“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
(edited by Oslaf Beinir.5842)
It is so funny to see Jade Sea complaining when winning fights considering how often you’d see that.
oh wait it is against Desolation…yeah figures.
It is fun watching a whole blob ganking one person
It is fun watching an organized group fighting one that isnt
It is fun watching you spam staff marks and barely anything else
Lets press all the skilllzzz and Zzz Zzz see what happens
like what are you doing? what is it that you are “fighting”? what you are doing in this vid can be done better by any other competent group.
Lets see a ragdoll Scourge running in headstrong with a no mobility spec, no stunbreaks, no stability, shroud bar is always healthy and not stressed or needing to fill the bar considering that Scourge has very weak life force generation. mhm yea…you basically steamrolled the enemy in clips you selected and edited all of them together for a glorious Montage. we dont see that often do we?
color me impressed….not.
what? You are basically a naked ragdoll walking around with 40 other ragdoll copies. You did not get pulled, corrupted, CC’ed, stressed for cooldowns, starved for lifeforce. condition’ed for life or seriously damaged even in your montage. the enemy was clearly competent, organized and a perfect candidate to base your conclusions on. how about a real sample hm? one with a bit more competition and a better realistic composition. 40 of anything is OP in one area or others.
basically your footage is not proving much
However, Barrier should not be allowed to work on siege pieces like golems like that. the only thing you were able to show case. good job, reward yourselves with a pat on the back for much effort.
(edited by Oslaf Beinir.5842)
You expected people to learn and adapt to Scourge on a weekend?
nothing is set in stone right now
I dont think it is hard to trait for condi cleanse on a glass build or slot a skill to cleanse
dunno man build crafting too hard
Exactly bro, and that is the problem atm. You can trait into excess of it and still crit 16k with mual.
I have been hit by 4k mauls, 8k mauls but a single 16k maul? even on a remorseless build that is pushing it. combo’ed though yeah you can get a combo to deal that much on many classes that still trait defensive and manage to.
if you were playing condi daredevil then there is no chance in that happening since you can cleanse the vulnerability stacks and steal the might stacks so you are surely doing something wrong or just got baited and outplayed.
but gz u re-spec’ed and won so whats the problem?
I dont think it is hard to trait for condi cleanse on a glass build or slot a skill to cleanse
dunno man build crafting too hard
First off lets remember that the new elite specs are not meant to replace the older ones
Now…I dont play DH that often but the number of times it was nerfed is just hilarious!
would have mistook it for necro if it werent for the blue firey thingie skill colors
if people dont know how DH plays by now then they never will.
honestly though, lay off of the poor DH
DrD though…well they havent seen a real nerf bat in a while now
(edited by Oslaf Beinir.5842)
I had the same thought as well
I remember when Anet decided to buff Thief’s dagger autoattack and was left wondering well why not also buff the necro dagger autos?
god knows that the weapon needs similar buffs to at least scare peopl a bit in melee with necro
big shade is not big and stronk, it is big and weak.
if u dont take Demonic Lore then surely u would take the one where u get the boons u corrupt for yourself
Can we start by preventing the pet from losing Boons and Special Effects by entering Beastmode? the boons and special effects already existing on the pet upon entering Beast mode should decay naturally as if the pet was out in the open but not flat out disappear upon exiting beastmode. this nullifies the usefulness of sharing boons to pets via traits and skills
I liked Torch but this garbage is overall a downgrade to even core necro. no mobility, no survive-ability, no stability, skills are too slow(as if the other skills werent to compensate), barrier decays too fast to even be useful and the amount is so low, cant even scare people away from my personal space in melee. what was the point of taking shroud away? uh none. I cant get enough lifeforce to fuel those useless skills that consume too much lifeforce for their usefulness. ofc every necro spec has to be handicapped in some regard. it is how it has always been with these developers.
Next step they will nerf reaper so that I would be tempted to use the current garbage that is scourge.
Entering Beastmode should not strip the pet of all boons and special buffs like strength of the pack /sic em.
this hurts builds that use nature magic and all boon reliant builds
So Anet can we get the cooldown reduction back?
My condolences…I think
only used it for skill 5 in wvw, otherwise i cant use it in 1vs1 thanks to the huge cooldown, no boon rip, 1 stack of stab and cant chase someone who decides to do the wise thing and run away from you or use projectile hate and blind and /laugh. there isnt much utility to be found in this. team fights and skirmishes might be ok if u get a friend to set up targets for 111 slaughter and minions exploding since you cant keep someone locked down in place long enough to nuke them.
That aside i dont see the need for the huge cooldown. you dont pop this off cooldown anyway so a shorter cooldown might make it appealing to some folk. 70 seconds cooldown and we can talk game.
I fail to see any reason to pick this trait now
not with their current cooldowns even when traited still too long
don’t worry pal, I know how to fix dis!
We got a some barrier-flavored crack on sale that would get you right back in the action!
for a meager sum of $30
thats not true! we buffed something powery power thing!
here have a new updated greatsword trait which you cannot pick cuz it is crap compared to the other two
the combo of Speed of Shadows and VP is what made power builds viable especially if you run GS and dont want to get stuck with it after using its key skills.
speed of shadows also enabled greater use of spiteful spirit and foot in the grave which both had no cooldown. now that goes down the drain.
this is quite sad, we got nothing in return just nothing. all for the sake of scourge which is dead before its release. it is just laughable
Thanks Anet
this class deserves to be the master of death…and dying
ggwp, i feel so motivated into handing out that $30 now.
Yeah…rip speed of shadows
only reason i could surprise good players on power reaper
now this makes foot in the grave look even worse in consequence
oh and thanks for removing my movement speed increase that cannot be stripped or corrupted and replacing it with crappy swiftness that gets stolen removed corrupted and then leaving me slower than a camel
ty anet
(edited by Oslaf Beinir.5842)
its spot is bad. DD is too good for raids/fractals to pass up and CV offers more utility for both power and condi builds and even more so to power builds in wvw/pvp.
if VP did not get nerfed in this patch I would consider using soul eater
sadly CV is now needed to sustain shroud even more so if you use sigils that proc attacks(hydro/air/fire etc) to proc the effect multiple times in a single attack and on multiple targets while cleaving.
also the healing power scale is crap unless you build around it and use blood magic and regen for more little heals to make it worthwhile but not gonna bother.
So long as Soul Comprehension goes into the dumpster where it belongs…
I only hope they do not butcher spite line because of scourge’s Nourishing Rot and Feed from Corruption
what they could do is give it the Virtue of Justice treatment where its effect changes based on weather you have DH equipped or not but instead this would work on traits that affect boon removal/corrupt in spite to affect their effectiveness while scourge is equipped
so much lag already
lets test how much more lag we can cause with gliding
ohh it is going to be FUN
just say you want to promote glider sales on gem store
DS can go kitten itself for all I care
But spite line is an entirely different story. please dont touch it.
no one cares what noise sore losers have to bark my dear
buzz off
Best of luck, UGO.
good job well done EzPz
oh btw
Here is some constructive criticism for ya:
Buzz Off.
It does not matter.
This is a community event and is overseen by Jebro. He can do whatever he feels is necessary as the admin of the tournament. If that does not sit well with you then too bad. Maybe host your own event with your own rules?
I demand to have you put camera shake back on! The immersion is ruined now!
btw care to explain why Electric Wyvern over Bristleback? does its attacks hit more than a single target?
Perhaps the clones did hit you before they were shattered as well as the chrono himself
Staff isnt too bad but some improvements can be made
Skill 1: landing the skill while life force is above 70% reduces marks cooldowns by 0.5-1 seconds (condition can change)
skill 2: weakest skill applies too little of a pressure and regen flies around like candy so no one needs your weak regen ticks over someone else’s imo. Increase bleed stacks from 2 to 3-4. Extend the bleeding duration already on target if they already suffer from bleeds by 3-4 seconds.
skill 3: Make the poison field the mark creates actually PULSE 1 stack of poison for 1-2 seconds after 1 second of the mark’s activation.
Skill 4: if you land this skill while not suffering from conditions, the skill removes 1 boon from affected targets.
skill 5: reduce shroud cooldown by 0.5 seconds for each target you successfully fear.
everything applies conditions. even power and support builds.
an ele uses flash freeze/feel the burn on his team and sit in your aoe/melee and you take conditions from it.
conditions are supposed and should deal damage and not be completely negated like everyone here wants them to by cleanse alone. however conditions are not exclusive to only condition builds. it is now applied by everything active and passive. blame HoT elite specs?
As self defeating as ever? Some players actually do want to genuinely improve, Savrty.
Also you forgot dis lil bit:
4. Hide behind numbers and spam laugh.
Good, more fuel to the fire, more blood to the altar.
I still have not finished my ultimate dominator.
I got bad news for you.
the thing you want nerfed has been recently given in a similar way to condi revenant who is also stealing a WHOLE stack of boons with full duration (25 might 25 stab resistance protection) from those affected by the torment spam individually.
the trend continues, anet does not share your vision.
next patch i expect virtue of justice pvp changes rolling out to pve and wvw. enjoy burn spam even more on top of bleed and torment.
Axe trait buff is useless because no one would give up Berserker’s Power in pve/wvw/pvp.
Placing Axe mastery in the Master or Adapt slot might have made it useable
Excuse me sir but I would like to BBQ myself and others around me as well
I am a necro that gets smashed by Berserkers and does not like it.
Post patch beating a Berserker is too easy even without my broken chill sigils.
On my mesmer I dont even need to run nullfield or disenchanter to strip their boons. a sigil and a few sword clones/myself auto attackings will do the job just fine. it is kinda sad.
I agree that warrior got overnerfed even to things that did not deserve it. shield bash? hello? it looks funny watching wars trying to use it. the few warriors who run vanilla will feel it more than anyone else. thanks anet you are making core specs viable again!
way to go anet, we making way for the new power creep of xpac 2? history repeating itself? maybe communicating with the this crappy community here that did write up nice ideas might have given u better insight on what to nerf and how to nerf it and where to draw the line.
the only thing you guys can do is put up skins that are half heartedly baked on the gemstore. good job. get new people to do this kitten properly.
declining? lol good joke, it is DEAD already. DEAD.
it has diededed even before HoT.
Er epi was strong a few months ago before they nerfed it. Well after HOT.
I am not remarking on Epi.
I am talking about the kitten game mode itself
give me back my punching bag plague
declining? lol good joke, it is DEAD already. DEAD.
it has diededed even before HoT.
teammates like necro (chillblains, RS4, regen corrupt, whirl in poison field) and engi (Fumigate, chemical field+whirl) cleaving is more than enough to hit the 5 stacks and much more.
this game does not need more cc and for sure thief is the one class that does not need more of it
do you need a reminder how much you people liked dragonhunters dazing with traps spam? no you didnt. you are now approving the same thing except it is much cheaper and easier.
(edited by Oslaf Beinir.5842)
The stats bonuses on traveler runes are kinda bad same as speed runes
at least Lynx comes with handy offensive stats
I would like to throw my traveler runes in the trumpster but there is no better rune for that sweet movement speed bonus
cmon Anet it isnt too hard to add a rune, is it?
good players left in masses since season 5 and nothing dropped in the pvp field since the improvements of maps and rewards nerfs and called dead lol
how about wvw where the good players left in masses 3 years ago and more after HoT. I wonder what to call it.
skill 3 is cool and all. corrupts and an immob can spell doom to someone out of cleanses and is primed for a burst.
skill 2 is kinda meh and I think it is about time it got to be redesigned to something that makes sense like a burst skill instead of wannabe ghastly claws but worse.
The auto attack from dagger damage just doesn’t scare off people in melee anymore and potentially gets you killed if you stick in melee range for too long even if it produces a good chunk of life force. I think necro dagger autoattack deserve the thief dagger autoattack treatment; make it faster and more damaging and maybe add a boon removal to it like the mesmer’s sword. now the dagger auto can actually scare people from engaging in melee for too long if they didnt cc you to hell and back yet.
whatever the case, I would only put on dagger for some funziez but never touch it for anything serious
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