(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
That’s Anet for you! Even the Turret problem should be dealt with by now. But guess what? They won’t fix it. They would’ve already if they wanted to.
It is true
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
" False expectations take away joy " That is what is happening to us, That is the reason why we are no longer happy. We tried very hard to expect a solution but we finally realize: the joke was on us all the time
It is now very obvious: challenge and fun was never required in this game for us.
But I have very good news: Square Enix: upcoming Final Fantasy 14 reborn Expansion will make us happy again and hopeful again. I introduce you The Mechanic/Engineer. Enjoy
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
" David is a freelance writer and full-time nerd. He loves to play, write about, talk about and think about all things gaming".
Think about= opinion. Also a writer give opinion: any writer can give opinion about any game.
I do not understand how some of you player treat a professional writer opinion as fact?
I look for hard evidence and there is no hard evidence because personal opinion was already given.
Fact definition- being or occurring in fact or actuality; having verified existence; not illusory; not opinionated…
Opinion definition- “the formal expression of a professional judgment”
Evidence- “ground for belief or disbelief; data on which to base proof or to establish truth or falsehood”
Last: that is why i do research before make case. Next time: Please! do research before give conclusion.
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
It’s been a bug for approximately 9 months now. At this point, it must be intended right? I mean, if the ranger pets are getting a fix right after they were broken, the Eagle Eye giving rangers ~2000+ range on longbow must not be a major, game-breaking bug worthy of your time.
So, once and for all, let’s establish…this is intended, right?
Finally there is another hard evidence: good job!
(It is interesting: mechanics/skills/abilities that do not do what they are not suppose to do is consider ok)
Ranger class is not the only class in the game with broken mechanice/skills and abilies.
Again and Again: Nothing will happen because Broken= okay.
Example: very obvious- thief, ele, engineer
Wait… Do you really believe that the opinion of another player (that is ignorant of the basic game mechanics) qualifies as hard evidence?
In your own QQ thread someone posted a link to a dev stating that this mechanic is intended. Quit crying about rangers and learn to play.
Please! read again: hard evidence=picture, factual not opinion. Opinion do not have evidence.
I am not “crying”: i am standing by evidence that is all
It’s been a bug for approximately 9 months now. At this point, it must be intended right? I mean, if the ranger pets are getting a fix right after they were broken, the Eagle Eye giving rangers ~2000+ range on longbow must not be a major, game-breaking bug worthy of your time.
So, once and for all, let’s establish…this is intended, right?
Finally there is another hard evidence: good job!
(It is interesting: mechanics/skills/abilities that do not do what they are not suppose to do is consider ok)
Ranger class is not the only class in the game with broken mechanice/skills and abilies.
Again and Again: Nothing will happen because Broken= okay.
Example: very obvious- thief, ele, engineer
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
wow the dmg output of this build is stupidly high
I agree! But It is not thief class fault: Arena net create their class this way for them.
Example; Hennessey Venom F5(Thief Class)-fastest car in the world.
Arena net create a Hennessey Venom F5: the fastest car in the world for Thief Class: would you blame thief class for being fault for driving the fastest car in the world? or you you blame Arena net for create the world fastest car for them?
Arena net create the thief class to be the Most-Over-Powerful class in the game: that is why thief class will never be challenge and fun class unless Arena net re-design the class from scratch.
No Exception!
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
Many people have asked about my current build so I made this video and posted the build on MetaBattle if anyone is interested in checking it out.
I see you are having a lot of fun in the video especially with your very cool syle: game-play, clothes and music
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
I see they got rid of the utsusemi skills (from FFXI) guess *they finally learned that if you build it they will blink tank with it.
You are correct
" You keep making the same mistakes yet wonder why you’re getting the same results"
" Don’t keep making the same mistakes . They will catch up with you and leave you with nothing "
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
Why oh why does outnumbering in WvW even exist?
All it does is give any side with more people to automatically win any matchup, which is quite obviously a ridiculous schoolboy error by Anet.
If anyone out there thinks that Outnumbering has anything to do with skill, please let me know what it is, because I can not see any good reason for it.
I also think that Golems should either be taken out of the game, or restricted to day time use, as a hard days work fighting to win towers etc can be overturned in an hour or so by just a few night-cappers! At least this would make them have to work for their auto win.
Come on Anet…lets make this a fun and fair game of skill, instead of just about which side can muster the most players.
Risk-Reward, Challenge-Fun: You are correct!
Ok! back to play a Risk-Reward, Challenge-Fun game
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
Thieves aren’t hard to play. Stop making it seem like using stealth or shadow step is hard. It’s not. Stealth really was poorly implemented and now they just can’t go back. There’s no counterplay, there’s no soft counterplay against a thief who knows how to use its kit effectively. CC during revealed buff? Please. Like thieves aren’t constantly aware of that and ready to dodge during the time their actually vulnerable.
Ah there it is!
The cry of the person who has never played the profession! Was waiting for this. And tell me, oh expert of stealth, what are your thoughts on PU mesmers, or mesmers in general, who have similar access to stealth?
Few minute ago: i took risk to try wvw: less than 2 seconds i was instant kill by thief. no complain, no reason be mad anymore: i am re-logging in to play a challenge, fun and risk-reward job/profession: Ninja. Bye.
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
If you are out, can i have your stuff?
I would rather delete it :>
Good answer
It just so happens that 3/4 of the top 5 most popular mmorpgs have a subscription.
If GW2 went sub, I’d be gone.
Read what I quoted.
“There is only one successful theme park MMO with a sub. I don’t see that changing.”SWTOR has a sub. It does also have a limited F2P option, but it does have a sub.
Nearly all western MMO that went F2P still have an optional subscription model,
however there is only one left that has no F2P option at all.
And no .. playing from 1-20 for free is not F2P.Not sure what this has to do with what I was saying. I was responding to a single post where someone was claiming that only a single mmorpg with a sub is currently successful, which is false, I listed several.
Why do you pretend that FF14 doesn’t exist? FF14 not only exists, but it just so happens to be arguably the 2nd most successful mmorpg on the market.
You are correct!
(It is obvious why: No Instant Kill, No Have Everything WIth No Risk, No Reward First, No Skill Not Required, No Too Much Everything, No Perma-Stealth, No Reset Anytime, No Ignore Player Problem for 3year+. This game is joke to challenge and fun).
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
For all we might point out its floors, GW2 is a very good game that does a lot of things right. But the current payment model comes with restrictions on how Anet can operate and what they have to prioritize.
If GW2 went subscription based, do you think it would grow or struggle?
What restrictions? What operation? Where is the prioritize? What do current pay model have to do with any of these? What do current pay model have to do with making the game fun? what do current pay model have to do with making the game challenge?
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”
If Arena net can not solve our problems with the same current payment model they used when created them, how will subscription payment model make any difference? Nothing!
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
See this: “When Difficult Is Fun” – “The Difference Between Challenging and Punishing Games”
Why do you hate me so much? you make me very sad
It is not hate you but need you to be a fun class to play with
I agree with you Jportell: Engineer class need to be a fun profession to challenge. That is the priority rule of challenge “Fun come First”.
Here is solution. (Yes! it will be challenge and fun. Yes! it will have Risk/Reward)
Square Enix: Final Fantasy XIV Upcoming New Expansion: Heavensward: New Job/Profession-
“Machinist is a ranged DPS job introduced in 2014 Fan Fest in Tokyo. Machinist is the gun-wielding job scheduled to be released in Heavensward. The job’s main weapon is the Firearm and requires no base class. Machinist will use specialized mechanical equipment such as attachments to the firearm along with deploy-able turrets.
Using deployable turrets, Machinist can perform a support style role in addition to the DPS role. The turrets can attack enemies, debuff enemies or buff allies.
When using attachments on his gun, Machinist increases his DPS and transforms his weapon to something similar to a cannon. He will charge up before an attack and movement will cancel the attack and reset the charge. If you need to be constantly on the move, don’t use attachments. Gun actions require a stacking gunpowder(or ammo) buff. Learning when to reload will be an important skill. Machinist will also be able to summon a machine companion to battle for assistance"Master Darksyze game this no Final Fantasy no? Hrmmmh? Game is Guild Wars 2.
I understand. The reason why i post this is to explain how other companies look at what players like, what player want and make it happen for them especially make fun priority (“Fun comes first”). That is what is important for a company growth and prosperity: investigate, research, fix, correct and improve their competitor product to increase their advantage over that company product and most importantly: to win their customers.
What is interesting and sad: other game companies are giving us player solutions to our problems in their games.
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
Why Final Fantasy 14 failed (and how it was reborn)?
“Yoshida pulled up one final slide, entitled: “What we have learned.” Its bullet point lessons were the exact opposites of the mindset that went into building the original FF14":
1. Never forget the fans. Without them, there would be no ‘us’
2. Fun comes first. If it isn’t fun, you’re doing it wrong
3. Never back down. Always aim to amaze*
4. Don’t forget your roots. It’s what fans crave
“Breaking a promise is the worst thing that you can ever do, and I promised the people that I would make this game happen,” Yoshida said. “The fact I was able to deliver on that promise is a great relief .”
Here is solution. (Yes! it will be challenge and fun. Yes! it will have Risk/Reward)
Square Enix: Final Fantasy XIV Upcoming New Expansion: Heavensward: New Job/Profession-
“Machinist is a ranged DPS job introduced in 2014 Fan Fest in Tokyo. Machinist is the gun-wielding job scheduled to be released in Heavensward. The job’s main weapon is the Firearm and requires no base class. Machinist will use specialized mechanical equipment such as attachments to the firearm along with deploy-able turrets.
Using deployable turrets, Machinist can perform a support style role in addition to the DPS role. The turrets can attack enemies, debuff enemies or buff allies.
When using attachments on his gun, Machinist increases his DPS and transforms his weapon to something similar to a cannon. He will charge up before an attack and movement will cancel the attack and reset the charge. If you need to be constantly on the move, don’t use attachments. Gun actions require a stacking gunpowder(or ammo) buff. Learning when to reload will be an important skill. Machinist will also be able to summon a machine companion to battle for assistance"
Do you see the problem? It is not just Engineer Profession problem: it is everything.
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
“So I tried another MMO. But it is worse!” Can you give me the name of the mmo because i need evidence that “it is worse”? If you can not give evidence: you are not telling the truth.
Here is your evidence against you for not telling the truth: “I stopped playing gw2 for a week because I hated the new pvp matchmaking system so much. It keeps matching me with premades while always pairing me with 1st time pvpers! It got so frustrating, I just gave up on gw2 altogether! No reason to log in anymore!”
Example: you can not give full detail of why you hate something and than turn around and say, you like something in 1 word: It do not make sense.
3 paragraph of reason to not play Guild Wars 2 vs 1 sentence of suddenly changing your mind?= You are not telling the truth!!
Now here is your turn to prove your own evidence against you: from your own mouth are wrong—
Example: you can not give full detail of why you hate something and than turn around and say, you like something in 1 word: It do not make sense.
(I suspect Arena net give you a reward to write this post) I caught you!!
Again: i need name of the mmo: Yes! the name of the mmo!
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
My obligatory beating the dead horse post…
be nice to the horse Zero Day: One day you might need it
I’m pretty sure you and everyone else understood exactly what I meant when I described “permanent” stealth before a fight. Picking apart the literal definition rather than the colloquial implied definition means you have nothing else to counter with.
Most of the people QQing about stealth and how it works seem to have this notion that all stealth must work like DAoC, or WoW or any other MMO with a stereotypical “rogue” archetype. They just need to realize that its not the same stealth, it never will be the same stealth, and it’s a pretty unique take on the stealth “norm.”
As far as the people who think this game would be better without stealth. You’re entitled to your opinion, however boring an opinion like that may be.
You can not make Opinion boring: it make no sense at all. You say it boring because you make it boring to you
In the end: opinion is still opinion
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
Thief, Cele-Engineer and Cele-Elementalist
Thief-+insant access to stealth-reset fight anytime want because of free reward> Permanant-Stealth: with instant access heal/remove all condition while in stealth
Cele-Engineer/Elementalist- Instant Access to Unlimited Defenses /Offence and can Tank/Heal in same time with no effort or risk required.
3-4 tank players is joke to these class because they have no risk. No Risk? How about tank 1-12 player sound?
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
Darksyze, I don’t think I understood what you were trying to say.
Are you saying that a hardmode would make it EXTRA hard for some classes ?
One feature of hard core mode would be randomly generated builds (or at least a certain build in a list that is then randomly chosen for you) that it locks you into for the duration of the challenge.
I think part of why people feel the game is too easy is because they always take the path of least resistance. Sometimes you just have to do unorthodox stuff. Yeah it’s not “hard” but it can be fun to make a build work and do what you want it to do.
I like that idea. But I think such an idea would be best implemented as being optional. I hope that goes without saying.
As for you guys who are TOTALLY against Leo`s proposed idea of having a “MODE” (not a permanent change to the WHOLE GAME – FOREEEEEVER)… a MODE that allows players to enter a dungeon where the game appoints each player with a randomised ROLE, I think you’re being a little bit too negative. Maybe you don’t like that idea… NEWS FLASH, No body is surprised that YOU, as a person might not like some such idea. Not everybody likes the same stuff, and the KEY factor to keep in mind is that this would simply be a dungeon “MODE”. That means that you can (as a group) choose whether or not you want to enter the dungeon using that play-option.
So, if I don’t like the random role I will go out of the dungeon to get another one? Put the group under the whole trouble of disbanding and then reinviting everyone repeatedly until they get the roles that WORK? “Random” roles when you enter a dungeon is never going to happen because it’s not going to work. It’s hardly a challenge, more like an annoyance.
Hi everyone, I think that the game needs a hard mode. It’s too easy.
I feel like I could play this game blind folded and not die a single time. Okay, maybe a few times, but generally, when playing the game I don’t feel like I am actually being challenged enough.If A-net would introduce a hard mode and even a Hardcore mode, I would probably delete half of my characters and start from scratch, just to get a real feel of what the game should REALLY be like. Because right now it feels like a bunny rabbit infiltrated A-net headquarters and set everything on “fluffy mode”.
PLEASE, give us a hardcore mode.
Is this a game, or is this a place we’re supposed to go to to chill out before we pass on?
You mention the word challenge! So instead of Arena net making each class challenge: make a hard mode for solution? Example: car race— There are some cars that have turbo engine and some who do not. To your suggestion: create a new racing track that is hard?
Do you see what the problem with your suggestion?
1st Problem- The hard racing track will make the cars with the turbo engine challenge-able but not the other car who do not have turbo mode engine.
2nd Problem—- why? Because they will be push back more: not only already by the cars with turbo engine but with the hard racing track. The cars with no turbo engine will be out-advantage 2 times: turbo engine car+hard mode track.
That is not acceptable and cruel to challenge and fun. It Punish other class who already have a hard time dealing with those Super Class who has unlimited advantage! of wining: without risking any effort or risking paying any consequence for mistakes.
(“reset fights”), <YES YOU!!.
It give these Super Class more reason to have more control and power to do whatever they want. To set set their own rule and policy of how challenge and fun should be
If it is going to only Benefit the Super Class and Punish the class who have hard time challenging them: I will not approve it!!
I disagree with this hardcore game mode. ( I do not think Notorious Dog intention is this but i already see problem with this suggestion and only give my opinion )
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
The biggest problem with stealth in this game is that it cannot be broken. Most games invisibility or stealth is removed upon taking damage. For some reason Anet does not understand the balance aspects of that and decided to avoid that in this game.
From a logical perspective it doesnt even make sense how something can remain stealthed after being crippled stunned etc…
Do you not see the trade off? What other games offer only a few seconds of stealth at a time? The ones you are referring to are permanent stealth mechanics that are meant for sneaking around before a fight. GW2 stealth is made to be a part of the fight. You’re comparing two whole different worlds here…
I do not agree with you. See Guild Wars: Assassin-True Assassin Master Profession. They Never need Perma-stealth or even stealth for sneaking around before a fight. Even Ninja Profession in other mmo game-True Stealth Master Profession Perma-stealth have nothing to do with sneaking around before a fight. It is very bad excuse for thief class.
Perma=Permanant. Again, what do Permanant have to do with stealth? Here is Perma-Permanant def- “existing perpetually; everlasting, especially without significant change”.
Where in permanat definition do you see the word “permanent stealth mechanics that are meant for sneaking around before a fight” ? I do not see it?
What do Permanant have to do with challenge? Nothing! at all. It is opposite to challenge and it destroy fun.
Example: Car Race- some cars are allowed to have boost but something bad happen: there is a car (thief) has Perma-boost. The race start, the perma-boost win: should perma-boost car win award? Obvious No!
Not only thief have Perma but othre class too: that is reason why they are not challenge and fun.
See this:
Turk is 100% correct.
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
How can you want me to learn by punish me for want to learn? How can you want me to prepare for better experience by punish me for want to prepare for better punishment?
Your behavior is cruel and you need to change that. I am very serious!
If you can give me advice without make me feel guilty and punishing me for already want to do better to learn better: you can post it here after
The problem is, for the most part you don’t try and learn. You come onto the forums to make threads complaining about X profession then come up with ridiculous suggestions for nerfs. I’ll be blunt with your DarkSyze, that is the opposite of trying to learn and prepare. Someone asking for a nerf has abandoned improving their own skill and instead believe it’s the game’s fault. You won’t get better with that attitude.
I may sound harsh but it’s for your own good.
Improving skill has nothing to do with experience. Example; you can be the best experience driver in the world, you can be the best skill driver in the world and a car can still hit you, Is it because “you did not improve your skill”?
Do you know even a thief can die? Is it because the theif “need to improve their skill”? I understand what you say but i do not agree with you. Experience is about learning to win and learning to lose. Improving is result from losing and wining.
Improving is important too but learning is more important. Experience come from learning first, improve is after
I didn’t say anything about your experience in the game. What I said was that you use the forums to complain instead of listening to the advice of others to get better.
Improving your skill comes from understanding the game. You’ve refused to see the game for what it is and instead have tried to change it.
I am very surprised that you know my mind: that you know if i am listening to the advice of others. Also knowing that i refuse to see the game for what it is: Mr.Psychic
“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything”
I think you’re trolling, DarkSyze. But, I think everyone has some screwed-up ulterior motive. Thing is, the Thief players torqued off about (maybe) getting a Rifle aren’t going to like a Boomerang any more, I would warrant. Especially if ANet gives it some crapola range modifier like SB and Pistol have.
Also: Just make a Thief, already … then you’d know how to murder most Thieves.
How i am trolling? I am serious! i can give name of mmo game with thief with boomerange if you want me to I think it would be awesome for thiefs here to have it too. Why not?
I do not think Rifle work with thief class at all. It would be huge mistake if Arena net give thiefs that. Thief is a high mobile class and the best weapon i think that work with them is boomerange. Boomerange is a fast mobile weapon, it would make sense a lot for thief class. Why slow a high mobile class to stand still with a rifle? it make no sense at ll.
You are a thief player and you know best for thief class than me: it is just my opinion
Last: if Arena net want to slow thief down is to reduce the damage of their weapon damage. Another option for Arena net if they want to slow thief down is to reduce thief mobile range and replace it with the long boomerange range weapon.
Example; if a thief can not catch up to a mesmer and a ranger, they will use boomerange to knock them down or stun them until they get close to them.
Or another example; maybe a thief can use boomerange to track enemy player location until they find them: where they are hiding?
Example: the boomerange can be a way to reveal thief? If thief throw boomerange and go into stealth: the enemy player will see where boomerange land and find thief. Rule is: boomerange will reveal thief once thief catch it. So thief have to be fast once that happen and stealth again.
Again, what do you think?
“Also: Just make a Thief, already … then you’d know how to murder most Thieves” That is my next plan after i finish Engineer class upgrade: very soon i will make thief
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
how a about a boomerang weapon for thiefs? I will not say name of mmo game but thiefs have boomerang with 2 type; Long Range/Short Range.
I think that would be good specialize weapon for thief in this game,
Example; Long Range Boomerange with 1-800 range. Short Range Boomerage with 1-600 range.
Yes, with cool-down
What do you think?
I already said i understand and will do my best to understand Guardian class to VillainInGlasses post. I do not want to argue anymore: why do the rest of you want to continue to argue with me? Here is what definition of understand is?
Understand: “to grasp the significance, implications, or importance of. To learn or hear”
So by definition of understand, I grasp the implications and the importance of guardian class mechanics and role. I will do my best to learn more of how each one work on the guardian class. I want to hear advice to learn more from experience guardian player: with respect to me and other new guardian players who want to learn same.
As long Respect is here: not punishing treatment, cruel treatment or calling names, i will do best to hear and listen.
“We don’t need to share the same opinions as others, but we need to be respectful”
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
How can you want me to learn by punish me for want to learn? How can you want me to prepare for better experience by punish me for want to prepare for better punishment?
Your behavior is cruel and you need to change that. I am very serious!
If you can give me advice without make me feel guilty and punishing me for already want to do better to learn better: you can post it here after
The problem is, for the most part you don’t try and learn. You come onto the forums to make threads complaining about X profession then come up with ridiculous suggestions for nerfs. I’ll be blunt with your DarkSyze, that is the opposite of trying to learn and prepare. Someone asking for a nerf has abandoned improving their own skill and instead believe it’s the game’s fault. You won’t get better with that attitude.
I may sound harsh but it’s for your own good.
Improving skill has nothing to do with experience. Example; you can be the best experience driver in the world, you can be the best skill driver in the world and a car can still hit you, Is it because “you did not improve your skill”?
Do you know even a thief can die? Is it because the theif “need to improve their skill”? I understand what you say but i do not agree with you. Experience is about learning to win and learning to lose. Improving is result from losing and wining.
Improving is important too but learning is more important. Experience come from learning first, improve is after
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
Darksyze- you always post good material on the forums. lol. You should never admit to losing 4v1 just saying.
You are correct
GW2 has a systemic problem.
ANet tends to listen to the ‘higher end’ players for skill changes, but those few players often prefer mechanics that makes the game EXTREMELY unfriendly towards most other player, like damage bursts able to take down a full tou/vit warrior with protection on under 3 seconds, and other characters faster than some people can react to.
Skill and mechanic descriptions are often innacurate, and players must learn how they actually work.
And many mechanics are counter-intuitive. For example, there’s no downsides to movement. Running around using skills will be as efficient as using them while standing still. So there’s little reasons to stop moving and leaving an opening. But most players are used from most other action games to wait for openings. No openings, people hesitate to attacks even if they do not realize it. Activating skills while moving is great for the flow of combat from a personal point of view, but not having any downside to moving while activating skills is horribly bad for the overall flow of combat.
Do you know how fast will you go down under conditions? In many games your health bar will get a ‘future damage’ effect that colors part of your health bar indicating the damage you’ll get from the remaining duration of the DPS effects you have one. In GW2, that’s obscure. You’ll have to see the damage numbers from your conditions, the duration of your effects and calculate the remaining time from that.
And conquest, the most common game mode, is not very liked. Boring bunker builds can hold points quite efficiently, and they are really boring to watch.
And well, why would you see anything that is so horribly hard to see. There’s no ‘skill progress’ bars like in GW1, and sometimes, especially with asura, it’s almost impossible to see what a player is doing with enough effects going around.
That results in very few players caring about PvP, as new players that try to get in the game will find a massive wall made of bad balance decisions and obscure mechanics that will make them feel like fighting with Counter Strike’s pistols against enemies with Unreal Tournament nukes that look like Counter Strike pistols.
So this reason why higher-end player play not-challenge-not fun classes for so long: 2 years+ having same problem for same time. Make very sense! I am very surprised of your report investigation and your evidence about what is really happening.
I should not be surprised at all because that is why us player who report problems and want challenge and fun is always ignored because of them.
So what do that make us player “the under-end” players?
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
So everyone here know how i play guardian?
Considering how ridiculous your suggestion is, it really doesn’t matter does it. There is no doubt all this is based on your experience, but the game isn’t balanced around players with little to no experience. Generally, people will learn what classes can and can’t do before boldly suggesting such radical and senseless ideas. Recommending the class lose 60-75% of its damage takes a special something.
I understand what you say but you i want you to understand me also. Guardian is not a 1 vs 1 class: they are a teamplayer class. Again like i say: i do not care if guardian live forever but they should not do very high damage like warrior.
Guardian need high survivalbility to keep team alive: Example: like a healer mage profession or a like a monk profession. You never hear a healer mage profession or a monk profession having very-high-damage right? Obvious No!
So that should be what Guardian is. The only profession/class that is, that should be a very-high-damage with less survivalbility is the Warrior Profession. Warrior sacrifice their life to keep their team alive: that is why they should be high damage profession/class.
" One who sacrifice their own life for others deserve high rewards "
Do you understand now?
A problem with the warrior prof./class:
Instead of Arena net make the warrior profession like a sacrifice profession to save others, to save their team: they give warrior very high mobility to sacrifice their own self. Yes! to sacrifice their own self= Selfish.
Again: instead of Arena net making the Warrior Prof./Class a self-sacrifice soldier Profession/Class: they made them Selfish Prof./Class by give them very high mobility to run away from their responsibility as The Team Leader: It do not make sense at all.
A Leader does not deserve the name unless he is willing occasionally to stand alone.
This post demonstrates you aren’t qualified to speak about the conceptual aspects of the class, or how it fits into the philosophy of the game. Your own perception of what Guardian should be is leading to a divergence and bad conclusions. It’s also apparent that you’re also using your skill level to bais your opinion and make poor suggestions that aren’t inline with how the game is intended to work. It’s all just bad.
First who are you to tell me i am not qualified?
Second You have No Right to tell me i am not qualified?
Third: That is very rude to say to me.
Last: there is no such thing as qualified because that mean you do not want to learn and i want to learn. So me being qualified will never happen and also i do not want to be “the know it all”.
Experience is learning, Learning is Experience: you can not tell someone that, “it is bad conclusions”. How can you have any conclusion without experience? How can you have any conclusion without Experience? It make no sense at all.
I already say to VillainInGlasses that i understand what he said and will do better to understand: that was it. But you want to continue to punish me for that.
How can you want me to learn by punish me for want to learn? How can you want me to prepare for better experience by punish me for want to prepare for better punishment?
Your behavior is cruel and you need to change that. I am very serious!
If you can give me advice without make me feel guilty and punishing me for already want to do better to learn better: you can post it here after
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
xiao: very good job!, I see you are Passionate about your class: that is very good. I like the music and the style you use for your video. I had fun watching it
That is what is important: having fun.
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
DarkSyze, can you have a open mind for start.
There is NO FIXED role in gw2. Any class can do dps, Any class can do support or BOTH. So i want you to forget the idea that guardian is ONLY teamplayer. Guardian class can kill if you make equip and trait your charactar. The game offers so many traits and so many amulets and armor so that you can find a playstyle that you like.
I am not going to make fun of you or criticize you let me answer your questions but all i ask is you to accept the answers as they are true and not go back to your own ideas that a specific class should do only specific things. This is part of learning.1. Guardians have many blocks,blinds and invulnerability. If timed and traited properly each blind can give vulnerability on the opponent. So when all your friends where attacking the guard at start, probably he dodged the high burst ones and blinded you guys for quite some time. So by the time he started to attack you, you got amplified damage.
2. Guard has a skill called contemplation of purity(look it up in wiki), which can convert all condis to boons. it has a high CD. So i guess he took in some of the condis and used this skill. and if traited properly his virtue can also remove conditions.3. Guard if traited properly can do BURST damage. what do i mean by burst is few skills give very high damage, but a difference between a good and bad opponent is he will for sure dodge from those attacks. I suspect your necro did not dodge. He face tanked all guardians burst damage which is why his DS got down very fast which seemed like he drained it.
I think i answered your doubts. But if you see i used the word “traited” or “equipped” because this is just one way of playing. There are so many different ways to do stuff.
PS: if you think Guardian is all mighty you must check out elementalist. if traited and equipped properly an elementalist can do all(dps,boons,condi clear and run away). So please keep an open mind and learn when people answer to your questions. Dont keep thinking that what you know is correct.
If any mistakes in my answer, veteran players please point it out, i would like to learn more too.
Thank You! for using your time to help me understand this better. I will do better to understand and to do better to understand Guardian Profession.
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
Mooncow: read here: same problem 8 months+ ago
slamfunction: very good job creating this thread: you are Brave. I Appreciate you for working with us to get information to give to Arena net so they can hopefully find solution to this problem
Here’s a round of infractions on me Xox:
Actual balance updates every what, six months (the last of which did absolutely nothing to the leukemia that is the celestial meta.)
Infractions why? Because you are telling the truth? Because you and us player want challenge and fun?
If you get Infractions for that, everyone who want challenge and fun should get it too and that would show everyone that Arena net want to make war with us for want good thing for the game.
Also more important: new player will see that and will leave, include other player who want to join this game will see that too and will not join gw2= lose sales=no sales increase.
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
Here is why?
The transparency is refreshing for sure, so much so that it even made me wonder do Anet really know this guy is telling us all this info? its kinda out of character really, but its a very welcome change.
Anyway, keep up the good work Stephen, some of us have been praying for a cure to skill lag for many years, playing through it because of a sheer love of the game and of WvW, forever living in hope that one day large battles will play perfectly, maybe, just maybe, that day is drawing near.I know right lol I’m kinda worried he’s going to be silenced as soon as the other devs find out how straightforward he’s being with us xD
Also, working with us to find solution to the problem might get him in trouble too
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
So everyone here know how i play guardian?
Considering how ridiculous your suggestion is, it really doesn’t matter does it. There is no doubt all this is based on your experience, but the game isn’t balanced around players with little to no experience. Generally, people will learn what classes can and can’t do before boldly suggesting such radical and senseless ideas. Recommending the class lose 60-75% of its damage takes a special something.
I understand what you say but you i want you to understand me also. Guardian is not a 1 vs 1 class: they are a teamplayer class. Again like i say: i do not care if guardian live forever but they should not do very high damage like warrior.
Guardian need high survivalbility to keep team alive: Example: like a healer mage profession or a like a monk profession. You never hear a healer mage profession or a monk profession having very-high-damage right? Obvious No!
So that should be what Guardian is. The only profession/class that is, that should be a very-high-damage with less survivalbility is the Warrior Profession. Warrior sacrifice their life to keep their team alive: that is why they should be high damage profession/class.
" One who sacrifice their own life for others deserve high rewards "
Do you understand now?
A problem with the warrior prof./class:
Instead of Arena net make the warrior profession like a sacrifice profession to save others, to save their team: they give warrior very high mobility to sacrifice their own self. Yes! to sacrifice their own self= Selfish.
Again: instead of Arena net making the Warrior Prof./Class a self-sacrifice soldier Profession/Class: they made them Selfish Prof./Class by give them very high mobility to run away from their responsibility as The Team Leader: It do not make sense at all.
A Leader does not deserve the name unless he is willing occasionally to stand alone.
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
So what your saying is you dumped condis onto a medi guard, he popped contemplations, and then you all forget to dodge, is that right?
Dodging do not= win.
“This is why stealth action game so often fail. Stealth and action are at odd of each other”
“Stealth is about solving a puzzle”
This is why people get mad:
Thief Profession do not require solving “no brainer”
Thief Profession do not require skills,
Thief Profession do not require risk,
Thief Profession Stealth only requirement is reward, free reward for doing nothing.
This is why Thief Profession is Fail Design.
(If you want to argue with me: do research on Square Enix-Ninja Profession. Yes Ninja-Master of True Stealth and Master of Assassination. Than compare difference and write it here)
(Also compare Assassin- True Master of Assassination from Guild Wars 1 with thief from Guild Wars 2 and write here also: )
Here is hint:
1. Thief is not True Master of Stealth
2. Thief is not True Master of Assassination
Question 1- How is Thief Profession- is more Powerful than Ninja-True Master of Stealth?
Question 2- How is Thief Profession- is more Powerful than Assassin Profession-True Master of Assassination?
Question 3- How is Thief Profession- more Powerful than both of them all in 1 profession?
Last Question- Why would Arena net design a Profession having all of other Profession in 1 Profession?
Obvious: That is why people get mad, That is why Thief Profession need to be re-design
See last video: " What Is A Game?“-Risk and Reward-”Work for it and get Reward"
Very last video- " No Risk, No Nothing!! "
Zarania, do you see why people get mad? There should not be any exception when it come to challenge and fun but there is. Arena net design thief class with Reward First and No Risk mentality. If you want more evidence of why people are mad: read 2 years old thread merge with Arena net: Yes, it is same problem 2 years ago-
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
" Anet…. expansion is coming…this is your real last chance to prove to everyone to coming back to this game that there is esports….The first thing the old players are gonna do is solo q or even team q….your game is flooded with turrets, liches, and mindless gameplay. What do you think their first reaction will be? Do you honestly wanna pursue esports or are you just a making a terrible saddistic joke out of us and slowley killing your game?"
See this: so many conditions, so many aoe’s, so many heals, so many stuns, so many sustains, so many pressure, so many immobilize, so many misses, so many rewards, so many free rewards, so many everything. All in 1 build? Where are the Risks? How is this not a problem? (Yishis is a good player still , it is not Yishis fault).
Is this Arena net idea of making this game challenge and fun? Is this Arena net idea to attract new people, old players and us players to buy the new expansion having this? There is 5 huge mmo releasing new expansion this year include more expansion next here: it is obvious Arena net will not be able to compete with them with this: Reward First than Risk or No Risk after idea.
What make me know this is because Arena net new idea to make ranger profession having same idea with Reward First than Risk or No Risk after- Requirement: No Skill, Only Reward.
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
Also: do you know Final Fantasy 14 have more players than Guild Wars 2? How old is Final Fantasy 14 compare to Guild Wars 2?
not according to Wiki. Unless you have some newer information.
Not to say that your post is invalid, or that I’m disagreeing with you. It’s just that if you talk numbers you should give us citations as from where
My investigation and my research result:
(not include china sales-could be more? could be less?)
January 8, 2015 update: Arena net Guild Wars 2- 3 million+ copies (US+Europe)
Feb 26, 2015 update: Square Enix: Final Fnatasy 14 Reborn- 4 million registered+ world wide. (not counting un-registered)
Square Enix will be releasing a new expansion this year: spring.
Arena net will be releasing a new expansion: not sure if this year
In result: sale will increase for the 2 game companies.
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
Eso is still new mmo compare with Guild Wars 2: 3 years
Next time before attack new game: do research first. Also, by the time Eso is 3 years: you will see huge diference.
Also: do you know Final Fantasy 14 have more players than Guild Wars 2? How old is Final Fantasy 14 compare to Guild Wars 2?
The lesson is: it is not about compare who is that and what is this to that? it is about having a vision for challenge and fun for your game include your players.
Square Enix know that: that is why they redo Final Fantasy 14 because they now know how important player value challenge and fun. Including working with their player to find solution to problems and to give their players fun and good challenge things.
More evidence: how long did it take for Square Enix to make stealth (Ninja Prof.) challenge and fun in their game and for their players compare to Arena net Guild Wars 2 Thief Prof. stealth who offer No challenge, and offer no fun. I will not even talk about Final Fantasy pvp vs Guild Wars 2 pvp.
Again, same reason and explanation.
Square Enix is still learning to work with their players to make game fun and challenge: they are not perfect but trying hard
Eso will soon be like Square Enix because Zenimax Online Studios is learning from mistake and improve from bad experience. Again, give ESO 3 years and see challenge and fun how Zenimax Online Studios will make it be
It is about learning from mistake and improve to be better. No learning, Never change, same old mistake, Same thing over, Repeat again
Last- Edit: “Before you judge another game take a look at your game first and and make sure it is perfect with no flaw”
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
Would rather have bunkers that deal no damage than bunkers that deal a lot of damage and are super mobile between points! Just sayin!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
I see DarkSyze is harbouring dreams of becoming yet another Dilbert-esque middle manager
Stephen, before anything, I’d just like to say that I greatly appreciate what you’re currently doing. You’re communicating with us, on a Saturday, about something that has largely been ignored previously. Great job!
The silver lining as they say is that the perf counters are more accurate than they were and I think I see the problem now; it’s going take some engineering to fix properly but I have a band-aid in place now that reduces the occurrences (at least as I perceive them via my graphs).
What do you mean with “some” engineering? Is this something you believe can be fixed in a short time frame, or is it something that will likely take months?
One of the first thing software developers learn…is never put a timeframe on ANYTHING.
“For an initial, high-level estimate for a business case then the key things are:
Speed. Whatever method you use it needs to be quick. The whole point is the stakeholders aren’t sure if it is even worth doing the project – which is why they need the numbers for the business case. If the business case was solid they wouldn’t need your estimates. The bulk of these projects won’t go ahead so it is important that too much effort isn’t expended providing the estimate.
Give a range. Make it broad. You have had no time to analyse requirements, workshop with stakeholders, validate assumptions. A wide range tells the recipient of the estimate “Software projects are naturally complex and risky – if you want a proper estimate you need to give me more details and more time”. The problem with giving a single number or a narrow range is that it paints you into a corner by setting expectations before any real analysis is done.
I find the best technique to pick a comparable project that “feels” the same. “Feel” is completely subjective – but with this kind of estimate my experience tells me you won’t find objective measurements. Then provide a wide range. I’ve read some books that say a range of -50% to +100% is good but it depends on many factors.
For a detailed, low-level estimate:
You need a baseline. If the baseline isn’t stable the estimate is meaningless.
Bottom up is best. Get a detailed work breakdown, estimate each component then roll it up into a larger number. I find planning poker to be a great technique here.
Document contingency. Make it clear where any contingency (if any) is added. Is it added to each line item? Or to the whole estimate? Or to specific risks? Or is there none?
State your assumptions. Validate as many as possible given the time frame.
State explicitly what is included and excluded in the estimate. For example, is review included? Are technical delays included?"
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