Well i know the environmental tic procs mesmer sword block on the boss. So it might be worth testing Thorn runes.
I don’t know what’s best now that viper trinkets are more accessible. Ropechef is probably right.
They should just move reset to friday. Would solve the issue for a fair amount of people.
It was more of a response to Mega Skeleton saying to farm shards on the easier bosses to get the rewards… Leaving out the fact that you need to actually unlock the rewards first.
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He has to beat Matthias first before he can buy the weapons with shards. I think some of you are forgetting that. Buying a kill isn’t a bad idea.
Yeah its still fine as its still top end dps. Im just telling the honest truth. No point lying to the poor fellow.
Daredevil is useful in Raids, but not required. “Required” classes are Druid, Chrono, Herald, PS Warrior because of their buffs and utilities, but aside from that, anything comes in handy as long as you know your rotations and the mechanics well. You don’t even need Ascended as long as you know how to play well!
Daredevil is probably the least useful of all classes since its biggest merit is single target dps. Whereas the other dps classes have more damage and aoe (ele), epidemic (necro) and slick shoes (engi).
Cant believe its still reeling them in.
I have never raided but this clearly proves what a joke raiding is in this game. At least in WoW it takes months to beat raids even for top guilds. Even then I don’t understand why anyone would take pride in raids. Anyone can beat the scripted static content with enough practice. Give me truly hard content with dynamic and opponents with brains and you got me interested.
Why do you even bother voicing an opinion on something you haven’t even tried yourself?
With minor tweaks all of the W1 raid bosses could be made significantly harder, the raw mechanics are challenging but coordination and linear timing of events makes Gors for example considerably easier than he should be, cutting down the time between AoEs, especially the first one which could make the no-updraft cheese significantly harder or near impossible.
Argue all you want but if someone can get to the end solo like 1 day after the release that says something about the raids.
And that is a really weak argument. If you had played as much as PvP as I have this would be really obvious to you.
Oh this is truly sad.
Im in tears.
Impressive. Well done. I think it shows true skill that you managed to solo it. Ignore that hater “Wethospu”. He doesnt know anything.
There is a timer but it doesn’t actually mean anything. Just like it didn’t on wing 1.
I’d also like to know how something can be more challenging when you remove a restraint.
Yes 100%. I’m not saying the visuals are completely pointless
This is a contradiction. Its not 100% unless you say visuals are completely pointless. :P
Let’s face it, aesthetic appeal is as important as the combat mechanics.
I disagree 100%. Unless the aesthetics are getting in the way of gameplay, the combat mechanics are far more important.
And come on, this is a game where a legendary shortbow shoots out glitter unicorns. Is a giant sloth really that much of an affront to the game’s aesthetic?
100%? Im sure even you would prefer to fight bosses that look good rather than bad/stupid/silly.
Wouldn’t make much a difference. Everyone runs Mercenary’s anyway which has equal power and condition damage. That would only shorten the list of viable PvP builds. Wouldn’t help Power Reaper, because it’s inferior in many other ways. In PvE, I guess you would still use Reaper’s Onslaught.
Except you dont use Reaper Onslaught in PvE even now. Deathly Chill is already the best dps option simply because camping shroud is not viable for optimal dps. And a bit of extra damage on chill is always beneficial. So it would help PvE. Not enough to fix power reaper in PvE. But it would still be a small step to improving it.
Your so called pros will have had 2 raid wings since hot,what have the rest of the players who payed for this expansion had? sweet f all.
Id like to try what you’re smoking. Must be out of this world.
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I don’t blame people for being mad. After all the criticisms I have seen leveraged against HoT and Anet and the constant dwindling player population in the guilds I am part, their first content patch after like months containing only a raid wing with a sloth feels like they are laughing at their own players and making a mockery of it all.
If you’re getting all that from a single sloth, then maybe you need to take a break for a while.
If you’re angry at WvW or fractals or whatever, fine complain about those; they’re valid criticisms. Don’t blame it all on a sloth though.
Im sure the anet design teams would rather make the Sloth their scapegoat than their own hindquarters.
Might make power reaper actually slightly more competative in PvE again. Whats the problem?
You’re jumping to many conclusions about the creature and its adds without knowing literally anything about it other than how they look. Slublings may seem very strange, but I doubt it’ll go unexplained. There will be journal entries, or NPC dialogue, or something to justify it, and it’ll be fine.
This is my entire point. In the case of Slublings they look totally stupid and make no logical sense. Even if they explain them as some inquest experiment where they combined Sloth with Grub. It still wouldnt sit well with me. Im sorry but I really dislike things that get justified with completely illogical explanations and not even an attempt at creating some kind of semi realistic scientific fantasy reason in games like this (good serious lore and detailed backgrounds). GW has always prided itself in detailed lore and backstories. Im concerned about how they are going to explain this.
And as MadRabbit mentioned above me. It does very well seem like a metaphor to their game as of late.
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Then they should consider giving it damage that scales on power. It could have split scaling. Or it could have a separate direct damage component. Or it could just scale on power instead of condi damage.
Whether that really was their intention or not. The nerf is inconsequential and makes no sense. We should be getting buffs in areas we suffer not silly nerfs which dont make any real difference to the gamemode the nerf was obviously directed at.
Yeah and none of them are quite as absurd as a grub with a sloths head. Most Chimeras ive seen join the animal parts in ways that look right or make some sense.
Anyway its a matter of opinion. And im clearly not the only one that thinks this might be going a bit too far on the ridiculous side. I will hold final judgements until i see it for myself.
Im merely pointing out my distaste for over the top absurdity in a game which wasnt originally developed as a gag fest. And i sincerely hope im pleasantly surprised by what i see when wing 2 is eventually released in 2020. Although i cant see that happening for the adds unless they redesign them (or the tease was fake).
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And it was an undead Gorilla. Hardly a joke design.
Sure the Sloth might be intimidating. We dont know. But those adds…. Can you honestly say those are serious? Its one thing creating something that doesnt seem all that imposing at first glance. Its another when you create completely unrealistic and absurd creatures that look even more absurd than they sound. Mammal/insect hybrid… Ok, im sure it can be done in way that can be satisfying with enough creativity. But just slapping a mammals head on a grub…. How the hell does that skeletal structure even work? Also why does a Sloth have Slublings anyway? Wouldnt it make more sense just to give it a reason to have large grubs in the fight. You know, as a symbiotic relationship.
I dont know why this bothers me so much. Maybe its because theres a limit to how absurd you can be in a fantasy game without completely losing all seriousness. Or maybe its because i dont like things that dont make sense. Or at least cannot be explained with “sensible” lore.
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Yeah i dont understand why this nerf was necessary.
I mentioned this to Bhawb the other day, but I do have an idea for Well of Darkness.
Keep its current effect and cooldown, but make it form an opaque black dome for enemies (allies see it as a transparent dome like the toxic krait bubbles). Inside the dome, it’s like one of the dark rooms in PvE/Obsidian Sanctum (for enemies only). You can’t see things properly in there.
Now, you can still maintain a target, perhaps, but do you know what is being hidden during those 5 seconds? It could be absolutely nothing, or it could be reeeeeeal nasty.
Wouldn’t affect PvE use at all, but I could see some crazy plays coming from it in PvP/WvW.
Thats a pretty cool idea. I could definitely get with this. Also pls make it a smoke field :o
Sounds cool for pvp. But wouldn’t people just turn of post processing to negate it. Assuming they don’t already have it off. And it doesn’t help pve at all.
Blood is good for condi. Quickening thirst adds damage, mark of evasion adds damage, Vampiric adds some damage. Quickening thirst is the main reason. Not only does it boost damage by allowing more frequent enfeebling bloods. It also adds more frequent transfers which can be coupled with traited corrupt boon and BiP for some really strong damage under perfect conditions. Also helps with chill uptime and damage if you are using Reaper.
Necros would be in high demand for PvE if Anet only did 1 thing. Make creatures use boons regularly. If a boss for example constantly stacked might, protection etc you’d need a Necro to debuff for the most efficiency. I really don’t know why mobs don’t apply boons more. That 1 change would make several of our skills that are useless in PvE very important. Also Why do bosses have boons that can’t be removed. Necros don’t need more party support skill and traits. We only need to be able to use the skills we already have.
Not really true. Mesmers have always been better for constant boon removal. Condi necros can now compete to a very decent level. But thats only recently. And Mesmer is still more than adequate, and can be even more effective when using phantasmal disenchanters in addition to sword auto. So improving boons on mobs in PvE wont really change things as much as you might think.
Ele does way more damage. Necro is easier. Ele is pretty risky in some places. Necro isnt. Using staff on necro is completely useless unless you are literally only using it to tag. You get more damage and the same safety by using any of the better weapons.
Alternatively you could run d/w tempest and have much better survivability and much better damage than staff except on large hit box situations. Or the classic d/f ele which was lower damage but generally accepted as the better build for soloing more dangerous and chaotic content for both survivability and damage reasons (lava font isnt so great on moving targets).
You obviously have no intention of moving away from what you have decided to play despite reasons given. I dont see why you are even in this thread.
I think it’s alright!
Don’t judge a book by it’s appearance, maybe he is amazingly designed.
We’ll see.
Doesnt matter if its amazingly designed if i cant stop laughing. Or fawning over the cute monster trying to maul my team.
Character design is hugely important. Creating an intimidating boss adds a sense of danger, urgency and excitement to the fight. Fighting a giant cute thing completely takes that away.
Why do you think Gorseval is so popular? Because its both intimidating, overwhelming and has decent fight mechanics that make it challenging.
Sure i dont mind joke bosses in some areas of the game. They can be amusing in their own way. But raids are so infrequently released and are supposed to be the top end of difficulty. Id rather not see stuff which could hardly be called serious.
That said. I will take back everything if anet manage to somehow make him intimidating. For example he morphs during the fight into a grotesque beast (angry quaggan type thing). Or Mordremoths corruption or other magic causes him to explode/mutate into something else. The adds however are a joke. I seriously hope those are not what we are going to see.
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I dont know about you guys. But i feel difficult raid bosses should be designed to be intimidating. Wing 1 didnt do a great job on that either. Only Gorseval excelled in that department. I cant take something like this seriously. And as much as i like comedy in some areas of the game. I dont think this is the right place to do it. The adds also bother my OCD. Mixing a mammal with a grub. And not even making it look right…. It looks like an edit with paint.
And ill repeat what i said last night. Nice to see anets boss design is representative of their current state of the game.
Call me a negative nancy. But it seems anet is only capable of making jokes right now.
Well of Darkness is weak. But it is still a good skill by necro standards. There are a lot of situations where it is highly useful.
To make it better it needs a lower cooldown and possibly projectile destructrion. Also wouldnt hurt to add damage on pulse to it (Nightmare court Knights in TA have a good version of well of darkness). And Ascalonian necros in AC have strong wells as well.
Well of Power should pulse stability for allies standing in it.
Well of Suffering should get a small boost to damage and a lower cooldown.
Well of Corruption should probably apply some condition in addition to its current effects. Maybe cripple. Or torment if soft cc is too much.
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Well i assume the boss is going to be a huge joke.
A lot of players that have raid cleared weekly consistently are also starting to lose interest. So even those with almost max insights are going to start dropping until the new wing releases. I for one have decided to stop for now. So i will be staying at 41 until wing 2 releases.
I kittening hope its the same currency. Otherwise all this bullkitten with not capping on first clear makes absolutely no sense.
Blood is max dps most of the time anyway.
I will admit greatsword auto is fine. I dont think that needs any damage changes. Maybe slightly longer chill duration.
Gravedigger needs its after cast removed though. And it could also maybe do with a slight buff.
Greatsword overall is not far off being good. Remove the aftercast on gravedigger and its a good weapon. The lack of damage necro has stems from lack of damage modifiers. We should get those on traits rather than on a single weapon. If you put it all on greatsword you restrict the class and render dagger and shroud options useless.
Couple of suggestions i have mentioned in the past:
+ Make Strength of Undeath 10% instead of 5%
+ Add additional modifer to Reaper minor trait Cold Shoulder. Deal 10% more damage to chilled foes.
+ Vampiric Presence should also grant allies affected with a 5% damage buff.
+ Buff Spiteful Talisman to 10% damage to enemies with no boons. And/or add a 5 or 10% modifier to Siphoned Power. Or revert Unholy Fervor so that it grants a 10% modifier when attacking foes with vulnerability regardless of weapon used.
Im not saying add all of these. But considering how much necro lacks modifiers. Even with all of these it still wouldnt put us above ele for damage. But it would make us very competative on foes with smaller hitboxes. And it makes vampiric aura more desirable to the group.
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You also said every content is easy but you complain about raids timers. Sounds paradoxical for me.
Its not paradoxical. He said raid timers should be far more strict.
Dark Harvest and Shadow Greatsword.
As much as i disagree with the trash talking. You have to admit Sesshi did kind of provoke a few of the comments. x)
Stay classy.
Impressed you lasted 12k hours. Im burnt out on 5.5k. And i havent had the free time to play enough to get bored through overplaying recently. But as you said there isnt really anything to do so even with no free time its easy to get burnt out and bored.
Pretty sure you are reading into it too much. He just wants to try something fresh on a very different type of MMO. Like most of us who are waiting for BDO.
If you go into BDO expecting to find challenging PvE and establish some kind of efficiency meta. I think you would find yourself very disappointed. Its a sandbox MMO that is a bit more PvP focused currently. Its nice for people that want something fresh. Even us hardcore players dont have to min max every game to have fun. For me it was only something i did in gw2 because i had nothing else to do after a certain point.
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On the other hand with anets matrix coding it could break any number of things. They managed to break waypoints in dungeons when not even touching dungeons for bug fixing.
I think you will get bored of Black Desert if you dont enjoy grind and semi roleplay. Im looking forward to it for the visuals, the combat and certain roleplay elements. But im not going to assume it will keep my interest for long at this point. The combat will be what decides it. If it becomes repetative too quickly then it wont last.
I only stuck with gw2 this long because of the combat system. But it has gotten quite boring to the point where we need regular skill additions and new content to keep it going. But for the first year that wasnt really necessary.
The dulfy version is up to date.
Why do GW2 videos always have no sound effects, no game music at all? Also, why consists the music mainly of ‘dubstep’ (not the real/original dubstep at all), the dulcet tones of a computer being lobotomized that make kids go wild? And why is this only in 99% of the GW2 videos. If I watch other games they just play the in game music, you hear voice over from Teamspeak and sound effects of the game.
What exactly is the reason?
For some its because the teamspeak chatter is really inappropriate or just not for public ears. For others I’d say its because most turn off ingame sound and play their own music. And then there’s the whole issue of gw2 music often doesn’t fit the more fast paced gameplay. If you want a clean recording of gw2 with ingame sounds you have to mute ts and turn off music. Muting ts isn’t really an option for some videos since they require comms. And I find it really boring to play without my own music. So people record without sound. Better to add something than uploading a soundless video.
Is that enough reasons for you? Or are going to judge peoples taste in music as well?
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All damage modifiers are multiplicative.
Would be nice. But its not really a priority problem. I will admit it is pretty silly that they add the whole skill display in hero panel but they forget to add certains skills.
Dont use instant cast. Use the semi instant cast. So if you hold the key down you can be precise. This is very important for Sabetha launch pads. Hold and release is definitely the best option for AoE targeting in PvE. And its practically instant cast when you want it to be.
Also using snap target is really good on engi. Its not really worth it on other classes. And you probably need to turn it off for Sabetha because of launch pads. Ive trolled my teammates many times by forgetting i had it on while playing engi on Gorseval then switching to necro for Sabetha. x)
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low as kittens ummmmmmm how about not at all with a boosted 385% magic find and getting crap they is way below kitten
Magic find hasnt worked on chests/boxes since forever. They only recently added it to certain bags which specifically state they are affected. Everything else is not affected.
Just keep the agony infusions on at all times on all characters. The only time you wouldnt do that is if you spent thousands of gold on stat infusions. But most people dont do that. So getting agony for most classes is not a problem.