When I run Sb/Staff, I feel like thieves and revs hunt me down all game. Any tips for disengaging against them?
Thread of pointless. People want it gutted, not balanced .
So when DH gets gutted, who will the forum cry about? I want to save up my tears so I can post 5 threads a day. Please don’t give me advice on fighting X class. I refuse to change my playstyle or build. If I can’t beat it without changing, it needs nerfed.
Two can play this idiotic game. A-net is awesome at balancing and they added a ton of new content and it’s all balanced right out of the box with no need to adjust anything at all. They got everything 100% right the first time around. Do you see how silly you sound yet? Also, its rich coming from someone that went to the guardian boards and cried about DH to complain about other people complaining. I swear hate the player base of this game sometimes. You know full well there is tons of stuff that need to be adjusted before the pvp season starts.
Check your own history. Even you complained about it being bad before the buffs/changes. Also I’m really curious about the bold sentence. I really have no idea what you’re trying to say or suggest.
and that auto targeted DH trap is sure to brighten your day!.
Uhhhh… What?
So when DH gets gutted, who will the forum cry about? I want to save up my tears so I can post 5 threads a day. Please don’t give me advice on fighting X class. I refuse to change my playstyle or build. If I can’t beat it without changing, it needs nerfed.
Match finished, client crash, cannot log back in. Account Drennon.7190
I hope Anet will give every class this kind of spell, Dodge or die! You See Blue swords?/Fire?/Red Fire? You better roll or get hard hitted/BURNED TO 0 hp/burned a bit(nerfed ;( )
When it was op on ele cuz every time you ran past it you will get 3xburn that can stack to insane numbers, on Guard all you needed is for enemy to pass it once and get burned to the death. Now cuz most “morons”(Guardians) cant seem to play medi without this kind of spell they got fun trap that will deal direct unblockable dmg everytime enemy passes trough. Fun and balanced skill that can force on any weapon any enemy to roll before you cast it.
Dont you guys think that always sayind “you can dodge it” to player that has 2bars of endurance and nerfed by anet endu regen is bs? Well i know Guards can block for eternity but not every class is guardian, open ur F eyes. There should be reward for playing well, not just for playing. And dumbhunters are best example how to not balance any range class in game. Anet tried hard to break Rangers but they failed, even with pets 1shotting enemy rangers still werent meta, thank god thier research payed off.
I thought this was bogus until it happened to me once. The teammates the system was placing me with were terrible. To add insult to injury, we were constantly being matched against ESL competitors. Around the 15 straight loss mark I logged off for the day. Came back the next morning and my matchmaking was back to normal.
QQ’ing about the QQ’ers put you in the same category.
Ohhh! You’re so edgy! Teach me to be as cool as you?
LOL you people acting like Glaph is some innocent victim. He is one of the most infuriating people to deal with. You’ve clearly never seen him rage in map chat and calling people fa***ots for playing builds he doesn’t like.
Posting in my favorite thread to date.
These QQ threads are almost identical to what thief went through. Similarly the nerfs follow promptly. What excuse will people use when DH can’t 1v1 and is pigionholed into some poor role?
The lack of new content for this thread is a clear indicator of where thief stands.
Glaphe, I’ve pointed this out before and I’ll do it again. You are terrible at adapting to a changing game. Your play style is so predictable and always the same. You run to mid, whip out your shortbow, and spam 3/dodge in a circle hoping that your teammates get kills for you. You don’t like DH because it punishes your predictable play style. In fact every build you complain about, is a build that punishes your 3 spam.
Learn to adapt or deal with it.
Although you’ll probably just keep crying and raging in map chat.
When searching for weapons on the TP, the default setting does not recognize out elite specializations. For example if I look at weapons on my Guardian, Longbows do not appear in the default search.
C’mon this nerf is microscopic. You guys act like the whole class was ruined. Instead of weeping over a small but needed change think about those who didnt get jack kitten.
Like thief, ele, ranger and warrior.
Most of it is understandable. 15 extra seconds on Dragon’s Maw has once again reinforced that we’re only supposed to take Renewed Focus.
The traps were too strong, a small nerf was much needed. Now stop crying about the nerf and get back on the horse. Poor guardians never had to deal with nerfs ever before.
If you’re bored go through the patchnote page. We’re the most nerfed class. (next to thief)
Are Guardians only supposed to take Renewed Focus? Every new elite we get, receives nerfs and because less valuable than Renewed Focus.
So none of the QQ’er are looking at the insane amount of DPS/burst a reaper and chronomancers can dishing out? That’s really weird…. so the main section of the community is made up of Mesmer and Necro?
Mesmer has been ridiculously strong months before HoT patch is still OP currently and no one is questioning about that? Seriously?
You can stunbreak and get out of their burst. If you get caught in maw, you can’t stunbreak and get out. It’s not the dps, every class has a strong burst. It’s the cc that makes it so I can’t mitigate unless I run Signet of Stone on my bar. If they made Maw so that when I use Lightning Reflexes I am able to get out of the killzone then I wouldn’t care.
but each person can only ahve so much stunbreak, have u even consider mesmers with the daze/stun combo? have u been perma lock by them before? if u did, maw is no where close to how ridiculous perma-stun lock dps mesmer are… not to mention they have access to invuls and stealth? So how are you gonna argue about this?
Yes both DH and Chrono have way too much CC ATM for their ridiculous damage potential.
Glaphe, I catch you in every single hunter’s ward. Why? I because I know that as soon as I start casting it on the point, you’re not going to move. As my blue arrows rain from the sky, you stand on point spamming shortbow 3 in a circle. You really need to adjust your play style if you don’t want to get caught in Hunter’s Ward.
It’s a general rule of thumb that threads like this only prove there is a problem, and there most certainly is.
Other than people face tanking traps, can you elaborate on the issues more?
With the addition to Dragonhunter, a lot of people have been claiming OP and stating that Dragonhunter is absurdly strong. Attached to this thread is a video that will help people learn how to fight with and manage their encounters with a Dragonhunter.
All credit goes to Arken
-I posted this video for him due to forum issues that he is currently experiencing.
I like it how it is. I disliked seeing people constantly trying to counter comp before the timer ran out.
Doesn’t have to show on the score board, rather only when you target.
Now that I could really like!
I like it how it is. I disliked seeing people constantly trying to counter comp before the timer ran out.
Very good thread with great info. As most of us predicted, elites are stronger than core, and thief is going to dwindle down. I predict that most thieves will switch to rev. Great mobility, great at +1ing, can team fight, and can 1v1.
Continuously dying to traps is an IQ test.
Grats, you used your entire burst combo on a ranger who didn’t use a stunbreak or pop his signet of stone that was clearly up. I could one shot him with vanilla guardian as well.
What’s the point of this?
People are conditioned to face tanking traps. Let’s face it, they were never really a threatening mechanic. People who have adapted are faring fine against DH. People who want to walk in and out of Test of Faith are the ones crying “traps OP!!1!”
HINT. Stop trying to walk in and out of test of faith.
“We don’t make grindy games — we leave the grind to other MMOs.” – Mike Obrian
What happened to this philosophy? Literally everything in HoT is gated behind a grind.
-Want to start your story? Grind mobs/events for gliders!
-Want to get that hero point up there? Grind some more for a mushroom mastery!
-Want that other hero point? LOL got ya! Grind some more glider mastery for updraft.
-Finally made it up there? It’s a champion on a timer! Better hope someone else nearby has grinded as much as you!
This is annoying to begin with, but it gets even worse. Not only do you have to grind these masteries, but it’s not even a reasonable amount of grinding. The XP requirements are astronomical.
I’ve spent 90% of this expansion painfully grinding rather than enjoying the scenery and exploring.
I know some people are defending this system and saying the entire expansion should be challenging, but you are forgetting that casuals are what mainly makes our community.
While I’ll begrudgingly continue grinding, people like my wife will not. She is the perfect example of casual. She gets on, plays around, explores a little bit, and logs off after 2 or 3 hours. She watched me play HoT and quickly decided that it’s not for her. When I asked her what the biggest turn off was, she stated “that looks like way to much work just to explore and enjoy the scenery.”
Take this for what you will, but I just want to know when the old philosophy of “We don’t make grindy games” flew out the window.
You should try ranked if you can. I find that ranked usually gives better matchmaking than unranked. When i queue unranked, I just feel like it matches up based on the amount of people in your party not the skill of the players. When i queue ranked, i usually see pretty even skill spread across both teams considering i know most of the players that i queue with/against in ranked and what i kind of rate them in my head.
This is ranked.
I made the mistake of getting back on and trying again. I’m around ~15 losses in a row now.
Last matched featured a signet guardian who didn’t win a single fight. Just kept running to far and dying. I had some D/D and P/P thieves. A spirit weapon guardian. A team 4v1’ing a mesmer on home for ~5 minutes.
This has to be some form of punishment.
I consider myself mid-tier. Not trash, but not “great.”
My matches tonight have been terrible.
-People dying 2v1.
-People suicide into 1v3s
-Pugs vs premades.
-People getting insta-downed as soon as they enter the team fight.
Is there a reason why my matchmaking is suddenly so terrible? I mean look at the scores on some of these. What is this?
Edit: Well I made it to 10 losses in a row now. Ended with a bang. Myself and random pugs vs well known players. Time to log out for the night. I must have suddenly became the worse player in the game.
(edited by Drennon.7190)
Passives are unhealthy. Yet they keep being pilled on. Makes no sense.
That guardian build….
Laws are very important. Their existence helps maintain order within society. I highly suggest not mowing them.
One condi clear on a long cooldown? Kinda bold in this meta.
Edit: I forgot about withdraw with trickster. Still seems dangerous.
(edited by Drennon.7190)
Why are people so excited about the action camera? It seems like a gimmick that will limit your field of view (ie. What’s going on behind you.).
Well I’ve seen a lot of D/D ele here. I’ll give it a try but it’s not something that immediately catches my interest unfortunately. I’ll give it 10 or so games and see how it goes, thanks
Was surprised to see Power Ranger being mentioned. I play a power ranger and while it feels decent to me I see a ton of people saying it’s no good.
it’s only good thanks to them not balancing Beastly Warden at all. the fact that it’s bugged and goes through every form of defense (evades, blinds, invulns, blocks) further makes it “good”.
rangers are so desperate to be viable they resort to exploiting a bug en masse.
That is actually very amusing. You call it broken, but Rangers do have skills that are unblockable.
And honestly, calling out a ranger? Should I point out the D/D & Vampirism?A callout to all Rangers we need you guys to stop using Beastly Warden as 1 player considers it an exploit. hahahaha
This was a necro’d thread. Read the date that he posted that. When he posted that Beastly Warden was bugged and was working through dodge, block, etc etc. You look silly.
This has been posted a million times. Stop playing Hotjoin.
Servers are in Austin Texas.
You mean you guys are staying on your guards when rev is out?
I doubt it will blow gw2 out of the water, but it is a far more balanced game that relies on ACTIVE ability use. So if that’s what someone is looking for, I’m sure they will enjoy playing it.
Oh! One big thing i forgot. Your dps is completely dependent on how low your ping is. Animation Canceling is huge. Since not everyone lives close to texas, I wonder if they will implement a solution to this.
Things I like about B&S.
-Classes feel more balanced
-Almost NO passives
-You MUST dodge and use iframes to survive.
-Conditions (DoTs) are not out of control
Things I like about GW2
-Many different PvP modes ( i include WvW in this)
-Controls feel more fluid
-Weapon variety
-More content overall
I’ll continue to play both, but I see where you’re coming from. Most people are going to talk you down for making this post, but I wish you the best of luck. I’ve been holding my breath for 3 years and I feel silly for doing it. I’ve had a lot more fun playing GW2 when I accepted that the game will never be balanced and the Devs will continue to reinvent the wheel.
I can sit here and type up a long winded reply about how wrong your list is, but Nocta hit the nail on the head. Most of the things your complaining about are results of L2P issues.
This isn’t a MOBA.
Thief has a weak fighting presence due to their high mobility. Should ele’s mobility be toned down due to their high fighting presence? Seems fair
ITT: Anet trying to buy popularity in the esports scene.
You’re coming here with 500 games and telling people, with literally thousands of games/hours, that you’re more knowledgeable about balance than they are. Please stop. Cry threads by low experienced people are sadly what seems to cause a lot of the poor balance choices made in the past.