North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
So they basically did it WvW style and turtled it up to focus and mitigate damage, and the mass resses, half the players couldn’t bother to jump the wave lol. Time to load up the Teamspeak servers because this won’t be done with pugs.
Congrats Blackgate on world first.
2 and 4 are a huge no no. Just because your server can’t fill all maps doesn’t mean others should suffer. There’s already enough incentive for small group play. Transfer costs should never ever be decreased. It will destroy servers. You seriously need to consider how your proposed changes would affect the EU servers, not just NA.
Would you mind sharing some personal experience on the EU servers then? I should have mentioned that the transfers only apply to the NA servers as I haven’t played or kept track of EU servers, would assume a similar situation happened there as it did on the NA side of things though.
Lower cost transfers would only affect the top 3 servers as they have been super stacked since the closing of the free transfers. Obviously I would not leave the lower cost in permanently, as that would be like pre free transfer era and that was a mistake on them for having that open so long in the first place. For 1 week at most until some movement has been made. Even WoW rotates offers to transfer to certain low pop servers, although I’m sure that will go away too since they have new server tech.
For a healthy WvW scene especially now that they plan on having a league, I think it’s necessary to have a spread out population. As it is rank 3-6 cannot compete with 1-3, 7-9 cannot compete with 1-6 at all. If it is healthy on the EU scene then I’m happy for you guys. Yeah we all know things are not fair in wvw, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t bother with tweaks and completely ignore the problems.
5. Remove the glicko points system.
I know this doesn’t have a shot in hell especially with the league coming soon lol, but here goes. Install a new system of 1st moves up a tier, 2nd stays in current tier, 3rd moves down a tier. This will ensure that the match ups are always different every week, it gives the winning servers a chance to move up one tier to test their strength on higher servers, this would still ensure that servers are fighting against other servers at their levels. We know that WvW is not “Fair” but people want equal competition, we all want fights to be about skill and the population throws that off. The close race for points at the end of the week are exciting, the blowouts at the end of the opening weekend are not.
While the system in place does allow for different match ups every week and it does allow lower ranked servers the opportunity to earn points to keep up in ranks, any true competitor will tell you it doesn’t feel right having lost in a blowout and still coming away with points while the actual winners lose points, the rank begins to feel like it wasn’t earned. The problem also is it’s too extreme in picking servers for the match, an 8 or 12 rank spread is way too much. You want to give servers a chance to test their mettle against higher servers, but all it’s doing most times is throwing them to the slaughter when they are placed in tiers 2-3 higher than them. The randomness present now just makes the points system meaningless.
Again population is a problem here, on the North American side there are 3-4 stacked servers while there are 20 mid-low wvw pop servers who can barely compete with servers a couple ranks higher, there are many suggestions to help so please look into them.
6. Add new messages to WvW zones.
Add messages for guild players when their claimed tower/keep/castle npcs are under attack on any map (not supply camps as they can be capped pretty quickly). Give guilds a better chance to respond on defense and keep the buffs they may have added to it, and make anything claimed other than stonemist castle something more meaningful for guild players to hold. It may even tempt the pve players to enter wvw to help defend their claim. I would even suggest adding a new buff to the guild that manages to hold their claim for more than 12hrs, something similar to the outnumbered buff.
7. WvW Cash shop.
GW2 survives on the cash shop, and probably doesn’t get much from pure wvw players, but I think that’s because a lot of things don’t apply to WvW player’s needs. Finishers are a good place to start and I would suggest getting more creative and adding more to the game, finishers as flashy as planting a big banner on a corpse that reads [Finished by (Guildname!)]. Other things such as different skinned siege equipment like catapults made of bones, or rams lit on fire, taunting banners that players can be planted anywhere like warrior banners but bigger, ones with messages written such as [(Guildname) wuz here!], [(Guildname) 4 lyfe!] etc. Think of it as selling t-shirts with different messages. Players tend to have some pride in their guilds, so give them more ways to express that and make some cash from it.
8. Guild recognition
Need guild names to be shown on buildings, many times I walk into a keep held by a guild but have no idea what guild it is, on the claim banners around the claimed buildings there should be the name of the claiming guild under the logos.
If people don’t agree with something here then feel free to discuss it, maybe I’ll change the ideas around to what we want from the devs, lets keep the discussion clean please. Thanks for reading.
I thought I would bring up some suggestions I’ve been brewing on for some time, some of these have been mentioned by others, which I mention again for the sake of getting more attention to them.
1. Commander Tags.
It has been discussed to death, the things holding this up is apparently they want to rework the entire system to add more to it, or there is some coding limitations? I know Anet has plans for a revamp with more options for the tag, but maybe leave the extra options for later?, we could use the separate tags even in their current limited options form.
Add a Purple tag for wvw, earned by paying 1000 wvw badges (or whatever number you deem fit). Green tag for guild commander, only their guild can see it, earned with 500 wvw badges and 10000 guild influence from guild research (again whatever number you deem fit). The guild one would be nice for running small ops on maps without attracting the entire map zerg to you.
2a. Lower borderlands population caps.
To help promote small group play in them, many servers I would guess don’t have the population to cover all three maps anymore, at most one at a time along with eternal battlegrounds(I’m using Sea of sorrows as a base of experience for this). Lower the caps and maybe people will be able to spread out again in the three borderlands at once. Maybe with queues on the top three loaded servers it would make transfers to lower servers attractive again.
2b. Another solution would be to balance the cap to the lower of the three servers in the map, starting at a minimum point. For example starting point is at least 50 players, if serverA has 35, serverB and serverC will only be able to bring in 50, once serverA starts moving above 50 players in a map so will the other two. This should help a little with the massive zerg happening from certain servers and again promote small group play.
3a. Change Bloodlust target.
Make it so that it affects only those in Eternal Battlegrounds, this should promote more borderlands participation to keep the points captured, while also still providing some even competition without the bonuses, and with the lower population caps in there it would also promote small group game play as well. The borderlands will then still be a place for GvG as well with no buff to trouble them, although having them around in a lower population cap borderlands wouldn’t be helpful.
3b. If 3a is not possible for GvG then maybe create another copy of Eternal battlegrounds, have it reward no match up points, no loot or exp/wxp, no bloodlust or outmanned buff as well, it would only serve as an area for guilds or duelers to go to do their battles. This could also be used as a training ground for guilds. This is a game called guild wars, having a separate map just for that seems appropriate.
4. Lower cost of transfer to lower population servers.
1800 gems for the top six, 1000 gems for the next six, 500 gems for the next six, and 100 gems to the remaining servers. This should make it more attractive for guilds to move to lower servers again.
I have to point out the flaw that the top 3 servers faced each other more often than not in that 7 week period, with some rank 4 and 5 thrown in the T1 match ups. Once the league play comes in they will all have more opportunity to face the lower servers, thus more wins, thus more points.
SOS also tends to finish in 1st or 2nd and rarely in 3rd, unless we’re facing those top 5 servers, like this week for example. SOS has also beaten Maguuma in score whenever we’ve been matched up with them, and yet we are still ranked one lower than them, you can thank the wacky points system for that. They recently have faced the harder challenge thus get more points for participating and it keeps their rank high enough for them to get thrown into that tier 2 fight again.
Both servers have had their share of being thrown into the T2 match up if you go back to when the new match ups system began, and both have swapped rank 7 and 8, although it does seem that rank 7 is thrown into T2 more often than rank 8, again blame the system for that.
Sad thing is, It probably would be a good matchup having 7. mags 8. sos, 9. ehmry bay facing off in their appropriate tier near their appropriate ranks, but good luck to us on getting that match up.
One of the worse match up weeks I’ve seen…
A couple of 8 rank spreads in NA match ups, and a 12 rank spread in the EU match ups. Why are servers facing other servers up to 2-3 tiers higher? You want to give servers a “challenge” then fine let them jump one tier and do the max spread at 3 or 4 ranks. If you’re trying to demoralize the lower population servers, well congratulations I’m sure more than half the wvw servers won’t care this week. So annoying to see Anet continually ruin one of the best parts of the game, but oh thanks for the handicap points I suppose >.>
1st moves up, 3rd moves down, 2nd stays in tier, I don’t think that’s hard to do.
Speaking of transfers, they need to implement lower gem transfer cost to lower pop servers to help attract players there. Hell even WoW and Rift offered free transfers to lower pop servers.
Don’t know why the devs are so determined to destroy wvw.
Was wondering how quickly this would happen. With the amount of unbalanced match ups now shouldn’t be surprising to see servers switch to farm mode coming out the weekend of the match up. I’m sure a lot of pvp players just want to get the ascended weapon and get gearing over with, again. And yes pve champ farming is a lot better and faster, but some people just want to stick to pvp.
I really don’t think this is going to work out for the NA side of things. The population difference between ranks 1-3, 4-6, 7-12 are huge. Considering how badly the random match ups have been under the new system, it should stick out like a sore thumb and you can see T2 cannot compete with T1 servers, T3/4 cannot compete with T2 servers. What’s worse is all the losing servers every week have been getting falsely boosted ratings, which has not let some servers settle into their proper places.
So have the league, but it’s a given, one of ranks 1-3 servers will be winning because of their population and coverage.
Spent about 8 hours yesterday fighting off being double teamed by TC and FA on our side of the map in EB, that includes having our keep taken by both sides about 5 times during that time. At least it kept our out manned “zerg” busy all day and got some rewards out of it, we definitely don’t have the numbers during the day to compete with TC or FA and their zergs they’re just a sea of red.
As for competition lol, the only competition I see is TC and FA trying to see who can beat on SoS more. It’s like watching two bullies(TC FA) stomping on a nerd(SoS) while just glaring at each other(TC FA). What was the FA commander doing yesterday? barely stepped foot into TC area, never mind running through us to cap a couple towers as well lol. I hate this match up system so much now because it usually screws over a couple servers for the week by putting them in mismatched fights. Oh well hopefully we get more appropriate opponents next week for a change.
Anyways a big thank you to our commanders Virtual Hero and Mes Portia, for being patient with the scattered force and still being able to keep us fighting back rather than being completely locked out.
I don’t know if you were here for Lost Shores, but if you were, remember that?
That is why we have it in a dungeon.
If they made it an open world thing, imagine the lag, disconnects, crashes, etc. Imagine Lost Shores all over again. Thousands of players all in one area spamming every AoE they got just to try and hit something that isn’t even on the screen yet. You could barely see anything, barely anyone was loading in, and good luck finding a mob to attack if you didn’t have an extremely high end system.
It was really a disaster. What should of been awesome, was destroyed by all the lag, disconnects, nothing loading, freezes, crashes, errors, etc etc.
So this time around, they put it in a dungeon. It worked for Mad King, and it works for Tixx. No more massive scale battle to cause all the above. Instead, we got a nice atmosphere that runs smoothly with just the five (or less) of you running around in it.
I feel this is a much better way to do things than having a massive world event.
Except the zones only load a certain amount of people and then it makes another instance anyways. This isn’t a one time event either, which forced people to log on at a certain time so that they wouldn’t miss it, it runs for a day and moves on to the next city. No reason this couldn’t have been designed like world dynamic events(or the Halloween maze area), just hope they figured out by now it’s “ok” to spread event areas, no need to jam it into a small area in one zone like they did for the first event on lost shores, spawning all those mobs only at the lighthouse area was a huge mistake.
So what now, we should be expecting them to dump new content into a dungeon and call it day? So much for making use of the dead world zones, let’s just start to stick everything into lion’s arch.
(edited by Moderator)
The thing is every server plays their own way, have their own style of strategy they use, which makes it fresh for the other teams when they enter a new bracket. I also think the winner of the lower bracket and the loser of the higher bracket should swap for the next week is a good idea. Maybe they can implement this after the servers have settled in their rightful spots, which they are all very close to doing right now.
Maybe this will also light the fire under those third place teams to fight for second at least, and make those first second place ones more hungry to jump.
PRX carry SoS so hard. Good to see HoD back on top.
PRX was on EB duty this week. They did a great job but you can’t expect people to actually believe that PRX is carrying SoS. Sea of Sorrows is carrying Sea of Sorrows. Go back to Blackgate and work on your tactics.
Thank you.
It’s kids like this; that embody why I left Sea of Sorrows. Overzealous chest pounders; that take advantage of every waking second they can do it. If you understood anything about BG; you would realize our coverage killed us more than anything.
But you’d rather run your mouth on the forums.
Good to see mesmer hacking carry BG so hard, another black eye for your server rep. How about you Blackeye Gate guys stop running your mouths in other server matchup threads, or has it really become that uncomfortable for you guys in your own thread.
As for the 2v1 people, the next time you’re a tower and the two other servers are pounding on you, take a moment to go into the thinking man position and ask yourself, why are they attacking us and not each other on the field….
The simple answer is they both want your tower, they’re both racing to take your tower, they will sort out each other once they get into your tower, there’s no need to slaughter each other on the field while you laugh your kitten off at them from on top your walls with your siege weapons tucked away safely in the tower. They want to break you first and then break each other after because drum roll they want your tower.
In a three way game there is no 1v1v1, that’s still and always is 2v1. Start trying to figure out how to get on the good side of the 2v1. Being in the top position makes you the number one target, if you go into first and start to jeer your opponents that is going to fire them up and makes you a target, if you take Stonemist castle in EB that makes you a target, if you can’t handle 2v1 and start complaining about 2v1 in a game that’s built to be 2v1 most times, that will make you a target.
This will probably get deleted but I don’t care, this round and round complaining about 2v1 is getting ridiculous.
We’ve never had 3-5 hr queues, at most I’ve had to wait 1-1.5 hr the past couple weeks on the start of a new match. So to say we are more stacked than BG ever was… lol…
I wouldn’t expect any servers to have 3-5 hr queues anymore simply because guilds want their members to play and most of the big guilds have spread out by now.
Rephrase the title please.
Everyone knows it is SBI vs. JQ AND SoS.
If there’s anything more enjoyable than spawn camping JQ, I’m yet to find it.
Deathdawg – [REO] Ripple Effect Oz
Sea of Sorrows since BWE #1
Why can’t people understand by now that 2 on 1 fighting will happen often with a 3 team fight.
They’ve been on SOS for quite some time now.
They are not going to admit they made a mistake, they believe they are going in the right direction, they’ve been planning it for months and will continue with that plan. They are not going to turn around and make ascended back to exotic levels, they’ve explained their reason, which is ridiculous to us, but that’s the way it is. I only expect we will see answers to the items listed for the future updates. Time for everyone to move on with or without the game.
Isn’t the pve side the one that is actually supporting the game. Do the pvp side use the cashshop?
If gw2 is a purely pvp game it probably would have flopped.
Yeah wvw people don’t want skins why would they ever buy chests too, I mean I never see people in wvw running around with a legendary or halloween skins or dungeon armors, oh wait…
sPVP will be giving out gems for tournament play, I wonder where they could spend those gems, I wonder…
Even pvpers like to look bad kitten when pvping, people from both sides would spend more money on the cash shop, if there was anything worth buying, hi2u mad king costume stuck as town clothing.
I’ve been playing less since I found out about the lost shores patch and not seeing anything for wvw, still log on for a couple hours a night for wvw here and there. I logged on at the event times to see if it would be interesting, we know how that went. Stopped bothering finish gearing the 2nd 3rd alt, stopped leveling 4th alt. Spend more time in the forums than the game now lol.
Most players were under the assumption that wvw operated under pvp rules until last week, when you said pvp spvp and wvw was implied, until a dev stated that the latest pvp changes were spvp only and wvw is considered pve.
Reread my post again, sorry for the confusion, I got the game for wvw not s/t/pvp, wow already had that I didn’t need to come here for it
(edited by Xenesis.6389)
What happened to like, putting in an effort, working hard, and getting rewarded as a result of it?
There’s many people in real life who persevere under circumstances they hate. But they persevere nonetheless, and sometimes, they get rewarded.
This is just a game, and rewards are guaranteed for your efforts. Seriously, stop being lazy. If you want to be rewarded, prepared to work hard towards that goal. Not every step of the way will be fun.
I bought this game to pvp, I work hard in that area of the game, where’s my monthly rewards? Just because a player does not put in the effort in the same areas of the game as you does not mean they do not “work” for their rewards in other areas. Because I don’t want to do a dungeon I must be lazy and a freeloader and want everything for free! again the elitist way of thinking.
You are right this is a “game” and it caters to a broad range of players, the rewards are being pushed to one segment of players, so we’re here to give feedback, if you don’t like it you can always optionally not read these threads.
If you PvP only, why do you want to the monthly achievement? All the monthly achievement gives is a little bit of achievement points (completely cosmetic, worthless), some silver (barely any. If you purely PvP though, you don’t need it anyways), some mystic coins (Not used in any PvP recipes if I’m not mistaken), and some karma (not used in PvP at all).
So yea, I’m confused. You’re essentially saying you want these mainly PvE rewards (karma, mystic coin…). But you say you mainly PvP. You do get PvP monthly rewards you know. Tourney tickets and glory boosters I believe.
Wait…So why do you want the PvE monthly rewards again?
Common misconception from people who don’t wvw I guess. It cost money and karma to upgrade structures in wvw. You can also purchase pve exotics instead of wvw exotics for wvw, there are pieces that have the same stats as the wvw items, it’s easier than doing it with the badges because they take a lot longer to accumulate for the entire set, especially if you’re playing more than one character. Also you get exp coin and karma from completely wvw objectives. Mystic coins can be used to forge weapons which again can be used in wvw or make some extra money, you don’t need to 100% power/toughness/vitalty gear on, I tend to use the weapons with offensive stats.
Also, wvw is considered by anet to be under pve rules, when they state pvp they mean structured pvp not wvw pvp. The new daily and monthly pvp are for spvp only, which has nothing to do with the rest of the game.
Honestly, the daily achievement of killing 15 diff types of mobs is more difficult than the monthlies >_> had to change chars 3x just to finish it (or go to wvw)
Here’s a helpful hint, you know that big complex northwest end of the 1-15 asuran area, where the big fire elemental event spawns. If you go in there, there’s like 10-12 different mobs roaming in there. All you need to do is take the port north of the zone, kill a couple mobs on the way to the complex, then kill the rest in there, done. Then go south through the skritt caves you get enough stuff to harvest 20. I usually have problems with the events because that zone is pretty dead, but then I just hop into wvw and finish it up there instead.
I believe they just added dailies and monthlies to PvP so now I don’t believe you should have an issue any longer.
sPVP is completely separate from wvw the entire game for that matter. I sPVP a few times, but that offers no rewards for the outside game just makes you look better in the lobby and spvp maps, I’m more of a mass area pvp person than arena type. Glad for those players though, they get something to do along with tournament play, which they can earn gems from….
Do you think they could give 10 choices that have an equivalent amount of effort to achieve?
I don’t. Then I would think people would simply complain that 1 way of getting the achievement done is easier than another. Why does their method of gameplay get the advantage.
My point being is that the 10 choice can’t be balanced and would relegate the achievement to simply a give me my reward. The daily already does that.
I already think the kill 50 players is too low, while you others think the doing 5 dungeons is fine, so what’s the difference? The 10 offers and choice of picking 5 to do you actually end up with the OPTION to play the game you want, numbers can be tweaked as well.
In game already.
1. KIll 50 players.
2. Complete 5 Dungeons.
3. Salvage 500 items.
4. 100 Events completed.
5. 100k experience without death.
6. Complete 5 jumping puzzles.
7. Kill 100 of whatever mob of the month.
8. Capture 10 wvw towers.
9. Capture 5 wvw keeps.
10. Capture 1 wvw castle.
11. Capture 100 Supply Camps.
12. Mine 250 Ore(any type!)
13. Complete 50 Trading post transactions.
14. Explore 10 Vistas.
15. Win 5 Keg brawl games.
16. Score 10 Kegs.
17. Earn 300 points in a Trade Skill.
18. Consume 100 Food.
19. Consume 100 Water.
20. Create 5 Exotic items.
Special Events.
S. Complete 7 Fractals.
S. Kill 200 Karka.
S. Eat 150 Candy corn.
S. Throw 100 snowballs.
S. Collect 50 toys.
S. Create 50 Chocolate Cherries.
There are tons of stuff you can add, and guess what the daily actually helps in obtaining the monthly numbers too, and other achievements.
I hardly think me saying…if I see something as a goal but I don’t like the work I won’t do it as being elitist… I call it rational.
I see them put up a monthly. I look at the goals. If I find them something I am willing to work towards I do them to get the monthly. If I don’t then I don’t. I don’t come on and complain I don’t get all upset that the monthly this month doesn’t meet MY criteria of what I WANT to do to get it done. I can do daily achievements and get the goal 3x the amount.
I am simply saying is that they do this to encourage activity for the long term health of the game.
Yes an occasional person is going to get upset that the monthly requires them to do something they didn’t think they wanted to do.
I just don’t see the issue. Maybe I am being obtuse here but missing a month or two in the scheme of things is that really a gamebreaker?
I seem to see guildies not getting dailies done and not getting upset about it. I see guildies not getting monthlies done and not complaining. They keep playing and enjoying the game.
That isn’t elitism.
Ok so we don’t want to finish the monthly because of dungeons, but we should not come in here to express our feelings and ask for change so that I could get better options for our area of the game? I have no problems with the daily, because in fact you can do the dailies in pve OR wvw, that is an option that works for all sides. I don’t know why they don’t give you a list of 10 choices and let you pick 5 to do.
The monthly achievement is a goal that every player would like to work at and complete according to their play style of this game, in fact it’s to the games best interest to have all it’s players interested in doing the monthly, so they keep playing the game, hell they even put in dailies and monthly now for spvp to keep players interested there.
Not every player likes to do dungeons, or wvw, or spvp, people need to start respecting that, I left 8 years of dungeon and raiding in wow to come to gw2 to wvw, if I wanted dungeons and raids I would have stuck to wow because frankly they do it better. I wouldn’t even have a problem if they had the salvaging option because I can complete that too while in wvw, in fact I did for september and october, people complained but I didn’t say anything they had a right to voice their displeasure with it.
You do not encourage activity for the long term health of the game if you are making players feel unhappy playing your game. Instead of working to make the game better I see players actively just trying to get players to stop playing the game instead, how is that good for long term health.
What happened to like, putting in an effort, working hard, and getting rewarded as a result of it?
There’s many people in real life who persevere under circumstances they hate. But they persevere nonetheless, and sometimes, they get rewarded.
This is just a game, and rewards are guaranteed for your efforts. Seriously, stop being lazy. If you want to be rewarded, prepared to work hard towards that goal. Not every step of the way will be fun.
I bought this game to pvp, I work hard in that area of the game, where’s my monthly rewards? Just because a player does not put in the effort in the same areas of the game as you does not mean they do not “work” for their rewards in other areas. Because I don’t want to do a dungeon I must be lazy and a freeloader and want everything for free! again the elitist way of thinking.
You are right this is a “game” and it caters to a broad range of players, the rewards are being pushed to one segment of players, so we’re here to give feedback, if you don’t like it you can always optionally not read these threads.
I laugh at this supposed community we have here. Everything is spouted out as being optional if you don’t want to do something don’t do it, play the game the way you want to. Yet when a player decides that dungeons are an option they don’t want to do, the other side wants to stick it down their throat oh they’re easy they only take 10 20 30 mins, oh I get groups in a minute, find a pve guild, I run with good groups all the time! No respect for a player and their choice not to do dungeons, if they don’t want to do dungeons then they don’t deserve the monthly right. Wish they would make bigger wvw objectives in the monthly so that it’s fair for both sides at least.
You know the monthly achievement is intended to give you different goals for the month so that you keep playing the game, it’s not a legendary achievement kitten If we the players don’t want the devs to add more options to the monthly so that we all may enjoy the content the way we want to, then so be it. Continue on berating your fellow community members, keep making them unhappy, and see how well that works out for the game in the long run.
I like this option, not bothering to do monthly because it has something I don’t want to do, not bothering to “donate” to the cash shop anymore because I now don’t enjoy the game as much, not bothering to log in as much because the devs don’t care so why should I, not bothering with this community anymore because they’re quickly becoming the same elitist group from other games.
More titles would be nice, great thing about the mmo Rift is you got a lot of titles for a lot of different achievement such as all the creature slayer achievements, or solving the zone puzzles. That in itself was a collection, something gw2 could have picked up on.
Only thing that this is bad for is mesmers, any mesmers (helpful tip coming) carrying a title around in pvp will instantly be seen apart from their clones
Meh edited, too tired, replied badly.
What the statement said was they won’t be adding a new tier every 3 months(could be once a year for all we know since they didn’t completely shut down that idea), they will probably add the additional pieces every 3 months until the ascended set is complete. After that who knows, I think they want us to believe nothing will change after that, but have left the door open to do so.
(edited by Xenesis.6389)
Well if there’s one good thing about Daish is his reputation proceeds him, hopefully he hasn’t caused you guys too much trouble XD
Soooo let me get this straight, Blackgate wanted to go back to T2 to wait for white knight SOS to come into T1 to kick SBI or JQ out of T1, so that BG could come back into T1 to have what, an easier match? Oh wait right you guys have been saying to have a real match.
I see people forgot it was Stackgate not long ago on the way up to #1! I don’t have a lot of nice things to say about “beastgate” so I’ll stop myself right there. I was really hoping Rall would have beaten you guys this week at least, they gave us a great fight for a couple weeks, but looks like their guild stacking fell apart too.
Ok people we get to say what we feel now go fill it out!
Edit: Ok well after going through it, it was mostly about the one time event, and not much on the new dungeon and nothing on the new equipment. Still something to say at least, and you can put in your own answers in the “Other” sections.
(edited by Xenesis.6389)
Well commander tags are useful in pve as well, like for the orr chain events, so I can see why it would cost gold. But I really think they need to have two different colored tags, blue for pve 100g, red for pvp 200badges. Still run into the trouble of people just doing the jump puzzle for the badges, but well at least they will still have to go through some pvping in order to earn it. Either way eventually people take notice of the good commanders anyways.
200 badges? I’ve got nearly 800. It would have to be like 1,000 badges. 4 stacks of them in the Mystic forge.
Whatever price you guys want to set man, I’m just throwing out an example. I know it’s easy to get if you can loot the chest in the jp everyday, or go around making a new character to get it from the map achievement. At a thousand badges you would probably still see more blue badges around, but at least with a red one you know they earned that through pvp, and not flipping items on the trading post.
2 – Currently, the difference between exotic and ascended is three equipment slots that offer a total of +5 stat points each (spread out over 3 stats). Hardly a noticeable difference.
10,000+ posts later and you still think it’s only a 5 point difference spread over 3 stats, it’s 5 per stat, plus the bonus from infusion on just 1 earring, the accidental legendary boost also shows it’s more than 5 per stat on the bigger pieces. No wonder the merri go round will continue to go around.
Well commander tags are useful in pve as well, like for the orr chain events, so I can see why it would cost gold. But I really think they need to have two different colored tags, blue for pve 100g, red for pvp 200badges. Still run into the trouble of people just doing the jump puzzle for the badges, but well at least they will still have to go through some pvping in order to earn it. Either way eventually people take notice of the good commanders anyways.
So Daish logs into SOS EB last night to say he was going to quit the game, it was good game but going in a different direction or something and that he was going to Planetside 2…..
SBI is not PS2 Daish…
Get the feeling now he’s just doing this to try and stick it to SOS by getting them called on spying or something.
I would recommend all of SBI blocking Daish, because he will become a disruption, or SBI can feel free to share information on his whereabouts so that we may get a chance to destroy him!
Don’t hold your breath for a reply, probably won’t come. What’s done is done, they won’t change it. They wanted to put in some pve content that would last for a while before they could bring out the next set, they probably think people wouldn’t try for the higher levels of difficulty if the reward wasn’t worth it, so instead of slapping some resist on exotic type gear we got bigger shiny numbers.
they great members of the community will now descend upon this thread to blame you, the victim, for an assortment of crimes, from incompetence to RMT.
Looks like you called it…
Each day’s event was started by mail to your logged in character. Did you check it? Sheesh, some people are so stupid. Anyway, I will say the mail should be delivered 15 minutes prior to the event start and not at the start in order to give time for the person to get to the event. My only other complaints were:
1) First day event was a lagfest (appeared to be resolved on the third day of the event)
2) The first days quest chain for the event was buggy (shame on you Anet).
3) Not having the events sync’d between main and overflow servers was also bad. People got lost on event progression when they got disconnected or had to relog.I enjoyed that last day’s activities. It was tough and there was a lot of griping over vent during its progression, but in the end people felt the reward matched the effort put in.
Buddy do you know when they sent the mail for the third event? right as it STARTED, not when you logged in, not 10 mins before so people would have time to go there, no RIGHT AS THE GUNS FIRED. I was already standing in the demo camp when the event started and got the mail.
The first day event was done poorly, they could have spread the area of mobs out over the lighthouse area to the beach on the north side, so that everyone spread out and you could actually see the hatchlings to kill. I didn’t even bother doing the scavenger hunt, thankfully it would appear.
Second day event, didn’t even get to see it done, heard there were some trebs building, 20 mins in and it hadn’t started on my overflow, someone posted a twitter message from anet oh we have to wait on the trebs to be built. That’s nice why would they have us log on at 3pm est so that we had to wait another 15 mins on npcs to build weapons? Went into another overflow and it was already done and the ship porter was up, fantastic.
Third day event, invisible rolls that killed half the raid so many times, which brought the elitist idiots “you guys know you can dodge!” Really? can’t dodge what you can’t see coming idiot. You would go up the ramp and see no mobs but you knew there about 10 there, because all of a sudden see the pools of poison being shot out killing dozens of people who didn’t have time to react because of lag, (thank you death shroud and mist). Stayed in the area long enough you would eventually see mobs appearing around you sometimes right on top of you.
I managed to do the event twice on different characters, but I feel really sorry for the people who spent hours on end trying and not even getting it done once, they got nothing to show for it. Dragging the event on so long especially on the reinforcement periods, I mean really? that couldn’t have been cut to 10 mins? did it really have to be half hour of mindless killing? all the other parts were at least creative. Rewards should have been given out for the different parts of the event, not all in the end. Only thing rewarding for me this weekend was opening that chest twice, because I really didn’t care for ascended, fotm, jump puzzle, or the elitist attitude the new direction will bring.
We conquered that island for the 1 rich orichalcum node!
Maybe they’re adding something this week, otherwise that was pretty pointless.
Ignore that poster Cover Girl, I would think most of SoS know better than that, might be a different story if the event didn’t happen this weekend. SBI and JQ have been in T1 for a while now, 5 days to go and both are capable of making a come back. The weekend event will be over today and it can be an entirely different story from mon-thurs. Good luck to all, but mostly to SoS ;D
Worth it if you were able to loot the chest, someone got spark in my overflow but that’s about it. Otherwise no, the lag at times, the invisible rolls that wiped half the people out at times, the aoes that you barely have time to react to, the reinforcement parts dragged on too long. I miss Rift events at this point.
So the minority of botters get to screw the rest of the legit farming players in a zone?
If they’re doing such a good job on getting rid of bots they need to get rid of diminishing returns. Why should I bother reporting a bot if I’m going to get screwed with DR anyways… oh don’t come back with the uncle ben speech.
All the bonuses you see on the scoreboard are for pve…
But I do agree wvw looks to be the red haired stepchild, not much has been added, not much to work for other than getting into a higher tier. The servers transfers finally got locked to 7 days, but how many communities have already been destroyed with it taking 2 months to finally happen.
The end of match at reset could use a nice little pvp scoreboard for the sides, like a 1 2 3 listing of captured towers/keeps/supply camps in the match, which server had the most player kills, most dolyak kills, most siege kills, most gold rated defend the structure events completed, etc. Things to kind of motivate your side in the next match.
A lot more needs to be added, just a question of when.
Hello fellow players! We hope you all are enjoying the new dungeon and content area of Southsun Cove! We have added some events to earn karma which you will not need for the new gear, be sure to check out the new jumping puzzle, there’s a couple chest stocked with blue items! As some of you may have already seen, we have also included a new PVE rank for players to accompany the new content – The Elitist! As you race up the dungeon level ranks, players from the lower ranks will begin to hold you back, be sure to keep inviting high ranked players to continue your ascent into the higher rankings of the dungeon! First one to 100 gets an achievement! We hope with this new direction that players from other mmos will feel right at home playing Guildwars 2!
(Sorry I needed to get that off my chest somewhere… !)
Here is a question. Why was it rolled out without offering those other ways to obtain it? The exotic has all paths. This is a new tier afterall. So if you are trying to stay within your game framework, why only make it obtainable via a dungeon?
Probably because they wanted to force people to play the dungeon for loot this weekend. Although you can make back pieces from the wishing well, I mean mystic forge.
I agree they should have added in all the methods to obtain the new items as they did with exotics. This is one of the great things about the exotic tier, you can go about obtaining them however YOU want. I’m not really expecting anything for wvw for quite some time now, it’s not a priority for them.
People will now see what happens when you add in a new tier of better shinies, the older content will start to get less usage.
They nerfed it so you would get out of Orr and go play in the new dungeon instead….
Well ok probably the same guy that messed up the dye drop rates at it again. Seriously, they already added DR, made Plinx into like a 30 min event, didn’t need to nerf the drops too, Orr will turn into a ghost town now.
Here are two complaints I see all the freaking time:
1) There is nothing to do once you’re level 80.
2) I wanted to get away from gear grinds and just play.Here is the problem – this is a MMO. The world does not, and will not stay stagnant. You guys can’t have it both ways. You can’t have a game where you get the best gear and then there is nothing to go to from there AND a game that continues to expand on itself by creating new content and, inevitably, gear.
Everyone here is complaining about the POSSIBILITY of a gear grind – why are you complaining? Isn’t this what you guys are so adamant about? “There is nothing to do when I get to 80”. Well you know what? Now there will be. What is it you guys are really looking for from ANet? I’m personally very happy with the game. I feel it has nailed everything that I’m looking for in a MMO. Bring on the content, and bring on more gear and dungeons. Keep on keeping in fresh ANet.
You can expand the content without needing to increase the stats.
You can provide new equipment without needing to increase stats.
You can provide new equipment with new stat combinations without needing to increase stats.
You can provide new equipment effects without needing to increase stats. I can get a new staff with a blue fire glow on it! and it still has the stats of my exotic, really!
You can provide new game mechanics with new slot mechanics to counter it without needing to increase stats.
Do you see yet where I’m going with this?
You can also provide other ways than a dungeon to obtain these new equipment……. without needing to increase stats!
No you don’t need friends to do either, you just need people, moreso in one than the other, but it’s still a big fat endless instance(happy now?)
To your main point there is no need for a 3rd skill split, wvw is already under the pve skill set. Whatever changes they make in pve will affect wvw, they can also still make changes to skills in regard to wvw balancing, but they won’t, so not to worry. Just saying you don’t need to overhaul the entire wvw system if you want to make skill changes to it.
Anet cannot extend sPvP rules to WvW. Doing so will mean they cannot charge repair bill in WvW. This would be a great drain on their revenue.
Their skill balancing can be changed in pve/wvw, doesn’t mean they have to overhaul the entire system, if something presents itself to be a problem in spvp, I’m sure it would be in wvw as well, there are spvp sized fights in there too not just the zerg.
Wvw at this point is not a priority for them, pve events that makes use of the wishing well cough I mean mystic forge makes all the money for them, spvp will be a step into esports look at all the gems they want to throw into it to get it up and running, wvw is just that endless dungeon that provides bragging rights to being in Tier 1.
I hope the next time another gear level they don’t beat around the bush and just jump the stats another 100 each stat instead, like wow did with wotlk to cataclysm. Maybe then with the bigger numbers will let some of the blind people finally see what’s going on here.
Congrats to the vertical progression people from wow, and all the dungeon slaves out there, you got what you wanted, enjoy it, but please don’t come back in a month to complain when the elitism starts kicking in, or you’re “bored”. Now if you’ll excuse me, another yawn week of wvw just started I need to make some more popcorn for this slow mmo train wreck in progress.
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