can we also update the rules for the lfg tool to be shown within the tool itself and not have to go through forums for a list of the rules?
can we not have a guild recruitment section added in lfg tool to stop the map chat spam?
seriously this still isnt fixed?
i know i cant make a weapon, but id like to see pinwheel weapons…mostly the pinwheel shield that spins and sounds like a pinwheel =3. if not that a Party Blower as a horn that sounds like one when ya blow it
hi i noticed you are looking for feedback for the new specs. well uffff -_- i am not happy to say this but i am dissapointed by Deadeye. I play only thief i have one warior and one ranger in case of need but i am only thief player cuz i love its mechanics and gamestyle. i am sure some ppl will dissagree some might maybe agree but here is my point.
1st Rifle – okay i cant tell you what gun to give to whom and i get your point why rifle. but i am sure that thief in this case just bought one for a team. Imho you knew that rifle needs to get used more often cuz reasons. i will not name those i think stood behind this. Anyway i think that even tho idea of thief being sniper is very nice it takes the essence of thief from this class. Rifle could totaly go to ranger they would finaly be a bit more offensive class.
2nd Imovability – making thief imovable while attacking altho from a far is really bad idea. My point is that in PVP or PvE (dungeons,raids) it will be useless, maps are not built the way you could just sit somewhere and camp at enemy, not to mention when you get to encountered by mesmer and his illusions or even ranger and his pet. they both have ability to make you to aim on their illusion/pet and that will make you vulnerable you will have to stop your camping, move backwards and you will loose all your time cuz enemy will be close enough to kill you not to mention ranger can attack you with longbow already from where he stands. Thief always had advantage of movability (three – five dodges, shadowstep, steal etc) but this takes it from him which makes him unbelievably weaker not to mention thief alongside with guardian and elementalist have THE lowest health of all if you dont bust all in Vitality/toughness which takes condi/power/expertise from you which was usually needed and better for thief.
3rd Vulnerability as condition in #1 attack – I was like WHAT? Vulnerability? Why? It is THE most useless condition of all. Not to mention a bit of realizm wouldn’t hurt. Like rifle isnt shooting potatoes or rocks so it could damage your armor so bad you would get vulnerable. In best case rifle shoots fast and small bullets that would fly through you leaving small but badly bleeding wound. Armor would have small hole in it and so would your character which would cause severe bleeding.
4th no melee attack at rifle – i maybe am going too far with this one but i can imagine rifle not to have Double tap attack and instead have at least one melee attack in case someone acctually gets to you (say another sneaky stealthy thief who doesnt play Deadeye) this attack should cause Daze at least 1,5 sec because thief seriously lack any kind of daze. Thief has only 4 attacks that daze for 1/4 sec and two of it are uttilities. I am not counting Sleight of hand , Tactical strike and Mace head crack because these require you to steal first and while doing so you must throw yourself in stealth which is case if you play Trickery, Deception, something and that totaly changes whole gameplay of yours so it is different case. But if you want to play Deadeye you need at least one daze attack otherwise you would have to play Rifle and second set something with secondary pistol or shortbow and there is no reason for anyone to play rifle/shortbow.
I like the idea of Deadeye but it could be improved a bit this is my oppinion hate me for it if you must. But if you read it i am sure you get my point.
thank you for your time and sorry
instead of deaths retreat, we could have Rifle Butt and knock them boys back OR make Deaths retreat act like the OLD Hard to Catch but NOT deal damage when teleporting
there needs to be new postings on this already. – need more feedback
colossal scimitar – AS A KITTEN SWORD, not a greatsword!
mr op, as a thief main and someone that knows the Kanye thief build Bootsbadbuilds had put up, i can tell you simply this…when fists of fury hit you, it chains to the “Bic slap”…dont be using a skill during this or maintain stability…if hes spamming headshot 4 on pistol on you, reflects/blocks/ stability to prevent the interrupts. if its choking gas, learn the threshold of 5…and learn the term (resistance is futile) as Resistance will not protect you against the interrupt however will prevent poison and condition damage…be sure to cleanse it off before 5 stacks or more, or simply move outta range of his poison.
another friendly reminder OP, if hes spamming the headshot tactic…reflects will probably murder himself because hes full glass majority of the time…and combined with lifesteal on interupt sigils or boon removal its only icing on the cake when you reflect it back at him…chances are hell use back to back headshots and may have a headshot rupted from the previous headshot you reflected back at him
My 2 cents:
- Deadeye’s mark needs to be insta-cast, its unusable for a reliable interrupt when traited with Sleight of Hand. Needs to be able to build charges faster, we are about burst damage and such, we cannot tank / really catch a full swiftness target just to get full stacks THEN hit, its really too long
- Brutal Aim/Deadly Aim – crap auto damage even with full 25 might.
- Cursed Bullet – too slow velocity regardless of kneeling etc.
- Skirmisher’s Shot&Spotter’s Shot – give it the shortbow skill 4 treatment, but instead allow it to shoot any foe in any direction (add an animation of it shooting rifle over shoulder) and allow us a bit of kite-ability, we can kite, skirmisher shot to immob or cripple depending on kneel / not and still get around, not entirely bad.
- Doubletap/Three Round Burst – lower initiative for double tap to 2 and if both attacks hit, grant 1 initiative back, lower Three Round Burst to 3 and if all hit grant 2 back – give it the P/P unload treatment.
- Death’s Retreat – unreliable due to terrain issues, which we’ve been complaining about since the patch over a year ago. The range needs to be increased, we have a 1200/1500 range on rifle but our defense is just 600? Convert the “shadowstep” to a roll or change the skill entirely…Phase Retreat works better than this, can we learn from it?
- Death’s Judgment – its fine overall however needs more pazaz…I suggest a gamble shot technique, if the foe is taken down to below 50% health with this skill you should be rewarded other than just the damage, like cause a condition /bleed/Stun. We have Death’s Judgment, wheres the ruling? Can we also edit the shouts our players make to confirm a kill etc, like “One shot, one kill.” if it literally downed / killed the target? -_-
- Kneel – I’m with everyone elses suggestion on this, though i prefer it renamed to Crouch and slow movement speed, not make us immobile. Stealth needs to be baseline, NOT a simple trait.
- Malicious Restoration – lower cooldown, if its at 15 seconds its still not gonna heal me or remove near enough conditions for me to spam the heck outta it, if i need a heal i NEED a heal, id only get 4k even low mark / no mark but combined with how long the Deadeye’s mark takes to generate stacks theres really no point in taking this as a heal skill considering how awesome the others are.
- Binding Shadow – increase range to 1500 and reword tooltip to as follows – Knock down marked target foe after a short delay. Immobilize them instead if they are not marked. Conditions applied by this skill have increased duration for each stack of malice. ~ cool idea i got from an anime….cant we make them imitate our skill bar if we use a heal skill, it forces them to do it too but their own skillbar? even movements? Id force someone to run into a zerg by running towards them which would make them run towards me!
yeah, wishful thinkin.
- Mercy – reduce cooldown – as is.
- Shadow Flare – increase range to 1500, increase duration or increase damage. 431 base damage? really? make it pulse blind, otherwise, not very “shadowy”
- Shadow Gust – fine as is cept make radius 360. stunbreak would be nice too.
- Shadow Meld – its aight.
- Deadeye’s Gaze – please allow us to keep the stolen skills when mark is gone / killed…kitten
- Renewing Gaze – cool, but 3 seconds of shoddy regen…lame add solid heal instead AND/OR add a buff to everytime we kill a target / get target to 50% our range increases by 200 per stack. If we fail to kill/lower target thresh hold stacks are lost.
- Silent Scope – Needs to be baseline for kneel, rename to Skip Rounds then give Piercing to ALL rifle skills, Bounce to default pierce rifle skills and Bounce to all pistol skills(if they were piece before, they bounce), increase pistol range to 1000. If target is out of LoS(behind a wall), Target is blinded- i KNOW the trait ricochet can come back here some how….WHOS WITH ME!?
- Unforgiving – pointless, just like Brave Stride.
- Peripheral Vision – NICE skill, VERY nice… cept – Bountiful Theft , If we want to combine this together, why still only allow 1 stack of the boon we steal? counter intuitive. please let us be able to steal full remaining stacks and remaining duration rounded to nearest second.
- Perfectionist – this is ok, but again getting to max stacks, even without M7, takes too long.
- while Deadeye is meant for longer range engagements, it still hints towards pistol usage as well, please give us some pistol love…increase range, RICOCHET trait back?
well here goes, I dont have much time to play lately and been trying to save for Predator but started the collection to the avail ive already exhausted my supplies for part 2…
my desired gift…is THE PREDATOR … i desire it for Deadeye…been eyeing this dang thing for ages since the leaks…
ive been working on it too :/ why dont we just work together in getting it… if you can at least get the 1st portion done…COMPLETELY predator #1… ill help with the rest if you help me, we can go collect the stuffs together! just mail me…maybe well have a group effort! and EVERYONE will have it!, the more people we have spread out, the less materials in general would cost
hmmmm, interesting proposal. These changes would indeed benefit thief , but wont the stealth summon be a little too broken ?
the summon does not stay in stealth but appears in stealth when summoned then uses the stealth attack then attacks normally, from there if they are restealthed then they will use the stealth attack again.
The following is copy pasted from reddit to make sure as many people notice these suggestions as possible. there will be ongoing editing and formatting to make it look professional. Please bare with them.
Hello, In preparation for the Deadeye elite specialization in PoF, I had some suggestions to polish a few underused and underwhelming skills. The skill in question in this thread is Ambush .
Only a small suggestion to make the skill work well with the deadeye in sniping and overall polish to the skill itself.
- The issues: currently how Ambush works is that when triggered it summons a thief to your location, which doesn’t seem very “ambush-y” . The issue we have here so far is not only that the summoned thief appears at OUR location but that the trap does no damage as well, which the only way to make the summon attack our target is to swing/attack @ our current target or get hit by it.
- * Solution: I suggest having someway to make the thief that gets summoned to appear at & engage on the target that triggers it and not run to the owner’s location. I also suggest changing the summon to be in stealth when first summoned for a few seconds then stealth attack to(dagger thief or pistol etc will have the appropriate stealth attacks) engage on the target that triggered the trap as to attack normally after using the sneak attack. If restealthed somehow they will reuse the stealth attacks then go back to normal attacks until they are unsummoned. Also add ALL traits that we have to trigger on their associated abilities…as an example, if we have side strikes, they should too or dagger training. *clarification: the summon isnt 100% always in stealth, but rather starts out summoned in stealth.
note do not have them run to us at all unless there is no current target for a set time and instead engage on other enemies around it.
- Currently a few things are messed up with Shadow Trap .
- * 1. Viewing this link here the trap requires line of sight for Destroy Shadow Trap which any obstacle such as hills etc, a rock, a pebble, a branch, a boulder will cut the teleport distance rendering the skill pretty much useless unless it is in a perfect completely barren level…which wont happen.
- * Solution to the above – Make Destroy Shadow Trap act as a one man,no-need-to-hit-F-to-teleport Portal Entre skill which makes us teleport to where we placed it if there is a valid path, not line of sight. Line of sight kills the skill entirely especially when there is nearly a 100% chance to have something in the LoS when trying to get back to it or make it like Phase Traversal below if there is a valid path.
- * 2. note Phase Traversal for this next request as it uses Pathfinding and not line of sight. Shadow Pursuit usually works fine however to ensure it doesn’t go wonky, Make it act as it has always acted but make Shadow Pursuit use the Phase Traversal Pathfinding method even if target is at 10,000 range exactly to ensure you can actually get to a marked target.
- * 3. Add a show icon for the duration that you have to use Destroy Shadow Trap before it goes to full cooldown.
There are several other skills not just related to the thief as a whole that suffer from line of sight as where similar skills like Phase Traversal does not…PT does not allow you to get to elevated platforms unless there is a valid walkable path which, if skills that should get you to a normal terrain-ed target, these listed skills should never fail…thats why it take so long as a stunbreak to use lol.
Its pretty straight forward -
- * Suggestion: Give all the thieves that we summon traits from our own trait-lines, If I, personally, choose to take Dagger Training I’d like the dagger-using thieves I summon to have the trait as well. This should mix things up a bit more like the Mirage will have traits carry over to clones etc too!
- * Suggestion: With all the boon removal coming soon, finally allow this to steal remaining stacks and remaining duration of boons stolen. While yes remaining duration is already the case of what we steal, please give us full stacks of what what steal! Hardly bountiful if we steal 1 might stack & 1 stab from a 25 might and 3 stab stacked player.
pass this thread along to friends and fellow “teefs”
(edited by Lithril Ashwalker.6230)
So it has more stealth, but … to really synergize with the skills, we have to immobilize ourselves, thus crippling our potential and our mobility, on a class that already has way too few means to avoid harm via damage or conditions (or cleanse them) without moving.
Few other professions and mobs have the Deadeye’s range. You’ve got a good 300 yards extra on them.
Kneel in that zone.
what OP is getting at is if you arent kneeling and you “think” you are in range to “get in range” and kneel just to find out you still arent in range, what is the point in kneeling just to spam the “dip dip potatoe chip” button for?
IMO i honestly think something needs to be done for the Skill 5 (snipers cover) with the RED RANGE BAR and indicate whether or not youd be in range when using it before you use it…kneel wise…now as i see the range does already say 1500 so it may already be good for the OP.
I however want something like This somehow initiated into the game for the Deadeye class OR a forced FPS combat camera on…i liked how we had to aim for most skills
permanent dishonor meaning just this season? Or For all seasons to come?
All seasons.
This will be a lesson to all future wanna-be cheaters too. i agree fully to this, maybe we can in the future be more strict on proven match throwers too.
Semi-off topic question: can we make it where Dishonor only counts down while online? people that are literally throwing matches and purposefully afking after repeated reports will just log off, go play a different game, and never really feel the punishment nor the drive to try their best. gw1 had an awesome dishonorable system!
" This effect cannot be removed by logging out or changing characters; however, the duration will not reset to the beginning if you change district or outpost. "
why was it changed to countdown while logged off?
there are other areas of the game like unranked they should still be able to play.
(edited by Lithril Ashwalker.6230)
while i understand the development team is limited to what they can put in game. can we at least acknowledge that players dont know mostly how to access each types of chats because there is no tutorial for this, parties, squads etc?
i have to tell players all the time that are new how to talk in party, why they cant whisper etc. can we also give them mail when creating a new toon about phishing attempts and who is and is not a GM in game? new players are the ones that usually dont know who is who.
why not!?!?! can we please?!?!
Can we just make Basilisk Venom interupts be treated as if the thief that applied it to allies be the source of the interupt? currently it counts as though allies are the source but they arent…while the venoms we share ARE from the caster source…why cant this be adjusted as such as well?
After discussing it with a QA dev in game and the recent change to blast finishers+light fields, we reached some ideas that could help change and buff lightning fields+leap finishers that cleave/aoe multiple foes without making them too overpowered.
Some leap attacks hit multiple foes while still counting as a leap. Such examples include:
The issue I personally face, and sometimes you may, is your single target is surrounded by multiple enemies and you happen to use one of the above skills through a lightning field and it dazes a random foe rather than the one intended or only dazes one foe when you expect an AoE/Cleave leap to daze multiple foes
The Suggestions we ran across:(To be taking suggestions from your posts below as well)
- 1. AoE/Cleave Leaping through a lightning field should daze all foes hit up to the max cap. (Vault would hit 5 foes & Daze 5 foes, Swoop would hit 3 and daze 3 etc)
- 2. AoE/Cleave Leaping through a lightning field should daze your current targeted target upon dealing the damage and not daze the others but still dealing normal damage
- 3. AoE/Cleave Leaping through a lightning field should daze all foes hit up to the max cap but have an ICD of 1 or 2 seconds per lightning field to prevent constant spam. [Each character can use it 1 time per 1 or 2 seconds but all players can use it simultaneously thus the field has no cap, just the player has a 1 or 2 second cap] (Vault would hit 5 foes & Daze 5 foes, Swoop would hit 3 and daze 3 etc)
I look forward to hearing your ideas and suggestions, Also hope to add them to the above given they are reasonable
Personally I’m all for suggestion 1 or 3
If you see me online, hit me up with any suggestions and I’ll hear you out.
(edited by Lithril Ashwalker.6230)
The Thousand Dagger Clan[ÏÖÖÖ]
Reddit Recruitment In Case
Hey! Chances are you saw the unique tag and wanted to check us out.
Well, The guild is growing slowly but surely. We only have a few rules before I tell you the plans with the guild:
- You must be 17+ before you join (holding yourself maturely will let us make exceptions)
- Represent(wear our tag) when you participate with us. (you can even if you aren’t participating)
- Help recruit
- Be on discord when participating with us.
- Be social regardless of repping or not via guild chats channel switch
- Enforce the above on recruits you have recruited.
- Register on the Facebook & The Website Guild members only & Post to introductions
Our plans:
- To form a multigaming, multiplatform family: This includes steam games, console games etc. Even Cards against humanity if it came to it.
- Within Guild Wars 2, Hold raffles for anything the winner wants from High end skins, Legendary Weapons, to Legendary Armor Runs (A friend reserved our guild to run the winner when they meet the requirements for the step they are after. If the winner can track the Legendary Armor collections and keep up with their end on their own time there will be no problem. High End Skins/Legendary Weapons MUST BE USED AND NOT SOLD Crafting for legendaries/ascended may be assisted [link to our forums on the raffles](
- To help those new coming into the game and those returning
- To have Class stacking nights in WvWvW/EoTM (All thieves or all mesmers or even Mixer nights of weird combos like eles and engis!) for Bag farming
- We plan on doing EVERYTHING IN THE GAME from Farming, PvE, Raids, SPvP, WvW, EoTM, HoT, Core game, Dungeons, Questing, Map Completion, you name it, we plan on doing it.
What we are seeking:
- Core members + those that know their class to show the new players and returning players whats changed and how to operate their classes to the fullest.
- Newbies, always welcome to join our growing family!
- Active for all of the above. 2 weeks inactivity = a kick followed by a mail letting you know – warning ahead of time will omit you from the kick.
Lithril Ashwalker.6230
Hey i think its awesome that you took ur time listing all these sugestions and in general i agree with them alot :-) i especially like the staff aa one and the staf skill 4 being a short smoke wall.
That said i think some of these changes might be a bit to strong thinking about trickster and escapist absolution here. Both of them see alot of use on the thief as it is (well more or less) and one of the counters to thief has always been and should still be conditions imho so id leave these 2 traits alone as much i would like some more condition cleanse buffing the thief to much will always result in whining and nerfs xD.The other thing is im pretty sure that needletrap does do bleeding so id ask u to
correct that becuase this might be awesome for developers to read and it should contain accurate information or else it will devalue the whole work u have done.Im really glad ppl care so much for the game and thief in general to go to such an effort. Good work mate :-)
I try, its like sometimes only i notice things that arent used much in this game. skills and traits barely touched. im still not even done listing some traits yet, btw i meant cripple instead of bleed on needle trap
Distracting Daggers
- First off, The Definition of Mantra(a statement or slogan repeated frequently)
- Why do mesmers get to infinitely maintain mantras until used but we cannot equip these daggers but for 25 seconds…which is supposedly to be a physical skill and physical objects? Swap mantras to be maintained for 25 second and allow these daggers to be held indefinitely or just add ours to permanent like the mantras.
- Distracting daggers is hard to use.I do think removing the time limit or extending it warranted. When you use one and a person throws up blocks, the others often go to waste. – babazhook.6805
- Give it 400 range on first chain skill to match Headbutt and were ok here.
- The passive attack is hardly beneficiary even with the added bounce to trick shot on shortbow, increase the passive heal or better yet add an extra heal per condition on the foe when you land an attack. Healing: 132 , 132 passive heal default with 100 extra health per condition on foe per attack. the less conditions on foe, the less you heal by attacking. promotes condition removal in order to shut the thief using this down and removing sustain. Active heal is fine.
- “I would suggest that the passive gets a 15 percent boost and that added to it the active gets “regain 4 Initiative” – babazhook.6805
- Fine as is but add an effect of a first pulse reveal (4 seconds) to stealthed enemies to force tactical gameplay amongst thieves and other stealthers. (just the first pulse)
- Fine as is, just tweak it a little bit, Upon triggering, make it attack the one that triggered it instead of porting to the thief that used it. would be awesome in wvw and spvp for distractions and such.
- Fine as is, but if you stepped on needles shouldn’t you be crippled a bit too? add cripple to it as well.
- This one really irks me to no end. It was popular before the change to LINE OF SIGHT and shadowstepping patches ago. It gave that thief a chance to gtfo and or to hit targets in wvw whilst roaming but now its just a terrain game. change the mechanic to instead of shadowstepping back, to portal back, let it interact with terrain like the mesmer portals (im begging you) and if an enemy triggers it, TELEPORT back to them if you so choose. the shadowsteps are so buggy with this. ALSO add a portal entre and exit icon meant for THIS skill so we know how long the duration is before it recharges as well as if we are in range to portal back(range for both the enemy that triggered it AND ending it early
- Please increased Velocity to match that of Dancing Daggers? and fix it where the enemies getting hit ignore small pebbles because when they do…they stop mid way.
- What holds it back is the unreliabiliy as you mention.
This should be fixed. – babazhook.6805
(edited by Lithril Ashwalker.6230)
Here’s a list of underused, subpar/bugged skills that hardly see the light of day with suggestions of myself and other’s in this very thread.
Starting off with Traits
Rending Shade: Steal boons(2 Boons) from enemies you strike with stealth attacks. Incoming damage from enemies without boons is reduced.
- Suggestion: Listening to fellow thieves on this. This is nice and all except one problem…99% of the time all spvp and wvw enemies will have boons, rendering this effect useless and a waste of an add on.
- I like rending shade. The 10 percent is an issue. I would rather see it become “Take 2 percent less damage for 10 seconds on removing a boon” This of course would be cumulative and work with any boon removal meaning if you use a BT and RS combo you get that 10 percent. The raw numbers may need a tweak. – babazhook.6805
Instant Reflexes: Evade attacks (2s) when you are struck below the health threshold.(50%)(40s ICD)
- Suggestion: TBH, just 2 seconds with a 40 second cooldown is a bit unreasonable. Reduce cooldown or buff the length by a second.
Swindler’s Equilibrium: Successfully evading an attack while wielding a sword or spear recharges steal by a static amount (1s ICD and 1s for recharge). Swords and spears deal increased damage.
- Suggestion: Wow…1 second recharge…why not 2? Sw/D or Sw/P is useless in spvp and other’s outshine it easily.
Bountiful Theft: Stealing grants you and all nearby allies vigor. You rip boons from your target and grant them to nearby allies. (2 Boons)
- Suggestion: Allow full stacks to be stolen, 1 might stack or 1 stability stack is hardly bountiful for Eternal Alchemy’s Sake.
Trickster: Reduces recharge on tricks(20%). Tricks remove conditions(1).
- Suggestion: Can I just say 1 condition for 1 skill seems a bit ridiculous considering how many are flying around now. Allow Uncatchable to proc this at LEAST.
Bewildering Ambush: Stealing also applies confusion(5 stacks).
- Suggestion:Add 5 Vulnerability as well.
Escapist’s Absolution: Remove a condition(1) whenever you evade an attack.(1s ICD)
Suggestion:Keep the ICD, add an extra condition removed.
Weapon Skills:
D/P: Wouldn’t change a thing, strong setup, great for beginners to learn
S/D: Underused as other’s are better. Infiltrator’s Strike doesn’t remove quite enough conditions, slam another for return to be removed.
S/P: Underused but potential. Give Pistol Whip the Unload treatment with initiative gain if all attacks hit. Add Whirl finisher facing forward to proc Black Powder/Add benefit if evading projectile attacks while using Pistol Whip, you gain something in return.
D/D: It’s ok, but give Dancing Dagger a benefit when it returns to you PER foe hit other than just crippling them.
Shortbow: Loved the change to Choking Gas, It encourages condition removal otherwise risks of high interupt spikes. Wouldn’t Change it at all. (IF you remove poison you’ll be fine against the interupts…just don’t reach 5 stacks during a pulse)
P/D: Bring Ricochet back with the autoattack only or original effect(See engineer pistol autoattack). Love the change as is though.
P/P: Ditto
Staff: For the love of god give the first skill for this the ability to go through the entire chain without hitting something like the Mesmer scepter mainhand. Helps deal with ranged a bit more while still leaving timing to the opponent shooting you.
AND give Dust Strike(skill 4 on staff)a change in mechanic and allow it to either shoot a LINE of smoke instead of seperated 3 impacts(were not a revanent here) OR let it create a smokescreen skill(2 seconds) in a straight line which would promote positioning of the players engaging in range AND defending (the thief, duh)
Editing when I Can for formatting and updating suggestions with names under my own suggestions
(edited by Lithril Ashwalker.6230)
What I dont understand and maybe a dev can explain why this is as it doesn’t seem quite fair really.
Say for example if I leap through a lightning field it should daze my target yes?
ok, were good here.
if I leap through a lightning field with a leap skill that is supposed to hit 3/5 enemies it should daze all of my targets…it only dazes one random target of those, which sounds like a true bummer.
there are several threads around this issue that seem unanswered.
Would promote more synergy and desire to use combofields rather than blasting might or stealth.
you may say “its fine as is” then just look at the tested change with light fields and blasting…it no longer grants aoe retaliation but instead cleanses aoe conditions. I am all for supporting this as a test.
trying to use Vault on thief for staff through a lightning field on golems thinking of the possibilities with Pulmonary Impact in a group setting in wvw just to find out its all random which doesn’t help my cause at all…but hey, it can rupt multiple foes with choking gas :/
i can understand if they were to make this change theyd do it to all similar profession skills that were to hit multiple foes and are leap finishers. would totally be for this change.
(edited by Lithril Ashwalker.6230)
With the appropriate traits and proper play, you can drop 20 stacks of poison on a target in an opening burst (Spider, Basi, precast Choking, Impairing daggers, steal initialize while the choking is in flight, lotus dodge away with caltrops on dodge gives another several stacks from projectile combo and the daggers themselves.). It is in fact easier now than it was before thanks to bonus poison stacks.
exact combo of mine, did i not share this with you in spvp?
on another note, its not the fact you have to give opponents or enemies the poison via the choking gas, thats the BAD way to do it. If anyone wants a build for use in wvw or spvp hit me up in game via mail. you dont want Carrion as the power is too low, you want Vipers as it has a balance of power(procs with PI) and condi damage too. its a hybrid and has netted me up to 20 kills, 480k dmg and 23% of my entire team dmg in spvp…not counting that you could do far better in wvw due to no cooldowns on specific sigils.
still waiting to hear about sigil of cruelty making it to spvp like groucharoo was gonna do before leaving Anet
add Sigil of Cruelty – grouch was about to add it.
Blight = please
the whirlwind sigil that creates a whirlwind on whirl finisher + blast one too.
add mischief
id have to agree on the reason most chose what they chose as far as voting goes. REOPEN this poll in the future AFTER we allow build templates. after all we already have the ability to make said build templates because of the guy in silverwastes that will load a preloaded build for you. so…build templates THEN reopen this poll. i insist.
uncensored, they say it was hastily censored and even complimented the name . Marilyn Manson is also allowed as i presented the past email in case i needed it. i had an email back in the day sent to them because players were harassing me about the name. Im allowed
Guild Wars 1 stances were on multiple classes like Assassins, Dervish, Rangers, Warriors, Mesmers but all had one thing in common. That’s if one stance is in use, then another stance is used while that previous stance is still active, it cancels out that stance.
Why are we allowing multiple stances on Warriors to be used at the same time?
what’s more how come Thieves cannot Wild Strike and end the stance like in Guild Wars 1?!?!?
Lf WvW guild with coms. must mix with pve and willing to help with build crafting etc.
coms must be active at all times.
please inbox me in game
no kiddies allowed in coms … cant stand squeekers.
Any addresses on Shadowsteps being converted to User only portals due to valid path bugs? Shadowtrap is useless if it detects a pebble & sometimes at certain locations you cannot steal a target if right adjacent to you.
can we also make scorpion wire piece up to 5 targets & pull BEFORE basilisk venom / immobilize triggers ?
why cannot Leap of Faith, Jump Shot, Rocket Charge, Swoop, Vault(bounding Dodger), Swap, Tidal Wave, Feigned Surge, & Dart utilize Dazing Strike and daze however many enemies the listed skills hits? as of now dazing strike only works on 1 RANDOM enemy even if the skill itself hits 3/5 foes.
can we make the change to dazing strike combo finisher to daze however foes it hits if the skill itself hits said 3-5 foes and meets the dazing strike finisher thus dazing those foes hit? would make things more interesting
due to some kind of error i cant open a support ticket to post this at all. so i have to post it here.
however i try to log into my revanent “World of Warcrap” and it says i cant play until i do a name change…why must i do a name change when others have the name poop etc and crap in their name? i do not understand? there are people with SATAN etc as well.
my account name is Lithril Ashwalker.6230
Will not name everything but the “faces” room spins can trigger dizziness/seizures. I let everyone know I have dizzy spells on the boss room when it starts spinning.
also the learning curve can really screw someone up. you may need someone cuz its very very hard solo. no time to react to reflect F6
same with Vault and Bounding Dodger, trying to hit everyone but it doesnt clearly indicate that it would be random
Vault does an aoe but is an aoe leap. upon landing after leaping and triggering a dazing strike with a lightning field it only dazes one target…same with bounding dodger.
which wont make sense, piercing bullets from rifles or arrows that go through poison fields will hit and poison multiple targets without an issue, why is it that some of these skills lack?
it should daze all enemies hit if i leap through a lightning field with an AOE leap
i dont think this is the only issue with a skill like this because blast finishers on dark fields etc will blind everyone…so it makes no sense to me. yes some leap skills only hit one target thus should only daze one target but this is AOE man…
aside from the countless threads on reddit/the forums here complaining about the terrain/line of sight issues and how it SHOULD operate like a mesmer portal to function correctly its been going on since release!
placing a shadow trap that has 10k range and a cooldown should probably take into consideration between that 10k “trebuchet range” there will be a terrain mesh issue / a small obstacle that would only allow you to shadowstep back 2 inches. What happened to Pathfinding in these new games?!
Dayz has pathfinding zombies that can determine the best fastest route to get to a player and guild wars 2 cant take you the maximum distance it possibly can?!?
there are several “dead” skills in this game and Shadow Trap is one of them.
Make it work like mesmer portal, give it a timer to countdown for it to be used etc like entre has so we know how long we have to use it/let it trigger – etc
i actually took a break from this game for months to SEE if i could come back and see the bug fixes yet all i see is a few buffs/debuffs…if we want the meta to shift at all, then something needs to be done about these dead skillz
sooooo.,….any devs?
Even after installing and reinstalling fresh files AND repairing the archive, ill retry to get the client to launch after clicking play, black screen, blinks 2 times then says the client stopped working…
this only happened after the most recent windows 10 update but i cant stop the auto updates on windows 10 for the life of me…i just want to play my freaking gw2 game after a long break so i can unlock the latest LW season.
Can we please fix this?:
without combat mode on, full fpv will not allow projectiles of any kind to fly towards the center of the screen(without a target), resulting in an attempt to say, “scorpion wire another thief that just casted Shadow Refuge to yank him out” from working(because hes stealthed and you cant target that which isnt revealed)…i literally try to aim my camera for when they stealth for a reflex move but it never works. I tested this without and with combat mode at the golems in spvp on all types of projectiles and while in combat mode there isnt an issue but in non combat while zoomed it it refuses to work, all projectiles fire at my feet, and trust me i tested that by standing far away and then adjacent to the golems and its conclusive on that feet part… there are pros and cons to combat mode and non combat mode FPV…and of course all i see would be needed would be a camera angle re-postion when fully zoomed in.
Can we fix it so i dont HAVE to go on combat mode to shoot straight while fully zoomed in WITHOUT a target?
Without a target, in FULL FPV view, NON combat camera, projectiles never fly towards center of screen.
With or without target in full FPV combat mode they do…
I dont want to have to have combat mode on in order to enjoy my playstyle because of this “bug”
(edited by Lithril Ashwalker.6230)
i have a necro named Marilyn Manson
While yes its an amazing skin, why are we only catering to 3 classes in a game when you can easily make it a shortbow AND longbow skin?
you may be like: “well its only for longbows”…heres a rebutle: take a look at the pirate needler…
reason i ask is if anet wants to sell more gems, then they need to cater to other players too… you have rangers and dragonhunters and warriors.
add shortbow and you got yourself thieves as well…JS. if it were for shortbows TOO id seriously buy it…personally
(edited by Lithril Ashwalker.6230)
bringing this issue back up…
title: so far grouch said hed make a note, must have missed the intigration
can someone sum this up? will it be easier to climb in divisions starting tomorrow?
Probably been suggested a gazillion times already but…
Tonic/Toy pane in the hero panel
So all unlocked tonics, toys (mounts, instruments, costume brawl weapons) would be shown there and could be selected and toggled on or off from that location. (Alternately, have a special hot-key that could be used to toggle on/off the selected tonic or toy).
I have so many toys and tonics cluttering the inventory of my main because I fear that if they sit in my bank they’ll just never get used. But this also means that only my main has access to these things… Right now the system is pretty inconvenient.
Ultimately a rework of the toy and tonic system could result in more sales of toys in the gemstore… hint hint…
toy box or gadget box…even lets you use unlocked gadgets like “eaters” from the toy box, which would free up space
My suggestion would be a change to the way we all currently pickup specific items then end up complaining to anet about not having enough bags or space.
Considering the average player chooses to salvage or sell to merchant all green and blue weapons or armor and salvage rares/exotics for ectos with higher grade salvage kits an idea came to me. I know theres an option to salvage all greens and salvage all blues with the salvage kits, but let’s take it a bit further.
- The change suggested would add unique options to all Salvage-o-matics.
- Would only be able to “Turn on” 1 Salvage-O-Matics at a time.
- Right Clicking the Salvage-O-Matic now has another option: Auto Salvage ALL Blue&Green equipment on pickup. This keeps the SoM turned ON so as you aquire items from fallen foes or containers, any blue or green equipment(weapons and armor only) would be autosalvaged which would give you any minor runes you’d normally acquire, by manually salvaging, and drum roll please the materials AND LUCK you’d normally acquire by*manually* salvaging as well, directly into your inventory.
By now you are wondering: “what about the silver fed SoM?” To answer this, Both SoM’s are different as if they operated as one has higher chance for rarer materials than the other…It can boost both depending on what you have so there’s no real issue with either of the SoM’s
- New mentioned option could boost sales towards all salvage-o-matics / Salvager’s Supplies & bag slots/shared inventories.
- Players will not have to go back and forth as much to sell greens/blues, which saves inventory space.
- Did I mention easier access to luck?
- Umm…more space?
- No more fear of Bags of Masterwork Gear
While this can be a good idea, I have three issues with it.
1. Anet just finished reworking salvaging through the “Salvage all” mechanic. They are unlikely and probably unwilling to look at salvaging again so soon. Especially since it’s barely been 2 weeks since the release. It’s a bit of a “Give a Mouse a Cookie” incident.
2. Anet has shown over and over again that they prefer the “overwhelm the player with loot so they feel that they’re being rewarded” method. Having auto-salvage means that people might feel less rewarded, or might realize how little mats they really get from salvaging gear. (Still enough to warrant salvaging, but way less than you might expect).
3. Sigils and Runes: This is a separate problem that needs to be fixed, but we’d be swapping an inventory full of gear for an inventory full of sigils. One is more preferable than the other, even if it doesn’t’ make sense logically.
tl;dr: Anet is probably not going to be looking at salvage QoL changes for awhile, since their last one was so kittening great.
i like gw2 forums for this very reason as opposed to what reddit says. mostly get nos without a reason or some stupid criticism. i value your opinion. while i can understand point 1 and 2. 3 is simple, allow green sigils/runes to be converted to either useless enchantment powder or a lower grade material like they did ectoplasm. lets say glittering dust or a chance to salvage into any of the t1 materials…thatll bring the t1’s down too.
My suggestion would be a change to the way we all currently pickup specific items then end up complaining to anet about not having enough bags or space.
Considering the average player chooses to salvage or sell to merchant all green and blue weapons or armor and salvage rares/exotics for ectos with higher grade salvage kits an idea came to me. I know theres an option to salvage all greens and salvage all blues with the salvage kits, but let’s take it a bit further.
- The change suggested would add unique options to all Salvage-o-matics.
- Would only be able to “Turn on” 1 Salvage-O-Matics at a time.
- Right Clicking the Salvage-O-Matic now has another option: Auto Salvage ALL Blue&Green equipment on pickup. This keeps the SoM turned ON so as you aquire items from fallen foes or containers, any blue or green equipment(weapons and armor only) would be autosalvaged which would give you any minor runes you’d normally acquire, by manually salvaging, and drum roll please the materials AND LUCK you’d normally acquire by*manually* salvaging as well, directly into your inventory.
By now you are wondering: “what about the silver fed SoM?” To answer this, Both SoM’s are different as if they operated as one has higher chance for rarer materials than the other…It can boost both depending on what you have so there’s no real issue with either of the SoM’s
- New mentioned option could boost sales towards all salvage-o-matics / Salvager’s Supplies & bag slots/shared inventories.
- Players will not have to go back and forth as much to sell greens/blues, which saves inventory space.
- Did I mention easier access to luck?
- Umm…more space?
- No more fear of Bags of Masterwork Gear
This would make farming a lot more tolerable, and more enjoyable. Could you imagine opening bags, and just watch everything get salvaged instantly.. don’t even have to click nothing. Less time dealing with inventory management, the more time I can get to play. Great idea
better feedback here than from reddit. people just simply say no and prefer the grind apparently.
Ability to Salvage Minor runes/sigils for Materials like dusts / enchantment powders
My suggestion would be a change to the way we all currently pickup specific items then end up complaining to anet about not having enough bags or space.
Considering the average player chooses to salvage or sell to merchant all green and blue weapons or armor and salvage rares/exotics for ectos with higher grade salvage kits an idea came to me. I know theres an option to salvage all greens and salvage all blues with the salvage kits, but let’s take it a bit further.
- The change suggested would add unique options to all Salvage-o-matics.
- Would only be able to “Turn on” 1 Salvage-O-Matics at a time.
- Right Clicking the Salvage-O-Matic now has another option: Auto Salvage ALL Blue&Green equipment on pickup. This keeps the SoM turned ON so as you aquire items from fallen foes or containers, any blue or green equipment(weapons and armor only) would be autosalvaged which would give you any minor runes you’d normally acquire, by manually salvaging, and drum roll please the materials AND LUCK you’d normally acquire by*manually* salvaging as well, directly into your inventory.
By now you are wondering: “what about the silver fed SoM?” To answer this, Both SoM’s are different as if they operated as one has higher chance for rarer materials than the other…It can boost both depending on what you have so there’s no real issue with either of the SoM’s
- New mentioned option could boost sales towards all salvage-o-matics / Salvager’s Supplies & bag slots/shared inventories.
- Players will not have to go back and forth as much to sell greens/blues, which saves inventory space.
- Did I mention easier access to luck?
- Umm…more space?
- No more fear of Bags of Masterwork Gear
(edited by Lithril Ashwalker.6230)