(edited by Romo.3709)
Why not just add Mystic Coins to Guild Missions?
That would also be a short term solution
Yea. But it’s also more incentive than “Letting the economy fix itself”. Resonating Slivers are now near worthless as it’s used for only 1 thing and 1 thing alone: Scribing.
Mystic coins on the other hand have multiple uses throughout the game. With very limited ways of getting these. And Anet themselves ask for HUGE quantities of those to make practically… anything.
Resonating Slivers on the other hand have very limited usage to a tiny portion of playerbase that actually took up Scribing. And quantities needed for any recipes are now very small compared to what they were at HoT release. Also getting them from multiple sources on top of that, lowers the need for them from Guild Missions and thus lowers the need for attending them as they really have no need for Commendations after doing the same things for years.
(edited by Romo.3709)
Why not just add Mystic Coins to Guild Missions?
Why not make it simple? If you’re on, let’s say Devona’s Rest and the camp A is captured regardless if by Host or Guest, make it so it shows the server YOU ARE on.
Same thing with the map names. Why not just show Your server to you? Instead of looking for the house icon or hovering over names looking for my own server, I’d like to see my server in available map’s names. Others can still see The map named after the host, but I want to see my own server’s name. Because being guest for the past few months made my server pride plummet to the ground. It’s more of a being a mercenary for “the big server” that’s hosting us…
So basically if we capture camp A and I’m on server Y (guest) I still see:
“Objective Captured! [MY World Name] has captured [objective name].”
Even if others see it as:
“Objective Captured! [Host World Name] has captured [objective name].”
(edited by Romo.3709)
Anything that is used in vast quantities.
Ex. Blade Shards, Legendary Insights, Shimmering Crystals, Tenebrous Crystals.
Any currency that can also be used in Mystic Forge recipes.
Ex. Chakk Eggs, Reclaimed plates
Crafting components that have no other use but crafting.
Ex. Milling Basin, Crystalline Bottle
Also Keys would be nice, but I think they would need a whole new system.
Also Tomes of Knowledge and Boosters. I would love to have a place for them too.
Put down a lower buy offer and sit on it. According to your logic, if the price goes down then everyone will sell (which is exactly backward, but I digress), so if everyone puts the price down, then you’ll get what you want.
My logic never specified anything about selling, so not sure where you got that from. What I’m saying is at the current system you can get only about 30-40 mystic coins a month, which is way too low for the amount of things the coins are used.
They do have another alternative: waiting.
I would hardly call ~30-40 coins a month an alternative…
Right now there is a consistent supply of mystic coins entering the game (way more than are being consumed) and churning through the trading post at a very slow rate. Most of the coins on the market are ones that have been flipped.
Because at current prices it’s frankly too expensive to consume! So people hoard it for that one item they might make in the future when they finally get enough of them.
The problem is not a “consistent supply” that’s being stretched out throughout the players, but rather the inconsistency of available sources to get these. At the moment we have 3 sources:
- Trading Post
- Sometimes daily (“Mystic Forger”)
- And daily logins
From daily login u can “amass” 20 Mystic Coins in a month. While Daily Mystic Forger is somewhat semi-common, you get 1 coin per.
So basically when u need a stack of those, you either have to cash out on TP or wait a really long time. And it’s just another unneeded time gate for many people that want to craft things.
It’s just those time gates are getting a little annoying whenever you want to make anything these days.
If players are willing to pay more…
They’re not willing. They’re forced to as there is no other alternative to get them!
As we got an update to the keys dropping from map events in new HoT maps, one map still stayed low: Dragon Stand.
We only get keys in section of map progression rather than for events like on all other maps now. With such limited supply of machetes and increased amount of pods everywhere on the map I feel like I’m missing out whenever I have to skip the pods since I don’t have enough keys to open them. Can this be adjusted or looked into?
Hero points should be just that – Hero Points, not Zerg points.
Also locking some of them behind Meta events shouldn’t be a thing (Tarir). And Blocking path to them is just awful (Dragon Stand).
While I’d love to have the golems back in LA or even in the Guild Hall, there are a few golems in Silverwastes North of the starting WP.
Still, implementing them into Major city again or even allowing us to have them in Guild Hall would be much preferred.
I’ve been trying for 3 days now… I even get on maps right at spawn time and still no luck…
I’ve been trying for 3 consecutive days to get Gravewater Ooze for The Juggernaut III: The Colossus Legendary collection. I’ve been trying to hit the sweet spot between burning Teq before he makes his “suck you underwater” AoEs and where he actually makes those AoEs. Is there a certain %-age I need to get teq down? I’ve been literally trying to stand on some attempts just watching the ground for them, but they;‘re not appearing, and the fail maps Teq doesn’t even bother to spawn them.
same as you do for milling basins and mortar already
Which, btw, would be nice to have those in collection tabs, just like all the other purchasable items.
Grab stacks of both and put them in a bank tab.
That’s what I’ve been doing.
One other point I’d like to bring up is using Guild’s decorations towards Scribe crafting leveling.
For example I’ve spent hundreds of golds for snow piles for our guild hall and would like to limit access to them being used as a part of leveling for other members to make different decorations. Same with crates, chairs, flagpoles, etc.
Possible solution would be to make them into consumable items, even account bound to be used for crafting purposes rather than withdrawing from the Guild’s storage. Thus making each member purchase decorations they would like to upgrade themselves. Instead of possibly-upgrade-able decoration being automatically deposited to the guild’s vault. Maybe even give the Guild leader and appointed “scribers” an ability to withdraw said decoration. But only upon giving the permissions by the leader.
But don’t give a free access to all guild members to use these decorations that others made and put money into to be used as their crafting materials.
Thus preventing with possible scamming by joining a guild, using all of its basic decorations for self leveling and then promptly leaving the said guild. I mean yeah decorations stay with it, but I’d much rather have my basic decorations (ex. Red Lanterns) rather than upgraded versions (Festival Tents). I would like to keep my Lanterns. Especially since they’re bought by one’s hard earned luck balls.
With Scribe becoming less expensive it will bring more interest in people thus making leveling this crafting profession more desirable. So decorations that are already in guild’s vault should be excluded from that speed-leveling that will soon to come.
Or at the very least give Guild Leaders the ability to limit usage of said decorations if they so desire to keep certain decorations untouched by potential future Scribers.
Thank you for consideration.
Edit: Clarification.
(edited by Romo.3709)
same as you do for milling basins and mortar already
Which, btw, would be nice to have those in collection tabs, just like all the other purchasable items.
Question: When will the update come?
And please… Don’t say soon™…
Can we also have Scribe make all sub-components? It’s just weird that I have to go to other toon’s crafting profession to be able to use it in Scribe.
Most of the bounties are not doable at the moment.
Rush doesn’t give credit to guild or personal unless your guild’s name is on the flag.
Puzzle waypoints are as mention by OP useless. As the matter of fact the Guild Portal should take you DIRECTYLY to the instance. Why do I want to go to the guild hall, then to the map where puzzle/ challenge is and then still talk to the flag. Wouldn’t it make more sense to get us directly into the guild instance?
Most of us don’t even use the guild portal these days, as it’s easier to just WP directly. Especially assuming that the Guild Hall instance closes and opens new maps over and over during guild missions as people come in.
but that was not the plan.
So… You want to let us in on that “plan”, or will it be one of those 31st of the month update?
Yea. Their focus is completely away from this area. Not even discussing it with us in any way…
It’s been over a month now. And let’s face it. Guild Missions are a mess.
I’m not going to list all the bugs again here as there are numerous posts that are just left ignored. But the list is long.
They might have been boring at times, but there is one thing I miss the most about the old missions…
They worked.
Please fix them or revert them to their original state. Because as they are right now, less and less people are interested in doing them as they’ll normally end up being a huge waste of time. Or in case of Challenges for the past two weeks… not a waste at all since they won’t even start…
It’s really saddening that it’s been so long without as little as acknowledgement about this issue.
(edited by Romo.3709)
You mean ~50% of guildies don’t even bothering showing up anymore?
Teleport to friend item completely disappears upon using it.
That is the idea behind it right?
But why does it disappear when the friend is in full map? And doesn’t teleport me anywhere? These things aren’t exactly easy to come by…
Can we expect some kind of a fix in tomorrow’s patch?
I would also like to know what was the purpose of removing ground chests from rushes and puzzles?
Not only we have no bouncy chests, but the lack of regular chest on top of it is just unacceptable…
Attuning the non-infused version of the ring and then infusing the attuned ring seem to be a workaround.
Another weekend is approaching where majority of the guilds do their guild missions….
Another weekend full of sorrow and questions we officers and guild leaders will have to somehow answer for our guildies that don’t get rewards…
Thanks Anet… I don’t even feel like logging in for missions, so I don’t have to deal with it…
64 bit, 32Gigs
Every time upgrade/donation window is open in Guild Hall, any additional window will result in lag and then follow by crash…
Still nothing? Come on Anet…
Is this “Fractured” all over again?
We need one of the two things at the moment:
- acknowledgement that this is being worked on.
- set of rules that determines who and how they get the rewards for participating
Having to run missions every week for past few years, it would help termendously if I’d be actually capable of getting everyone their reward. At the moment we as Leaders and Officers of bigger guilds have tons of complains and questions that we have no answers for.
Because of no rewards our missions went from little under an hour to over two hour now because of constant restarts of Rushes and Puzzles as the result of people not receiving credit for what they’re doing.
This should be either fixed or re-rolled back to its previous state.
We’re loosing more and more people as the missions progress because their time is not paying off at all by participating…
Please look into this. It’s a nightmare telling my guildies we have to move on to the next mission and there will be no reward because it’s broken…
“But he got a rewards, why didn’t I? Let’s try one more time.”
It’s almost like telling your kid there will be no Christmas presents because Santa didn’t deliver anything under the tree they worked so hard to decorate…
You can buy or sell them on TP now…
You literally made it so you don’t even have to do fractals to get skin now. Not that it’s hard to get it after exp release, but at least you had to play a little bit…
Some of us spent years trying to get the skin we wanted, just so I can buy it on TP now…
I’m speechless…
We got some affirmation that it is not in fact a bug.
Hopefully that will change and we can yet again glide for days on end… I think it might be the leading factor for guild to switch their Guild Hall at the moment. Place just feels… dead without the updrafts…
They’ve been made account bound. Three days ago…
- Fixed a bug that caused Fractal Research Pages to be soulbound instead of account bound.
So me and some friends unlocked Lost Precipice guild hall. Clearing process was extremely fun as we glided from one area to another with constant updrafts helping us move quickly around the map. I was super excited for when the clearing process will be finished.
Then after ~30 minutes or so we managed to clear it completely. Touched the crystal to claim it, and…
All the updrafts disappeared… Like every single one of them. The place we just had this amazing and fun experience became a ghost of what it was. After fiddling around looking for possible upgrades and such, we found nothing that can re-unlock this awesome feature and basically my selling point for the hall.
Later I found that if I stand next to a jump pad I can turn it’s updraft on… For a short amount of time… This is really disappointing…
I sent a ticket to support, they sent me to wiki… Wiki has nothing on it as it’s a brand new feature… I was simply asking if this is an intended setting and can it somehow be re-enabled. Was told to look though available community sources instead…
I am highly disappointed with the hall and its updrafts being completely off…
I hope it’s some kind of a bug…
Can we get some kind of confirmation on the subject?
So basically as most of the thread here said, most of us don’t like traps. Dragonhunter feels just like a stripped guardian with longbow. There is nothing huntery about it. I like the old virtues better even if the new ones “look” cooler.
The biggest problem with dragonhunter is its identity. It’s struggling between the idea of being long range and the idea of being close range trapper. Both just don’t synnergize togerer in any way, unless HoT is all about “hit and run”. Then maybe. Traits are not giving anything at all to the awesome class that guardian is, but a longbow.
You have to make up your minds if you want dragonhunter to be close combat or far range, or it will always stay a weird kid that never knows what he wants in a class full of defined specializations.
Still not worth changing from my main guardian to DH…
I guess I’ll just try to enjoy other classes…
No need to worry, I promise!
Please turn into Points of Interest for more information.
Tuned in. No information about PoI at all. Just to tune in next week…
I feel cheated…
Can we PLEASE get the passive speed already……..
Otherwise I’ll pass. Traps are not my thing.
- No even rewards (Exp/Karma/Coin)
This one is hard to understand why it’s even a thing. Having bronze/silver/gold medal means absolutely nothing. Therefore tag-waypoint is a thing during this event.
- No loot drops
Having absolutely no reward till the very end of the event after killing enemies upon enemies makes the whole event feel empty and lackluster.
- Amount of “tokens” needed / given
It’s high. Compared to the drop-rate they’re being given out, the very dedicated players will only be able to get some of the rewards, when some casual players have to settle for lower tier items.
- Events themselves are generic
There is no reason for anyone to stick around. There is no major work towards other than a personal stacks. At least during Scarlett’s Invasion there were champions that came out at almost every event. Those dropped champ bags too…
Possible Improvements:
- No even rewards (Exp/Karma/Coin)
Turn that off. Period. It’s a bad idea/design. Especially for newer players.
- No loot drops
Disable that as well. Let us feel like we’re getting something for doing work.
- Amount of “tokens” needed / given
This is solely up to you. If you feel like rewards given are too costly, have limited amount of them. But let the dedicated players work towards completion. Make it at least possible without sleep deprivation…
- Events themselves are generic
Make them FUN. Leave them as they are, but have them all work towards something. A big boss. A champion at the end of every event. And make them shorter too. Nobody wants to stick around for 5 minutes when they’re only have 30 total for the whole event thing.
Can we get some kind of passive speed? Please?
We were looking more into a casual match as this is something new for our guild. Unfortunately we are not organized enough just yet to enter any kind of community tournament.
Casual 5v5 would givs us a nice start towards that particular direction, but as of right now we are not ready. But surely thank you for the offer
C’mon guys pick up the ball.
I personally would like some goal to work on, because this “break” is rather… boring.
Maybe you should work on having more things to do than GW2…
I am. Very hard. But it’s hard to do when you’ve done close to everything available…
I’m not saying “There is no end game! I’m bored! I quit”.
I find stuff to do everyday, between WvW, PvP, dungeons and fractals. My friends and guildies make it interesting every day. But it was nice to have something out ordinary to do now and then. That’s my stance on it.
With Heart of Thorns on the horizon we have a lot to look forward to. Betas are nice as it gives us a (very) small look into what to expect.
But when it comes to content… Is Guild Wars 2 on hiatus?
Lunar event was rehashed Dragonball and some items, but… that’s all we’ve gotten. Of course I’m not counting Gem Store items as “content”.
But do we have anything to look forward to between now and release of HoT? Anything that would be either new or fun to kill the time we have to wait for expansion?
With possible WvW Tournament coming up (or is it?) we have something of a goal at that point. But it’s still no content. I personally would like some goal to work on, because this “break” is rather… boring.
I’ll go past the fan boy part and go straight down to the point.
I was bored.
Now let me get a little more detailed.
First time trying to connect to beta: Game Froze. Understandable since it’s a stress test. I like that we were able to skip the story from the get go.
Once I got to the actual map I was surprised how little was open. It was barely the size of swamps in Queensdale. Aside from 1 “mastery point”, there was no PoIs, no vistas, no hearts. I’m an explorer, but there was nothing to explore. It felt… Empty, if you will.
Activities were just… well… boring to be honest. I’m sure it’ll be more interesting once the leaderboards come in place, but running around with flamethrower was just about as exciting as watching it being done on Point of Interest stream… (not at all)
Gliding was fun. It was really fun. Probably my favorite part of the Beta. But (and it’s a big “BUT”) the delay on the glider is just too long… In my understanding it’ll get faster as we progress the line? Because if not, it feels… broken almost… clunky. Although “flying” itself is tons of fun. The problem is that aside from the dragon fight and that one mastery point, we had nowhere else to glide other than to our deaths off the map… Kind of sad about that.
Three event chain was nice but short as it could be completed in under 10 minutes. Then the dragon fight was something really fun. First time me and my friends did it, we were excited and challenged. But after we came back 20-30 minutes later there was nobody there, so we three manned the boss as it was rather predictable. At one point my glider threw me up so high in the air I got the “going out of zone” warning message. And that little bug was probably the most exciting part of my gliding play…
Revenant was rather confusing at first. But got a hang of it rather quickly. And as much as I enjoyed playing it, it’s still far from becoming my main class. Weapon swapping would be nice. More weapon verities would also be kind of nice too. Hammer felt weird to use as ranged, and DPS was very low. Mace/Axe was much more fun, but DPS was mediocre at most. Fun skills and all. It felt kind of empty as I had no power in switching anything on the skill bar. Almost like it was a cookie cutter class with set parameters and limited to what you can do. I think traits will be the only thing that will make this class feel personalized, but if I have to hunt them down with the current trait acquisition system, I don’t think I’ll be touching the Revenant for a while.
To summarize:
- Revenant
a) Fun
b) Limited
c) Kind of cookie cutter-ish
d) Low DPS
- Map
a) Dry Top-ish
b) very small
c) Limited verity
d) Not much to do at all
e) Don’t understand why the dragon fight was located in separate instance
- Beta
a) Very limited
b) Nothing much to do
c) Everything could be completed in under 20 minutes
d) Nowhere near as exciting as anticipated
So… Any update on this?
Can we have someone look into balancing Tiers in fractal, so Cliffside Fractal is Tier 3 only? We literally get it about 80% of the time. Tiers were supposed to give verity and such. Instead we have Cliffside almost every time we go in. I like the level, but having it 4 out of 5 times is getting boring real quick…