Comon guys, what is wrong with all of you? This is currently the BEST PvP season since at least 1 year! I often gets really tight games when I solo queue. I go in and we meet in the battlefield. I do agree that some games people zerg mid and it snowball from then on… But if you take those odd games out, it is still an amazing experience.
As for class balance, it is the most balanced it has ever been, I see a lot of classes being played. It just depends on the role you want to fill, some prefer to go warrior and be in the frontline while some may prefer elementalist whenever it comes to support. Overall it just how a game should be.
For sure duo queue vs solo queue can sometimes turn the odds in the duo’s favor, yet duo’s can only do so much in there. Just try to communicate with your team and call targets on the duo’s if need be!
Give this season a try folks. Snowball Mayhem is the most competitive PvP mode on GW2. It is the place where fun meet balance. I await you all in this Snowball Mayhem PvP season!
(edited by Phantom.5389)
+1 for that week! Would be super fun.
@Jeknar.6184 Comon jekky! You know I still run 2014 core warrior build (Aegon)! But agreed… those who still run core builds are old Dino’s ^^
Got to admit I don’t play as often since roaming is kinda dead :’(
As a roamer (WvW player) I can add that I totally did not care about PvP since it was not a team death match battle and only a capture the point battle (promoting bunker builds over high risk builds)…
BUT! I did play PvP when the PvP ‘’legendary icon reward’’ was shown in WvW (I know, it is a minor thing. yet it made me come into PvP with my roaming build and kick the kitten of those bunker builds that had no idea how to fight a roamer).
In the end, they removed the PvP ‘’legendary icon’’ from showing in WvW, so I left. A good bunch of my roamers friend also left PvP on that day since as a WvW player, PvP had no more incentive (we prefer WvW fights, yet we would PvP in the first 2-3 weeks of a season in order to get our PvP icon).
I know this doesn’t account to THAT BIG of a difference in term of population, but I would say it was probably a good part of the PvP population surge since a WvW player already know how to PvP (for myself, I had to coordinate with teamates by letting them know I was not on a bunker build, thus the bunkering job was usually done by them). On the contrary, the PvE population surge was probably important by itself, yet it was probably lower when it came down to the ’’competitive matches (diamond and legendary) since I think WvW players were not afraid to compete in a PvP scenario since they are already used with fighting other players while a PvE player probably had a much harder time getting into the competitive scene (generalization here, some PvE folks are probably solid PvP players).
Anyway, this is just my little addition to this conversation. Sorry for the long post ^^
(edited by Phantom.5389)
It is not surprising that your main issue are condi thieves and mesmers – because those are the strongest roaming condi builds and because you refuse(d) to adapt your build to counter them (which is true for many players that complain about condis).
How can I adapt to the meta when they banned my firework build? Go cry in a corner :’(
And from which era do those folks who defend condition builds live? Condition burst is the new meta mate, stop living under a rock <3 Condi burst someone with the speed of a full zerk build
Nothing like a montage video to show how “op” something is. I’m sure all those footmen and invaders would have lasted a lot longer vs a power build lol.
Was waiting for that one ^^ As you can tell it was a troll video and Anet response was to ban fireworks since noobs all around were raging about getting killed by fireworks ^^
As for condition burst, it pretty much kills anyone who don’t invest enough in instant condi clear/instant resistance. It’s an old build that still works as of today, the video is just one of the many exemple. Easy to reproduce while in game and easy to find on the internet, I clicked the first video that poped on my youtube research ^^
As for wheter I truly want to nerf condition, I could care less. Roamers know who is worth fighting and who is not after all those years. Roam wisely is my advice. As a warrior player, just don’t use any of your mobility skills to fight them the moment you see they are condi, you should be able to outrun them and then /laugh at them for running that cheese build, it enrage them so hard <3
I was roaming on my warrior today and just wrecking condi players. I wasn’t even playing well, I haven’t played my warrior in months so I had no muscle memory for the combos and cooldowns. But when you can rotate between a stupid amount of resistance, blocks, stuns, ridiculous regen, and cleanses through a 5 sec weapon swap and cleansing ire, you can afford to make plenty of mistakes and still win the fight.
But the moment you lower yourself to brain dead build to fight other brain dead build… it just shows how low the game has become. Sad panda is sad.
Well, it really depends on the class and build, but some condition builds are a bit more effective than others, Dire gear or not.
ANet should balance things with time, but I don’t think they should nerf conditions as a whole because some conditions builds are underperforming while other clearly are bordeline OP if they hit you first.
Also, remember that you can’t always win (unless you’re pretty good and/or your opponents aren’t): in WvW, you sometime have to pick your fights. For example, on my condition chars, I won’t try to kill a warrior with 50% resistance uptime, especially not those using a two-handed sword. They’ll tear me appart and easily regen whatever damage I’ll do. In PvP, things are different and you might not always pick your fights, but you rarelly will go against a passive/defensive condition build because the Dire stat isn’t in the gear selection.
The same way you might not want to try against a good roaming mesmer, thief or druid: even if you manage to bring their health down, they’ll simply vanish/stealth/outrun you and come back later… That’s part of the game.
I lift my hat to you my kind sir, pick your fights should be the moto for WvW nowadays.
Back then I had a trooper/shout tank warrior build to counter condi and I would heal myself+convert condi into boons at the speed of light (while not being able to kill anything if you truly asked me) just to troll the trolls who used condition builds.
I would swap to that build whenever a condition player kept chasing me after he clearly noticed I would not fight that trash on my regular build. Even then, my regular build got Cleansing Ire + Brawler’s recover + sigil of generosity + anti condition duration food and anti condition duration runes.
Basically, you can still kill most condition players (if they are bad or if they don’t run an immortal build where they can disengage easily while being nearly impossible to burst down due to their tankiness before they can disengage).
(edited by Phantom.5389)
And from which era do those folks who defend condition builds live? Condition burst is the new meta mate, stop living under a rock <3 Condi burst someone with the speed of a full zerk build
I dont know what era they live in but you seem to live in an era pre-HoT where the builds in videos clearly doesnt match builds in the descriptions unless they got 5000 extra HP from a magical HP fairy or something.
Sorry… it is on me, I’m an old dinosaur <3 Also noticed that condi thief PvP video poped a lot while searching for roaming condi thief… sad times indeed
P.S. Build in description don’t work since the tool used to make the builds changed, not so much because the build on itself changed that much. Dire build is still Dire build in the end
(edited by Phantom.5389)
It is not surprising that your main issue are condi thieves and mesmers – because those are the strongest roaming condi builds and because you refuse(d) to adapt your build to counter them (which is true for many players that complain about condis).
How can I adapt to the meta when they banned my firework build? Go cry in a corner :’(
And from which era do those folks who defend condition builds live? Condition burst is the new meta mate, stop living under a rock <3 Condi burst someone with the speed of a full zerk build
Nothing like a montage video to show how “op” something is. I’m sure all those footmen and invaders would have lasted a lot longer vs a power build lol.
Was waiting for that one ^^ As you can tell it was a troll video and Anet response was to ban fireworks since noobs all around were raging about getting killed by fireworks. Now show me a video where a power build stomp noobs without any weapons → Grabs popcorn <3
As for condition burst, it pretty much kills anyone who don’t invest enough in instant condi clear/instant resistance. It’s an old build that still works as of today, the video is just one of the many exemple. Easy to reproduce while in game and easy to find on the internet, I clicked the first video that poped on my youtube research ^^
As for wheter I truly want to nerf condition, I could care less. Roamers know who is worth fighting and who is not after all those years. Roam wisely is my advice. As a warrior player, just don’t use any of your mobility skills to fight them the moment you see they are condi, you should be able to outrun them and then /laugh at them for running that cheese build, it enrage them so hard <3
(edited by Phantom.5389)
It is not surprising that your main issue are condi thieves and mesmers – because those are the strongest roaming condi builds and because you refuse(d) to adapt your build to counter them (which is true for many players that complain about condis).
How can I adapt to the meta when they banned my firework build? Go cry in a corner :’(
And from which era do those folks who defend condition builds live? Condition burst is the new meta mate, stop living under a rock <3 Condi burst someone with the speed of a full zerk build
Yeah, it is kinda rough atm on DH population wise. WE have had some good fights with both servers, but as far as being competitive across the board, we just don’t have the numbers right now. We have a nice core of players that show up day after day, play as best we can, and try to have some fun.
As far as fights go, can’t really say i have seen a lot of “runners” from fights from NSP or HoD. I have good fights from both servers. Won some, lost some, and lost every single one (looking at you Aegon (<.<)), lol.
It’s true, atm, we cannot go blob vs blob, but there are good fights to be had. I’m just rolling with what we got.
See you guys in game and don’t forget, Fear the Fro, lol.
As for the people complaining about running into towers, every servers got their fair share of it. But every servers got their well known roamers. I had great fights all around, be it with HoD or DH. Lots of duels also! My suggestion is to add those whom you know are good sports and ask them on which map they are. You will find yourself some good fights in no time.
Don’t blame the pugs or the players that did not even yet reach above bronze invader for running or siege humping. Just move on and fight roamers or try to squeeze yourself near the enemy tail and annoy them to hell. It’s what I do and most of the time I get my fair share of fun! For sure there is always the boiling point where the enemy commander decide that you killed enough of his players to be worth hunting down, but that’s part of the game ^^
Thanks everyone whom I dueled and thanks to those who still roam! We are stuck in this matchup until further changes from Anet. So do yourself a favor and take it for what it is. Let the hunt continue!
(edited by Phantom.5389)
Even power builds is more fun when doing random stuff!
(edited by Phantom.5389)
Condition builds are indeed for more laid back playstyle. You usually can recover fairly easily. Only a handful of condi builds actually need the cherry on top of +condition damage to be effective. Most of the time you don’t really need that many important skills to actually land… The runes + sigils + passive makes it up for you (maybe a little less in PVP since they removed the runes that are way over the top).
A candy for the eyes… From the guy who got fireworks banned from World vs World :
Roamers and duelers know what I’m talking about : Go power or go home!
(edited by Phantom.5389)
*Mixed Borderlands: No. Alpine is there to stay I hope.
*World Linking: Every month.
*Deployable Mortars/Cannons: No. Siege weapons are boring and some people tend to to forget they actually got a character that can attack when not on a piece of siege…
*Repair Hammer: No. Enough siege in this game already.
*Priorities: Balance the classes. We were promised core spec would be as good as their elite counterpart, so far it is not achieved.
I don’t understand this game’s community.
GW2 has less powercreep than any mmo on the market, yet the players here kitten about powercreep 3x more than any other game on the market.
At this point I feel like people have just decided that something isn’t right, but can’t actually figure out what’s disturbing them, so they just blame power creep and call it a day.
After so many hours playing GW2 (it became my only MMO), I can say that the game was more strategic before HoT (see here the powercreep curve that happened with HoT).
Before HoT, the fights were more intense, more strategic. You had to be on your toes since you did not have that many passive tools that would save you if you were caught off guard (did not say there were none, there was a few, yet they were not the norm).
You had to call targets in order to land some good hits. Nowadays, most people I see call targets and proceed to drop their AOE. Just drop the bomb and then bunker up. Good thing is that the AOE you just dropped also act as the downstate killer. Back then you had more of those situation where 1 person cleaved while someone else went for the dunk or the famous punt off to prevent rezing followed by a dunk. Nowadays it’s mostly brainless aoe on the downs… Also, a lot of players now play either a condition build, a hybrid with a good amount of condition or a condition clear machine with lots of tankiness (aka bruiser). Basically, the game shifted to a point where everyone plays the no risk high reward build that require a very minimal amount of hours to learn.
Back then (before HoT), it felt more skilled, more diverse. Nowadays its all about those elite specialization and meta battle, since core builds are usually left in the dust since they are under performing against their elite counterpart.
The best balance was achieved before HoT (after the fix to burn damage). Truly enjoyed that time (not to say balance is completely off the window as of today, but there is a lot of work to be made before we get a balanced scene). Otherwise, I would go for the Hambow meta (before cele).
To sum it up, yes GW2 balance and power creep is not completely atrocious, but you can’t justify the power creep simply because in another game the power creep is horrendous.
Some more candy for the eyes of our fellow roamers <3
y are u spamming with old as kitten vids… We are talkin bout today son.
Because those are old classics. But I did provide a 9 months old video which can be evaluated as pretty recent considering Heart of thorns was 7 months old. Look it up, it’s great!
Some more candy for the eyes of our fellow roamers <3
To all those saying Alpine is all about those blobs. I tell you. Alpine is much, much more welcoming to roamers and small group play than Deserted BL since the terrain is simply way more open (unless back caping a tower and night caping a tower without giving the enemy server a chance to react since he had to run a marathon was your thing).
Anyway. I’ll take a group of roamers over a blob any time of the day. Enjoy the watch!
(edited by Phantom.5389)
Thank you Anet!
Me an my friends are enjoying this change so much! Even on a weekday we had queues in the borderlands during prime time and even on off hour there was action all around for either roamers, defenders or the commanders and their squads!
On that note! May battle never ends! (sharing epic music for the battle that awaits us all in WvW)
DBL was all aboard the pugtrain and take towers and leave the bunkers be (eum, sorry I meant keeps). Only time those keeps flipped was when there was no defense (cough cough, night time, cough, cough).
DBL had no roamers, let’s face it. I had more 1v1, 1v2, 1v3, 2v2, 2v3, 2v4, 2v5, 2v6, 2v7, 3v3.. etc. in that one week with Alpine BL than I had in months on DBL!
DBL navigation was not that hard. I’ll be honest. As a roamer I tried it, it worked… but if you saw an enemy up top and you knew you had to walk left and then go up the ramp to finally take a turn before you could start attacking him… he was gone! It made this map into the dead map it was. The only time Desert BL came back alive (somehow) was when Alpine BL was finally announced. Even then, Alpine BL is destroying DBL in term of activity.
Are you guys for real? Alpine is much easier to navigate and much faster to find fights. The borderlands are now always online for roamers and it is super fun. I’ve seen those 30 men groups get killed by a couple of roamers picking on the tail and finally finishing off the commander and his acolytes.
This map is what WvW should be. No more walk in the park with a commander who only knows how to K-train when there is no opposition and simply wins by numbers. Now roamers got terrain to navigate around instead of giving up the chase every godkitten choke point there was in Deserted borderland.
Talking about the zerg fights in general, there is much more action all around (even if orange swords are not working) than on Deserted borderland when orange swords were working! THAT! speaks louder than thunder to me.
Just my 2 cent as a roamer who finally got his friend list online again since all my friends are coming back and we roam and kill people every day. Thanks Anet <3
It will be amazing. <3 So much hype!
As a roamer and a person who runs with a guild 4 days a week during NA primetime, I can say that Desert BL is better than what it was, yet it is not as good as what Alpine BL offered.
-For roaming : The map is better than what it used to be. Before it was boring enough to drive me out and my roamers friend out of the game (those barricades and the zig-zag all around). Now that barricades are gone and the maps got new ways to travel around, it is better. Still, I think the map is way too big and you need that 40% move speed bonus from a shrine in order to navigate without feeling like you are in a walking simulator (now it feels like we are are at least in a running simulator, which is still better, yet not perfect). Alpine was simply better. It was fast and action packed for roamers (it was our paradise).
-For group fights : Desert borderland is better because it is slightly faster to navigate with the new paths. Yet, even with the map queued for all 3 servers, the time it takes between each fights is a lot longer than what it was on Alpine BL. You simply run more on this map. Alpine BL was fast and action packed. What you see is what you can get on Alpine BL. If you saw a group ahead, you could simply run up to them and engage in a bloody battle instead of going left to take the path that leads up higher to finally reach nothingness since they are long gone by then…)
As for the art style, I still prefer Alpine BL since I am Canadian and I simply prefer the mix of green grass mixed with pure white snow and flowing water <3
As a closure, I would simply add that big brawls in the lord room are now really rare on Desert BL in comparison to Alpine BL since enemies rarely get to lord if there is a couple defenders who mastered the art of building up siege… Those keeps are more like bunkers where a couple Gandalfs mount up their siege and yell ‘’You shall not pass’‘. Back then we had big brawls in the lord room on many occasion during a single night and those moments were the best on any given server. If you lost the keep by the end of the brawl that sometime lasted hours, you would not even mind since you had so much fun in that. If you won, you would simply rejoice and the whole server would cheer up from pushing off the enemies after that bloody battle where a couple hundreds of players on each server died. At the end of those fights, the whole server would usually call out ’’[Insert server name] Pride!’’ in team/map chat. Good times that was.
Agreed. The new WvW team is working wonder! Even Deserted borderland is much, much better Like I can now roam once again on a BL without being bored <3
Will still be happy when Alpine BL at least goes on rotation tho ^^
it seems that anet knows that there are problems with the current system and they would like to address the issues, but i was looking over the list and was torn between the 2 choices. for example, some of the quality of life improvements such as Ri timers, territory overlay, and cross map team chat from one choice, and some other things from the scoring improvements such as points gained from night capping and objective impact based on upgrade level. i would have liked to see these on a list that i could have pointed out what i think is most important to wvw right now. i don’t want to see a wxp sparkle trail. i don’t want to see players getting more point for capturing objectives. i don’t think that there should be a “catchup mechanic” added to the game. i want the game to get more important updates before cosmetic ones.
im not saying that i don’t want the wvw game to change, there have been a lot of steps forward and backwards. i’m just saying that a net should take a moment to kitten what wvw is supposed to be and change the game to fit it. players are always going to complain about the game but most players don’t know what they want in the first place. (ps. Do bring the alpine borders back, they are amazing)
There corrected it for you, you had a mistake in your last paragraph.
I wanted ABL back immediately after HOT, reconsidered the week before pairings because the landscape and mechanic changes made it nicer, and reconsidered again after pairings.
DBL is not as big as it used to be with this “beta”. ABL is TOO small at this time with the number of people active in all tiers.
There is no right answer right now. I know if they bring ABL back, it is 1) Way out in schedule and 2) Would include all HOT mecanics.
On the surface it seems like the nostalgia would pull back more people, but look deeper and realize, you can barely take a BL sentry in T4 right now without being run over by 10+. Sentries in ABL would most likely have the marked feture as well, with quicker times for enemy zergs to reach you and mow you down.
Bringing back ABL in any sort of merged system with the HOT mechanics will not work. Bringing back ABL in an unmerged system won’t work for higher tier servers. DBL is still a ktrain in all merged tiers, there are only more people on them now because there are fewer tiers. 9/10 both Green and Blue are zerging on opposite sides of red bl guaranteeing 1 lost keep, probably both, no different in either
DBL or ABL.With an uncertain future and the tendency to bring 1 thing that pleases people back while adding another thing that pushes people away, there is no right answer.
While you believe ABL is too small. I believe Deserted BL is too big unless you grab that 40% move speed bonus (which is something I hate since it makes characters with a traited +25% movement speed to be obsolete once the buff is on).
I believe that ABL without the tower emergency waypoints would be just the right size. Roaming on Deserted BL is not as good as it was on Alpine. For sure Deserted BL might be great for those T1 servers with 150 men queue and blobs, but apart from that I think ABL is still the right size, be it for your blobs or for roaming.
Alpine borderland was always the paradise for roamers and the heaven for those fight guilds. Those fights guilds loved it even more than EB. Eternal Battlegroud is usually the pugland where all map blobs faceoff under one pugmander.
Anyway, I don’t see ABL coming back as being too early. The sooner the better if you wanna retain that population that came back because they feel the game got potential to be good again (stability changes, balance changes, server merges and ABL coming back are the big reasons players are coming back). The modified Deserted borderland is just a band-aid while we patiently wait for ABL to come back.
Just had massive fights near SMC. Every time the server owning SMC was about to lose it’s inner gate → Press ‘’I Win’’ button and force us out. Repair structures and build more siege in the meantime.
SMC was never flipped. Fights got stale and everyone is now leaving SMC be since it’s not even a structure you can take (unless you cap it when everyone is asleep). SMC was already a big structure and gave a massive advantage in EB, now it’s the same structure but 300% harder to take back. The big server of the week just got their new toy to play with and bully the small server. I’ve seen SMC being held for a complete week since tactivators…
Great post OP.
Totally agree with you for those slightly annoying things
I did indeed get stuck on those many times while looking at map for enemy activity while running ahead…
Odd, I found the alpine had a lot more room around most objectives for fighting with 1 or 2 good choke points nearby.
Take the southern towers for example, SW you had the bridge, the arena looking ruin behind it, the entrance to SW camp nearby for chokes, but plenty of space around it. SE tower was much the same, a couple good chokes and small terrain variations to help outmaneuver your opponents but still a lot of open space along side it.The ABL favored the blob. Hold the south and you could block entry into the maps. Map strongly favors the zerg over havok or solo roamers. No room to maneuver or fall back to if being attacked by larger force.
It’s mote anyway, they have said they will rotate maps. So we will end up rotating people in and out of EB depending on what the home borderland is. Just don’t block the EB queue while its not your map preference and vice versa.
Actually. As a solo/duo roamer who did roam 3000 hours before HoT. I dislike Deserted BL for roaming. In Alpine what you can see is what you can reach. In Desert Borderland, you are often able to see an enemy sadly you are not on the same level… thus when you get up or down a level, the target is long gone. It’s more like a walking simulator than a map made for solo/duo roaming.
In ABL, you had the whole ruins area to outmaneuver the blobs as a solo roamer. The blobs would usually not give chase when you went in the ruins. The periphery of the map was way more open while the middle still gave the roamers a safe harbor. This made it easy to spot the blob and avoid it while giving chase to the tail or other roamers. In DBL, you often turn a corner or a zig-zag of some sort to be faced with the blob. No sight over it makes it hard to dodge it as a roamer in comparison to what ABL allowed.
Anyway, just my 2 cents on the roaming situation of ABL vs DBL.
For NA
*Tarnished Kaineng
*Dragons of Rall
*Maguuma’s Rest
*Fort Aspenass
*Sea of Madness
*Henge of Emhry
*Storm Desert
*Northern Furnace
*Yaks Rock
*Black Terrace
*Jade Isle
According to the unnoficial WvW forums or in the common tongue -> Players versus forums.
Better, yet not WvW ready. Still lots of extra gimmicks that have no place in a WvW scenario.
Once Alpine BL come back around, the hype and the brawl will be glorious!
They are already better at the moment, looking forward to server-matchmaking this friday!
Thanks indeed Anet! Great patch! I’m falling in love once again with a game I felt detached to lately. WvW revival is happening #believe
Now, we only need Alpine BL to brawl it all out in the open or to get those epic Garrison/Hill/Bay fights!
Sincerely a Canadian fan ^^
Scrap what I wrote earlier. I played a lot today and I liked the new EP. Just gotta change my reflexes to not overlap both EP. The new treshhold allow for more proc in a long lasting fight which is great.
Thanks Anet!
(edited by Phantom.5389)
Is Anet working towards a fix for those bugs?
Been ages (3 years) since warrior’s movement skills are buggy and I’m just bringing up the same old request…
-Basic skill behavior
(1) : Warrior’s gap closer need to be more accurate. As an exemple [Rush] and [Bull rush] would need to get us on our target on a near 100% basis (see here terrain bug that could be the only non-player related reason for the skill not getting us on top of an ennemy). Those skills often get us behind our target, still a few steps away from them simply because the skill failed to identify where the person was walking to (see here simply walking and not actually blinking or dodging).
(2) : Gap closer skills should land their hit on a near 100% basis. Warrior’s gap closer skill have a hard time actually landing their hit. Taking [Savage leap] as an exemple (even if the skills cited as point 1 automatically result in a problem on landing the hit since you are not where your target is). As for [Savage leap], the movement part of the skill is pretty fine, it will get you to your target, sadly the animation when the warrior land and try to hit the target will sometimes bug and the warrior will swing the sword where the ennemy is not, resulting in a miss simply because the ennemy was moving (see here simply moving and not dodging or blinking away).
(3) : Warrior’s gap closer should not be affected by minus % movement speed. Since the 23rd of june patch, warrior movement skills have been made baseline and +% movement speed doesn’t affect them anymore, so why should -% movement speed affect them? Take [Evsicerate] as an exemple. This skill will travel about 200 range only when affected by [Chill]. This behavior is also true for [Shield Bash]. Especially since chill is now even more present with the new specialisation (Reaper). [Chill] could still make the skill behave slower than intended, but the distance traveled should still be what is written, a simple spammable condition should not punish a warrior mobility to that extent. Warriors needs to get back their mobility.
You need good foundation to thereafter bring balance on tweaking stats and such. I think this same old request is still a good starting point.
Food for thoughts.
(edited by Phantom.5389)
Good, one of the few decent things that came for wvw with HOT. Amazed to see so many people want to reverse every single change thats come since launch. You kids do realize just how many people quit the game over that period because wvw remained 100% static for so long?
Losing some of the people that stayed after the initial hype from when GW2 came out during a period of 3 years is simply normal. Even then, WvW was alive and kicking except maybe for the bottom 2 servers (for NA atleast). Those 6 months of HoT came at a heavy price on the WvW population. I’d take Vanilla Alpine with the new sentry system and the new line of sight from AC and leave the gimmicks behind. If they decide to keep Tactivators, they should leave the gimmicky ones behind and only keep the utility ones (like supply, fortify and the likes). Maybe leave the combat tactivators for when a server got the outnumbered buff.
Just got an interesting conersation with my pals that still play GW2.
Someone brought up that the strongest tactivators should only be usable when a server has the outnumbered buff. Would balance the game a little bit while not power creeping the servers with numbers advantage.
Food for thoughts!
If Alpine is released without the HoT gimmicks or with only the good ones (I love the new sentry system). Me and my friends are definatly coming back to roam on those maps. Roamed 3000 hours on Alpine BL and I could probably roam even more if it’s back on track. Just hope that the tactivators they confirmed they would implement don’t get in the way of fair fights.
Snowy terrain with green grass and water was always prettier than sand… and sand…. and more sand… (my opinion).
That said, we’ll be increasing the cooldowns on all tactics by 5-10 minutes. Also, once the scribing costs come down, as part of the april build, we can start looking at rebalancing their actual effects as well.
As an old time WvW player, I am truly considering coming back full time with my friends to GW2 since the news got to my ear that Alpine was coming back (got about 3000 hours roaming on Alpine BL, was my favorite and it was taken away :S ).
Now, we will most likely come back full time once Alpine is back. Hope you guys don’t go overboard with those tactivators. I see a lot of people talking about those tactivator banners that can be used by players, seems to me that those could use a nerf if it was not already addressed or they could even be scrapped and replaced by something which doesn’t shift the tide of a battle by simply using a tactivator that can be manualy controlled by a player who can move around the map with it.
The best Alpine BL was 2-3 weeks prior to HoT change. You guys had implemented the new sentry system and it was adding a layer of tactic while not getting in the way of fights.
Some of my fav
A classic :
Good old roaming :
And another roaming classic :
Another good video :
Those are my fond memories of GW2. Now I’m not even playing anymore :’(
I finished reading the patch note. I was waiting on it to see what it would be and if Anet went forward with ‘’fixing warrior movement skills’‘. Seems its all about little tweaks and no major change. I still believe that some more important aspect of a warrior’s problems were left unanswered once again.
-Basic skill behavior
(1) : Warrior’s gap closer need to be more accurate. As an exemple [Rush] and [Bull rush] would need to get us on our target on a near 100% basis (see here terrain bug that could be the only non-player related reason for the skill not getting us on top of an ennemy). Those skills often get us behind our target, still a few steps away from them simply because the skill failed to identify where the person was walking to (see here simply walking and not actually blinking or dodging).
(2) : Gap closer skills should land their hit on a near 100% basis. Warrior’s gap closer skill have a hard time actually landing their hit. Taking [Savage leap] as an exemple (even if the skills cited as point 1 automatically result in a problem on landing the hit since you are not where your target is). As for [Savage leap], the movement part of the skill is pretty fine, it will get you to your target, sadly the animation when the warrior land and try to hit the target will sometimes bug and the warrior will swing the sword where the ennemy is not, resulting in a miss simply because the ennemy was moving (see here simply moving and not dodging or blinking away).
(3) : Warrior’s gap closer distance should not be affected by minus % movement speed. Since the 23rd of june patch, warrior movement skills have been made baseline and +% movement speed doesn’t affect them anymore, so why should -% movement speed affect them? Take [Evsicerate] as an exemple. This skill will travel about 200 range only when affected by [Chill]. This behavior is also true for [Shield Bash]. Especially since chill is now even more present with the new specialisation (Reaper). [Chill] could still make the skill behave slower than intended, but the distance traveled should still be what is written, a simple spammable condition should not punish a warrior mobility to that extent. Warriors needs to get back their mobility.
Balancing should be done around mechanics that are working as intended.
I wish the best to those who found salvation on this patch. As for myself (a player who plays 100% melee characters since my first video game experience). I feel like this patch missed what I envisioned for my future on GW2.
As a melee lover, GW2 seems like they just don’t love melee and push people into playing ranged… Buff to riffle on warriors…. Dragonhunter as the new Elite spec for guardians… Even Medi guard (which was the second most melee oriented build) is not doing good…
Anyway, good luck and have fun!
P.S. If you feel like the information above could be of use on reddit, feel free to post it there (as another user in the warrior sub-section asked me to…. but I simply never used Reddit :S ).
Will post on pvp forum.
Sadly I don’t know much about reddit. Feel free to take the content here and put it on reddit if you like.
I finished reading the patch note. I was waiting on it to see what it would be and if Anet went forward with ‘’fixing warrior movement skills’‘. Seems its all about little tweaks and no major change. I still believe that some more important aspect of a warrior’s problems were left unanswered once again.
-Basic skill behavior
(1) : Warrior’s gap closer need to be more accurate. As an exemple [Rush] and [Bull rush] would need to get us on our target on a near 100% basis (see here terrain bug that could be the only non-player related reason for the skill not getting us on top of an ennemy). Those skills often get us behind our target, still a few steps away from them simply because the skill failed to identify where the person was walking to (see here simply walking and not actually blinking or dodging).
(2) : Gap closer skills should land their hit on a near 100% basis. Warrior’s gap closer skill have a hard time actually landing their hit. Taking [Savage leap] as an exemple (even if the skills cited as point 1 automatically result in a problem on landing the hit since you are not where your target is). As for [Savage leap], the movement part of the skill is pretty fine, it will get you to your target, sadly the animation when the warrior land and try to hit the target will sometimes bug and the warrior will swing the sword where the ennemy is not, resulting in a miss simply because the ennemy was moving (see here simply moving and not dodging or blinking away).
(3) : Warrior’s gap closer distance should not be affected by minus % movement speed. Since the 23rd of june patch, warrior movement skills have been made baseline and +% movement speed doesn’t affect them anymore, so why should -% movement speed affect them? Take [Evsicerate] as an exemple. This skill will travel about 200 range only when affected by [Chill]. This behavior is also true for [Shield Bash]. Especially since chill is now even more present with the new specialisation (Reaper). [Chill] could still make the skill behave slower than intended, but the distance traveled should still be what is written, a simple spammable condition should not punish a warrior mobility to that extent. Warriors needs to get back their mobility.
Balancing should be done around mechanics that are working as intended.
I wish the best to those who found salvation on this patch. As for myself (a player who plays 100% melee characters since my first video game experience). I feel like this patch missed what I envisioned for my future on GW2.
As a melee lover, GW2 seems like they just don’t love melee and push people into playing ranged… Buff to riffle on warriors…. Dragonhunter as the new Elite spec for guardians… Even Medi guard (which was the second most melee oriented build) is not doing good…
Anyway, good luck and have fun!
What is with this matchmaking? Amber solo queue? against 3 legendaries and a diamond???
Either a display bug, or this amber queued for 15 minutes before finally getting matched in there (because amber division is now empty and even emerald is now empty). People are now all saphire or higher, especially with Ruby division getting bigger every passing week.
Problem is, a safe zone (no division loss) is a nice choice only if it is not permanent. I feel like if you lose 3 times at 0 pip, you should probably go down a division and work again towards getting better. Emerald could be the only exception where you can’t lose a division, since with this at least Amber can get queued with Emerald (1 division higher only) while Saphire will be able to also queue with Emerald (1 division lower). Just my thoughts.
I got to Diamond, yet I feel like some ruby or even diamond players are simply hanging there, making the same mistakes they were doing down in Emerald or Saphire when it comes down to basic things (rotations, how to fight while under pressure or how to identify who to target in a team fight).
- Warrior: I’m not very comfortable giving much feedback on this one. Burnzerker needs looking at, but besides that, I think taking a look at how specifically the mobility changes hit warrior harder than any other profession by far. Their mobility got absolutely gutted in that patch. I’d agree it was out of line before, but I’d say they were hit too hard. Giving them back some of that good stuff will alleviate their worries much more than other changes of similar scope, since it allows them to pick and control their engagements more aptly.
Great review overall, but I will only use your part about warrior and complement it with information I once gave on the GW2 forums concerning mobility of warriors.
You pretty much hit the nail, or atleast one of the nails that were loose. Warrior mobility was hit really hard when other classes gained mobility (see here druid, DD, Rev and such).
-Basic skill behavior
(1) : Warrior’s gap closer need to be more accurate. As an exemple [Rush] and [Bull rush] would need to get us on our target on a near 100% basis (see here terrain bug that could be the only non-player related reason for the skill not getting us on top of an ennemy). Those skills often get us behind our target, still a few steps away from them simply because the skill failed to identify where the person was walking to (see here simply walking and not actually blinking or dodging).
(2) : Gap closer skills should land their hit on a near 100% basis. Warrior’s gap closer skill have a hard time actually landing their hit. Taking [Savage leap] as an exemple (even if the skills cited as point 1 automatically result in a problem on landing the hit since you are not where your target is). As for [Savage leap], the movement part of the skill is pretty fine, it will get you to your target, sadly the animation when the warrior land and try to hit the target will sometimes bug and the warrior will swing the sword where the ennemy is not, resulting in a miss simply because the ennemy was moving (see here simply moving and not dodging or blinking away).
(3) : Warrior’s gap closer distance should not be affected by minus % movement speed. Since the 23rd of june patch, warrior movement skills have been made baseline and +% movement speed doesn’t affect them anymore, so why should -% movement speed affect them? Take [Evsicerate] as an exemple. This skill will travel about 200 range only when affected by [Chill]. This behavior is also true for [Shield Bash]. Especially since chill is now even more present with the new specialisation (Reaper). [Chill] could still make the skill behave slower than intended, but the distance traveled should still be what is written, a simple spammable condition should not punish a warrior mobility to that extent. Warriors needs to get back their mobility.
Balancing should be done around mechanics that are working as intended.
I wish all the GW2 players to get a good balanced game once this patch goes live.
(edited by Phantom.5389)
“Server pride” died within months of launch because it was a one-way relationship.
Maybe there are not that much server pride anymore. But I know a lot people that play GW2 for their server. For sure when I say server, I’m talking about the community built around it and not simply the PPT and servers ranking. For sure server pride can only carry a game for so long, if the gameplay becomes so bad that you can’t stand it anymore… The community start to suffer as a whole since people don’t log as often or simply decide to quit the game…
Remember those morning connecting to the server teamspeak and conversing with some lads you barely knew a few months ago? Remember that British commander speaking with his followers (I often imagined him as King Arthur from Monthy Python)? Remember the Canadian folk and his too many ’’I’m sorry I did not mean to interrupt you speaking’’? Remember that Australian who swears without any evil intention but simply out of habits? Remember that… Well I do and those are what made me stay on GW2 and my server for longer than I would of if not for that great community ^^.
Miss the good old days :’)
(edited by Phantom.5389)
Aion was a good game. It lasted 3 years then a year falling down. Dunno what is your point… maybe you thought all mmo’s are like WoW and last for eternity.
Point aside, GW2 is not gonna get killed by any games. Anet is doing it themselves.
As for NCsoft. I like their mmos. I’ve played Aion from 2008 to about 2012. GW2 from 2012 to 2016. 4 years average seems nice to me.
Big Competitors are Trion… which did not do good as of lately (Rift had a decent payment model, yet Trion tried to once again go for a different payment model with Archeage, which resulted in a faillure as we know).
My point is, publisher doesn’t equal developer. When you look at the publisher, you look at it in order to know if the company is wealthy enough and how they operate (payment model of their games). As for NCSoft West, they clearly took the path of B2P or F2P with an optional subscription along with a gem store without pay to win content. Which satisfy me. To me the payment model is great since I can buy the costumes I love and I feel like I have more of a choice when spending my money. Instead of spending my money to simply play the game.
You look at the Developer team when it comes to balance. Team Bloodlust has been doing a great job on balance as it is and NcSoft West only need to port that over to the West. On the other hand, Anet is killing GW2 themselves.
I only started looking at other games to play after HoT release… I even installed back the Elder Scroll Skyrim and modded it while I wait for the next game.
I have to disagree with SlayerSixx.5763 on part of his argument.
I do agree that winning is winning and in theory nothing good comes from losing. Yet the argument was more about not being the #1, but being stuck right below those so called #1 using match making manipulation.
I’d rather applaud the second or third best if it appears that the way the #1 achieved victory was by using underhanded method.
There is a difference between using available tools while they are viewed as totally legal and are even encouraged by the community and using tools that are decried as contemptible, while not being illegal on itself.
For a while doping was not viewed as an underhanded method in the world of sports, even Olympics had case of obvious doping. Drugs in sports was not illegal in the early 20th century. It only became illegal at a much later date. As of today, when a champion wins when it is later revealed he used drugs, his title is worthless and is even accompanied by shame and usually a ban from the world of sports.
In term of GW2. I think using ‘’meta builds/meta comps’’ is totally fine. It is similar to your example of the football team, it might sometimes irritate the other teams, but it is only using the best tools that are available and viewed as fine, while maybe labelled as unfair by some players.
As for matchmaking manipulation, I see it as ‘’using shaddy mechanics’’ that have not been corrected yet by Anet. For sure everyone can do it if they truly wanted to get legendary title, yet even the community itself view it as a disgrace and a problem that needs to be fixed. Even Anet said they are going to work on it.
This is my perspective on the situation at hand. A win is a win, yet some wins are more meaningful than others. I’d rather applaud a player who is legendary x1 than a legendary x3 who used matchmaking manipulation.
Well, depends on how you see a MMORPG viability. To me Aion and GW2 were success. They got me entertained from 2008 to 2012 and then from 2012 to 2016. 4 years is more than most other games out there. I do agree that Wildstar was a failure tho XD
WoW is the only MMORPG that lived way longer than any other MMORPG with a huge amount of players.
To evaluate a game is not simply a matter of looking at when it’s in it’s downfall (even if it needs to be taken into consideration), you need to look at the global image and think if the money you invested in the game was worth it. To me HoT was not, but GW2 was. HoT was too short lived for the price. It was a downgrade in my eyes and not an expansion. On the other hand, I played GW2 original game for 3.5 years, which is a great investment of money for that 60$ and then a few bucks on gem store.
(edited by Phantom.5389)
That’s just NcSoft blowing smoke up ur…. The only metric NcSoft cares about is how to increase cash flow and milk this puppy to death. If they could figure out a way to get rid of everything except LA and still get your hard earned cash they would do it. Guess that’s what we get for buying a game from a company based out Korea. Hell they been trying to do hostile take overs of the larger gaming companies forever. Fortunately we still have a handful of US gaming companies that understand the old saying “A Happy customer is a paying Customer”. Long-live US gaming companies they’re our only hope.
Which is why I don’t understand all the people in these forums saying they’re going to Blade and Soul. Another NCSoft game. Look at the track record of NCSoft games, I doubt I will ever touch another one.
The reason behind Blade and Soul being so popular in the west is probably the fact that the game is gorgeous with amazing gameplay. Also, it is an already established game where NcSoft (west) can’t kitten up. The content is already there, they just need to port it over here. Team Bloodlust are the devs of BnS, owned by NcSoft.
Also, Anet is the company doing the updates on GW2. NcSoft is just the owner.
For sure, if the game doesn’t bring enough cash to NcSoft, NcSoft will push the dev team to forward new contents or new ways to generate income. It is the law of business, a game doesn’t run on thin air, it needs money to thrive, unless your world is different than mine.
I’m going BnS since I love 1v1’s and small men roaming. I also know NcSoft won’t die tomorrow, it is a solid company in term of finance. The content is already developed, it just needs a western port. The game is still being updated in Asia and it is ranked #2 MMORPG. My second choice was Black Desert, sadly BD is not receiving much love in Asia and it result in the game only receiving a few minor updates (ranked 35th MMORPG in Asia). Basically, I know Black Desert will need a lot more income in the west if the game is to get major updates while BnS assure me a long term game investment.
In term of gameplay, BnS is more about roaming while BD is more about large scale warfare. BnS combat system is the best I’ve had to test so far (truly reactive and the most balanced). Black Desert got better graphics while the combat system is fairly decent, sadly many things can be spammed (you spam health potions on a 5 second cooldown leading to unbalanced pvp and you basically use the same 4 abilities instead of using all your skills). Gameplay should be even more important than the dev team and the owner behind the games, but if both are equivalent to you, you start digging background information like I do and this could help you make your final decision. This is a quick analysis of the upcoming games, feel free to do your own research
The next interesting games to be launched should be Crowfall, Camelot Unchained and Bless Online by the end of 2016 or beginning of 2017.
(edited by Phantom.5389)
I honestly don’t blame ANET this time. How long did everyone scream they wanted new maps??? So they finally give in, give new maps, now everyone is hollering we want the old back.
I used to be hardcore WvW and simply stopped playing. Had my fun with the game. Now its wait for Black Desert.
People (big WvW fans) did not ask for new maps…. Most post concerning the maps in WvW threads were about fixing the Alpine BL. Why would you ignore a map that people actually loved and decide to scrap it? Instead Anet invested a ton of money creating a new map for the sake of creating a new map so it could impress and maybe sell HoT… I don’t know. They just decided fixing a map that works was too much of a hassle and went for the new map with more PVE, because WvW’ers love PVE Amright?