Showing Posts For Artemid.3925:
Hey all,
Just a scant few days if you want to get in to join us for our celebration of all things platypi this weekend! Our annual spring guild party, it’s full of games, prizes, and incredible silliness. But even if that’s not your thing, we’ve got plenty more to offer – regular guild missions and PvE events, PvP nights, dungeons, now two raid nights progressing very nicely, and guild WvW events! Combined with a friendly and social atmosphere accepting of all playstyles and experience levels, we offer something for everyone. Learn more or apply at !
Running PingPlotter shows the first hop of with 80-90% packet loss =/
Having massive desync/lag spikes today. In PvP it was only affecting me and my input – everyone else was chatting and fighting normally, but I was on kitten chat and skill delay. Ping spiking from 1,300 up to 3,500ms, then theoretically recovering back to 80-120ms.
This seems to have now followed me into open world, too.
AT&T, West Coast US, no other apparent site issues or anything.
I just got through a few matches with that, but it happened worst on Forest for me.
It seems to have followed me into open world, though not as badly…
This happened to me yesterday. On recommendation of a guild mate, I left GW2, booted GW1, went to talk to Kimmes, logged out, logged back into GW2. Everything was back.
Except then I had to reboot GW2, and lost it all again…
I made a ticket.
edit: just tried portal stone again, it’s back again. Gonna reboot and see if I lose it a third time..
stayed fixed. huh.
(edited by Artemid.3925)
When the molten tools came up for sale again recently I bought a set because the Job-o-Tron tools I’d gotten in a bundle a few months ago were driving me insane.
That’s the sad thing about those tools and the backpack. If Anet was organized at all, they’d have coded the things so that each time there was a major update, new lines could be added, thus keeping the tools fresh and new while retaining their original humor.
Same applies to the salvage-o-matics. I normally play with sound off in GW2, so it doesn’t annoy me, but in the times I do have sound on, I quickly get tired of hearing “I was manufactured to the highest standards” (which apparently weren’t very high, as the VA for it sounds like it was thrown together in about 3 minutes).
That’s not about coding, that’s about getting the voice actor back in to record new lines every patch..
I dislike the idea of retreading old fights when there are so many other things one could be doing.
For example, right off the top of my head: instead of the Factions Shiro fight, what if you got pulled into the original Shiro assassination, transformed into royal guards or somesuch, and you were running parallel to Vizu trying to fight your way to Shiro (or something sub) and then have to escape the Jade Wind?
When the molten tools came up for sale again recently I bought a set because the Job-o-Tron tools I’d gotten in a bundle a few months ago were driving me insane.
Oh, hey, so you can! Thanks!
I thought they’d resolved this one already, so I was surprised to see it now.
EDIT: Had to reboot client again and lost them again…
(edited by Artemid.3925)
Like the title. I got an in-game email about having been accidentally granted God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals, and it needing to be rescinded. That’s fine, I never had GWAMM – I stopped at the Hall of Monument achievement that gave the last skin – but it’s taken away all of my HoM achievements. That’s several hundred AP and a lot of skins…
Can this be rectified, please?
Would the plan be for the MMR, at the end of the off-season, be immediately used for the next season?
I worry people would use this as a chance to tank their MMR off-season for easy pip climbing next time the league starts up (though I suppose this does depend on what matchmaking does, I guess this would be a huge problem with S1 and a self inflicted wound for S2).
If you think that’s bad, may I direct you to a certain
plantsoldier in Camp Resolve that’s worried about Mordremoth having the ability to strike anywhere.
Someone else can correctly identify the single most annoying NPC in the game!
The complained-about lines get annoying, yes. Even “mice and talking cabbages”. But if you’re next to this certain fellow, his line fires every fifteen seconds. I wish I were kidding.
By Ogden’s hammer! What savings!
I miss this, too.
There is an awful lot of tin foil hattery going on in this thread.
No image showed up, but I’m going to guess it’s referring to the Mastery tracks.
No, you still cannot level over 80; when you hit 80, experience gained contributes to account-wide Mastery tracks. When you fill up a track’s XP bar, you use Mastery points acquired from achievements or specific places of power in the world to learn them. They do stuff like unlock gliding, the new Legendary collections, auto loot and city swiftness boost, etc.
I see, you need the Heart of Thorns DLC for that right?
Yes, you need the expansion (it’s a wee bit more than DLC, lol) for it.
Otherwise, someone will still just show up as “80” there.
No image showed up, but I’m going to guess it’s referring to the Mastery tracks.
No, you still cannot level over 80; when you hit 80, experience gained contributes to account-wide Mastery tracks. When you fill up a track’s XP bar, you use Mastery points acquired from achievements or specific places of power in the world to learn them. They do stuff like unlock gliding, the new Legendary collections, auto loot and city swiftness boost, etc.
Okay, so we’re switching to a Trinity system now.
Who wants to be the one to tell everyone who rolled Guardian they only have access to the Altruistic Healing build? or Eles only have access to Water? Warriors are also going to lose GS and axe, because they’re tanks, so they’re not allowed to actually do DPS.
Having specific roles that need to be filled, at all, isn’t hard trinity. It’s just encounter design. Hard trinity means here that any given class can only ever fill one role, period.
That certain builds excel in a position more than every other option (let’s use Druid for healer here) is a balance problem, because you can fill it with a different build for some amount of loss of efficiency. But it’s not a guaranteed wipe.
This game isn’t like other mmo’s. Level 80 isn’t necessary to enjoy the game. PvP doesn’t require it, neither does WvW. And the most of the best PvE is in the leveling zones.
This is why, though it’d be completely unnecessary to add and I hope they wouldn’t, it also wouldn’t be a big deal.
I was at 300g and maybe 650 ectos the other week, so since I was about to sell a stack I figured I’d go try my luck, buying just the Ascended glob. If I lost the 100g seed money, I would stop.
10 buys later I was around 1,000g (total) and had turned that one full stack of ectos into 800-something and I figured I should quit while I was ahead.
Probably going back soon with the same rules, and only starting when I feel that I can comfortably lose 100g on nothing.
I don’t at all see how it would be “bad taste”, superheroes are kind of a big deal right now.
Though we did just get Gwen’s clothes, so there’s your lore-appropriate super hero :P
It’s really easy to make the Ironclad look like Iron Man (I did it completely by accident when I changed outfits, even), and it’d be kinda fun to have something more straight up superhero, but… you’d want to keep it somewhat GW2 styled, so it’d just end up looking like another outfit.
Bandit outfit + bright colors looks rather super hero, too.
You’ll see more boons in the HoT maps, at least amongst some of the Mordrem types, but it’s still pretty much a non-factor.
Though Focus 5 wrecking a Teragriff is always nice
I’m just asking specifically about the assassin, I love all the other mini sounds.
The W2Z2 guide on Dulfy is, yes, the old Infantile mode, and a lot changed.
Specifically, yeah, I got really confused when you hit the push block puzzle pagoda that’s right after the first bell, because clouds that used to be there have been removed, and now bypass the entire fish/toad/gong/pedestal section. That said, it’s still completely doable in infantile mode; I worked it out over a couple of hours from trying to figure out what to do with the old guide. I’m sure it can be done more optimally… I got stuck at the block puzzle and so skipped it, killed everything up to the last checkpoint, backtracked and took the shortcut, grabbed all the baubles at the bell structure where it drops you, then died. It respawns you at the checkpoint right before the teleport platforms, and from there I backtracked and grabbed everything.
Doing it again I would (now that I know how to solve the block puzzle) hit that point, use the cloud skip as before to kill everything up to the last checkpoint, then die to get back to the block puzzle, finish it, do the gong and toad pavilions, go back and take the shortcut, grab upper baubles, die, do teleport pads. I guess you could do the teleport pads, die, then backtrack for the shortcut.
Without being able to glide from the top of the jump arc, if there are people on the pads at Teq it’s almost faster to just hoof it.
Glad this is fixed though!
It’s not fixed. At least not for my account, anyway.
I only have one account and it’s got HoT, so I was going by what people above said. I really hope that it can be dual-function, they need to work for core.
I think, once you hit the final checkpoint, you’re SOL on being able to backtrack.
That said, for your next run-through, do note that if you take the shortcut eagle and ride it all the way, appear at the bell structure before the boss, and then die (grab all the baubles up there first!) WITHOUT tagging the last check point, you’re back ported to the checkpoint between the gong pavilion and the teleporter platforms. From there, with some work you can backtrack almost the whole way, and doing this in some order (clearing up to that point, going back and taking the shortcut; taking the shortcut first, then clearing backwards) is mandatory to get all the baubles.
Without being able to glide from the top of the jump arc, if there are people on the pads at Teq it’s almost faster to just hoof it.
Glad this is fixed though!
Someone else with the same thought I have!
I really want to use the mini but DEAR LORD the noise is atrocious. And I’m not one to complain about this kind of stuff usually. But some assassin he is, he sounds like he’s constantly out of breath every time he moves… how the hell is he supposed to sneak up on anyone?
More constructively: I don’t use this mini because of the sound. I will also note that none of the assassins in-game actually make this sound, either; the only one that does is the assassin that parades around the lobby.
Tribulation mode is pretty much trial and error game. Cat Mario stuff to eat your contiue coins..and maybe convince people to buy that infinite coin :p
I was seriously confused why anyone would really need the Infinite coin – even just playing normal mode spits a lot of them at you as loot.
Then I started playing Tribulation mode…
…so what would hard actually look like, to you?
Even with the new fight, 30m is still crazy early to try to grab a map for Shatterer. Do Teq or TT start gathering that early?
I’m not going to defend people being kittens, ever. But I ran the event a lot after it dropped trying to get the CC achievements, and there were a lot of people that didn’t seem to get how the crystal healing phase worked. If people don’t split and CC for the crystals, you will fail the event, something I’ve had happen a lot. And I’ve been in a bunch of maps where he gains a lot of HP back with the first heal, a couple people get on the importance of the split/CC, and then the next round goes much more smoothly. Never mind getting breakbars after the first take-off, if that; those have pretty much always required someone tagging up and calling people back to the pads and then to launch.
But again, those calls should be “guys, we need more people east for the next crystals ASAP” or “make sure you switch to CC, we need to CC quickly or we WILL fail” or similar. Not trash talking.
Turn him into a Mist Hero Champion for Stronghold. Special effect is swiftness, he’s the fastest champion! But not necessarily the strongest or best to survive.
Now this is a great idea!
He probably has a lot of Taunt.
Once you get the route down, W1Z3 can be done relatively painlessly… you pretty much just avoid a lot of stuff. You could always try running through stuff in Infantile Mode to get used to things before going to Normal for the better rewards.
Stefan is such a champ for how much he tanked and died for my idiot noob self back in the day (and everyone else, I’m sure!).
Known issue with HoT maps and the megaserver tech they’re working on.
Why have a dps chart when you can just check your dps in game with a damage meter. I think it’s been renamed to “gw2Specs”. I think power necro is better for the first 20-30 seconds, then after that condi necro gets better. If your horrors are being healed then condi necro gets better the more time that passes. .
Maybe it’s been fixed, but as of a month or two ago the DPS meters were having a hard time keeping up with the condi damage ticks in the log.
As to the question: depends on the fight. High toughness/high armor bosses and longer fights, or fights where you have to do too much moving to keep melee on? Condi hands down. 30-60 second fight, especially against lower armor targets? Melee burst.
Clearly this is not the whole of the news for the update, merely the need-to-know stuff.
Source is the quotes from MO’s post that I placed in my comment you excised and my knowledge of the English language. When MO says “here are SOME of the things coming,” I assume he does not mean ALL of them. “Here are a few things I want to give you heads up on … you know more of what is coming thanks to the AMA … etc.”
If he used that language when in fact he listed the entirety of the patch, he’ll have earned all the vitriol coming his way for being misleading. Meanwhile, he has said “here is some stuff, there is more I’m not saying yet.”
Oh, great. So you guesstimated more stuff.
And I thought you might have a clue.
This is the company that said we would get “an expansion worth of content” early in 2013.
We all know how that worked out. If we get anything more than some new icons for skills and new skins in the gem store, I would be positively surprised.
But I would not count on it…
Um, no, that’s literally what the words that Mike is saying mean.
I understand people being upset, but this is ridiculous.
i.e. don’t judge a book by the name on its cover.
the name of the game is misleading tho.
So, they ditch the name of the massively successful series when making the sequel? That would be a completely boneheaded move.
Seriously – trench coats are so 90’s I can almost hear the screams from Columbine.
Dude, wtf.
On topic: there are tons of variations and distinctions in kinds of bows, just like swords; they’re just much less well known. Further, while you kind of have two fundamental ways of using a sword (a stab and a slash), you still mostly draw a bow the same way.
I think part of the reason short bows seem less unique here is because we don’t have mounts. Shorter bows were absolutely huge in use in history, but a significant portion of that is because they can be used from horseback; this was one of their big distinctions.
Colin had next to nothing to do with class balance. For the HoT stuff, that was Karl, Roy, and Richard (and Hugh?). Not sure who’s working on it now.
Do most Norn beards stay on with other helmets?
I have no male Norns or Humans, so I honestly don’t remember if it works like hair with most of them or not.
Randomly failing stomps in PvP.
Short of that, probably the “no valid path”/“obstructed”/etc bugs – especially on anything Revenant that isn’t the Shiro teleport. But I also have tons of problems with Guardian Sword 2 and Judge’s Intervention, which even though is supposed to be able to bypass ledges if there’s a way around, will NEVER fire for me with any vertical whatsoever, and sometimes fails from middle to top of stairs…
Even on a beefy comp if there’s a lot of stuff going on I can get slowdown flipping Chaos. It’s just a really big bunch of effects.
Genuine question:
What’s the argument for using one of the keyboard-controller-pad-things against a full keyboard and a multibutton mouse (well, you’d use that either way, but)? Do they do more than can be done with intelligent keymaps?
bows that never run out of ammunition
Something else I’m glad that almost every game after Diablo II did away with.
You might want to consider tanking up a bit and hunting down all the red circles in front of him. It can be really hard to tell which one’s a whirlpool vs. poison that hasn’t started clouding yet. But they do spawn; I got mine on a well organized map when he hit 75% or thereabouts… but I had to go hunting for rings.
Don’t hit “Leave”.
That said, IIRC this is a pretty well known bug with the megaserver tech acting weirdly with HoT maps. It’ll read them as empty when I’m there in a very organized full meta clear. I think the devs are aware of this and working on it, though I can’t source that for you.
- Loot is never melted by the massive amounts of damage unleashed on foes.
If it’s so melted as to be unusable, the game probably just doesn’t drop it. How do you know how many precursors YOU’VE melted on random mobs?
GW1 mobs would drop items and salvage stuff, but never armor, running by the same logic: “why does this moa have perfectly battle-ready plate mail, that magically fits every single person? That’s ridiculous!” and so you salvaged for materials and bought the rest to make every piece of armor. At the time, responding to hack and slash games and traditional MMO structure it felt nice, but honestly, unless you go ALL THE WAY and mobs are WYSIWYG, it’s just much better gameplay to have them drop everything.
But that’s exactly what Riposting Shadows is for.
Stunbreak, evade, usable without a target and always goes backwards from your facing. Plus it gives you endurance back so you can dodge roll right after using it.
sword / axe rev- sin is one of my fav builds – imo the idea is to keep a constant dps – there is a point that you run out of weap skills waiting for recharge, but this is when you can use backflip / riposting shadows and the flying kick strike with phase trasversal , which get you to safety and buy you enough time for skills recharge to attack burst damage again.
basically you don’t want to be standing in front of an opponent without any skills to cast other than #1 – so you use the riposting shadows and phase trasversal to move in and out of combat range to buy time while the weapons skills recharge – weap skill #2 lets you hit from riposting range and recharges faster than 3,4,5 – being out of close combat range doesn’t mean you can’t do damage, it just means you are safer from any close combat damage the opponent can do while your close combat weap skills recharge.
Ducking in and out of combat is burning energy on not-damage. Sword AA is most of its damage, and your burst is more from daggers + IO + AA than anything else (in conjunction with 2 which you want to use as much as possible; 3 is iffy and often worth keeping available for the evades). Don’t sweat if things are on cooldown. Riposting Shadows needs to be ready off CD as your escape button, and I try to only use Phase Transversal as a positioning tool too (bypassing marks/traps, going up ledges). If you’re just chock out of energy you need to be flipping Legends.
You’ll probably find yourself using Shiro’s escape (and possible also close, too) more. Remember too that Glint has a stun break on turning over Facet of Darkness. I’d also suggest you test replacing shield with axe or offhand sword – Crystal Hibernation does much less healing these days, and it’s a block but it’s a rooted block, which can get you killed as much as it saves you. Axe 4 will teleport you to your target even if you’re immobilized (you stay immobilized, but it still moves you) and 5 is pull CC; Sword 4 is a block and Sword 5 is a shadowstep retreat + pull, which requires a hit but will also teleport you backwards when immobilized, so in a pinch it could get you out of AoE madness in a fight.