(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Also, someone will mention.. but GW1 had dungeons. Yes, they did. And only a very few were considered Elite. No “non elite” dungeon was undoable with Heros/Hench, and later Heros, and many “elite” areas could be done the same way. No dungeon was gated, there was no “gate” besides infusion, easily applied to any gear. With Vanquishing, HM, enhancements to PvE at no time in GW1 were Elite dungeons the only endgame option.
There was no gear beyond what the normal game offered EVER needed for any Dungeon.
If you toss out EoTN, the dungeon count drops drastically as well. In the short period GW2 has been up the dungeon count has increased substantially, wonder what it will be in 2-3 years.
IMO.. Fractals introduction put the kiss of death on “GW2 is not every MMO”
You lost me in your title but I clicked just in case I was wrong but you again lost me before the end of the first sentence. Your idea won’t be received well by players, I would like to point out;
Example A:
As in every other new MMO
Example B:
Raids was a great way for other MMOs
Raids are not in GW2, GW2 does not have raids, GW2 is not every other MMO.
And yet, it is Every MMO. Dungeons. Dungeons that do not allow their much promoted dynamic encounter system. Dungeons that are already seen as the only meaningful endgame content and the only rewarding content. Dungeons that are already escalating, adding gatekeeper mechanics (agony) and so Dungeon required gear. Already. What is going to happen in a year? We are going to see Guild Dungeons very soon I think. Those, undoubtably, will ramp up and become Tiered.
Meanwhile, comparable level 80 content, goes undone. People guest to get to Karma vendors in Orr. They pushed DE as innovation.. eh not really, but they indeed took it to new levels. And they are letting it wither and die, apparently, in favor of a VERY “everymmo” dungeon Progression. And with that.. will come Gear Progression. It’s already happening.
I predict Raids will come. Not called raids, perhaps not identical, but content requiring 20 players happening in, a Dungeon, of course. And every player partaking in that content will be expected to be in “the gear” needed for the Tier.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Shrug. I don’t expect huuuge slices of pie, but I do expect them to live up to one game. GW1.
I was disappointed in the opener for this Live event. I talked to every NPC I could find and learned nothing. “Greetings” “How bout this Humidity”. I honestly expected a few of the NPCs would have a story, something to learn about this disaster.
I would not have cared that most of what I did was banging signs and lighting fires, had I been able to find out just a bit more of what is going on.
The storytelling, so far, lacks the quality I saw in GW1.
I go to the most empty zone I can find now for daily. For rez I found a nice area, and won’t say where. Karka are good for dodge. Although, I get hit more now timing dodge for an “evade” update then I did just dodging the attack.
I won’t go to either newbie zone anymore. It’s just too bad there.
Take a break. No sub you aren’t wasting paid time. GW1 has events going on. Plenty of FTP MMOs out there, Everquests are, Vanguard, AoC, SwTOR, etc. I just took a week off in AoC. Back, the loot drop rate is still utter crap, but the apathy level is less. I’m sure it will build again.
I still fail to see how this thread is a Suggestion, it is primarily one person, forcibly “suggesting” that only his opinion is valid.
Second line of my post. I suggested keeping the dailies the same.
And if that doesn’t count as relevant then please lock me up for trying to clean up the forums.
It isn’t your job to clean up the forums.
Or what baout this for an idea:
How about adding animation to weapon Sigils, for example:
Adding Superior Sigil of earth to a weapon, (the weapons appearance changes to that of a cluster of rocks surrounding the weapon)
Adding Superior Sigil of Fire to a weapon (the weapons appearance changes to that of flames surrounding the weapon)
Well you get the point. Just give a little more animation to the game.
For myself, no. I still want a particle slider to turn most of them off. I would hate to be stuck with an animation simply because I wanted the effect of the sigil.
Props to the OP for a very reasoned, well thought out argument, one with considerable merit.
I still fail to see how this thread is a Suggestion, it is primarily one person, forcibly “suggesting” that only his opinion is valid.
Well, you are just wrong. GW1, I could get to EoTN at level 10 in starter armor. 5k for max armor, and never ever HAVE to buy another set again. Switch stats.. no huhu. One perfect kit, runes, good to go. No grinding to loot/buy gear every 10 levels, no need to buy an entire new set to change specs, either.
From that point, nothing I “needed” to grind. Sure, could grind up PvE skills, but I got paid well to do it. Anything else, cosmetic and optional.
Superior Vigor runes were the only high value rune, and a Luxury. Major Vigor was fine, and 2-3k.
Here, grind to craft, grind for cash, grind for gear, level up, do it some more, level up, do it some more, then get to 80 aand.. grind some more.
The only not-grind here is leveling. No doubt, fastest leveling I’ve ever seen to 80. Faster than you can craft gear, earn gear, or make cash.
I will state, I didn’t start this game until shortly before the Nov 15 patch. I do not know what the loot drops were before. My experience has been grinding for hours just to get fines and needed cash for essentials, certainly not banking any. That does color my “grind” perception, a lot.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
This is my issue with a few of the dailies. Behavior I had not witnessed prior to this new set, and laurels. Kill stealing? It doesn’t exist in this game. It’s a complaint only because people are trying to get the dodge as fast as possible.
Same thing with rezzing, never thought I would see a time when people would all-cap scream in chat and harass someone for simply Defending an npc. “let it die, you idiot”.
Someone rezzing an npc while you fought an attacker? Also not a problem before, but a bone of contention now.
The very nature of how a LOT of people are pursuing these dailies has brought in confrontational issues in the open world that just did not exist, prior. One of the better points of the game is open intuitive cooperation across the world. I hate to see that diminished.
Clearly we did play different games, because the game I played had armors of max power on sale for 1 platinum per piece. A few examples:
Never played at release, huh? Well I was actually referring to the game at the state of release until factions.
Because there wasn’t a horrendous mandatory grind in GW1. There was grind, absolutely, but the grind was actually optional.
Skills that get stronger by grinding more factionpoints isn’t mandatory?
It’s very difficult to argue that GW1’s grind is worse than GW2’s, or even comparable.
It was just flat out worse. Getting “perfect” gear is so simple in GW2 right now. Salvage some rares, craft your exotic stuff. Do every day Level 10 fractals to get the daily reward and do the dailies to get laurels.
You could play GW1 without perfect equipment, yes. But you’re living in a fantasy if you think that GW1’s perfect equipment was in any way nearly as much of a grind to obtain as GW2’s is.
No you just didn’t play the game at release.
And you pick and choose what era of GW1 you compare with to attempt to make your point. There were no faction required skills at release, or in Prophecies.
In all things, when asked for an opinion, make sure to point out that people of other viewpoints are crying, stupid, and lazy.
I’ve never thought a zerg from rez was any way to beat anything. But that’s my opinion.
On the other hand, half this game is a zerg, and TBH, the story mode encourages the behavior, so why not.
I can honestly say i dont have a favorite, and wish they were removed from the game.
Perhaps its because im a full size charr, perhaps i will feel differently when i reach lvl 80 and start a new smaller character, but right now nothing in the game makes me rage more than jumping puzzles.
Agreed. Tried a few, Max tall Norn. I don’t log into a game to get frustrated and angry. First ragequit I have had in many years of Gaming. After trying Dredgehaunt many many times for the completion Vista, I gave up, and don’t bother with any, or care about world completion since I will not ever attempt Dredgehaunt, or any other JP again.
I don’t want them removed. I’m just annoyed that what should be an optional activity becomes manditory to complete a map. Should not have to complete a JP to get a vista.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Lectures are not suggestions. A gentler rant is still a rant.
Still locking on my pet in while turning, running, in combat or out . This should not be neglected. It is terrible on my ranger.
Annoying on other classes, turning while fighting a Karka and locking on “a shovel” for instance.
Only in arenas. Particle effect spam in LA is bad enough already.
And not in the world, unless we get an “autodecline all duel requests” option.
- Regular PvE players are forced into PvP
- There is a server vs server system already, it’s callen WvW
You Sir are a Carebear and shouldn’t play MMO. Feelz sry for U!
you know it is called a MMO (Massive Multiplayer Online) not a MGO (Massive Gank Online)
Gummiebear = Carebear enough said!
Carebear? People still use that? Ha ha.. but, post is proof that T for Teen includes 13.
There are better games out for for that subset of "PvP’ player that wants to PK new players or jump on some unsuspecting Carebear. AoC is ftp now, go roll an assassin on the tutorial island .. and never leave.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
As much as I complain re loot drops, Stuff like this is ANET. I have always thought it fortunate to play a game made by people who obviously love that game.
At home.. on the weekend. Just like the Commando aprils fools joke for GW1 was done, without pay, for fun, by people who just wanted to.
And the other MAJOR difference in GW1, if I needed to buy something, I could do something casual like blow up birds for an hour and earn a plat.. or more..depending on feather and rune market.
Bit different than here, where an hour’s farming nets me 23 silver worth of crap.
GW1 allowed income to match playstyle. Speed clearing people made more, running DOA made more, people doing harder, more involved content made more. But, a person casually soloing what the could solo comfortably also made income, slower, but steady.
I don’t see that option here. Do a couple of activities, over and over, or starve with DR, tp costs and terrible drop rates doing anything else.
I don’t want the world. I would like to get to 60 on an alt and not have to sell my meager stash of needed craft fines or sell mystic coins just to get a stinking trait book.
Or have to decide.. do I make armor or buy traits because there simply isn’t enough cash for both.
GW1, grind for titles, fancy skins, elite armors. GW2, grind just as much for basic needs. Not good.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
When I was a young Norn back in the days, I thought the event was really tough. All floor was covered in red circles, insagibbing me. Now I can solo it. I am not sure if it was toned down, or if it is just changed for me.
Do not forget, it is a low level event. Not everyone is on his bazillion alt. But I wouldn’t mind ALL world events to be a fair lot harder…
Of course it was harder. take your elite skill off, put on the first couple of utility skills you had, limit yourself to a few trait points, and run it in level 15 blue armor and weapon with no shoulder armor and a bad hat. Then forget at least half of what you know about playing GW2. That’s who the event was designed for. That is who the event has to remain for.
Lol, and I agree, it was tough. Look at all those red circles!! Over 9000!
The success, long term, of this game will be an influx of new players over the years. (along with a host of other things not needing mentioned)
New player zones and new player events have to consider a learning curve. They have to be gentler than content designed for endgame, experienced players. You cannot tailor that content to suit the challenges of fully equipped and experienced endgame players and retain a learning curve.
Players can grow into harder challenges. Its why the storyline has steps, it is why killing the huuuuge elemental in queensdale or Iceworm in Wayfarer can be killed by sneering fiercely at them.
Its also why my little war, upleveled to 80, got her lil butt handed to her, horribly, by the first young Karka she met. Not.. ready.
So, while I can see the reason high levels would want a better challenge, placing them into what are basically tutorial zones isn’t really a good idea.
GW1 had the best solution with HM. HM vanquishing noobie 4 man zones was certainly a challenge and very fun.
@Knighthonor.. how do you get “making dungeons super easy” out of this discussion?
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
It is a voluntary Code that you agree to when you hit “accept”.
Have to stop you there.
That’s fine for commodities or close-substitutes, it’s no good for legislated monopolies such as copyrighted software.
Add to that the obvious aysmmetry of power and the fact that one party does not have the opportunity to negotiate, and this is why courts have ruled by a 2/3 margin against companies who present click-wrap agreements.
Take a Forum or Game Code of Conduct to court. Lots of luck. apples, oranges.
Terms of Service?
’ If the terms of service are not visible and/or accessible, courts have found the notice requirement to be lacking and as such, the purchaser may not be bound to the terms of the agreement.’
visible and accessible being the key terms, which the TOS here most certainly is.
Better luck next time.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
From what I’ve seen, most of the people complaining about the suspensions probably deserved them. You can tell by the way the complain. I’m not speaking of you specifically, that’s why I said most and not all. Point is, 72 hours is nothing in the long run. It’s annoying, but just try to carry on afterwards like nothing happened. Nothing you say or do will change this policy so why stay mad?
He is right though, one punishment does not fit all crimes.
Whats going on here would be the same as if the US justice system all of a sudden went to a 10 year sentance for all crimes, no more 90 days for a probation violation or death penalty for murder just 10 years for all. You jaywalk? well to bad for you 10 years in jail, you murder someone or hundred of people, well 10 years for you too.
One sentance NEVER fits all available crimes/vilations and companies that have systems like this have no idea what they are doing, or are just to lazy to have actual good customer service.
Ha ha, It is not a crime, it is not a Law, it is a Code of Conduct. No more than a club not allowing you to dine without a Tie. If you don’t want to wear the tie, don’t eat there. It is a voluntary Code that you agree to when you hit “accept”.
It has nothing to do with Justice systems, Bill of Rights, criminal penalties, or anything of that nature.
It is very simple. We don’t own this game. We don’t have a public “right” to anything. We bought a “membership card”.. the retail game. This allows us to access the ‘club"..the online game. Access is all we bought and if we don’t follow the Code of Conduct, access to their Property, this game, can be denied for any reason the owners of this property deem inappropriate.
I really don’t think Anet needs to start scaling up events in new player zones to cater to endgame players.
Dynamic scaling or not, it’s a new player zone, and odds are any actual new player there isn’t getting much of a slice of the pie anyway when it gets swarmed by endgame players.
And I will add that most of the Level 80s are there because it is easy, it is farmable, and it requires little effort. It isn’t about challenge at all. They won’t run up the hill and do Svanirs Bane simply because it has no chest.
I am in empty level 80 zones all the time, attempting events solo. If 80s want a challenge, go there. It is what they were designed for.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Geotherma, proving how lucky you are is no solution to those of us who are not.
However, it is pertinent to the topic for me, as I have never seen such strange loot behavior.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Dredge cave supports, Harathi catapults, so many structures have become nearly impossible to hit with some classes.
I wish they had appearance slots.. and I understand the need for cash flow in a non sub game, so have a stone that grants an appearance skin from whatever armor you wish. That “skin” could be kept in the “locker” you propose.
then everyone gets their cake.
Do not cross post. Post your message once in the appropriate sub-forum and nowhere else; otherwise it will be locked or removed without warning.
From the forum guidelines, which I only post because the OP stated " Given that most people do not read the rules of conduct "
Just wondering, because I haven’t seen anything but coin, karma, laurel.
I used to get random kits and stones fairly often.
while when there was not a daily ress lot of people, me included (once reached the ressing achievement for battle healer title) run through dead npc without even care… was this immersion breaker? yes, and still no complain about it before
And nobody yelled at you and called you a griefer or idiot if you ran past them.
Rezzing, Defending, a personal choice before. Now, in given areas, we have a “community” harrassing people for playing the game in a perfectly normal manner.
THAT is the difference.
Whatever. No matter, Queensdale and Warfarer will still be packed with players filling chat boxes with epithets and all caps yelling towards bewildered people attempting to do the right thing. It is a poor example to give someone just starting the game.
And I guess I really didn’t expect the majority to care.
Not because it is hard, or time consuming.
It promotes a divisive and unnatural game play.
It’s not right to be yelled at and called a “griefer” if you happen defend an NPC. It is not right to be told not to defend on Escorts. It is not right to be told not to defend an outpost event, because there will be more dead NPCs if you don’t.
I wouldn’t want to explain to a newb why 5 people are standing and doing nothing while a single villager is being eaten by wolves. Why all the potential “heroes” of Tyria would rather people die than help them.
Immersion is tossed about often. Well, for me, this is a total immersion killer, and it is promoting conflict between players who want to do an event in the spirit of the event, and those who just want to rez as many bodies as possible.
If you want to farm mobs, farming specific ones is not gonna do it. Much better at farmer shelt/pen and then buying those mats from the outpost.
Sure, take this huge world and shoehorn people into a very few zones and fractals. I really don’t get Anet. 80 zones should be the same. Southsun should be just as good as Orr. 80 end of Frostgorge should be as well. Options.
I too think they need to make the whole world an option to farm, but as it stands cursed shore is the place to be until they fix it.
I make about 4g/h there
/shrug. I’m one of the perma-unluckies. I won’t see 4g/hour anywhere, and it has become too frustrating to try.
This is really funny, cause every MMO I’ve played, and GW1, had a vocal crowd insisting that people who group deserve more and demanded grouping incentives.
If you want to farm mobs, farming specific ones is not gonna do it. Much better at farmer shelt/pen and then buying those mats from the outpost.
Sure, take this huge world and shoehorn people into a very few zones and fractals. I really don’t get Anet. 80 zones should be the same. Southsun should be just as good as Orr. 80 end of Frostgorge should be as well. Options.
That was one of the strong points of GW1, changing things. When you beat War in Kryta, no more WIK mobs. Cleanse Zen Daijun, no more afflicted. Many examples of this.
There was a flexibility that no open world game has.
And I don’t want to see Nightfall. More freeking zombies, Sunspears corrupted and working for Joko, no thanks. NF was and is my favorite Anet game.
As it is, parts of this game are “too much” for me. I don’t like being pals with the Charr. I won’t go to catacombs and have to see and murder all of my Pre Searing trainers. If Charr have trouble with Ascalon Ghosts, they can deal with em.. they made em.
This is a big game, and I’ve managed to avoid Orr and the Charr lands without it bothering me at all.
That one is pretty bad. I’ve never been able to complete it without getting at least one respawn in the middle of the Vet fight. Since I know Im going to fight them all, I don’t pull, I just run past the pillar now and hope for miracles during the Vet fight.
That end of the zone is pretty abandoned now as well.
However, you will be assured by many than the respawn is “working as intended” or “needs to be faster”
It may be related to this, from last update.
“Transmuting weapons now preserves the higher rarity of the two items.”
I have not tried it, but I assume that the stones can’t tell the difference between weapons and armors.
I played that game for 2.5 years. I’ve never played a game since with a stronger sense of community, and I dare say that it was the most social game I ever played. Our community is still unbroken. My guild and many other original Bloodfin (our server) guilds are still around, and we still tend to flock to the same servers when new MMO come out. We’re still in contact after all those years. How many other games can say the same?
So I dare say that if implemented right, player housing and player cities can make a community stronger and A LOT more social, not weaker.
I feel the same as you do. I still miss my home in UO and SWG. Whereas I had very little fond memories of games like WoW.
I have to 2nd this. The community I met on Valcyn I still keep in touch with. 2003 I set a little house on a spot outside Bestine to sell weapons. 8 years later, still that same little house, (and a GH, 4 other houses, and two Imperial SF det HQs) same spot, different server. Those houses were a record of 8 years of play, with mementos of “everything”. My final log out as the servers shut down was in my first little home.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
to poster above, why did you quote me? Your game, your gold, your experiences in no way reflect the game I play. I started post Nov 15 patch. I can’t farm mats, I can’t earn gold, and given my drop rate, the kind of expenditure you are talking about is not in my realm. I don’t buy gems. The most gold I’ve ever held was 6g. Not 50g plus to blow on making items to break, and you apparently blew a lot more than that.
I stated. 12 80 rares, ALL I have looted in my entire game. Black Lion Kit. 3 ectos. I would test more, but Anet will not allow me to loot rares, earn gold to buy rares, or farm mats to craft rares. Ill get back to you in 2 months, perhaps by then I will have 10-12 rares to salvage. Where you got “17 ecto blah blah blah using unknown kits”.. I don’t know. I own 3 ecto.
Enjoy YOUR gaming experience and realize you are one of the lucky ones.
“Quote. ezd.6359:
Still not enough info. Try to craft 100 yellow items of 80 lvl (light armor masks for example) and salvage them with most expensive kit from vendor. I receive ~90 ectos from same amount items salvaged."
Lets talk math. Today, average price of t5 craft fine is a bit over 2s 50c. That is 38 gold, just on fines, to create 100 items to net you your claimed 90 ecto. Ecto is priced at 38s each on TP today. You would lose money. If you include silk, threads, and cost of master salvage kits, you would lose a pretty good pile of money.
I don’t make enough gold to lose money. The sorry drop rate won’t allow me to.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Still not enough info. Try to craft 100 yellow items of 80 lvl (light armor masks for example) and salvage them with most expensive kit from vendor. I receive ~90 ectos from same amount items salvaged.
I read something like this and wonder if I am playing GW2 in some alternate reality. I can’t visualize having enough fines to ever craft 100 rare 80 items. 1500? at the current prices of that level? with this drop rate? Posts like this floor me. Your game is not what I am experiencing.
My experience? 12 level 80 rare loots since my char got to that level in early December. Easy to count, as I saved them to salvage. Black Lion Kit. 3 ectos.
The RNG hates me so much, that putting 4 Level 50 rare crafted chests into the Mystic Toilet gained me.. nothing? Everyone tells me “nothing” is impossible, yet, that is what I got.
What I don’t understand is that being “extremely unlucky” seems to be account based. In all games, I have had bad RNG streaks, lucky and unlucky characters at times, but I have never seen it apply to each and every character I had so uniformly as here.
My personal foil hat theory is we are dealing with an account based “bad” seed number for the RNG calculations that for some reason isn’t random. Shrug. GW1, if I recall right, used a microclock stamp at zone in for seed.
If the RNG seed is not random, the RNG isn’t, for some types.
It is more time consuming for me, I cannot grasp tagging one event mob and running to the next as anything but cheesy gamesmanship. Not against the rules, but for me, doing an event means.. doing it.
I dodge Karka.. in the process of killing them. I guess I don’t see aggroing a pile of noob mobs and dancing about as playing the game either.
I kill barracuda at higher levels for scales. Not many drop, but, at least there is some reason to kill them. White fish in a noob zone, no thanks. Same with gathering in a noob zone, my chars have outgrown green wood and copper.
I don’t TP all over creation. I do events in the areas I am at. Flocks of level 80s utterly devastating events in new player zones give the actual new players very little chance of anything but a bronze level reward.
I don’t see how this is encouraging players to get out. Most don’t. Most run a rote circle of known events/mobs as fast as they can, with no regard to other players that may be in the area.
17 mins to run the new daily. That is pushing it to an extreme. That fast of a completion time is gaming the daily, not playing the game.
This is why token grinds fail. They are a chore, regardless of how little time or effort they take, and usually devolve into a massive pile of “shortcuts” just to get them over with.
My own opinion, YMMV. Interesting to see the speed clear mentality has survived the transition to GW2 intact.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Eh, not dodge, but I got read the riot act on my baby Thief for actually killing some wolves eating on some villagers. Guess I’m supposed to just stand there now, let em die, and let people get rez credit. Very heroic behavior.
Grass is evil. If they hide their feet in grass, you can’t hit them.
If they consulted us and made more ways to get stat armor without the grind I would not complain.
There are plenty of ways. You can craft it, dungeon it, karma it, or farm it. Several of these are pretty inexpensive.
You can’t craft anything without grinding for the mats, or the gold to buy them. Low drop rate of Fines makes crafting, at any level, a pretty bad grind.
I like to craft. I would rather craft than grind. Now, to craft a level 35 set of rares for my baby Thief, including weapons, requires 165 fine mats. (11 items)).
Crafting is a legitimate part of the game. Wishing to craft rare gear at level 35 (or any rare level) means that I am forced to “grind/farm” for those mats an inordinate period of time, or grind/farm gold to buy that at overinflated, manipulated TP prices.
A very low drop rate of these essential items means I am forced to grind. To participate in an area I have always enjoyed, I am forced to grind. I don’t wish to grind for a week just to produce one set of armor for an alt.. much less attempt to produce items for sale. I do it because it is a point of pride for me, in all games I can, to wear and use gear I have made. In EQ2 I lived with lower stats to use gear I made. This game is the worst grind to do basic crafting I have ever seen.
Now, according to some, because I would like to see a better drop rate, for these items in particular, I am a grinder, I love grinding, I live in a basement, have no intelligence, am just a lazy, no skill, no talent, donkey chasing a carrot. I’m part of a " vocal minority of grinders, farmers, addicts and exploiters who do not understand the concept of playing a game in order to have fun", (all terms taken from unmoderated anti “grinder” rants on this forum)
I just want to make my own gear. Cause I find it fun. Gosh, I’m sorry.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Dodge over a cliff in Southsun and die 15 times.
Attempt a jumping puzzle and get stuck in the geometry 10 times.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)