Every time I try to pvp with GS it feels like secondary weapon. All the skill are used once, maybe twice and then back to the other weapon set. And this is why I tend not to play with GS. It feels like the staff, you swap to it use skill 1 to auto attack and either spam all marks or hold to 4 and 5 for few sec then use them and swap back to your main weapon.
I hope its Kralkatorrik. Its fairly different in theme and can bring something interesting and new to the game. If they execute it right!
I’m interested, but Region?
Region matters only for WvW and probably duels in PvP.
PvE is merged, so everyone’s welcome to tag along.
I don’t think EU and US can play together.
I’m interested, but Region?
Druid is already very powerful and it can be paired with bow.
I use Dark Harvest. Its consistent, even with a bit to much details near the hilt, but still much better then the legendary.
Also, 1v1 against Reaper with full Life Force is one of the hardest 1v1’s for every class, which is why they start with none in sPvP.
This ^ is actually something that should be addressed.
If they were to make life force a bit more like rev energy in that it starts out at a set % when spawning and outside of combat degenerates to a set % then it would be better for balance.
I say this because in a fight where you cannot reliably generate life force (foe being stealthed or constantly avoiding hits) your more or less screwed.
On the flip side if you enter a fight with full life force your enemy is pretty much SOL assuming equal skill on both sides.
I don’t know if its the hardest with full LF, but with none its always the first target and first to die. Why not find the middle ground. please!?
for a GM it lacks a flavor of being a GM
Extra functionalities:
Heal goes through shroud
Striking a foe with 10 or more bleed stacks and two other unique damaging conditions casts Epidemic around the target
Foes affected by your Epidemic lose 20% of their boon duration. Conditions spread by your Epidemic last 20% longer.
Lol wouldnt that be great, free epidemic, free slot. But this will make epidemic pointless as utility. Sometimes I cast epidemic and the target is already cleared the conditions, but the automatic cast is way more reliable. cool I like it
Fun ideas here.
How about one called “Consume Shroud”? In a similar fashion to how Warrior’s “To The Limit!” works, you consume your Life Force turning it in to health. The heal is dependent on how much Life Force you currently have. When activated, you gain the green glowing Spectral effect (without the addition of any boons) which grants a 10% of all incoming strikes are converted to Life Force effect.
It would be a fun risk/reward heal, IMO. You could punish yourself by losing access to your Shroud and having to rebuild it but could recover a massive, potentially 99% HP loss. If in the right situation, you could also rebuild the Life Force extremely quickly thanks to the aura, such as maybe in a team fight or zerg fight (PvP/WvW).
I dont like it. LF is equal to HP. Your suggestion is to convert hp for hp?! Where is the gain?!?! This make no sense.
Again your idea is ok, but you miss something vital.
1st you need to activate the heal skill then you need to pop in shroud to actually use it or you are dead.
2nd if your Shroud is on cd you are dead.
There is another idea.
2 part skill similar to Revenant’s Facet of Light. 6s channel cast/ 30s. cd.
1st: Channel skill: 6 sec channel which add small amount of LF to your pool. 6×4% = 24%
(with Spectral mastery = 36%). Convert 1 condition every sec into 2% LF. Only can be used in combat! If interrupted the skill go into shorter cd 12s.
2nd: (Similar to Faced of Light can be used even when stunned) Press the skill again, you enter Shroud(reset it if on cd) and for 2s.(with Spectral mastery = 3s.) you get double the amount of LF, 8% per hit taken. Only can be used in combat!
Because it can be interrupted very easy I think the channel skill cd reduction is fair. Also in best case scenario, you will channel it for 5s and press it again before it ends to get even more LF and enter Shroud, this is also fair, because if interrupted you wont get anything for 12sec, which is almost certain death. This will give the option to channel if you are safe or can hide/go out of sight or instantly pop it when under pressure.
(edited by mazut.4296)
id love an invulnerability and fits the spectral theme with walk and armor.
“All incoming damage is converted into lifeforce”.
Nothing new, just a copy of stance/glint heal but lifeforce to fit theme.
This will be the most unreliable healing skill in the game. On top of using the skill in the right time, you will need to go into Shroud to actually use the health you just got. But Shroud might be on CD!
If they add something like that it should be as follow: Instantly put you in DS(even if its on CD or there is no LF) and for 2-3 sec all incoming attacks are transformed into LF. If LF get to full the rest is transformed into HP(% healing)
(edited by mazut.4296)
I’ll try explaining better
The whirlpools spawn at the same place that regular fingers do when Teq is phasing. Instead of having one finger spawning at usual, you get 2 fingers sprouting and then twisting before disappearing. The whirlpool apears during that twisting.
How hard is to understand that this never happens. Either because the map is full and the players deal so much damage Teq skip this part of the mechanic or there are not enough people and the boss hp dont drop enough…
A suggestion to make Unholy Martyr better would be to have it proc For Each Condition gained not just each condition drawn. That way it would be a general anti condition trait and not just something that relies on nearby allies to be useful. Maybe make lifeforce gen a lower say 4-5% but proc every 2sec to draw conditions. It would also sync well with other skills&traits like Corruption where self inflicting conditions would give you LF.
As it is it’s barely Master level useful let alone Grand Master. Grand Master traits should be the backbone of most builds. The way I suggested would would for a lot of condition manipulation builds.
To proc from corruption skills is good idea, but it can’t work at its current state, you cant use utilities in Shroud :/
Same here, God is my witness I tried to organize separate Tequatl event, but the moderators deleted my post… WHY???
Ill keep sneding countless tickets to fix this… every day every hour… DO YOUR JOBS and fix the kitten pathetic bugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi folks,
I am so frustrated by this Twilight achievement… which pushed me to organize Tequatl Gloom event.
Its open boss event for all of us who can’t get the achievement. I got all the preparation done, the event consumable is ready to be used only, need the people for the kill or at least to get to the important phase of the fight.
Lets meet tomorrow, Sunday at 16.30 GMT, 07.02.2016. Its EU region only(sorry)
Sparkfly Fen, Splintered Coast Waypoint — [&BNABAAA=]
Use my account name or character: Nameless Enemy
See ya in-game.
(edited by mazut.4296)
They are good looking ghost towns
For instance the pvp arena is so kitten small… Make them part or pvp mode, where guilds attack each other GHs… GvG anyone?!!?!?!?!!!
(edited by mazut.4296)
Fine with the idea of moving Unholy Sanctuary to BM (though I’d really prefer a reverse Altruistic Healing that is based on conditions applied to enemies), disagree with doing anything except deleting Unholy Martyr. Its just not a particularly compelling trait, and Death Magic doesn’t have anything in it that points to it wanting a supportive GM; it really needs an anti-burst GM.
Your idea+Epidemic= god mode.
Unholy Martyr, if they add small heal through Shroud when condition is transferred, it will be much more useful support trait.
Also it should transfer 1 condition from every ally in range every time.
Its Revenant sword AA all over again
No Updraft run is the definition of OP. I think no one / raid group should able to skip a designed step in the raid. It is not a joke, Anet should keep nerfing all the classes until no meta group can skip this content. It is a bug same as FOTM mossman pole/tree exploit. Everyone would be happy because only superior organized group with zero mistake can kill gorseval in the future. The pugs will never touch this boss .
Instead of nerfing anything in this particular case, just make Gorseval to kill instantly after certain time if break bar not broken. Or if the whole area is coveret with the black goo, insta death.
How are this groups OP? In both videos they phase the boss at the very last moment. Some people are just so confused… sigh…
well done, very enjoyable to watch.
Mesmer got the longer end of the stick and if I dare to compare our wells to Guardian traps and to traps overall… Wells need buff/change. Give us good elite well!!! (Gravity Well.. cough.. cough)
(edited by mazut.4296)
People are so used to roll over us that the slightest upgrade we get break their nirvana.
And we on the other hand are so used of being weaker, that we are happy to get anything, even if its the smallest change.
Minions indeed, then Death/Blood to get even stronger. hf
I love staff, but only use it in open pve. If you wanna go power, get axe+dagger/wh as second weapon set for fractals.
No she is doing it at least once every fight. Not that this is crucial, but its annoying.
You forget to state your region, US or EU?
Problem with DH is that their traps are direct counter to Reaper melee. If you dont use reaper, but normal condi necro with ranged DS and you dodge the pull you can beat them easily.
Druids on the other hand are harder if they are good. Probably you should avoid 1v1.
Its not the overall price, its the fact that stack of single item is more expensive then the combined price of all the rest…
What i hate is that they make shroud traits same for both DS and RS (like dhuumfire), while balancing them on only one of them (usualy based on RS since its performing stronger). So first they should make traits with double effects.
I really think the function of DS is near perfect.
If anything it would be better for RS to be nerfed to DS level than other way around. And if ppl want to have more stability (like RS have now), it would be more apropriate to create trait for it instead.But if DS buff is the only option (not RS nerf) i would much rather have effect similar to distortion instead of extra stability somewhere, making shrouds even more distinctive from one another. Beside this they could pop some finisher here and there.
Also pulsing cripple on DS 5, if the enemy is linked to you, also sounds nice and general reduction to cooldowns, as mazut suggested.
I kind of disagree. Compare both Shrouds and you will see that more or less the skills are similar. Traits can work good with both if DS skills get some changes.
That’s why I suggest DS auto attack to hit more then one foe(piercing is the worst of all possible aoe solutions, but the easiest to implement). All other skills are mirrors, more or less.
skill 2 in both is moving skills with finish if traited. RS skill is better, it can be used without target.
skill 3 is fear, where RS skill 3is obviously better.
skill 4 is aoe, where again RS skill is better in damage and utility. DS skill 4 need to be buffed. Either give it stability or increase damage and decrease cast time.
Skill 5 are not that similar, but both are snares. DS skill 5 need buff.
DS1 must have faster cast and some sort of small aoe/multi target. Maybe bounce to 2 additional targets?!
DS 2 instead of projectile that eventually hit and teleport us to the target, make the necro travel to the target(like projectile) and evade all attacks during the travel. The skill will be the same, but we will get evade on top of it. If it doesn’t hit, teleport back to the starting point.
DS 3 is fine as it is, maybe comparing it to RS, lower the CD a little, 18s?
DS 4 Add some stability.
DS 5 Targets take more damage(20%) while bound to you(during the 4 sec. animation). Alternatively, 1sec. cripple pulse per sec for the duration of 4sec. When finish if not evaded or out of range, not only immobilize but 1/2 sec daze all affected targets.
(edited by mazut.4296)
This is what games should look like! Not like the current kitten where you either win or lose 500 to 100… This new system is so much worst then what we had before.
What a shame, really…
Dont forget that staff is healer weapon too.
900 range Axe or scepter.
Every now and then it spin on place and make 180 degree turn. So weird.
just how often do you go through a whole auto attack chain on scepter? how often are you going to be on scepter? the other skills on your bar are far more powerful than the auto attack.
You can also get minions or wells next, both will help you a lot.
In this case it doent. It strip only 1 boon, the enemy player will have more then one.
There will be contradiction if it was skill like “corrupt boon”. In this case its additional effect, that only add to the skill.
Dont join 56-67-77 groups. Or do your own LFG.
These groups are not playing the game/fractals. They just want the reward. At least this is why I do it (used to be mad with uw mossman long ago). Nowadays I just log in, do 56-67-77, log out and then I play witcher 3. Fractals are not fun anymore, so I dont bother anymore.
It can take forever to find people welling to do other, mostly people who still dont have that levels for the achievements. The same people will not join the next time. SO your suggestion is not viable. The pole need to go.
I like the Unholy feast idea. Punishing foes with more boons, but this will get negated by protection. If the mechanic can remove protection as priority then I like this. Otherwise I prefer to corrupt 2 boons.
The retaliation idea is also great. To give 1.5s of retaliation per target, up to 7.5s. Good buff there.
Focus 4: Increase damage and reduce cd to 15sec.
Focus 5: Increase damage(the focus trait which increase damage against foes with no boons make this even more thematic and useful.) and decrease cast to 3/4 or 1s.
Also as many stated, the boons are reaplied so fast that maybe the skill also need shorter CD as well(15s).
Why is there no word about our Off hand weapons. They need serious rework, all of them. (well maybe apart from WH, which is useful in most situations)
What about staff?!
Nah, I want more retaliation, which is even more thematic for necros then guardians. Also we have so much might already!
Axe 3 should corrupt 1 additional boon and it will be great.
Axe 2 need some additional effect. I suggested before to make it destroy projectiles(its animation is already perfect for that) or to give short retaliation or protection.
Axe 1 obviously need to do more damage(10-15%). Also it will be much better if auto attack is split into 3 attacks(1st- average damage; 2nd- 1.5x damage; 3rd- 2x damage). 1st and 2nd attacks to give vulnerability and 3rd to give LF or cleav up to 3 targets in 300 range around your target.
I would prefer to put torment as 3rd condition on scepter tbh. And if they want to make corupt conditions, to put in in master trait.
Revenant mace AA is awesome, why cant we stack some torment? please
“Make it so…number one”
Still my favorite pve since game launch. Followed by Guardian.
Their statement that maps in HoT will be like 3 maps in one is more or less not true. I really like the idea and maps are way better then the normal (excluding DS), but the overall area and more importantly events that occur on that area are not enough, the levels are actually fractions.
This new maps really open a lot more options to put many hidden(well hidden/hard to reach) places/caves/hidden spot, but in reality there are almost none such places. This is the biggest let down, for me at least.
VB for instance has so much unused areal. In all the lower level, the bottom there is really only 1 place that has something in it. All the derailed sky ships are empty inside. Not a single hidden cave/mini instance. Just so disappointed.
The whole map is oriented toward the meta event. There are really nothing else happening, this is huge let down. There should be another dozen or more events that are not tide to the meta.
The whole HoT feels like good work, but half finished. The finished half is pretty good, but the overall feel is lacking, a lot.
Now for DS, this map is really so pointless outside of Meta its just painful…
would you use one minion without minion traits
Ofc, Flesh Golem!
Flesh Wurm