Regarding the change to Sic ’em, giving a specific class a counter to stealth is just stupid in my opinion, and I think it’s the wrong kind of counter anyway. For me it would make perfect sense to nerf perma stealth in a different way, perhaps like limiting the amount of times you can stack stealth to 2 or 3 times? I think the main problem with stealthing is how it can be easily abused to stay stealthed for very long periods of time, and this would make doing that impossible.
stealthing is how thieves reset fights, you deny a restealth resets will not happen. stealthing , if they perma stealth its a privelage to you to reset and get ready for a spike in damage…so use this timeing…block up, heal, boon up and prepare. removing the amount of times a stack of stealth can happen would kill the class entirely as well, not to mention combo fielding, the skills and trait line for other classes with stealth as well.
“suck it up buttercup” would be an understatement. Thieves deal no damage in stealth …period, at most they can lay traps that just apply a condition/use caltrops which you can easily walk out of. they break stealth its 3 seconds till they can do it again(4 for spvp)…thieves can be hit IN STEALTH as well. they are not GODS, they hit hard/dps and reset fights as where anyone fighting them sit there, rotating the cameras trying to find out where the thief will hit when in FACT, they need to prepare first and foremost for a high damage spike. so stealth duration is not the problem, nor how many times you can apply it, its the “wait” before the dagger in your back/sword in your temple / the bullet in your noggin that drives every-single-class complaining about thieves nuts…and THAT is a fact.
doesn’t need stealth ? are u joke ? how u defeat a engi/necro/war without stealth ? if u can it just because they are nooooooooooooooooooooooooobs . what’s your pvp rank ? if not above 45 , u can’t talking about fighting , and the most important is , there is no 1 v 1 fighting in wvw , how can u escape without stealth?
as any other profession. i think put stealth in this game was a bug mistake. ranger sword is a playstyle what i can immagine to a thief. more agility and less stealth and blind to the thieves. (and mesmers)
As any other profession? so thieves should get access to multiple invulnerability mechanics, access to blocking skills, higher base hp, much much greater boon access, access to protection, access to stability? all the things thieves lack and give up for 3 seconds of stealth
wouldnt they have to rewrite the books of the gw2 series if they remove stealth from thieves?
Oh… Also, Jon Sharp and Devs who think like him can eat a . . . . because they need to admit they cannot program a good pet AI. Suck it up. Get over themselves. Give the ranger the ability to perma-stow pets and give back that DPS. Would solve so many problems with the Ranger. After 1 year it’s painfully obvious they cannot program good pet AI. And by good it needs to be at least as smart as me. The pets barely got out of the 1st grade by the looks of it.
Pretty much thats all they can do now. Pets will live slightly longer with the HP buff. They’ll still die in all the places where they’d matter most. This game is built around damage-mitagation either through dodging or active healing. The pets cannot dodge and very few have the ability to heal. Unless you are going to invest 30 points into BM the pets will still be worthless after this patch.
One more thing, it would have helped the preception (are you paying attention Mr. Sharp because you are about changing preceptions) of the Ranger class had they named it Beastmaster instead… because that is what it is, not a Ranger.
Give rangers the ability in a trait line when specced in beastmaster high enough called:
“I Will Avenge You!”: Grants Stability, Fury, And Haste for 8 seconds.
I would also like to add more variations for builds for mesmer instead of this Sheep-meta in spvp…
get illusions/phantasms up
daze target, skill 2 with sword switch, shatter flurry….
so common yet tiresome to see, what happened to the ole’
players will use what works…this says something if nothing else does.
in all honesty im for all professions having many roles if built for it, take for instance a ranger can help remove conditions and heal the area or a guardian can buff…
however what i do not get is:
warriors can spec for:
1.High Health
2.High Armor
3.A lot of CC
4.Hit like a truck
5.Constant reapplication of boons
6.near constant stability
ALL IN ONE BUILD…this shouldnt be right…you should not have god mode with any class, at least with stealth you can get hit.
warriors with these type of builds should fulfill a role in one area, not in multiple. they need a REbalance. A whole team of 5 cannot take down a warrior in spvp…its ridiculous than he can just near perma F1 on Hammer. and keep everyone CCed. and still regenerate and reduce damage, and remove conditions.
solution : make world transfers limited to once a month….
ooooo….a pick with unlimited uses that looks like a BONE?!?!?!?
shut up….do not take my money…if it was a multitool then i can see it, other than that i see it as a waste if you already had a tool, if not, even then whats a couple of silver for orichalcum.
A change I would to see is a prioritized combo fields for players to blast/leap into. Water, Fire, poison, smoke, ice, light, chaos etc. When in a dungeon there’s at least one guardian on every team spamming useless light fields, covering up the more usefull combo fields. If there are 2 or more fields on the ground you should be able to combo in the one you created. There is also be some basic AI choosing which field party members combo with based on most advantageous to the situation your in.
Elementalist’s don’t care about the staff. I find it situational very usefull for its 1200 range, and its defensive controls (statis field, cripple, freeze). Its already powerful enough, people don’t use it because it’s slow and cumbersome to use. More importantly I don’t use it because its no a fun weapon to use.
Would also like to see the class and level of people requesting to join your party. To rangers, enigineers and elementalists out of parties.
they have already addressed this, you need to let the party know what to and what not todo, especially in a dungeon. theres a max amount of fields first anyway. and secondly the first combo field placed SHOULD take effect prior to others overlapped over it.
Keep me posted for Borlis Pass! <3
news flash: tequatl is a dragon-like lieutenant , NOT a dragon…claw of jormag is not a dragon…but dragon like…same for shatterer…lieutenants should be far easier than zhaitan…
noticed that i had to rip boons off of a guardian in order to soften it up with S/D on my thief…was with another guardian, we were against a mesmer and a guard. both repplaied boons without a problem, really glassy however i dont see where S/D Larcenous needs a change at all if its a negative change…if anything it needs a buff , a slgiht buff to actually assist in softening up targets more, theyll just easily reapply buffs without a problem..
WHERE…is Larcenous “OP”…seems to be Underpowered if anything.
a quote from gw2 facebook:
“Guild Wars 2
So by now we guess you already know that the newly revamped Tequatl was downed after many attempts by the guilds of Blackgate, we thought we’d show you the very first attempt made by players at our Anniversary Bash a few weeks ago during PAX, Seattle. Don’t let on, but they had a little help from the developers!”
yeah…sure, they did it legit…cough BS…i mean BG…
as far as i know PoserGate got help from devs, at least the GW2 fb said they helped them…which isnt legit in my book, they had people that worked on the event there helping.
stay on topic please, if were to have other servers complete it, we need to limit short conversations in private messages.
Basic Mechanics
At the start of the fight, Tequatl lands, summons minions and poison puddles, and immediately starts building a Hardened Scales buff. This buff causes a Bone Wall to spawn at 20 stacks, which makes the boss immune to damage while it’s up. Since you only have 15 minutes to kill the boss any bone walls summoned will waste time and cause you to fail, so it is critical to keep the boss from reaching 20 stacks. UPDATE: This mechanic does NOT decrease damage taken by Tequatl, it does nothing until 20 stacks when it summons a Bone Wall. Source: ANet
6 Hylek Turrets surround the boss, which have 4 skills that are important.
Turret Skill 2: This skill removes a stack of the Hardened Scales buff and must be used on cooldown. Use the ingame targeting function (you no longer need a party to do this) to make it easier to target Tequatl and fire skill 2. If all turret users fire skill 2 on cooldown, Tequatl will have <2 stacks of his buff up at any given time. You know the turret teams are not doing their jobs if Tequatl begins to build stacks higher than 5 or even 10.
Turret Skill 3: This skill removes poison puddles and has two major uses. It should be cast on the zerg to remove damage to them, and whenever a poison puddle appears at the base of a turret it should be fired on itself to prevent the turret from breaking. If the turret does break it can be quickly repaired with the nearby repair hammers.
Turret Skills 4 & 5: These skills give a lot of boons in AOE range to the targets. It is best used either on the turret defenders or on the Zerg if they are close enough together, and on cooldown while waiting for Skill 2 to come up.
Groups: There should be three major groups of players—Turret Users, Turret Defenders, and The Zerg.
Turret Users: There are only six turrets so only six players can be the Turret Users. These six players are the most important participants in the fight, so only people who know what they are doing should use the turrets. If even one Turret User does his or her job incorrectly the entire event will fail.
Turret Defenders: The Turret Defenders should likely be composed of squishier classes that have trouble surviving closer to Tequatl. They should be safer defending the turrets and be more helpful to the server instead of dying constantly in the front lines with The Zerg. My server is playing around with creating small parties of 3-5 Turret Defenders per turret, for a total of 18-30 players defending the turrets.
The Zerg: Everyone who isn’t a Turret User or Turret Defender is part of the Zerg. These players need to stay as close together as possible to benefit as much as possible from the turret skills 3, 4, & 5. If the entire Zerg can be coordinated enough to remain stacked near each other then the Turret Users only need to fire skill 3 at one spot, preventing the poison damage to everyone. If the Zerg spreads out too much the Turret Users will be totally unable to buff them or remove poison from everyone, and people will die. If you are part of the Zerg find a nearby commander and stay stacked near them. Move slightly to get out of poison circles, but otherwise STAY TOGETHER!
If anyone has any other thoughts/bullets to add please comment!
#1: Updated to reflect the post from ArenaNet indicating that the Scales buff does NOT reduce damage taken, and does nothing until it summons a bone wall at 20 stacks.
#2: Upon attempting the fight again our server learned a few things. One, the 1 skill on the turrets does a lot of damage to Tequatl, but only if you target his head. It does about 2400 damage per shot to his head. You should use skill 1 whenever your other skills are on Cooldown. Two, the Elixir skill (4) gives Quickness and is like firing a targeted Time Warp. If you cast it on yourself you can hit two turrets and get quickness when firing the 1 skill. This seems to be a good way to quickly damage Tequatl.
#3: We’ve become aware of a BUG that will impede your progress. When you are using the turrets, occasionally your skills will activate and go on cooldown, but have no effect. You can tell this has happened if the skill goes on cooldown but you see no harpoon animation (skills 1 & 2). To fix the issue get off the turret and then get back on it. I’m sure this isn’t helping servers if folks are sitting on broken turrets for the entire fight!
(edited by Lithril Ashwalker.6230)
after tequatl update, crashing everytime i type something. cant do anything.
lol = make the player models as small as the shrink effect on engineers….less pixels, and i can REALLY stomp people ;3
Strange chat input "lag" (wireless keyboard)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Lithril Ashwalker.6230
i get something similar, i log in, try to type to someone and nothing pops up whisper wise, forget about doing that…go do a dungeon , 10 minutes later chat spams on my screen with wwwwwwwwwwwwasdawdasdwasdwasd 123124124
it literally has the input box in, so whatever i push, im typing…and its a BIG problem.
its not client side…
(edited by Lithril Ashwalker.6230)
do not even mention selling in game items/codes on ebay or elsewhere, do not mention buying it online or charging gold or in game items for the code…it is a breach of the EULA and before anyone says “its allowed” confer to a dev/support because people selling Aion Wing codes in gw1 were terminated/suspended and the items removed from account/inventory nulling the entire trade.
People sell codes. And people, daily, get ripped off by buying them. If you think a GW2 Team member talking about that is a bad thing, I’d argue it’s a good thing to make it clear that:
- You should not purchase codes from third parties
- If you do, Support is extremely unlikely to be able to help you.
I hope you understand my comments better in that context.
so…you could say Gaile, that purchasing in game gold or items is just as bad -_- it IS against the EULA, you could please clarify that.
people in a specific guild i know are doing it, inbox me.I don’t think it’s required for me to “clarify” a policy that is well known. I feel quite sure that everyone knows that buying in-game gold or items for real world money is completely disallowed.
I responded to your concerns earlier, but at this point , as I explained here – – I do not have the bandwidth to accept personally infraction reports. Please do not assume that means I don’t care, it simply means that I have many other tasks and there are better ways for you to report this. I suggest you use the Ask a Question tab on the support page, linked above, and report to the team who can investigate your report.
meh forget it old friend…i got the point across, btw, off topic…still collecting bows and minipets in gw1?
npc speaks it if you watch the cut scene etc…
who cares ’bout SAB now?!!?!? Tequatl and bosses are gonna be….well…BOSS!!!! new features!!! ermergerd -
btw Mr. Foreman, can we comment on the other thread you posted for ideas on skill changes recently on the Oct 15th? people are arguing over thieves etc, could just lock the thread since no more constructive feedback is being given and only further wastes time.
do not even mention selling in game items/codes on ebay or elsewhere, do not mention buying it online or charging gold or in game items for the code…it is a breach of the EULA and before anyone says “its allowed” confer to a dev/support because people selling Aion Wing codes in gw1 were terminated/suspended and the items removed from account/inventory nulling the entire trade.
People sell codes. And people, daily, get ripped off by buying them. If you think a GW2 Team member talking about that is a bad thing, I’d argue it’s a good thing to make it clear that:
- You should not purchase codes from third parties
- If you do, Support is extremely unlikely to be able to help you.
I hope you understand my comments better in that context.
so…you could say Gaile, that purchasing in game gold or items is just as bad -_- it IS against the EULA, you could please clarify that.
people in a specific guild i know are doing it, inbox me.
Part 2
That effectively rules out P/P builds (this weapon sets primary attack has a focus on stacking bleed). So then we look at other weapon sets, short bow is a great weapon with amazing base damage and trick shot is really neat when you’re in a 2v1, but the range is 900 and most other classes with ranged attacks not only have better range on their attacks, but better damage as well, so short bow is out as a primary mode of damage dealing.
This leaves us with sword and dagger main hand, both of which are run! Dagger becomes a condition build if not used with stealth, which means we need to focus on what our other offhands offer, running a dagger means we’re playing with cloak and dagger shenanigans, stealthing, backstabbing etc… with a pistol offhand we’re focusing on permastealth and blind shenanigans (heartseeker at you through a blind field we force you to fight in, then get behind you and backstab you).
I’m not saying either of those play styles are bad in any way, they’re really effective if you can get past the skill gap to use them! But there is a skill gap to use them and other classes do find them “unfair”… I think a lot of this sentiment comes from the fact that it’s what MOST thieves run, but what I want you to take from this is that we run that because we lack viability in other builds.
Now lets get back to the sword mainhand, what does this bring to the fight that we wouldn’t want to just go permastealth, avoiding getting hit and delivering (someone in this topic earlier said 15k backstabs, for what it’s worth the most I’ve ever backstabbed for was 13k and that was against the aetherblade loot bag runners in a PURE glass 100% damage focused build with sigil of night, sigil of justice, crit damage food, and a potion of outlaw slaying) so for arguments sake lets say a more realistic 8-9k crits? (which are still exciting for me, they don’t happen often and are usually only against really glassy builds in WvW). This weapon set offers positioning, and either an evasive attack/daze that’s hard to land and kills our creed of “always be moving, never get hit” (pistol whip) with blinds, or boon stripping and stealth (offhand dagger) which also gets us another daze attack (from stealth, when we’re behind you, why we need to be so mobile).
These skills are great as well, the sword 2 allows us to pull out of fights when we’re knocked down, or generally out of commission (if we just sat there we would die very quickly, we’re in medium armor… please realize this, engineers don’t do melee combat, rangers generally stick to ranged weapons, and those that don’t are often complaining as well, I want you to keep this in mind, that said I can’t speak about rangers because I don’t play one, so consider anything I say about them anecdotal!).
Permablind is awesome, but doesn’t contribute much if we can’t keep our opponents in it, so lets get back to the stealth and boon stripping, the most frequently run sPvP build. Where is boon stripping good? Well, against bunker builds that load up boons!
In a fight of a very good thief versus a very good guardian, the guardian will win EVERY time. We can’t ignore their aegis and their blind throws off our stealth, and I’m ok with that, I’m ok with having a class that just “wins” against us, because we get a pass against mesmers. But being able to boon strip and then pull out is our “contribution” to our team against these bunker builds. I find that guardians are the most sympathetic (of people who have never played a thief) to thieves when it comes to us saying "our class really lacks build diversity in WvW/PvP because they know they usually get to take our lunch money (rangers of course being the least sympathetic because they also get hit with the nerf stick just as regularly, mesmers the most biased because they are our top target). So, there you have it, that’s why “EVERY THIEF ABUSES STEALTH AND STRIPS ALL OUR BOONS ARE ITS SO UNFAIR.” we do it because it’s what’s left of our class, and when you take away our ability to strip boons, we’ll resort to running d/d or d/p backstab builds, because that’s what will be left.
im fine with it if its for wvw and spvp, leave it alone in PvE so we can soften up dungeon runs or fractal run buffed bosses.
Part 1
Now, I run 6 different level 80’s. My first was Thief, and my main is Thief. Some people have seen to argue with my initial points about the recent patches killing build diversity and I’ve sat down and discussed this with a few individuals I know who do not primarily play a thief but HAVE played a thief, and I think this is where there’s a large break in the discussion of this thread.
First, I’d like to talk about why I have 6 level 80’s. As a person who wanted to “main” a thief I found that I wasn’t very effective at level 80, I don’t have enough range to stay at a “safe distance” for most group fights, I don’t bring much to a dungeon group outside of damage, and an “oh kitten button” when someone gets downed. On the PVE side of things, generally we’re a one of class in a group because if there isn’t already 2 warriors, it’s better to have a warrior than a thief (for DPS maxing etc…).
That said, we bring a lot of utility to the part through our stealth skills, allowing people to skip sections or better position to deal with sections of dungeons/fractals/what have you.
Learning the other classes showed me what I could bring to a party to act as a stopgap for what we were missing in our team comp, while I’m not trying to say that thieves aren’t a “good class” we severely lack build diversity in PvE environments right now (honestly I think most classes do at the moment). But Sword Dagger is one of my favorite weapon sets for certain fractals and many dungeons as the boon stripping allows me to contribute something to my party that only one other class can do “almost” as effectively. (mesmers)
That said, I’m going to move on to the PvP side of things, where all the other classes can start rolling their eyes at me.
I played my other 5 classes (warrior, guardian, elementalist, necro, and engineer) to get a feel for how they worked in a WvW/PvP scenario, to get an idea of what it’s like to play one to best learn the mechanics of shutting one down. I found that I was getting STOMPED in PvP and WvW on a regular basis and until I learned how to best position to deal with the meta builds I could not reach an effective level of gameplay. This took WORK on my part, in addition it took a significant amount of practice to learn how to chain cloak and daggers when I was put in an out of position fight, when I’m on my thief chaining cloak and daggers, getting in and out with evasive backstabs, that is my survival utility.
When I’m on my warrior, I can jump in with my sword, block incoming attacks, hundred blades, and keep on going, I run a regen build that several classes have a hard time even denting… I can survive in a 3v1 fight for an extended period of time by timing my dodges and blocks.
What I’d like you all to recognize is that as a thief, those blocks that I have on my warrior, are stealths and blinds for a thief. Not only that, but you CAN still hit us when we are stealthed, and it doesn’t take much thinking to know where a thief is when they are in stealth (they’re trying to get behind you).
Our style of “abusing the stealth mechanic” comes from a lack of viability of other builds, we will NEVER be as good at conditions as a ranger, engineer, mesmer, or necromancer. There’s literally 0 reason to run conditions on a thief because literally half the classes do it better…. That removes an entire “mechanic” of our class (venoms) they’re just “not that great”.
ive been saying this for a long time, we need more team work besides a few skills and traits….check my posts in this thread, i explained all we have as team play, its not much at all.
This thread has essentially become a forum for suggestions on how to nerf thieves into the ground.
i didn’t read the whole thing and haven’t seen a single post about thieves but all stealth related skills must be toned tone. A game trying to become esports has no counter for the stealth mechanic is laughable.
Stealth have enough counter, but this isnt the reason for my reply.
The thiefbalance (his low hp and no exist deff), was build around the fact that stealth has direct counter. That mean if all class a stealthcounter skill and the thief dont a buff in health, heal or dmg, to equalizes this, will this result in a nerf.
A counter is not a counter when it is solely in the hands of the person who needs to be countered. In it’s current state, being entirely in the hands of the thief, revealed is a control mechanism, not a counter. When it is available to others, then it’s a counter.
And if you say or even think ‘AoE Spam’, your opinion is void. AoE spam works in most other games because they have resource control and much more limited movement. Resource control allows the developers to make low CD AoEs and rely on ‘mana’ to balance their use. More limited movement sets a a clear range where the stealthed player could be. Excepting thieves, GW2 has no resource control and almost no spammable AoEs, and the distance a thief is able to cover is not only huge compared to most games, is by far the most of any class in the game itself.
Furthermore, in case you haven’t noticed, the same pool of stats are available to everyone in the game, thieves can build any stat just as well as any other class The difference is, because of zero counterplay defensive mechanics, they don’t even need certain stats. You don’t ‘balance’ something by sacrificing something that wasn’t needed in the first place.
perfectly well explained and ppl that play thief and defend it to death so their little stealth never gets a counter should think for a sec.
Nope, what liefbread wrote is “perfectly explained”.
And pls dont write anything about the thief or his mechanics, if you have no clue.
“i play mesmer, thief is all i find during solo roams, i know how it works thank you…”
Fighting against a class is not the same, like to play the class
I have played a thief, it garners no challenge and frankly, requires little if any brainpower. It is the easiest to class to play in the game, with the least amount of risk for the greatest amount of reward.
Now if you are capable of addressing anything I wrote, or defending anything you wrote, with a stronger argument than ‘pls dont write anything’, I would love to hear it. Because, the answer to your completely unjustified request, is no. And if you are incapable of defending your stance, then either your stance is wrong, or you are not familiar enough with the subject to be addressing it in the first place.
do so sir, please show me your “god build” that doesnt use any “brainpower” that is op, and can solo any class any build…record and post the build on youtube. share to all, then maybe well side with you…if not kitten.
Mr. Sharp,
One really underused guardian skill that comes to mind is bow of truth. No one really uses it, its very ineffective and clunky. The heal is weak and doesn’t scale with healing power. The condition removal is not under your control. There is no reason to ever take the weapon what so ever.
What if bow of truth was reworked into something different? Maybe a spirit weapon that provides cc and other unique effects.
Maybe it can do damage and chill and blind the target for each hit. Its command skill could be a damaging aoe, aoe chill and gives targets the reveal debuff. Making it a anti stealth tool.
I also feel that its still a bit too punishing to be a spirit weapon user. The durations are very short, compared to the other summon classes. And without the trait they die on command. Could their durations be increased to actually last a while? In pve the duration should be indefinite.
They die easily and have a long cooldown, so there already exists a window to punish the summoner.
your a guardian, if your experienced in your class thieves shouldnt really be able to take you out anyway…i disagree with your request.
do not even mention selling in game items/codes on ebay or elsewhere, do not mention buying it online or charging gold or in game items for the code…it is a breach of the EULA and before anyone says “its allowed” confer to a dev/support because people selling Aion Wing codes in gw1 were terminated/suspended and the items removed from account/inventory nulling the entire trade.
Skill lag when no one can handle the 100+ palyers on one side, if one side has more numbers than the opposing side, then the opposing side is screwed because we get skill lag…and dont get me wrong a $2000 pc should be able to handle it…and besides THAT, the minimum requirements shouldnt even HAVE to struggle with skill lag. culling needs some other rework as if our side is lower populated, then were always gonna lose when we meet with a huge resistance with no possible way to win -_-. i speak on behalf of everyone on borlis pass.
Point is, discuss thieves elsewhere unless its a direct IDEA that would benefit ALL.. IE give a detailed idea of how it would benefit all. quit saying “stealth doesnt have a direct counter” thats the whole point of it BEING stealth, you DO NOT KNOW. it is not supposed to have a counter/direct counter, if it did it would not be stealth. now. get back to the topic and go RANT elsewhere kitten , the dev already asked nicely
Posting 6:
*New V trait: Shadow Clones
If you get hit by attacks that deal with 1 hit more than 10% of your maximum health, you’ll create a Shadow Clone of your self that will aid in battle for 20 seconds. (up to maximum 3) They are weaker than the original and have lesser health, but they shoud provide a nice distraction and increase in temporal dps…. (internal cooldown of 5 seconds) Shadow Clones look clearly different than normal players, similar like phantasms, but just a dark bluish/black like transparance instead of that pink from phantasms and theirmake a dark smoke trail when they move that blinds if you cross those trails as foe.
The Warrior is in a pretty decent place overall right now, and sees play in many types of content, as well as in PvP/WvW.I can speak extensively about this class as it is my main and I play it frequently. The main issue with the current Warrior is his regen. Giving a high mobility, high armor, high hp, high CC class like the Warrior the kind of regen he has now is just overpowering.
Warriors were supposed to be able to use CC and mobility to stick on targets and keep their damage up. Now its the other way around. Now Warriors use their CC and mobility to keep you away from them as they get a full heal’s worth of HP every 10 seconds. You’ve got to stick on the Warrior in order to bring him down…which means he’s going to be doing lots of damage to you…which means you’ll die before he does.
The only real counter to the Warrior right now is poison. And that’s hardly a counter considering it’s limited availability to only a few builds within a few classes.
Traits changes required to balance the bunker Warrior:
- Adrenal Health moved from Master Minor to Master Major
- Adrenal Health is way too good for a minor trait…really- Cull the Weak moved from Adept Major to Adept Minor
- Cull the Weak is barely worthy of being a trait let alone a major trait- Thick Skin moved from Adept Minor to Master Minor
- Warrior’s Sprint moved from Discipline line to Strength line
- Restorative Strength moved from Strength line to Discipline line
- Bunkers need to be slower. This will slow the Warrior a bit in his bunker build.Guardian
We increased the power of many support skills which weren’t seeing much play. We reworked Purging Flames: it now removes three conditions from allies in an area effect around the guardian on cast while still burning enemies (enemies that enter or exit the flames are still burned). Once the skill has been cast, it then reduces condition duration for allies who remain in the consecration’s area. It’s hawt. Literally. All meditation utility skills are now instant, and Focused Mind now grants fury on meditation use.It looks like you guys are realizing what stats are in what trait lines for the Guardian…finally. He’s got crit damage down the Valor line and that’s completely useless with a meditation build. Don’t put a huge internal cooldown on Focused Mind though, that would make it pointless. The Guardian needs to be able to access that 30% extra crit damage he’s forced to obtain down that line.
Other than that, comparatively for off-hand weapons, the Focus is just way better than the Torch or the Shield. A consistent source of blind, regen, and condi removal on a 25s cooldown? Hell yes. A 3-hit block that does a major hit if not used up? Better than Aegis.
Compare that to the other weapons. Torch is pretty good…if you can get them to stand next to you. That’s not going to happen since you’ve got no immobilizes or cripples. That weapon is pretty much just PvE damage. Okay, but not great.
For a Guardian, the Shield should be a staple. He’s a protector…what weapon says “protect” better than a shield? Of course, the shield is just an all-around terrible off-hand choice. Stability uptime is being improved and stability just 100% defeats Shield of Absorption. It doesn’t even destroy projectiles while you’re inside it. And the heal doesn’t make up for dropping the access to regen from the Focus. Not at all.
Here’s what needs to change with the shield:
- Shield of Judgement cooldown reduced to 25s
- Shield of Judgement now adds 5s of Regen
- Honestly a 30s skill that does mediocre damage and gives a few seconds of Protection? Really?- Shield of Absorption dome now destroys projectiles fired while inside
- Currently you can just walk past the dome, or have stability up, and defeat the entire skill. A 40 second cooldown skill that becomes 4 seconds of complete uselessness.- Shield of Absorption; Detonate heal increased by 50% to the Guardian
- The heal does hit allies and it would be a little OP if you gave it a straight buff, but it needs to help the Guardian out more than it does right now.
destroys projectiles fired inside…hmmm sounds great except the fact that if you placed it on top of a catapault and the cata did nothing…
DENIED. it needs a counter.
Reduce initiative Regen from infusion of Shadow to 1 ini per Stealth, or only allow it to activate when the Thief is not already Stealthed, are both valid ways to remove perma-Stealth through fine-tuned balancing rather than by introducing a hard counter.
Once you start introducing hard-counters, the meta will become convoluted with the Rock-Paper-Scissors type gameplay that is horrible for build variety and general fairness of fights between classes.:
this alone would kill the stealthers, and stealth isnt the problem its idiots that cry about them killing “while” in stealth, if a thief wants to perma stealth its only because of A. it infuriates you or B. its hurt and needs to reset a fight, which is pretty much how they win.
your suggestion would kill thieves altogether… so i say no, keep that trait the same as is. and for gits and shiggles, raise it to 3 initiative just to kitten YOU off ;3.
Reason i said share the venom share builds condition damage is only because they have 3 or few charges anyway, so its not gonna kill anything
Small balence suggestions:
- When someone exits stealth (not reveladed, just times out) add a 1 second revealed. This will make monitoring stealth more important and prevent Cloak And Dagger spam on pets (Mesmers/Rangers/Necro’s can dodge your CnD, but our pets can’t, it gives a huge advange to offhand dagger thieves).
- If someone makes an attack in stealth and it is blocked, it procs a 1s revaled. This makes managing stealth and positioning more valuable instead of just spamming backstab.
Many agreed on a post exactly like this before on a past update and that idea was shot down and made to what it is now in sPvP which is a 4 second revealed while PvE(and wvw) is unaffected. Stealth isnt the enemy, its the attack coming from stealth which breaks the stealth that hurts, just be on guard while a thief goes stealth, because its more than likely a very hard hit, so keep the Aegies up/blocks, it will deflect the majority of the damage and then you can withstand fights longer with a thief until he/she screws their moves up…Stare them in the eye, watch for patterns, use bluffing techniques, they are not AI, they are players, and humans(i hope) and eventually, their finger will get tired/someone will make a phone call to the person sitting behind that computer…just go with the flow
What all i got from the OP, is this…. I Love you and will continue buy you presents but, the Abuse will still continue; with a smile on the face
The Irony and Tyranny of Thief abusive mechanics; Stealth Stommping, Over powered Heartseeker+Backstabs, Perma-stealth will still continue.
You can take your presents and your happy smile back; not Interested and Never will
Also take your Fake Love Back cause all you ever done for me was loving me with your Pain and Tyranny
When you’re Serious, I will see that in your Actions.
I will say again, Stop wasting your time!
All I got from YOUR quote on a quote was that you misunderstand that there are many other ways to not be effected by stomp interruptions. IE: Mist Form allows you to stomp and not get hit, Stability pretty much does the same, blind tanking to stop your enemy from interrupting your stomp….So, I hope you can look at other professions abilities to get a successful stomp. Stealth is not such a big deal, quit being kitten.
Class balance:
Sick ‘Em will now apply ‘Revealed” to enemies they target. We want to introduce some counter play to Stealth (players have asked for that for a while), so we thought a pet “catching your scent” might be a cool way to insinuate some anti-stealth into the game.
… Consider making it where this attack HITS and THEN it will apply revealed for a short time…not some ridiculously prolonged revealed like the bloody stealth disruptor trap in wvw. Make it same as if the thief attacked revealed duration. Revealed Make it for PvE Duration for WvW and PvE(though I doubt any pets in pve come across thieves or AI mobs with pets)
In order to keep the split as needed.
Currently thieves serve as DPS classes or stealth classes(get in and get out damage) as well as help for teams for reviving and getting past specific hard spots. Also defiance removal since we have initiative.
Is there any way we could get a rework for Bountiful Theft
Maybe to Remove 2 boons from target(If it has any) and grant 2 random boons to your team as well as Vigor? Majority of the time in PvE, enemies do not have a boon to share with your team/allies.
Thrill of The Crime
This skill sometimes misses if we steal while most of our party is melee(assuming some could be{used as an example} causing the boons to not apply, it needs a range increase for the effectiveness. (take note of Long Reach)
This has great potential especially with the upcoming changes(hopefully they aren’t wrong on Reddit) however if no one in your party/group has high enough condition damage it kind of goes down the drain in effectiveness so could it be possible they could have venom’s with OUR condition damage applied to them if we were running a condition spec?
Could we have this effect Party Members primarily if in a party? So some random Joe decides to waste it/run off and do something else unless we are NOT in a party in which case it is random?
Also would it effect an AoE attack and hit multiple enemies up to the amount of venom stacks on the player applied?
[ IE: Necromancer places staff marking over 5 balled up enemies while thief had previously applied Skale Venom onto the Necromancer through Venomous Aura, 3 random enemies get the Skale Venom effect within the radius of the mark as well as suffer from chill, instantly using up ALL stacks of the venom on the Necromancer ]
Signet of Agility
This skill could have some rewording as to if it effects allies or not and HOW it effects allies regardless if we figured it out, Noobies need to know!
Wouldn’t hurt to add a radius ring to it would it?
BTW: Those of you keeping it passive in zerg fights…its worth it sometimes to use it…wink wink nudge nudge Refills ALL ENDURANCE and removes a condition for EACH nearby ally.
Shadow Trap
Oh boy this skill had gotten alot of love in spvp, but the last change to it made a bit of elongated fights a bit worrying on whether your “way out” would just blink away…don’t get me wrong, 120 seconds is a gift, however having your way out watched with a guaranteed timer on it [much like stealth timer] indicating when the trap would have to be DESTROYED/USED before forced into cooldown. As well as the same effective timer for Shadow Step and Shadow Return. [You know the timers above your right side of your skillbar near your utilities….]
This skill…HOPEFULLY will not have a cough 1.5 second cast time to manually destroy considering its a stunbreaker cough cough
Expeditious Dodger
Could be reworded to say “Dodge” instead of Evade as its confusing in some aspects.
Does not trigger when using:
Disabling Shot
Flanking Strike
Death Blossom
Under Water Flanking Strike
Shadow Assault
Roll for Initiative
So, big misunderstanding on these parts. Maybe you could get that handy-dandy “BACKSPACE” button a use for the confounding typo!
Will Add More When I See The Need To!
Hopefully I Receive Responses!
WTF is this?
engineers getting a buff when they are already kittening overpowered?
seems a bit pointless to blind a turret engineer -_- anyway anyone is looking into blind effecting turrets with upcoming update considering they will allow turrets target the first player the engineer hit?
did so by accident and now some inactive guy gets leader after i get an invite back, cant queue upgrades with no idea when hes coming back. support is very unreliable, so i dont blame you guys on complaining(as players) on how ineffective they are when they would just have to look at the guild history and see you created the kitten thing then left -_- right click then promote you.
fix the accidental leaving and promoting to a random guy.
What happened to this being streamed? never happened -_- at least its not on the history/recordings on their twitch page.
a reddit post posted leaked info -_- i dearly hope that Destroy Shadow trap doesn’t have a cast time of 1.5 second….its a bloody stun breaker for Dwayna’s sake…since when does ANY stun breaker have a cast time THAT long?
also, Add a timer like most of us have asked in the forums for how long we have until the Shadow Trap goes on cooldown -_- kitten .
when downed underwater, sometimes on ALL classes get stuck, cant move regardless like used to be able to/swim to surface.
no immobilizes/sink is on
just got to 400, was looking to refine some orichalcum ore into ingots, since i had at least 9, however since the wiki says 2 ore needed to make it and huntsman uses it…i cannot make the ingots…cannot discover it, cant refine it to make it, but the reset of my crafting wall uses Ori-ingots…i dont understand, before the ascended weapons i could use orichalcum ore into ingots on huntsman, now i cannot ?
yeah, wiki also says its just using 2 ori-ores and it can be refined to ingots, but i dont have that option, nor can i discover them.
I kitten ED….remove post
(edited by Lithril Ashwalker.6230)
Can we get the Friendly Balloon from tribulation mode as a gemstore toy/ Beta testing gift of appreciation for world 2 end of the month?!
Was wondering if we could eventually get something like this.
Some primeval way to make it happen on tablets as well without actually being in battle.
some aspects sounds like a terrabad idea.
well, at first i though Yishis was good, he may be good at some points but when you ask him something in game he gets this “im better than you” attitude and blocks you.
never replies back to you, and if you ask which is better such as the new nomenclatures (assassins gear vs berserkers) hell just ignore you…KITTENING egos on a game i swear.
can a dev / moderator at least glance at this please?! also Disabling shot ( thief shortbow) doesnt always leap you backwards, just in place, making the skill cliche
(edited by Lithril Ashwalker.6230)
I haven’t a Single clue which would help roaming thieves better…using a build from Yishis thief…but i refuse to craft anything until im positive i wont screw it up -_-
Assassin’s vs Berserker’s stats
assassins has a higher precision
berserker has a higher power