North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
march 28th 2017, never forget.
if people put half as much effort into l2p as they do pvf ghost thief would be totally negligible.
Never forget what? SAB?
June 23rd 2015, never forget.
July 7th 2015, never forget.
October 23rd, 2015, never forget.
I believe they only apply to open world zones not the instances.
Edit: the wiki says
This effect applies to everyone playing on their home-world in both WvW and PvE with the exception of Raids.
Why did you start counting from the start of living story and not right after the release of the expansion? where the base of these complaints are born from?
Because the expansion was a complete bungle that added a lot to PvE, that players didn’t want (But it still took time and effort to create), and then the developers had to go back to re-do all that work again over the next 6 months or so before they could start moving forward again.
What redo? they tweaked maps and encounters, not like they completely revamped any areas of the new maps. That’s to be expected for any new content no matter the game. Maybe if they had stuck with the no grind philosophy and stop trying to screw with players with grinds to extend content, they wouldn’t have had to go back and fix those maps as soon as they were released.
Now people want to count the raid as part of the initial expansion content, well hey living story was planned and sold as part of the expansion, only players with the expansion can access it, it all counts. My other post stated they have worked on both things for both sides of players, but obviously raids will be an important part of gw2 from now on or they wouldn’t be adding something as exclusive as animated legendary armors to that section of the game alone.
My question is why did living story take like 9 months before it came out, they even had to pull developers off other sections to even start it, while they already had devs working on the next expansion as soon as the last one released.
Also raids are 10+ player content, dungeons/fractals are 5 player content. Difficulty has nothing to do with what’s consider raid material and what’s not, it’s the amount of players required to tackle that content.
Wasn’t Meteor Shower for elementalist just changed due to hitting big targets aka raid bosses too many times?
The nerf to Meteor Shower could be seen a long time ago, and it was a messed up job anyway since they decided to nerf one skill and leave all others that work the same un-touched.
You asked for a change due to raids, that’s a change and it’s due to raids.
(edited by Xenesis.6389)
Why not post in the thief forums? Mostly thief hate in wvw section.
Could take a look at what’s up in metabattle for thieves and maybe find something to your style and tweak to your liking.
They won’t say anything because players are so starved for information they’ll get rabid about it and constantly ask for more information.
Skirmish rewards are supposedly in the works so that’s probably what’s next on wvw plate.
Raids and their release schedule was a planed part of the expansion.
So was the living story.
The time they took to “fix” some of the issues of HoT with the Spring April 2016 update likely impacted the release of LWS3 by 3 months at least.
They pulled people from other departments like the legendary weapon development to even start on living story in april which then needed 3 months of development. Where was this development after the expansion release if the raid team is only like 5 people? They already had people working on the next expansion instead of working to finish the current one.
As for WvW they’ve been doing updates to WvW for quite some time. Players keep insisting they want a major revamp to make the game mode all shinny and new again.
Yes because it had been ignored for 3 years before the expansion, then colin comes out and says oh wvw is going to be the focus after the expansion, they’ve been working on it for a year. Then he leaves and we find out it’s backend stuff they were working on for wvw for that year, they had a revamp too but it kept getting stuff added to it, so it kept getting bigger, and getting delayed, ok fine. Only thing major from it was the skirmish scoring, most of the rest was QoL changes, or more siege stuff repair hammers or mobile cannons that players did not want.
They did get one, with HoT. Gee, that didn’t work out so well did it?
No kidding, automated upgrades where you didn’t need anyone around, repackaged all the wvw guild upgrades into the grindfest of a guildhall, added banners that kitten off players, guild upgrades like smc airship stealth pools, watchtower, that did more damage than good, practically destroying small guilds and groups, yeah great work there. Introduced a kitten map that had most of it’s beta testing messed up and it’s feedback ignored, to this day still not that many want to play on it.
Combat revamp that affected wvw the worse, a mess with condition spams, boon sharing that eventually got fixed, problem builds like ghost thieves that eventually got fixed but only because a precious raid boss got solo’d. Who cares about the condition and boon spam if it happens in pve it only affects npcs, spvp has it’s own balance rules and their fights are shorter. Wvw took the brunt of the problems with that mess.
And since then they’ve tried to repair the damage done as well as tweaking aspects of scoring and adding new mechanics. But all I see often repeated on the forums is “ANet has ignored WvW”. Same thing can be said about Fractals, easy for some to discount all the work they’ve done because they are revamps and not a steady stream of new ones.
The only major work was the skirmish scoring, but that wasn’t exactly the biggest problem of wvw, just out of control overnight scoring that affect certain servers in certain matchups. PPK had been tested like a year before much to players delight and then was dumped to the side for some reason before being reintroduced again.
Links were the quick fix to making servers populated after they scrapped the big revamp for alliances they had planned, that carried it’s own problems. But didn’t exactly fix the game mode dying, just stopped the mass bleeding of players from HoT changes and having the desert map in as all three homebls.
Not to mention the mode has been dying for quite some time because anet refuses to promote it like they have for pve and spvp, great marketing team btw. Last thing they tried was the golem week, which they ignored all the exploits without a word, would that have happened in pve? nope.
Well since LS3 started we got 4 new pve maps, 2 new pvp maps (in beta), 2 (+4 with tweaks, total 6) Fractals and 1 Raid Wing. I’m not seeing that “raid focus” direction at all. In fact since LS3 started every type of player got more content than they did at any point in the game’s lifetime. What’s not to like about the new direction?
Why did you start counting from the start of living story and not right after the release of the expansion? where the base of these complaints are born from?
Funny, those mesmer adjustments happened for WvW and not Raids. Got any actual examples of skill changing due to Raids?
Wasn’t Meteor Shower for elementalist just changed due to hitting big targets aka raid bosses too many times?
(edited by Xenesis.6389)
My favorite game mode in any game ever, down to 2 hrs on reset night, if I even feel like playing it over the mobas I play these days.
Oh my, my kovu joke post got deleted and infracted.
Players will just break the system again anyways, and faster now that they know what it takes to “win”. Then we’ll also get those loner players who prefer lower population servers in here complaining again.
I miss planetside 1, that game was a lot of fun. All the buildings gave bonuses and unlocked weapons or vehicles to use on the continent you were on, plus lattice system you had to attack certain bases first to get the next ones. Once you conquered the continent it locked to your side for a time providing a bonus, and everyone had to shift to another map. Course they too suffered from population stacking at times, but they had stat bonuses to deal with outnumbered.
It would even be possible to have a lattice/structure bonus system to wvw actually. Although I don’t really want to bother writing up ideas for that.
Was a mistake designing wvw around points with matches lasting 24/7, or 24/14 as originally planned. Point systems are only good for short duration or even sided matches. Structure capture for access to bonuses is better for population fluctuations.
I dunno why there’s 14 pages of arguments over this. They added raids to the game to cater to those type of players, something which was not in the game for 4 years, that’s a change of identity of the original game concept.
They’re adding legendary armors just to those raids as a reward just like the legendary back pieces that require fractals or spvp, legendary weapons involved a little of all parts of the game but you did not require a group of 10 people to complete, that’s also a change to the original concept of legendaries.
Things change for games all the time, things get added or removed, what’s important is that game stays true to the original audience it was designed for. That game identity created from day one is what players bought the game for, if you turn around and try to cater for a different type of player that the game wasn’t even designed for, obviously not all your current players would be happy about it.
The first 8 months of the expansion was basically dedicated to the raids, the last 8 months have been for living story. In that you can see they’re creating content for both types of players, but other areas of the game suffers because anet does not multi task very well, hi wvw. Why weren’t both raids and living world done at the same time if the raid team is so small?
It’s obvious with the amount of work going into building legendary armors that raids are now a big part of gw2 going forward. I mean they won’t even make separate armor pieces for the gem store anymore, it’s all outfits they shove in there, but raid legendaries are going to be individual pieces and animated.
The original identity of gw2 has been chipped away at for a while now. But they’re heading down the direction of every other game with raids, you raid you get the coolest stuff in the game. If that’s the way they want to go for their end game, so be it, but I didn’t come to gw2 for raids, I left a game that had much more better options for raids to come play gw2 for wvw (one of those original audiences of gw2 being ignored).
I agree, unlink EU servers, also any EU players that come to complain about links or unbalanced matches afterwards, should get a ban from the forums.
You guys need to come up with ideas using the existing maps and gameplay, anything else new will take a lot of development time that wvw does not have or anet is willing to devote to. It takes them a year just to create a wvw map.
Bunch of ungrateful ingrates!
K.O. finally. Took them long enough.
Yea. I’m just kittened it took until someone soloed a raid boss for Anet to actually do something
Wait wait wait… did that really happen?
I would think bosses would have built in see through stealth mechanics.
I think it’s very nice; it communicates your server’s current placement in the skirmish.
What placement?
Yellow towers?
Is that 2nd or 3rd place?
Is 1st place pink gerbils?
Probably gold for 1st, silver for 2nd, bronze for 3rd.
There was pics of the new ui art were released few months ago I think.
But yeah more visual clutter.
Do some of you believe that somehow servers would have been in a better position today without links? Let’s be perfectly honest here, all servers were dying at a faster rate after the expansion release than before. Guilds would have continued to move upwards in the ranks to get more activity. Communities would have died regardless, a merge instead of links would have definitely killed half the servers. The many changes from the expansion including combat has either drove off or reduced the playing time of a lot of players.
The problem here is, anet said that links were a quick easy solution to help with population bleed, but where’s the long term solution? It’s been almost a year, are they even working on a long term solution or are they just waiting for this to completely die? Anet has done next to nothing the past year to help promote wvw and try to get players into it, wvw has been dying a slow death from day one.
You can reset the system if you want, but if it exist as it does now, it does nothing to fix the problem as long as transfers exist.
Blackgate is still winning that match, so what’s the problem?
Besides, there’s no limit above the set threshold for population. They may be both full but BG could be hundreds of players higher than JQ, we don’t know how many transferred in the last time they were open. SoR and AR are pretty dead servers at this point I believe.
You’re being optimistic thinking there’s going to be another map.
Although I can imagine them making a new tangled depths ebg type map and then trying to replace ebg with it, until we get through 10 polls asking if it should stay or be deleted, if it should replace ebg or be on rotation, or just exist along side ebg.
who will buy their expansion if there isn’t a new wvw map?
People will buy it for the new overpowered elite specs alone, just like the last expansion. At least there isn’t anymore guild stuff to repackage in there too… I think.
(edited by Xenesis.6389)
SMC is a very important location for Eternal Battleground.
For big servers it means they can come online and harrassed any other server they like. practically 24/7/365 since they have players moving in there from all time zone. These servers can hold SMC for a week without any other server being able to even get close to it.
I would like to see these changes made to it.
1) Sieges build in smc, must not be able to reach any outer towers. IE: put SMC in a valley, lowering the terrain to enable outer towers using siege against SMC but not the other way around.
2) SMC without people taking care of it will go down in tier after X amount of time.
3) Supply route from opponents dolyak can only reach SMC if they have the whole line cleared. IE camp to tower to smc. If in between camp and smc is an enemy tower, the supply cannot and will not reach smc, it will stop at enemy tower nad the tower will get double ration.Thank You
If you think 1) is a bad thing, then you are completely missing the strategic value of holding SMC, not to mention one of the main differences between EB and DBL- which is that holding one object can affect another.
Besides, you can raid against SMC with a small group, break the outer wall repeatedly and wipe their siege with a well placed AC or ballista. It can be done with teams of 3-4. The idea is you place a catapult against the wall, and bang away until they come and kill it. Then start on a different wall. Rinse, repeat- they will either run out of supplies to repair or concentrate so much on defending all the walls that your other teams can cap half their side of the map- or take down a t3 bay or hills on their home border.
2) is just your side being lazy, see above.
3) Why? So flipping an enemy camp will now help the enemy? How does that make any sense? Terrible suggestion.
Try flipping camps, killing dollies, etc. There is nothing quite so satisfying as having the whole enemy zerg come just to deal with your 3-4 man team, and then running to a different target and annoying them some more!
The only reason any server can hold SMC for any length of time is if the servers they are playing against don’t have any tactics and just need a tag to follow blindly as thinking for themselves is too much effort.
+1 What he said.
SMC’s value is
a. Giving the most points for any structure.
b. Being able to hit every outer tower, at the cost of basically having no outer wall protection since those same towers can also hit back, there should be a wall down practically all the time.
It’s up to the other two teams to put pressure on SMC, even if it means for one team to play distraction and let the other one cap, just so they can break the upgrades and siege inside. Sometimes wvw requires some strategy and tactics rather than just running around hitting 1.
What’s there to discuss?
Anet wanted 3 months.
The community mostly wanted 1 month.We settled on 2 months.
Feedback? Well it could have been worse.
Most of the players voted for 1 and 3 months, so anet compromised and settled on 2. Some even voted for 6 months, which would have put the second relinks around the corner, now that would have been terrible.
You realize there are guilds out there that have lasted longer than just one game?
Why do you think you often see entire guilds moving in wvw?
I don’t know what mmos you played, but some of them certainly required you to be in a guild to progress or get any enjoyment out of the game. How many of them even offered transfers? How many were even rvr type games? Pve games you don’t typically need to move, unless you were moving to play with a friend, or moving to join a specific guild like for raiding.
The friends I have met in game and the guild I’m in have my loyalty over the servers we’re on, so /shrug.
Tiny DoomCan you be in a guild on all three teams in the same match?
Yes you can.
Played desert tonight, stumbling on all the random kitten on the ground still bothers me. Also traveling around that map isn’t “faster” than alpines, even with shortcuts, it certainly relies on waypoints and ewp more than alpines.
Merges will not solve anything as long as transfers are available no matter how restricted, period. Transfers, bandwagons, mass migrations up and down the ranks happened often before links were even around. If you make transfers too heavily restricted like say 1 transfer per 6 months, you might even force players to just leave the game if they get bored.
Links basically already act like 2 month transfers to servers, but players still move to get out of tiers entirely. That’s one of the problems with the tiers, as you go up the tiers the more zergs and blobs you find, as you go down the more roaming small groups you will find. If the server you’re on doesn’t provide the setting you want you will have to move tiers.
The only servers crashing lately have been falling from t1, yb, db, jq, tc, because of players leaving them. The only thing that kept guilds on servers was server loyalty, and that went out the window years ago as the game mode became more stale with ppting. There is nothing in the game to keep players loyal to a server, other than the community and winning, but for a lot of players their guild is their community.
I don’t know what else you can expect from anet, they collect the data to try and make appropriate links, links happen, then within that first week guilds move off in mass. What is anet suppose to do then? redo the links constantly until players figure out what is balanced?(which players won’t). The players create that problem, they have to live with it. Now we see anet messing with glicko to try and react to the changes and have managed to fudge some of the matchups (hod shouldn’t be in t2, mag should be in t1 still, tc does deserve to drop).
A lot of players are moving down from t1 these days because they want smaller fights, they move but then they have followers that also move with them, next thing you know the server gets enough ppt to move back up the ranks and everything repeats itself.
We all know eventually the only solution to this problem is the eotm way with player pools, and heavy restrictions on transfers. But players probably aren’t ready for that solution yet, that’s one of the reasons why the alliance solution was held back in favor of links which was a simpler solution.
(edited by Xenesis.6389)
YB has lost more players over being pitted against a T1 server than any other week or action that has been ignored by the powers that be.
So someone claims with an Anet tag, so what? They are people, they have a claim and they were chosen by the program and they took the chance to show the Anet colors which as long as they have the buffs needed by the server, who cares who ‘claims’ it?
Not one single guild played as it usually does this week.
YB is losing players but it is also losing heart – Anet should never have manually changed the glicko and pitted a tier one anything against those in tiers 3 and 4.
At least you’re not full anymore, better recruit quick.
Do you really think that many people transfer once a week? People tend to spend a few months on a server before moving again anyways.
Also they can’t just willy nilly relink servers whenever it’s needed. Size of servers have to be determined over a period of weeks, and then they try to match them with appropriate servers. It all needs to be done manually because it is not an automated system.
Ok so a server goes full and you want to detach 2 of it’s links, where are you going to put them? That itself will be seen as a disruption and players will complain about that too. What happens if the server drops back down from full two days later? Gonna stick the 2 servers back on them?
If you want a more competitive matchup HoD doesn’t need to be in t2, the glicko adjustments were a mistake last week, and maybe the variance needs to be brought down.
GVG 10v, 15v, 20v, are not going to take off unless there’s a ranking system to go with it. If you’re doing it just for the hell of it, the OS arena is still around. A lot of hardcore gvg guilds have already left the game anyways.
it is a fair 20v20 or 10v10 fight, guild members can experience their builds, and how they should run, the battleground wont affect the actual WvW since the fight has a time limit, and the guild can fight with one other guild once a week,
instead it will boost the normal WvW
since players will be more skilled and experienced
and it might attract PvPers or even PvErs for the rewards and the fun of it.
that will remove the idea of GvGing in wvw
we start seeing more big blobs fun
more commanders training
and i think it might revive the WvW.
I don’t quite get this train of thought.
You basically want gvg guilds to move to a private battleground to do battles.
Then you think players will be more skilled and experienced from this(gvg or pugs?), gvg fight players usually are more skilled than the average pug player anyways, pugs won’t be trained unless they are smart enough to train themselves from experience like the good roamers, or get on ts and train with a guild. Not like this hasn’t already been happening from day one anyways.
Spvp and pve players will not really be attracted to this for the reward unless it’s a legendary, because of what they would need to do in order to achieve that reward, join a gvg guild which will be strict on the levels of raids in order to win. Hard enough just trying to get pve players to try regular wvw in general, now you want to place them with the more hardcore wvw players?.
Memo on blobs, a lot of organized players are not looking for that these days, it’s why t1 is in the crisis it’s in right now, most of those gvg type guilds are looking for 15-25 fights.
Commander training happens if guilds find someone to do them with, most guilds barely run a second commander, most times it comes down to the guild leader who’s the main commander that everyone follows. Doubt any servers does open training for commanders anymore either. Sometimes it’s a wasted effort when you help train someone for weeks and then they take off to another server or leave the game thereafter.
I do think battlegrounds would be a good addition, just don’t think specifically for guilds is necessary.
Really needs to be stickied because someone opens a new thread EVERY WEEK asking the same question.
That’s what I said last time and someone argued with me over it.
Sure if you want to look at the extremes like that. It’s not a “sub”, who says you have to pay for gems through real money and not gold anyways? Only bored players or bored guilds move than often.
If I was stuck on the lowest server and not finding the fights I want, or people I want to fight with, or in general just not having fun down in that atmosphere then I would certainly move. I’m not going to wait on anet to merge or link me with another server and then find out it’s still not the atmosphere I was looking for, I would research servers to see if they fit my play style, and then make a move. Or don’t play at all, that’s up to you.
Again, box sales are lacking; Gem Store sales are relatively even.
Even for the last quarter of the year which they experienced their lowest quarter, and is normally a good period for box sales?
This out-manned situation seems to be a result of this new way of bouncing people up and down the combat ladder. You win you move up, you lose you move down… I’ve been told by people on the servers that have moved way down the ladder that many of them sandbag just to get to the lower tier then sit back and just run slaughter k-trains. Much like SBI is doing right now. Here they are on T4 rated 7th in standings along with NSP rated 8th, and we are rated 12th and fighting them.. go figure that.
Needless to say but of course we are almost always outnumbered. Even now as I look at the borderlands almost everything in site belongs to SBI. Boy this must be fun for them.
The one bright spot for me now is that I am NOT on a linked server anymore but on CD where a lot of great and fun people play. We get frustrated a lot lately though!
Sure that happens, mag just recently tanked to get to t2 but were bounced to t3. But servers have no control over the variance given to their glickos on reset to bounce them around the tiers. 10th and 11th rolled higher variances and it bounced them to t2 and 3.
Not exactly hard for SBI to roll down when there’s only 84 glicko ratings separating rank 7 to 12, it looks like 3-4 servers managed to roll into higher glickos than sbi this week. HoD and TC are probably even more worse off this week having to face JQ. You’re on CD, the last place server, expect to get outnumbered and frustrated.
I still think server links should be done by a general level of population and not to the population of servers in tiers around them. Otherwise you have servers rolling into tiers they can’t handle.
I just want to throw my 2 cents out there on how I feel about WvW. I don’t like the server grouping because it ruins community. I cant join an active WvW group on my server because the active ones are on other servers and they will not be linked with me forever. If servers really do need more for population reasons then it should be a permanent server merge.
Now imagine if your server had no links and was on it’s own still….
If you can’t find players to join on your own server, then maybe it’s time to look at a transfer to the servers are you are seeing groups you wish to join, and not wait for an anet solution to your situation. The only difference is a merge is basically a free permanent transfer to servers you may not even like. If you don’t want to pay for transfers I don’t know what else to tell you on that.
Also I don’t like that its 3 servers (or server groups) per match up. I would like it to be 1 server vs 1 server. With 3 it only seems to make it harder for whomever is in 2nd to catch or beat whomever is in 1st. As both the 1st server and 3rd will target the second. 1st to keep their closest competitor down and 3rd just to get out of being 3rd will target 2nd.
1st beats up on 2nd to keep them down, beats up on 3rd to get their easy points.
2nd beats up on 3rd for their easy points, hits 1st whenever they won’t be overrun.
3rd sits in the matchup trying to defend whatever they can.
The system was designed to be a merrigoround between the 3 teams so that 1 does not absolutely overrun the other, which can happen in the 1v1 system, which would end up in dead matchups. Obviously the system was not designed properly for that and the weakest team gets their candy stolen constantly.
Not always the case obviously but certainly more often then not. Since there are 2 maps now (not including eternal) it would be nice if matches were 2 weeks. 1 week your alpine next week your desert. Both teams get 1 week on each map so any map differences will be voided.
The only other thing I would suggest but I DON’T KNOW if it would help or hurt so take with a grain of salt is to tune down the dps in wvw. It isn’t much of a war if its over in 30s, just saying. Thank you for reading. I hope I was clear and please comment and let Anet know if you like my suggestions or not.
Original design was set for 2 weeks, maybe somewhere within the first two weeks of the one day matchups they saw that servers could run away with scores due to population and coverage differences, and settled on one week matches instead. Who knows.
There was little chance for comebacks in the old system unless your server put in major overtime. You don’t usually see major comebacks these days either, servers usually settle the score by the end of the weekend, rest of the week is really just time killing. Two weeks would probably be long and tiring, yes servers do tend to face the same opponents for weeks at a time, but at least the scores are reset every week so that even a bad week can be set aside.
The last part deals with class balance which we know has been screwed up since HoT, don’t expect any fixes for that as it affects pve.
It isn’t OP against Ghost Thieves
Can you imagine what the game would be like if everybody was on ghost thief builds?
I got ya back on this one, you need to go without this riveting action.
LOL that crack me the hell up, thanks for that XD
I’m guessing generally for pugs?
Usually are the go to general feast for defensive and offensive options.
We should clearly get rid of all the BLs, get rid of EotM, and just have EBG by this argument. Which would just be silly. We need maps that are different, even maps that are less popular. Nothing would be more boring than having four identical maps to play on.
Would it be silly though?
Yes it would be, because not everyone likes ebg, or alpines, or desert, or eotm. Makes no sense trying to lock players for weeks or months at a time out of the map they do enjoy, however many that might be, that’s forcing people not to play. Taking alpines out for 6 months was a very damaging mistake to wvw.
And yes designing borderlands was a terrible mistake in the first place, gives them little option these days having 2 borderland maps. Every map should have been ebg in design.
On the other side, I don’t expect WvW’s current budget to change it to a 1v1 setup. Although…doing so would remove the elephant in the room (three way lag issue), and be easier to balance in the long run.
It can be done, just remove the 3rd side and leave their structures as neutral for capture on ebg, and you can remove the 3rd borderland. Then just merge servers, raise map caps, raise server caps so there’s the same amount of players for two sides in total as there is for three, or not if you want to cut down in ebg lag.
I was honestly underwhelmed by alpine when I first saw it because DBL is so expansive and filled with places to go. It took me like 20 minutes to know every location on alpine in contrast.
FYI, WvW isn’t about “exploring”, that’s what the pve maps are for.
But I highly doubt you even know about the many golem hiding spots all around in alpines, or where the best siege placements are, and when you see those spots and how connected the camps, towers, and keeps are, you start to see how much more better alpines is that regards to map play. Desert pretty much has everything separated.
I’ve kicked a anet staff off my guild before if that helps, not because he did anything bad but just because he can’t rep at all since he is obligated to rep anet guild.
But they’ve said they don’t need to rep the Anet guild…. and I’m sure other devs have been part of regular guilds…. so…
Obligation don’t have to be legal or contract reasons.
I’ve kicked a anet staff off my guild before if that helps, not because he did anything bad but just because he can’t rep at all since he is obligated to rep anet guild.
But they’ve said they don’t need to rep the Anet guild…. and I’m sure other devs have been part of regular guilds…. so…
ermm…obligation don’t have to be ermm…legal reason…u know.
ermm Why ermm are ermm you ermm responding ermm twice? ermm ermm
Yes I know they don’t have to be legal, just saying there’s no work obligation for them to rep or even join in the first place.
How long a has the poll ran for? Maybe the desert people are not online right now!
There’s no sign in to vote, any joe tom dena harriet can vote on that.
How do we know all the haters didn’t just vote multiple times?
Did you only tell the maguuma server players to vote?
Did you send emails to all the players that have 1000 wxp levels and gained at least 10 ranks this week to vote?
Did you also send emails to the veterans who played 4 years ago to come vote?
Meh you’re going about this all wrong.
You shouldn’t remove the desert bl, you should remove the red team from the matchup. I mean if red is basically a k-trained side anyways you might as well take that side out and leave their structures neutral for capture. Then merge servers, close transfers, and have 3 server matchups become 2 server matchups, which both have alpines as their home bl. Fighting for second place becomes meaningless, both servers have to fight to win.
P.S The voting was done already multiple times. Do you expect people that voted for desert bl to show it in their signature or something for proof to you?
Yes, WvW was envisioned by its designers as a three-way battle in which worlds would co-operate and compete by forming shifting alliances. ANet have openly confirmed that.
A 2v1 doesn’t have to happen under agreements or alliances, just need smart commanders to hit the appropriate targets, not lazy ones to just hit whatever has been k-trained 10mins ago. Runaway scoring promoted that lazy behavior, the 321 skirmish scoring promotes that behavior.
Nor do I think they designed the system for cooperation or actual alliances between servers. In fact there’s no official in game features to support this, The only way for you to communicate with someone on the other server in game about this, is by the roundabout way of blocking them to add them to friends to even send a whisper, which I’m sure was not intended.
The third team in a battle is there to help keep one side from rolling over the others which would happen in a two way battle, they could either help one side or just wait till they’ve nearly destroyed each other and then pounce in to clean up the rest. This of course only works if they are all wanting to win and come in first in the match, the two losing teams would have to set their focus on the one that was winning. But there is also no real rewards for winning, 3 green bags? moving up the ranks to face servers with even more population than you? Yeah second sounds just fine, just k-train red cause no point trying to waste 3-6 hours taking a fully upgraded keep from green.
Yes a problem with players is they somehow think a double team doesn’t happen with 3 teams… there is always a double happening. Unless of course one side has been k-trained off the maps for the week which has happened regularly in wvw for the past 4 years to the last place team. It sucks being the focus of that double team (more so when you’re the weakest server in the match), but it’s warranted if you’re winning the matchup.
The most famous alliance 2v1 was JQ and TC ganging up on BG for the entirety of season 2. That I’m sure took a lot of out of game discussions with major guilds and commanders, to even make that happen and work for that long of a period under the one goal, do not let BG win the tournament.
Five teams would be terrible unless there’s some restrictions to keep alliances in check, and scoring is not the same as now, otherwise expect 4v1 to happen.
(edited by Xenesis.6389)
I’ve kicked a anet staff off my guild before if that helps, not because he did anything bad but just because he can’t rep at all since he is obligated to rep anet guild.
But they’ve said they don’t need to rep the Anet guild…. and I’m sure other devs have been part of regular guilds…. so…
Anyways… first y’all complain anet doesn’t play wvw, then they do and use claims like everyone else and you get kittenhurt about it, make up your minds.
Esports revolves around team size of 5 or under, for the sake of balance.
So if it doesn’t work for spvp in gw2 it ain’t going to work in gw2, period. Wvw itself is too open, too big, and unbalanced to be a legit esport, only esport you can create out of that is gvg’s and you don’t need wvw for that, just a big arena, but that ship has sailed.
Well stop rubbing salt in the wound anyway. DB is getting hammered by two MUCH more populated servers. Claiming DB’s garri when their tick is less than 50 is just dee bagg ery.
Happened all last week from SBI as well. If you want to “enjoy” WvW, how about growing some courage and going onto the low pop server for the week.
? YB is losing to you ….. We are not more populated no matter what anet’s silly status says AND no link…..
You keep crying YB is not full and has no link, yet they’re hanging well in t3 with servers that need 2-3 links to even compete with you. How about you finally open your eyes for a change, your server is big enough on it’s own to handle t3/4 linked servers. Players themselves do not know how populated their own server is unless they play 24/7 and have experienced every time zone to actually see it differently.
If you don’t want to play in t2 then stop crying about links? Maybe they didn’t want to make yet another t2 server out of yb so they didn’t get a link? Maybe YB already got it’s chance at higher tiers when they boosted their glicko and then dropped back down to t3 anyways?
2-1-1 can work if players adjust to the system, but most players these days are lazy and just want to go after whatever is weaker which is piledriver the third place server. The only way it’s demoralizing to second is if second was only playing for second and didn’t care to actually win first, but in that system they’re playing for the same point as third.
The game was built for 2v1, you’re suppose to play to win, not play for lazy man second and call that a win for your server. Only it was suppose to be 2v1 on the winning server, not the losing one. Then again they had systems like the orbs/bloodlust which again favored bigger servers with numbers and coverage to hold it, so even in the beginning wvw was built to favored bigger servers to snowball the smaller servers.
The 2v1 was never built properly from the start, there were no incentives to actually fight the proper 2v1. Scoring changes are useless anyways, players say they want changes, but complain hard to go back to old systems whenever there’s a significant change.
I believe they cannot use 0 as a score. 1-0-0 is 2-1-1 or 3-2-2 anyways. 5-4-3 is the same as 3-2-1.
The two more popular numbers requested were 2-1-1 and 5-4-3, they are trying both. Has 543 been out as long as 211 yet? might be time for a change.
Oh boy they are really laying it on thick. You lost get over it. Have fun farming the lower tiers everyone knew you couldn’t hang in the big leagues.
Is it next week that’s eotm hibernation week to feed glicko to fa and sos to keep them in t1? I missed the server meeting on it.
Sorry Maguuma, no one down here has your numbers.
To be fair, Mag did have a 13.3 KDR on EBG after the first skirmish and EBG had a queue for every server so the numbers were equal, I’m pretty sure YB/ DB are also outgunned.
red BL was the only queue for the first skirmish (no clue afterwords), and it wasn’t very deep….
and a Maguuma queue of 99 for EBG – YB hasn’t seen a queue like that since 2015…
That’s cause they told everyone to try and queue for ebg even if you didn’t want to go there, just to see if they could break 100, which I think they did. But yeah ebg filled up pretty fast last night, was a queue within 5s of the match starting. Other queue happened when one zerg tried to move maps. Still lower than the 2-3 map queues that happened a month ago in t1. Supposedly mag had 21 kdr in ebg at one point too. Mag should be in t2, and jq should be in t1.
You have my sympathy. Too tired atm to try & convince ANet to do the right thing…when the post will be deleted.
Anybody see the ANet report card yet?
Uhhh, clearly financial analysis isn’t a good career choice for you. They shipped the first major expansion in Q4 FY15, so they’re obviously going to see a big pop in revenue in Q4 FY15 through Q1 FY16. After this, it’s the ongoing gem sales that’s driving revenue (which remains remarkably stable). You should expect to see a similar, albeit smaller, increase in revenue after the release of their next expansion.
Remember, this game is nearly half a decade old. By all measures, it’s been quite a success from a business perspective.
They had a pop in two quarters for the expansion and then the rest of the year they were 10-15m under the average quarter from before the expansion. Their 4th quarter sometimes bring in a little extra, but the last 4th was the lowest of every quarter they’ve ever had.
The game being nearly have a decade means little, lineage is almost 20 years old and still brings in 4x what gw2 does. When wow hit it’s 4 year mark they were on their second expansion and near their peak 12 mil subs. A game is fine as long as they provide content and keep their customers happy on a regular basis.
Obviously things are different these days with subs games going out of style, and with cash shops taking over. GW2 relies mostly on gem sales, which requires anet on “delighting” their player base often to promote those sales. I think the biggest problem is the way anet has gone about that in the last few years, they have made a lot of missteps that include neglecting wvw, now they’re kinda suffering for it.
You have my sympathy. Too tired atm to try & convince ANet to do the right thing…when the post will be deleted.
Anybody see the ANet report card yet?
Is it this one?
Edit: oh you mean that report, it won’t be out for like another month.
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