Showing Highly Rated Posts By Silberfederling.9302:
Yeah nice try.
The reason why people behave like cave men is that they can. What is the worst that can happen? 3days time out? 6 months? As long as people have free tries on hating, flaming or death wishes\threats nothing will change. I just killed a 3k AP ranger with my axe auto and he just walked away not dodgeing but after dieing it startet spouting insults and death wishes.
The only thing that will help is perma ban at first offene. No second chances. If you are doing it once chances are that you are morally corrupted enough to do it again. In my country attacking a child of 12 years with death threats is not something to be laughed about. This game is for children of 12 years. I really have to wonder who in their right mind to still Quote the sticks and stones BS. It is sick that this goes under “not so Bad as buying gold” and these people remain. Oh block you say?
As far as the pvp forum goes i read so far that blocking is for special snowflake kitten? Right.
No, you can try to explain and describe or seek for scapegoats all you want. Anti social behavior like this has its root in the people that hate post. And as long as you let this cancer untouched, it will spread and grow.
It was fine as it is for the last 4 years.
If you can’t cap in time, too Bad, this seems like a rather nitpicky request.
New patch, big patch.
Players return.
Need to adjust gear.
Want stuff fast.
Buy of TP.
Demand increases.
Prices increase.
Just my tuppence.
The sad thing is that i feel sorry for the artists, the weapons are right up my alley, but the chest gamble is something i stopped once i converted 200g into a load of tomes and speed buffa.
So yeah, rather lovely Skins that for some reason had to be the test subject for a refresh of gem purchases?
Take a look at your chests, after they are “fixed” , as in not totally frustrating to open, you may See an increase of revenue.
This current action will cause you no good, even worse it will harm your goodwill as some one else pointed out.
Thanks for the Staff. They are a wee bit over the top imho but thanks for not another set of glowy shiny plant lightsabers
oh wait for the next hotfix
-thief aa is too low: 42%
- rev is too high: -42%
-scrapper has to low survivability: 400 healingpower in stealth
-reaper condi dmg was nerved: cd reduction for ds by 50% and dmg boostet for aa by 50%
-warrior removed from game
- dh stoned to death by forum mob so removed as well
any more salt?
I have finally seen every thing. A necro complaining about top few lootbags in wvw. You just blow my mind.
So they get even more trash along the lines of: nerf \buff op\kitten Tier XYZ?
I hope not.
One thing i noticed and (tinfoilhatmode) what i think is ging on is the old mmo tale of “i have to do x amount of dmg to get my loot” and therefore peeps often do not even slot CC but go for dmg\aoe. I might be wrong though.
Just a suggestion, the wvw forum is for Server shaming and flaming and or whining till a net is finally done with this forum (they were allready in the past).
If you want an answer that helps you actually find a Server i honestly suggest reposting or requesting a move to the players helping players sub forum. Players there have they intention of helping others.
I hope you find a Server that is to your liking, as i have no idea about US matchups.
The urge to kill rises!!
Yup i am the sane and good commander.
I really can not tell you how terrible this idea is.
You know, one thing that takes the spice out of fight may be Siege, granted. But this really would just further one particular development: k trains. Do you know how to stop a k Train? T3+ deff and it will just leave. Make objectives easy to capture, sure you’ll have queues on every map, but that will be because there will be 3 zergs running arround in circles flipping stuff.
Thanks, but that Kind of gameplay has a map allready.
That would be an awfull change.
So warrior was OK with no sustain, stustain comes, more people play warrior, few people know how to fight warrior, time to demand a nerf. Right. I remember a similar Discussion 2014. seems people can’t handle getting killed by the “noob omg you so Bad should play teef reroll or kick i hate Warriors cos they are not compicated yadayadayada” class.
Here’s news:
General Discussion:
- you post here mainly for pve matters, general topics
-your post fits the warrior, Mesmer wvw sub forum
-why post here? Most attention for a chronomancer that can’t fight a warrior? Mate that may backfire horribly.
Regarding Warriors:
- you light want to know that i carry arround: 1 axe, 2swords, 1rifle, 1 longbow, 1 greatsword, 1 shield, 1horn, 2 sets of different armour.
All easyly clickable. If i see a class that might be more mobile, i switch gear accordingly, if i expect melee pressure and low stability, welcome may i introduce me trusty axe and shield? Here’s a headbut.
It is understandable that many struggle with a class that was rather rare as of late.
I for one object immensely to posting supposedly unfair dmg threats, while playing a utility class that is more common than blue loot and who’s playerbase is on par with the scrappers fan base in their opinion that the need the most skill.
Another piece of news:
“Skill” is not having lots of buttons to mash and hope that the enemy can’t handle stealth and easy to Dodge shatters.
If skill for a class is defined by the number of buttons then wow so many skilled eles arround.
You might consider that the warrior looked for an opening, if you duel and you do not mix kite and punishment and shatter into each of the sooo op ignore pains (you know 60 sec CD) sorry then you have to learn the hard way.
Warriors like you seem to have envountered, will try to force your dodges, then engage CC and press heavy dmg. Try to kite berserkmode ( torchsymbol) block or evade his bursts (no heal for him). Hammer away on him once his first ignore pain runs out. Wait restrain dmg and let him storm arround while he is in ignore pain. No warrior will attack you while you are invuln. Every one Sees when your invuln runs out Warriors can wait and headbut you while you whirl your sword arround and root yourself. Do never let a warrior come closer than 900 if you do be prepared for stuns. You can stunnlock Warriors. Just kite if you see either, stability higher than 2 (3 means balanced stance is on, no use trying to CC now) 10 (dolyak Signet) or a black armour or a yellowish shield Symbol. ( ignore pain, shieldblock).
Again Warriors gain sustain by hitting with their burst. Do not get hit by that.
You have: invis, Dodge, cloneswap, block, blind, weakness, vulnerability, CC, burst over distance.
You look out for bursts by looking on animations.
They are different with most races\genders:
-axe: eviscerate. Most often a rather slow jump, if you are not cced no biggy, if you are: birch or oak?
-sword: normal is a CC that bleeds, Berserker is a fire throwing cartoon tennisbat move. The matter is mobile and a projectile, though they are highly inaccurate if you are beyond 600 range.
GS: the normal is easy to spot( a piouette) and evade, even by walking as the range is low, the Berserker Form though is the same in faster meaner and has a bigger range.
Rifle: normal the bloke kneels and aims for ever, if you get hit by that, go back and train dodgeing. The Berserker Form is not rooted, takes less time to aim , Hits hard and Interrupts, but its a big firey ball. You can Dodge, unless you are right up in bis face.
Mace: both are Interrupts, both hit hard, both cast quick both have almost no range.
If you rely on your illusions for dmg be aware they die really fast, i often try to cleave the things. Every one and their dog knows what to do with phantasma defender\berserker.
Be fast, on range and look to force the Engagement, let the main attacks and defenses run into nothing. Chrono can more than handle Warriors, you just have to get used to fighting then.
If you are EU you can contact me ingame, and we speak on TS about a few things.
I love how people are just now calling broken now that thief is meta. Thief has literally the same amount of evades as it did when HoT came out, but nobody is crying until it’s meta.
Hello may i present to you: the warrior
You clearly have not been paying attention to the story have you.
Leader of the pact, the person we help with there wild hunt. Sylvari.
South sun, the “bad guy”, Sylvari.
LW1 bad guy, Sylvari, the story was all about scarlet.
LW2, still mostly about what scarlet was up to.
HoT, about the Sylvari being dragon minions.
Now what part of the story for the last 3 years has not been about them?As for story holes, you didn’t play Guild Wars did you. There are so many plot lines that where never finished. Its how the story telling rolls in GW. Every race starting story is unfinished. Heck the dungeon story isn’t finished. Get use to it
It’s not three years. You know why? Then READ THE PREVIOUS COMMENTS FOR KITTENS SAKE! It kittenes me off that I have to explain it milion times with other players.
YOU KNOW HOW TO READ? USE THAT ABILLITY! Then you wont write the same arguments like others here, because I am now answering the same questions all the time. READ REALLY. THAT DOESN’T HURT. Few posts up is an answer why it’s not three years of Sylvari’s lore. Done.I did, but GW is different game than GW2. Plus GW is an old one here
Plus they had Malyck story on the table. Now it’s time to take a look on it again.
So it’s completely different situation here.I hate to say this, but ANet have said HoT is the end of the Sylvari story that started at the end of Eye of the North. The game has had a Sylvari central character through out the game for 3 years. If you can not see this you are blinding your self to this fact. People are telling you this but you are sticking your head in the sand about it. I honestly can not understand why you can not see this.
Also if your not a Sylvari character you will have no clue about him. Not a one. I’ve never played a Sylvari Beyond the dream because I read about the shadow of the dragon. I do not like them as a playable race, they just don’t speak to me.
Thank you.
15 heads of lettuce
1st World Link
The fact that 18% right now can force their will in 73% of the voting population does not annoy any one? Really?
If it is something as significant as this, i really think that it should pop up ingame when entering the wvw. Hell we have bloody pvp twitch advertisements ingame. Why such a hush hush vote? Yesterday 9pm i lead an DE zerg with 60 guys in TS and no one knew? Do you know how bummed my guys were? I think something like this, which finally brought back life into Servers and that, at least for my guys was often a reason to return should not be such an unkown event.
In a similar matter:
How about linking the patchnotes in the launcher while it updates instead of a semi furry behind….
I am really stunned that the polls are still often unkown in wvw.
(edited by Silberfederling.9302)
Make GW great again no aliens builds a wall! About right?
You could still rebind them, hell I use Q E R X C for my skills and 12345 for my abilities.
I was at first going to answer with this too… but it doesn’t solve the OP’s problem. If they want a CC on 5, for instance, the CC is currently different depending on the weapon. This means each time they log in a new toon, they’d have to reassign their keybindings.
That is very true, kittenilber said more options, people love options. Edit what is kittennibler? I said silber.
Dunno i think the forum cant speak german
Well that sums it up^^
I haven´t seen any one addressing that kind of problem right now but it’s kind of hilarious.
It started massively Friday and that is for most of our wvw players.
I don´t know if there are other servers than drakkar lake involved.
During reset I saw my zerg disconnect. The entire zerg, our cue for eternal battle grounds just popped from 47 to 0.
I have friend list messages in my chat log that show if a friend goes online or offline and I have seen literally waves of people being send offline.
These spikes are entirely new many say it’s because of the latest patch.
I would love some statement from arena regarding this situation.
Because I am really distressed if you are aware of this situation, if you will change it or if there are just too few players involved.
Because I can assure you there are quite a lot people of my server suffering.
Our ts has this as a constant theme, most people in my guild coming online ask: is it now playable? Are there still lags? Sry got a dc again what did you say?
Pls arena give us a statement what this is and if you will work on a fix
It is insane how this hate and nerf debate returns every single time warrior recives buffs. I am utterly disgusted by the arrogance players show with regards to warriors. With the amount of kittening on the Forums do not worry, you’ll get your pound of flesh, again.
The next patch will nerf warrior enough that even a brain dead monkey can take them down.
It is insane.
Free time you say? Test it out your self, otherwise spend the free time reading the salty BS responses, don’t forget popcorn!
It is insane how this hate and nerf debate returns every single time warrior recives buffs. I am utterly disgusted by the arrogance players show with regards to warriors. With the amount of kittening on the Forums do not worry, you’ll get your pound of flesh, again.
The next patch will nerf warrior enough that even a brain dead monkey can take them down.
It is insane.whiners complainers will only stop complaining once their hated profession is easy to kill while their own profession have an easy time killing others.
Summer 2014, hot release and now most likely again summer 2016.
Every time warriors were nerfed, every time we had op Drama, every time afterwards warriors were flamed to reroll or get cancer and die in a ditch.
Does every Generation of New or returning players need its personal warrior nerf? Seems so. Long time players can prepare for another year of verbal abuse, clkittene and of course the git guuuud comments from the current balance patch winners.
Not only does this get old, i for one get extremely kittened at these self proclaimed Lords of Balance and their amazing solutions to this oh so broken class.
Best thing to do? Stop reading pvp forum, look at patch notes, stay or leave for 3 months rince repeat after 3 months.
Yeah and i think that is fine. What use is that, apart from kitten? None, so yeah game mode specific stuff as wvw lvl, pvp Division or pve mastery rank should remain in their respektive game mode.
Do i smell fear?
Really another one? I’m running out of space on my GW CD to make a scratch on for you guys…
Intersesting that this kind of information reaches the wider gw2 population through bilangual players instead of an official statement.
Whats with the information politics “lately”?
oh think you might have gotten something wrong there. the blue bar on the lower part of your screen is world experience gained for your account rank. the reward track is not influenced by world experience directly.
two things are important here. once you activated the wvw reward track ( press b or any other allocated key for you wvw menue, look for the chest symbol, activate the wvw reward track) you will gain progress with every so called “tick” that is the time where the point of the different servers are credited, roughly every 15~ Mins. the ammount of points you get credited to your reward track is bound to the ammount of so called participation. that can be seen over you mini map. another little chest symbol will give you information about the points you will recive per tick and how high your participation is. to gain participation you have to actually kill players or do defence or offence events. should you be as scout for your server a commander may grant you shared participation with another group of players, so even if you do nothing but spitballing in veloka you get credit.
If you want to maximize your gain in paricipation you can do camps on your own or take down sentries. i suggest that you join a zerg if you are not comfortable with doing stuff on your lonesome.
To end my ramble, wxp is not directly tied to your reward track, your participation in wvw events is, every 15 minutes this is added to your reward track. spend an hour with maxized paricipation on a map and you gain 550 points per tick, that is 2200 points per hour. there is no way to boost this particular rewards.
i hope i could help you
I know its unpopular, but maybe first look then shoot?
Thanks for voting and commenting. We’ve read through everything you’ve posted here.
Among people who expressed a clear preference for one of the options, about 230 people prefer to make the change, versus about 40 who prefer to leave it as is. We’ll make the change.
We’re also going to work on cleaning up the Charr tail clipping. And then our focus has to be on shipping the full legendary set.
Thanks everyone!
What do you find most fun on this game?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Silberfederling.9302
Seeing a world and its stories develop over the cause of 11 years
1. Dwarfes, 2. Dwarfes, 3. Dwarfes
Norn with scottish accent, i will pay!!! Make it happen pretty Please.
yeah i dropped rev upon realising anet is gonna keep nerfing it unreasonably
I went back to my Ventari build it’s not the best around but it works. For DPS I usually play thief now.
Mind sharing?Also…as far as Rev goes…they will buff it in time…just like they did war when it was shaite.
QQ startend summer 2014, nerfs came, spring 2016 trait gets buffed\mandatory for warriors, warriors get even more hate from the cast wars 2 community. I wish you all the patience in the world if it takes the same time to buff rev as it took to buff one trait and make it mandatory for sustain.
Now where is the Godzilla vs monmothma GIF. Bugger it just imagine it.
On a More serious note. Shroud Pops kite and wear it down. Shroud off: CC and nibble at its health. No valid counter? Gfi till shroud pops again. Rince and repeat. In none 1v1 situations concentrate on wearing him down in shroud. But again do not try to tank, take care of chill and cripple asap. You have the higher movmement plus sustain through health and stealth. This worked for me. But then again i am a verrrry average player. High tiers might have it different.
Edit: autocorrect is haunting me ….
A load of initial pve drama because the buff those “wvw psyco’s” worked all week for and most players profited for with out ever pressing “B” was removed. Demands to bring it back so people can continue to leech from people that are openly declared as “wierdos”.
After 1or 2 months? No body cares anymore.
Thats what i think. Excuse me i am off doing some wood chopping…
But you have imob
It took me some time to get used to it, but i have to say, i rather enjoy catching people with a stun and or imob.
And your can (at least on paper) blast twice as much.
You are right though, i still often hit Jack kitten when things get funky.
Yeah nice try.
The reason why people behave like cave men is that they can. What is the worst that can happen? 3days time out? 6 months? As long as people have free tries on hating, flaming or death wishes\threats nothing will change. I just killed a 3k AP ranger with my axe auto and he just walked away not dodgeing but after dieing it startet spouting insults and death wishes.
The only thing that will help is perma ban at first offene. No second chances. If you are doing it once chances are that you are morally corrupted enough to do it again. In my country attacking a child of 12 years with death threats is not something to be laughed about. This game is for children of 12 years. I really have to wonder who in their right mind to still Quote the sticks and stones BS. It is sick that this goes under “not so Bad as buying gold” and these people remain. Oh block you say?
As far as the pvp forum goes i read so far that blocking is for special snowflake kitten? Right.
No, you can try to explain and describe or seek for scapegoats all you want. Anti social behavior like this has its root in the people that hate post. And as long as you let this cancer untouched, it will spread and grow.Because perma banning people who’ve had a bad day and are angry and curse after a PvP game is a solid way to maintain a good and healthy player base.
Nobody cares if someone called you something mean. It’s words. Ignore it, close your chat if you must.Honestly this sort of post makes me lose faith in humanity.
Morally corrupt? Do you have any idea how much cursing is part of our daily routine? You can’t just “ban” players for it.
Especially when YOU have the power to protect yourself. Close off your chat – there – safe.If you believe conflict between people is “antisocial” then you don’t really understand what society is.
Yes i Start to think people like you just do not care.
Death threats are death threats and if you think you can try to lecture me about society on a games forum defending idiots and psychopaths as persons with a Bad day then do not complain and seek excuses. People go to therapy due to online harrassment. Good for you that you are such a grown up boy. Oh and don’t complain that i was condescending or had an attitude. Just ignore me i had a Bad day.
It is Kind of a sad excuse right?
classes equivalent
Sure, take invuln from all classes. Mate just stop rage posting.
Oh i do not know :p wvwvw maps are not void of players.
Srsly though, I was finishined of a few collections lately and met quite a few players. Possible more players are organizing maps via the New lfg system and are therefore not as offen stranded in maps which in turn might give the impression of fewer players. Also: the New maps have been updated\made more accessably (is that even a word) and are therefore of interest for those who avoided them previously.
You assume people know how to build a cata. Better line them up close so the 30 pugs with out TS see what to build.
No, not joking….
1. During communications avoid words like: sumkitten, kitten , cancer, kitten, kitten, kitten, kitten, cowards, siegehuggers, kittens etc..
2. be not to full of yourselfes, try to learn.
3. pick one thing and do it, do not try to split between zerg and fight guild.
4. comunicate with other guilds, information exchanges are good.
5. every single member represents your guild, recruit accordingly, or you risk your name.
6. most importantly decide if you want to be casual or Hardcore, nothing is wrong with being casual, just do not mix both in one guild or you will have loads of Drama.
Clkittene incomming in 3… 2… 1….. Ohhh ma gaaawd nerfff warrr naooowwww!!!111
Honestly, druid\ranger is fun, i would suggest you go with it. Either way: give zero, nada, none 0 absolutly niente Ducks what people suggest you should play.
Choose, play, decide.
Any thing else is worthless drama.
(edited by Silberfederling.9302)