Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
This could be that the other players are on a different server. Guild’s up grades are on server to server basis. In other words what ever the guilds home server is, any player on that server can have access to the guild contract. If you’re not then, you have to research it again on the server you/they are on.
however (to help you troubleshooting) guild upgrades are only NOT transfered when you are on a different home world then where the upgrade got unlocked.
So e.g.
If your homeworld is server A and mine is server B, I would not get the upgrade.
If my home worldis server A like yours, butI’m guesting on server B (or am in overflow) I will get the upgrade. It is the home server that makes the different
(and yes, if you are have home world A and I got homeworld B, but I’m guesting on A, I will still not get the upgrade)
Small remark. The guild emblem on the armor will display the emblem of any guild you are representing. so a good work around would be to join a guild on your homeserver that has the armorer unlocked, buying the armor and then representing your guild (off course after explaining to that other guild why you join them).
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
I suggest a quick look on Youtube. I’ve used it many, many times.
This suggestion is (although well ment) pretty bad at the moment. Lion’s arch has been unchanged for bout 1,5 years. and so is this vista. If a video exist thats show the way to the new vista, it will be competing with video’s that have 1000 times more hits, so in any search quary it will show up bottom place. It would be better to go to e.g. and ask her formaking a youtube vid for helping on new players on 100% mapcompletion in LA,
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
There is a lot of single player content, but no dungeons.
for solo-play the way to make money differs a lot. but given your current level I would recommend farming iron ores and selling them. due to the living story this item is highly demanded and sells for triple the normal price.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Just a wild notch, but maybe it is helpfull to the dev investigating.
The last patch added a new?? vista at the marjorette’s landing. For me it was fully explored and done. Butjust curious I went there and got to this vista. I found that it was not only a new location but also a new cutscene. I still don’t know why it was showing as explored cause I never watched it in my life. I think that this vista is there to replace a vista that couldn’t be brought back due to the change of maps. I also suspect that due to a change in location and video it actually ended with a different ID in the game.
Bottom line: I got 100% map, but can anyone that has this issuego to this place, jump to the vista and report if watching this vista makes any change??
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Hi and thanks for this report. I’m not sure if this is a game bug or a technical issue at your side (then it would belong in the technical support forum).
I have witnessed two ways of leaving lion’s arch after the event. and both have been succesfull to me.
The first method was to get to a exit portal in time and walk through after getting the final reward
The second was not getting to an exit portal in time and dying, and being teleported out dead to a refugee camp.
Can you be more precise what is happening and when this issue happens??
I think this is more a client issue then a game bug. I’m no expert here but I think maybe repairing your client can help. I suggest posting in the technical support forum to ask for more help if needed.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Tickets are never really ‘closed’. The term ‘closed’ or ‘resolved’ is used for the moment when everything that needed to be said is said and everything needed to be done is done.
In some (rare) situations it happens that the customer (you) thinks there is still a lot to do or to be said, but support disagrees and gives a final answer. But in most situations this point is reached through mutual consensus.
You might be confused with the moment you recieve the survey where you are asked to rate support.
I always say that support has targetted themselfes to answer within 72 hours. This is not the full truth. This target is (in most company’s) decided by higher managers AND is used to measure how good the support department is. This also means (I suspect) that you will get a survey after 72 hour to rate how your ticket got resolved. So even if you haven’t recieved an answer yet. Obvious, the answer will likely be negative, but due to the target being 72 hours, support knows that when they dont make that target they get a negative response.
Actually, tickets are closed, but not in the manner that the OP worried about: after three days without a response. It just doesn’t happen that way and you were correct about that part of it.
The surveys are going out somewhat incorrectly and we hope to address that so that players get their surveys after the issue is fully resolved. Surveys are not sent out as part of management’s tracking of agent or team performance in the sense of knowing whether tickets are getting a timely response. Nor are they sent out as a means to hasten agent responses. We have other, most sophisticated means to track performance and timeliness on many levels, and surveys being sent out at the 72-hour point is not part of that tracking process.
Why is Seatle so far away!!!
I’ve worked as a support agent for a phone company for many years, and they did things as I described. good to see that Anet is handling things a lot better (and for european terms in customer support that company was considered very employee friendly) . If you where anything closer I would consider trying to get a job there.
I know in any model they are not ment to hasten an agent report. Personal performance at my former job was measured against the performance of collegues. So if there is a queue that makes everyone get bad scores, that isn’t making a difference in the personal score
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
"terminated for modifying or tampering" What?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: mercury ranique.2170
Thats awesome news, I was worried mostly about it being a ‘permanent’ thing since I only played it for 2 weeks but I’m happy to know its repairable.
I made a ticket regarding this 1-2 days ago now so im just waiting for a reply and checking the forums.
The term permanent is indeed a scary term. But your ‘account’ has been accused of doing pretty bad things. As soon as you can prove that you where not in control of your account I’m pretty sure that support will be less scary
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Obtaining that recipe depends on a group event?
After the event the NPC will sell the recipe again normally?
Yes it seems so:
Not sure if it happens after a full 45 minutes off lions arch when atleast one (or all??) of the escorts is succesfull or directly when it happened. Also keep in mind that overflow maps are not tied together (as far as I know). So doing this event in overflow in LA won’t change things in lornar pass on your main server. It might be that one of the overflows is tied to it, but it will be hard to placed in the right one. Best is to assume that he only sells it on a main map and not in overflow and only when the groupevent in lions arch on the same server was succesfull.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Tickets are never really ‘closed’. The term ‘closed’ or ‘resolved’ is used for the moment when everything that needed to be said is said and everything needed to be done is done.
In some (rare) situations it happens that the customer (you) thinks there is still a lot to do or to be said, but support disagrees and gives a final answer. But in most situations this point is reached through mutual consensus.
You might be confused with the moment you recieve the survey where you are asked to rate support.
I always say that support has targetted themselfes to answer within 72 hours. This is not the full truth. This target is (in most company’s) decided by higher managers AND is used to measure how good the support department is. This also means (I suspect) that you will get a survey after 72 hour to rate how your ticket got resolved. So even if you haven’t recieved an answer yet. Obvious, the answer will likely be negative, but due to the target being 72 hours, support knows that when they dont make that target they get a negative response.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Having the same issue! already submitted a ticket on the german support forum.
Looking forward to the solution to this
Did you mean the german support forum or the german support site??
Just asking to be sure. posting on the forum is different then submitting a ticket.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Thanks, Wiki is updated :P
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
I know after the introduction of this living story he was selling it, but it got removed (from Urmaug) somewhere along the line. Cause it wasn’t in the release notes I consider this to be a bug.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
he is always there, the wiki is stating that he was selling this recipe, and I saw he did so too. However, now the recipe is removed from the list of things he is selling.
Cause this isn’t included in the patch notes, you can report this as a bug. I would suggest using the bug section of this forum. It might be removed on purpose, but thats for the devs to answer.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Southsun cove doesnt count for world completion cause it was added later.
Chantry of secrets is often the solution, it ‘forgets’ you allready completed it.
Have you really visited every zone?? There is a known issue, that if you leave a zone without accepting your reward, it isn’t counted for world completion. When revisiting that specific zone you get your reward afterall, and world completion.
If that doesn’t solve it for you I would like to draw your attention to this thread:
It seems that since the last update there is a strange bug with map completion. Please post in there AND file a support ticket so support can investigate.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
I have heard a lot allready bout the influence of voice acting during the living story. I personally think the actors are doing a great job. What I don’t hear a lot bout is ambient sounds, sound effects and music.
1: I have noticed some pretty special and cool sound effects during the living story. How does this work?? for example the sound off a twisted nightmare. Are the sound effects found after the creature and animations are done?? or is it actually a part of the devellopment proces??
2: Currently, for the background music you used the existing background music (Or I’m incredible mistaken). Is it ever considered to make some specific music for the living story content?? Or are there plans to do so in the future??
3: I’m a big fan of Fear not this night. Are there any plans to give this more screentime in the future?
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
this depends highly on the living story.
The origin of madness (4,5 weeks ago) was in a level 25-40 map. so you needed to be bout level 30-35 to participate.
The edge of the mists (2,5 weeks ago) and now escape fromLion’s arch are both in a map where you are upgraded to level 80. So in theory you can do everything.
The issue with upgraded to level 80, doesnt mean that you really are level 80. You don’t have access to exotic/ascended stats, you dont have all your skills unlocked and you dont have all your traitpoints. So you are still somewhat dissabled.
For this current living story this means that you can easily follow the zerg (big group of players often leaded by commander) and get most things done. Some achievements in the living story are a bit more concentrated around soloplay (like finding 30 pieces of rubble) and you can have more issues then.
But because off the fact that one of the daily achievement (today it is to kill 10 off scarlets toxic alliance members) you can still get the meta achievement and the bulk of the achievement points. (and you can get the higher level things, but it is slightly harder).
Joining a guild and asking some of your guildies to party up with you, helps a lot as well.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
The cultural armor is specially desinged for a certain race. the tier 3 armor in divinity’s reach is only available for humans. The tier 1-3 armor in Houlbrak is only available for Norn (vendors are in the great lodge if you want to preview it).
Ironically, this doesn’t apply for cultural weapons, all races can get those.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
(edited by Moderator)
If the captains counsel would take the warnings serious, they would definitly have asked for the pact to help them out with some off the airships. But they didn’t take the warning serious (besides Ellen) resulting in this catastrophy.
Lion’s Arch has always been a center off comerce, and been neutral in most conflicts in the world (Jotun’s, Centaur’s, Skritt, Tengu and troll’s, they are all welcome in Lion’s Arch). They always trusted that neutrality to be not involved in conflicts. Where, when it comes to defending against Elder Dragons they count on the presence off the orders to help out.
There is also a more technical reason for the counsel to be ignorant to the warnings. The living story has a separate timeline to the personal story. It is very much possible to experience the living story before you experience the personal story. So it was important to keep the pact airships out to maintain that effect.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Welcome back. ignore the tune of Hotel California (till you really can’t leave) :P
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Email from gw2 about survey and get 400 gems
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: mercury ranique.2170
Micheal, thanks for the update.
Just to give some feedback. I do understand why you select a portion off players. I also understand that you really need as many people that where invited to fill in the survey. So giving an ingame reward is good. I doubt that 400 gems is the right thing though. I think it should be something unique and non tradable.For example I’m thinking bout a mini Taimi and Gollem. It would be unique, not tradable and desirable.
Every 1 year or so you can give the same item in game for free and replace it.
The effect would be that everyone would get the item, but filling in your survey means you get it before others.
This would prevent these kind of threads escalating (cause as, you have seen it will be in public anyway, and this thread was made with the right intentions).
I’m pretty sure giving away a unique item that nobody else even had a chance to get would cause a lot more uproar.
Nope, I don’t think so.
One example is the mini mister sparkles, that originally only was available for those that came to a gaming convention. Not many people got upset bout that. the same goes for some miniatures in GW1 that where given out as well.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Colin (the game director) stated that New weapontypes, new races and new classes are all considered (considered isn’t equal to ‘going to happen’), but out of these three, new classes will have the least priority and the biggest issues.
So short answer: you will first see new weapontypes and races before you can expect new classes.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Why do people call me an idiot because I use APs as a measurement of skill?
Cause it isn’t and it isn’t good that you use such false sense of elitsm.
In my experience people asking for x amount of AP will result in a dungeon that take atleast 5 minutes longer then party’s that just ask for people to play with. The reason is that GOOD players don’t care bout other people’s AP’s and GOOD players don’t go looking at others when things go bad. The amount of AP is no garantee whatsover for the quality off the player, but people think that if a party goes bad it was goes someone had not enough AP’s. The reality is however they where the noobs themselfes!
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Well as things progress the more ridiculous they are getting………..Here is the latest response for my ticket.
“After sending my response to you I did some further investigation. I see that you completed and received rewards for every map in the game way back in September of 2012. World and Map Complete rewards are only granted once per character regardless of new locations being added to the map at a later time.
In order to receive the World Complete rewards a second time you will need to complete every map with another character who has not done so prior.
If you have any other questions, please let us know!"
Where it gets interesting is that I’ve never had map completion on this character, or any character for that matter. In fact, Sept 2012 I may have 1 or 2 zones done at best. I replied asking them who’s account are they even looking at, I’m having a hard time even taking this seriously because they obviously aren’t taking my ticket seriously with a ridiculous response like this………….
I am a friend of Slugonaut, I have been playing with him for a long time now, and I can say he did not complete the map in September 2012, he just got the star the other night.
However I appreciate your loyalty to your friend, support like this is against the forum rules.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Just a minor bug, but the Asura portals that used to lead to lions arch (for WvW-maps, Heart of the mists, home towns, Southson cove, etc) are all still labelled to lead to Lion’s Arch.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Found him myself. He is under the vigil keep in the cave with the cavebats.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Please do not bump threads. It is extremely unrespectfull to other posts (and a violation off the forum rules). Bugs are rated on impact. Bumping yours means you think yours deserve more attention then others and that is just plain selfish!!
Also Lukas, your thing with Eternity is an opinion and not a bug. You have expressed your views elsewhere where I have given you a reply. Crossposting is also against the rules we have on this forum.
Thank you for respecting the rules.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Nevermind, found him.
Can you share his location?? I think this is a reasonable commonm question
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
according to the wiki they contain the full set. Keep in mind it is the PvP-version, so you can’t wear it in PvE
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Email from gw2 about survey and get 400 gems
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: mercury ranique.2170
Micheal, thanks for the update.
Just to give some feedback. I do understand why you select a portion off players. I also understand that you really need as many people that where invited to fill in the survey. So giving an ingame reward is good. I doubt that 400 gems is the right thing though. I think it should be something unique and non tradable.
For example I’m thinking bout a mini Taimi and Gollem. It would be unique, not tradable and desirable.
Every 1 year or so you can give the same item in game for free and replace it.
The effect would be that everyone would get the item, but filling in your survey means you get it before others.
This would prevent these kind of threads escalating (cause as, you have seen it will be in public anyway, and this thread was made with the right intentions).
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
I truly think that the precursors should be taken out of the loop for exotics you can forge (unless it is the legendary recipe off course). You need to throw in a lot of rares and exotic, and I know how the icon’s and names can start to dance before your eyes.
But having said that, Smooth is right. Support doesn’t correct players mistakes AND has limited tools to do so.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
The back pieces up till exotic are pretty easy to make.
fine: 2 hours in la for the blueprints, one hour farming the iron
Masterwork: 0 hours in LA (you got enough shards from farming the blueprints) 1 hour farming the iron
Rare: 0 hours in LA (still got enough shards from farming the blueprints), 1 hour farming mithril (and if using a guide like you also get enough orichalcum).
Exotic: 2 hours in LA to get another stack of shards
thes are all account bound, so whereever you stop, you can use it for an alt. on top of that you can easily get the other events items needed to be ready for ascended, even if you need to level your crafting or get mats.
So my advise, get as many exotic ones as you can for your alts.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
I agree with AP. It might be worth posting this also in the bug section (besides posting a support ticket).
This patch brought a new PoI, and a lot others have been changing and shifting place. I saw a discovered vista on the majorette’s landing that was never there before. So it much be replaced (think it was the one at the priory where now the camp is). bottom line, it is very possible there is a bug since the update.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
FotM have been changed in the way how level progression works, and if I udnerstand right, you have been set back to level 30. This is due to the introduction of ascended gear. I’m not a big FotM player, so I can’t say how much AR you need for level 30+ content and if you can manage that with your current gear.
As for living story: this short vid should help you to refresh the living story so far. It is a month ago, so I summerize:
Scarlet placed probes around the world to search for ley-lines. They had the additional effect that it woke a giant three headed wurm in blood tide coast. This is a world boss event off the same difficulty level as Tequatl.
On top off that she developped a mass destruction weapon wich she tested in Lornar pass.
Using Scarlets diary and her holo recordings, and going through all other evidence we deducted that something or someone is controlling scarlet, like a second personality in her head (bit like gollem/smeagol) and that her next target is Lion’s Arch.
You prolly noticed what happened after in Lion’s Arch
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
In CDI threads it is not allowed to make the same suggestion twice (so if someone else mentioned it, dont mention it again)
Demanding that everyone have read and compared every post to their own position before making their proposal is simply not a reasonable expectation.
I SERIOUSLY think we’re losing our grip on the casual nature of most CDI contributions & participants with just about everything said in this thread from the first post on.
More tips; less rules~
“Reading the entire thread will give you an advantage in presenting ideas that are likely to interest or resonate with the Developer hosting the thread, but is not expected or required. Being current will also help you sound awesome when discussing ideas with your peers
First off all, when quoting someone, make sure you quote fully. You are pulling my entire earlier post out of context and that is atleast considered inpolite (and actuaslly im pretty agritated).
Second off all. Yes I do think that reading previous suggestions help a lot. This whole thread is bout preventing the long wall’s of text. Looking at the living story CDI, it happened that people kept repeating arguments that where talked through ages ago AND where the Dev’s had claimed atleast 10 times that they understand the concerns and told what they do with that feedback.
This kept the thread from evolving forward.
Every suggestion is important and welcome. This is something that we should see as well. Our own wall of text is not more important then yours. By reading through the previous posts you are showing that respect and you are showing you indeed have interest in it. the purpose of CDI is not to throw you critism on the table off the devs, but to participate in a process of giving feedback and workign together with the devs on solutions. proposal and reaction is important there, as well as the development. If subject a is closed it should be closed.
Also in my original post im also saying that you can support existing suggestions and you are encouraged to do so.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
I think that this event (as well as the other ‘running’ escorts) are bad designed.
I really really like the thought. Normally during escort events, the people you are trying to save are actually fighting everything and removing to move till all are dead. This, specially in the atmosphere of saving them, is much more realistic. However, the participation trigger is really really off.
My short term solution:
Everyone in the eventcircle gets gold medal and the achievement. I know this will mean people who didn’t participate at all will get it too, but it would solve this for atleast this living story.
Long term solution (for future living story events) would be to do the same, but make two factors important: a: tag atleast one event NPC, b: stay in the event circle for 75% off the event.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: mercury ranique.2170
from the patch tuesday Feb 18, 2014 my shoulders, the arms of koda (HoTW) go through my twilight and fractal back piece, before this patch it never happened. Please fix this, Thank you
The purpose of this thread is to review support tickets that are unanswered after 72 hours. The reason is that after 72 hours all support tickets should be answered and if thats not the case, something went wrong in the communication or the system.
If this is the situation for you, you can post your support ticket number in this threat.
However, since the update is less then 72 hours ago, this is definitly not the place to post this. This is also not an issue that support can solve. It seems that some armorskins have been updated slightly. This is in your case resulting in a clipping error. The best thing to do is to report this as a bug. This can be done in the bg’s subforum here or ingame by typing /bug.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
You saying you checked everything on your end.
Lert me state the opposite. The game is crowded with people and a lot of people are activly playing the new content. Both in Europe and in NA.
So claiming that it is NOT your end is wrong cause it is clearly not at Arenanet’s end either.
If you want help or advise then feel welcome to ask what you should and can do to change it and I’m pretty sure people here can advise you.
Personally I think that it is your ISP that is throttling you.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
It is like every living world release. If you need to do too much, people are angry that its too much and they dont have time, and if it is too little people are a.ngry that it is too easy, not rewarding.
Just follow the basics.
1: First few days, join in any overflow and youri good
2: after that, make sure you are on your home server.
3: when thats dying, guest to designated servers (check this forum to see wich one cause people will be complaining allready and will have their answer).
4: (after bout 2 weeks): the event is dead
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Concerned about Captain's airship passes.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: mercury ranique.2170
I am assuming you don’t craft Eternity in a single sitting every day? That is to say, you do this once in your lifetime?
As such, why not just – you know, for the occasion – head into WvW? It even got the same things condensed in a smaller area than LA had. :PAnd mind you, you have to cite the edge case of crafting Eternity (of all things) to make a case against this change. Do you realize how far-fetched your idea of an issue this creates is? How many players do you think are impacted how often by this, exactly?
First off, this effects anybody that is combining crafted materials with mystic forge.
The second is that I think nobody should recommend using WvW for crafting purposes. The first reason is that it is not convininent. For your home borderlands the crafting stations are in your citadel and the forge in the forward keep. The second and more important reason is that WvW maps have a limitation of amount of people there. If you are there you are supposed to fight for your world. I’m not one of those selfish people letting my world down by claiming my spot to craft there.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Ascended is only really required in fractals of the mists dungeons (entrance is in gendarran fields at the moment, but was in lion’s arch). It is only required in the higher levels of that dungeon (fractals are leveled, if you do them more often you can increase the difficulty. To survive at higher levels you need to survive a special condition unique for that dungeon called agony, to resist this you need ascended gear with an agony infusion).
The differens in stats for all other things can be compensated by using food. so don’t bother. If you enjoy the game, then ascended is a nice (and expensive) grind, but it is not a requirement at all.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Just to give you some feedback, I oftne notice some other player around, but I don’t really care for reading someones name. By pm-ing me, I will likely not realizing that you are strait next to me and just ignore you. Using local chat will make me realize it is you :P
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Prolly too late for this round of CDI.
First I like the proposal here.
Maybe, for CDI-topics a new forum feature couldbe implied (most forum-software have such a function).
In CDI threads it is not allowed to make the same suggestion twice (so if someone else mentioned it, dont mention it again)
You can however rate each suggestion. You can pick from ‘Bad’ – ‘somewhat negative’ – Neutral’ – ‘Good sugestion’ – ‘Awesome, implement this now pls!!!’
This way, you don’t get that the suggestions keep going, but you can measure how important a single suggestion is to the community.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Devs dont respond to suggestions (and thats basicly what you are asking). The reason is explained a long time ago back when there wasnt an official forum and a dev explained it on the unofficial forum (gw1guru). If they respond to your suggestion, they acknowledge that they have seen it and you could try to claim copyright over the suggestion. (although it would be troublesome to do so succesfully, it would mean a lot of work and effort for Anet to respond). By not reacting at all, they can simply claim that they never saw your suggestion and that is was their own invention.
To react to the suggestion itself. I personally don’t have issues with it, but it might have results for the rating off the game (not for char, but for humans and norns bering to explicit).
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
if you got everything you need that is only available from the living story, you will be fine.
So that would be:
1 advanced spinal b lades
500 blade shards
Recipe for gift of blades
500 watchwork sprockets (eventhough they still drop, for e.g. the thingie in your homeinstance, I would recommend getting them now, while they still drop)
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Also talk to people and ask them if they want to team up with you. There are a million reasons why I would decline a random party invite, but to name one.
Today I as in LA with a friend doing an hour off LA. It was my 4th time and her 2th so I cause of the daily we decided to focus on the rubble till it was time for the marinner to be protected. So round the 35th minute we had someone following us around and clearly also doing the rubble. Cause my friend and I agreed to go to lawson soon we had the party invite declined. If the person had asked us if we are also doing rubble and if we wanted to join up I had explained that we where bout to do the last rubble and then move to Lawson. If the person then still wanted to come, he/she was welcome.
So on definition I always decline party invites. I know what I’m doing and I know where I’m heading. As long as I don’t know if our agenda’s are the same I’m not going to commit myself.
So if you want to be in a party with me, you should write in local chat: Hi Ranique, I’m doing xyz, are you doing the same and do you wanna team up??
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
The user agreement is indeed not allowing you to share an account. However, support policy proves that this only results in permanent closure if there is a dispute of ownership.
A dispute of ownership is a situation where several party’s are claiming to be the sole owner off an account and nobody can prove beyond reasonable doubt that he/she is.
So you might think you can trust your brother and there won’t be an issue. Read the following scenario carefully then.
Years ago two brothers bought GW1 together and shared that account. After bout 5 years they had a bit of a fallout and communicating less with eachother. Brother one played the most of gw1 and decided to go to GW2 and linked the two accounts. brother one kept playing gw1. At a moment, the fall-out made a situation that both brothers kept being locked out of the account cause they both kept changing the password of both accounts (being linked together).
The result was that both complained to support bout their changing password. Due to both claiming ownership, and both having pretty good motives, support had no other solution then to close both accounts alltogether.
2: again two brothers, living like you in different locations. one brother (the one who didn’t create the account and didn’t have the serial) gets hacked in his emailaccount. The hacker files a support ticket to reset the password and can give the correct details (having access to the brothers computer). He robs everything empty and the brother that got hacked start asupport ticket. Support finds out that none can claim ownership, so the first brother gets involved, he gets controll back and asks for an account restoration. This request is denied cause support can’t verify when the hack was done, cause the account was always logging in from different places, one not being the rightfull owners pc.
So in short:
No it isn’t allowed
Yes, you can do it anyway
But at your own risk
And in the long term, I don’t think the risk is worth it.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Hi Devildoc,
I think that you are pretty wrong in this thread. If you truly want help I would suggest changing your tone to a more neutral story.
What are the facts?:
The fact is that someone has made a support ticket and that person was somehow capable of convinving support they where you.
You only found out after you recieved the survey email. The fact that your recieved that email verify’s that all communications have been done through your emailadress.
This would indicate that, despite what you are saying, your security has been breached.
So your accusations against the arenanet employee must be false and wrong becauser the seucrity leak is at your end.
Also, not acknowledging this issue means that even IF support is still willing t ogive you the account restoration, the hacker can regain control over the account again (cause you haven’t sealed your security breach). If that happens, you will NOT get a second account restoration. This is only given once in a lifetime.
I stronlgy suggest to rewrite your ticket (the one you made yourself) and your story here in a more neutral tone that reflects the facts I just have given.
So ask support for help instead of making false accusations. If it happens to be that Arenanet did make an error (wich I doubt given the facts presented here) they will make sure they set it right.
However making such complaints here in public might result in support being less happy and willing to help you. Simply cause you are accusing them of mistakes they did not make.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Duplicate Tickets: Please Think Twice!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: mercury ranique.2170
Hi Devildoc,
I truly think the rules for no duplicate tickets only apply for tickets you created. If two people are claiming ownership over an account it is logic that both have a separate supportticket. It is the essence off an ownership dispute. For the rest I’m going to react in your post bout this.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
What we know is that they are currently not available. They where available during the Queens jubilee but not anymore.
It might happen that the queens jubilee event or something simular returns in the future, but nobody knows untill that happens.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!