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List of Easy Dungeon Paths

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranked.3812


and COF p3 are generally avoided because of difficulty/length

But cofp3 is neither long nor difficult.

edit: i’d say it’s avoided for the same reason ac2 is.

people are terrible

I haven’t done P3 in forever, but I thought it was longer by a good amount. I could be wrong, my memory grows hazy as time goes on. Also, I never really do CoF anymore, too boring.

skipping/stacking and class bigotry.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranked.3812


I do this with my guild. To tell you the truth 90% of all dungeons go faster if you do them the right way. So yeah… to the lazy, no skill, exploiters…. learn to play the game plz and have some fun.

What color is the sky in your world? It must be pretty, because the drugs you are in are mighty nice.

Please show us a video of you doing a “legit” no skip/no stack dungeon run faster than a stacking/skipping run. It doesn’t even make sense from a logical point of view that you can kill 10 times the enemies and not stack to gain group buffs easier and still do the dungeon faster. The only time skipping is slower is places like dredge fractal where people don’t know how to skip, but stuff like that is few and far between.

Also, fun is relative. You enjoy doing dungeons by killing everything and getting no additional rewards, while the rest of us enjoy getting our 7389394th CoE P1 run done quickly and getting the same thing.

How in the world do you people have money

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cranked.3812


I don’t see how you aren’t making money. I don’t play the TP or farm anything like champ trains. I will do world boss rotations here and there and some dungeons. Gold is the easiest thing to come by in this game.

Harvest everything you run by, especially in mid-high level zones.

Doing 3 of the easiest dungeon paths will get you around 6 gold with selling everything you get from the runs.

If you have kept all the crafting mats that you have gathered, clearing out your bank will probably net you some good coin. Lots of mid level mats are worth a good amount plus all the t6 stuff is up in price lately. If you don’t care about crafting, no reason to save all those mats.

fix for stacking in pve?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cranked.3812


Its kind of an exploit. And its sad that it summarizes the strategy for almost all pve in this game, fractals and dungeons. Its embarrassing for the game if you want to be honest. It eliminates all skill and tactics that are meant to be used and should be used. Sure, it will make the so called “hardcore” pve guilds mad, cuz they cant use fgs to stack a boss in a corner, timewarp, and instakill. But newsflash, thats not really hardcore pve. Thats exploiting the poor design of ai and gameplay of gw2.

What in the world are you talking about?

A. It’s not an exploit, it’s a product of the poorly designed AI and the inability/unwillingness of anet to come up with any content other than one/two shot enemies. Which drives players to load up on DPS and kill before being hit one time and dying.

B. Just because you are stacked up doesn’t mean you don’t have to move or use skills properly or in a timely manner. For anyone who PUG’s dungeons you will know what a challenge it is just to play with the “play how you want” crowd. It takes a certain level of skill just to not die in those groups.

C. Newsflash: There is no hardcore pve. Playing with bad builds and using “tactics” that slow things down is not hardcore pve. This is a casual game geared toward casual players so expecting pve to be difficult is asking a lot. Creating pseudo-difficulty levels by going away from the meta is just that, a false level of difficulty.

D. You build your toons to play the content that is provided. Until anet decides to design content around something other than DPS only (assuming they can and/or want to), the game will always be what it is. Changing they way the current content is played is only making it artificially difficult, it doesn’t make you a better player.

Back slot items... P2W?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cranked.3812


The cost of the materials on the top to make these items was not set by Anet but by the players. Not to mention that you make gold in the game.

First off the cost was not set by the players. It is in essence set by anet based on what materials are needed and the amounts it takes to create the item(s) you are after. Sure, players buy and sell on the market until it reaches equilibrium with supply and demand, but that equilibrium is established based on the amount of mats needed which is set by anet.

Having said that, this still isn’t P2W. This is no different than any other game where you accumulate in game currency and use it to buy the items you want. It’s just a large gold sink created by anet. Nothing new here.

I was supposed to make a thread to explain the difference a while back, but got lazy.

Don’t waste your time. No one will read it before posting another one of these threads anyway. What we will end up with is the same amount of threads, but every time you will just point them to the thread you created and, in the end, we will still have the same amount of threads.

People don’t even bother to read a 4 word lfg post. You think they will read a long P2W explanation?

skipping/stacking and class bigotry.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranked.3812


I feel like I’m arguing with Fox News here. Never mind then, carry on.

It may be that you are actually fox news.

/forumception O_O

This forum is like Fox News, the GW2 subreddit is like CNN, and I’m the guy just sitting on his couch wondering where the kitten the real news is.


Does america actually have any serious decent news station? Ive always thought its a bit of a joke over there.

That’s funny that you think you actually get real news from the BBC. The news is a joke everywhere.

Can we really even call it the news anymore? Should call it the Deception or something.

Endless Black Quaggan Tonics

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cranked.3812


imo bad investment. Items that don’t get soulbound never rise that much. Although I suppose the power of quaggan could trump that, I don’t think it’s likely. Do you know how many of these things are floating around? That supply will never diminish.

Quaggan awesomeness aside, these will still increase. Even if, say 10k drop per day, that’s still 280k total of an item that everyone will want. Plus, there is a recipe that combines 10 of each endless to create a mystery tonic, which will further decrease numbers and increase price. In short, buy now.

(But wait, you ask. Is this post but a shameless attempt to inflate their price? Seems we will never know!)

I hate to disappoint you but the alliance bags also drop as a reward for pvp tournaments. And i think that reward is a permanent addition and will not cease in 2 weeks.

To be fair, the loot tables could be altered. Either way, I don’t think the tonics will really increase in value that much. I thought at first they had a chance if they would have stopped dropping after the last LS installment, but now that they are still dropping, I think they will be pretty much worthless in two weeks.

Remove timegate on Charged Quartz

in Crafting

Posted by: cranked.3812


just like 4 logs to make soft wood plank and 3 silk to make bolt of silk (they are different from other similar things), they won’t change this unless there is a good reason. You shouldn’t cause economic upheaval unless it accomplishes something. Sure, it would of been better if they made it unlimited from the get-go, but they wanted to test how well time-gated stuff was accepted by the community (I would say it was a poor test, kitten few would want to waste that much time on celestial, but that’s just my thoughts and I have no idea how many were actually made). If they did this, quartz prices would more than triple within an hour. It would be a long time before things were back to normal. That isn’t the sort of thing you want to cause just because it’s a minor inconvenience. If they had some sort of other reason to change it, such as no one was making celestial stuff and there was 500,000 sell listings of quartz at 34c, then they would probably change it – it would be a good reason.
again, I agree that this and a few others (such as the planks and bolts I mentioned) are better off changed, if only we could change them without causing a disturbance. But that disturbance requires an offsetting good reason to merit doing the change.

Who cares if quartz prices tripled in an hour. (Disclaimer: I have a couple stacks, but not as an investment, just had them from accumulation). They obviously don’t care about any other mats spiking hard in price when other content is released (Iron ore, Silk, Linen (which is still out of control if you ask almost anyone)).

Not having changed it at this point is silly and pointless. As was said above, no exotic equipment should be behind a time gate, especially since we now have ascended to be pseudo-time gated behind.

Less ecto from rares?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cranked.3812


The other day I salvaged around 12 rares and got 17 ectos. The next 6 I got nothing from. Happens to me all the time. It really is just random unfortunately.

Are gem prices gonna go down?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cranked.3812


Well if Anet would make sale on gems them self I sure we see a drop in price as we would get lot of gems in the game again.

That will never happen. There is no reason for them ever to do so.

Putting the items in the store on sale is basically the same thing.

Need legendary crafting tips

in Crafting

Posted by: cranked.3812


Definitely do the clovers before you buy any t6 mats because every time you “fail” for clovers you can/will get t6 mats.

Volume of Gems Undergrad Project

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cranked.3812


You won’t get this information.

Crucible Of Eternity event BUGGED

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: cranked.3812


It might reset when we get the patch on Tuesday if they don’t fix it by then.

how can i know which paths i have already done??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranked.3812


Yeah it kinda sucks, but the only solution is to write it down. Dungeons aren’t really a priority for anet now, unless they are making the dredge fractal worse, in which case, they have plenty of time.

skipping/stacking and class bigotry.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranked.3812


I think if us slow and casuals labeled ours and the speedsters labeled there runs there would be no problem, take responsibility for your own run.

The speed run groups do label their groups as such, but no one ever reads the description.

Lastly i think that you have a right to kick someone if they don’t meet your lofty elitist requirements, but you don’t have to be a kitten about it. Say something to them like “Sorry, but were lookin for a bit higher stats this run, dont wana take that long” or say your only lookin for a specific class it fits out build. If they are rude that’s their problem dont be rude just because they are not “Strong enough” or you think they might be rude back.

So, I put a group up for “meta only or kick” and for everyone of the 100 people that needs kicking I have to politely ask them to leave? How about those people just read the lfg in the first place?

[Suggestion] Your own private DPS meter

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranked.3812


Maybe we should have a public DPS meter and a public healing meter. At the end of every path we can see how much damage and how much healing each person did and then MAYBE we can finally get people to see that their shout heal/cleric healing guard builds are useless in a game where you are responsible for your own healing and damage mitigation.

How about no ?
Public DPS meter/Healing meter is kitten, it SHOULD NOT and has NO PLACE AT ALL in GW2.
Public information about that would be terribad and ruin the game so NO NO NO as the dredge say.
We are only talking about private one with absolutely NO WAY to broadcast and inform about it.

It would only make the people mad who join the wrong groups, which your right, is a lot of people. Why can’t the people who want to play in meta only groups have something to help filter out the bads so they can’t lie anymore?

skipping/stacking and class bigotry.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranked.3812


The fact that you posted this here is contrary to the objective of your post.
Also, lose the point about saying “play how you want” players are looking to be carried. Leeching players exist on both sides, and on both sides, the majority of the players take pride in their builds and want to contribute however they can. Also, both sides don’t always post discriptions of their party want. (And on top of that, the layman’s version of the meta seems to be the current default, all should assume when entering a pug)

What?!? How is a meta player ever leeching off a group? I’m going to need an example of that one.

Your right. I don’t see many “Staff guards only/ please have zero DPS so this can take an hour” groups. BUT, when a person puts “meta only/zerk+scholar runes”, it seems people think it’s a free pass to join with builds that “contribute however they can”. They can contribute by playing the meta or not joining groups that don’t fit the builds they run.

Meta players are generally cast as the villains because, usually they’re the one’s who say “you aren’t good enough” and they’re usually the ones that go around kicking other players that don’t fit their paradigm. Generally, people don’t like being told what classes they should be playing, what builds they should be running, and what tactics they should be using. But that’s what a lot of them feel is happening.
As long as the unmarked PUG is assumed to be a meta speed run, you can expect these threads to keep popping up.

People wouldn’t have to be told what builds to run if they would stay out of the groups that ask for something else. Join the LFG posts that fit your build and we wouldn’t have so many QQ threads here all the time. So, you think it’s OK to go to Mcdonalds and ask for a Whopper and when they can’t give it to you, you should yell at the manager and ask him why he is “forcing” you to have a Big Mac? It’s time for a reality check for people like you.

how can i know which paths i have already done??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranked.3812


Holy necro batman!

Write it down on a piece of paper or make a spreadsheet. Seriously though, you forgot what path you did earlier today? I run dungeons and wish they would update/add new ones, but something like this is pretty low on my priority list of things that need improving in the dungeon aspect of the game.

Vicious Claws Supply

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cranked.3812


Tolunart is probably right with #2. I can’t imagine they are going to let t6 mats get too out of control. The final story arc will probably involve a mass influx of t6 mats if they are going to be used in the near future.

Crafting ascended items or...

in Crafting

Posted by: cranked.3812


I agree its more pain then gain.

I just realized it will be over a month of crafting just to get the elonian squares… I think I need a knitting needle for each eye.

Or you buy them on the TP in 2 minutes …..

skipping/stacking and class bigotry.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranked.3812


I had a feeling swiftpaw would come in and put the hammer down on this one.

LFG Aetherpath farm for dream weapons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranked.3812


NA or EU?

/entering 15chars to defeat this high tech security

53 thousand globs of ectoplasm?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cranked.3812


It’s down to 33,976 :P
At 37s, they would of had to buy below 31s45c to make a profit. The last time buy orders were that low was 1 week ago. More likely they bought it late jan at 29s. I expect they didn’t buy them in aug at 18s because of the 39s sell price during dec.
if they bought at 29s and sold 92,000 of them, that’s a 2,254 gold profit (after TP tax).

which is still less than a 10% profit. They could have gotten much more gold buying and selling other things instead.

Far less work though. You buy one thing, wait and relist. Easy 10% profit by just sitting on one thing.

[Suggestion] Your own private DPS meter

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranked.3812


Maybe we should have a public DPS meter and a public healing meter. At the end of every path we can see how much damage and how much healing each person did and then MAYBE we can finally get people to see that their shout heal/cleric healing guard builds are useless in a game where you are responsible for your own healing and damage mitigation.

skipping/stacking and class bigotry.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranked.3812


Time vs reward in dungeons is too imbalanced to consider a ‘legit’ run (which itself is subjective unless blatant exploitation happens, looking at the unofficial jumping puzzle of Arah). Though both sides need to stop discrediting the methods of the others on some belief that they are superior for x stated reasons.

People for stacking and skipping don’t discredit those who are against it. They simply don’t care if you want to run the path fully and kill everything. It’s the people who are against it that come here and tell us all how we are exploiters. If you want to spend 4 hours per path in a dungeon that you have done 200 times, feel free to do so. Just don’t tell us all we should as well.

And to clarify, stacking and skipping is far superior. It’s a product of the games design and it will never go away.

no more leveling

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cranked.3812


I believe this was done in WoW and was a huge disaster as newbies would use it and boost up to level 80 without knowing how to play their character or the game.

You can already get to 80 without knowing how to play your character or the game…

I would take that a step further and say people who have logged 100’s of hours don’t even know how to use their character properly.

I would definitely buy this item. Leveling toons is such a pain in the rear.

Dye kits returning in March: Daily Sales

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cranked.3812


I can’t imagine they will return the dye kits that were just re-released like 3 weeks ago.

More than likely it will be skins and stuff that haven’t been seen in a while. But, it’s anet, they like to kill markets and burn them to the ground as much as they can so who knows for sure.

Tailors = Shafted?

in Crafting

Posted by: cranked.3812


What the actual backwards flying kitten? You need ONE HUNDRED bolts of silk to make ONE SPOOL to make a bolt of damsk. Yet Armorsmithing/Leatherworking need only FIFTY.

Before you go on a tirade about something you should at the very least know what you are talking about. It takes 100 bolts of silk and it doesn’t matter what craft discipline you are using.

Have you forgot? We haven't!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cranked.3812


Ahh yes the typical ultimatum for a game. Give me what I want or I will leave. It is sad how many times a day this is said.

I didn’t read it as that type of typical post. I get what he is saying even if he is slightly misguided in the way he says it.

Anet doesn’t care about empty threats until billing information from Gem Store is equal or above their income predictions.

This about sums it up.


New Heavy Profession Idea

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cranked.3812


This class has two “alignments”, light and dark, one is a dedicated healer/ minor buffing and crit damage, the other is CC and a bit of stealth and condition dmg.
The class has a 5 minute timer, counting down every 5 minutes to 0:00, and when it hits 0 the character switches alignments. Also, in case you felt like switching yourself before the timer hits zero, the F1 skill, named Ascension/Descent, switches you willingly and has a 30s cooldown, but has 2 charges, meaning it can only be used twice every 5 minutes (the charges being replaced at the end of every countdown).
The F2 skill is call Bestow/Corrupt, bestowing a certain number of boons to 5 allies around you from a list of boons at random, and corrupting the enemies in the same area with a list of conditions to 5 enemies from a certain list of conditions, also with a 30s cooldown.

The problem with your “light” side of the class is the game is not designed to have any type of dedicated healers. We don’t need a class for this and we already have plenty of bads playing staff guardian who think they are helping the team with heals.

I can’t even imagine adding a class with a description that says something about dedicated healing. You would, literally, never be able to PUG a dungeon again.

(edited by cranked.3812)

Auto-loot option based on rarity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cranked.3812


Why would you need this? Do you not want to loot everything? There are so many more things that would need to be added/fixed before something like this should ever be put in game.

The abundance of ascended mats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cranked.3812


I’m sure they will add more options down the line. They already have for the bloodstone dust, just need to give it some time.

Not sure if you get extra points for being the 10029384 millionth person to post about this or not.

Vizunah Square-like Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranked.3812


It would be more fun than the LS 200+ zerg fests that still fail more often than not that we have now.

That’s just anet’s inability to scale content properly to the number of players. It’s actually kind of surprising at this point that the scaling isn’t better. The last 10 LS updates have all been mass zerg events. You would think they would have it down by now.


I totally agree.

Random cross-server groupfinder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranked.3812


Not sure what you are doing wrong, but I have no problem running almost any path at any time. The only two times it takes a while for a group to fill for me is on the day or two of a LS patch first releasing, most people are off doing that content and dungeons are more empty or when I am trying to get a specific fractal level that maybe not everyone might want to do like 36 or something.

If they would change anything with the lfg tool, I wish they would add a gear check and an AR check function, so I can play with people I actually want to play with (zerkers) rather than people completely ignoring what I am asking for because they are too illiterate or just plain rudely ignoring what another person asks for.

Vizunah Square-like Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranked.3812


It would be more fun than the LS 200+ zerg fests that still fail more often than not that we have now.

That’s just anet’s inability to scale content properly to the number of players. It’s actually kind of surprising at this point that the scaling isn’t better. The last 10 LS updates have all been mass zerg events. You would think they would have it down by now.

Add Real "Micro-transactions"

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cranked.3812


I don’t see how they would make more money doing it the way you describe. Most people will either buy the gems because they really want something or they won’t at all. I can’t see there being a large group of people that won’t spend money because they can’t buy a smaller amount of gems.

Also, it really does work as a marketing strategy to sell “x” number of gems, but have a lot of things in the store that don’t equal that amount. That way people will end up with an odd amount and need to buy more, thus creating a cycle of spending money so gems aren’t “going to waste”.

You can always buy gems with gold for small purchases. That way you can get the exact amount you want/need.

I need help making gold....

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cranked.3812


Dungeons. If you know what you are doing and can find a good group(s), it’s easy to make 20+ gold a day without breaking a sweat.

Right now, farming LA is not a bad way to go. I don’t really keep track of what I make in the two runs I do a night, but I bet it’s close to 10 gold or so.

CDI- Fractal Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: cranked.3812


Chris, I was wondering if you would comment on my suggestion for using Twilight Arbor Forward Up as a Fractal Shard earlier in the CDI discussion.

The dredge fractal is already a problem for most PUG groups. Is it really a good idea to add a fractal that would be even worse for them?

CDI- Fractal Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: cranked.3812


While I agree with your sentiment on the Bomb and Clown-Car fights, I’ll point out that the Pressure Plate battle is one of the few places in the entire game where glass-cannons are not rewarded out of all proportion with any other build. It’s not that the fight is hard per se, but that the encounter actually calls for 2 characters to be able to withstand a bit of a beating without relying on dodge-spam. That also makes it one of the few places where Support can make a difference. Knockbacks, interrupts, mass-Aegis, strong healing… If the enemies weren’t Drege this would also be a amazing fight for anyone with AoE blinds.

The problem with your reasoning is the game is designed around dodging as a form of damage mitigation. You can’t create content that suddenly goes against game design and then make it only the beginning of a larger part where you actually need to dodge the rest of the time.

Time Gate Ascended Mats, like or dislike?

in Crafting

Posted by: cranked.3812


Interestingly enough, the crafted materials are available on the TP for purchase so you technically are not time gated in acquiring the mats needed to make your ascended gear other than, of course, the vision crystal mats which are account bound.

None of the vision crystal mats are time gated. You can grind them to your heart’s content.

I didn’t mean time gated in the sense that you can only get so much in a day, but it takes a lot of time to grind out all the mats needed for a full set of ascended armor.

gw2 precursor recipe/scavanger hunt news?

in Crafting

Posted by: cranked.3812


Crafted Precursors will be heavy on account bound mats, maybe even items like the gift of exploration or other tokens awarded for certain AP chests, story mode completion etc.

As already mentioned, Anet has no intention to bring the pre cursor prices down, if they wanted that, they would simply increase the droprate. The Scavenger Hunt/Crafting is intended to introduce a way for players to earn a precursor in a linear way, without RNG.

Thats why i agree that crafted precursors will be account bound and probably limited by account/character by gating ingredients through AP chests (account) or Story Mode (character).

I agree with what you are saying. My point was, even if the mats required are mostly account bound, as they probably should be, it’s still going to be a huge grind. If they don’t make it difficult to very-difficult to craft a precursor everyone will be running around with one in two weeks.

I think people are going to be in for a rude awakening on what it will take to craft one.

bring back dredge skipps

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranked.3812


The next CDI is going to be on fractals, which should be starting today or tomorrow. I suggest contributing to that

Actually, it may be a better idea to not mention the dredge fractal because every time someone does it just results in them making the fractal worse.

skipping/stacking and class bigotry.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranked.3812


Can someone please post some videos of these no-skip/any class/any build dungeon runs? I would love to see a 1 hour CoF P1 run.

Are you high?? I could go in there with a naked team of lvl 75’s and clear everything and path 1 wouldn’t take an hour….. Oh maybe you didn’t realize some people know how to actually play rather than #zomgskiptrashstackdpsbossburnburnburn!

What are you even saying here? That people who run zerk and skip/stack don’t know how to play?

Please show us a vid of you running CoF P1 naked with level 75’s in a reasonable amount of time and, yes, when I said one hour it was a slight exaggeration.

A thought on kicking pugs for guild members

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranked.3812


My guess would be that AFTER suffering 2+ hours in a dungeon with terrible PUG’s, the guild members decided to kick them out of anger for wasting their time.

Not defending the actions by any means, but it’s my best guess.

EDIT: Or, maybe, they don’t have any other guild members who run dungeons/fractals so they have to PUG, but the members are their friends so they give them the reward because of it.

Example of Market crash in GW2

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cranked.3812


Wait, are you saying those citizen bags are dropping limited time items that were currently no longer available? If so, wtf anet?

Disclaimer: I have no investments like Penguin had.

Emp Frags, Thick Leather and Pile of Putrid?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cranked.3812


if refining was free like all other materials, that would of been a good suggestion.
They keep adding sinks for bloodstone, but keep forgetting about the other ascended materials gathering dust.

They probably did something about bloodstone because they got crazy with the drop rates. The other mats aren’t nearly as easy to come by (not that they are hard to come by, but bloodstone is like 100:1 to the others).

Suggestion for Gem Prices

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cranked.3812


The only reason it’s grindy for you is you don’t want to spend any real money. Don’t blame you for it but that’s always been the trade off.

Not sure what your argument is here. You want people to spend 100’s of dollars on gems to convert to gold to buy they stuff they want? I don’t see it as one or the other. I do support the game buy buying gems, albeit I haven’t been so much lately and probably won’t again until they update the areas of the game that I like to play.

Suggestion: Blade Shards

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cranked.3812


I think it was absolutely core to the design of this new gear that you GET INTO LIONS ARCH AND DO SOME HEROING to get the shiny. The blade backpacks are for heroes, not the shopping network.

Don’t you get the most amounts of blades if you play this event purposely wrong? Not sure what’s so heroic about that.

I don’t get what you mean by this statement. How do you do the LS wrong?

You don’t want too many people at the miasma events or they scale so poorly they are unwinnable. The only other thing you can do is the defend events which is where most of the bags I get come from. If that is “doing it wrong”, I am not sure what you are suppose to do then.

Time Gate Ascended Mats, like or dislike?

in Crafting

Posted by: cranked.3812


The problem with removing time gating is that mat prices would go so high people would be begging to put time gating back in. Silk prices hit 3 silver or so IIRC, had there been no time gating, I bet it would have been 10+ if not more because people would have drained the TP dry in one day, not to mention the t2-t5 mats required.

Interestingly enough, the crafted materials are available on the TP for purchase so you technically are not time gated in acquiring the mats needed to make your ascended gear other than, of course, the vision crystal mats which are account bound.

gw2 precursor recipe/scavanger hunt news?

in Crafting

Posted by: cranked.3812


I don’t know why you assume it won’t take you 6 months to a year to grind the mats needed to craft a precursor. It isn’t like it’s going to take 20 gold in mats. I would just start farming gold now if I were you. You are going to need lots of it one way or another.

because then nobody would craft them unless they were set to be soulbound on acquiring.

I think people would rather know they can eventually get one if they grind the mats rather than trying to pump 100’s of exotics into the MF for just a chance at one. In fact, I have heard many people on these forums say specifically they don’t care what it takes as long as there is an end to the road that doesn’t rely on RNG.

I don’t know why you assume it won’t take you 6 months to a year to grind the mats needed to craft a precursor. It isn’t like it’s going to take 20 gold in mats. I would just start farming gold now if I were you. You are going to need lots of it one way or another.

It won’t take 6 months to a year to grind for the mats needed to craft a precursor. And it you need that amount of money, then just grind the gold in 1-2 month and buy it.

Anet is not going to want to crash the precursor market. IIRC they even said as much, but I could be wrong about that.

Knowing that information and knowing how much precursors cost, how much gold/mats do you think it will take to craft one? 100 gold worth? Not likely.

I think people are going to be in for a big surprise on what it takes to craft a precursor. My 6 month estimation I stated was based on the OP’s idea of how long it would take him/her to grind the gold to buy one off the TP. If it takes the OP 6 months to grind the gold, I would expect it to take roughly the same time to grind the mats needed to craft one.