Showing Posts For Dragsooth.4071:
Race: Charr
Sex: Male
Class: Elementalist
Armor: Noble’s Mantle (From Caudecus’ Manor token vendor/Light Armor)
This has been in the game since launch and it COUNTS as extreme clipping. I gave been submitting bug reports since launch as well. I even posted in the older clipping thread. I want a remedy to this, it ruins this piece of armor.
The back of the neck is where the clipping happens.
Almost all light armor chest pieces will clip through the shoulders neck.
I thought the video was cute and original. The contest requirements on the other hand seem incredibly awkward…
Guys, all he’s saying is make it more convenient to change weapon sets while OOC rather then going into inventory,
An arguably BETTER idea is to allow us to inspect other players gear. Not that it matters, since they’ll all be wearing zerker
That’s a neat idea. Too bad everyone is gonna be a Zerker cause that’s all you need in this game. There’s no need for those other roles. They’re weak in what they do.
We do need a mail system like this, as long as it charges the same as Black Lion TP AND makes you manually enter in the amount to confirm, what’s the problem?
(edited by Dragsooth.4071)
I propose adding a kid specifically made only to change your eye color. It’s not a huge customization choice, so it deserves it’s own kit just like the hair. I don’t care what you price it as, just less then the full customization kit. Sounds reasonable right?
You may ask why pay, say 150 gems, when you can get ALL the customization for 200 gems more? Cause I don’t need them. This will net you more gems as I’m sure the price of the full one is keeping people from changing their eye color, especially with the new eye colors you added a bit back.
How about you people NOT use skills while you have confusion on. Better yet, cure it or dodge it.
You already got what you want with this Casual Gamer crap, all you have to do is press a freaking button or DON’T.
This is the reason I don’t play WvW. I have to deal with 6 alts on PvE and worry about each of them progressing individually, I don’t want to have to worry about them in WvW as well. I’ve got 5 level 80s and there is absolutely no reason to play any of them. Instead, there’s incentive NOT to play them. Most stuff that is bought with SP are soulbound. Another thing, with how this game is with traits and skills, it doesn’t matter which class you play, all you need is a warrior in zerker gear. There is NO roles, not even those support/control ones either.
TL;DR: I miss having incentive to play to my 5 other alts.
I feel like he argued about something completely different then what the title suggested. Fix what you have then worry about how/why the LS sucks
I would REALLY like to see some changes to the roles in PvE. You know, like support/damage/control. What happened to that? Suddenly everyone is in zerker gear and running around in a zerg. I want those roles kitten and I want to feel like teamwork and coordination makes a difference.
I agree with the expansion. We could use a quest system, the hearts aren’t cutting it. As for the combat system, it’s great, but the skill and trait is extremely lacking. There is no diversity and the little diversity that IS there, is useless, cause all you need is Zerker gear and a zerg. This game has no need for true teamwork and coordination.
You don’t need anything but Zerker gear. Just suit up, rip out your brain, and fall in-line with the zerg.
Might be time to realize this game is dying.
Please fix this, Anet, it destroys immersion.
This has been broken for a VERY long time, Anet knows already.
Anet please address the issues addressed in this topic.
Race: Charr
Sex: Male
Class: Light Armor
Item: Noble’s Mantle – Obtained from Caudecus Manor vendor
The shoulders in question with sink into your neck on the back of charr, allowing your chest piece to clip through. This is in clear view of your game’s camera during play. Also, the skulls on one of the male charr haircuts will clip through as well.
I really don’t like the way this game is headed. He’s right, the core game is amazing, but everything feels forced, temporary, and small. I don’t like feeling like I have to play this game or I’ll miss the new stuff and never be able to get it again any time soon. It’s a horrible feeling and I’d play another game if there was another I haven’t yet. I know the Queen’s Jubilee thing is gonna pick up later and all this stuff is leading to something huge within the game, but it’s bullkitten and I don’t like it.
I agree with this guy
I hate lightning flashing to a spot then being teleported back and sometimes teleported back again to where I wanted to go in the first place, it’s frustrating.
Using Jorbreakers to get the Dragon Wings is not a smart idea, seeing as the wings go for 4g at the moment, while 1 Jorbreaker is going for 35s. The Jorbreakers are at the right price, if not a little low, seeing as how hard it is to get enough candy to make one. So will Jorbreakers be used for anything else? Perhaps to get a Jade Ticket?
D/D is doing all the damage?
wat?You do know this is a pvp forum right? And that unlike mobs any decent pvper will simply move or dodge roll out of staff AOE and take no damage, right? But please, link some more pve damage logs. So helpful to the discussion.
He’s the the reason we keep getting nerfs. They have no idea what they are talking about, why do devs listen to people like that. I have played staff Elementalist for over 1500 hours, why haven’t any devs asked me my opinion? :c If they want it, I want to quit the game so baddly because of my frustration with my class. You have no idea how many builds I go through just to try tPvP and get my Elementalist title from it. I’ve went through every possible build that is available, all the bunker ones, condition damage, glass cannons on every single weapon set up. Nothing feels right, everything on them feels SO weak. I just want to get on another class for PvP, but I can’t, because I love the elemental mage type class too much.
People go on about how the d/d or s/d bunker build is OP, but every other bunker build does what we do, but better. Even the freaking necro MM bunker does more then us. The guardian bunker can actually kill people as a bunker 1v1.
I love this game so much, but I’m at might wit’s end.
Hey everyone I’m doing a live stream tomorrow on the Elementalist. If there is any topics, questions, tips, tricks or strategies you think would be helpful for other Elementalist to know please post them here, and I’ll try and bring them up!
Thanks : )
~Izzy @-’——
Can you just stop destroying the class? For the love of Grenth, all we get is nerf after nerf, then you come back and try to buff us again to say sorry, but those buffs do nothing but make the only viable build more viable.
You’re wasting your breathe, Anet doesn’t care about Elementalists :c We’ve had bugs this bad on Ele since launch that are still there. They talk about making more viable builds but nerfing the only viable staff build in PvP in the same breathe.
Transformations and traits are not a reliable way to get stability. There are certain situations where you need stability and you can easily swap out utilities to get it on any class, that includes Rangers who have an AMAZING stability on their elite, infact, it’s probably one of the most useful elites.
Necromancer has absolutely no way to get stability with elites or utilities(the most convenient way) outside of transformations, and this is incredibly annoying for anyone who’s played them extensively. If you want to test it yourself, go into Arah Exp, and fight Lupicus as a necromancer. The only thing you have that will help you there is a freaking Flesh Wurm teleport and that’s just pathetic. I know the one second stability wasn’t a bug, I’m making it clear, that Anet failed to balance necromancer in one of their biggest downfalls.
Anet, PLEASE listen to this person :C
Every one of you is missing the point, are you KIDDING me. Do any of you read the wiki or even play other classes.
Here have a read:
Every class has a utility/elite that grants them a reasonable amount of stability on a reasonable CD/stability amount ratio. The only other class that can come close to Necro’s pain is the Engineer, who gets 4 seconds of stability OR stealth randomly. Let’s be honest, that is actually pretty nice whichever you get.
The necromancer, though, has not one single utility/elite outside of transformation, that gives them a reasonable amount of stability. Anet has come close to fixing this problem, all they have to do is make the stability pulse with the Well of Power for the full FIVE seconds.
Anyone of you that actually sits down and reads this page will see this. If Anet said Necro isn’t supposed to be able to use stability, well I guess that’s a huge exploit people can use against necromancers in PvP.
Rangers don’t have any stability either, really :<
So don’t feel too alone.
Excuse me? Rangers have an Elite that gives them 20 seconds of stability. It doesn’t matter if it’s a freaking elite, as long as it doesn’t take away your skills like transformations do. Some classes have elites that are useless and they never need to use, like Elementalists, be glad you have a useful elite, rangers.
The point is it stun breaks, then gives stability long enough to cast the skill. Stun breaks are usually instant cast, so they put the 1s of stab to get round that.
Um, no? The point is Necromancers have no stability outside of transformations, and those are not a reliable way to get stability. That is unfair to the class and they deserve to have more stability then one FREAKING second.
This HAS to be a bug, Anet. Necromancer’s FIRST skill that gives them stability, outside of transformations, and it lasts for one freaking second. Can’t you atleast make it pulse with the well for the full 5 seconds?
This is just a joke.
I have never played any of the GW1 expansions, I’ve only ever got to play Prophesies saddly. I would love to be taken to that continent with GW2…
I support Cantha and Elona.
When you have more then one created tab on your chat panel, sometimes it stays red, even if you’ve red the messages in the section. I’m not sure what causes it, but as this has been plaguing more for quite some time, I’ve noticed it seems to do it when there’s a new message there and I log out before going to that tab.
The only way to fix this problem is to delete the tab and remake it, this is extremely annoying, especially if the tab is at the beginning, then you have to delete every tab to get to it even if the tab doesn’t have the bug. I’ll post two screenshots.
This armor clipping is one of the worst I’ve seen in game and it only goes to show how much “care” Anet went through to warp the armor to fit Charrs. I can confirm that these shoulders on charr are the cause of this clipping. They will clip on any other chest piece I wear.
This is the shoulder piece, it’s acquired from the Caudecus Manor dungeon vendor:'s_Mantle
Fixing little things like this would really make alot of people happier, there’s plenty more clipping in game, I’m sure. There’s even that bug with the Runes of Vamprisim that hasn’t been fixed where the mist form doesn’t activate.
Furry guild here on TC, here’s some info! 200+ furries!
Home World: Tarnished Coast
Guild Name: Tail Swishers [Furs]
Guild Website:
In-Game Contact: Dragsooth.4071 or Sawnic.6795
Focus: PvX, PvE, PvP, WvW, and even some RP
Quick Notes: We are a furry focused guild. We accept furries and furry tolerant!
Herro there, mister fuzzy We currently have over 200+ active furries on Tarnished Coast! We’d love to have you! Here’s some information:
Home World: Tarnished Coast
Guild Name: Tail Swishers [Furs]
Guild Website:
In-Game Contact: Dragsooth.4071 or Sawnic.6795
Focus: PvX, PvE, PvP, WvW, and even some RP
Quick Notes: We are a furry focused guild. We accept furries and furry tolerant!
Home World: Tarnished Coast
Guild Name: Tail Swishers [Furs]
Guild Website:
In-Game Contact: Dragsooth.4071 or Sawnic.6795
Focus: PvX, PvE, PvP, WvW, and even some RP
Quick Notes: We are a furry focused guild. We accept furries and furry tolerant!
Stop killing Elementalists and buffing OP classes with shiny new traits and what not. I’m so serious.
It seems that after spending 100 laurels, I can only stay transformed for 5 minutes. This is surely a bug. I don’t want to have to keep using the freaking tonic to stay in transformation JUST like you have to keep letting out your stupid mini-pets after every map change or death.
Give us a 24 hour transformation for the tonic, I paid 100 freaking laurles.
I’ve already thought of this and thought about suggesting it, but I’ve lost faith in Anet being rational, since they nerfed Ele and buffed thief and warrior….
I second this so hard.
I agree with everything the OP said. ESPECIALLY the mini-pet slot and more weapon and armor skins.
I absolutely hate playing my staff Ele now after 1000+ of enjoying it. I had to spec into major PVT armor and defensive traits and STILL get my kitten handed to me because I can’t take a hit. Now with Mist Form nerfed, I might as well be in full beserker without the damage.
I find playing a 16000hp ele is no longer fun, but I made a new build with 21500hp yesterday (cantrips) and while you end up making about 20% less damage you do not die at every battle as that was the obvious intention of the nerf. Staying alive longer means you make more damage as well as we all know.
Anyway it’s ridiculous to give 11000 base hp to a class that can only walk around safely in WvW with 20000. They broke the balance so we have to balance the class ourselves.
So yeah, they’ve forced us into making the bunker build they wanted to nerf in the first place.
This ^
Congrats, Anet.
the worst part is that they didnt split RTL. In fact, they havent split any skills since they first did it to guardians.
the RTL nerf was clearly aimed only at PvP, but now PvE’rs suffer too.
So much for learning from their gw1 experience <.<
Yeah, Anet’s a joke :c
I have played a charr for over 1000 hours and I can confirm there has been an update to the charr running animation while in combat AND with the weapon sheathed. Before hand, they ran in a lanky weird fashion, now they run in a slow hulk run, like a football player :o Thanks, Anet, love the new animation! Now revert the Elementalist nerf and give us more viable builds! Also, fix the Rune of Vampirism, I am so freaking srs.
I love this set!
It saved me many time in sPvP.
I agree 10% is really low, but at the same time Myst Form is really strong.
Being a necro, our CC heal is pretty long to cast, and having 3 sec of invu to Direct damage often permit me to cast it freely.
I often die to condition, but a lot of invul skills are like that (Elixir S, myst form).
Can’t watch the video right now, I wonder what kind of bug we have with it?
The worst kind. Mist Form on it hardly ever activates. I can literally count the times I’ve seen it activate on my hands. Now with the nerf… I dunno. Elder Scrolls Online perhaps.
First you destroy the Elementalist that I’ve mained on as a Staff for over 1000 hours and now you make mini pets even more of a hassle to use… might as well just remove them from the gem store and give them to us for free.