Showing Posts For gennyt.3428:

Request more communications [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


GW2 is a PvE game and it’s best days are behind it. There is no reason to expect a paradigm shift at almost five years in so I don’t know why people are punishing themselves by continuing to plead and hold out hope. It’s like expecting a wife beater to change.

Whispers with meat.

WvW eSports

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


wont happen.. Anet doesnt care about wvw anymore, hence they have said many times that there will never be another wvw season, hence the glicko changes, server stacking and linkings for lower tiers.

They only seem to care about spvp in the way that blizzard did back in the old days of WoW.

Dont expect any big changes for wvw other than shuffling that causes more server transfers so thay make money off them.

Its not that they dont care, its what they can do and what they cant do, if they change something it means that gw2 looses its original ideology and that is a forbiden thing to change.
Sadly what is making the game trully borked up is what they cant change.

About transfers, one solution for start is reset the wvw lvl everytime player change server.
Seconds is end servers… lol (one thing that cant be changed).

They already strayed from their “no grind” ideology when they introduced ascended gear and that wasn’t even that long after release. They strayed again with release of HoT, that expac had thin content and empty grind running all throughout it, from the guild upgrades to account upgrades through the repetitive activity needed to get masteries (just so you can navigate the same maps or upgrade your character traits/skills via access to previously inaccessible hero points etc). Anet could have changed things and supported balanced battlegrounds because WvWvW was obviously flawed from inception but they had their eyes on Living Story artificial scarcity gem shop sales and MOBA money.

Whispers with meat.

WvW eSports

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


The time for WvW eSports was a few years ago and Anet missed that opportunity.

The GvG scene could have become big, but you really need a shoutcaster that knows what’s going on. Sometimes it’s tough to see through all the effects.

And to think what kind of skill balance changes would we see if there was a WvW eSports.

People already found it hard to follow actions in 5v5 PvP.

GvG is even worse. All you see is a cluster of name tags vs a cluster of name tags. Anyone believing it has potential being esports is deluding himself.

Yeah, the combat in GW2 isn’t eSports friendly. However, I think GvGs with actual support had massive potential to foster a large community of gamers that would play practically forever.

Whispers with meat.

Return Obsidian Sanctum To Its Former Glory

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


Use the mega server tech for OS. As it is, the guild hall arenas are both pretty meh.

Whispers with meat.

WvW isn't fun - casual/solo perspective

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


@ OP

Unfortunately, WvWvW is probably the worst it’s ever been right now. Solo/small man players have always been the relative few and now even more so with the neglect of the mode over the years and a lot of the questionable changes to the combat system. Many have just given up fighting the tide trying to find fun and moved on. If you’re not on the scene for the love of PvP and have friends to run with at this point then you’re setting yourself up because the mode has never been balanced so Anet has had to keep the rewards stunted. And this won’t change because balancing it would mean expending real resources to gut and rebuild WvWvW, which won’t happen for a 4 year old mode with a dwindling population that’s also quite set in their ways.

Whispers with meat.

Matchup Threads

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


They don’t care. They are catering to a select few and the rest be kitten ed. Can’t wait till another label publishes a decent game.

Actually they’re catering to the majority. Which is why the PvP aspects of the game have become so sad.

Whispers with meat.

PVE map wvw

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


I’ve suggested a couple times that one non-starter PvE map could be PvP enabled and rotated each week but everything in GW2 is about hand holding and minimum effort so a dysfunctional and dying RvR is the closest you’re getting to “open world PvP” here.

Whispers with meat.

WvW spawn trap

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


Time Warp lol.

/15 chars

Time Warp with the glamour trait is pretty nice in wvw. Even better with some boon duration.

Ehh debatable. Better options available for small and large scale.

Whispers with meat.

WvW spawn trap

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


Time Warp lol.

/15 chars

Whispers with meat.

Rethinking siege: It's time to go mobile

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


I think this would be a wonderful idea. I know most of you people think ah no.. But the speed of the siege would be so slow those evil scenarios you are imagining wont happen. But what would happen is better siege on siege warfare in defending and offending. Giving more strategic options to WVW.

This is the kinda stuff WVW needs. We need more strategic options in WVW. People like you guys that shoot down ideas are those that don’t understand that its you who limit updates by happening in WVW. Because Anet gets so much flack from us. Yes that flack has been justly earned. And we all know that the Anet WVW team is lacking in strategy thinkers and tend to push responsibility on to the public with polls. But the answer isn’t with the many. Because statistically there are more halfwits then fullwitted people.

I don’t know if you’ve noticed but Anet has NOT been cultivating players who want strategic and skilled play.

And no, no more buffs to seige. There’s enough low hanging, feel good fruit in the game already.

Whispers with meat.

Flax Fibres

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


“dirty PvErs”. Lol that sent me into a laughing fit for some reason.

Whispers with meat.

VAULT Daredevil Damage

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


Imagine if Dragonhunter gained Evade while casting True Shot.

If they do, I’m kittening blaming you. =.=

Whispers with meat.


in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


What if players could place bounties on other players and guilds that killed them? I know it gets a bit messy in the implementation given the complexity of combat in the game but I do think this would create an entirely new reason to fight either for notoriety or the cold hard cash of collecting bounties.

Not sure it is feasible but an interesting idea I believe.

I think there are too many carebears at this point for something like that.

Whispers with meat.


in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


I welcome gankers. I’m having a blast right now with these so called “great” roamers from JQ server. All glassy thieves

Yeah whats up with that? After some months away, I re-installed and I kept running into Thieves that blow up on shatter. I kinda expected more condi tbh or at least some more evade spam >.>

Whispers with meat.

Positive thoughts

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


It’s time for some positive thoughts. A light in the wintersday darkness as it were.

Whilst we are right to suggest ideas and perhaps even to complain about the things we don’t like, it is also true that no one likes to work in a hostile and negative environment. I believe a little courtesy harms no one and can make, even a virtual world, a better place.

These past 12 months have seen more development in WvW than we’ve had for a while. Some of these changes I have liked.

Personally I feel the end of the year makes this a good time to say thank you to the GW2 team for the things I have enjoyed in game, and to look forward to more developments in WvW during 2017.

If you wish to post your own positive thoughts here please do so.
If you simply wish to complain then there are other threads that you may find more suitable.

I feel like you’re asking me to say thanks to a person who routinely punches me in the mouth just because they’ve given me an ice pack once in a while.

Whispers with meat.

Your new top 5 priorities for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


I got infracted for posting balance as my priorities in the last WvW thread.

Seems like they don’t want to know about it.


Whispers with meat.

People left WvW even without tournament

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


A bunch of people outright quit, never to return after every single tournament as confirmed by Anet. I know for a fact that some of them were guild drivers, pugmanders and community organizers. The biggest things WvWvW had going for it were the combat and the community and the game arguably got worse with most of the patches. People voted with their feet. No people, no MMO and this one is now 4 years old running on an even older engine, a tournament would likely be the final nail.

Whispers with meat.

''Invisible tag'' inclusion (roaming)

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


I should be able to just run with who I want to and not be harassed by other people.

So you are trying to imply that the visible tag is the only reason you get “harassed” by people? O.o

Since you are saying roaming with 8 people (which no guild commander in their sane mind would describe their raid as) I assume that the roaming you are doing isnt only open field fights against enemy closed guild raids equal sizes. Are you taking camps/towers/keeps of opprtunity? If yes, then expect to get “harassed” by players seeing your tag on inner hills or whatever. Because thats the kittening game.

If you really, truly want to hide your activities from your own server, well then run tagless as you please. It aint hard. There is nothing stopping you. An 8 man “roaming” group all on TS doesnt need a dorito any more than closed guild raids did before colors and squads was introduced.

We don’t cap anything. We go around and engage larger groups than ours and wipe them. And we don’t need useless zerglings following us when we do that, constantly asking why we arent taking structures we run past when there are plenty of other commanders that do that. And you missed the point entirely. Dropping squad then rejoining to hide the tag prevents you from using all the commander marks and such. I paid for my tag and should be able to use it as i see fit without being forced to play with people I don’t want to play with. Since people cant respect it when I ask them nicely not to follow and interfere in our gameplay to the point it seems like harassment, especially if there are other tags on the map that would gladly welcome them, I don’t think its too much to ask to be able to have my tag only visible to those in my squad. Yes we don’t need it, any more than any other commander would need it. But its a nice thing to have for convenience. Its a simple quality of life issue for guilds.

People have been asking for this feature for literally years and it could have helped slow the bleeding of PvP focused players from the mode. But the entire game is designed to be an uber casual “everybody gets a trophy” level of inclusive (even the combat is now on autopilot) so this won’t happen, I think everybody who gets sucked into any of GW2’s PvP aspects hits this wall sooner or later. Anet has basically said that they’re afraid that given the option of having private tags, public raids will disappear and the pugs will feel left out and the map will look dead. Clearly, the people who like leading blobs and doing community stuff will cease to exist simply because hidden tags are an option. They threw hardcore players under the bus instead of working on the mode to keep people caring about “doing community stuff”. Anet logic. Enjoy the wasteland lol.

Whispers with meat.

Now that PvP will give you ascended gear...

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


PvE crowd won this game once ascended was even introduced. Camelot Unchained can’t come soon enough.

Kind of like how Blade and Soul couldn’t come soon enough? Or Black Desert? Or Wildstar? Or ESO?

I dunno. The core of our guild is playing ESO and there’s fun to be had. Like 2 members still play GW2 occasionally.

Whispers with meat.

Population balance joke

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


A few things that come into mind atm. could resolve some issues:

- offering server transfers to entire guilds once in a while free of charge to prevent abuse
- but mainly, coding a proper algorithm to match people based on active (online) numbers
- eliminate the possibility to constantly hop from server to server, sort of you transfer now, you cannot for at least 3 months, or even more. sounds insane? sometimes you have to take drastic measures if you want to achieve something.

GW2 is aging, WvWvW is stagnant and the combat has arguably deteriorated. If they start nailing down people to servers for months at a time then expect another population dip. If you want to be radical then get to the meat of the issue and talk about the viability of the core systems instead of slapping a new coat of paint on a house with a crumbling foundation.

Whispers with meat.

Dragonbrand - A Case Study in Sadness

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


Well with the kittenhugging, petty leadership and TeamSpeak tyrants lol I’m not surprised that this is happening to ol’ Wagonrband again.

Whispers with meat.

Ranger discrimination.. lol

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


Then don’t tag, I and many others could care less. I play games to have fun, and if ranger is what’s fun that day to the exclusion of others, that’s what’s being played. If someone running around with a tag has a problem with it, they should re-evaluate why they’re playing a video game.

Sure people can play whatever they find fun but you said bring x class because the commander complained about it. That just sounds like poorly channeled rebellion which does come off as kinda kittenhole-ish.

Whispers with meat.

Gift of Battle: Did I Miss Something?

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


All these considerate PvErs worried about taking up slots.

Whispers with meat.

TW guild leaving TC =(

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


Saw TW streaming last Thursday. Amazing group of about 20 players <snip>

The days of great large skill groups is definitely over if the current TW is amazing. I suppose a group can only get as good as their competition allows but they would get destroyed by the old school GvG groups. Remember the days of Mag GvG or guilds like Agg? Oh the Golden era what a wonder it was.

What was great about the good ole days was that no matter what server you were on, you had your premier guild or two that could hang with the best. This made wvw diverse and a more fun environment. Now all these “zerg busting” wannabes choose to all pile on one server then complain about no fights. Sounds like they need their crutch fellow guilds these days instead of holding their own.

I’m stuck on one of those servers that shall not be named and I don’t even play enough to warrant paying to move again. The unnecessary kittenhugging and ego trips are entertaining in their own right but it’s created such a lame fighting environment and I had no idea how bad it was lol. I’m pretty sure the bandwagon is going to break down yet again after re-links.

Whispers with meat.

WvW issues

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


I am very aware of how its suppose to work, I am in earth, I have ascended soldiers armor and all soldiers gear trinkets and weapons, again its all ascended. And yet I can be fight three players and never get a crit hit, then another person will come along and he/she will crit me all day and kill my toon with in a minute. I don’t understand it, the traits stated can not be crit hit while in earth…

:| Why are you in soldier’s …anything? Unless there’s a bug, it could be that you’ve set it in your PvE build and forgot to do it in your WvWvW build.

Whispers with meat.

Make siege invulnerable for first minute

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


Something hilarious happened while defending bay today. Attacking force brought enough bodies to actually sop up the AC fire and minimize damage to their catapults long enough for the walls to fall. Anet needs to work out new defense/offense mechanics other than either ball up into the biggest possible blob possible or a handful of players spamming as much siege as the game allows.

Whispers with meat.

Druid balance when?!?

in Ranger

Posted by: gennyt.3428


And those 3-4 people never once thought to kill the pet?

the pet is tankier than the druid

3-4 people’s worth of DPS tanky? Haven’t seen that.

Whispers with meat.

Why is Signet of Humility enabled in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


Nope. It’s been there for years and there are ways to easily deal with it, even if you’re the commander. Send a Thief to harass them. It’s a single target minor inconvenience. Far less dangerous than 2x gravity wells per Mesmer that can get multiple people bombed to smithereens.

Whispers with meat.

Druid balance when?!?

in Ranger

Posted by: gennyt.3428


And those 3-4 people never once thought to kill the pet?

Whispers with meat.

Ranger discrimination.. lol

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


Was the squad near full? Because I doubt any pug blob is in such a position to be so picky about bodies, especially with the mode in such decline. Then again you could just be playing with the clueless, never any shortage of that.

Whispers with meat.

WvW in a nutshell.

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


Try the 32bit client. I started getting terribly low fps a few patches back and this helped quite a bit.

Whispers with meat.

They need to nerf Mesmers in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


Came in here looking for complaints about perplexity Mes. Leaving disappointed -_-

Whispers with meat.

Mortar Napalm stacks condi too fast

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


Also it seems that the visual indicator disappears before the effective area so you can still walk unto a hot spot that appears safe.

Whispers with meat.

GW2 not made for sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: gennyt.3428


I mean why on earth would a competitive solo queuer or loner would want to play this game if he/she is just getting kittenters for team mates that he or she can not carry match after match with scores like 125 – 501 like 19 matches or so in row, when we can simply go play a actually competitive sPvP game competitively as solo queuer?

ANet’s PvP team has full responsibility in the down fall of GW2’s once great sPvP game mode. I will never ever play another game that this team is apart of, simple as that.

PvP is a team game and not a solo game. Stop blaming ANet for this!! Blame the soloQuers like yourself who actually ruin the very concept of PvP. It is a team game and ranked games should be played in premade teams rather soloQ where every person has no idea of others and want to just do what he/she wants with no communication etc.
Stop trolling and get real please

Except that many players do play games alone . Queue times would be hilarious after filtering through the available player pool to match full premades. Add to that the very real possibility that maybe, just maybe the PvP system isn’t conducive to team or even community building. Anet was too cheap to even implement a voice chat. Spectator mode is horribly limited and the combat has arguably become too spammy and passive riddled to watch. GW2 is a PvE game with a side serving on PvP.

Whispers with meat.

Durability Runes + Damage Reduction

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


In other news, GW2’s combat has turned to poop.

Whispers with meat.

Latest Balance Patch Killed WvW

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


Lol’d at the Thief being high risk high reward line.

Whispers with meat.

BG Dropped to T2

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


Is this going to be a thing now? Inquiring minds want to know.

Whispers with meat.

Warrior Defensive Sustain

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


Yeah worker warrior is boring but maybe a PvP character shouldn’t be built like a Mack Truck and hit like one too? If you want the excitement of doing real damage then take some risks and trade something for it.

Whispers with meat.

The Root Of The Problem

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


@ OriOri

That’s the thing, the builds in rotation are arguably cheesy. Small fights now are mostly full on condi|boon stacking (group comp does matter, big time). Throw in all the block, block, evade, evade, evade while doing damage, immune, immune, passive traits, passive heal, random 16k backstab, 10k Vaults, 5k Herald hammer autos from range, some guy rolling his face across the keyboard in Reaper shroud and you’re probably going to have annoyed players.

What I’m saying is, that even small fights have become less about skill because builds are carrying harder as they require less player involvement and judgment calls and are quite spammy. Vulnerability affecting condition damage totally makes sense because we all know how much toughness and armor helped with conditions before. The combat system is now riddled with little logical gems like these and they aren’t so apparent in bigger fights.

Also 1v1s for me are a rarity and I generally don’t like standing around dueling for more than 15 mins.

Edit: Spelling and grammar

Whispers with meat.

(edited by gennyt.3428)

The Root Of The Problem

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


In WvW players are carried more by doing whatever it takes to outnumber their opponents, be it 2v1, 5v2, Zergv5, etc.

Not really, warriors and scrappers are fine on their own. You have a point though. And even that wasn’t as bad around one year ago. Being outnumbered didn’t mean an automatic loss back then, be it 1 vs 2 or 15 vs 25. (although stability was pretty bad, yes).

It doesn’t necessarily mean an automatic loss now considering most players in zergs don’t know how to fight that well anymore.

But I think the zerg meta won’t change unless ANet addresses it directly. There is no incentive to not zerg. You get the exact same rewards for rolling over everything as an 80+ person group as you do if you actually try and accomplish the same thing with a group of 3 or 4 players. Without any reason to not zerg up (read rewards, because we know what gaming communities are like) people will always take the easy way.

The only thing ANet can do is to encourage not zerging up by offering an incentive to run in smaller groups.

Then those people will either quit or play PvE. I think it’s hardly about incentive at this point but more about safety. Apart from the people who just want big fights, the power creep is exposed quite harshly in smaller engagements and I don’t think most of the players left want to deal with that. The combat is getting fairly bad imo.

Whispers with meat.

I usually don't say these kinds of things...

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


The combat was made for 5v5. Don’t expect sweeping ch-ch-changes. Also brace yourselves for more direct damage and condi tick calculations from the deployable siege <3

Whispers with meat.

WvW Poll 18 July: Cannon Blueprints (Closed)

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


I should really start making popcorn for when I read these boards.

Whispers with meat.

Got a question from old timer

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


totally off topic but agrees with what OP said.

So, if the same can be done for wvw where people can just come in, fight in groups, .

There’s a fairly unused arena in the Obsidian Sanctum for people to play in

If OS used the EotM megaserver tech then maybe.

Whispers with meat.

Roamers aiming for QQ

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


Lol at the Bill Burr references.

Whispers with meat.

ANet, Recognize WVW For What it Should Be...

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


Unfortunately this ship has sailed a long time ago, it’s not even a case of having a small window to capitalize, they literally had years to capitalize and just kitten ed right out. They basically threw a winning lottery ticket in the garbage, took a crap in it, then lit it on fire before tossing it into the ocean.

I disagree. The larger playerbase, and therefore, more money, is to be made with casual players.

The hardcore wvw playerbase is a much smaller niche, imo.

I don’t think anyone would deny that. But the point often made is that WvWvW players, while a smaller base than PvE, were still plentiful (we even got an overflow map) and many were the kind of passionate players that would’ve played this game forever yet Anet failed to grow it. That’s the issue.

Game companies would kill for the kind of players that play through poor rewards, develop a subcultures (GvG and fight clubs) and an actual ecosystem, spend money and time creating community resources like server voice comms and websites and even videos that make the game actually look like fun, something that can be more effective than try hard corporate hype. It could have attracted even more people but nope, Anet aimed for Living Story chieve chasing, gem shop outfits and tried to attract people who already had their MOBA that they played (meanwhile, there was no RvR competition lol).

Whispers with meat.

ANet, Recognize WVW For What it Should Be...

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


WvWvW has peaked. I’ve let that go lol.

  • The game engine was old back then, what was supposed to be a GW1 expansion turned into GW2. The engine cannot handle a modern day RvR experience so that’s dead in the water.
  • GW2 is a PvE game and its B2P model means it must cater to casual players at the expense of all else for max profit. WvWvW will forever be a meaningless side game.

Personally, I can’t really see scripted battles as being endgame because players are far more unpredictable and create a much more replayable experience. Oh look this boss is gonna do this at 50% health, what do we do? The same thing we do every night Pinky. The main reason I’d repeat max cap PvE was for gear…to go PvP. It’s the reason I did it in D.O, Lineage II, GW2, Aion, Age of Conan, Archeage, WoW (trolling around Alliance territory on my Prot Pally was the best) and probably would’ve done it in ESO too if the combat wasn’t such a clunker. Anet let a huge opportunity slip right through their fingers with WvWvW. That ship has sailed. Shame.

Whispers with meat.

Gift of Battle - state of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


You may discuss, argue, fall down and scream about this all you like, But this will not be changed.
So deal with it.
This change did not need a specific date, and did not need more communication. It was in patch notes, I wouldn’t expect a huge fanfare or several articles about a change which isn’t exactly a big deal anyway.
All the playerbase needed to know was that this was going to happen. So it was in the patch notes in the relevant section. You would have had people complain no matter how long or short the Reward Track beta was.

This kind of attitude from people just makes me really hope the next WvW change is only announed under “Fractal Beta Testing” or something, in the next wall of text patch note.. Would be interesting to see how many people in these threads suddenly change their tunes about things being announced properly. :P

Aye maybe so. But we have been baptized in blood and bullkitten for nigh four winters. That too shall pass.

Whispers with meat.

So I reinstalled the game

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


6- My framerate got way worse (lost about 15fps) for no apparent reasons

Yeah what the kitten is up with this? I haven’t been able to run high graphics since the 64 bit client patch came out. Fix your kitten game anet.

Same. I went back to the 32bit client and it cleared that right up.

Whispers with meat.

Gift of Battle - state of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


MMOs change, this is something that’s commonly found in their ToS. You earned some currency that you could have used and didn’t, Anet didn’t promise or take anything so now you’re just meandering down entitlement avenue calling the change bait and switch. In your opinion, they didn’t give you enough of a heads up because it’s a big deal for you. Not everybody shares those thoughts, and personally, I think the reward track is reasonable amount of effort to ask for absolute, top tier prestige skins.

Also, critique based on fact sans name calling is equivalent to “bashing”? Hardly. I don’t remember even remotely implying that I care about what other people do when they’re on the map or why they’re there in the first place, or even calling anyone a “scrub”. Please don’t base your arguments on assumptions and try to concern troll, it’s really not a good look. In the same vein, the GoB could have been earned in the time taken here to complain about it’s new acquisition method.

Whispers with meat.

Gift of Battle - state of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


Unless Anet took the GoBs out of your in inventory or banks then they’re not taking anything you’ve earned. You earned a currency that can be used to purchase an array of items, you never earned the GoB because you never bothered to buy it. I’m sure is inconvenient for you but describing the situation as such is going a step too far. Slugging out Tyria map completion for the average WvWvWr probably isn’t their idea of fun either but if they want the “legendary” skin, they’re going to have to just deal with it. All this complaining about cosmetics that you can earn the item for in a few hours of play when WvWvWrs were getting kittened over to invest far more time PvE for character/guild stat upgrades for the longest. I can’t muster any empathy.

Whispers with meat.