Showing Posts For cranked.3812:

Let us craft Doubloons

in Crafting

Posted by: cranked.3812


Maybe there will be a change when jeweler goes to 500. Would be nice to have a use for silver since it’s as cheap as mithril.

56% of Silk Listed Supply is gone from TP.

in Crafting

Posted by: cranked.3812


lol that’s pretty funny……

“You don’t need 100 bolts per day.”
“I just bought 900,000 scraps on Tuesday.”

And I had zero silk scraps before Tuesday ended because I used them all.

I have to ask. How did you use 900,000 scraps (3600 stacks)? That’s 300,000 bolts(1,200 stacks), enough for 85 sets of light armor if I am not mistaken.

Mass upgrading silk to goss could do it I guess?

Doesn’t pay anymore. It was very profitable up until last Monday before the patch hit. He is probably just speculating and so far has doubled his money if not more.

Giver´s recipes lost vendor value

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cranked.3812


Yeah I probably got like 20 of each by opening Giant gifts. So, supply is very high. Probably lowered it so people weren’t getting so much silver from them.

Fractured! - Give it back. 14 days not OK.

in Living World

Posted by: cranked.3812


For someone that cares about these AP you kind of took your time on doing them….I mean the title of them should have been more than incentive to get it done within two weeks.

While I disagree with bringing it back and people QQing about it, in fairness to their argument, a lot of it was RNG. I didn’t get a chance to do the Volcanic achievement even though I ran a LOT of fractals those two weeks. As a matter of fact, I haven’t played volcanic at all since the patch.

Charged Quartz Crystal disappointment

in Crafting

Posted by: cranked.3812


I don’t get it.

First everyone comes on here QQing about time gating celestial gear. Then anet gives everyone as much free charged quartz as you may ever need and we still have QQing about charged quartz.

I’m pretty sure the people that QQ-ed about charged in presents were the same people that cleared the market of normal quartz just before the event and expected to be able to sell it at seriously overpriced value.

Please tell me someone didn’t lose money speculating on the TP. That would just be a god awful shame. I mean we can’t have people who are raking in gold hand over fist from not even playing the game to lose some of it back on a bad speculation.

The Trading Post is an integral part of the game economy and the game itself.

Playing the TP is just playing the game the way I want.

I should have clarified my post better because I didn’t want to start some argument about the TP. I play the TP myself, of course not nearly as much as some of you guys. No one ever argued that having the TP was a bad thing. Players doing nothing other than playing the TP to make gold is not playing the game. The game is a MMO game, not a stock trading simulator. Even though, as I said, I do play the TP, I think it’s ridiculous that it is so much easier to accumulate wealth than actually going out and exploring the world the way the game was meant to be played.

light armor crafters STOP THIS !

in Crafting

Posted by: cranked.3812


While I agree with you about all the QQing, you could just ignore it.

obtaining dragonite ore

in Crafting

Posted by: cranked.3812


Weird how there usually isn’t a lot of people at the events anymore like there used to be. Typically for me, on TC, there is at least a few other people at the bosses and we get it done. Namely the Golem, Ulgoth, FE, SB, Shatterer. Seems like there is always people at grenth. You can also get them from the Giant wintersday gifts, although the drop rate isn’t very good.

I think the best time for world events is right after reset.

Recipe: Light of Dwayna

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: cranked.3812


yea I can’t see it on the TP either, from other’s have told me you can only see it on the TP if you already got it as a drop

It’s on the TP. I can search for it. Type “recipe” in filter window then go to more settings and change the rarity to ascended. Both recipes should show up.

AFKing / forfeiting Snowball Mayhem for AP

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: cranked.3812


The point isn’t to report them for breaking any rules. The point is the correct the game and what is considered “participation” so that it doesn’t hurt the people who (shockingly!) actually want to play the game properly.

I agree. Honestly, I hate the snowball game. Not sure why they don’t understand that people are just going to grief/idle during these mini games for the achievement. On that note, not sure why they can’t be more creative than “complete x number of rounds of x game”.

Too much junk the the gifts

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: cranked.3812


Ehh, it’s the same old RNG stuff. The only real reason to open them is for the t7 mats if you need/want them and even then the drop rate is relatively low.

Possibility of laurel + gold refund

in Crafting

Posted by: cranked.3812


This is why the Ascended grind is so bad. Who’s going to try new builds when something like this is likely to happen?

Yep. I love to fiddle with builds, and I have multiple exotic sets for each of my characters. I do not foresee that happening with ascended.

That’s why you fiddle with the exotic version, then if you like it, you go for the ascended version.

AFKing / forfeiting Snowball Mayhem for AP

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: cranked.3812


Sometimes they will even insult you if you want to play like you’re supposed to.

Without taunting them in chat, get them to continue whining. After they’ve said something good (anything racist or anti-LGBT will usually do it), silently report them. Have fun knowing they’ll receive a 72 hour suspension.

Yeah let’s encourage people to antagonize others further and then try to get them suspended after goating them into it.

Stay classy San Diego.

No gifting Option??

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cranked.3812


If you really feel that this is your only way to show your appreciation to your friend, go and buy a visa gift card from a store and send him the information. That way he can go ahead and buy the upgrades but you dont hand out your personal information.

Ok, I am curious … what ‘personal information’ would it be that you would be giving out if you were to gift something account based?

Would it not be the account name gifting to and from only (that they would see) ? George.8192 gifts xxx to Sororita.3465 ?

He/She is saying if you want to give someone a gift but it’s an item that can’t be gifted, you can go buy them a visa gift card and give them the card number. If you sent them money or paypal, they will see your personal info (name, address….)

Change Ascended Insignias to Elonian Leather

in Crafting

Posted by: cranked.3812


Damask will drop down to material prices or thereabouts just like the other ascended gated stuff. I would give it 3-5 weeks or so. At that point, most of the people who are doing daily crafting for their gear will have made their set and will then be dumping it on the market in mass.

easy precursor hunt? i dont think so.

in Crafting

Posted by: cranked.3812


Not sure what the point of this thread is?

As was said, people just want to be able to know they can eventually get it if they work toward it, be it through a hunt or crafting.

You started this thread as if anyone ever said it was going to be easy. Not sure where you got that idea from?? Sounds pretty troll to me.

Charged Quartz Crystal disappointment

in Crafting

Posted by: cranked.3812


Maybe I was if I misunderstood your post??

What I am saying is the people QQing loudest are the people who had to spend their time in game for the last 3 months charging quartz every day. Now they are mad because other players don’t have to “suffer” the way they feel they have by spending 20 seconds a day to charge. To me, that is ridiculous and petty especially considering the fact that they cried anet should make charged quartz easier to get, anet did so (albeit on accident) and then they still QQ.

I have heard a few complaints about the market of quartz crashing and the people who invested lost money. To them I say too bad. You win some you lose some. In the long run it would have been better for everyone if it was easier for players to get charged quartz as it should. But alas, it doesn’t matter because they patched it. Just glad I got about 60 crystals before the patch in case for some strange reason I ever need some.

No crit % increase on Celestial ascended

in Crafting

Posted by: cranked.3812


No reason to complain here. If you don’t like the small increases, Anet has made it REALLY easy to convince you to not make it.

That does not mean Celestial should be extra bad.

How has this particular thing made celestial extra bad? You know we are talking about 1% right? Let me repeat that…… 1%.

Just so we are clear here…… 1%

Ok now that we have that out there. Zerk and assassin should get an increase if you think about it. Those two sets are all about DPS, no reason to try and compare celestial to that.

I guess they should remove stats from everything then…

Didn’t know we were going to take the discussion to the extreme to try and prove a point. Ascended stat increases are minimal and for a very good reason. My point was, a zerk set only received a 1% increase, so why would a celestial set even get a bump, they are already higher than the zerk. On top of that, 1% is something that only would matter to a min-max build anyway.

Recipe: Light of Dwayna

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: cranked.3812


I was able to see them on the TP earlier today. It must’ve been hotfixed.

It was fixed. Anyone can now buy and sell them on the TP.

No crit % increase on Celestial ascended

in Crafting

Posted by: cranked.3812


No reason to complain here. If you don’t like the small increases, Anet has made it REALLY easy to convince you to not make it.

That does not mean Celestial should be extra bad.

How has this particular thing made celestial extra bad? You know we are talking about 1% right? Let me repeat that…… 1%.

Just so we are clear here…… 1%

Ok now that we have that out there. Zerk and assassin should get an increase if you think about it. Those two sets are all about DPS, no reason to try and compare celestial to that.


in Fractured

Posted by: cranked.3812


Maybe they wanted to get an idea of how long it took people to get to and beat 50 …

How long it took to beat level 50 ? You mean how many people cared enough about the agony hardcap to throw hundreds of gold away to beat it…
The only thing stopping most people at 49 from doing 50 is the level of required AR, and most people were just waiting for ascended armor to be released to do 50 (which will be a piece of cake once you get 2 or 3 ascended pieces).

I realize all that. I was just trying to think a little positively about why they did it the way it was done. Although, with their track record of stuff like this it’s getting harder all the time to think that way.

Pristine Toxic Spore Farming

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: cranked.3812


I think the 5 spores is infinite for doing the Story instance. I did it three times the other day on my main in a row when doing the achievements and I swear I got 5 each time. It still takes a long time to go through the instance for just 5 spores. You may be better served farming gold and buying what you need off the TP if you need a lot.

Appreciate ascended armor you dang kids!

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: cranked.3812


Are you talking about gw1? Because I prefer that method over the gw2 one.

gw1: Get someone to run to the end (for a small fee, equivalent to about 1g in gw2 money), infuse your entire armor.
gw2: Spend 9128391718912371 gold.

LOL, So far ive PROFITED off getting to 460 Armorcrafting. Spent 21g to get to 450 then i have been selling my daily for 15-20g (its down to 10 now). Once everything has stabilized in 2 weeks or so ill make my armor.

There is no need for ascended armor unless your doing fotm 50 dailies (im still at 41) or going for a new speed clear record.

Pretty much this^^

I enjoy logging in and collecting my free gold from 10 seconds of crafting. Once it drops to 3-4gold per bolt like it will eventually, I will basically have a free set of armor plus some extra gold.

I would just like to take the time to thank all you players who are in a hurry to gain a small, mostly meaningless stat increase. It’s very profitable for some of us.

Please unrevert Grenth Mask

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: cranked.3812


Another “I was going to spend my life savings on gems, but now I can’t because you (anet) decided to do something I don’t like” thread.

Cool story bro.

Really though, I thought they accidently changed the grenth hood or something along those lines when they patched something else and then reverted it back when the mistake was realized?

Charged Quartz Crystal disappointment

in Crafting

Posted by: cranked.3812


I don’t get it.

First everyone comes on here QQing about time gating celestial gear. Then anet gives everyone as much free charged quartz as you may ever need and we still have QQing about charged quartz.

I’m pretty sure the people that QQ-ed about charged in presents were the same people that cleared the market of normal quartz just before the event and expected to be able to sell it at seriously overpriced value.

Please tell me someone didn’t lose money speculating on the TP. That would just be a god awful shame. I mean we can’t have people who are raking in gold hand over fist from not even playing the game to lose some of it back on a bad speculation.

And just so you know, many of the people who were complaining were the ones that spent their in game time charging quartz and are unhappy that the rest of the population doesn’t have to suffer they way they feel they did. Sounds like a great attitude to have toward your fellow gamers. (Not implying you were one of those people)

Lupi Bowbear DUO!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranked.3812


Whoa Whoa Whoa

I don’t see how you consider this legit.

I don’t see either one of you auto attacking at 1500 range.

Come back when it’s a true bearbow duo.

Canceled buy order not giving gold back. TP

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cranked.3812


You have to pick it up from a BLTC vendor, it does NOT go directly back into your wallet.


in Fractured

Posted by: cranked.3812


I have another theory much like the Fractal weapon boxes that were advertised our Leader Board isn’t available yet because the required fractal level hasn’t been reached.


I can see what you are saying. Maybe they wanted to get an idea of how long it took people to get to and beat 50 and how much the higher levels are being played before they decided on how to implement the leader boards.

Pristines to regular relics

in Fractured

Posted by: cranked.3812


It is written in the description : 15 fractal relics.

But, what is the purpose of pristine relics, apart from buying non infused rings ? My guess is that anet is going to remove pristine relics in the future.

There is no need to. It is still currency used to buy rings. Now it’s nice to be able to convert them for all the people who had a stack of them and had nothing to do with them. I just wish you could use them to buy infused rings or mist essence rather than those being RNG.

Would the toxic Tower make a good Fractal?

in Fractured

Posted by: cranked.3812



The toxic pollen is a really bad mechanic and I would hate to see it in a fractal.
There aren’t any proper fights except for the bosses there, but sadly they’re in a bad place for them to be fun.


We don’t need agony on us in combination with 7003049348734 other conditions that the devs thought would make the tower fun. The reason the other new fractals work well is because they were dungeon instances that were slightly reduced to a decent time level to coincide with what length fractals are supposed to be.

Charged Quartz Crystal disappointment

in Crafting

Posted by: cranked.3812


I’ve been doing the daily quartz skill point channeling pretty much daily since Bazaar of the Four Winds.

Now, Charged Quartz Crystal drops like candy from Giant Wintersday Gifts. Yeah. Thanks a lot for making all my effort and money be worth zero.

Is there any reason for this? Why weren’t we warned about it days ago?

I’ve invested a lot of money and time, specially before the krait obelisk, and now all my efforts feel just stupid and useless.

Edit: Discussion on reddit:

I agree with the original poster. In my opinion those who are disagreeing either didn’t put the effort in or are just the typical Anet Fanboys. I also spend much time and effort to have it thrown back in my face. If they want to give a missed ability to other players I am fine with this only if the effort required is the same. To just give these away so easily is insulting. …And getting hurt is irrelevant! It is about fairness. if they game isn’t fair it isn’t balanced! I don’t appreciate Anet devaluing my time. I could have spend my time with any other game or Job for that matter. Since it seems Anet doesn’t care…maybe I should do just that. Don’t make something a pain in the kitten if you are gonna make it easy afterwards unless your gonna compensate!

LOL. Maybe you should talk to all the people who spent an actual decent amount of time leveling fractals only to have to start over again. What did you spend, like 20 seconds a day charging quartz?

This change isn’t helping anyone except the people who actually want to make celestial gear. All the rest of us who will be load with quartz can’t sell it anyway. Be happy you can get your gear faster now.

Charged Quartz Crystal disappointment

in Crafting

Posted by: cranked.3812


I don’t get it.

First everyone comes on here QQing about time gating celestial gear. Then anet gives everyone as much free charged quartz as you may ever need and we still have QQing about charged quartz.

I think we have just proven that anet can not win no matter what they do.

The Gossamer Tank

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cranked.3812


Thankfully the final 380 Bolts of Gossamer that I converted from silk bolts sold on the TP last night for 17s40c each. It was so profitable to convert silk to gossamer the last 3-4 days. Think I made around 80 gold from it and only stopped because it was so stinking boring.

Not terribly surprised that this happened considering everyone who wants ascended armor assumed (correctly) what the recipes were going to look like and they all bought what they needed and more. I am just sad I didn’t sell my last 4 stacks of hardened leather sections yesterday, now I have to take a slight loss on them or hold them for a while.

Ascended Armor

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: cranked.3812


Those “time-gated” items were tradable (i.e. Spiritwood planks and deldrimor ingots), so I wouldn’t doubt someone has ascended armor in the first few hours. That is unless, of course they change the recipes slightly or keep all t7 stuff account bound.

I was referring to the new crystalline ore and crystalline ingots, both of which are account bound and will probably have some sort of time-gating associated with them. If they aren’t needed for armor, then sure. Getting the armor on the first day will probably be doable if you have enough money and resources.

Yeah people seem to find a way to farm things very quickly. Even if crystalline ore is needed, I wouldn’t doubt people still have armor on day one.

Plz make crafting completely unnecessary

in Crafting

Posted by: cranked.3812


I’m not sure if “play how you want” is worse for using it as an excuse to demand free stuff

No-one is demanding free stuff.

It’s as reasonable an assumption as suggesting to make crafting unnecessary. My problem with these threads is this … the option of raiding to get an ascended weapon is inline with crafting it, yet you are saying it’s not an option to raid for one and you don’t want to craft to get it.

To repeat raiding is not an effective option because the chance of dropping is clearly miniscule and there’s no other system to make up for it (like a token system) as all other mmos have. We are asking for reasonable options not free stuff.

Exactly. Every time a post like this pops up, it’s always someone saying that their favorite style of play is not the play style that gets them what they want, so it should be changed. It’s unreasonable. A system was set in place to achieve a reward. If you don’t want to participate in the system, you don’t get the reward.

Its BiS weapons not just a reward. Plus as I said we were guaranteed multiple options by the devs, something which they’ve paid lip service to.

There are lots of things the devs said that aren’t happening. You can tell that from the 100’s of posts weekly about this that or the other thing GW2 was suppose to be and isn’t living up to expectations. The fact remains, you have options. One is crafting and the other is random drops. And before you repeat your completely incorrect statement that they are close to the drop rate of precursors, I have had one drop for me and have seen several drops for others in FoTM.

Even if it is BiS gear and not a standard reward, you still need to do what is necessary to get that gear. Anet cannot add 100 ways to get every item. Sometimes you need to do things you may not like to get the shinies that you want.

Ascended Armor

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: cranked.3812


Some people, like myself, will not have to grind at all to get ascended armor. I currently have 86 laurals with nothing to use them on, enough T7 ingots to make around 10 weapons, and enough gold to buy whatever else is needed. Yes even the end product of the “daily” mats can be bought so I have no doubt I can fit into full ascended day1.
It is almost sad, I would much rather class specific Legendary armor so that I will not only look 1/2 way special but could just chose the stats I want at any given time. Now I will just make ascended armor because it’s something I don’t have then will make legendary armor because it’s something I want.
Simply put give us things we want not things we don’t need.

It’ll be pretty dang expensive to buy the new ascended crafting materials on day 1. And there’s a new material being added (I assume for the armor) called crystalline ore that’s account bound. The resulting crystalline ingots are also account bound. Unless that gets changed for tomorrow’s release and they become tradeable , you won’t be getting ascended armor on day 1 simply because of the new time gated crafting material.

Those “time-gated” items were tradable (i.e. Spiritwood planks and deldrimor ingots), so I wouldn’t doubt someone has ascended armor in the first few hours. That is unless, of course they change the recipes slightly or keep all t7 stuff account bound.

is 30 strength ever used anymore?

in Warrior

Posted by: cranked.3812


idk, some dps/zerker warriors do it a bit different. some go 0/0/30/10/30 with full zerker armor

You can’t be a DPS/zerk warrior if you aren’t 30 in strength. 300 power and +15% damage is a huge difference. I won’t do the math, but my guess is taking 30 in strength and switching to full knights would still put out more DPS than what you are talking about.

Ascended armor: Recipe Speculation

in Crafting

Posted by: cranked.3812


So, I should just go ahead and make a bunch more ascended weapons using my dragonite and emp?

I would hate to use them on some weapons and be left with none for the armour if it did in-fact need it, and for some reason, id rather a set of armour then a few weapons =p

There is two days till the patch. Would it really make sense to use up all your mats this very second? Let’s all just wait a couple days and see what happens. My guess is armor will take two of the gated mats just like weapons do.

Also, there really is no time gating to any ascended weapons, except for the recipes bought with laurels and who doesn’t have a ton of those by now? All the stuff that you personally can only craft one per day (i.e. spiritwood planks) can be bought off the TP. I can’t believe people still call this stuff time gated.

Plz make crafting completely unnecessary

in Crafting

Posted by: cranked.3812


Ascended armor is available through crafting for now but will likely be available through other parts of the game as time goes on. They might have other ways available in this patch that wasn’t stated.

This could come to fruition. Ascended weapon chests already drop in fractals. Of course, the RNG of getting exactly what you want might drive you crazy, but the chance is still there.

Wow, what have they done to AC?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranked.3812


Stacking and LoS is common in all dungeons.

Yes, I know. And while LoS pulls make perfect sense (to get the enemies in a bunch and maximize your party’s own AoE), what doesn’t make any sense is that standing there (right on top of the enemy) makes things so much easier instead of harder.

Remember when they used to say “you won’t be able to just stand there and tank the enemies” ?

Simply adding some I (intelligence) to the AI, and making them try to move out of player AoE would make things more realistic and a bit less silly.

When you pull enemies to a stacked position you are not tanking them, you are bursting them down with fast DPS.

I don’t see anet adding any kind of AI. Their idea of harder content is making bigger damage sponges, more of them and silly mechanics that do nothing but make fights longer and more boring.

On ascended armor recipes

in Crafting

Posted by: cranked.3812


Recipes are already made. Nothing you post here will change that.


Don't do what you did with the Clocktower.

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: cranked.3812


I get the impression a lot of people were way happier with the ghost mode. Keep in mind, a lot of people have a hard time with JP’s. Would be nice to have the option to do it either way. Don’t see how hard that could really be.

250 heavy crafting bags

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cranked.3812


How on earth do you get 250 laurels? >_<

Playing the game? I have 330+. It’s just a time gated currency.

Wow, what have they done to AC?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranked.3812


Stacking and LoS is common in all dungeons. not just AC. Along with that, the meta right now is DPS, DPS and more DPS, hence the reason groups look for certain classes and ask for it in lfg.

Fact is people just want to cruise through these dungeons and not risk a wipe so they can quickly get their rewards and I don’t blame them. Who wants to go into an exp path with a group of PUG’s, spend 2 hours, wipe 15 times and then disband and get nothing out of it? Sadly, it’s the PUG life.

Fractal Fortnight - 2 or 4 weeks?

in Fractured

Posted by: cranked.3812


Yeah getting the tier 1 fractals is easy, because as said, you can just re-roll till you get one you need. I have done probably 15 runs and still haven’t got volcanic; only one I am missing. The meta is easy to get though as you only need 11 (I think).

Additionally, there are some added achievements in the ‘fractals’ tab under ‘dungeons’ that were added with the latest fractals, but those should be there forever to do.

other ways of getting quartz crystals?

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: cranked.3812


The least anet could do is post about this explaining why they think it’s a good idea to time gate one set of armor completely different than the rest.

Because if they could go back in time, every exotic set would be time gated. This time gate further time gates ascended celestial however.

But we aren’t back in time and that hasn’t changed. So, making it so only one set of armor is so heavily time gated as opposed to zero time gating on anything else, just makes no sense. It’s like they are trying to punish players for some mistake they made.

Ascended Armor

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: cranked.3812


it’s not so much the stats, it’s the agony resistance.

What is with all the whining about Ascended armor being needed for fractals. To me that is the worst argument here.

1. Fractals are not meant for everyone. It was always somewhat of a gear grind to progress in fractals to begin with. How long of a road was it grinding fractals every day to get all the infused rings, back piece (then the subsequent infusion) and all the mist essence you need to upgrade?

2. A very very small percentage of the player base plays high level fractals. Why on earth do any of you feel anet should base the acquisition of ascended armor on the 0.01% of GW2’s population that would actually “need” ascended armor?

3. Anet just remade fractals less than 2 weeks ago. It took them over a year to even think of updating them. Do you really think new, more agony intensive fractals are coming out anytime soon? They have so many other things on their plate at the moment including precursor crafting, continuation of the LS, ascended jewelry, so on and so forth……

I would venture to say that new fractals that require more agony resistance won’t be seen for at least 6 months. Even the most casual of casual players can have a set of ascended armor by that time.

Enough is enough with all the QQing about every little thing. I don’t grind for mats and I don’t play wvw. I run dungeons and hit the occasional world boss if I am in the area or hear about it in guild chat and I have so many t7 mats it isn’t funny. Coming from a pretty casual player, I don’t see how anyone at this point doesn’t have a ton of this stuff.

I’m going to need you to go back and read the entire thread, and not just take that one quote out of context.

I read the thread. You don’t need ascended armor to do high level fractals right now. People have already gotten to 50 and beat it with what is currently available. I don’t think new levels will be added for a while and, by then, most people who need it for fractals will have easily crafted it.

I agree with you guys to an extent. But, I look at ascended armor as something to do with my in game time. I won’t specifically try to grind for it, but the mats and gold required to make this stuff come from just playing the game. I have had my interest in fractals re-energized with the patch and am slowly working up in levels so I will eventually need the armor anyway.

As far as AR for fractals, they could just as easily make amulets and accessories infusible and that would make it so people who want to advance in fractals don’t need to spend so much to get the armor. Not sure why they don’t just go this route.

(edited by cranked.3812)

Best way to get Globs of Dark Matter?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: cranked.3812


You can either put in buy orders on the TP for the cheapest exotics you can find or use dungeon tokens to buy armor from the dungeon vendors. Cheapest is the dungeon armor, but that would require lots of tokens. You can get exotics for under a gold each with buy orders.

Ascended Mat Drops Made Sellable

in Suggestions

Posted by: cranked.3812


I’d be willing to spend gold to get Empyreal Fragments since my particular gameplay style leaves me with a dearth of them but plenty of Dragonite and Bloodstone.

Since I’m short of Emps I have to change the way I want to play and either gamble on the unreliable return in WvW (one can go through a whole night in defensive fights and not getting a single one) or subject myself to the tedium of collecting them from open world chests.

The other options aren’t really choices for me. I loathe Jumping Puzzles, my friends don’t want to do Explorer Mode dungeons and Guild Missions are not unreliable even though I’m in a very active guild, they just don’t do them that much.

Frankly it’s a little amazing that given all those choices ArenaNet still found activities giving Emps that are for me either unreliable sources, difficult to arrange or just plain unpleasant. Particularly in comparison to Dragonite and Bloodstone whose activities are far more entertaining for the way I play.

Which gets back to the OP’s suggestion. There are probably players out there who like many of the activities that give Emps and perhaps do not like the ones that give Dragonite (I assume everyone has stacks of Bloodstone, stuff is more common than manure in a cow paddy). If there was a way to sell the stuff between players, this would be a win-win solution.

If I could just buy the things then I would actually be able to play the game I wanted, which I thought was one of the main goals in the first place.

Part of the reason anet set it up the way they did is so people get out and explore more areas of the game then what they are used to.

They also said that they were making a new tier of mats/gear for people to buy and sell on the TP. That never happened. Not sure what went wrong, but making this stuff all sellable on the TP seems like a no-brainer.

Are there any decent dps non zerker builds?

in Warrior

Posted by: cranked.3812


This is a PvE thread. This was my mistake. I posted my WVW builds. When I said its my meta not the meta, what I am saying it is the build that I run about 99% of the time I was not saying this is the build all warriors run. So learn to read.

You misread the thread. You misdefined, and continue to misdefine, the word ‘meta.’ You tell me to “learn to read.” There is a joke in there about a pot calling a kettle black, but in that allegory, the pot and the kettle are both black. In this case, you’re functionally illiterate, and I am not.

He didn’t misdefine the word meta. He said it was his own meta. If that build for him is on a higher tier that supercedes others then what he said is perfectly accurate. Perhaps before calling people “functionally illiterate” for the way they use a certain word, you should understand what the word actually means.

Actually he did misuse the word in the context of these forums. The word meta implies something that works the best and everyone is using it. You can’t really have your own meta. At that point, it’s just your own build.

Ascended Mats

in Crafting

Posted by: cranked.3812


You cannot break down t7 mats into lesser mats.

Doubtful they will take off the Account bound tag if they haven’t already. They probably would have mentioned it already if they were going to.

If I were you, I would just save the stuff. It didn’t cost you anything to get the mats and you never know when you might want to craft something with them, or anet adds additional uses for the mats. They all stay stored in your collectible tabs anyway so they don’t use bank space.