They really need to make the Dye’s obtained through the birthday gifts Saleable, which would only be good for the inflated dye economy, and add all the other dye packs and pass locations when doing items like this in birthday gifts.
You do realize you’re suggesting they make rare dyes that are sold via gems (and hopefully bought with real money) in dye packs that are essentially RNG boxes, functionally cheaper to get on the TP for fantasy money than via the dye packs for gems?
I squint at you and repeat, “do you realize what you’re suggesting!?” ;-)
To be fair, I am quite thankful and impressed, really, that they are giving the rare dyes out to players as birthday gifts, for free, at all. So, my snarkiness is more tongue-in-cheek than true sarcasm.
You can’t look at foreign names and try to find words from other languages in it. It wont end well
I wasn’t looking to start trouble. I speak one language, English. I only discovered the irony in the name Fion, when it was filtered by the game. Point being, if the game filters the name, perhaps the npc should not be named Fion.
Yes, this is the core point. IF the name is inappropriate for a player in a game where French speaking people might somehow be offended, then it SHOULD be changed for the NPC for the same reason. Be consistent or drop the pretense. The odds of the NPC name changing are probably far into the noise because someone in charge actually has to do something about it, not just rely on a filter they obviously didn’t apply to their own naming of game characters before the fact.
(Rant below. You should stop here if you value your time.)
I wanted to name a pet bristleback the incredibly clever name of “Spiker” but the game told me I couldn’t because some people in some region of some country used the word “piker” as a slur at some point in history and so I, in this country where probably no one would even know the connotation AS PART OF ANOTHER WORD, much less care have to go with “Spikey” which, so far, apparently is not a slur somewhere in some country to someone or group. Jeez. Oops, sorry, hope that didn’t offend anyone. Maybe “S P I K E R” would have worked, hmmm…..
To make this post even more unnecessarily long, I once thought about naming a Sylvari character with the mushroom head “kittenaki Joe” (the filtered part is the first four letters of the name of a very popular type of mushroom…this is fun, isn’t it?) ‘cause it amused me, but then I noticed the first four letters and said to myself, I sez, “Why bother?” Maybe such shrooms should have their name changed in real life so as not to o-fend the super-sensitive micro-minority among us so us players won’t think of using an otherwise perfectly apropos and legitimate word in a name for a plant person. Or, maybe these stupid robotic filters could include whitelists for legitimate words that otherwise would be filtered due to the inclusion of scary, mind-breaking letter strings? Too much work? There again, someone would have to lift a finger to do it….
I’m not done yet! So, I wonder if Japanese players have their names rejected if they happen to include that offensive four letter string I noted above in a name, seeing as how that four letter string is not all that uncommon in Japanese names. I would be rather OFFENDED if my actual surname was considered inappropriate! How insulting would that be!? Gods!
The mind boggles at the spaghetti.
The Sclerite weapon set achievement entry is missing when using the achievements search box. Searching for “weapon collection” shows all other Black Lion sets except this one. Searching for “sclerite” also turns up nothing.
The only way to see the achievement entry—even after the set is complete—is to click on the Collections -> Black Lion Collections tab.
it drops quite afew of them from the new ls1 memory boxes mate
Aha! I knew it was something like this, just didn’t know about the freebie box and it’s affected other items in them the same way.
I don’t follow very closely the details of the marketplace due to new updates, info leaks, etc. so perhaps one of you that does can enlighten me on what happened to passion flowers all of a sudden. No new game update today, so I’m very curious to know where and what this revelation is to cause a 70% price tank over the course of an hour or less.
I’ve been asking for these two things for year. I turned off auto-targeting a long time ago in order to avoid leaping towards moas and boars when all I wanted to do was to use Swoop for mobility. Currently, I still prefer using “select nearest enemy” but the problem remains that we a) cannot choose to filter yellow mobs and inanimate objects (I’m not overly afraid of harmless boxes, but I only speak for myself), and b) we cannot filter to remove targets that are not in LoS and/or otherwise cannot be attacked. As for invulnerable targets, I think any target that is invulnerable NOT because of a temporary skill such as a shield block or what have you should be off the target list. Invulnerability is a love child of ANet, and they use it CONSTANTLY when mobs spawn to run to certain locations, and bosses/p-story enemies flip between damageable and invulnerable frequently to further a scripted routine.
It’s possible the technical side of this is difficult, but I doubt it because they’ve changed the targeting rules several times over the years. It is, however, possible that having user selected options tied to the targeting systems would cause too much overhead. Just using a generic system is irritating for most people I’ve chatted with.
As for mouse-click targeting, don’t even get me started. It’s innaccurate and functionally impossible in a lot of situations. I make do, because everything else, to me, is an obnoxious mess…but I get more angry at the targeting systems than I do anything else in the game (and there are a number of fury-worthy things lurking about).
Anyone else being thrown into a new map (via the megaserver system) with about 50 minutes of so left on the timer?
This has happened to me a few times today and yesterday, and I don’t recall it ever happening before now.
Yep, I knocked that part off immediately. Also started parking myself a little ways from the cluster, if for no other reason than to disassociate myself from the usual crowds huddled around them.
Thanks for the reference guys. This certainly seems like it could’ve been the case, because although I never use bots or macros or whatever, I do plop one or two of my alts down at toxic spore nodes, and since they’re usually rangers, also set a trap on auto-cast as a precaution. I set a reminder timer while I do something else on another account, and come back to manually harvest the node when it’s ripe. It never occurred to me it could be a GM (I thought it might be a lag/sync bug of some sort) because this sort of thing has been being done forever (by a lot of people) and nothing like this has ever happened before.
As far as I know it remains perfectly legal to park yourself at a node and go afk, whether you’re returning to harvest manually, or you’ve gone out to dinner. The issue referenced on the Reddit thread is clearly blatant use of macros, if not a bot program, which is entirely different.
Earlier tonight I experienced an issue where I kept getting teleported away from a toxic spore node in Kessex Hills. Specifically, the one NW of the Kessex Haven WP, about halfway to the mine.
I’ll spare you the gory details. Just wondering if anyone else had anything weird like this happen to them tonight. A lot of people hang out around these nodes, so I’m figuring a non-zero chance one of you readers might corroborate the weirdness for me. I would’ve recorded it if I wasn’t so lazy about clearing my raw video drive…grrr.
It may be the culprit behind this, but the speed of a player’s machine shouldn’t matter for this. ANet writes both the client and server code and thus should be able to synchronize things so that when my client moves from load screen to in-game screen a notice is sent instructing the server to remove the temporary invuln status.
…while loading into a map?
Getting killed or partially so while being completely unable to react is rather unfair, don’t you think?
It’s clear the game knows exactly when you’re “in the game” and when you’re not—since our controls are non-functional until we are even though our comatose bodies are already in the world.
So, why are we not invulnerable while loading in?
This has been an issue for months. They broke it with an update, and have apparently decided it’s not important enough to bother fixing it.
I’m sure it gives a great impression to newer players just starting their personal story.
I guess this is all a result of John Smith’s “hands-off and wait and see” approach to the game’s economic evolution? If so, I request you get your hands in and get ’em dirty.
Adjust salvaging drop rates for HL.
Add HL as a direct drop from various mobs globally around the world, not just in ONE SPOT.
Reduce the requirements for HL in various crafting recipes.
Tweak as needed until HL value is brought to a point where it “makes sense” — cuz it doesn’t really make sense in comparison to gossamer or orichalcum, both of which are comparitively worthless. Seriously, it’s not rocket science is it?
Just be more careful than you were with silk. Don’t do the “rags to riches to rags” thing which is extremely, EXTREMELY, annoying to players.
edit: typo fix
There’s an old adage, “don’t throw the baby out with the bath water” … oh, and a probably even older one regarding not cutting off the nose to spite the face.
You can’t address an issue like this simply by making things worse for players who are not abusing anything. Taking away the auto attack feature for what, turrets, minions, pets, summons, etc.? That’s a “solution” that adversely affects thousands of players who aren’t involved in this mess despite what you seem to claim.
Instead, perhaps ANet should remove this “leather farm” and actually resolve the issue by simply adjusting the global availability of and/or crafting requirements for hardened leather (which is the core of the issue). They created the problem by skyrocketing the need for HL, they can correct it by providing enough fresh sources or otherwise tweaking yield/need. Nothing more fancy than that.
I’m sure this is just a buglet that slipped through, but it definitely needs to be corrected as it’s very annoying to see this thing pop up every time I get XP (which is being wasted at the moment—a possibility that shouldn’t even exist).
Dismissing it is pointless for me probably because I have enough Central Tyria MP to train the first Legendary or Fractal options, but since I want to reserve my points to max out Pact Commander first I guess I’ll be seeing this constantly until it gets fixed.
Not yay.
You do see both when you click on the individual item, but I’m assuming the OP wants this in the bulk list as well, right?
Correct. The info ANet has chosen to give us directly is only half of it. Quite a few items will have low buy order value but relatively high low current sell price.. I’d like to see both bits of info in a convenient at-a-glance manner so I can make a quicker, smarter decision on how to offload my phat lewts.
I would like to see both the current high buy price AND the current low asking price for my inventory items when I check the “Sell Items” tab on the TP interface.
There appears to be more than enough space to add a column for both pieces of info. If not that, provide some kind of option so the player can choose for themselves what they want to see.
I may be in the minority, but I don’t sell things at buy order price before I know what the low sell price is, and it becomes a major time sink to see this info one item at a time. I see no reason to restrict this information when it seems very easy to include it. If it’s a matter of stressing the system by functionally doubling the info that has to be collected and displayed…well, as I said: give us they option to choose what info we see, which would presumably keep the overhead similar to what it is now.
Being able to one-click sell at buy order price or undercut (by 1c) directly from the “Sell Items” tab would also be nice. It’d speed up inventory management for a lot of us, and require less page loads from the TP. Seems like a win/win to me.
Why did you guys disable the freeze rifle thing? It was PvE only and frankly it was a fun little gimmick that wasn’t actually unbalancing anything.
I can understand if you allowed its use in WvW or PvP.
Are you going to keep using it after it’s nerfed back to where the number of potential bleed stacks is in line with other game mechanics?
Probably not. So, your answer is pretty much embedded within your question.
Broken is broken. Broken stuff needs to be fixed for obvious reasons.
It’s a good thing you told ANet to fix it, or kitten , we’d all be here waiting forever! Be fair, though. The server uptime %age for this game is amazing compared to many other online games I’ve played in the past. Even a little downtime seems monumental when you’ve come to expect none.
Cannot go any where except the forums
Lol, I can’t help but immediately think, “there IS a big wide world out there, y’know?” But, then again, I’m sitting here waiting on a fix, too. So, yeah.
Maybe we could give them a little time to sort out what’s up and to then get someone to make some noise here in the forums? it’s been like 10 minutes or so.
It’s the end of the world!
And I was this close to finishing off all my pvp rounds before dinner….
I found a definition of Anet in a dictionary and it means ‘to not follow through with plans’
That definition applies to every business that’s ever operated, to one degree or another. Plans change, resources change, outlooks change, needs change, statistics change, etc.
Not to be flippant, but if what I’m seeing is a screenshot from a 4:3 ratio setup, I suggest investing in a widescreen monitor. That’ll give you a lot more horizontal real estate to see your string of buffs.
Similar to some of the level-up weapon rewards that might salvage into essence(s) of luck, but never yields mats. Since Hearthfriend is a randomly dropped “leveling weapon” I’d guess it falls into the same category, meaning your result is probably not a bug, but an unusual artifact of design.
Hopefully, the OP will check back here and not abandon the question since your (alterial valie’s) suggestion works. I’ve had this sort of thing happen several times over the years (most recently a couple days ago, in fact), and this trick has worked every time.
Orphan is a pain? really its 10-15 mins of running and giving presents to children.
If you can remember where your chosen orphans are (who cares about the reset of the little urchins?!), you can do it in 3-4 minutes, if not faster with good mobility.
This isn’t a question of what ANet can do, it’s a question of what ANet’s willing to do. They can use (as a base to work from) existing functions to prevent people from multi-looting an event/boss chest just like they do everywhere else in the game.
The bottom line is if a map is only popular due to what is pretty clearly an exploit that flies in the face of the rest of the game’s reward paradigm, there’s something seriously amiss. ANet’s afraid of seeing a mass exodus even if all they do is bring the effort:reward ratio back into line with the rest of the game, because let’s face it, the majority of players are driven by greed (and/or need) and will cluster around anything that’s most efficient. Exploits generally have the most favorable effort:reward ratios.
So, good luck ANet. You’re going to need it. And be sure to wear earplugs and a hazmat suit when you finally swing that hammer. And if you never do it…well, you know what happens when you let a wound fester….
Generally, auto-targeting will tend to choose the target that’s within range but as close to center (in your field of view) as possible. So, for a Ranger with a longbow, you may target a mob up to 1500 away that’s dead center to your facing rather than a mob nearby but off to one side.
Target Nearest is going to choose anything that’s nearest, without any distinction as to whether there’s line of sight, whether the target is in front of you or not, whether it’s a creature or an inanimate destructible object, or even whether it’s red or yellow (and in some cases white).
I’ve given up expecting a targeting system that allows us to check off how we want it to work. I want to NOT target things that aren’t on my screen. I want to NOT target things that I cannot hit due to lack of LoS. I want to NOT target yellow and/or white mobs (primarily moas and boars, of course). I want to NOT be able to target a stack of vegetable crates no matter how sinister they may look. I want to NOT be able to target enemies that are invulnerable due to not yet being “in play” (such as mobs spawning and making their way to a location before becoming vulnerable). But sometimes I might want one or more of these things. I’d just like the option to actually tailor the targeting system—arguably one of the most important functions of any combat system—on the fly.
Right now I use click-targeting unless there’s too many mobs, players, pets, boxes, unlooted corpses, etc., then I’m forced into Target Nearest which all too often causes me to try to attack something I can’t even see or hit. Combat can get very frustrating with the current options.
tldr; I agree with the OP’s sentiment. ;-)
Yep. Observed and reported. Only began seeing this after the Monday “maintenance” patch.
False alarm. Sowwy.
I have always easily made my money back. getting expensive dyes, BL weapons skins, minis, etc, i have yet to buy keys and NOT come out ahead. totally worth it.
I hate to make assumptions: but not even close to likely. A single key via gems right now is the rough equivalent of 21G-31G depending on how many you buy at a time. You’d have to get one hell of a consistent streak (permanently if “have always” means anything) of full tickets, and/or mini and dye packs with rares in them. Just one chest without any of these doubles the cost of each key. So, unless this or you’ve hit the jackpot (without mentioning it) on perma contracts or lots of nodes, or you actually bought just a few keys, bucked the odds in a massive way and are just functionally trolling the details…no way Jose.
Most of the time, when I click the “load more” button on the list of items I’ve sold, the page will reload with all the entries in the first batch (i.e. the list up to the point where you have to click “load more” to get any older entries to show) showing twice rather than once. The newly added items tacked onto the bottom of the first batch show once as expected.
This is now a somewhat old bug. It came in with the last round of TP updates months ago. I reported it then, reported it again after a while, and feel like reporting it again now since it’s never been addressed. It goes hand in hand with the reloaded list shifting focus back to the top. Another annoyance that should be corrected.
And yes, I’ve done this via the in-game bug tool and forums each time.
edit: Oh, and one more thing. Sometimes when this happens the entire space that’s apparently given to the newly updated list is eaten up by the doubled entries rather than having any new entries able to be shown without hitting “load more” at least one more time. In other words, after hitting the button the first time the entire list you can see by scrolling back down to the bottom is just the first batch of entries doubled.
(edited by Kruhljak.2705)
Adding another keybinding to a system that already exists should be relatively trivial (they’ve done it several times already), though I don’t claim to know how tangled the spaghetti is for this particular thing.
For me, I don’t see anything getting easier re JPs. Instead, I have to be even more distracted from the jumps than before due to having to worry about not pressing the spacebar for a nanosecond longer than I should to keep the glider from popping out. I’m not sure why anyone should have to worry about this. I see no difference between having this as a toggle and having the action camera as a toggle. I prefer to make my own choices when and where these things are useful or otherwise, to me.
I’m sure it is difficult for the Devs to please everyone.
Not difficult, it’s impossible. People often complain on these forums even when they’ve been given 100% free items. The best you can do is mitigate the whining to something above 0%.
But on topic, a radical thought—and please don’t anyone hunt me down and skin me for this—but how about: Just let players choose one of these items from the “junk” pool? If I want a Speed Booster, which yes I do for my slowpoke characters, then I can choose that. If you want to add to your mass of Tomes, go right ahead. If you have a more than average use for Teleport to Friends as someone upthread mentioned, there ya go, it’s yours. Etcetera and so forth.
Without sitting down and picking apart the relative average gem or utility value (which is mostly subjective) of these so-called “junk” items, I don’t see any problem with this angle.
It should be added to the new Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock, just like several other high-value items already have been. It’s a rare skin, so it fits the stated criteria of the GWU drop list.
Hrmm. Ok, I retract my griping as I’d already forgotten the OP’s own premise. And I was on such a roll!
Bridget Morrigan:
The daily cap might simply be due to ANet’s philosophy on the purpose of AP points. They may feel that it would be undesirable to have the majority of AP coming from tasks as simple as those offered for dailies. In other words, they may want those who’ve gone above and beyond the dailies to have something to show for it. It may not matter to you, but it likely matters to a whole slew of players that like the notion of having something to show for their extra effort.
I happen to be at the cap, and am also not a particularly aggressive AP hunter, but I think for those that really go after them, they deserve bragging rights over, as you put it, “some other dude” that’s just gained theirs mostly through dailies.
Perhaps when ANet feels there is a sufficient amount of non-daily AP vs daily cap AP available to meet whatever ratio they might want, the cap may be raised. Unless I’m entirely wrong on ANet’s philosophy, they have some other mysterious goal in mind, or they change the AP system overall, I highly doubt they’ll ever uncap daily AP entirely.
Ya, I understood what he meant. I was just pointing out that it isn’t necessarily a realistic assessment of the time required since not everyone (I’d wager not many) will have such generous friends to expect a net 1500+ bags in their lap every hour. Might as well just go with a 5-man party, and claim it only takes a little over 4 hours. It still remains a mostly unrealistic, and thus rather pointless, statement.
For myself, I can’t do the 21 man hours mindless Lab grind. My brain cells are screwed up enough already. I’d rather buy the stupid candy corn and be done with it. At least my grinding for the necessary gold would be spread out over a less mind-numbing array of mini-grinds.
Since when do party members get every other party member’s drops? Your calculations assume 3 players all getting 500 each/hr and contributing to one player getting the mini with all 1500/hr. Either way, it’s 21 man hours per mini, not 7.
Shifting to starting them off as elites after the events have proven to become more or less abandoned by the majority of the player base (no doubt ANet can easily track metrics on these events to determine a good time frame) would be good, forward thinking design. Scaling can be used when enough players show up, leaving them able to be made tough enough as Champs or Legendaries to be something other than a zerg cakewalk (which is how I think most players usually get their achievements, and hence often don’t see a need for such events to be scaled back once they’re done with them).
After all, events are meant to be done, not avoided. If there isn’t a similar “early adopter’s zerg” available after the initial rush period, it shouldn’t essentially obsolete an event when adjusting things to suit the climate would keep them accessible all the time.
The cap of 15,000 AP is combined with monthlies as well. Have you looked at monthlies too?
Ahh, didn’t know that. Yeah, my daily+old monthly count is 15k exactly. Thanks for the clarification.
Today I happened to have my achievement panel open and noticed that when I did the Pumpkin Hacker daily I didn’t get the expected 1AP, which was also indicated in the popup sidebar when the achievement was finished.
So, I looked at the wiki and saw that the page for Pumpkin Hacker claims it applies to the 10,000AP daily cap. However, the current daily cap is now 15,000AP, which I am still below.
Not sure if the Pumpkin Hacker page is just out of date, if there are two limits in place, or if this achievement is just using an out of date limit. Anyone know?
Probably an issue with the Content Guide indicating an event marker nearby where no apparent nearby event is actually happening. I’ve seen this myself, but I’m not sure if it’s a bug or if it’s just indicating a mobile event that started nearby that may since have moved out of range (such as with an escort).
Come on, Sonoroho, you can do it! You have a whole 3 days to get those 120,000 pieces of candy corn. Yeah…plenty of time. The Mad King will laugh heartily as you realize the futility. Then again, there’s always the TP! Currently, you can have the wispy little raven for the bargain basement price of around 468g!
But yeah, I totally understand because I have the same issue, way too many garbage items to get from BL keys that I have absolutely no need for, at least the boosters had some kind of need, but like, the bank access serves absolutely NO purpose if you have the permanent one.
Ditto. I have the perma options already so the temp ones just clutter up my space ’cuz I always hold out hope that somewhere down the line ANet will come up with some use for them other than their main purpose (as they eventually did with Luck essences).
Since some people like boosters (I’m ambivalent as some come in handy, but not often) and some don’t, I think adding them back in with the Bank Access, Revive Orbs, and other similar whatsits slot would be a good idea. Not sure why they removed them entirely. Baby+bathwater options nearly always disappoint some segment of the population.
Anet could do something like convertir 500 bank access into one permanent or something, so at least it could be sold… Same issue with merchant traders and pretty much any item like that, there’s no sink for them if you got the permanent versions.
I’d go in the direction of merging 25 Bank Access Expresses (for example) into a Black Lion Key. At the very least, they’d be potentially able to redeem their perceived worthlessness. I figure, if I want to save it and use it, I will. If I don’t, there should be some vector available for it to be potentially useful in some other way.
I’m one of those that absolutely abhors dead end items that have no value to a given player. Everything should have either a sale value or some use as a material component used to create something else that would be tradable or reusable in some other fashion. I see no reason why Revive Orbs and their ilk couldn’t be vendored for, say, 25s or something like that even if they’re account bound, if the owner has no interest or use for them.
Why do people who bought a Mini Karka and want a Rocket Backpack dont deserve the reward as a possible unlock while people who bought a Rocket Backpack and want the Mini Karka have a chance to get it ?!
As someone that worked a long while to gather the gold needed to buy the two very expensive Karka minis and never got lucky enough to get the molten bp to drop, I have to agree here. Fortunately, I never committed them to the wardrobe so I could actually get dupes essentially for free.
By the way, are minis unlocked this way tradable or account bound by default?
Is this possible? I don’t want 40+ nameplates floating around obscuring stuff I want to see. I don’t see any option in the usual place, nor do I see any mention of it on the wiki, but I can hardly believe we’re forced to have this clutter whenever we’re in a squad. A 5-man party isn’t a big deal, but this is. To me, at least.