(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Pick a theory. Any theory. You can plot ley lines to prove it. /sigh
OMG! That’s for real? I’m gonna check out for more ley lines, I think my house is on top of a ley line hub.
About the probes, I would join them in a different way, is there any map without the banana peel? :p
Your house will undoubtedly be on a line, and then you can hire a RL “Ley line dowser” to move your bed around to avoid insomnia for only a couple K. Some will even plot safe locations for pet beds. And use “earth acupuncture”. SMH
I have no idea what the OP is used to but gw2 has a huge amount of skins that cover all sorts of tastes.
Players that don’t like trenchoats or wannabe coats on their male rangers don’t have their taste covered.
I admit you got me there. Way too many trenchcoats for the leather wearers.
And not enough shoulderpads on the heavy classes either. They need to be about 20% bigger.
Without huge spikes and flaming skulls bigulating pauldrons is only half done. Also, every time you hit an achievement milestone all of your pauldrons should grow 10% and add another spike and skull to reflect your importance.
LFG speed run uberpath. Must link pauldrons.
PS. This should be mandatory so that new players will know who to admire and respect.
PPS. I suppose Sylvari could have cabbage heads instead of skulls.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Good luck. At this point I think that the legal team has convinced management that allowing UI configuration and client side particle options will lead to liability lawsuits.
We’ll hurt ourselves doing things like that, possibly poking eyes out.
Pick a theory. Any theory. You can plot ley lines to prove it. /sigh
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Thanks Ashen for sparing me the trouble.
+1Notice when he said I was making stuff up and I asked for an example he couldn’t furnish one. Nuff said.
Bowing out of an endless loop seems wise to me.
So the question is if a kite with a 5% boost a mount or not? LOL
That’s not a question.
The real question is . . . why did someone mess with the settings on my catapult. Poor assistant went right into a wall when I was testing.
Actually, there was a quest in EQ2 that eventually let you use a catapult to fly across half of Zek from docks to DFC. Was funny. Gnomes.
Later you got to help them build a large cannon, then get shot across a chasm with it. Into a net. also Gnomes.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
The less than polite response is expected when the original post is bordering on hostile. And I’ll keep rolling those eyes till I make point or get a seven.
You keep using the word “overused”, so this should be easy. Name twenty video games outside of GW2 that use the ley line trope. tvtropes.org manages 12 out of a…. I dunno, 40 year history of video games? Surely something overused has to be more widespread.
Overused period. Never implied just games. Try harder.
And that list does not include the very large list of new earth mystics and internet crackpots who think they exist IRL and link them to every mystery possible. Because, you can.
5 minutes on google is more than enough evidence.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Well this is going to make necro / mez life a lot better any way 33% ms speed is easy to keep up any thing that is less or = to this speed is more or less just running bare foot or with out a mount. So until they add in higher then 33% from items its not a mount (added note 100% ms is more about combat vs not being in combat then max ms the boon haste is what i am talking about.)
Let me grasp this concept. A slow mount is not a mount. So a slow creature mount would be fine?
Kudos to Anet. They add a mount that isn’t a mount for the anti mount hysterics, and add a mount for the pro mount crowd.
If something provides the same function as a mount, odds are, it’s a mount.
The forum drama is hilarious.
PS. EQ2 has wing back items that add ground speed boosts. Appearance of them is not much different than a GW2 wing back piece. The game considers them as mounts. They are sold as mounts. They go in the mount slot and are subject to mount restrictions.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
I’d like a shady animal dealer on some island or coastal area. One that would sell me a tiger cub for a lot of gold.
A Cub I would have to level up from level 2 like GW, and evolve, like GW.
Then, when I had a level 80 Tiger, people would say. “Wow. That’s a level 80 Tiger”
And I’d say. “Level 80 DIRE Tiger”
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
You can get Ascended, but it is far from needed or game changing. Exotics will be fine.
LS2 will assume you have done your PS (and a lot of other things) but you do not have to do any PS to access LS2
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
I don’t understand why people keep asking for what looks like to me very generic and plain armor and weapons. Simple is nice, sure, but it doesn’t have to be boring. The weapons and armor in this game are fine we just need more of them. I like GW2’s art and I don’t want them to change the way they do things just to conform to what other MMOs have set as “cool”.
Its a matter of taste. I see Legendary weapons as a tasteless, overblown joke and cannot understand why anyone would equip one. That does not negate other people liking them or wanting them.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
The biggest change is, your home server does not exist except in WvW. All other zones have been merged.
And people wonder why I though GW was an PvP only game.
LOL. I looked at it on the shelves for 2 years and went “eh, pvp game” /facepalm.
Do people really get joy from repeating the same thing for almost two years?
Who me?
You, them. You just enable each other.
I’m not talking to them. The funny bit is, it’s not them that need to hear this. It’s other people.
The point is, most people who read forums don’t post in forums and many of them read casually. By posting what I post, I’m not trying to change Karla’s mind. I wouldn’t even begin to attempt it.
All I’m doing it showing a counterpoint to stuff I consider to be unfairly expressed (which I think it my right to do).
Do I get tired of it? Sure I do. And sometimes I take a break from it. But I think people need to see that the negative, which is far more prevalent on these forums, is not the only point of view.
And I do periodically get forum mail from lurkers who thank me for doing what I do.
Seriously? I don’t post for lurkers, fan mail or the 9 pages of upvoted comments I have. I could care less. There is one type of person I want to see what I write, and they work for Anet.
As in this thread. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/archive/flameandfrost/Living-content-disrupting-other-content/first#post1862130
I got blasted by the usual types. (/waves @ krall) I got all the grief expected for daring to post a negative view. No Dev responded and I didn’t expect one. But.. the periscopes were changed shortly after and I’d like to think the thread brought attention to it.
People say the LS storytelling has improved. Do you think that may have a connection to LS1 being blasted in the forums?
That is why I post.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
I have no problems with giving credit where credit is due, anyone reading my thoughts on Gear Progression would see that. Anet, so far, is handling power creep waay better than most games. It is a good philosophy carried over from GW. (and no, lol, ascended are NOT the power creep I have seen in Most MMOs.. but they need to not do any more of that. IMO).
I don’t feel I need to trot out a laundry list of things I do like in order to validate opinions on what I don’t like. Or, to point out the Emperor isn’t actually wearing anything.
I would still appreciate “useless” but cool finds. I used scrying stones in EQ2 for a year just to eventually link “Ancient Clown Shoe” in chat.. and it was unusable.
ok, more.
I look at charr and asura and wonder if they are responsible for stuff on rule 34.
When people ask if I’m a RL female, I say “No, but my cellmate treats me like one, is that good enough?”
I absolutely dismiss people wearing wings, tentacles, noxious fumes and fire. I assume people that play Charr look like Charr.
I will absolutely help anyone that is “sniping” a Champ out of order.
I have 4 Rangers.
I and Teofa clearly defined what dynamic events are, yet you are still heralding them as ‘something done right’ in comparison to other games. Thing is, you never had an argument to start with, because the events are as static as any other quest, yet here you are, defending oranges believing they’re apples.
Our arguments aren’t unfair. We’re simply call a spade a spade.
As mentioned earlier, the sun rising and setting must be the definition of dynamic according to that logic then.
To be fair Karla, those oranges are wearing apple costumes.
GW2 “expanded” the dynamic event concept to replace most traditional questing. Didn’t invent it. Didn’t much change the “I swung a sword” thing.
Another point, for me, the determination to not have traditional quest types narrowed what could be offered. We have huge and well done City zones, with no reason to explore them, save curiosity. A few fetch and deliver quests in them would not hurt.
Other times, a fetch and deliver works better to direct players to Lore content or story elements. They did a “bit” of this for LS, not much though. Delivery quests could have been used to direct players to gameplay elements as well. such as the Mystic Forge.
More options are always good, from my perpective. I feel Anet has ignored a lot of features/options simply to hype “we are innovative”.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
I would prefer an Asura explanation of how they managed to focus energy in linear paths to transfer matter over “oh. Ley lines”.
I’d like an explanation of why a Dragon with access to conduits of magic wouldn’t just stay there absorbing it if that is their prime and natural function.
I’d like an explanation why all settlements have waypoints, and all waypoints are on ley lines, when some settlements predate waypoints, and then had those waypoints built in ignorance of ley lines. Pretty huge and needless chunk to digest, when the simple statement that Magic permeates the world has already been made.
With ley lines, we won’t get explanations. We will get more ley lines.
What I hate is what I see already happening. The “question” is already turning from “how and why” to “hmm. must be a ley line.”
Stifling. We are stuck with them, but I still cringe when I see them used to rationalize anything in game. Some things deserve their own mysteries and magics instead of hammering a ley line over them.
well, you’re not going to like what’s coming, seeing as they’re already hinting that every differing view of magic and the supernatural is actually just the lens of cultural perception looking at the same thing. The Gods, the dragons, the Eternal Alchemy, animal spirits – all the same thing, at different stages and with different masks.Why’s the dragon not sitting idle any more? q.v. end of season 1. Already explained.
Why are all settlements on ley lines? Organisms are attracted to resources. q.v. http://www.wired.com/2010/01/slime-mold-grows-network-just-like-tokyo-rail-system/
Better question: are settlements set up on nexi because they can draw magic better from them, or do nexi form on settlements because of the confluence of magic there?
Eyeroll? cute. Way to encourage a less than polite response.
BTW, the concepts you brought up could have been used without use of a hackneyed, unoriginal, overused, cut and paste “everyfantasy” plot device. Ley lines.
Plot mechanics should build off the lore and with the lore. Not the reverse, where they have dropped in a too common, one size fits all canned plot device and then remade the lore to fit it. Retroactively. Tyria deserved better.
But… you missed that point entirely.
PS. Sendentism is far more complex than simple migration to resources.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
It was brought up in Beta. The only thing I’ve ever seen by a Red name was some mention of a particle LOD system but it only seems to kick in for certain situations. I’ve never noted an appreciable reduction in particle effects.
We need a client side adjustment.
Ok then.
The funny thing is, they ARE static, you just don’t see them as such, because they’re wrapped around in cellophane, or something.
Why is it so hard to accept the game might not be as great as you picture it?
Agreed, Karla.
LoL. Save Moshpoipoi! Every… single… time I go through there.
Static is why we have the ravening horde doing the Frostgorge hampster wheel.
Static is why Shaman goes down faster than a tray of free Twinkies at a Walmart.
Static is why timers work.
etc.A duck in a quaggan suit is still a duck. Even if the suit is unique to GW2. It’s still a duck.
In this thread https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Things-we-all-agree-on/first
everyone agreed there where no ducks in game but there should be (even in the form of pies). So your analogy does not hold up.
It is a reference to “If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, and Quacks like a duck, odds are, it’s a Duck”. And, ducks amuse me.
I know they aren’t in game. Just like, “cough” Static repeatable quests aren’t. Wink wink.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Wow .. talking bout EQ2 i just watched that thread :
https://forums.station.sony.com/eq2/index.php?threads/help-for-relatively-new-sk.549958/and saw that a lvl 95 Shadowknight has now 975.000 Hitpoints .. is that real ?
When i left the game at RoK times my level 80 SK had around 12.000 hitpoints i think.
Now here we can see where too much gearprogressions leads to .. lol
Haven’t logged in since the cap increase. I would not doubt that a raid geared SK buffed would get there. I loved a lot of EQ2 features but progression and power creep has gone off the map and wrecked a lot of it. Kunark I recall when Kunark mobs hit darn hard. Two years ago I could solo Karnors chrono’d down on my SK and they are insanely more powerful now.
No hope for EQNext since Smokejumper let progression go wild on his watch, and he is running that. He was the guy that thought giving every single mount in game base 130% speed was kewl. lol.. 17 silver SK noob summon horse… 130% speed, 115% boost.
Staying away from that is the best thing Anet has done, in both games.
Ok then.
The funny thing is, they ARE static, you just don’t see them as such, because they’re wrapped around in cellophane, or something.
Why is it so hard to accept the game might not be as great as you picture it?
Agreed, Karla.
LoL. Save Moshpoipoi! Every… single… time I go through there.
Static is why we have the ravening horde doing the Frostgorge hampster wheel.
Static is why Shaman goes down faster than a tray of free Twinkies at a Walmart.
Static is why timers work.
A duck in a quaggan suit is still a duck. Even if the suit is unique to GW2. It’s still a duck.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Look saying dynamic events aren’t dynamic is false, only from this point of view. They scale dynamically. As people leave they get weaker. As people come they get stronger. That makes them dynamic.
Things get named all the time. And dynamic events, because they are events that scale dynamically are aptly named.
Or have a different name. It isn’t a staggeringly new concept.
“A public quest progresses through several stages as it continuously runs. They are dynamic, meaning that the content will scale up or down in difficulty depending on how many players are actively participating in the PQ and whether the stages were successes or failures. The mobs in PQs are non-contested. This means that they cannot be locked, that you cannot kill steal and that you can jump in and assist an ungrouped player with a mob they’re working on”
I never used Ursan. Not even sure what it was. If PI is Pain Inverter, I did use that, but not on my Mesmer.
Just saying… everyone didn’t do what maybe the majority did. =)
Did you spend a lot of time trying to get into DOA or UW groups though?
Why? I did both with hero/merc groups and didn’t “ping” a build to anyone.
LS is nothing new.
700 plus
World storyline events introduced new Races, Zones, return of the deities, Guild Halls, Zones, transportation systems, Cities revamps, Neriak, lore content, etc etc.
Somehow SOE managed one expansion a year (average) on top of these. Still does. World events are in addition to expansions, and are always “free”.
How is Anet less capable with more employees? Why are consumers so happy with so much less?
I honestly thought This game would incorporate as much as standard MMOs, with the unique gameplay and vision they showed they were capable of in GW. Instead of that, I see cookie cutter zerg content, recycled “innovations” promoted as groundbreaking, and far less QOL features than games launched years ago. Don’t even get me started on the copypasted writing and characters.
That game I hoped for is still my hope, but I think another company will have to do it. One that focuses on selling me features instead of selling me hype.
When one does, the door won’t hit me on the way out. I’m not holding my breath in this LCD market waiting for that.
(edited to include the Zam comprehensive list)
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
I fondly remember setting camps in the wilderness in SWG. (we had wilderness, the entire game wasn’t a grade school playground at recess time).
People would appear out of no where, visit, get my Entertainer buff, and move on.. or stay and chat. A majority of them were not Roleplayers. Some would stumble in with black barred wounds and were as happy to see me as a man lost in the desert would be finding a waterhole.
Games don’t have socialization mechanics like that anymore. It is such a shame.
Re “Explanation” for the camera? Jon Lovitz did the bit better, and far funnier.
“Yeah, Yeah, it was……. immersion! Yeah, that’s the ticket!”
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
People keep throwing the word “retcon” around and using superficial comments to justify its use. I don’t think people know what that word even means, rather they throw it around willy-nilly at anything and everything the moment a problem comes up. The only instance I’ve seen a retcon take place for GW1 was when in Factions they made a comment regarding Ascalon and its current affairs only to lead people wondering why the hell Eye of The North was telling it as though the war was still going on.
Otherwise, people are jumping to conclusions because ambiguous lore is ambiguous.
Really. The game launched with this lore largely intact. http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Magic
In August of 2013 this greatly changed lore was introduced. http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Magic
The lore change is assumed to effect the entirety of GW2. Retroactively. It also inserts the lore as common knowledge prior to it being introduced. Retroactively. We spent a year in game not knowing the lore, and after the change, we all magically knew all along. Everyone did.
I think it fits the definition of Retroactive Continuity pretty well.
oh kitten . Now I see, from the latest gw2 revision, that Snaff knew enough about ley lines to name them as such. No source listed, but its another brand new scrap of paper dumped into the prosperity instance.
for crying out loud. No Retcons?
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
I purchased a second account so my hardcore WvW and GvG friends don’t know I like to level alts with new players like a filthy-casual.
I occasionally participate in EotM k-trains and throw down trebuchets in place of rams to waste supply and slow the process.
I run judge’s intervention in WvW skill groups because I want to be an first-clash hero.
I join mass recruit guilds so I can complain about mass recruit guilds.
I repeatedly boast about 6k hours spent playing the game even though the bulk of that was whining about the state of the game, sitting idle in Lion’s Arch, or leaving the game on overnight.
I complain about the gem store but have, since launch, spent $200+ in it.
I rarely post but lurk on the forums silently judging the community here. Ten out of ten times the judgements are negative.
I keep a saved file of forum topics that I have written but never posted.
I knew…..all of it.
well, not the saved file bit.
I save the Quaggan in Frostgorge. And I’m not ashamed.
I love the noises Charr make when they are rolling around on fire.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
I’ve found the posts I was refering to. A german guy asked the customer service if selling dungeons is allowed or not and a GM answered him
The Moderator’s post
Also this post from Chris Cleary tell us a lot about anet’s policy regarding dungeon selling. All agree on the same: dungeon selling is allowed as long as no exploits are involved. Both the moderator and the GM say it explicitly, Chris doesn’t, but it can be implied from his words.
Btw, I was referring to this definition of fair: in accordance with the rules or standards; legitimate.
In case of controversy, it is anet’s job to interpret the rules to determine whether something is allowed or not in game, and there’s evidence that selling paths is in accordance with the rules.Finally, adressing someone’s comment above, there are situations in real life where cheating has nothing to do with taking credit for other person’s work as long as that individual is compensated for it. Such is the case of ghostwriters and I’m sure there are many more cases like this but I’m not going to think about them now since I’ve already provided enough evidence for all my points instead of mere opinions.
Thanks for the links.
BTW, Ghostwriting Academic Essays is considered Fraud and you can lose a degree over it. Many national publications require a statement of actual authorship, and many, many authors consider publishing a Ghostwritten work as ones’ own work to be highly unethical.
Not a good example choice as it is not clear cut. It is conditionally acceptable in some context, and rejected in others.
No matter, Anet has communicated. Hard to find, but they have.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
People who love the game are playing. People who don’t are complaining on the forums.
Said John Smedley at NGE.
Amen. Prior to appearance slots in EQ2 I had a lot of KoS BIS gear at that time. My guild called me Rainbow Brite and laughed at me. KOS was such a horrid mishmash of color. Still cringe at those screenshots. You could judge how effective a player was in KOS by how hideous the outfit looked. You had to dump a pile of stats to look good, and everyone knew that you had.
Haha .. i still have saved that one picture, but sadly not all of them .. was something like : now finally i got my BIS headwear and cape .. and then that ..
LOL! People that weren’t there won’t know that the pic isn’t overstating the issue!
Ugh…are players really that obtuse?
dev says: “well, when the lore is out of game, especially one that is a small detail on a pre-release interview that isn’t even documented on our wiki, we might consider it malleable.”
Well, the nuke retcon of the 6 gods, magic and bloodstones post release was a bit more than a “small detail” IMO. And, an offsite interview at that. Nobody saw it coming.
I’ve never understood the need to care about what is seen on another persons comp.
Because we don’t put on clothes just so we can look in the mirror.
Some people do, but not everybody.
Game girl isn’t me. If you could see me, I’d put less ratty looking jammies on. Game Girl doesn’t care.
Yes, she is in a very poor spot. Insta gib on exit, and sometime entering is tricky.
For your third argument, okay gw2 may not have a gear grind, but it does in fact have a style grind, which is almost pretty much the same exact thing, you go off for sometime, and new styles and stuff come out; in this you can choose to pay for that style or grind for it.
You know why a “style grind” is much better than a gear grind? I can still be at peak efficiency (if I cared) even while I’m working for the style I like. With a gear grind, I’ll never be at peak efficiency, even if I wanted.
And if I don’t like that new style that just came out, I can safely ignore it, and still be at peak efficiency.And as answer to the question above (about the trinkets in Orr), I found out, shortly after the ascended came out, that my main, who had already done her entire story, including mapping of the world, was still wearing some blue below level 50 trinkets… While wearing rare armor set and using rare weapons….
Amen. Prior to appearance slots in EQ2 I had a lot of KoS BIS gear at that time. My guild called me Rainbow Brite and laughed at me. KOS was such a horrid mishmash of color. Still cringe at those screenshots. You could judge how effective a player was in KOS by how hideous the outfit looked. You had to dump a pile of stats to look good, and everyone knew that you had.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
You’ve highlighted one of the definitions of fair but your answer doesn’t even correlate to that definition.
Selling paths is in accordance with the ToS because anet has already stated that, as long as someone doesn’t exploit the dungeon, he or she is allowed to sell it. In fact, anet has already been saying this for almost 10 years since Prophecies was released.
Is there a link to that? As far as I know, in GW they said nothing, pro or con, and did nothing for runners claiming “scammed” on either side of the transaction. Honestly curious.
NM. I found a year old unnamed Forum Moderator post. No Red name. Still curious if a Red Name statement is out there. The mod post is still buyer beware. That has always been their policy as I recall.
To be fair, I don’t understand the buyers. Buyers drive the business. Even something that is deemed illegal, gold selling, would die without buyers. /shrug.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
“Fantasy” is so subjective.
I’ll take a “fantasy” Narsil or Orcrist.
leave Buster at home…for my taste.
Allowing client side only cosmetic mods would be really nice. I see what I want, you see what you want. Not holding my breath tho lol.
I had a client side mod in SWG that hid all halos, cupid wings and other redonkulous back items. It was wonderful. I would pay gems for a “hide back items” mod from Anet. A lot of gems.
MMO peeps tho. In EQ2 we could hide cloaks/mounts and could choose between two Character styles, SOGA or Original. We had people demanding that these be changed so that people had to see their Character “as they intended to be seen”. Oh well.
I’ve never understood the need to care about what is seen on another persons comp.
@DiogoSilva Yes I agree re Gleaming blades, for lack of a better term. My high rez “realistic” sword mods I use in skyrim have that.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
And continuing what Belden mentioned, once you gear for T3 or 4 the rest of the game is trivial. Really really trivial. You are only balanced to that top content.
My t1 Guard in Everquest 2 killed normal SF mobs her level with just retal and riposte. Just standing there and doing nothing. They couldn’t dent her. A t4 geared guard made her look like a fluffy bunny.
My Assassin, literally, one shot everything on the map, including heroics overland. Multi attack and massive crits. 40k multi crits on a default bow shot. No special. This was self buffed solo. If I bothered to stealth and shank them with Eviscerate, it just got worse.
Mentored or Chronodownleveled they were Goddesses. Lower level x2 Raid bosses were nothing. Certain x4s too, depending if their script let you solo. 12 and 24 player content easily soloed while downleveled.
None of that “trivial” content could be adjusted up because players in normal/ MC gear needed a shot at doing it. Geared up, most of the game became a snooze. Geared players cried that the game was too easy. Leveling and normal geared players wondered what game they were playing. The gap between have and have not got wider with each tier boost.
Power creep is is just bad. Anet is doing the right thing, IF they stick to it. It is one of the better things they brought forward from the old game and didn’t wreck too badly. Ascended could have been a whole lot worse than how they did it.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Numbers, food sources, are leap of faith content. I’ve never seen a game model full ally “armies”, I’ve always accepted there have to be hidden numbers.
Same with agriculture/infrastructure. We don’t see much of either. The crop production area shown in most games is a pittance compared to the need. Same with transport.
Foes have to be numerous to simply cater to game needs. In Ascalon there simply needs to be enough ghosts for many players to finish missions without causing a “waiting for respawn” stack of players.
Some things need to be just accepted. Counting the numbers of NPCs on each side in game will never give a realistic number of combatants in the historical events of armies vs armies.
I crossed the north wall and killed all the charr in pre many many times. There weren’t that many. Ascalon City was defended by even less. No visible armies in game.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
how is Garr?
me. thief tagged
me. thief tagged
me. Ok two golems and 20+ INC GARR WG [suppressed due to excessive messaging]
I wrote a response, Vayne. I looked at it and realized I would be banned until GW8, at least.
And so, I have nothing more to add.
They have to leave a little squeeze room for the races/beliefs. We humans on earth still argue passionately, endlessly and throw books at one another over evolution.
This could be as simple as the notation I linked on Adelbern, as small as a nod to say “the charr account is disputed by Ascalonians, who have a very different tale” http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/King_Adelbern
Those disputes should be recognized. That also makes a “living” world.
No race in this game should ever get a blunt and blanket “they were mistaken” dismissal again as humans already have.
It’s coming anyway.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
shrug. I’m glad that is one part of Anet philosophy that didn’t change. Everyone can get BIS or nearly BIS with a little effort. From there it becomes how you use that gear rather than the gear itself.
Ideally, this means people beating the most difficult content in game are doing it with skill, rather than gear. Some will debate it it’s working as well as it should, but I think it is a better philosophy.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Alas, someone above was right: “If players can abuse some function, it is assumed they will.” In this case, it’s how the kick system works. In other games it was how a /report could stop the game for someone if it was written just a certain way to trigger a live GM response to investigate.
The kick system needs work, and there should be a revamp so the instance creator can’t be dumped on the side of the road by a mutiny. At the same time? I suspect if players really try hard they’ll get gullible or people ignorant of what they’re doing to do it to themselves.
Anyone remember the scamming of Althea’s Ashes, Globs of Ectoplasm, and other things in GW1 when there actually was a trade system . . . and ANet’s answer being effectively: “Don’t do anything if your common sense says it’s a bad idea, and check all trades before accepting.”
I’m seriously not sure which scam was worse – something which looked alike and had a different name which you could tell if you moused over it to check . . . or “my trade window is bugged, drop it on the ground and I’ll drop the money”.
It boggles me the instance creator can ever be kicked. Dunno what they were thinking there. If creator drops out for whatever.. that’s different. Kicked.. no.
I remember the GW scams. Drop the item so I can see it… yoink. How anyone fell for that is beyond me. Or “Trading pre gold for post. Yah, just trade me the gold and I’ll get right on my Pre char and pay ya”
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Don’t sell loot slots? Then you won’t be surprised when people that cheese loot are less than spectacular.
This is the kind of attitude that the people who ruined your party have, OP.
Sadly many of the community feel threatened by the selling of dungeon slots, even if it does not affect them at all. So threatened in fact that they take the time out of their day to grief you because you are doing something that upsets them. This is an emotional thing for them. This is how they cope with their personal problem, by screwing over other peopleMy advice to you is to have a network of friends who will sit in your party and fill slots for you so that you can trickle in buyers one by one, or have them set up a proxy party to take in buyers and forward the money and customers to you.
And you picked me out why? I’m not threatened, I’m not jealous, I’m not impressed by 2nd rate armchair psychologists.
I’m just not in favor of content selling. But go ahead and do it. No skin off my nose, I don’t need it. It’s pay to win.
You are selling to people who think they deserve content rewards without doing the content. And so my point was… why are you all shocked that some go the next logical step to get them without paying?
Target Market. They aren’t griefing, they are scamming you out of a free run. Its the nature of the business and the customer it attracts./kick needs fixed. But not because a runner got scammed.
Knew you would respond in this manner too
I think I’m a pretty first rate armchair mindbrain tyvm.
Then why post? You only embarrassed yourself.