I don’t think the recipe is discoverable.
It is difficult for me imagine a worse change to WvW than the removal of white swords. Prior to reading that they were considering this, I thought the developers knew what they were doing and that the forum QQ was just QQ. Now I have doubts.
Queensdale is a low level area. Perhaps, since the rune of holding is a higher level item, they took them out of the vendors there.
Personally, I always buy these runes in the WvW citadel.
I don’t that’s really doable. For PvP, if an opponent goes into an animation that might be where you want to use some kind of CC.
Maybe for PvE alone this might be okay.
IMO huntsman and weaponsmith should be together. That way you can have one character that does all your ascended material promotion.
And Gauss was IIRC six years old at the time.
And Gauss wrote down the answer (5050) immedately, he didn’t take two minutes to think about it.
I just want magic find to make a difference.
I was thinking T6 mats.
You could also try speculating on silver and gold ingots, But ascended jeweler might still be a year away, so it would just be speculating.
You can also turn in your WvW reward tickets for obsidian shards.
I crafted one and they are cheap. The one I made was better than the exotic one made from blade shards. I will be making more. If ugly, they can be reskinned. Most of my characters don’t have backpacks visible anyway.
Also, don’t forget to eat some magic find food before forging.
Until you are level 115 it’s useless to get defense against guards.
For a raw noob I think you should get:
Arrow Cart Mastery level 1 (10 points)
Supply Master level 4 (10 points)
Build Mastery level 1 (1 point)
Repair Mastery level 1 (1 point)
That’s your first 22 points.
Once you have 220 levels you can wait until the next season start to reset your points and get guard stacks.
Skilled at nightcapping, perhaps.
Could be the new collection achievement for collecting all 3 types of ascended armor. People who were happy with 1 or 2 sets went out and bought a ton.
This, I think. Silk (and damask) should stabilize in a few weeks.
Don’t they sell an upgrade so you can have three crafts active? Or was that a limited-time item?
I don’t see a problem. But it would be fine with me if heavy armor crafting used leather instead of cloth, across the board, not just ascended level. This change might level out the prices of leather and cloth.
I have made one per day, every day (except vacations), since it became possible to craft them. I buy the silk, wool, cotton, and linen. At first I had a few months worth of cotton and linen but that eventually dried up.
The last time I did the calculation it was still profitable to make damask. Right now I’m accumulating damask in order to make a set of ascended light armor for the achievement so I’m not selling at the moment.
Specifically I was wanting to craft various “Ogre” weapons and searching for “Ogre” would determine which ones would be easy/cheap/profitable to craft.
It would be awesome if you could add a filter for text, “Rampager”, for example.
I bought the insignias and the basic materials (bolts of leather and cloth) and crafted the ascended materials.
Figure out how much the difference is between making the legendary and selling it versus selling the precursor and the mats. Then see if the additional gold you get is worth the time.
The best way to farm gold is to farm real life money, buy gems, and convert that to gold. Even a low paying job should yield close to 100 gold per hour.
Level 1-15 areas are too easy for level 80s.
I like the idea of disabling everything that is not level-appropriate, superior runes and sigils if the effective level is below 60, 2nd, 3rd, and elite skill slot at appropriate level, all traits if below level 20, and so on.
You can look at gw2spidy.
I make bolts of damask and the new Huntsman plant food.
You can salvage cloth rares.
If you need the luck %, by all means do it.
A bunch of quitters and fairweathers, but competant enough.
After an initial disappointment phase, I like the collection expander. I would not buy more than one. The collection expander makes it a snap to move a full stack from the bank to your inventory for guild bank storage, forging, or whatever. I would get one of these, but only one.
I also love the salvage-o-matic. It saves a lot of time. Get one of these when it goes on sale (normally it is 800 gems but it has gone on sale twice for 600 gems).
You can also cut some load times by jumping to the next waypoint from within the previous instance after the swords appear and you get your reward. But 15 minutes is pretty quick.
I purchase 100 bolts of silk, 20 bolts of wool, 10 bolts of cotton, and 20 bolts of linen per day and make a bolt of damask out of it. It profits about 3 gold per day with no time commitment or dungeon grinding.
I always put a point into the falling damage trait. But that’s just me.
It’s fair. The picks cost about 120 gold at the time. 20 mining attempts per day yields about 4 sprockets, roughly 12 silver.
120 gold / 0.12 gold is 1000 days to recoup the cost.
The other picks are over priced, the watchwork pick is not under priced.
I didn’t realize the probability was so low. I thought they dropped like candy.
I’ll probably pick this up because I could use some of those new boost enchantment powders.
Demand went up.
Supply is constant.
Therefore, prices went up.
The demand went up due to the new wardrobe system which makes it possible to use legendary skins on multiple characters.
I sold all my bones, blood, etc. and cashed in all my laurels, but I did it in order to buy the watchwork picks. Maybe prices will go down after the watchwork pick sale is over.
You are charged 5% for listing the item, and another 10% when it sells. This keeps people from using the TP as storage.
Nice one, OP! 8/10
The QQ on these threads is delicious.
Thanks for the notice, I bought four of them.
If I can somehow raise 500 gold before the sale ends, I’ll buy four more.
I would be all over a way to reset personal story. That way there would be an easy way to get slayer achievements for my characters who have bypassed the personal story quest with the zillion rats. (Forewarned is Forearmed)
Most likely you fat fingered something. I’ve done it.
I clicked “create masterwork dye” instead of “create rare dye”.
I’d like to add a couple of things,
1. Mining, there is a couple of very good spot with Rich Iron Node/Platinum Node that respawn at the same place everyday, if you have 4-5 + alt character, it becomes very lucrative to farm them everyday. (I’d be willing to show them if you are interested) I makes 3-4 gold everyday in about 10 minutes doing this.
I’d like to know the location of a reliable rich iron node that is close to a waypoint. Are you mining the platinum node that is close to the golem world event, or have you found a better one?
Before the patch, copper ore was selling for about 30 copper. (It has exploded in price since, speculators rejoice!).
The current buy price for iron ingots (many of them used for ascended crafting) is about 2.5 silver (sell price about 3 silver).
500 copper ore will refine to 250 bronze ingots, costing 30 copper * 500 plus 8 copper (lumps of tin) * 50 = 1g 54s.
250 bronze ingots + 1 iron ingot + T2 dust + 1 skill point = some number of iron ingots. The average number of iron ingots is not known, but I think it’s about 80.
Reglecting the cost of the 1 iron ingot + dust, you will get about 2g 40 s – 15% = 2g 4s money back.
2g 4s-1g 54s = 50 silver per skill point. A nice 30% profit but it’s not 4 gold.
Is jute to wool more profitable?
But why that item?
I upgraded a personal guild bank and bought 25k gold ingots and 25k silver ingots but I’m reasonably sure that will go up when ascended jewelcrafting goes live.
Is there a crafted rune that uses that material that you think will go up in value? Or did you just do this for the lulz?
I also seriously doubt that the average T1→T2 average yield is 120. It’s more like 80 in my experience. I have not done thousands of promotions, only tens, so maybe I am a victim of RNG.
I’ll tell you how I made hundreds of gold.
When you throw four major runes into the forge, it will give you a superior rune some of the time. I found out all the possible superior runes that could come out of it, and assumed each of them had equal probability. Rune prices were pretty stable at the time so I could figure out how much each rune would sell for. So for every four major runes you throw in the forge, you have an expectation of how much money you would get back. Over the long term (I salvaged many thousands of items, I have done the master of entropy achievement more than 1100 times) the RNG will even out.
So, to make money, all I had to do was to have a cheap source of major runes. Therefore I bought light rare armor which, when salvaged, would yield cotton. Cotton was more expensive than linen at the time. My price point was 3 silver 20 copper for light armor, 2 silver 60 copper for heavy armor (iron), and 2 silver 20 copper for medium armor.
Now, of course, you can’t get any rare armor for near that price.
TL;DR: What you’ve got to do is do the research yourself and find your own way to make money. You don’t make money being lazy.
Sure. It takes about 10 gold worth of materials to craft a bolt of damask. They sell for 13 gold. That’s roughly 3 gold per day give or take. You can do the same thing for the other ascended materials.
For me it’s working as they intended.
I go into PvP daily now (never did before patch) and get the PvP dailies. Now I am level 12 or 13 and close to the end of my first reward track.
I still don’t give a hoot about PvP but I’ll be going there now for dailies unless the end reward for the Balthazar track is horrible. In that case I won’t.