a while before the option to chose that server becomes open, usually a few days of spamming…
Where is the crit and the power…
Where is the zerker that was DPSing…
They have passed like patched exploits…
Like unintended game mechanics…The days have come down in these Forums…
Behind fake tanks and into shadow…
How did it come to this?
You, Sir, deserve a medal. No, all the medals. ALL THE MEDALS!
March 3 – 4, 3019. Never forget.
How about if they made the edges of the health bar or even better the party icon of the character with the color of your gear, like they edges of the item icons are colored in the color of their rarity in your inventory (when activated)? That way, a fully asc would have his icon’s edges in pink so everyone knows he at least has ascended gear. If he only has a mix of asc gear and exo gear, then part of the edge would be orange to point this out, same for other rarities.
This seems to me an easy tell, but I don’t know how hard it would be to implement. And it wouldn’t fix the problem of PVT-wielding pugs who claim to be zerkers… Maybe if each gear type had an icon which was displayed in a corner of the party icon pic? But then there are players who wear mixed gear, and displaying multiple icons might make the image less clear…
Or maybe if each party member could type out a /command to see the gear of all party members in chat, exactly how commanders can see the supply info of the people next to them?
Just jave one ele in your party to summon ice bow and FGS on the regular stack and you don’t need to move a muscle, she goes down so fast…
Also, I wouldn’t mind a hierarchy of who could bump who from siege, including golems.
Owner > party member > guild member > anybody else.
A full ram master should always be able to bump a non-full ram master off a ram, regardless of the owner of the siege.
Make sure your graphics card driver is up-to-date. Worst case scenario, your graphic card is having trouble…
I had the same issue a few days ago, no bonus chest for killing the Triple Trouble wurm. I submitted a ticket, I want my kitten rewards…