Mods do lock, remove a lot. It is the weekend and they are not in full force. I also wish people would just find something else they enjoy.
(This is not directed to any person in particular)
You know, I wish people who don’t like the game just… leave.
No dramatics, no complaining, just close the door and walk out.
These kinds of threads discourages new players from trying the game (and in the end, hurting the game itself) and what delayed me from trying it out myself for several months. I suggest mods to start locking/deleting these kinds of threads since it isn’t productive, useful and just bring about useless arguments/debate.
The game is not perfect, not everything will appeal for everyone but it does not mean it is bad. For example, I don’t like jumping puzzles so I rather not do them but I don’t consider the game bad for having it (and I thank all the mes who give me ports so I don’t have to do them
I think what this game has is a little of everything for everyone. Personally, I think the community in general and as a whole, are awesome especially compared to other MMO I have played before (and I have played a lot since the first MMO… senior moment). And yes, the community and the game CAN be better but I believe it is on the right track.
Key word you are missing is guesting, you don’t pay anything for it.
Have you tried guesting to a busier server? Not only might you find less contested waypoints, but there may be more people around to help you with them.
Are you suggesting that after paying money for the game, he should pay more money to “fix” a problem with the game? Even if he can change server paying gold, it will undo a fair share of his progress, if he can even afford the 60g.
I am sorry I don’t understand this. I have completed orr on hunter, ele, guardian and mesmer. Before they reduced the mob count and after. I never had a problem, I never took a direct line anywhere and you can always outrun anything.
Mobility and looks good. :p
This just confirms what ANET has publicly stated, the expansion is being worked on but not a priority. Why bother posting it?
There is a cool down on calling new pets, a cool down before you can use them to heal after down and between interupts. To be able to call 4 pets rapidly enough to survive multiple attacks and no one can push the pet off the character sounds like a bug.
too long 5/5
indulgent 5/5
biased 5/5
well done.
At least you Nords get the representation. I’m Scottish and we have nothing in this game that emulates our ancient culture.
There are places where it rains quite often.
Anytime I play, it always seems to be raining. I guess I’m just lucky? Now they just need to make my character look like a drenched cat and the environment would be complete. (You know, the sodden hair, the clingy clothes, complete with squishy boot sounds)
That was a great laugh. They want to bring rain into games but forget about the messy bits.
At least you Nords get the representation. I’m Scottish and we have nothing in this game that emulates our ancient culture.
There are places where it rains quite often.
emotes, fashion, fluff all are perfect for the gem store. People want something that does not directly impact how the game is played the company should have the option to make extra money from it.
Yes, either way they lose more than they could gain.
Can they do it? Not really, I don’t have a credit card registered so impossible to charge me a sub fee. Others with a card registered though? The company is based in the USA, there are some very weird lawsuit settlements that have cost hundreds of millions for mental anguish. Not a change it would be brought in unannounced.
It wouldn’t be a forced subscrption, it would only allow them to change the game to subcription based. So you’ll either pay the subscription or you cant play.
They are not going to forcefully take your money.
Can they do it? Not really, I don’t have a credit card registered so impossible to charge me a sub fee. Others with a card registered though? The company is based in the USA, there are some very weird lawsuit settlements that have cost hundreds of millions for mental anguish. Not a change it would be brought in unannounced.
It is an increadable letdown to finally see a chest and get something like this. It does follow the guidelines of rare, it is just not useful.
Ah, that makes more sense. At least I know next time not to broadcast it on map chat about a new class :p
One other question if anyone can answer.. If I get skins (fire etc) for my weapons, are they permanent or can they be used for all gear I acquire with that char?
Thanks again.
You need to keep using transmute stones. You will be drowning in the under 80 ones very soon if not now. At 80 you need the fine ones which are a rare map complete reward or black lion chest drop. They are also in the store to be bought.
Staff for me is horrible solo, only use it in group content. I used earth 90% of the way to 80 so it is not mandatory to learn switching early, I do it all the time now but takes a while and earth bleeds and blinds are great while learning. Sceptor dagger is still my preference for solo play.
Passive aggressive people are fun.
People who are vocal about the game actually care about the game; even if their arguments are irrational. Their opinions and feedback matter. Why? *Because casual players don’t care.
Casual players don’t post on forums. Don’t talk with others on voip, don’t type anything in chat, don’t write guides, don’t find exploits, don’t abuse game mechanics, don’t provide feedback and just generally don’t care about pretty much anything.*
If we met face-to-face, I would put you in the hospital for that comment. I am a casual player and I actually care about this game. I want to see this game work so well that every boast that they’ve made towards this game is true and real. One of the factors that help make this game amazing is the community but that is by a long shot because the recent generation of gamers is comprised of alot of Hardcore.
I could say this same comment about these Hardcore gamers because they are the ones who try to convince everyone that MMOs are about PvP more than the main game. They are the ones who only care about THEIR status in the game and will ruin it to fulfill their own agenda. They will step on people just to get better scores.there might be some Hardcore that care but most of Hardcore only care about themselves.
Seems like someone needs an infraction. I suggest you take a trip to the nearest anger management counselor. And the definition of casual, you need to go read it up.
Not a breeze but not impossible. Did it with 2 warriors a necro my hunter and can’t remember the last one. We wiped at a blind corner with too many pulls and at the final double boss. The most difficulty was that final, range and keep moving.
I thought about this as well. Would be a great way to preserve content.
Heh … FotM as the garbage bin for temporary content?
Sure, why not? Let it be not in the random cycle with the others, but something you have to trigger at an NPC/object. Like selecting an option off the control pad in the Observatory, and poof! Hey look, we can replay some of the temporary non-Holiday content.
True, the problem sets in when ANET is the seller. They want to sell goods (boosts etc) that people don’t need. The fashion (pets, armour skins and weapon skins) side has not been touched however which I really don’t understand.
basically his complaint is that it’s not a seller’s market.
it’s a buyer’s market AND buyers also have several other paths(and currencies) to attain what they want.
so, the economy is “broken” from the perspective of “how would this work as a real world economy” when that’s clearly not at all what the system is designed for.
He does not have a strong grasp of mechanisms in the game it seems. I get the impression he did a grind advance on crafting instead of creation which gives better exp. That said I would love to play a game without junk being central to drops.
My test avatar was a Sylvari elementalist. … Every time you are defeated in battle (which happens fairly often when soloing)
There is a review on Gamasutra by Ramin Skokrizade. He has used games to model real economies and is semi famous for his work on Eve.
While he has valid points it would be good to see what other players think about it.
Casual players don’t post on forums. Don’t talk with others on voip, don’t type anything in chat, don’t write guides, don’t find exploits, don’t abuse game mechanics, don’t provide feedback and just generally don’t care about pretty much anything.
Really? This is news to me.
They wanted to keep the three aspects together as far as I remember. That is gone now so we will see what happens.
and to the reply, they were supposed to have separate pvp pve skill behaviors at launch, one out of a long list of things they failed to deliver from their own promises.
Actually I am rather sure that they stated that they DIDN’T want to split it at launch and wanted to keep it the same as long as possible. Might be mistaken so feel free to link the “promise” about split-skills.
This covers everything I would write, including the ‘I will be brief’ comment.
I will try to keep this brief as I am tired right now:
After starting with that line you ultimately go into two full posts on the subject. Failure on keeping it brief
As to your topic, you are right on much of this and the need for these and other features. So much so if you look through the forums you will find a plethora of topics that address each of these issues as well as others.
You have a lot more patience than I do. I would have hit ignore about 2/3 of the way there with all the complaining. I only lasted a few hours in TERA, just a huge mix of things I did not like about the game. Glad you like this game.
I would not mind if it where changed to a vet instead of champ. I have done it 4 times a mix of solo and other players.
I am glad you have posted. It was well written. I myself have played since the beta weekends. I enjoy the game still. I never played a hunter/ranger before this and really enjoy it, can’t really figure out the hate but then I don’t run pvp or dungeons. Pve is just a breeze with hunter though. I tried mesmer in beta and just was not interested, tried a guard and thought I would play through with that first. After a while I did not enjoy the guard (still took it to 80) and did not start another mesmer until I unlocked an extra slot. Now I love my mesmer, so it is possible for tastes to change.
Good post. I think it is also due to people identifying with their character too much. If the character is changed it seems to imply the creator of the character is not as “good” anymore. Since blame is such a feel good thing it is the ‘devs’ fault for not seeing how wonderful they are as a player. Would be nice if people had more self esteem but ‘wishes where horses’ comes to mind.
Guild Wars the first is still there, go have fun.
Very good post!!! really make the difference fun boy!!
Thanks, glad I could help.
Guild Wars the first is still there, go have fun.
Why do people keep insisting on posting these diary threads about how they can’t enjoy GW2? If you don’t enjoy it, stop posting on the forums about it and move on to another game.
Becouse a lot ppl played gw1 for many years, w8ing gw2…..buying the collector edition , playing the beta….to understand that anet manifesto is just marketing…..that the game is boring and ther’s no challange… empty box, a very very big empty box and spending the $$ to buy the game give me the right to say so in the forum.
The game is boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GW1 was realllllly better!!!!!!!!
Why come here? Go and play and make up your mind after that..
whats more annoying is the voice actors inability to pronounce quay correctly.
Gotta love English, a word with only one of the letters, the last one, pronounced as written.
/checks Guild Wars 2 forum
/sees irrationality and gnashing of virtual teeth
/realizes patch date is approaching
/cues REM’s It’s the End of the World as We Know It"
/waits to see if the sun still rises the day after the patch
It was a cover of a Great Big Sea song, both are great. Just a little meaningless information to brighten a day.
I think it is pronounced potato, great song goes with it too.
(edited by Yargesh.4965)
Ok, no game has or will hold my attention for more than 2-3 years. There have been great games that I just cannot play, but that is my choice. To rail at a game and say they have dug their own grave is to me pointless and thus the masochism aspect that I do not understand.
Which player hemorage?
Why people who hate a game play or complain about playing is beyond me. Masochism is fun?
Those that really hate just walk away. The ones that complain overall like it but find rough edges that annoy them to a great or lesser degree, and hope to see them improved so that the game can become even better.
So a quote like “ArenaNet dug their own grave when they turned their backs on much of the GW1 community.” is from someone that wants to improve the game?
Yes actually, quite a bit of information in that sentence. He is trying to voice to Anet that unless they return to their promises they made during development, the game will continue to hemorrhage players.
By definition it’s a helpful response because it advises them that if things do not change, it will get worse.
Maybe hemorrhage was a poor word. Slowly lose maybe is more appropriate. WvW will continue to decline until it is properly updated, luckily the last patch breathed life back into it with the culling fix.
As far as PvE goes, a lot of people who play PvE on my friends list don’t even log on at this time, so I guess having Fractals…and…F&F….and…Fractals doesnt work.
sPvP died about 2 months ago. There was a small funeral.
Which player hemorage?
Why people who hate a game play or complain about playing is beyond me. Masochism is fun?
Those that really hate just walk away. The ones that complain overall like it but find rough edges that annoy them to a great or lesser degree, and hope to see them improved so that the game can become even better.
So a quote like “ArenaNet dug their own grave when they turned their backs on much of the GW1 community.” is from someone that wants to improve the game?
Yes actually, quite a bit of information in that sentence. He is trying to voice to Anet that unless they return to their promises they made during development, the game will continue to hemorrhage players.
By definition it’s a helpful response because it advises them that if things do not change, it will get worse.
Why people who hate a game play or complain about playing is beyond me. Masochism is fun?
Those that really hate just walk away. The ones that complain overall like it but find rough edges that annoy them to a great or lesser degree, and hope to see them improved so that the game can become even better.
So a quote like “ArenaNet dug their own grave when they turned their backs on much of the GW1 community.” is from someone that wants to improve the game?
Why people who hate a game play or complain about playing is beyond me. Masochism is fun?
you are not lvl 17, the area is. Learn what that means and you will have less stress in your life.
Green gear can work since I have done Orr on Ele, hunter and guard with green. Look to your traits and how you attack.
I have never ever experienced this. Look at your gear, buy green items to get on level gear. Look are ear, rings, amulet buy on level green. Buy since it is usually the same price or cheaper than crafting it yourself, green since it is a waste to buy anything else and outlevel it. Look at your traits, you have points, maybe you have not used them bottom icon left hand side on the same page as your weapon unlock.
You can start running dungeons now so that you have enough tokens to buy the exotics when you hit 80. If you want to test different armour buy greens for a few silver and see how the stats affect your gameplay. If you avoid the frantic leet players you should be able to get suited up in exotics without too much trouble if you enjoy dungeons. If not then do some world events and break down the rares you get (they will give ectos since you are 70). Use the money to buy the exotics you want.
A game comes out and looks overfull because everyone is in the same level range thus the same areas. There are 31 PVE areas including cities in each world, include WvWvW or sPVP zones 5 more plus FOTM and the new temp area in Rata Sum plus all of the dungeons. There are 51 worlds. How many people do you want in each zone?
my biggest issue, and it is not a huge problem for me, is the tendency for the big bosses to only have an active attack area in a cone shape in front of them. They (mostly) raise minions and have effects that do not cover a ‘big’ enough area.
my main is ranger, ele, guard and mesmer. My off main is thief and necro. I have not tried warrior or engi so I don’t know if they would be my main or off-main.
I see them every once in a while, I probably miss some since they are not easy to spot in a crowded area. I try to run though anything I kill hitting F but it is not always possible. Auto loot would be cool but for some reason the majority of games want you to run around in a chaotic area looking for shinnies. Impressively LOTRO introduced auto loot, mostly because of mounted combat difficulties but soon put it into the entire game.
How in the hell is that a discussion about the game?
Megadestroyer is a boss in game.
At the end of this boss it spawns a chest in game.
Comparable bosses give a daily yellow personal chest in game.
I think it is a discussion about things in game.
A lot of people like the human area 1-15 to play in. It does not matter which species you pick to play everyone can play in any zone. The game has been out for many months now and while people are still in game they are not all in starter zones, and not in all zones all the time. That said I have never found a zone that is completely empty, just people not in zone chat.
If I compare with stories I like to read, I like both short stories and novels. There are some authors who do both really well. It would be insulting to those authors if I went up to them and said ‘stop with the short stories already, it is taking away too much time from the novels!’ They would call the police first, second they would talk about ‘that nutcase’. Let the company find its footing with this game. I got all my monies worth a long time ago. If you feel you have not, fine. Start looking for other games that fit your needs.