I suffer from motion sickness myself, but thankfully had not any issues with the mounts yet. I recommend setting the camera as far back as possible and always control it by holding down the right mouse button.
I just now got my replacement item – thank you very much!
Thank you very much Gaile & Jeremy (+the whole BI team) for your efforts!
I contacted customer support the day the patch went live but did not get any response (or compensation) yet. Did the list not include any people that played on the old version while the patched version was live already? We killed Slothasaur but did not get any loot that day.
So it’s probably known that this skill deactivates randomly (presumably when there are obstacles in the way), but it can even disconnect from the player character.
Proof in this video.
Edit: Client version 77,096
I’m really sorry to say this, but I found the presentation of this LS episode abyssmal. There is a lot of important lore happening every few seconds but I feel like a big part of the GW universe was just butchered in less than an hour. The main reason I like to play the game these days is to explore the world and dig into the lore stuff – but now I feel like I can’t really take it serious any more.
The new map is pretty nice though, thanks for that – grappling hook is great!
I understand you have a personal opinion, but in general terms….it wasn’t.
Translation: “You are wrong and your opinion does not matter.”
I just waited for some time (running back to the entrance) and it fixed itself.
Did anybody notice these four little clouds everywhere around at least Frostgorge Sound and Bitterfrost Frontier? I saw them above the Ridgerock Camp and Ice Floe Waypoints, the ones in the screenshot are above the Maw of Corruption PoI. What could they mean?
One correction to the map, the one in NW Dredgehaunt is II-V not V-II
You are right, fixed it real quick.
Darnit, now I have to repair the body again :p, thanks for the update.
But may I ask where you found the map file?
I got it from the best gw2 dataminer around: http://blog.thatshaman.com/p/historical-guide.html.
(edited by Rabe.2456)
One correction to the map, the one in NW Dredgehaunt is II-V not V-II
You are right, fixed it real quick.
Thanks for the map, Rabe. Think you could do us all a tiny favor and put the coordinates on them too?
Because you asked so nicely here are the coordinates.
I made a map of the class 2 rift locations, if anybody was curious.
You mean locations that the second device takes you? The class 2 rifts are not available yet the last that I heard.
Yes sorry, I meant to say the class 2 device, mb.
I made a map of the class 2 rift locations, if anybody was curious.
(I took that_shaman’s Historical Guide to Tyria map as a basis)
(edited by Rabe.2456)
That STILL does not address the fact that ANET has not created any sort of failsafe for when crashes DO happen to permit players who have disconnected for whatever reason, whether crash or network failure, to reconnect to the map they were on, and receive the rewards for which they had been working.
This definitly is an issue that should have been adressed even before the release of GW2, cause it has always been a pita.
Fix it please!
^ Agree on the problem, though my suggestion for a solution is to display a summary of running events at the right hand side of the UI, in some kind of summarised form.
So much yes! I suggest exposing ALL event timers and active events for the zone you are currently in inside a special UI popup window. I would also like to see a ‘track event’ button to see the progress and location (-> map marker).
Would also reduce the common map chat question: “any events?” :P
I dislike the thought of Hearts coming back just from reading about it, but we’ll see how it works out.
Weren’t Hearts shoehorned in pretty late in development because they didn’t have enough events? They wanted players to stick around at one place long enough so they are more likely to encounter an event. I think the HoT system with outposts is a much better approach, as Hearts are tedious. Also Outposts and events tell story much better, wouldn’t you agree?
Sooo… does anybody know what the indicator is that is supposed to show, if a creature has recently been killed in the map (as stated in the patch notes)? Cause I’ve just now been killing moas in Brisbane for 45 minutes straight, checking the scanner every few minutes to make sure it’s still up, but no crazed moa to be seen.
Bloodstone Fen is a really nice map when you just want to play for like half an hour and get the dailies done. I wish they’d done more with the areal skills, they’re really fun!
And don’t forget: never play on patch day.
I feel like the invulnerability for Unrelenting Assault should start as soon as you press the button. Especially if you are fighting against a group of more than two people the skill becomes practically useless. What definitly needs a fix is the issue with casting it on an enemy that’s close to an obstacle, where the skill just completely breaks and goes on cooldown.
Also I feel like Precision Strike shouldn’t even have multiple projectiles. They’re unreliable as is and deal too much damage on a single target imo.
With a market share of maybe 2% there is no commercial value in shipping and maintaining a Linux build.
Dragon Stand was a nice experiment, and I actually enjoyed it the first few times I played the event, but I also see the problems with it. Also OP should stop whining and give some actual constructive criticism, so we might be able to see improvements in the future.
I think for maps like DS there should be some kind of ingame mechanic where you can queue up for the next cycle, or even start a new map once enough players signed up and accepted to start it.
EDIT: Regarding HPs and Vistas etc. There really shouldn’ t be any on this map, honestly.
Deposit all: Hell yes please!
On that note also auto-consume Luck. :P
I want to ask what makes OP think that PvE needs to be competitive at all? I always thought about GW PvE as a cooperative effort ever since GW1.
If you look at it his way, nothing that allows someone to be carried by a good group has any prestige whatsoever, because you can never know if they did it legitimately or just threw gold at the problem until they got what they wanted.
Just like in real life.
I’m happy that the event is not as dumb as it was before – although it doesn’t provide any challenge at all. Probably won’t finish the meta achiev.
One main problem is idiots zerg-circling the bosses instead of splitting up… So annoying.
I’ve been using map chat to find people for hero points. :o
The number should’ve been the average amount that could be gathered from playing every day for the entire event.
No it shouldn’t.
Every day I have…
Working for me as well now.
Can confirm, only a problem on 64bit client for me as well.
Remember cattlepult?
Looking at my GPU using 100% of its ressources all the time, I don’t think DX12 would have any real impact at all. Maybe only on systems with really kitteny CPUs and bad RAM clocking.
A queue system with options to distinguish between “I want to explore” vs. “I want to complete map metas” would help. (Actually queuing up for a specific instance should’ve been in the game since megaserver release, but whatever right?)
If you have this differentiation of map types you could imagine putting stricter requirements in place, like gettin kicked out into an ‘Explore’-instance if you are not participating in the metas.
Edit: Also what about giving people a real interface to organise maps?
(edited by Rabe.2456)
I’ve never been a fan of attunement cooldowns, but to change it now would be a bit late.
Anet never told people that it’s a cheap way, it’s a non RNG way to get precouser it doesn’t mean cheaper, easier or faster to get.
They just forgot to make it a FUN way. Anybody farming iron by coincidence?
That’s your opinion, for some people if they can’t get what they wanted for 1g in 5 minutes they will consider it not fun. If you don’t like time consuming and gold sink you shouldn’t be looking at legendary in the first place. They are not meant to be cheap or fast.
So you agree it’s not fun?
Anet never told people that it’s a cheap way, it’s a non RNG way to get precouser it doesn’t mean cheaper, easier or faster to get.
They just forgot to make it a FUN way. Anybody farming iron by coincidence?
I think people mix up the terms ‘casual’ and ‘bad’ much too often.
Right cause bouncing mushrooms need platforming skills to use. °3°
Get armor or get gud, problem solved.
I am not regretting it at all, I am just sad that the actual story we got was mediocre at best.
Also Senior Agent Bodd from the Malchor’s Leap meta-chain fails to spawn sometimes (as stated in the wiki).
Edit: Tactical Agent Starks got stuck inside a wall, blocking event progress.
(edited by Rabe.2456)
Apparently the majority of players still don’t know what a break bar is, or simply don’t care. I tend to think it’s the latter, reminding everyone of the Shatterer event, where no-freaking-body moves their kitten to take down the healing-crystals…
Imo the events should simply be impossible to complete if you can’t even time some CCs with a group. In my dreamworld, all those players who don’t care will never do the event again and VB becomes more fun to play. \o/
Edit: Thinking about it, the third possibility is that players simply don’t bring any CC at all. Bummer.
(edited by Rabe.2456)
@Topic: I quit it for Tempest, but might come back to try Spirits-Build in PvE again.
Anet’s goals for the story seem to include the eradication of all remaining GW1 lore, so I doubt it’s Evennia.