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"No Longer Ready For Anything"

in Warrior

Posted by: Silv.9207


“feel my stren… never mind”
“Fear me! Or not. Please go away…”

Rapid fire vs. Kill shot

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Silv.9207


You can’t compare a common skill whit a Special skil, made by the Mechanic of a class. Is like compare the Ranger Pet whit the Adrenaline skills.
You can compare Rapid Shot whit Volley (warrior rifle skill 3) but not whit Killing Shot.
Then, the Rifle have 1200 of range and can’t be traited, only the Ranger can increase it’s Ranged Weapon range ‘till 1500 whit a trait.
They’re 2 different skills and compare it is hard because Rapid Fire actually give more damage, whit more chance to hit, more range, give vulnerability (and that increase it’s own damage during the attack), can be used while you move and it’s damage or use isn’t based on the Adrenaline. You can start the fight whit Rapid Fire, giving high damage at the top range of the game, giving vulnerability and you have the time to recharge the skill before the fight come in melee (expecially if you hide for 3 sec whit the skill 3 or cripple your enemy whit skill 5) and to obtain rapid delay and high range you need only 4 trait points.

To use Killing Shot you need to be already in the fight, you can’t use it when you want, and to inflict it’s top damage you need 3 bar of Adrenaline. That make you in danger, expecially in pvp. Because if you’re in fight frequently you’re in zerg if in www and in 2vs2-3vs3 if in spvp. That make you prevedible or/and easy to dodge or be interrupted. And to swap your weapon every 5 sec and decrease the recharge of your F1 skill by 30% you need 6 trait points in a line that don’t give you trait’s for your Rifle. Rifle Trait (that decrease it’s skill recharge and make it’s skills piercing) is in Arms, a Condition Damage Trait Line. To make your Kill Shot deal it’s top damage you need 10 trait points.
Then, no one use Signet of Might, expecially in spvp or www, because you need defensive skills to survive, not a passive/active skill only to be unblockable for 6 sec. And Rapid Fire don’t need utility skills to work at it’s best.

And LB isn’t the only friend of a Ranger. If you need to swap your weapon you can use a lot of good melee or mid-range weapons.

Actually, Rapid Fire is more good than Killing Shot.
More damage, more easy to use, vulnerability, hard to dodge, high range and high projectile speed (if traited), trait’s lines for make you able to deal your max damage whit LB and Rapid Fire give you Power, Precision and Ferocity (top stats for dps) and Condition Duration, for your Vulnerability and Cripple.

PvE Condition possible stack change?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Silv.9207


Aren’t you allowed to play condi? Like, is there a mod watching you and getting you a perma ban if you use condi? You just want your playstyle to be superior to others in term of efficiency. If you want to bring your condi guard to dungeons you will succeed and end the path, but yeah, our speedruns will be faster. Do you want that to change?

ehm… wath?
I don’t pretend to be more good than other classes and there’s no one that ban me if I use a condi build. I want only to be able to deal all my damage, like in other games, where every condition (more frequently called DoT, in other games) deal it’s damage and there’s no problem about stacks&co.
A condi build deal lesser damage than a full zerk class, and I don’t want change that. I want only be able to deal all my damage whitout reduce the damage mine and of an ally only because our stacks of bleeding can’t grow more than 25.

(sorry for my bad english)

PvE Condition possible stack change?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Silv.9207


The problem is not that in pve you will always deal more damage whit direct damage than what you can do whit condition damage. No one can replace a zerker damage whit a condi damage, expecially in dungeon.

If they make bleed stack unlimited no one will replace zerkers in pve (expecially in dungeons) but if you want to play your kitten ranger/war/necro/… you will be able to play and do your “full” damage whitout problems if there’s another condi build in team.

Then, if there’s a tecnical issue and ANet can’t do that, there’s nothing to say…

Need help with DYE for my Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Silv.9207


A mix of Midnight Fire and Oxlood/Wrath can be god enough?
If you want to stay more at the colors of the GS you can use something like Sand, Midnight Gold and Ruby.

PvE Condition possible stack change?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Silv.9207


That can make some classes (like necro) and all the Condition Buils more viable in PvE, expecially in Dungeons.

PvE Condition possible stack change?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Silv.9207


About the condition damage, in PvE, there’s always a problem: I can stack and mantain 10-15 stack of Bleeding but the same is for all the other players. That make my damage fall down my shoes.
What if, only in PvE, the Bleed stack can grow… whitout a limit?
What if a World Boss is killed whit 300 stack of bleeding up? What if in Dungeon 5 players can deal all they’re bleeding condition damage whitout problems?

In sPvP or WvsWvsW (expecially www) that can be a problem because that fix is made to contain the condition damage and I don’t want to change that.
But what if Only in PVE you can be able to stack unlimited amount of Bleeding?
That can make you able to deal damage whit your condition build whitout all that problems.
Off course, there’s also Burning and Poison, but that 2 conditions lasts for lesser time than Bleeding and only the Guardian fight whit Burn like principal condition damage source (in PvE) -and in PvE or PvP there’s not Guardians in Condition Build-

That fix can be good for who want to do a Dungeon whit it’s Condition build whitout be forced to swap into a Direct Damage build because your damage reduce the damage of all the other condition damage users.
Frequently when I go into a dungeon run and there’s another condition damage class/build I see my damage reduced why I can’t use all my damage. If there’s 3 condi class into the same dungeon team you’re forced to change your build and equip because whit 3 condi class you can’t deal damage.

And actually there’s some direct damage builds that inflict bleeding and full your stacks whit lesser condition damage (warriors whit sword, for example).

That’s an easy fix, like the skills changes between sPvP and PvE, and can resolve 66% of the condition damage problem in PvE (expecially in dungeon).

Can it be possible? Can it be made?

(P.s. sorry for my bad english)

Axe skill 5 power

in Warrior

Posted by: Silv.9207


Then, it’s in spvp that is bigger than what it need to be?

RIP Warrior Class

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Silv.9207


Hw make my guardian a little bit special?

in Guardian

Posted by: Silv.9207


I use T1 Heavy.
Simple armor, easy to use dye on and obtain good effects. Gloomy effect of colors in the night (like the silvary skin, it’s beautiful).
It can be like you want. Simple, a little realistic but also in the silvary style.

Axe skill 5 power

in Warrior

Posted by: Silv.9207


I’ve a Celestial Build for my guardian, both in pve and spvp (don’t hit me >.< )
In sPvP I’ve 1716 of Power and my Axe skill 5 power is 3195. A really good damage.
In PvE and WvsW I’ve 1784 of power (more than in spvp) but my Axe skill 5 power is 2370.
Is that right?
The latest +17% of damage fix is only for sPvP?

Do you keep your ranged weapon equipped?

in Warrior

Posted by: Silv.9207


I use the LB in wvsw, but I’m a hybrid build and I use direct and condition damage both.
With a common build is better a sw+wh/hammer build. But I use Sw+Wh(or shield or offhand-axe, in different situations and groups) and Longbow as secondary weapon. That why I can attack from range who stay on walls, do AoE damage, give a firefield to my allies (might, fire aura and burn) and if I need a moment to restore my hp I can go out of the zerg and fight ranged for all the time I want. And Longbow skill 5 inflict Immobilize, good to fight a thief, a ele or a enemy that try to flee or enter in a tower. Immobilize an enemy into a good zerg and see he die XD

There’s a lot of different build aviable in wvsw. Melee, Ranged, CC, Bunker, Supporter, whit a Warrior you can do everything. (exept be a healer for your allies, but you can give them regeneration)
All depend to your playstile, your team and the situation.

I’ve make a personal build with Celestial and I’m the only one that use it. But I like it very much. it’s not the best build ever, but give support and have good self-heal, hp and toughness, condi clean skills, good mobility and good direct and condition damage. I can stay ranged whit LB or melee whit Sword+X.

If you want you can look for a pre-made build for wvsw or make one by yourself. And make a personal build is more funny than play with the build of someone else ;-)

(p.s. sorry for my bad english)

One more change to Spirit weapon guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Silv.9207


They have make only a little change, but not really useful.
The problem of the SW is not that they have useless active skill (exept for the bow, that’s a good fix), the problem is that they die so quickly that you can’t really use it.
And they did nothing about that.

Scepter Buff is fine.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Silv.9207


This Torment buff can be good in spvp, where your enemy move. 10 stack of torment is like 15 stack of bleed. Add to that 5 stack of confusion, clones and shatter skills and your condi build is already done.
If you add the torch you play whit torment, burn and confusion whit a lot of illusions and a hide.
I think it’s good.

Adrenaline nerf, not a big problem

in Warrior

Posted by: Silv.9207


1) Signet of Rage: increased Adrenaline gain by 50%!!!
Do you even know how much it gives now? if you do you would also see 50% is a joke.

2) Axe skill 5 increased damage by 17% and decreased cooldown to 15 sec.
Axe offhand? where?? pve?? i hope your not using it in pvp/wvw

3) Brawler’s Recovery (trait) now clean a condition on weapon swap.
Cool so we all now have to spend 6 into dicipline also?
And it will cost you burst mastery for those builds that CAN go 6 into discipline.. not all weapons prefer 6 into discipline because you need traits also to make the weapon vaible..

4) Berserker Stance still give you Adrenaline, just lesser than before.
True, not a big deal indeed.

But why make ANOTHER topic about this, there are already LOTS of it.

1) It give low adrenaline, but whit that nerf it can give good adrenaline. 50% boost is better than a kick in the kitten , right? And it give adrenaline, while all the other fix “steal” adrenaline. It can be good. But I’ve say: only if you need adrenaline. If you don’t need it active it and fight like you want. I play condition war and I need it, then sometime I don’t active it to recharge my adrenaline faster. I live longer than the classic build and that make Signet of Rage be useful also whitout active it.

2) I use it in pve, but also in spvp and wvsw (not always in wvsw). That because when you spin around your target whit that skill the enemy flee to evade your attack and don’t attack you, while you hit he easy. And whit firefield (F1 LB) you fire 15 fireshot, increasing your damage. With a boost of 17% you can deal high damage with a simple skill. If with 100Blades you deal 5k, with that you can deal 4k, but you can move, make some combos and if you use a sword or a axe in your main hand you can also active Final Thrust/Eviscerate to deal more damage than only 100Blades. Very high damage with no movement penality. In wvsw when your team use water fields you can fire 15 healing bolts. it’s very good. A casual heal, but 15 hit of casual heal can help your team. Or 15 fire bolts, leeching bolts, cleansing bolts, poisoning bolts, or in dungeon you can combo-fire brutal bolts, that inflict weakness. 15 stack of weakness with a skill that don’t inflict weakness and deal high damage? It looks good to me.
After the patch try it, it’s very good (if you know how to play it).

3) I’ve write: NEW BUILDS. What in “New Builds” isn’t clear for you?
If you want to use your build play it, I’ve only say that you can also try new builds.
There’s already some builds that use 4 or 6 points in Discipline. Whit that fix you’re incentivated to use it, not forced to use it.

Adrenaline nerf, not a big problem

in Warrior

Posted by: Silv.9207


After ANet say “we will nerf Adrenaline!” everyone just start crying.
But there’s some news that you’ve not see:
1) Signet of Rage: increased Adrenaline gain by 50%!!!
2) Axe skill 5 increased damage by 17% and decreased cooldown to 15 sec.
3) Brawler’s Recovery (trait) now clean a condition on weapon swap.
4) Berserker Stance still give you Adrenaline, just lesser than before.

What can you see in this 3 changes?
1) All spvp build use Signet of Rage and if you don’t use it like a mindless warrior or if you are a condi build (there’s a lot of condi war in spvp) you can obtain a large amount of Adrenaline from it. And if you use it you lose something to obtain something better, not a problem. But if you really need adrenaline you can chose to don’t active it and continue to obtain a good amount of adrenaline during the fight. That can also help to obtain a difference between dps class and condition class, because the dps class will active the signet to obtain might,swift and fury, but the condition class will not activ eit to obtain Adrenaline to active LB F1 skill (the 80% of they’re condition damage source).
2) Axe skill kitten 15 times. Every hit give you Adrenaline. Whit the trait Sharpened Axe (Discipline, number IX) you obtain a very good dps skill whit whirl effect that hit 15 times and whit every crit give you a lot of adrenaline. Whit a dps build you can deal 10+ critical hit! You refull your adrenaline bar whit a single skill in 3 sec every 12 sec!.
3) Brawler’s Recovery clean a condition every time you swap. That’s a good thing to add to your build (expeccily in dps axe based -Eviscerate- build) because whit 6 in Discipline you can swap every 5 sec, gaining Adrenaline, Might and cleaning a condition.
4) Berserker Stance give Adrenaline. Yes, it’s true!! You can use it to full your Adrenaline bar one time! And ignore enemy conditions apply for 8 sec (10 if traited)

New Fix combo: Axe as second weapon to fury+good dps skill whit whirl combo (15 hit combo is very good, you can inflict 10-15 of burning-weakness-cleanse-heal—— to your enemy/ally in 3 sec dealing damage), gaining adrenaline and you can obtain adrenaline and clean a condition every 5 sec. And Signet of Rage that give you a very good amount of Adrenaline. Isn’t that good???

Whit that new fix they give you a reason to spent 6 point into Disciple, use Axe as secondary weapon and try to use Signet of Rage not only for the 5 might stack but also to obtain more chances to active your finishers in fight.

In pve you don’t need something like berserker stance because 90% of builds use GS and Berserker’s Power (trait) and whit tha trait lesser you use your adrenaline more damage you deal.

Actually they don’t nerfed Adrenaline so much. What did they do?
1) Adrenaline fall out if you’re not in fight? OMG!!! Wait.. isn’t already like this? It’s only a little quickly. But more in line whit the description of the warrior class and it’s mechanics.
2) Nerfed Berserker’s Stance. Ok that is a nerf of 40% and it’s heavy, but it don’t really turn the warrior into a useless class. Come on guys! You can also start the fight whit a good finisher and 10 sec of conditio immunity!!! It’s not the end of the world.

But they give us a signet that refull your bar quickly, an axe skill that hit 15 times, dealing high damage and refulling your adrenaline bar, if traited, and a trait that incentive to swap between your weapons, action that grant you adrenaline, might and condition clean.

I like that new fixes. I don’t see all that big nerf that you see.
I see only new possibility about builds.

a very powerful dueling build for guard atm

in Guardian

Posted by: Silv.9207


This build is a fail.
2) (you really need a second reason?)
3) No defensive ability, only the knockdown of the hammer, 6 sec of stability and 3 condi removed every 50 sec. You can heal yourself by 1500 whit Empower of the staff, but that skill can be interrupter easy by your enemy and while you use it you’re vulnerable for 2.5 sec and that make your heal be useless because a good player in 2.5 sec inflict more than 1500 of damage.
4) No enough damage. Hammer skill deal good damage, but only if you deal a crit hit whit the active skill. With Carrion you don’t deal critical hits. It can “work” only if hey really increase the damage of your SW by 50-100% and they’re hp by the same. But they will not.
5) Condition damage whit no defensive skills is a bad idea. You kill your enemy slowly but your enemy kil you fast, expecially because you have only 17k of hp, low condition remover and no self healing ability exept your healing skill (healing breeze? >.<)
6) If your enemy use stability and/or AoE skills all your strategy is a fail.

That build can work only if you have a team that defend you, but you don’t give heal or support, your damage is low and you can hope what you want but if they increase the SW damage and healt by 10-15% it’s all gold from the sky. They said that the rework on SW skills is almost only on the active skills.

We hope for the best, but…

WvW Frontline/Zerg/Tankish build

in Warrior

Posted by: Silv.9207


I play in celestial. build 0/0/6/6/2, sword/warhorn(or shield or axe) and Longbow, whit stability, berserker stance and Banner of XX. Good defence, good damage, good support, a regen to all.
You’re not the best. You’re not a bunker, a dps, a healer, but you can deal good damage, survive longer and give heal to yourself and allies and support.
If needed I mix celestial whit soldier, for more defence. But I stay almost always full celestial.

Fun warrior sPvP builds?

in Warrior

Posted by: Silv.9207


I play that build: (celestial)

You can deal high damage by conditions and direct damage, obtain high survavibility and give support to your allies.

Sword: give Bleed and cripple whit auto attack, movement skill, high damage skill and F1 inflict bleed and Immobilize for 3 sec (good to let your allies hit your enemy more easily).

Axe: a good damage skill and Fury (whit that skill and the Rune you have fury for all the time) and the skill 5 deal high damage and is a whirl Finisher that fire 15 times. You can combine it whit fire to inflict burn, whit water to heal your allies, whit light to clean conditions, whit dark to fire leeching bolts, etc.

Longbow: 9 sec of Fire field, blast, immobilize, burn and it’s a very good ranged weapon.

Sigil: whit that build you swap your weapons every 9 sec and that grant you might and poison. Whit an AoE attack you can inflict poison to more enemy. You can change that sigil whit a sigil of you choice.

Rune: I’ve chose that rune not for the swiftness duration but for the AoE Buff that grant to you and your allies might, fury and swiftness for 10 sec every 20 seconds. And that runes give you power and precision at the same time.

Banner: Whit the Strenght Banner you can increase your allies damage and give Regen. That’s a very good support ability because if you att the power of the banner whit the pasive trait you increase your power and the power of your allies by 320 (it’s like 9 stack of might!) in a passive way.

That’s a build that grant you very good direct damage (passive power, a lot of Might, sword skill 3 and axe), very good condition damage (burn, bleed, poison and banner bonus+might), good defensive ability (regen and signet whit a lot of healing power grant you high regenerative ability and passive Endure Pain and active Berserker stance let you fight whit no damage for 5 sec.) and good Support ability whit Banner and passive Power (you give to your allies 320 might and 170 condition damage bonus, and might whit Blast).

That build can work good in 1vs1 and very good in team fights. You can do everything. But your damage is not the same of a dps or a condition damage dealer build.
You have to reduce the enemy healt whit conditions while build up Might and survive whit regen and signet, then when the enemy is under 50% of hp you have to do a quick skill combination whit sword skill 3, axe skills and longbow skill 3 to kill the enemy fast.

It’s a good build, but not the best ever.
But it’s funny to play :-)

New player Karma Booster question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silv.9207


You can only obtain karma by events and personal/living story, then if you use it you gain +50% karma by events and story.

Runes for the biggest damage

in Guardian

Posted by: Silv.9207


Rune of Strength > All

If you can’t buy Rune of Strength (only 90 gold…) you can try whit Rune of Flame Legion, that give you +7% damage against burned enemy, increase power and give +30% Burn duration.
Or whit Rune of the Ogre (power, +4% damage and rockdog)

We are next! :-)

in Warrior

Posted by: Silv.9207


Nerf the Stealth!!! Nerf the Stealth!!!
Then, I’ve just equipped a warrior whit ascended weapons and jewels… Doh >.<

Celestial build OP?

in Warrior

Posted by: Silv.9207


I use a personal celestial build, whit Sword/Axe and Healing Banners. I’ve never lose against a ele. And in 1vs1 I’m very powerfull, healing me by a large amount, I don’t die quickly and deal a lot of condition damage by fire and bleed, and direct damage by Final Truth and Whirling Axe (that grant me whirl finisher, firing 15 fire bolts all over the area)

It’s not the best build for a warrior, hambow can be better. But It’s a good build, because the warrior use all the stats.

It’s a build more for Hot Join than for TsPvP

Need some opinions on stats

in Warrior

Posted by: Silv.9207


I’m a bad writer XD
Use Bloodlust. It’s very good.

Optimal damage for HP hybrid?

in Warrior

Posted by: Silv.9207


Change your Berserker Jewels with Soldier.
You “fall” to 48k of critical chance, but increase your toughness and your vitality. Increasing your toughness you increase you power (trait) and whit your power you increase your vitality (trait). But only a little.

Or you can use a 6/4/4/0/0 build, with berserker wepon and armor and soldier jewels.
You increase your power to 2680, your healt to 24k, but reduce your crit damage to 185% and your crit rate to 46% (whit fury you reach 66%, and it’s good). Very good damage, good HP and good survavibility.

Need some opinions on stats

in Warrior

Posted by: Silv.9207


Bloodlust. Over 66% of critical rate is useless. Increase your damage, is better.

Mace Group Support / Heal + DPS

in Guardian

Posted by: Silv.9207


It can be good, yes. Expecially if you mix it whit AH, because you give costant buffs to your allies whit skill 2 and you heal yourself for a big amount (if you use AH).
But also whitout AH it can be good.
You have AoE damage and heal whit mace, a good defence whit focus (but in wvsw the shield is better because the shield can block more projectiles/skills and knock back your enemy, and give AoE protection).
But change the Scholar rune, expecially if you want to use it in wvsw, because in wvsw you’re not over 90% of hp, during a combat (expecially a zerg combat). ogre can be better. (and you can buy it whitout sell your sister to the blackmarket boys).
About the healing skill, you can change it whit Shelter. Reason: shelter block all the incoming attacks for 2 sec, useful in zerg, and can not be interrupter, whit only 30 sec of cooldown. During the time you block, you heal for 5k and block more than 6k of damage (expecially if you’re in trouble). Signet of Resolve is good, heal for a very hig amount, but can be interrupted. If you use it you’re under 1/2 hp and you need a quick heal, but you need 1 sec to cast it and you can be interrupted, making you unable to heal.

warrior arena builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Silv.9207


You can try the Ham-Bow build. I don’t remember it, but there’s a lot of sites that can give you that build.
Basically, you use Hammer and Longbow to obtain might whit blast combo and stay whit 15-20 stack of might all the time. The enemy stay stunned and knocked down for all the time and you can kill it quickly whit all your damage. Soldier amulet and one of the sigols is the one that make you deal 3 critical hits after you swap your weapon.
I don’t remember all the build, but you can find it on internet.

(sory for my bad english)

sPvP Celestial Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Silv.9207


I’ve try to use shield or sword as off hand weapon, but the Axe grant me fury and a powerful damage skill, whi whirl combo.
The shield can make me survive a little longer, but I don’t need to survive longer if I kill my enemy faster. When I use skill 5 the enemy fllee and don’ attack me, to evade my skill. If I use the shield I can obtain the same result but whit no damage dealt. Expecially because the enemy have cripple whit au attack chain skill 3 and the skill 2, that grant me mobility. And I have perma swiftness. A enemy find hard to flee away from me and my whirling axe ;-)
The axe is good expecially in 1vs1 fights.

But if you know a better weapon you can explain me how to use it better than the axe as off hand.

BandAid, that build can work :-) But my survavibility is mix Banners Regen whit Healing Signet. And whitout banners regen I don’t need all that healing power. The axe as main hand can be good, I’ve tro try it.
But that build can work good and i will try it. Thx :-)


in Warrior

Posted by: Silv.9207


Explain “sniper banner” please XD
The banner is good like it is.
If you need to increase the power of your group you ckittene Banner of strenght, to increase the damage of both dps and condi builds. If you need precision is why you have dps in team. Not all condition damage build use precision, half use cond+pow+vit stat. And if they have cond+prec+tough equip they have already all the precision they need.

sPvP Celestial Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Silv.9207


That’s my build.
Perma swiftness, fury, regen and a large amount of might.
Good direct damage (1700 power + 150 by trait and 170 by banner) and good condition damage.
Whit the LB you can obtain 9 sec of fire field and whit that you can obtain a lot of might whit blast finishers, fire aura (might and burn) and deal burn damage whit fire bolts (LB skills or axe whirl combo). You have also Signet and sigils that grants you might.
Whit all that might and the banner you can deal high condition damage whit burn and bleed.
Whit 734 of healing power and Signet+Trait+Regen you can refull your hp fast.
And you have stability and condition immunity (and endure pain by trait).
The warrior ckittene every single stat and whit Celestial you ckittene all these stats a once.

About runes: I use Pack runes and no strenght runes because whit pack runes I can obtain might, fury and swiftness at once, losing only 1 or 2 stack of might and 5% of damage. (strenght runes increase the duration of might by 45%, but give might for 5 sec every 5 sec… it’s not a high loss, it’s only a “problem” why you need to blast might more freqently to obtain a good amount of stacks).
About sigils: I’ve all the sigils that grant you might, to obtain the highest direct and condition damage I can at the same time.

I’ve chose to use Sword+Axe because of the dps of the axe skill 5 and the whirl finisher effect (it deal damage, spam burn and is funny) but you can change it whit the shield to obtain more defensive skills.

I’ve fight against some of my friends in 1vs1 in spvp and try some tspvp. That build work well. It’s not the best build ever, but it work and you can help your team whit fire fields, might blast, banner and regen.
In 1vs1 fight well and I’ve fight against some of my warrior friends and win at 50% of times. But it’s my first warrior. I’m not a noob, but if a good player use that build he can do better than me and win a lot of fights.

The gameplay is similar to the hammerbow, but whit lesser blast and more mobility and regen. But you can obtain fire aura and spam fire bolts AoE whit the axe while damaging the enemy whit both direct and condition damage.

I know that everyone think that the warrior in spvp need to be a hammerbow build user, but that build is good and funny. You need to be smart, use all your skills to make combos and deal damage at the same time, know when active stability and berserker stance.

If someone know how to help my build to be better, It’s a “workinprogress” build, but it’s already good.

[Thief]Defense system

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Silv.9207


Thief is not the best class of the game, but in some situations it’s the class that survive better: World versus World!!!
In spvp there’s little spaces and you need to hold the point, that’s why the hide ability of the thief can be countered by AoE skills. In pve you can save yourself, but is better a good damage than a thief in hide.
In wvsw you can wear berserker equip, run everywhere you want and kill every ranger-ele-mesmer or berserker build classes that you see youst whit 2-3 skills. And if you don’t win you can hide yourself for 10+ sec and run away whit a 75% of speed (signettrait), healing yourself by a large amount and cleaning conditions. Then you can come batk to kill your enemy. If you don’t kill your enemy, just run away in stealt and try again.
A thief, expecially in wvsw, can really be unkillable and kill a lot of enemy all alone.
Ok, you can’t run into a zerg screaming and hitting like a warrior or a guardian, but you can quickly kill all the enemy that stay in range away from the zerg.
Stealth+high passive movement speed+skills that grant high movement speed (shortbow, for example)healing and cleaning conditions while in stealthvery high skill damage. And the thief ckittene a large variety of weapons, traits and utility. If you think that the thief is bounded to a weapon try the guardian…
D/D, Shortbow, Sword/dagger, Sword/pistol, dagger/pistol, pistol/pistol, etc. You can combine all your weapons and be a good class, whit all good and different playstiles and builds.

Thief isn’t the best class ever, you have a role that grant you the ability to be a roamer and a finger in the a** for all the player you find, but you don’t give support, don’t give heal to allies and die quickly (if you’re not a defensive build).

But yes: the thief ckittene the Best defensive ability ever!
Who can kill you if he don’t know where you are? And don’t know that you’re behind he, ready to kill he whit a backstab and 3 hit?

Regen, defensive skills, clean conditions, all good strategy and skills to survive longer, but whit a thief you don’t need to spent traits in defensive abilities why no one can hit you!

You only need a little of practice and know what enemy to attack, then you’re a killing machine ready to make all your wvsw enemies spam insults in the chat XD

No Love (need) for the Ranger :(

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Silv.9207


The problem of the ranger is it’s Pet. Useless in wvsw, a problem in PvE and good only in 1vs1 fights in sPvP.
But you can’t kick away your pet. Ranger class is a mix of Archer and Summoner. You need the pet to deal all your damage but the pet is your great weakness.
That’s why in pvp the best Ranger is a Ranger whit a Condition Damage build. Whit conditions you don’t need the pet because you deal all your damage by yourself. You can only use the linx, to give 8 stack of bleed to your enemy, plus 3 whit skill 3 of the SB, then you can forgot about your pet, it’s useless.
If you use a direct damage build and you lost your pet you lost 20-30% of your damage. In wvsw or pve all the rangers play a direct damage class. That’s why no one want a ranger in wvsw. No one want a class that lose 30% of it’s damage after 5 sec of fight. You can pay attention to your pet and swap it, but for 20 sec you can’t swap it anymore and when you swap your pet is dead and you need 40 sec to swap it.
Ranger is not a Archer class but everyone want to change the ranger into a archer class.

You can’t ask for a trait that make your pet unkillable, you can’t ask for unkillable spirits (the same that guardian asks from a while about they’re spirit weapons) and you can’t ask for remove the pet.

You can’t change the mechanic of a class. ANet will never do something like that. That’s why we can cry but nothing can change.

(P.s. sorry for my bad english)

Weapon sets - 2014

in Guardian

Posted by: Silv.9207


“I know that dps guardian is much more useful than the support one”…
Ok, explain that, because it’s situational.
If you play pve (mass events, exp, farm) it’s ok, dps is always better. But if you play dungeon or pvp there’s nothing better for a guardian than the support/bunker build.
That’s why no one want a dps guardian in team for medium/high rated dungeons (arah, fotm, etc). In wvsw if you go in dps build you die quickly and don’t help your alles. In spvp you can be good as a roamer, but nothing more.

Anyway the best weapons for dps are GS, Sword+Focus and Scepter+Focus (or torch, but only if you play totally ranged).
If you like to use the GS, Sword+Focus can be good.
3 Blind (4 if you add the GS skill), that can be combined whit the trait that inflict 3 stack of vulnerability when you blind a enemy, and can be used to evade the enemy attacks. You can clean 2 conditions whit the skill 4 of the Focus, if it bounce on you 2 times. Then, the skill % of the Focus is powerfull and is a Blast Finisher.

Communal Defenses Wolf Pack :P

in Guardian

Posted by: Silv.9207


Really it hit for 2.2k? O.o
From the damage indicated on the build calculator it had to do no more than 1100-1500 damage, more or less (if crit). The sword auto attack is 500 power, the aesig 300. Whit my guardian I don’t crit for more than 2.3k whit my auto attack.
(I frequently fight heavy armored class or bunker builds, but it will be the same for you).

If shatter aegis hit for 2k it can be really good, yes. But it’s not the best build you can do XD

Communal Defenses Wolf Pack :P

in Guardian

Posted by: Silv.9207


If you’re a team fighting 5vs5 that build can work for… 5 seconds?
Communal defence have a cooldown of 20 seconds. At the first AoE everyone spam it at the same time, making it useless for 20 seconds.
If you fight 1vs1 that player die quickly, whitout condition removers (only purging flames, and not traited), expecially in spvp, where 70% of people play a condi build.
About the Rune, you use a berserker build whit a pure defensive/condi rune, that grant 1 sec of burning. Bur your burning deal 328 damage…

The only thing good whit this build is the use of Aegis to heal you. You can obtain 4 Aegis by yourself and 1 by your ally every 20 sec, 1 every 48 sec and 1 every 90 sec. You can heal yourself by 2.4k by yourself (because the first aegis don’t heal you: you’re full hp). But if you use all your aegis and your elite. You use 1 virtue (twice), a skill whit 48 sec of delay and the elite skill Only to heal yourself by 2.4k of hp. (if you’re not poisoned or if you can active your purging flame in time to remove poison before active Aegis). At the top, you can obtain 6.4k hp (more or less) if you’ve someone whit you.
If you use a Meditation you can heal yourself by 2100 HP with that build. With 3 skill you can heal by 6.3k (8.4 if you use Merciful Intervention), inflict burning and clean/convert in boon all your conditions. And you can heal yourself by 2.1k hp every 16 sec whit Smite Condition, inflicting damage and cleaning a condition.

The good of that build is that a team of guardians can fight a lot whitout taking damage and giving AoE damage but it’s a low damage (only 309 whit a semi-berserker build). But when you use all the skills that grant you Aegis… you’re a dead man.

And if you use it in dungeon or in wvsw there’s so many attacks, AoE and different situations that your build will make you crazy if you want to make it work.

Then, the last thing: Save Yourselves. Never use it whitout a Good Condition Remove skill. Expecially in spvp and in wvsw. Two reasons: 1) in sPvP that skill is nerfed and it’s boons last only for 5 seconds; 2) you put on yourself all the conditions of your allies, a thing that can make you obtain Poison, a Condition that will destroy all your build in 1 second.

I’ve not try that build and it can work well, you can obtain some glory in tspsp or wvsw or pve, but it’s not the best build you can do. And it’s not the best trait you can use.

"condition rework solution?"

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Silv.9207


If you want to make the conditions be balanced whit direct damage, or between pvp/wvsw/pve/mass-event/dungeon you can’t do that working on the stacks. Stacks work good to limit the condi damage on a single player/mob, but at the same time make the player unable to deal damage if the number of stack is already full.
That’s the biggest problem of condition damage dealer in pve. That’ why no one want more than one condi player in it’s team. If you have a ranger and a necro in team they will reduce the damage of the other condi and no one can do all it’s damage because of stacks.
That’s why Bleed is the best condition and the only one that stack (exeption for Torment, but there’s no problem on torment because there’s only few skills that inflict torment).

My opinion is:
Make every single class to inflict only 1/2 conditions. If a war can inflict only bleed, a ranger only poison and burn, the necro only torment and poison, the mesmer only confusion, etc (it’s a example) you can balance the effect of that conditions and it’s power. But to do that ANet need a total rework on condition damage and skills.
Until you have all conditions on all classes (more or less), you can’t balance it between pvp and pve.

In pve the problem is the stacks, in pvp there’s no problem of stacks because in wvsw there’s a lot of condition remover skills, making your conditions lesser effective and in spvp there’s fights of 2vs2-3vs3 and rarely there’s 25 stack of bleeding on a single target. But in pve frequently whit my condi ranger I swap on berserker build because I’m useless, whit all that bleeding stacks on the enemy.

ANet need to do a total rework. And ANet will never do that.

More conditions since update

in PvP

Posted by: Silv.9207


The Burn is the first damage of the Hambow build???? O.o
That’s a troll, right?
Burning can deal a high damage, ok, but it’s not the best damage you can output. Not whit 15+ stack of might, 3 skills that crit at 100% and Earthshaker, backbreaker and Fierce Blow.

Then, I’ve not noticed a increase nomber of condition classes in the last 3 days.

More conditions since update

in PvP

Posted by: Silv.9207


Actually, the condi meda has been reduced because of hambow warriors and dps guardians.
Then, if you play a ranger you can only play a condi, because your pet steal 20-30% of your direct damage and you del lesser than the other classes (in direct damage build).
Necro can do a very high direct damage, but no one care about it and everyone use it like a condi (and it’s powerfull whit all its conditions, CC and combo fields). Mesmer… boh… i don’t know. Engi in condi build is a powerfull bunker whit CC and a large amount of condiiton damage that shot you whit 2k damage by conditions x second.

Whit a condition build you can obtain more combo whit your allies, more dps and more survavibility. And in a fight of 2-3 vs 2-3 there’s not all that condi removers like in wvsw that reduce your damage and that make you able to inflict a large amount of condition damage whit a semi-bunker build.

Whit direct damage you need to max it and you need a berserker build (or hambow warrior) and your defence fall down.

Whit a condi build you can deal 2k+ x second of conditions and be a bunker. Whit a berserker build you can deal 3k x second but whit a paper armor that make you die quickly.

Actually, whit the hambow warrior build there’s lesser condition damage, but 70% of the enemy I find in spvp use condi builds.

just came back from warrior

in Guardian

Posted by: Silv.9207


Joshua, I’ve write it whit my samsung cell. It’s so bad…
And I’m not english u.u
Sorry XD

just came back from warrior

in Guardian

Posted by: Silv.9207


Guardian DON’T do more damage than a warrior. If you know how use a warrior you can swap weapons and deal a very large amount of damage. More than a Guardian.
I’ve see a recent post where someone has calculated the dps of guardian and warrior. And the warrior can deal more damage.
If you play alone, or in spvp, or in a group whitout a warrior, you can see easy that a guardian can’t deal the same amount of damage of a warrior. The warrior can obtain 15+ stack of might just using elite, utility and finishers, and stay easy whit 15+ stack of might for all the time (expecially in spvp —> ham-bow build), give firefields that can be blasted easy and give 18+ stack of vulnerability to the enemy. All that using a DPS build.

A DPS guardian can’t obtain might. Or can if you’re Not a full dps class. And can only give 9 stack of vulnerability (and only if you use sword+focus build). You can use the Staff to obtain might, but in a team fight or in a boss fight or in wvsw you stay whit a Staff for 9 seconds, reducing your dps by a lot.

Whit the same buffs/debuffs, a Guardian can deal a damage similar to the damage dealt by a warrior, but can’t deal more damage.
If you find a noob war that don’t know how to do a really good dps build and how to awap it’s weapons, a guardian can deal more damage. But if the war know how to play a guardian can’t deal more damage than a war.
A Guardian can deal 10k whit the GS skill 2, but a War can deal 9k whit Evisherate (whitout traits). A Guardian can increase it’s damage whit the GS by 35% whit traits . The warrior can increase it’s axe damage by 30%+7% on eviscerate.
But the auto attack dps is better.

just came back from warrior

in Guardian

Posted by: Silv.9207


A Warrior can be the perfect DPS, a very good condition damage dealer, a very good supporter (banners, horn, etc), a good tank (only a guardian can be a better bunker than a warrior) and have a lot of very good elite skills.
A Guardian can be the best bunker in the game and a good support class. You can’t be a dps whitout losing all the things that make you a Guardian. And you can’t be a condition damage dealer. Ah, your elite can be good only sometimes in wvsw (the healing tome) and no more.
And you can’t build a strategy on your virtues because your game is based on your role and not on your virtues.

Yes, the Warrior is a little bit fluid and powerful.
But if you want to be a supporter the guardian is the best.

Need help with WvW build

in Guardian

Posted by: Silv.9207


Guardian need more cond dmg and fury

in Guardian

Posted by: Silv.9207


ANet don’t want to make a Guardian a viable dps, or condition damage dealer.
There’s some good berserker builds whit meditations, but you will never be like all the other dps classes. In DPS mode a Guardian can’t obtain might (only 1 every 1 sec when crit, that last 5 sec, or whit sigils and runes). And about fury, you can only obtain it by SYS, that in spvp is brutally nerfed (and th necro’s signet that give all the conditions isn’t… grrr), whit meditation (if traited) or when someone burn you, whit the apposite trait.
You can nnot be a dps class. Direct damage or Condition damage, don’t change so much. ANet don’t want to make the guardian able to change it’s role.

Guardis is the only class that isn’t identified by it’s specific skills but by it’s Role.

About the conditions… ANet want to make the Guardian a “good” class, the one that heal and defend. That’s because we’re not a Bunker class, we’re a Cleric class. No damage, high support ability, a large amount of self healing ability and some heal for our allies, and the HP of a mage.
Then, a Guardian can’t ruin it’s reputation using Bledd, Poison, Confusion, Torment or other bad things. It’s a defender, that burn it’s enemy whit the holy fire of justice!
Burn is the powerfull condition damage skill of the game… if you don’t give to your enemy 20+ stack of bleeding. Then you see that Burning don’t give all that damage…

Next mounth there’s the biggest patch of GW2 (they say…), a new Living Story, and some other good stuffs that they will reveal lately.

We can only wait and hope.

Passive Defense, Active Offense

in Guardian

Posted by: Silv.9207


Actually I use that build:

Very good dps (total bonus of 37% damage: 10% by sword and 27% against burning enemy), 50% critical chance (35% + 15% by onehanded weapon).
And very good defence: 3300 toughness, 16k hp (for a guardian it’s a good amount of hp…) and healing Meditations that grant you Fury, mobility and clean conditions. And if you need you can use merciful Intervention to heal 2k
2k hp in only one utility skill (and heal allies by 2k hp).
About your second weapon set, I use scepter + focus/shield/torch, depending on the situation. You can also use Staff to support, or GS. But whit 2 handed weapons you lose 15% critical rate.

If you want to be more defensive you can use Dolyak runes, to obtain more toughness, vitality and passive healt regen.

If you want a total passive healing ability you can only be a bunker build whit dolyak rune, Altruistic Healing and Traited Virtues of Resolve.
Spirit Weapons don’t work. In dungeon, spvp or wvsw is the useless build ever. Spirit weapons die quickly, expecially in wvsw and against multiple mobs or a boss. That’s why you never see a spirit weapon guardian in game.

You can make a 0/0/6/6/2 or 0/0/6/4/4 Hybrid whit Soldier Armor and Knight Weapons and Jewels, to obtain defence and a lot of critical rate. But you will be a Supporter whit a lot of damage, nothing more.

If you really want a full Passive Healing Skills and Active Damage Skills try the Warrior.

DPS Hammer Main, Is this more dps?

in Guardian

Posted by: Silv.9207


If you increase the damage of Symbols and it’s duration, you increase the damage of the auto-attack, of course.
Then, if you’re a dps or hybrid build, that build can be good. But you’ve not condition clean (if you don’t play meditations) and no passive healing ability (only the bad virtue and 230 hp by dodge). You can still be good in dungeon, when you don’t need all that healing, and you can fight longer whit your perma Protection.

Some Balancing Wishes

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Silv.9207


Guardian isn’t good in any situation. If you need a dps, don’t look to a guardian. If you need condition damage… the worst one.
The guardian is the only class bounded to a single role: defensive supporter.
It’s a good class, bu you can’t say that a guardian is good in every situation and don’t need a lot of balance (or love).
You have only 2 viable builds: Shouts and Meditation. And Meditation only if you play dps. Then is better to don’t use it. We can also use Consecration, but only sometimes and 99% of the time is Wall of Reflection.
Signets and Spirit Weapons can’t be used to make a build. That’s why if you’re not in a defensive build or a defensive hybrid you’re pretty useless and inefficent and you die quickly.

ANet developers can say what they want but Guardian NEED Changes.

ELE VS GURDIAN , help to make this decision

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Silv.9207


2 different roles.
-Guardian is the supporter one, who let you stay alive and give you defensive buffs.
But you can’t use another build than supporter/bunker, because dps guardian is kicked off from any team why it’s lack of offensive ability and skills.

-Ele can do everithing. You want to be a dps? You can! You want to be a bunker? You can! You want to be a supporter… it’s harder but you can, whit fire fields, blasts, etc.
Ele is the versatile one, that change it’s role during the combat from a dps (fire) to a bunker (earth) to a healer (water) and make you obtain useful movement and cc skills (lightning). That make the ele the best class to use a Celestial equipment.
If you learn how to play a ele, you’re the best class in the game (whit a good build). If you’re not a very good ele player you’re only a dead player waiting to be stomped.

Build thoughts? [WvW]

in Ranger

Posted by: Silv.9207


I play whit this build:
Whit Soldier+Berserker you obtain a good defence and high power, whit 18% of critical rate (25% in combat). Whit sigil you reach 37% critical rante and whit Fury you go to 57% of critical rate (you can obtain 21.5 sec of fury every 30 sec when struck (15 sec 6.5 by the extended duration of fury by sigil and traits bonus) and 21 sec of Fury by Moa. You have Always Fury up.
Whit Signets you have 6 sec of immunity to direct damage every 64 sec and 8 sec of Stability (
25% increased damage for you and the pet). And the 25% to movement speed is good. You can take your GS, active Stability and Damage Immunity and go into the zerg, hitting all your enemy free of damage (expect conditions) for 6 seconds. Or stay away from the zerg, hitting whit LB and defending you from who want to try a easy kill whit your “defenceless” Ranger.
If you are in a big zerg that give you perma swiftness you can try to change the passive bonus of speed (Signet of Hunt) whit Signet of Renewal to increase your condition defence, whit Quick Zephyr to obtain more damage or whit Protect Me! to obtain more survavibility (but your pet into a zerg will be always dead).

Sigils and Runes: if you don’t want to use Sigil of Air (but a extra hit every 2 sec is good) you can change it whit a different sigil, no problem.
About Rune of Citadel, they’re the only that grant Power, Fury and Fury duration at the same time. Perfect for my build.

About the pet, Red Moa is very good for my build and I like River Drake whyt it’s skill 2: a bounching direct damage skill, good in zerg to inflict damage to a good number of enemies. But you can change it whit the Jungle Stalker to obtain 5 stack of Might for you and your allies.

Class question

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Silv.9207


You can try to use a Thief. In wvsw is the best roaming class. You see a ranger/ele/engi/necro/mesmer out of a zerg? You can obtain a easy kill. You don’t kill it? Hide and flee easy, then turn back and try again.
In spvp it’s a good class. Hard to play, but good. You must wait unseen until an enemy fall under 50% HP then you make your kill, hide and stomp.