I spent over 50g in game to buy gems to get keys to open chests and I managed to open over 50 of them since I already had some keys and chests gave me some back as well. I received nothing of use but tonics and boosters I will not use, I then spent another 30g to get the one skin I wanted which was a scythe staff skin for my necro since no legendary weapon to me says necro so I have no reason to get one.
Now I knew the items would be rare from the chests and that was fine, I expected more ways to get items then just chests and crafting though. I wanted events since they got ride of quests with ether loot or chances at it, something. I wanted just more then LA to have decorations, etc, I wanted more and sadly I hopped into GW1 and it had more.
All minion, pet, illusion AI’s need to be worked on, not just yours. Just look at necro minions when they run off and attack the grawl who is not attacking you, then bring him back. Fleshie the golem has aggro’d half of orr for most necros on his own. Ranger pets have issues hitting moving targets, sometimes even telling them to attack they stand there for a few seconds both rangers and necros.
I for one am fine with the stealth change, yes sad it causes a bug with P/D setup reapplying the revealed buff thing but still I still am happy with it.
Condition necros have it rough on that part as well since conditions dont hurt it, it can still be done but direct damage helps alot with the burrows. I do have to agree with the others once you know a good strat for the fight it gets easier, like not using specter and staff, swap to daggers and axes is the answer for my necro.
I want my golem to harvest things for me.
What little time I did have today to play, my flesh golem still ran off and attacked a harmless grawl that was not fighting me or running over to try to hurt me and the mobs i was currently fighting.
1) i am not sure but only main hand sigils work with dual weapons like dagger and horn, sigil on the horn does not work to my knowledge.
2) Crit chance can be found on your hero tab and no weapon crits more then any other but the faster or more often you attack the more likely you are to get a crit if that helps to my knowledge of game mechanics.
3) No, since the sigil is only taking effect when its being used on the current weapon to my knowledge since I never gotten more corruption damage off my dagger while it was in my other weapon slot while killing things with my staff.
30 points in Deathshroud does not give extra 30% increase???
in Necromancer
Posted by: gamefreak.5673
Sir I think you tested this more then anyone else has to confirm it doesn’t work so thank you very much for this.
The Build Crux: Blood is Power (The rift between Condition and Power)
in Necromancer
Posted by: gamefreak.5673
I miss Blood is power for life force since I preferred that in my condition build but as it is now I still use it but only to transfer the bleeds over to a mob for more damage that way since might doesn’t help conditions as much now since I cant build life force as i once did. I forgot to finish that last time, I i get for using my phone.
(edited by gamefreak.5673)
I want to know how you see the horror, it dies so quickly unless you used lich to summon 5 of them up. I miss when I could go lich, use that skill, get out of form and then summon my other pets and then I had a small army like a necro should have. I miss GW1 and my army of undead.
Because if memory serves me right and seldom does, they tried fixing it three times, this skill is there baby for now and will do everything they can to get it to work 100% the way it should before anything else.
Hey im all for a original idea but do remember warriors can finish you off way before anyone else so and it does seem to be a odd idea to put points into curses if you do not have some traits or a high crit chance already but I will give it a go since its a different idea.
Nice, but i swore you need more then 2 skulls to make that.
O that is good that horrors no longer res players any longer, not sure when they stopped or fixed that. Now if only they could make the minion AI attack what i want to attack and not the mob 5 miles from me.
If only i dont know we could spawn all range pets, or melee, or heck 6 bone minions instead of 1 of each. I would kill for all range pets sometimes for instance runs. Also a way to command the pets would go along way. I do not expect them to protect me, or try to take hits for me, what i want them to do is attack what i want when i want more then anything.
The pets have a AI?
Might I ask for an *experts* response on the following bug report:
in Necromancer
Posted by: gamefreak.5673
Ive read the list before but what are we checking for again?
Warriors I am not sure of to be honest and 80 guard is just to farm orr with a magic find set on so my setup is kinda just might and burn builds to tag things quickly. Now my engineer who I really love to play him. I do not feel forced to go down trait trees or is a forced into a hybrid setup. I picked those traits trees because they all actually help my grenade and explosives do more damage as a whole and stacking vulnerabilities, burns, and bleeds on crit hits is so much better then just a bleed on crit chance and weakness at even less of a chance on a crit. Not to mention I can throw out grenades so quickly at a 1500 range I can do i safety compared to a necro who has to in a 900 of mobs to stack bleeds with his specter or 600 with his axe.
So I can say my engineer does not feel forced into it since it all helps them so much for the traits. Crits might not increase his damage of conditions but helps them stack more conditions quickly while crits on a necro are so weak compared to engineers with just a very small bleed time which does not apply every crit but a high chance to apply and weakness with 25% chance of working on a crit a necro makes.
(edited by gamefreak.5673)
Since i cant edit my post, if they dont want to move power and precision together then move precision to crit damage then have condition damage with another profession stat, anything to stop from being forced into really hybrid traits for damage unless we want to be glass cannons.
If you still want that bloody condition duration as power build let it be your choice. Right now its forced on us players so we are forced into a hybrid build regardless with trait tree’s right now. By moving power with precision its at least our choice then to pick.
Delicious Delicious Lifeforce - A proposed change to Deathshroud.
in Necromancer
Posted by: gamefreak.5673
Conditionmancers need a better way to build life force along with conditions :P. I cant remember which forum post it was but it had some good ideas about lifeforce and using it with minions, ill see if I can find it but its still only a idea.
DS is hard to build a good build around since you want power and precision and crit damage or health but you need spite, curses, and well the last tree since they have the traits so divided for us right now it makes it really hard to get this done well. I am not saying its not possible but its hard to balance them right with everyone’s play style. We are forced into a hybrid build regardless so best bet is to focus on a condition build since you can at least then not worry to much about DS trait line.
You could go with a good bunker build for lvling so you can get more use out of wells and have tons of health and defense.
(edited by gamefreak.5673)
Here is hoping for Pet AI for all classes to be fixed.
Ok list of issues, the biggest being the traits, minions as a whole, and our builds.
We have so many horrible traits. Lets start with the horrors, in pvp they can res players if they kill them, in pve arah instance they can get the group killed, and in most cases unless summoned via lich they die before even finding a target. Most our our traits we wont use because they are worthless for our builds right now, and lastly most traits have bugs in them. We have traits that do not add condition damage to our skills like they should when they say they do, our fears do not last as long a thief who steals it from us. We also have traits that say they increase life force reward but doesn’t add it all of it like it should. Also in order to be a good power or condition build you have to spend you trait points in both Curses for precision and condition damage, then in Spite for power and condition duration. Why is setup like that in the first place I do not know so it forces into a hybrid build regardless.
Minions have one of the worst AIs ive seen in 10 years of gaming. They often run off on there own and aggro mobs you are not even fighting, my golem has pulled more mobs for me then i even desire to see. We have no way to focus them on 1 target or putt them on passive, they die from aoes very quickly even when you try to keep them healed up with wells and life steals the die. Sometimes they stand around and dont do anything while your being attacked or attacking. Horrors again die before they find a target most times, death nova cancels the bone minion explosion damage for a very small poison damage. Yeah good times with that, and the worm poison damage doesn’t actually hurt anything when you make it explode, the numbers mean nothing.
Now our builds we have a very good bunker build for PVP i cannot deny that since we can have huge life pools thanks to our health and then DS for even more, the wells make it hard for them keep conditions on us and we can even perma blind most melee to annoy them. The bunker build is very good but lets go to our conditionmancer. This is also a good build but we can only stack bleeds and poisons and our poisons do not last that long or hit that hard, now we can get to like 2k bleeds with food and other things so with epidemic we can easily spread those every 10 seconds but that is great and all but that is it really all the good skills for conditions we have. Our Power build is also pretty fun with our two wells that actually do good damage, and blood is power helps alot but finding a good balance between Spite, curses and Soul reaping is kinda a challenge with how our traits are split right now.
Now I love my necro but thieves, engineers, and Mesmer out shine us by far with damage, conditions builds, and traits over all since and they are just more interesting to traits for the builds. I have a 80 necro, thief, engineer, guardian and am working on my Mesmer now.
(edited by gamefreak.5673)
Clones destroying phantasms (when 3 phantasms are up) fix suggestions?
in Mesmer
Posted by: gamefreak.5673
I find it pointless to shatter my phantasms compared to leaving them up, they just do more damage and provide much better targets then my cloned illusions. Shatter and such needs a much bigger aoe range and more damage then it does because to the time that happens I will not be using those skills.
I still believe a full set of exotic jewelery takes to many mats to make but I have 1 set of ravagers for my condition build which is actually all ravager stats on the armor and I have one set of knight jewelery to wear with berserker armor only because I dont have the mats to make a full set of berserker ones as of yet. I am happy with that since it still gives me precision and power, I am just missing the crit damage. Both armor sets are glass cannon armor and jeweler sets but I cannot actually tell which I am doing better damage with overall. Both get the job done.
O, it was so you could follow the instructions at the top to get it added to the list mostly and no, the Superior Rune of Svanir is only not working to my knowledge while in death shroud and Siphoned Power is not on the list at all that I can remember.
I stand corrected these are both bugged under the Death shroud section. Might be what you are talking about though already.
Death Shroud
(NB0001) Rune of Svanir “Become a block of ice” will trigger after entering DS and receive foe damage. (Ignores %HP trigger)
(NB0106) Siphones Power “Gain might” will trigger after entering DS and receive foe damage. (Ignores %HP trigger)
(edited by gamefreak.5673)
You should check out the Necromancer bugs compilation at the top of the necromancer page.
An open letter to a dev regards the current state of the Necromancer class, and the silence thereof.
Posted by: gamefreak.5673
I am not losing faith Arenanet but having over 100 bugs found at one point for our class is very annoying to say the least. Necros are still very powerful when played by a good player but we have to work for it much more then other players. Not to mention the minion AI in the game drives me nuts whether it be necro minions, thief buddies they call in, illusions, and or ranger melee pets that can be kited, its enough to drive a person insane. The well of blood vampire traits healing mob npcs when they attack while in the well area isnt that huge of a problem but a small annoyance compared to pets running off on there own and attacking mobs on there own.
Wow, i am going to have to test this myself, even though the moa screenshots are convincing I just still have to see it myself.
Because we want our Minion Master from guild wars 1 back or at least be useful besides for leveling and that is still out for debate if it is good for leveling a necro since the AI often times finds more mobs for you to kill then kill the mobs you already have.
Also thanks for the minion info but please remember minion stats are not affected by our stats but scale with our level. The only things that can help are in the trait tree itself.
Rune of undead is also very easily made as well.
other people on the other team dont see the house icon, or least I never have. This is also fantastic for getting commune points and rich veins in pve setups without having to fight champ mobs etc.
Ok, you are correct for the pvp part since any smart player will normally kill the necro or summoner but this meant was for pve mostly. I guess I am still in love from my necro in guild wars 1 how they worked.. I also loved necros from 1 how they work in the pve setup so much, i liked they had a natural health degrade I could heal up or let minions die. I could even just have all bone minions if i wanted, i just had to wait for a recast and hope a corpse was around. I could also tell them to attack what I wanted which was great. So many things i miss from one with my necro.
I am only really sad about is minion not being good minions. I did not want to play as a condition mancer or a slightly near unkillable clothie but a bloody minion master. Now besides wells having really long reuse times i am happy with those and with conditions skills i am even content but its not what I wanted. I am just stuck with playing a condition mancer since i do not like bunker builds they are boring to play atleast for me.
Besides tons of bugs to be fixed I would love for them to fix minions, most times they sit there, or attack targets I dont care about, or just die super easy because they dont get out of aoes. The aoe dodge programming might actually be very hard to fix so a flat out reduction damage would go a long way or a ton more hp. Next give us a attack this target button which would help at least focus damage on a target. Also make it so they can hit moving targets so they cant be just kited all day like with how I kite ranger pets, actually fix them both so this doesn’t happen.
Do not lie to him, in pve mm is unreliable since pets cannot be set to target specific mobs, do very little damage, don’t dodge so they never get out of aoes, sometimes dont attack mobs while you fight at all. Until the AI is fixed MM is not a good choice.
I know its a support build, what i tried after trying to be a decent minion master for about a week of trying everything I could think of to make them work which failed. Still good build, tons of health and toughness and you wont die easily ether. Just dont spam all your wells at once and you should be fine with the build.
This is a very good idea for condition builds ive found.
Bug fixes and work on minion AI, i want to be bloody decent minion master like from 1 as much as I can again. Right now those poor minions and pets from all class’s die far to quick in pve and pvp setups to be worth anything almost. They should be able to dodge when we do, or take a huge reduction on damage from aoes like 90% so they might live to get close to a player or boss mob in instances. Not to mention horrors with such huge health degrades they often die before doing any good in pve and right now in pvp are horrible since we knock a player down, horror comes up, they kill that and they are back in the fight. I would also like them buff the damage or let me just have six bone minions out since that is all I really want since they do the most damage, good reuse, and amazing damage when i can get them to blow up next to a mob.
Ranger pets are in the same boat mostly expect bear which is fantastic at tanking pve mobs or was, Ive noticed mobs are ignoring him now since i think they tweaked mobs to help stop botters. For PVP and such I can kite a ranger pet circles as I ether slowly kill a ranger with my conditions or he stomps me into next month but his pet will not be the death of me.
(edited by gamefreak.5673)
Must say good guide and good explanations but i will like to point out though, necro burst damage isnt much of a burst compared to other class’s. I have a 80 engineer, necro, thief, and guardian right now and Necro setup in full berserker set of gear compared to guard and thief have no wear close to a burst shot they have.
I will have to check these out when i can.
You should read the ranger forums, they are so sad they are not gods in wvwvw it seems from the looks of a few different forum posts i read, others complain about a short bow decrease, and others complain about there pets being weak. At least they can tell there pet to attack something.
Now to the real point, every class has some issues right now, but i think the real issue is it is hard to see who is really doing what for the group. everyone wants to be biggest dps in which case we might do well if our conditions applied many times faster or we didnt get a cap or they didnt get cleared so quickly from mobs.
(edited by gamefreak.5673)
It is a solid well build I ran myself, I would recommend using the flesh golem over swarm since that allows a little bit more damage when it decides to attack things and you are still free to revive others and use other skills unlike in plague which you only have 3 skills. Although 20 seconds of permablind is good sometimes id still use the golem more. For off weapons i think you should try axe and dagger out. You might like it as well for this build.
Necromancers for the most part are stuck in the same role as every necromancer which is using conditions. Since our minions are worthless in pve and pvp places for the most part same as you pets since none of them dodge and die super quick. You can atleast stack bleeds much quicker then we can and if memory serves me you have a 2 second bleed on crits while ours in 1 second. Your poisons are longer lasting as well, so you already do condition damage better then a necro with bleeds and poisons lasting longer. So be happy you can do something better then another class atleast. So be bloody happy for that at least and you pets will atleast attempt to attack something you want and not a random target or nothing at all when you get attacked.
You didn’t link anything to rate.
O in the first one you had a little army, a limited army but if setup right it was alot of fun since every corpse could be made into a new minion, very small recast times, had good range minions, melee minions, had a elite skill that cause you to raise a minion for each body around you so you could instantly go from 0 to max number in a second and that also had a small recast i believe. In gw2 its not a army, heck it barely counts as meat shields, at least meat shields i could use to keep myself up with maybe.
I thought it was a nice little video if that matters.
In gw1 we needed a corpse to raise a minion or a few of them, in some cases when one large undead minion we raised died a smaller minion took its place. They also took constant maintenance to keep up with other skills since they all had natural health drain. I actually liked that from gw1 since at least i could use skills to keep there health going up at a good pace most times. You could run around with 7 of them if memory serves me right and they worked so many times better since we could at least tell them to be passive or attack when we needed them to. Heck you could have all bone minions if you wanted which if was the case i would love to run with 6 little bone minions that i would all cause to blow up with death nova going off, but in this nope, we cannot have little bombers of death and fun.
If our current minions actually attacked mobs we wanted, or we could tell them to attack it would go along way because right now most times they dont attack a single target we want to stand there and watch you die. They also have very little health which bothers me since in pvp they are very easy to kill even from a downed state then a player can get right back up. The horrors have given so many players a good chance to revive them self and get back in the fight.
Flesh golem and bone minions are our best minions right now to me since we cause the little ones explode for decent damage and flesh golem has health that regans, ok damage, and can atleast take a slight beating.
I love my necro, but i wont lie i do not want to be a condition necromancer, i wanted to be a bloody minion master like from gw1 but the AI in gw2 is horrible for them, often times they dont attack the target i want them to, heck more likely they stand there and watch me die. Now my 80 engineer completes this role for conditions much better then my necro and I have tried a few different builds with necro to feel this role and I cannot say he is better then a engineer. The necro does excel at getting rid of conditions better then other class’s I cannot deny that. If plague signet worked right it would actually transfer all conditions on allies to me and i could then use that correctly, right now it transfer 1 and copies the rest so its not as good as it should and many other things bother me about the bugs he has with all his traits.
Now back the main issue. I do not want to be stuck using condition necro builds and wells. Wells are a very nice skill we have but most times allies cannot tell when they should be a well that will convert conditions to boons or boons to conditions so it makes it hard to know what the team will be doing unless planned already not to mention in PVE instances most times we put a well down then have to leave it already since so many aoes. Wells also have a very long reuse time so if you spam them all at once they are not up again quickly for reuse or when you need them again.
I could go on but this post has been long enough.