From what i can See there is a huge difference in activity arround the clock. Having kodash against you may scare away fair weather players aswell.
Be that as it may, i hope your population get figured out.
Nos uses “Master of Corruption” instead of “Path of Corruption”.
Thanks, yea he does:D
I wonder why the only GS warrior build is not shown ^^
Well it was shown, just not the traits which I figured would be identical to the bow-warrior
That was what i was getting at. Just had to smile
I wonder why the only GS warrior build is not shown ^^
Please don’t feel personally offended, but I want to point out that you have posted here already (
Although I think it could have been better communicated by Anet when exactly the vendor will disappear from the map (hiding the info in a wall of text in April is a bit sloppy), the amount of dedication to fill up on WvW reward track ONCE to get a Gift of Battle is not too much to ask for.
If you compare the time you have to spend for a Gift of Exploration to a Gift of Battle, everyone will have to agree that the Exploration one needs way more time and dedication than the Gift of Battle.
I hope you are good at dodgeing pitchforks
And hwhat do you expect do the afk pve players do, if rewards get interesting?
Free boxes of fun for every one in the ruins.
(edited by Silberfederling.9302)
You assume they are in the squad, know they have supps and that LB 2 does not dmg the wall. Remember wvw iz ded, why learn ^^
You assume people know how to build a cata. Better line them up close so the 30 pugs with out TS see what to build.
No, not joking….
You know that gift of battle vendor you want? Yeah we’ve been asking for a reset vendor for close to three years now.
Actually no. “We” have been asking for something to do with 4k+ useless points…..
Remember, you have 6 ish hours until the mods realize they should at the attatchment. Black out the Name in that time.
Oh fine, here you go then XD
I’d like to retract any former statements about Rev. Rev isnt OP. In fact it’s probably UP.
Instead I’d like to nerf forum salt. It’s causing so many tears they’re overflowing into PM’s.
I heavyly invested into vials of Salt. Noooooo.
I will have to pm about nerfing condi Salt.
Remember, you have 6 ish hours until the mods realize they should at the attatchment. Black out the Name in that time.
There seem to be some issues with them. Some races had to jump to get through them, seems the actuvation radius is still fluffed.
Clkittene incomming in 3… 2… 1….. Ohhh ma gaaawd nerfff warrr naooowwww!!!111
Honestly, druid\ranger is fun, i would suggest you go with it. Either way: give zero, nada, none 0 absolutly niente Ducks what people suggest you should play.
Choose, play, decide.
Any thing else is worthless drama.
(edited by Silberfederling.9302)
GW2 is absolutely not fitted for a faction system, it would be almost impossible to build one and I doubt many people would want one as it would kill a number of core values to the game. As much as I love faction system (Vanguard being an example of how awesome it can be):
It cannot be done due to:
- obvious lore questions. Most “evil” factions with a few exceptions (Court of Nightmare is the only one I can think of) are more or less related to dragons, and the main story focuses on killing them. What if you joined bandits, that we now know are related to the White Mantle, related to Mursaats and possibly to Primordus (and even if not, you can stop at Mursaats and already see the absurdity)?- obvious game conception: a faction system would mean binning the whole map and build a new one. If you’re with the bandits, how can you complete most maps in Kryta? ALL the maps would be concerned. It would really come down to scrapping the game
- obvious design choices: factions would imply wild PvP in a game where PvP and PvE are completely separate, where 70% of the players focus on PvE and don’t want to hear about PvP
I let only these 3 as they are the most obvious and self-sufficient.
Go to WvW, this is what is the closest to a faction system.
Kurzick? Luxon?
WvW lack real reward. They axed 2 buffs to bring more pvers in and guess what pvers dont care about wvw so its time to give out real reward.
Should they though?
The hate that a net and wvw recieved over the last week shows how little interest in wvw exists from the pve side of the game. Fortune vale was most likely scrapped because anet realized how little tollerance for either game mode exists in the different camps.
I would suggest to complete the overhaul, create a solid Basis and Start a massive advertizement campaign to draw in new players. Right now there is no other big rvr game (don’t even Start with ESO, that is just Staff wars 2), but there are competitors in the making.
Better they start now and get the media on it before the focus drifts to the new kid in town.
Urge to feed troll rising…
Really bringing up that dev incident now… as for GvG the whole guild hall arena is basically a love letter to “GvG” blobs of people can kill each other in there fine, not to mention about OS arena.
While what the dev did was unquestionably unprofessional, GvG as it exists in this game (It should really be called “Blob vs Blob” from the few videos I have seen of it), was not playing WvW as it was intended to be played. Which is why they gave you a corner to use, and now even a fancy arena.
That the arena is intended for GvG holds true. But fit for fights larger than 10v10? Hardly.
First of it is fiddely to geht they other guild into your arena.
Secondly if you try to fight 20v20 in the arena you realize that:
- the layout of the arena lacks simply the room for many manuevers.
-a GvG is seldom 2 groups clashing frontal or even circling each other.
-most GvGs are not GvGs, they are scrims that happen once guilds realized that there is another guild of equal size or skills.
-these scrims rarely take long and happen during the guilds normal raid time, so there is little reason for the guilds to leave the map, especially if the pug zerg just jumped on this BL and clogs the map with queues.
-should there be a pug zerg (my experience) the guild will be in communication with the pugmander, announce a GVG and might even clear the pugs back by binding another guild.
From my experience (on a server that has loads of pug zerg guilds and whose commanders and players hate on fight guilds) the players that take offense are generally pug players, unable or unwilling to command themselves, unwilling to adjust their gear, players that are part of TS communities outside of any fresh Intel or ideas only doing their thing blissfully ignorant to what else happens in wvw.
The fact that many fight guilds lost players, the increase in overall dmg from pug zergs with superior numbers and the stabil change pushed power away from “zerg hinter guilds” and empowered random pug zergs, whose players congratulate each other for busting guilds 50v20. This schadenfreude of a majority of the community against fightguilds, whose commanders and players lead and reinforce pugs outside of their raid time is what damages the game mode.
Yes many pugs screem blissfully the age of zergbusting is over.
But what die you gain? The guild commanders and players wont just join your pvd train. They leave and what remains are more places on the k Train.
This leads to bloated scores and large parts of the wvw population only playing every two weeks.
And before you say i talk out of my kitten and exaggerate.
Make a f2p ACC and join drakkar lake EU (DE) for 3 weeks. No need to understand german, just join the TS and maps at prime for k train week and for “omg they are all blobbing” week and compare the numbers.
Curiously the story of the GM was used on our TS as well.
I would love to hear where that came from. The pugmanders and pugs on my server are very anti fight guild and hunt down gvgs. In TS it was, while the pug crushed a GVG repetedly that the guild time was over and should the guilds complain they would be banned by a GM, as that had happened before. When i asked repetedly who said that guilds would be banned the statement was adjusted to no its not bannable. So where does the story come from that GMs vor even devs are anti fight guild?It was a long time ago but there was an ANET dev who trashed talked some GvGers. It should be noted though that the ANET Dev was disciplined for his actions. While some of what you said above is not what happened, an incident did occur with the same basic idea. But that’s how stories change and history is rewritten, people tell the story over and over again eventually the facts get changed and people have misinformation. Bottom line there once was an ANET dev that trashed GvGers.
Thank you for the link. The strange thing is that they do not say GvG is reportable behavior, but still players feel the need to Quote this event.
Curiously the story of the GM was used on our TS as well.
I would love to hear where that came from. The pugmanders and pugs on my server are very anti fight guild and hunt down gvgs. In TS it was, while the pug crushed a GVG repetedly that the guild time was over and should the guilds complain they would be banned by a GM, as that had happened before. When i asked repetedly who said that guilds would be banned the statement was adjusted to no its not bannable. So where does the story come from that GMs vor even devs are anti fight guild?
The problem is the decay\gain rate in the current system incentivises you basicly to go to your pug grp, flip a camp, push over some guards\sentries (ofc remain in the sentry till the claim is complete, get killed by roamer and rage or return to spawn) take a tower if it gets opened and then you can basicly mine the nodes in your area or flip stuff on TP while doing not too much else for the next 15 mins.
It is great that we get rewards (as broke is my middle name) but this system encurages players to join their server on k-train week for max profit. While at the same time offering easily accessable participation during tough or one sided matchups which results in players in maxing out their participation and avoiding fights instead of fighting back.
Because wvw consists of a variety of different play styles this broader approach offers rewards whether you flip sentries, camps, player kill or flip keeps. It does sadly open the system for people that are only in for the coins, but i think we have to live with that, as an entirely capture based mechanic would only encourage flipping stuff. Why defend? You could take it back later for more rewards. Why fight outnumbered or in hard matchups? Wait for k train week and profit from increased capture.
Again OP i share your sentiment and i too would rather they changed the way participation works. As it stands i am glad we have the tracks. I am not glad that it encourages people to remain “afk” on a map with queue for as long as the participation has not run out.
General gold idea, sadly k-train incentive. No idea how to fix the reward tracks. Add reasonable loot, you will get leeches. Remove loot, hurt core players. It will be interesting what becomes of them.
Still not 30 seconds, and nobody’s spamming healing signet just to get its resistance. I have maybe used it as last ditch resistance when low on health a handful of times. The reason being is that if you blow your healing signet, it’s not going to take much to kill you after.
Well, I agree 24/29 is not 30/30 but no reason to shoot mouth off. However, you should spam your healing signet if you clash up against another condi player … or stay in low ruby. Your choice.
Or you could just cleanse the congitions, because almost no one cares to Dodge burst skills, but every one complains when they get hit.
Btw another condi player? Not every warrior runs condition. You know, even past the supposed skill barrier of low ruby.
ArenaNet is seriously having bad ideas most of the time. The announcement of this huge change was not enough and majority of us missed it, now we are stuck with everything. Bring back Gift of Battle as purchaseable item or we are gonna literally buy random crap and waste all resources to grief keeps.
Another one?
Go ahead, get your whiny kitten banned
To the legitimate WvWers out there: I really don’t want to resort to these methods. But a very large part of the community has expressed their dislike of the recent changes. We were not given a fair warning about this and now lots of people who saved up their badges have to completely restart from scratch to achieve their goals.
We’ve asked for all sorts of alternatives: Reverting the system to the old ways / Having both the vendor and the reward track as options / A temporary reinstatement of the vendor with a clearly communicated deadline for its removal. And the only response is that our discussion thread was moved from “Game Discussion” to the “WvW” forums.
We feel betrayed, insulted, and neglected by the devs. We’d like to just stay out of your game-mode and leave it to those who clearly want to be there. But we’re not getting answers and we have to figure out something… some kind of way to be heard. And if having a negative impact is the only option left, then so be it.
If you care about WvW and your server, I’d ask you guys to please speak up and help out. Because telling us to “git gud” and “sucks to be you” is only going to inflame us even more and perhaps make more of us take these “sabotage suggestions” seriously.
That is attempting to rally ingame griefing, while the gob change was kitten, you deserve to be banned from the game for match up manipulation.
There is no excuse for behavior like this, or inciting it.
Your head has to roll mate.
You may demand deleting this threat, but your sad rage and assault \hostage situation is the most pathetic behavior i have seen here in a while.
This behavior is a problem since release, but to rally the pve playerbase to assault the wvw game mode is the most vile and disgusting “solution” to choose. People like you that want to further their agenda with hate posts against an entire playerbase need to be banned. You can not be trusted to communicate on the Forums or ingame any less disgusting. I hope the shut your kitten down by the first attempt of such behavior ingame.
(edited by Silberfederling.9302)
I am always wondering why there are 2 chats in WvW? Both have the same function.
My suggestion or idea:
Through the upcoming shortened Server Linking, one could divide them.EXAMPLE:
- Team Chat – only for the Home Server (WSR)
- Map Chat – for server connections (RoF + WSR)
There are conversations that are not interested or needs to know of other server
z. B. guilds recruiting or promote the website. This separate chat would simplify it, especially with the short connection time.The guest server (like us) have “disappeared” These are no longer displayed in the game, the players / guilds you no longer know who is which server. It would also back a small piece of the server community be prepared.
Heya, replace z.B. for i.e. or for example xD you just started talking german there mate.
I do agree though that a seperate tab for recruiting would be nice, as it stands many just “uncheck” the map chat.
Oh. Okay. It’s 15. That’s still more than enough to kill a few people, then sit down and have a cup of tea.
Take over the world more like and i drink coffe afterwards. Black. No suggar. With out nerfs.
I would say Warrior is the problem, and Necro is a response to that.
Warrior can deal immense amounts of damage with basically no counterplay except boon corrupt. Necro has lots of on-demand boon corrupt, so it’s a good choice in the meta. Warrior gets stability, immunity to direct damage, and like 30 seconds of resistance. The only option is to corrupt resistance and transfer back the condi bomb.
Of course, you could play Scrapper or Ele which survive with their own invulns/heals, or Mesmer or Thief, which escape, but IMO Necro is best for actually dealing with Warriors rather than just running away for 30 seconds.
30 secs you say?
But go on, just one more month and you can faceroll against warrs again.
Similar boat-decided to come back to pass the time till Revelation is in beta.
1-Community was never mature-it’s pretty much the same how I left it; pretentious virtue signalling, petty squabbles over which group ‘owns’ a map, white knights, absolutely juvenile conversations (homosexual remarks to show how hip and progressive they are, asinine one liners about the political situation in America, infantile discussions about how various players want to have sex with other players to show they know what sex is)…I turn map chat off. Idk how anyone over the age of 13 could find it an enjoyable experience.
2-This was the biggest shock….MASSIVE inflation from when I left it about a year or so ago; been stable this past week at least….I guess. Had gold sellers spam me three times in the past week so it’s not bad at all.
3-I don’t remember what happened around the time it invalidated my purchase, went f2p and gave an ugly suit to say ‘thanks sucker’, but Triple trouble, Teq and Shatterer are fun. The challenge is less individual and more about having a large group of people doing what needs to be done. As you can imagine I didn’t re-buy the base game + 4 maps so I didn’t buy HoT…..maybe if another mmorpg doesn’t come along when it’s priced what it’s worth from all accounts (maybe $20), but I haven’t seen any HoT specific content outside of raids being added. Given your point of concern is challenging content, the raids might be right up your alley at least.
4-Have zero interest; completely ignorant on this.
5-Game seems to run mostly fine with odd lag spike or something. It feels like lag but my ping is consistently below 80 so idk what’s up with that.
6-Yes-it always has been and always will be I’m afraid. I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s in the archaic design of mmorpgs rather than a fault of this game in particular-they are built with the expectation that players play for months on end…..that’s patently kittened and unrealistic. So rather than making the act of playing the game fun, like single player games, mmorpgs put you through a long kitten grind to get pretty items-that’s the formula and none have dared deviate from it.
7-For me, when I turn off map chat, am not exposed to the wretched story telling (finished the story and didn’t buy HoT), lower my expectations from doing things for have fun to doing things to buy other things to do the same things in order to buy other things and the subsequent observation of my gold increasing, picking up the last couple of AP needed to get the grand/massive chest or w/e and doing these revamped bosses….I can say that it’s fun enough. I’m 99% sure I’ll leave once I get that chest though, regardless of whether or not Revelation is in closed beta.I know this last one sounds negative but it’s not really…it’s weird. It’s not really to say ‘the game is bad’ but more like ’there’s fun to be had if you’re like me and ignore these elements’. Or perhaps it’s more like, if you don’t go in expecting a fun time you’ll go ‘Hmm….well it’s better than I expected. It’s not all that bad’. Yes, it’s the latter.
Obviously the last one is a person by person basis and the typical responses you’ll get are ‘no it’s not fun’, ‘yes it’s fun-it’s the best thing since sliced bread’ and ’it’s ok but I’m waiting on update x to see where they go with it’.
Why even bother asking though? I for one just reinstalled the game and started playing. White knights will say the game is great, unhappy customers will state the issues they have with it…assuming they’re still even hanging around.
Is everyone who likes the game a “white knight”?
Yes, but it means we will get early access to mounts
Seems like the label carries negative connotations and possibly untrue label-attached stereotypes. though. :\
Wow, you seem new to the Internet. Here i thought this only applies to my countries gouvernement…. Seriously though, that part: “untrue label-attached stereotypes” should be your internet\forums guideline mate.
Free time you say? Test it out your self, otherwise spend the free time reading the salty BS responses, don’t forget popcorn!
Every time i log in i See at least 7 Warriors in my Team and 9 necros in the other. Nerf it till its dead.
Mate Bad timing for such a question the Salt lvls are off the charts as it is…
The real problem is people doing wvw just for the sake of completing the GOB reward track, and you do know that in the process of doing this, one need not actively engage in true WvW objectives. I can simply go into EB/BL on prime time and just clog the queue while I semi-afk to complete my reward track.. Let the rest rage, it does not bother those who are there simply for the sake of getting a gift.
I need not listen to commander’s instructions and can just deplete supply in any ways I want. The people who are truly affected by this change are the true WvW’ers who are constantly trying to win their war.
Or you know, you could try to have some fun with all your server mates.
Don’t blame Anet if you chose to act like a kitten.
Thank you.
1. Dwarfes, 2. Dwarfes, 3. Dwarfes
If we are talking Skins, prepare for the (thief\necro) hooded guardians.
You can usw only one at the time, they cost you as a player (once your guild unlocked them) nothing, it applies to the toon that bought one and only this toon, the only reason not to use them if you belong to the grp that dispises all wxp boosts and thinks killing players should be the only source for wxp.
If you’ve got them feel free to use them.
Underwater? I have to wonder how the exotic spear and harpoon prices would go up.
Intersesting that this kind of information reaches the wider gw2 population through bilangual players instead of an official statement.
Whats with the information politics “lately”?
Do i smell fear?
This should be done, like wise we need a change for minions, pets and Name scaleing. Right now, with equal numbers on each side it still looks like a red sea, reeinforcing the idiots claiming they fight outnumbered.
You can’t fix their karma rotten brains, but you can at least take a bit of wind out of their sales.
Scale enemy and ally names the same way and hopefully you See less k trains reinforced with open field AC because 10 enemies are in sight and two of them are MMs. Same goes for ranger pets. A few days we had 40 guys running from us while we had 40 guys, just that 13 were rangers and bloated the screen. You want fights? Make visual stuff better recognizable.
Power Warrior is completely insane in WvW rn. Too much regen and too many things that have to be dodged imo. Add blocks and invuln on top of that and you can 2v1 easily. I’m steadily leaning more towards adrenal health taking a reasonable 33% reduction.
If you demand nerfs get your facts staight. Ele has invuln, warrior does not.
I yet have to See a warrior winning a 2v1 against 2 semi skilled scrappers.
But ofc QQ away, thats what the forum is here for.
So im happy i can speak/read italian as the google translate is very much broken -
New pvp maps and fractals were mentioned for season 3, whenever that is.
Thanks mate!
Ladida 15 supplies
Why didn’t we get notified about such a big change?? An in-game mail would be more than welcome. I’m pretty mad about the lack of communication.
I have about 3k of those badges. What should I do now with them?
Buy buff food XD
I know its unpopular, but maybe first look then shoot?
Thanks for voting and commenting. We’ve read through everything you’ve posted here.
Among people who expressed a clear preference for one of the options, about 230 people prefer to make the change, versus about 40 who prefer to leave it as is. We’ll make the change.
We’re also going to work on cleaning up the Charr tail clipping. And then our focus has to be on shipping the full legendary set.
Thanks everyone!
I think we have enough political stuff in game and in the Forums.
You can allways partake in the gender shaming threat and tell us why the evil patriachy surpresses skimpy male armour.
That is what rallies the forums, voting rallies only the wvw sub forum.
Lets make a matter of taste political, shall we?
And you are welcome for the gratis bump, while i am at it: do you need a new stick? Maybe the next one resurrects the horse.
Greetings from Veloka, we don’t want no flithy lich lord tyvm!
Yeah and i think that is fine. What use is that, apart from kitten? None, so yeah game mode specific stuff as wvw lvl, pvp Division or pve mastery rank should remain in their respektive game mode.
Well then just remove all the pve skins from WvW. What does the decoration matter in WvW? None, so yeah game mode specific stuff like PvE skins should remain in their respektive game mode. Just keep the WvW skins you can get thruw badge and so on.
Can’t answer the way i want, top many infractions for being rude and snarky towards posts like that.
10\10 for trying though.
0\10 for getting the point.
Read again what i wrote, what it is about.
Btw go ahead removing the Skins, i use Outfits and BL Skins XD
Nope that is justified. Showing off pvp badges because pvp is the place you are a true man and they bigger the badge the bigger your kitten? No need for that, its a different game mode, you don’t care for mastery points in pvp do you? So unless your belong to the camp that believes pvp is the superior game mode and having a pvp badge makes you a superior player i See no reason for this to show up. Wvw has different priorities than pvp a wvw player with platinum rank can be utter trash in pvp and vice versa, so nothing was added apart from aiding people in furthering their arrogance and condecending treatment of below Ruby players.
Yeah and i think that is fine. What use is that, apart from kitten? None, so yeah game mode specific stuff as wvw lvl, pvp Division or pve mastery rank should remain in their respektive game mode.
The sad thing is that i feel sorry for the artists, the weapons are right up my alley, but the chest gamble is something i stopped once i converted 200g into a load of tomes and speed buffa.
So yeah, rather lovely Skins that for some reason had to be the test subject for a refresh of gem purchases?
Take a look at your chests, after they are “fixed” , as in not totally frustrating to open, you may See an increase of revenue.
This current action will cause you no good, even worse it will harm your goodwill as some one else pointed out.
This thread will explode, you might want to explain your reasoning on that change, instead of waiting it out or letting players do the explanations.
I can See two reasons for this both seem worrying:
- you want to bloat gold to gem conversion rate, which would supposedly result in an increase in RL money gem purchases)
-you want to decrease the gold to gem conversion rate by encourageing players to do….. What exactly? The reason people bought the Skins from the TP is that the BL chest contain loads of unwanted crap (i am looking at you speed boosts, tomes and dyes) and are there for terrible cash burner.
Either way this does look rather unfortunate and i hope that we get a statement for this. But then again you do not care for my or my friends money as you still die not reenable the SEPA method of payment.
Go figure i guess.
If it comes to pin sniping your class is irrelevant, moa is moa.
My personal experience is to play warr or guard, not super tanky, the normal guild build.
I am, esppecially on warrior, too often out of Position if i run tank.
I think there are few things that ruin your ability to “feel” the fight more than running another build as your frontline does. No one is helped if you press IP and block and bumrush into battle. I had this discussion with another commander insisting it would be best for the nomad guard commander to ji into the enemy popping shield 5. well didn’t work out do good.
My approach (as i have effect lod enabled) is to put my toe into the dmg pool (in choke fights that is), if its hot i will know it and safe my zerg the hustle of WP back because “commander decided to go ham” and adjust the push accordingly.
About rev as commander:
Hammer 3 will kill your pugs, many frontliners will push because reasons
If your grp stabil fails, good luck
But again it can work.
I think the biggest + for heavy armour classes as commander is that your survival skills and there for your movement don’t rely on teleports. Your zerg will find it easier to follow you if your movements arent all over the place, remember the first to get disoriented are New players or people not in TS. You should never underestimate how big a difference it makes, and you should not simply disregard them either as they are on the map and in your zerg, if you want it or not, you need “Them”
Long story short:
-if some one wants to pin snipe you they will
-if you run tank you risk a disconnect with your trusty zerglings
-if you run the same builds as your zerg, adjust behavior
-NEVER be “the guy” rushing in with survival skills shouting: my scrapper made it why cant you, no one pushed with me, o ma gawwwd naaaasps #ragequit
-pushing behavior changes once people See and know they can trust you