There’s no fair way to prioritise people based on anything other than who got there first and has been queueing longer.
Other than the swiftness, Speed runes are pretty terrible btw.
That’s true. But for a Mesmer in WvW, speed is a major problem. You have the choice of Traveler at 10g each or speed runes (or stick with a focus). Anything else will have you moving too slowly to keep up.
I’ve tried Thief, Ele, Guardian Mesmer all at end-game.
I find Mesmer the most fun of those at the moment.
Hehe 800 gems for 10.00 USD. Hehe yeah not gonna happen
Yes it will
Eventually you’ll see something where you think ’I’ve just GOT to have that!’ but you won’t want to waste gold on it.
My first purchase was a ‘cow finisher’ for WvW – it still makes me smile.
I can see I’m probably going to buy more character slots sometime.
So, yes, it’ll happen.
(edited by Contiguous.1345)
I just tried it out. It’s not really so OP.
At the end of the dash you stop to swing the axe which loses you quite a lot of the speed gain.
I haven’t examined it in detail but it didn’t seem any advantage over the speed runes that I use.
It’s a complicated decision, especially in WvW – I would never say always do this never do that.
You have to weigh a number of factors, most important of which is your own safety. There’s nothing more embarrassing than ending up dead next to the person you were trying to rez. Except occasionally that person might be immensely valuable to the situation and it’s worth a try.
But I think by now, you got the picture
Running or jumping won’t stop you being hit by a blow providing you are within the range of the skill being used. On the other hand, dodging or using a blocking skill will.
Avoidance also includes using line-of-sight blocking ,which works against most skills (but not all) and it also includes being careful NOT to step into red circles. (Or under some circumstances, not leaving them)
Then again there’s good old running away. Get out of range and keep going.
Of course it’s fair.
Treaties, collaboration and double-dealing are all part of the game. kitten man, this is War!
It leads to all sorts of wonderfully complicated situations where choosing just the right moment to break an agreement can ‘take out’ both opposing servers can result in a glorious loot-fest.
People like you are the reason WvW is going to S**t
Reading at your reply makes me a sad panda, pls go back to farm in PvE.
Poor you, but WvW is about all I do these days.
Hey, he apologised to you – try to be civil.
Yes. It’s been an all-round unmitigated disaster.
My opinion of course…
@Zikory. There’s no good time to farm for anything in WvW except the pain you inflict on other players. It’s always going to be an issue.
And yes. I think across all servers queues are up a lot, guilds are struggling and there are dozens of randoms wandering about lost.
that depends on your build, with a great sword …my mesmer can often cut about 5 people’s life in half and the zerg follows up with finishing them off…..with a 1200 reach …that can be pretty intense when people try to run away – unless they are very fast, hardly anyone gets away from me – i got the timing right lol…….- but you need to be very glassy to go there. I still roam solo though to take camps and face dive into zergs trying to take one out before i get dropped. I usually do that to buy time for the rest of the zerg to get away if we are outnumbered.
Yes, but the lack of AoE really hurts.
I love being able to cut people down like that (While the Commander yells at me to stack – fat chance!) but I do so wish I had something I could use to hit multiple targets, even for the loss of some DPS.
Please guys, This thread is intended to be a discussion about the arguments.
Not a place to continue them.
Go into WvW. Find the karma vendor in your borderland’s Citadel and buy Invader armour.
It only costs karma, not gold and it’s the best defensive armour you can get. Choose the grade (fine, master, rare) carefully.
Warrior banners drive me batty in WvW.
Every time I try to loot, I get a kittening banner instead!
This used to be a real problem for me on my Ele. when I first started WvW.
I had tons of Toughness and every time I went through an enemy gateway with my guild the Guards would instantly lock on me, let everyone else through and then beat me to a pulp.
Once I got confident enough to drop some of the armour, they decided to pick on somebody else.
It’s not the relative difficulty of the tasks.
It’s the fact that they have no value to your server in WvW. In fact they are counter-productive.
That’s why people are fighting over it.
I doubt very much that this is caused by other players.
I had a similar issue 6 months ago in WvW. My game would crash within a couple of minutes of entering any of the borderlands. (not EB)
Eventually, I deleted the dat file and repaired the client, which fixed the problem.
It takes time to get these achievements, even when servers actively collaborate to get them done.
In seven weeks time there will be a new season and it will start all over again.
It’s going to get worse, not better.What new season or are you making this up for effect, last I heard season 2 wont be for a whiles, especially as the new map isn’t anywhere near ready for test.
WvW was placed into a PvE area of the game and players are free to come and go whether there are achievements or not. If a few player hitting a door with a ram without mastery is causing you so much grief then perhaps build another and use your mastery.
Repairing gates and such might be a poor use of supplies I grant, but actually its not just PvE’ers I see doing it.. we all want the achievements done so blaming one side of the game is just lame.. have you got yours yet?
This post all about the “LOOK AT ME – I’m a stalwart WvW pro, do as I say noob!”
As for the chat wars in game, its likely players like you that incite it if this thread is anything to go by – I wonder how you did on your first ever steps into EB, you never know some of these players might actually get past players like you and begin to enjoy WvW, heck they might even come back for more after the season ends. Don’t know about you but I see that as positive, especially on Underworld otherwise were gunna have to start herding the rabbits and mosquitos to fight our battles!
Now go play like nice like mom told ya.
Like I said. It’s causing friction. You just proved my point.
The achievements for the WvW season are catered to WvW players. If you are a “casual WvW player” who cannot gain a rank per day (or several ranks every few days) then this content is not designed for you.
I agree with much of what you said, but not this.
The achievements are aimed at getting more PvE players into WvW and mostly run counter to the game itself.
How many times you do ‘X’ or kill this mob or farm that event is mostly destructive for the server position. How many people have you seen trebbing SM endlessly for no good reason. Or repairing the (trebbed) wall in SM?
People crying out in chat that they want to go capture the Ogre camp or the Dredge?
The mad scramble to kill Dolyaks in a camp first – who cares about the enemy players making their escape?
When you die, you can’t take it with you.
Get used to it.
The camps one is just plain daft. Nobody cares what the Ogres, Hyleks and Dredge are doing.
We might mop them up if we are passing through – maybe. Otherwise we just ignore them.
Having to do that ‘event’ several thousand times (whatever!) is ridiculous.
How is it, you can switch to town clothing while in combat?
You can’t. In fact if you are struck you instantly revert to armour.
That’s the beauty of it. Change to town clothes, zip across the field from Garrison using the axe and when you leap at your enemy at Greenvale all your skills will instantly come online.
This has GOT to be fixed.
Now I’ve got a problem.
Do I shell out cash to get one of these (and junk my useless speed/traveller runes)
Or do I wait and hope it will get hot-fixed ?
Only 10$ eh? no-brainer.
Rules are rules.
If you’re playing poker, you don’t throw down your hand just because your opponent ‘/waves’ at you!
What’s the point of playing a game in that way?
This thread is utterly, utterly ridiculous.
That’s irrelevant.
How fast you or your friends can do it is not the issue.
I said it’s causing friction between WvW and PvE players. If you want to argue that it isn’t, go ahead but don’t try to tell me it doesn’t matter.
When players log out in a map in WvW they are still counted towards the player cap for the map. That’s why queues are HOURS AND HOURS AND HOURS LONG there’s usually only a fraction of the normal slots available on a map.
We’re finding this to be true; several times this week, I’ve seen party members log out without leaving party, & for the next hour their Blue Dot remains on the map. We tried looking to see if the character is still standing there, and there’s no one there, but the Blue Dot stays on the map LONG after the person has logged out…
Certainly something like this would explain why I queue for hours to get in a map and discover it half-empty.
But I’m not sure about this blue-dot thing – it should also apply to green dots (unless of course the bug is in the party system)
Hmmmm… wan’t the party system updated recently to auto-kick members when they log out? Might be a clue in that.
It takes time to get these achievements, even when servers actively collaborate to get them done.
In seven weeks time there will be a new season and it will start all over again.
It’s going to get worse, not better.
A couple of the achievements are actually harmful to WvW gameplay.
I’m thinking specifically of the one that requires you to use supply. This one encourages people to find a wall that’s being trebbed and use the available supply repairing it. Every WvW player knows that’s a bad idea, likely to annoy people who are trying to play properly. It used to be a rare event, usually someone who didn’t know. Now it’s become commonplace.
Then there’s ‘Demolition expert’. This encourages people to jump on siege equipment without mastery and actually slows down the group trying to break down a door/wall.
Add to that the couple that require you to kill guards or Dolyaks. The numbers required are huge and it’s actually quite difficult to get a ‘tag’ on things. The result is a mad scramble to be the first to steal the kill.
In general, seasoned WvW players are trying to work around these problems but the influx of PvE oriented players who have no interest in WvW but are there simply to get a tick in the box is causing friction that is quite clear in the chat messages being exchanged and in this forum.
Half-a-dozen of us were taking Arrah, standing around waiting for the buff on the Supervisor to expire, when along came this ranger with his red name tag.
Did he seriously think we would let him just stroll by on his way to the JP?
A cow finish and more points to our tally, Thank you very much!
Thank you. That answers my question nicely.
@Berformet: Ah, I kinda suspected that too, thanks.
No, that’s not balance. That’s just that some people are willing (seem to actually enjoy) to grind.
I have no objection to you playing that sort of game. I just don’t want to be involved in it and I see no reason why I should.
WvW players on the whole have no interest in the gambling (RNG) and obsessive-compulsive (grind) aspects of MMOs in general. They are just interested in competitive skill.
(edited by Moderator)
Not yet, but we have a plan and, barring a setback, it will be in before the end of the year. Keep in mind, the solution we are rolling out is just a general solution to make it feasible to make them without running fractals, not necessarily a WvW focused solution.
So, what you are saying is that this is going to be a crafted item that will require ascended materials and crafting levels commensurate with them?
That will make it necessary for WvW players to go into PvE to grind materials both to get to 500 in multiple disciplines and to acquire the necessary materials once there?
I don’t mind if that is an offered route – but if it’s the only one, it kinda sucks. I would rather be able to just buy my way out of having to do PvE of any description. I seriously don’t want to do PvE and I know I’m not alone in that.
Heck – I’ve said before – I will pay actual hard cash – folding stuff – to be allowed to concentrate on WvW without all this nonsense.
Is there any sort of level limit on crafting?
I mean, can I just roll a level 1 toon, buy materials and raise it to 500 crafting level without having to worry about the XP levels. Or is there a character level limit like that in WoW?
(Yes, I know it would gain XP by crafting – I’m not asking about that)
Most serious WvWers wear exotics. The difference in stats is minimal, the cost is ridiculous and if you want to experiment with builds it’s virtually impossible to get enough Ascended gear anyway – especially in WvW.
I doubt any serious WvW guild would even ask what you’re going to wear. They might baulk at allowing an uplevel into guild raids or GvG but that’s probably the limit.
Then everyone who wanted to WvW would have to grind 100g first.
Or pay the equivalent in gems (around 25$ US). I could easily afford it and if it meant I could WvW with people who were serious enough about it to shell out the cash, I would.
But many would say it’d be rather unethical.
Basically, you need to get on a trebuchet.
Simple really.
I’m seeing generally more rares. I get one or occasionally two an hour I guess. Previously I never saw them at all.
I got one exotic ring about a week ago (First time ever!) but it was only a cheap one, worth about 2g.
I’m on rank 150+ on each of 3 characters so I think that’s a fair long-term sample.
Personally, I don’t give a flying kitten for the JPs.
I just wish they hadn’t made them 4 of the 19 achies when you need 15. Obviously that means JP haters have to get all the others, some of them are quite excessive e.g. is it 50 ruin captures? several thousand Dolyaks/Guards/Mercenaries. etc.
Most of them I will get just in the course of playing the game but others I suspect I’ll have to deliberately grind at the end of the period. I hate that.
Use the map chat and ask if a few people can come help clear the JP entrance. Everyone faces the same possibility of campers hanging out. You can’t get mad about it, just try again later, or even go to LA and ask if anyone can help you through.
No-one who cares anything for WvW is going to help people farm achievements. Anyone who does try to help you will likely be useless at it and just get farmed themselves.
I would say no. Definitely not so easily.
It would become a constant reworking of the points depending on what you wanted to do at the moment
I’d be fine with resetting them in the same way as Traits – in LA, maybe with a limit of once-per-day.
I see you have a resolution of 1360 × 768. That suggests you have a fairly low grade graphics card. (It’s a widescreen WXGA variant typically used to squeeze better performance out of a system that’s not really up to the job)
What colour resolution do you have (Windows setting)? It looks like you may have only 16 bits resolution.
In that case, I wouldn’t be surprised if the colours look ‘clunky’.
If you’re on Piken, you really need to join the Teamspeak.
All the good commanders use it because it’s the fastest way to communicate and nobody really has time to stop and type something.
It’s not, as many people imagine a crowd of teenagers screaming at each other. These are generally the older, more experienced players discussing tactics, laying plans and relaying scout information.
By not using it, you run the risk of making mistakes that get you killed or worse, get the group wiped.
You don’t need a microphone, you don’t need to speak. You just really, really need to listen.
If you’re not on Piken, please, please ignore this advice
Not really.
The extra processing this would introduce is probably minimal.
There always was a boon sharing calculation, which Anet admit is a large factor in the calculations but the addition of a simple binary flag test to select party members could actually reduce the overhead.
Curiously, this morning in Garrison, we had a three way server battle with at least 50 on each side (probably more but who’s counting). We had virtually no lag throughout. It was delicious.
Besides, lag isn’t the problem. It’s the queues.
Agree. This is becoming more and more common.
It may not be a hack though – it’s just too common. I know some people cheat but this happens two or three times in every fight.
(OTOH, Apropos the influx of PvE players desperate to get their ‘achievements’, who knows what they are thinking?)
With you on that one.
It drives me mad. Also to,too and two, their and there, you’re and your.
(Mind you, I get upset when people use ‘which’ instead of ‘that’ and vice-versa)
At the end of each session now I have to spend time going through my loot throwing away these useless T7 materials.
It’s gone beyond annoying.
It really looks badly wrong. Post a screenshot of your graphics settings.
People lie.
A guy in WvW today tried to pretend he’d pulled a precursor out of a tower Lord drop. Pathetic!
Don’t let them put you off.
The important thing to be aware of is that the up-scaling of your gear is linked to your current level.
So if you are say level 20 wearing good level 20 gear, you will compare with a level 80 in exotics. If you are wearing level 15 gear, you won’t.
You can obtain PVT gear suitable for your level from the karma vendor in your Citadel (He’s at the back with the Laurel vendor and the lvl80 armor/gear vendors). You’ll need to get trinkets from the TP though. Make sure they are the best you can afford.
Of course, you won’t have the traits and skills of a lvl 80 which is a disadvantage but if you stick with the Commander, you’ll be fine.
Don’t let people put you down either. You’re perfectly entitled to play the game you paid for. If you want to WvW for the sake of WvW and not some stupid achievement, you’re allright in my book.
It’s a bit meaningless.
What rank you get to after X hours of play depends very much on what you engage in and the profession you play.
My guardian goes through 5 or 6 ranks in a couple of hours play and gets 20-30 kills every time there’s a zerg on zerg clash. My mesmer makes maybe 2-3 kills in the same fight and gets a couple of ranks at best. The others are somewhere between these two.
It’s also highly server dependent. The high population servers have bigger clashes, more frequently so the kill rate is much higher.