Showing Posts For Victus.9631:
To provide more information. This is done by using the Captain’s Airship pass while on the airship. The NPCs become combat targets you can attack. Melee hits nudge them and I’ve seen people moving them up to the banker.
In addition, if you engage in combat with them, all waypoints in the zone become contested forcing you to zone out be it waypoint or walking.
Going to record a video for further detail.
My voice is low in the video but it shows the exact bug nonetheless.
(edited by Victus.9631)
I also just switched my SSD to AHCI from IDE.
Deleted the file and started up the game. 60 FPS 1920×1080 now but my nVidia surround play is stuck at a crap resolution. :\
ALSO! V-sync was limiting me to 40FPS instead of 60 despite me having 60+ FPS steadily. Decided to just limit FPS to 60. Hope more improvements happen.
E: Also! Thanks for the fast reply!
First delete / rename your local.dat if this doesn’t help make a screenshot with
GW2 running in the back and GPU-z and CPU-z in front like this :I had that the first time yesterday after i changed my SSD from IDE to AHCI mode,
however my second account worked fine so i just copied the local.dat from that
account to my first and changed the login data there.
Where is the local.dat file? I’d like to give this a shot.
Wanted to chime in as well.
Computer Specs
GPU – 2x EVGA GTX670 4GB SCed | CPU – i7930@3.8GHz | MoBo – ASUS Rampage III Extreme | 12GB Corsair Dominator GT | Display – 3x ASUS VE258 25" 1920×1080@60hz | OS – Win 10 x64 | Sound – ASUS Xonar DG 5.1
Prior to my Win10 update I was netting 45+ FPS on nVidia surround, that’s now down to 15 max. Using 1920×1080 puts me at 45 max with some input delay and occasional frame drops to 15FPS.
No sense in rolling back to Win7 until this is fixed and going forward is now a waiting game to have it resolved.
Edit: The game is installed on my Samsung 840 EVO drive w/ TRIM enabled (240GB)
There’s nothing wrong with my system, thank you.
The game reaches 3.5GB RAM usage (highest settings, 2560×1440), during large zergs, and the game crashes. That’s an issue with the game, not my PC.
Except that it clearly doesn’t happen for everyone else. If it was indeed an issue with the game, it would happen to everyone. I for one have never crashed during any world boss fight.
It could simply be a memory leak in the driver for the GPU as well. I believe this is a current issue with my client constantly locking up my computer. It started in high density zones then became more apparent in empty areas. When I switch from 6040×1080 down to 1920×1080 this isn’t an issue anymore. So if only some players are experiencing this, it could be a video driver issue. I also weigh this option because of the recent release of Win10 and the driver release to make current GPUs ‘compatible’. Perhaps in the process something got borked for this game?
P.S. nVidia user
Using an Ipad for keyboard shortcuts. Allowed or not?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Victus.9631
Doesn’t matter if it presses the buttons for you or not. If it’s not your mouse or keyboard or default, original, non-edited game files then it’s illegal to use. No use of any 3rd party function is allowed in the game.
No, there is no binding for it and any 3rd party tool to change this is illegal and can result in account termination. It’s pathetic on their part, I know…
Why doesn’t OP just post the laptop specs first before we go pointing fingers back and forth about false and unsupported accusations?
Laptops have decent computing power and maybe OP actually bought one, but the fact he posted in a technical forum with zero technical information about his problem suggests otherwise. Or he’s an airhead and was told it can run anything.
So OP, deliver your laptop specs and we’ll go further.
Nvidia GTX 670 - Graphics: Reflections performance
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Victus.9631
Interesting find. For me on my GTX480s the shadows are the FPS struggle. This may be an issue with Keplar. Would be neat to get a 660, 680 and 690 to test/confirm including 4xx and 5xx series.
Using an Ipad for keyboard shortcuts. Allowed or not?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Victus.9631
Any third party item isn’t allowed. This has been 100% stated by ANet. AKA, this is not allowed.
Maybe the servers are down?…
Why petition for something to continue when it hasn’t stopped?
1. Wrong section
2. Doesn’t server much use as we have mini map/radar for immediate needs and a chat window that can remain permanent or hidden with a simple key stroke.
3. I can understand it being useful for a game such as SC2 because it’s 100% dire to see what’s going on in front of you 24/7 but that’s not the case with GW2.
Just log out… don’t see how this is so hard to do.
It’s because they did the same ones OVER and OVER. They chased away the lazy people who play this game by the sounds of your post. I have zero issue with that. ANet rewards those who explore and enjoy the aspect of the GAME not the zone.
Because the new number 5 skill gives some CC to warriors. It’s very nice when you need to put distance between you and the mob to regen some HP.
Dude… right click and drag your mouse. It adjust the camera angle manually until you find a decent spot where it pans out. If that doesn’t work, then simply use a ranged attack and keep rotating your character until the shot doesn’t hit a wall…
Dude :-) I know how to rotate a camera. :-))))
You can keep moving the camera as much as you want, it won’t budge if it’s stuck.
Yes, I can move my char, but without any visual feedback, I’m only guessing.
Meh, I guess it’s just because I don’t have this issue.
I’m not suggesting gear (although a chance to get a nice piece of gear would be cool too). More like random things, like those tiny loot bags with crafting materials, an onion or two, whatever… If you’ve played Rift you will understand what I mean.
I’m not saying I want to amazing loot – just something!
It’d be a cool feeling to get a reward in the form of a chest with a few items for doing a DE… I spent about 10 minutes doing a DE involving killing a troll with a group of people and the troll didn’t even have any loot on him after we downed him. Just got the usual karma, coins and Xp.
Thank you for suggesting I’m crazy, but I’m entitled to suggest things just like every other player who’s posted in this sub-forum!
1. Never said you’re not allowed to post a suggestion. I simply suggested your suggestion was crazy.
2. Karma / XP / Some coin for killing a ‘NM’ notorious monster is 100% balanced. It yields more exp and coin than any other regular monsters and the karma is a nice bonus.
3. It seems there are 3-4 tiers of DE.
- Go kill monster(s)
- Defend / Attack a camp to gain waypoint access
- Chain Events leading up to medium/difficult boss sometimes yielding chest rewards
- Chain Events leading up to super hard boss yielding chest rewards fairly nice loot
Then you get DOT COM or (.)COM or other variations that are simply worse to look at than .com. Just right-click > ignore.
I support this.
Time/money sink is nowhere near a decent enough yet valid enough reason to do this…
Not to mention, we can sell inventory items to a trader because it’s a HAND to HAND interaction… I can’t believe you’re this lazy…
Use your mouse to adjust camera angle? Lock the camera behind your character and hit the ‘rotate’ key bind?
Hmm either we have very different options configuration or you don’t understand the point.
The camera is STUCK.
First I have to MOVE THE CHARACTER before being able to MOVE THE CAMERA.
Hope it’s clear now.
Dude… right click and drag your mouse. It adjust the camera angle manually until you find a decent spot where it pans out. If that doesn’t work, then simply use a ranged attack and keep rotating your character until the shot doesn’t hit a wall…
Use your mouse to adjust camera angle? Lock the camera behind your character and hit the ‘rotate’ key bind?
It’s a bother because you want your character to look like how you want them to look. In game you can hide the helm and shoulders, there’s no reason why that shouldn’t carry forward to the character selection screen.
Why is this simple suggestion getting so much flak?
Because it’s so unnecessary right now compared to other things that need to be done to this game…
First off.. this was around well before Aion. Secondly, rather than doing ‘targets target’ a much more useful tool is to have a key (when pressed) show surrounding ally HP. This is because there are AoE attacks or DoTs that someone could have that take them from critical health to death. Being able to momentarily see everyones health would indicate the status of not just one person but everyone around you. This allows you to preemptively head in their direction and raise them when they fall rather than delaying it by moving to them after they’ve fallen.
Is it really hard to tell which way your character is facing?
Neat, sure. Viable, nope. Just cause something is ‘cool’ doesn’t mean it will be enjoyable long term. Much like fads of #YOLO and SWAGGAR. It’s ‘cool’ but it’s really not…
Have you completed each races story?
Have you leveled to 80?
100% completion of the world?
All crafts leveled to 400?
Completed all dungeons in all modes?
Obtained every achievement?
Regardless of your answer, the game isn’t even a month old. How about you chill the **** out and take time to enjoy the game instead of burning through it? Remember that article about the first 80 before the game was technically even released? They made mention of enjoying the lustrous storyline this game has to offer rather than just mindlessly blowing through content not getting anything from it.
A perfect comparison is sex. If you just jump right in and finish it ASAP it’s a horrible experience with no real joy. But if you take your time, work your way into it smoothly and do everything you can do before finishing, the end result is nothing but amazing.
TL;DR – You’re a joke for suggesting in game content not even a month after release while there are still many bugs with the game that need to be resolved first before moving on content wise. It’s people like you who ruin games demanding there be content left and right. Then when you finish that content in a week or two you demand more content. Simply put, kitten you.
Honestly, you’re on the character selection screen for MAYBE 3 seconds? Get over yourselves…
Another thought is since they transform your character for a duration, allow us to save them up to maybe 45 or so (stacks in 3 so 15 stacks) and be able to combine them into a character re-creation potion?
Seems like a lot of effort for minimal return. I agree dances would be viable because they hold humor to them (gangnum style, blah blah) but the other animations hardly add value to the game ( enough to make it worth it ).
There are already DEs that yield chests with good rewards. If you’re suggesting they add chests for every DE, you’re mad ( as in crazy ). There are already numerous ways to gain solid gear for your character. Story progression, karma vendors, and most importantly the trading post. Story progression gives gear that is decent (provided you’re fairly on level), same thing with karma vendors after completing the quest. If you really want some solid gear, the trading post has many valuable items for a fair price.
Maybe your files corrupted on restart and you needed to re-download it? Why is it you point the finger when something does wrong that MIGHT be your fault or something that needs to be adjusted on your end? I suggest you exhaust your own resources before making an accusation like this.
ArenaNET give us a formal explanation on the patching issue!!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Victus.9631
Sounds like your net is down throttling you. Were you DLing during peak hours for your area? Wireless connection, wired connection? Check your speeds at
We need to know what motherboard you’re using before any accurate response can be made. (This includes which slot the GPU is slotted in)
This is the first time I can recall where high resolution and high quality assets were released for public use for various forms of media. I just finally took a look into what they offered in their HD assets zip file and I’m astounded at the contents.
As a designer who enjoys generating game content based artwork, having these assets really helps push the overall quality of the pieces. Videos now have opening high resolution slides for 1080p captures of both the Guild Wars 2 and ArenaNet brand marks. Screenshots and 1080p wallpapers now have crisp watermarks to add.
With this great offer from ArenaNet, I must say this though. We must not abuse the privilege they have given us in trusting us with their content. ArenaNet has lead the way in this category and maybe soon other developers will soon follow. All media content published on the internet can be of grand quality and the awareness created from it will be incalculable.
So on behalf of this generous gesture, I (we) thank you. Expect some fine content coming soon.
Or just take the CD drive from the other computer and temporarily hook it up to yours.
Blue lines and flickering / random terrain flashing in places
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Victus.9631
Your GPU (lol integrated?…) is artifacting. This means it’s being strained far too much and the heat is causing it to improperly render. Either improve cooling on your laptop or lower video settings to reduce strain.
The Native render sampling is the cause of this. Switching it to sub sample or super sample for the time being will correct for this graphic error.
I can confirm this but do not have a solution. I just switched to super sample for the time being. It seems more and more things are being broken than fixed. :\
EDIT: Noticed OP is using SLI, I myself am using this. Anyone else getting this WITHOUT the use of SLI or X-fire?
Guild Wars 2 Clipping Error in kittenattler Caverns area of Harathi Hinterlands
Posted by: Victus.9631
Wow, you have the word bone censored? Are you kidding me? Oh, bone-r… Why have that censored in a connected word? That needs some adjustment also…
Guild Wars 2 Clipping Error in kittenattler Caverns area of Harathi Hinterlands
Posted by: Victus.9631
This video shows how to get through the wall. If any more information is needed please ask.
Per my friend
You’ll also be notified via email that your account was accessed from a different IP address. This is your #1 clue.
Side Note: Wrong sub forum. This should be in the account sub forum.
[UNOFFICIAL] FPS Performance Issues User PC Spec Thread
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Victus.9631
CPU (Processor) – Intel i7 930 @ 3.5GHz
Motherboard – ASUS Rampage III Extreme | 16x / 16x
GPU (Graphics Card(s)) – ASUS ENGTX480 SLI / Gigabyte GTX670
RAM (Memory) – 12GB Corsair Dominator GT @ 1800 7-7-7-21
Graphic Drivers Used – 304 and 306 WHQL
Resolution – 1920×1080
Refresh – 60
Limiter – 60
Interface – Small
Setting Preset – Best Appearance
All at highest setting with Render Sampling set to Native
Overall low FPS performance (mid 30 to 60 during general questing) given the hardware I’m using both with 2 GTX480s or a my single GTX670.
[UNOFFICIAL] FPS Performance Issues User PC Spec Thread
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Victus.9631
The intention of this thread is to gather up computer specification information from users who are experiencing notable FPS performance problems (ie. 5-10FPS after having a smooth 40-60FPS or overall poor performance on a computer that passes recommended spec).
This is NOT for you to whine or suggest a fix. This is merely for data collection for ArenaNet to use and try and detect patterns in hardware configurations that are experiencing issues in attempts to further aid them in fixing this community wide problem. Please follow the template below to post your information.
If you don’t know what hardware is in your computer and/or don’t know how to find out, please go to Start > Type ‘Run’ in the search bar and launch the application > Type in ‘DxDiag’ and it will open a window containing your computers hardware information.
CPU (Processor) – <Manufacturer and model (including its operating speed i.e. 2.8Ghz)>
Motherboard – <Manufacturer and model (and if you know if your GPU slot(s) are 16x / 8x / 4x >
GPU (Graphics Card(s)) – <Manufacturer and model (Operating speed optional)>
RAM (Memory) – <Quantity, Manufacturer and model (Operating speed optional)
Graphic Drivers Used – <EVERY SINGLE ONE>
(Easiest way is to take a screenshot in game of your video settings. If you cannot do so then please go down the list as it is in the game and state each and every setting.)
BRIEF (short single paragraph) description on how the game is performing for you
This belongs in the bug report section of the forum.
Defend Fort Trinity Story line (lvl 70) crashing my game
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Victus.9631
This belongs in the bug report forum, not tech support.
I can verify that I had 4-5 cores parked when playing last night. I did the regedit tweak and saw zero performance increase.