“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
There are things that I believe are ok and things I think are not.
I think that GW2 offering a combat mode option would be stellar. I do NOT believe that offering ways of seeing the DPS of other people is ok.
What I do think ANet needs to do is offer more gameplay options. Scaling and repositioning the UI elements should not be and issue at all.
how about no ascended armor -_-
“No no no No no no No no no No no no No no no No no no we should No no no No no no we should No no no No no no we should go to the armory No no no No no no we should go to the armory No no no No no no we should go to the armory No no no No no no we should go to the armory”
I don’t have a problem with time gating.
I have a problem with statistical advantages behind time gates.
I see what you guys are saying now. Gonna do all jumping puzzles and see if that helps. Then I’ll work on the bluestone completion.
I have 100% map completion
I have 2 gifts of the explorer for my legendary.
What I am MISSING is the Been There, Done That title. It’s stuck at 99%. I finished my map in the last 24hours.
I did not finish map completion before the patch. I completed it today.
My log in screen says 100% completion.
But I still don’t have the title.
Attachment says i’m missing 3 areas in Maguuma and SHiverspeaks.
But i just got my gifts.
I have no idea wth is going on.
Never saw a parrot tengu in GW1.
I prefer the GW2 version.
Yes for seeing the skin.
No for seeing anything stat related.
My thief just enlisted in the ebon vanguard
Ebon Vanguard Scout Armor
That’s not correct. The dailies will continue to reset at 19:00 EST. You, however, will be using EDT. 19:00 EST and 20:00 EDT are the same time.
Yea, 1900EST and 2000 EDT are the same.
I should have said it will reset at 0800PM on your clocks and left it at that. That’s what I get for being fancy.
I have all 80s on all 8. I made an extra thief because I preferred a human to a sylvari.
Nice…badge of honor must be easy to get
actually haven’t tried the jumping puzzle yet. gearing all of them out while saving the precursor and BoH farm for last.
I have all 80s on all 8. I made an extra thief because I preferred a human to a sylvari.
Today is the day. Necroed because most people won’t realize it.
MMOs have time sinks/gated content and will always have time sinks/gated content because unlike single player games, their income relies on players hanging around. Some have monthly subscriptions, and item shop or both but they rely on having an active population spending real money to keep the servers up, the content fresh and the bugs patched.
Complaining about them is like complaining you have to dribble the ball in basketball or that you can’t use your hands in football/soccer.
Time sinks and time gates are two different things, imo. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
Time Sink
Time Gate
The problems with time gating are the following:
What about the mini dungeons?
I was gonna say that.
Also try these for a challenge:
I’m looking to things to do by myself. If they had instanced mini dungeons, i would be happy to challenge myself to solo them.
You can solo most of them:
You DONT have to do dailies. why does this affect you?
I don’t even have to play the game.
Constructive. So constructive.
Fiddlestyx, I can do over 99% of the game without ascended gear. The only content that I may be locked out of is FotM 20+. Heck, you could probably do the vast majority of content in green or gold gear.
However, there are those who have alts (myself included). These people purchased the game knowing what it would take to get all their alts to the highest level of gear. It took effort; the gear was not time gated
Now, we have time gated content. This is VERY unfriendly to people with alts. I could run 100,000 enemies everyday, do every dungeon path three times daily, and attack every grand chest event with everyone of my 9 alts. No matter how much effort or skill I throw at the game, it will take 30 days for an infused amulet, 30 days for two earrings, and two weeks for rings.
No matter how good I am, no matter how much time I throw, I am moving in lockstep with everyone else. Additionally, if someone were to start the game right now, they would be behind everyone else.
A 30 person guild in WvW that started in January will always be more powerful than a 30 person guild in WvW that started in March. That’s not ok.
And yes, they have stated that they will release multiple ways of achieving ascended gear, but what we have instead seen is more time gates for each piece.
Casuals shouldn’t be condemned to the open world and replaying story mode.
Condemned? It’s Open WORLD. It’s big, wide and rife with sights to explore and quests to complete. That’s like saying a free person is condemned from entering a high security prison and yet they can still go out and travel the whole world…oh and you could still enter the prison but not the places where the prisoners are kept.
It’s also not a place you get decent rewards. I did about 20 events yesterday just walking around randomly… got nothing but whites and blues, it felt really low and unrewarding. Rewards are CRAP in open world GW2. You need incentive to repeat the things you’ve already done, and there is zero incentive to. If you wanna make money, you are FORCED to run dungeons.
There is no way you can make as much in open world as you can running dungeons. If ANet drastically buffed general event awards all across the board maybe I wouldn’t be the only person soloing in the map 99% of the time… seriously it’s a freaking ghost town.
You apparently have not visited the dragon timer website.
Here you go:
Don’t guest on TC or Jade Quarry. Try some of the other servers. You get a guaranteed gold per chest per character per day.
On topic, I will say two things:
(edited by Vorch.2985)
I agree GW2 Lions Arch reminds me of a shanty town, GW1 Lions Arch had a feel of grandeur akin to Divinities Reach to me..
I gonna go ahead and disagree with that…LA in GW2 is grander than LA in GW1, imo.
I don’t find it empty. I do feel like there should be activities to do inside LA (minigames and dynamic events) to make it more lively outside of the “GLF2M FotM 4”
But as far as NPC population and interaction, it’s pretty good.
Are you asking players if they have information about further development of Lion’s Arch? If so, I think the answer is no. This sounds like a question for a dev.
If you are asking if we’d like lion’s arch to expand, then sure. I’d also like Dynamic Events to occur within each of the cities.
1 event per point of interest to liven up the area, introduce people to the lore, and offer incentives to visit other places. And they don’t need to require combat.
OP does not speak for me.
Seeing that all responses contrary to the OP are met with hostility, I’ll leave it at that.
It’s a grand total of 3 inventory spaces for my backup tools.
I don’t think people visit the merchant as often as they should to sell their junk.
Dungeon Explorables were never “for casuals”. Anet has always said that they were for solid groups that achieved “group synergy”. Now it’s one of the few things they’re revamping to keep their word on, and you want it to stop?
If there are 7 other dungeons, as well as fractals, for the hardcore player, then yes I would like them to keep one dungeon for more relaxed group play.
One frikkin’ dungeon, that’s not a spamfest of instakills and permastuns…is that too much to ask?
Here are some dungeons that are easier:
After you’ve done all the easy ones, Try TA and CoE to get to be a bit better.
Sorrow’s Embrace Paths 1 and 3 are just as easy as the old AC if you want something to do.
Fun DPS:
Fun Support
Fun Control
This sounds like a Suggestion.
HoM rewards are a nod to GW1 players. They are skins and minis.
We knew that there were going to be rewards in 2007. We knew what the rewards were in 2010.
If you wanted them, you could have worked for them. If you didn’t care, there’s no advantage to having them.
If you need a checkbox to hide HoM rewards, that’s fine by me.
If you want to purchase the HoM skins with gems/in-game gold, that’s a great way to kitten people off.“We” didn’t know. Guild Wars 1 players and people following the production of GW2 for (based on your post) years knew. New players to GW2 probably expected to be able to earn their in-game rewards by playing THIS game. I know I did. Ground-breaking I know.
As someone above mentioned, you can still get collectors edition only items in the gem store. Should people that got the original digital delux/CE versions at launch be upset by this? If they are I haven’t seen any posts about it.
Deluxe and CE cost money.
30/50 cost time and effort. 50/50 even more so.
If you would LIKE to kitten people off, sure, go for it…
Asuran Assassin Armor for medium armor.
Oppressor’s Staff for weapon.
HoM rewards are a nod to GW1 players. They are skins and minis.
We knew that there were going to be rewards in 2007. We knew what the rewards were in 2010.
If you wanted them, you could have worked for them. If you didn’t care, there’s no advantage to having them.
If you need a checkbox to hide HoM rewards, that’s fine by me.
If you want to purchase the HoM skins with gems/in-game gold, that’s a great way to kitten people off.
Yea, it’s REALLY rough to get amulets and accessories for alts. Rings aren’t so bad.
I would not have DELETED them, though.
I didn’t mean to offend any swedish people.
My OP still stands
But… But that’s our Swedish guilds WvW colors
Yours looks like it was thought out.
The OPs does NOT XD
I’m sorry, but as I was crafting an alt to level 80, something horrible caught my eye.
Blue…and yellow. Though he was afk, this player’s armor sparked a conversation about how each person has their own tastes.
I’m gonna go ahead and say his tastes are wrong.
Have you seen a worse color combination?
You can pay 40 dollars, buy crafting materials, and be level 80 from the start.
You can save 4-5g per crafting profession, start from nothing, and be level 80 in a few hours.
The same way people like to reference the ability to attain level 20 in GW1 in a day (Jalis Ironhammer Punch-out challenge), I can get to level 80 in GW2 in much less than half the time.
Mesmer. Handsdown. With clones? Yea…
I don’t see this happening. Way too much of your personal story is tied up to your race.
This perplexes me. Sorrow’s Embrace:
So what gives?
The laurels and merits are not very alt friendly.
FotM takes some of the edge off of getting rings for alts, but it is only one method.
As with most content, it’s difficult in the beginning.
1 month after, people will have it on farm status.
Without listing any weapons twice…
War (GS, Hammer, Longbow, Rifle) (Axe, Mace, Sword) (Shield, Warhorn) (Harpoon, Spear gun)
Mes (Staff)(Pistol, Scepter)(Focus, Torch)(Trident)
Ranger(Shortbow)(Dagger) -OR- Thief (Shortbow)(Dagger)
….So my answer is either ThisWar,Mes, Ranger or ThatWar, Mes, Thief.
I am almost POSITIVE that there will be threads about this or that people will forget.
Daylight Savings Time starts on March 10th at 0200 (02:00 AM). That means on the east coast, dailies will NO LONGER RESET at 1900 (07:00 PM EST) but at 2000 (08:00pm EDT)
If anyone with any power reads this, please, please, PLEASE tell someone on the staff about this so that they can make an announcement for the log-in screen or in the in-game mail.
Those are very cool. The only problem I have is the directions of Jewelry and a little for cooking. Jewelry is all about passive buffs, and shouldn’t involve nodes in any way. I don’t like the idea of any of these being debuffs, which none were until Poisoned Meals. It’s a lot easier to implement is they always have a distinct direction. But yeah, I support anything that makes crafting more relevant. I think that one of the materials, though, should be the WvW currency.
Good points. I was just throwing stuff out there XD. I was also intentionally adding a bunch of defensive buffs to make defending a bit easier and more fun.
As far as WvW currency goes, I think each one should have 1 badge of honor in the recipe and require 5 supply to activate. That way, they can’t be easily exploited.
Also, I think this would offer incentives to people who hate crafting, but love WvW. Since you can only have 2 crafting expertises on at once, you would have to choose which two fit your playstyle the best.
(edited by Vorch.2985)
Crafting in GW2 is often forgotten after a person completes their armor. It is often only used and a means for attaining a legendary weapon after that.
My suggestion is to utilize new crafting recipes for WvW. They would require open world items to create and supply to activate. There would also be a limit to the amount of times upgrades could be used (They would NOT stack).
For example, the tiers that I list would be usable with recipes learned at 300/350/400 of their respective expertise
I was a GW1 player, how do i get the new mask and sword??
Use the Hall of Monuments portal stone:
You must have played 1 campaign and linked it with Eye of the North.
To the OP…it’s fair:
(edited by Vorch.2985)
He pulls.
He dodges and fights at range.
He has constant condition removal
He makes sure to reflect projectiles.
It’s impressive because he doesn’t mess up over the LONG time it takes to kill the spider. But it’s not that hard.
It’s also not efficient.
For large events in the open world, people use:
Dragon Timer: http://guildwarstemple.com/dragontimer/
For dungeons and fractals, people use:
gw2lfg: http://www.gw2lfg.com/
Also, SOME level 80s like to go to low level zones for their daily to make it easier. I prefer higher level zones because of the materials, tho.
Also, some guilds are doing guild missions right now as well.
Hope that helps you decide what you want to do post 80.
Do it yourself.
If you have 500 bucks laying around, then that would be fastest. Otherwise, work for it.
I would also recommend waiting a month or so for precursor prices to drop. Once guild missions get in full swing, even if .5% of people get precursors, you should see a nice price drop.
If you REALLY want to be frugal, wait for the scavenger hunt.
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