You know why players don’t roam? and there is plenty capable ones
Its because its literally the least reward thing in the game to do
Elementalist could change with specializations
show me this 6/6/6/6/6/6/ build
Tera uses both AH and player trading and normal trading is used a lot.
Its faster unless you sell to highest bidder and you skip the fee.
low demand vendor stuff still goes trough AH.
The argument that you can get scammed is pathetic then you have done it yourself.
then don’t, play the way you like pick up ascended chests and you’re on equal ground.
if u want to be best ele if u want fun mesmer
I like the idea but only if its each tick not a board for the whole MU
because it doesn’t really shows the best players but just the most active ones
So if there is going to be a leaderboard it should be for win/loss ratio not sure how they would implement that in wvw.
wvw should never be used as argument in a balance discussion full stop
its not even competitive to begin with most coverage wins.
Going to buy it when it comes out archeage died too fast
I had a big house in archeage but i didnt pay the bills
Does it always happen or just crowded places?
If its in crowded places you need more ram speed
There is nothing hard in this game maybe 2% if you count living story they deleted
so there is enough for those players to do and no they shouldent be rewarded equally
as the ones who finish hard content.
Or lets say there is a frustrating JP not many can do and those rewards return later
for basicly no effort thats not fair towards the ones who did the hard jp.
are you roaming on theif because thats useless now that
everyone and their mother got reveal skills
the amount of grind would be equal to farming for 6 legendary weapons i asume
mesmer on bottom its nerfed now their even nerfing our chronomancer before it had a chance to shine i loved the bubble now we can stability which we already have as mantra.
there are tons of builds which facetank mesmer burst like its nothing.
Atleast i got the title before the nerf so in yo face haturz.
the actual strongest one is swordman this is troll post
Same here cannot play at all yesterday i got disconnected a lot
Build: 51902
Error Code: 42:0:9001:4418
sometimes i get to character select and load
cannot play at all
(edited by Extreme.8350)
Well the 2500k is just over 4 years old, what would usually be pretty old (while new when GW2 was released btw) however because CPU improvements have been somewhat slow lately it’s still among the fast CPU’s. When you ask advice about an upgrade, in general people will not tell you to now upgrade the processor when you use a 2500k.
A GTX 970 is not even a year old. put in 8 or 16 GB or RAM and you have a system that is still pretty up to date / fast. However, this setup does not give you great performance in GW2, so it’s not just about having an 10 year old PC.
I have ~5 years old PC.
My only bottleneck is CPU and crowded places – that’s why turning Character Model Limit to Low is fixing all kinds of performance issues and allow me to play smoothly while the rest of the graphic settings are maxed.But like I said, Character Model Limit aka Player crowd is the biggest issue in all MMO games, and rarely even a top notch CPU and GPU solve the problem.
Mind you that my CPU is on pair with yours, kinda worse in MMO gaming.
I used to have that problem but then i upgrade my ram to 24gb and now i get 30-40 fps in wvw on crowded places easily
I pity you for roaming around in wvw with a build which is useless in zerg and limited gap closers but hey whatever float you’re boat its good in pvp though.
In gw1 all campaigns have different character customisation
so you should chose acordingly you can jump on another campaign halfway trough.
How does anyone like the idea of having an elite instance which you can do
with you’re server? what would be the magic number of players 10 , 15 , 20 ?
basicly a hard dungeon where you have to split up and if anyone fail their job everyone has to suffer for it and boss mechanics which hurts like tequatl
instead of just 1 guy kiting him around like a massive bag of hp.
anyone like this? servers should mean something other than wvw.
It shouldent be any flag up do it right or dont do it at all… maybe bloodlust mode for players on same faction(server) like archeage? if they make it so anyone can become immune to pvp then 99% will do that and there all resources put into it would be for nothing just like gta passive mode
Mesmer phantasm could use a hp buff in pve they die in 1 hit from all vet mobs
For my three cents, we already have way too many mesmers in wvw and pvp. Why? because the class is unbalanced, and people are playing it because it wins the game.
Regarding pvp no comment it will reach deaf ears.
in wvw they are too squishy to push trough the zerg and they lack the aoe to tag players and even get any bags they only take them for veil and occasionally portals
if they have golems or driver sniping but actually killing the blob
its one of the worst classes and i dont see them everywhere like you do i dont know what server you play i used to see like 2 now i see 5 out of a zerg which is nice but it dosent change the fact that wvw is dominated by heavy classes and ele + nec
So basicly the profit from playing mesmer in wvw is worst of all classes staff bounce dosent do enough damage to tag always unless you are in full group.
Yeah, I’ve played every class over the weekend, but far and away I play mesmer most. Chrono mancer was too much, it’s a fun spec and what it does is neat, but some of the more offensive traits need a counterplay downside. make the daze on resummend phantasms longer, 3 – 4 seconds, that way it’s clone generation more often then it is 2 phantasm attacks AND a shatter at the same time. That’s a start.
I’d take damage away from the phantasms and put them into skills used by the mesmer, namely blured frenzy, and mirror blade. Both of which require the mesmer to get into melle range to work.
nononono and NO! we are a magic caster not a stupid warrior and our job is to confuse YOU with stealth and clones its already too easy to tell who is the real clone
The old borderland is ugly and lazy and is something you would expect to see
from a 20 year old game really no reason to keep it
So you’re losing to beta players lol you already lost all credibility
Mesmer is never faceroll ranger is. terrifying howl + rapid fire
do the same as we do with 6 buttonsMesmer can use fear and rapidfire when pressing 6 buttons? Sounds like a weird bug to me :p
The result are the same now you are just grasping for straws
not to mention their 1 skill crits for +3,5k while our is 300~/s with gs from medium range.
Mesmer is never faceroll ranger is. terrifying howl + rapid fire
do the same as we do with 6 buttons
I am but i gave up. Its still ok ish but im more dissapointed in anet who give in
to the qq its never gonna end. Because everyone just
hate playing against it even if they win.
The only they nerfed which somone were talking about was blinding dissepation
The others were something i never seen anyone discuss.
But sure since most mesmers like it wow thats great moar nerf needed!
Thats what it means in Tera online aparently not here.
You could have done the same with whirling blade
3k armor on heavy is almost glass anyway.
Though mantras recharging in background was op, especially with the short cd they have.
Well how about a compromise recharge after first charge and cooldown increased?
We need 4 bounces on mirror blade and mantra recharge in background back.
Its sad to see how anet give in to the qq of a balanced class.
There a bunker builds who barely take any damage from my burst i hit one guy for 2k with izerker all 4 hits then what happens a engineer 2 shot me with rifle.
You need more than that to burst i know. But that is the hardest hitting ability.
Mesmer need help again to stay competitive. No wonder everyone is camping stealth.
the real problem here is that thieves
Mesmer is by design a ninja class and not a sustain they survive by avoiding damage.
we already got nerfed now its +1 year out of meta again
like what is the meta now? 2 eles a thief a guard and something? warrior? that means half of classes are “out of the meta” that’s no excuse to be stupendusly OP compared to the rest (except celem) in any other pvp game/mode in a lesser organized way.this is why I say people make no sense
u know what is meta bunkers thats right elementalist is king of the hill as usual
we already got nerfed now its +1 year out of meta again
It means josh davis is playing
they want mesmers to be free kills just quit while u can unless u enjoy conditions
btw mirror blade have been the same for 3 years the only reason why it does more damage is because we got 30% more damage buff which everyone else also got.
All this talk about mesmer burst should have rng without you using stunbreaker wow.
Thoughness and healing dosent have rng #bunkerhype!
So it’s time for unskilled Mesmers to start distracting playerbase just to keep their new broken stuff, well done, well done…
This forum is nothing but a distraction.
The new patch is not even live and armchair programmers already know the meta.
I am champ illusionist so i can reroll to the new best class but i dont want to.
elemtentalists were an abomination to deal with pre 28th patch and is even worse now.
Good thing im pro in tera online which actually favor skill over stupid bunker builds.
They wont. Its the most played class. More players quit= less gemstore profit for them.
Why did you play when bunkers were poking eachother for 5 min i think it was boring as f****
This is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better !!
Just give us sigil swap on legendary would be convinient with mob spesific sigils
I am doing something about it i play it
The mesmer seems to be overpowered, but there is absolutely no way that he can kill a celestial staff elementalist on his own. The elementalist can survive forever and in the end kill the mesmer with burning and all the aoe and might stacking. So, between those two, I would say that the ele is overpowered.
Have you ever played a cele staff ele? You’re not going to kill anything 1v1 in under 2 mins (1v1s above this don’t happen in matches)
Yes, for the past 500 tpvp matches, thank you. You’d be surprised how much I actually kill 1v1 … and 1v2. Especially mesmers.
Noob bashing doesn’t count. I can beat just about everyone in queue 1v1 with a soldier axe/lb warrior and won several 2v1s but that doesn’t mean I’ll kill any decent player who knows what to dodge.
That count because if there are so many noobs on mesmer that just shows
how high the skill cap the class actually have.
Bot weekend – Story characters will fill player slots when map is not full.
almost anything can counter “MESEMER” not just useless melee. one trick pony thieves can counter some builds. The best way to counter “mesemer” as a “mesemer”. is actually with condi build but one also has too much counterplay like diamond skin sigh.
Mesmers can indeed lose some blind, especially since Blinding Dissipation is bugged and hits through evades..
You dont know what you’re talking about WE need it to survive more than guardians!
and bugged because you cant dodge it you are clearly not playing mesmer
You cannot dodge something which happens instantly
If you already were dodging before it hits then yes.
Squishy mesmer with limited healing is designed not to get hit guardians are not.Mesmers most certainly do not need blinds. Mesmers have the most OP damage in the game coupled with your ports, your stealths, your moa, your blinds and your clones.
I think they can manage putting an icd on the trait because mesmer was still viable in the previous meta and mesmers have a lot of better utility than thieves now.
The most BURST not DPS IF properly timed and what if i want to play something else more durable ? why should there be just 1 mesmer build.
Thieves were never taken for utility but mobility.
The mesmer damage is mostly ranged thats it, There are much stronger classes.
Rampage 2 shots however…Rampage is an elite skill that can be countered, you shouldn’t have even mentioned it because you basically just destroyed your credibility. Okay burst translates to DPS so I’m not sure what you’re getting at there. I can’t believe you think mesmer is in a good place right now! Literally everyone is complaining about them, even top tier players who compete in tournaments say they are too much! WHAT PLANET ARE YOU LIVING ON GUY??
Mesmers can be countered Learn to stunlock.
Dosent matter what you use.
Can be mesmer or thief (only on squishy builds with limited stealth or necromancer.
Warrior is a really bad choice to counter mesmer i admit that.
All mesmers use blink so bait it and cc.
Mesmer is totally braindead class right now mostly for “wannabe pros”. Except the good ones prepatch, 90% of them are totally carried by the OP class mechanics.
Yes , it’s a rant post.
I have played against ur guild visceral effect and they are totally brainless too
We dont see abjured with mesmer hmm i wonder whyBackpack plays mesmer for Abjured , and does well on it, it’s that brainless
The misinformation on forums is real
Sure but that guy wasen’t there last time i watched them.