Yes, even with its problems GW2 is the only mmo worth playing.
This is not a thread to complain why you get low drops but for the reason behing it. Please, either discuss it or not post here. there are other threads for that
Anet says it is working but still many of us know that something has changed, but making your own thread guessing what the problem is when you know nothing about the system is a waste of time.
(edited by Kromica.2831)
How about we just ban bots instead of implementing a DR system that penalizes all players?
DR doesn’t penalize all players.
It penalizes only grinders, farmers, exploiters and addicts.
That should be a clue to those players that they are not wanted in GW2, but it appears some can’t understand the message.
You get rid of the grinders and farmers and then you will see some high prices on the trading post, we keep prices low.
To the poeple who can make 3 gold an hour. How do you make 3g an hour?
Run fractals over and over and sell everything.
I shouldn’t have to farm gold to buy mats for things I want to craft. I should be able to go out and farm the mats on my own with out being punished by DR and the terrible drop rates. I have been farming onyx loadstones for a month every time the rock eles are up in Orr and I have managed to get 3…. Something is very wrong with that.
To the OP run dungeons until you want to stab your eyes out that is the only way to make gold.
Thing is that with the attribute numbers on gear, switching builds may well require switching out the whole wardrobe…
I have 3 sets of exotic armor already. PvE/WvW/MF I don’t see how having 2 specs would hurt at all.
from what I saw a dev said it would be back in a future patch but gave no date
I would at least like to see a dual spec so I don’t have to change every time I decide to WvW a bit.
The Dwayna temple can be taken with 2 people very easily, just be thankful you don’t need onyx because the Melandru temple is the worst event in the game and is maybe done 1 time a week on my server.
My group of 4 has no problem doing everything in the game ( unless it requires 5, like CoF path 1 or the more difficult temples) and we have had zero problems keeping guild buffs up.
My presence is a present I will share with everyone in game
im sorry my friend but i am hitting about as hard as your gs with a 1h sword and i could have stayed in the middle of that crowd without having to continually dance out. i am sorry to be so critical but neither the damage nor the survivability were impressive, im just not sure what this build is doing.
Then why not share your build?
I soloed the Asura fractal but didn’t get anything good
Stopped keeping track of how many times I tried it was to depressing.
Never waste your karma while leveling and vendor everything that drops…. most important don’t spend gold on stupid kitten you don’t need like dyes off the trading post or waypoints when you can run.
I do not know the answer to your question but I will tell you never believe the preview window it leaves out any kind of affect that weapons have. I hope it is something they fix because it is ridiculous.
Also if the guild is really new just create a new one with the name you want
Hello , i am the guild leader of a new guild and would like to know how to change guild name ? TY
As far as I know you can not change the name
It’s easy to put a reward in Raids/Guild Content. Just have drops be things like crafting mats for Guild upgrades or things for Guild Halls once they are released.
Have the stuff based off the dungeons that already in the game and just add a “Raid Mode” to each one that is level 80 only and takes like 10 people. At the end you get tokens for buying themed upgrades.
It’d be a big step to making guilds more than a chat room with x% bonuses.And once again I ask what happens to the small guilds? They just get left behind.
If you have less than 10 people to run something than you are not much of a guild are you?
Guilds don’t have to be a certain size and making content based on a certain size would be dumb. My group of 4 can do everything in the game except the more difficult temples and the dungeons that require 5. (we just bring a pug and give them the easy jobs)
It’s easy to put a reward in Raids/Guild Content. Just have drops be things like crafting mats for Guild upgrades or things for Guild Halls once they are released.
Have the stuff based off the dungeons that already in the game and just add a “Raid Mode” to each one that is level 80 only and takes like 10 people. At the end you get tokens for buying themed upgrades.
It’d be a big step to making guilds more than a chat room with x% bonuses.
And once again I ask what happens to the small guilds? They just get left behind.
They don’t fail because its hard they fail because its one of the last spots to farm mobs that anethasn’t nerfed into the ground. But don’t worry they will kill this one to and people can go back to getting blues from the chest
I have zero interest in pvp, the only reason I go into wvw is for the stupid badges of honor
Thay should still add some sort of large guild content of some sort. Im thinking some kinda tower defens for guild PVE. Because this game dose tower defence/attack rally well.
So they should design content for large guilds? What about all the small ones?
I would rather they stick to 5 man content. Having to rely on 9 or 24 people and all their irl drama that could affect a run is something I never want to do again.
Will karma really bring high levels to help lower levels of FotM, i think not..
But either way i don’t want FotM changes (i don’t use it) i need Open World loot back please, will that be end of January too i wonder?
Karma is not worth running with bad pugs
I am at like 1700 but I personally hate achievement points and think they are a lazy way of adding supposed content that does nothing to improve any game so I don’t go out of my way to earn them.
Lol, I just got the bag in my inventory.
A-net actually listens! Thanks guys!
Uhm, some guys (that opened teh chest) said that they also got it…
Yea it seems they just said f it and sent it to everyone. So anyone that wasn’t bugged got 2 of everything.
I think its funny how some people got the gift twice, I don’t really care because everything in it was worthless, but still funny.
2 important issues here …
1. Already not enough good karma sinks in game ( hoping for better karma rewards )
2. End of January ,
I agree karma s pretty much worthless for a lot of people
My point is that real life wealth should have zero impact on the game.
This is not possible at all, every game has gold sellers and people get lazy and buy gold. So either you are naive and believe that everyone earns everything or just blind.
After seeing what is in the chest I really don’t care if I get reimbursed for the bug or not
No gift for me either
They are all pretty ugly to be honest. It feels like they just threw something together in 5 mins
Vertical progression sucks and was the main reason I bought gw2. So tired of running the same kittenty instance for gear only to have to run a different kittenty instance a few months later for a few more stats.
This is all I really want out of gaming before I die oh and maybe the option to upload my consciousness in to a server that would allow me to travel to any game I choose forever.
Heaven would be any game you want, hell would be diablo with 3, 8 year olds camping the spawn point and ganking you every 60 seconds.
Not going to get into any religious talk. My beliefs tend to get me banned
Just give me my server
This is all I really want out of gaming before I die oh and maybe the option to upload my consciousness in to a server that would allow me to travel to any game I choose forever.
while in reality they are just time sinks keeping them hostage.
LOL with the DR in this game they have artificially added a much larger time sink then in any other game.
Actually you have to tag the dragon to get the chest.
I stand corrected. “Those leechers that tag dragon and only kill mobs for loot…”
Can’t really blame them for killing what actually drops decent loot. I will take the T6 mats the ice eles drop over the crap blues that I get every time from the chest
The’Cold-Weather Friend’ achievment… has any1 done it ?
Can only find 3 snow piles in LA ..and NONE at all anywhere else.
Here you go
The Tixx instance is soloable I have done it 3 times by myself sure it takes longer than with a group but there really isn’t anything else to do in game right now
So is the Toy Frame that drops the same thing as the blueprint? If so, why not call it the blueprint? Are we supposed to find a toy machine inside after finishing it?
You guys aren’t being very clear about what we’re supposed to find in here.
I can’t say it’s that hard to read if you hover over with your mouse on the item.
Combine in the mystic forge with 250 mystical cogs, wads of enchanted stuffing, and drops of magic glue to make a Toy Ventari mini pet.
I wish I could sell this stuff because I don’t care about the mini pets at all
‘I wouldn’t call it a dungeon, but rather a collection of events inside of a 5-player instance.’
Isnt that what a Dungeon essentially is? lol
No, our dungeons are full of super tough monsters and potentially very challenging content. The Infininarium plays more like normal open world events.
Yea its not a dungeon, I was able to solo it
It is the second most annoying thing I have encountered with wintersday, the snowballs being the worst.
It is nice they are in the gem store, if only they weren’t so ugly.
Amazing is not the word I would use to describe it.
Ive opened six and got six sweaters. If its a rare chance at something else I’m cool with that, just reporting in case its broken or supposed to be giving more than 1 item.
Its a rare chance for the items the vendor sells IMO not worth it.
I am confused as to what the vendors take. I have some sweaters but it looks like a sock next to the price. It also says my currency with the vendor is 0. Are there more vendors around and they all take different items?
There are 3 tabs on the left to choose from
Lions Arch looks cool and the jumping puzzle was fun the first time, but the rewards are just ugly to me.