Engineer is an awesome class, but it really needs a viable melee spec.
Necros are probably the least represented class and have a couple of problems in certain specs. Namely pet ai.
(edited by piitb.7635)
Take a month or two break, come back and everything will be fresh and shiny.
Learn to jump better.
What good would exploration be if they just handed you stuff on a silver platter?
Variety is the spice of life.
I want new weapon types. (Great axe and crossbow come to mind immediately)
I want the ability to change the weapon skills we already have, either through augmentation of current skills or the ability to earn new weapon skills through the use of certain weapons.
I want to be able to go out and find exotic utility and elite skills like in GW1.
I want the ability to tinker with weapon builds outside of traits.
I want to be rewarded for sticking to one weapon type over another after months of play.
Just as long as you don’t need special gear for it.
I’d sell it to some “sucker” who wants to put in the time grinding for all the materials/achievements so they can have something that “looks cool” but is no better than an exotic. One born every minute . . .
Some things actually do look cool enough to grind.
Bolt for example. Just a shame that elementalists can’t use swords.
They should really do something abouot precursors.
Like sell them from a vendor or something for a price worth 2-3 months worth of dailies.
Not releasing Cantha because of cultural sensitivities….
Should us of European descent be offended that Ascalon and Kryta are based on European culture?
No, of course not, because thats stupid.
Game difficulty is better when stuff is soloable.
Ratching up difficulty only puts pressure on the group dynamic in an MMO. With GW2 design and no real benchmarks for dps, healing or tanking…..difficulty only makes people frustrated.
But when stuff is soloable, like GW1…..cranking up the difficulty is not only great, but it’s preferred. Because this players to think about strategy, optimal builds, etc and not be at the mercy of a bad player. This is why I think Dark Souls was so successful.
(edited by piitb.7635)
Skill hunting.
One of the most fun and dynamic things about GW1 was you needed to maximize skills sets for an encounter or two.
Like for example I kept banging my head against the wall with Abbaddon, so I went out of my way for god knows how many hours to figure out what cleanses I should be using, track them down in game to arm up my heroes. And beaten Abbadon was hugely rewarding.
You just don’t get that with GW2. But it is something they can bring back.
I would be a kitten shame and travesty for the series to not see Cantha in GW 2.
Yes, I understand the thing with corridors, but then again….that was what made Cantha unique. Once you got out of the city there were less corridors.
One of the coolest things I loved about Cantha was you’d find stuff like sewers and underground areas when exploring the map. That lent to the idea of exploration a lot better than an open area.
(edited by piitb.7635)
Bad idea.
Because if one unique skill becomes more powerful than a run of the mill skill, their would be a complete mutiny.
It’s so they can increase damage and such for players and mobs alike without rendering all the level 80 gear useless.
In fact upscaling will give them a much better handling of class balance and objectives they want to achieve because its placed in the designs hands, and not a player who will always try to overcome the design. Think as if the level cap was 50 and WvW scaled to 80. It would keep WvW more balanced.
Think McFly, think.
(edited by piitb.7635)
Because if they developed raids, the minute a raid is released, raiders will demand the gear rewards be significantly better than 5 man gear.
So in other words, raids are the antithesis of what Arenanet wants.
The problem with weapon sets is that working within the realm of fantasy weaponry, the options are limited.
Believe you me, I would love to see new weapon sets and skills, but that is only a bandaid on the problem.
The problem is there is little customization within the design of skills attached to weapons. There are a dozen ways to fix this, but all would require either massive rebalancing or a massive amount of re-tuning the current design.
Anyone who knows chickens knows chickens will eat anything. Even their own poop.
Dragons on the other hand have a picky diet that requires charred to ash pieces of meat.
So umm…..duh
I know it has probably been asked a thousand times by now, but how do i participate in this?
Shields on the whole suck.
They offer almost no mitigation and their skills are usually terrible.
Shields as a weapon category should have a passive base 15% chance to block incoming attacks.
Looks like waiting to level alts was the smart move.
It always is.
Honestly they have many ways they can go on this.
Yes, skills do seem to drag abit after 80 levels of using the same 5 main skills.
The quick fix of course is to add new weapon types so people have something new to use.
But in the long run, we are going to need something other than the default skills. But there is plenty they could do on this.
Like for example, skill points can “upgrade” weapon skills. Such as dropping a bunch of skill points into a weapon skill increases its power or alters its ability.
Or they could put in another tier of traits, and the 40th point of a trait tree, the player gets a new set of weapon skills for a particular weapon.
Also, skill hunting. This could easily be implemented via signet of captures purchased and used after zone events. That grants new utility, healing or elite skills.
And there is always the idea of multi-classing. This of course is probably the hardest route to take because of balancing, but it’s feasible. Like for example you keep your main classes core abilities in F1-F4 but you can mix and match your weapon skills. But the mix and matching has to match the corresponding buttons of another class. Meaning if your a thief wanting engineer pistol skills, you can only change out the thief’s #1 pistol skill with engineers #1 pistol skill. This way you couldn’t just take engineers best skills and call it a day.
This idea for multiclassing could make for strange combos. Melee mesmer with a great sword. Thief with a shortbow that is actually not aoe. Necros running around with thief dagger skills. Elementalist running around with a mesmer staff attunement. Not all of them will be effective. And it will take a bit of retooling to make sure main class mechanics still work, but it could work.
(edited by piitb.7635)
Slight vertical progression is always nice…..
But the root of an MMO is making people keep playing.
GW1 had many different systems to keep players playing. Be it from titles, to armor skins, to skills, etc…
GW2 doesn’t have as many systems as GW1 had when GW1 was in its prime. GW2 is about at the same level as GW1 when GW1 released.
We are just going to have to wait for updates to continually push systems.
I’d just want to point out that technically GW2 has more skills than any one particular GW1 standalone. Sure when you add up all 3 standalones and EotN, GW1 has more skills, but that is 4 years worth of updates and such.
What made GW1 seem like it had more skills is the ability to mix and match.
That is what I think this game is missing most at level 80.
I actually enjoyed most story missions as I was leveling. It gave a sense of structure and a goal in mind.
Story missions can range from a zone specific story mission to maybe an overarching thematic story mission like the main campaign story.
I know Arenanet is capable of this because we saw it with Guild Wars 1 and it’s vast array of missions.
Warriors need just a tuning on their skills outside of greatsword.
Also it’s not arenanet’s fault that people never bothered to play warriors correctly because players were looking for greatsword easy mode.
One of the most fun things about GW2 is discovering hearts and doing them.
The reward was the quests themselves.
I never played Rift, but there must be something to these “artifact” things because this is actually not the first topic about this particular feature. The “scavenger hunt” aspect of it sounds enjoyable enough, and in keeping with GW2’s emphasis on exploration and discovery. I’m sure ArenaNet could put their own spin on this concept and end up with something very enjoyable.
I can’t say I’m in love with the “randomly generated” aspect of it, though. These zones are already huge, and if there’s no rhyme or reason to where a given piece might appear — or even if it’s there at all — it’s going to turn off a lot of people. Who wants to waste a lot of time running around a zone, just hoping the RNG gods have blessed them today? But, maybe I’m not familiar enough with the concept and it’s not as bad as I imagine…?
If i remember right (quite long since i played rift) the artifact location were somewhat static, but the actual artifact you got was random
They aren’t static locations. They are more localized to an area.
In GW2 terms you;d find artifacts about the Ascalon Wall around the wall, not around another part of the zone.
Artifacts are one of the coolest things in Rift.
How artifacts work is they are zone specific but randomly generated. They lay around a zone or dropped by a boss or event. And they complete a collection that tells a story or lore of the world.
Like for example, a major event has occurred in the past and remnants of that event are scattered about the zone randomly. So as you work through your way through a zone you find or hunt these remnants. And as you piece them together they give you deeper knowledge of said event.
And when you complete a collection, you are given a token to buy cosmetic stuff.
Let crafters craft the precursor.
That would take a lot of RNG out of the equation and would stop blind dumb luck from making some people rich while others suffer grinding away.
Easy way to do this: sell the plans at a high cost, like 100 gold, and have only a 1 time use (which won’;t allow people to manufacture precursors nonstop). Make the precursor use 4 times the materials that normal exotics use with some extra materials thrown in like glyphs and other valuable stuff.
In the end a precursor should cost about 400g to make, but it takes a lot of the RNG out of it.
If you sold those 600 swords for a gold a piece….
WvW discovery needs an overhaul.
No reason why you should have to explore 3 zones that are identical and 1 zone that is near impossible to explore some keeps without server hopping.
My guess is they are going to revamp the northern shiverpeak zones.
Lets be honest…no one ever goes to Frostgorge Sound. It sucks compared to Orr for farming. It’s hard to get around and events are rare.
But I was hoping for a new zone to explore.
The problem is with guilds there are just no guild activities worthwhile.
-There is no raiding, which is the traditional function of guilds..
-WvW is a complete zerg fest where its kitten near impossible to get a whole guild group in.
-Tournaments have no bearing on guilds at all.
-We don’t even have guild halls to take pride in.
Yes Arenanet is going to have to do something about guilds.
I see no need in it myself
Need and want are two different things.
You don’t need a dungeon finder because you can spam for an hour in Lion’s Arch.
But you you only have an hour to play, sometimes you want to be able to push a button to get things done.
Because they release dungeon finder doesn’t mean you need to use it but some other people might like to use it.
(edited by piitb.7635)
The problem with legendaries for a mesmer is the only 2 that look awesome are GS and sword.
But if tomorrow scepter+torch becomes the best ranged set, GS is pretty much out and you farmed up the mats for nothing.
This is an interesting idea. In fact – considering the traditional uses of Daggers – I’ve always been surprised there’s not at least an offhand option for Dagger. It could slot in as a defense/trickery weapon. Of course, considering we’re dealing with a class of ‘magical duelists,’ it’s arguable that some of our weapon choices don’t fit that theme much. [GS is a ‘dueling’ weapon? :P]
As for fractal’s idea – the main problem is that to do ‘proper’ Rapier [i.e. mainly a thrusting sword] is that we’d have to convince ANet to code in Rapier and its associated combo/specials. Although, it could be pretty friggin stylish.
Hell, I’d even be satisfied with some style options/skins for our current loadout. Why not Fan skins for Focus?
Why not have fans be a new weapon type with their own skills rather than just a skin?
I think anyone who has watched Big Trouble in Little China or played Mortal Kombat is familiar with fans as potential weapons.
I understand that because of exploration mode dungeon finder for GW2 might be a little trickier, but a dungeon finder will help this game immensely.
So is there one on the horizon or even in the works?
I like scepter for pvp.
Ya the block isn’t that great, but it does help against melee opponents.
Sword is good for pve, (and decent in pvp with certain builds) but it gets old fast.
Mesmer could really use maybe a dagger mainhand or something to give us another melee option.
How they are not related to gem store , if you can obtain like 80% of required materials over gem store, placing almost no effort into gameplay?
and how are you going to do that? Gem store does not sell a single material that you’ll need to make it. I was looking into making at least one dagger for myself. List of things that I’ll need:
1. Gift of Metal
250 Orichalcum Ingots
250 Mithril Ingots
250 Darksteel Ingots
250 Platinum IngotsAll are items gotten in game and not sold in the gem store. The only thing you can use the gem store for here is gold.
2. Vial of Liquid Flame
250 Ghost Peppers
100 Molten Lodestones
100 Destroyer LodestonesMost of these ingredients to make the components listed above will require you to spend skill points (!) and money. No item is sold on the gem store.
3. Gift of Baelfire
500 Flame Legion Charr Carvingsyou need components from chests only found in a specific dungeon, NOT on the gem store.
4. 100 Icy Runestones
Buyable item, 1 gold each. Not on the gem store.
5. Superior Sigil of Fire
This one you need to randomly drop. Not on the gem store. Not craftable.
6. Gift of Fortune
77 Mystic Clovers
Recipe for 1 (1/3 Chance)
1 Obsidian Shard
1 Mystic Coin
1 Glob of Ectoplasm
6 Philosopher’s StonesHere you will once again need to spend skill points, karma (2000 for an obsidian shard) and money. No items on the gem store.
7. Gift of Magic
250 Vial of Powerful Blood
250 Powerful Venom Sacs
250 Elaborate Totems
250 Pile of Crystalline DustRegular ingredients, all you need is money. NOT on the gem store.
8. Gift of Might
250 Vicious Fangs
250 Armored Scales
250 Vicious Claws
250 Ancient BonesRegular ingredients, all you need is money. NOT on the gem store.
9. Gift of Mastery
1 Bloodstone Shard (200 skill points needed)
250 Obsidian Shards (525,000 karma needed)
1 Gift of Exploration (100% World Completion)where can I find these on the gem store exactly?
10. Gift of Battle
500 Badge of Honorrequires WvW. NOT on the gem store again.
11. Spark (weapon)
a higher exotic weapon that you can get randomly by combining 4 exotic daggers in the forge. NOT on the gem store.
So how does it relate to the gem store?
buy gems-> change for gold -> buy mats in 5 minutes. in same way buy precursor.karma, skillpoints, map 100% isn’t problem at all.
it’s hard to say how much gold is needed but it’s a lot. 1 lodestone is around 1,5 gold, powerfull blood around 25 silver . And because you can buy gems and convert it to gold, for now legendary in 95% can be bough buy cash (because can be bough by gold).
The gem-gold exchange rate is really bad.
You’d have to drop at least $500 and still have to farm stuff.
Stat cap is important for competitive PvP balance.
sPvP isn’t affected by ascended items, so ascended items make no impact on competitive PvP.
And no, WvW isn’t competitive PvP. It is large scale zerging and ascended items are not powerful enough to change one side being out numbered.
I wouldn’t mind a hard mode, and I have no doubts that there will likely be one, seeing as it was quite prominent and popular in Guild Wars 1 after they added it.
I’m willing to admit fractal treatment for all dungeons, there is a danger of spreading out the population to thin.
So the difficulty probably shouldn’t go up to 30 like FotM. I’m thinking more like 10. (or 11 for spinal tap jokes)
First of course, dungeons will need to be re-polished and some of the harder encounters brought more inline.
Then have fractal like difficulty settings.
So the biggest blunder in MMO history is adding 2 items with a couple extra stats…..?
Please mods, delete this thread.
They are following the same model from GW1.
They make seasonal events and push out some content, but majority of content is saved for expansions.
Why can’t mesmer use fire spells?
Because different classes are different.
For those that don’t know AA generally means “alternative advancement”. It’s usually reserved for high level characters in an MMO to give an objective chance to make their characters more powerful without grinding for gear.
There are several AA systems out there all with different styles.
For example, Rift has a straight forward AA system where if you gain a level you get AA points in which you can sink into attunements that slightly increase your stats. Like 100 AA points gives you 1 point of strength, 200 AA points a slight dps increase on a specific weapon type.
Another example of AA is LotRO as LotRO has 2 types of AA. LotRO has traits, which are stat improvements on completing achievements (like killing X number of y enemies in the world). But LotRO also has AA in it’s legendary weapons system. Legendary weapons earn experience as you use them and given enough experience you can allocate points in skills your legendary weapon has.
AA should generally promote just playing the game, not necessarily grinding. So this falls right into GW2’s idea of just playing, exploring, crafting, doing whatever you want.
GW’s 2 already has mechanics in place to implement an AA system. We have skill points, which after you buy all your skills are just mystic forge fodder. And we also receive arenanet points for just playing the game.
(edited by piitb.7635)
I had no problems other than phase 1 bugs.
People are complaining just to complain.
I’m of course talking about the boots that come from the Lost Shores event.
Capturing skills.
GW1 end game zones like underworld.
More weapons