I think the game need a restriction starting from Ruby(or mid ruby). Only 1 of the same profession per team. Everything else is just destroying the balance and fun with it. And all the pathetic excuses like “there are not enough players” or “new players have only 1 profession available” are only filling the void of wasted time.
Its essentially Burn guardian with double hp and sustain.
Also my necro can’t transfer condis back, because the resistance nullify it all.
It is hilarious, but only to play it ;D
My GWAMM title is gome too….wtf … Is this a joke?!?!
The whole HoM is empty…
Exactly my 1st reaction… wtf. I still have to finish the back item achievement and I have to cross 4 divisions, but now I will start from sapphire… o.O /facepalm
Bumping this in hope next update can bring some changes to DS.
Mys suggestions below:
1. Explode in 180 radius instead of piercing. Maybe also remove the distance threshold.
2. Cause bleed+chill around target, and then teleport only if pressed again (since DS is ranged, it should not obligate you to teleport).
3. ok
4. Stability while casting seems easy and great, as other have said.
5. ok
I suggested few times similar changes to Life blast. Faster attack with small aoe at impact instead of piercing.
Also your suggesting for skill 2 is ok.
But put stability in skill 5 instead of 4.
I’ve recently been using coruptors fervor over death nova, for pve and pvp. Full viper gear and with flesh of the master I can get over 1600 toughness easily. Death magic feels really good right now adding defensive and minion options and it can synergize with condi and power builds
Yes, that’s why I haven’t mentioned this traits, they are good, what about the rest? Very rarely I can use Putrid Defense and Deadly Strength, but lets be honest. only the 3 minion traits and Coruptor’s Fervor are good, the rest are meh or plain bad.
I think Death Magic needs more synergy with skills that don’t involve minions, and that’s what you seem to be trying. The changes you are proposing to Deadly Strength wouldn’t work in PvP at all. You need to pick a direction, and power would be the way to go here.
Yeah it probably can be something like: “Gain 10% to your main stat based on your Toughness.”
That way this trait can be viable in almost any build.
Death magic is obviously our defense tree. Here are few suggestions.
Minor traits:
Armored Shroud: Gain bonus toughness while in shroud. Whenever you leave shroud, you gain Vigor for 3 sec.
Soul Comprehension: Your passive life-force generation from nearby deaths is increased. You gain 5 sec of Regeneration (with ICD.)
Major traits:
Shrouded Removal: Lose a condition when you enter shroud and every few seconds while you remain in shroud. You gain 3 sec. of Retaliation every time you lose condition that way.
Putrid Defense: Take less damage from poisoned foes. Entering Shroud poison foes around you (220 radius) for 3 sec.
Reaper’s Protection: When stunned, dazed, knocked back, pulled, knocked down, sunk, floated, inflicted with fear, taunted, or launched, inflict Chill(2 sec. with 10-12 sec. ICD) and Fear(2 sec with 45 sec. ICD) on nearby foes.
Deadly Strength: Gain 10% of Power based on your Toughness while your Power is above 2500. Gain 10% of Condition Damage based on your Toughness while your Condition Damage is above 1250. (sample numbers!)
Unholy Sanctuary: Regenerate health while in shroud. If your life force is above the threshold, your death shroud will activate with 33% Life force if you take a lethal blow. Your shroud skills will reset. (It that’s to powerful, it can be something like: You gain 5 sec. of alacrity)
PS: Two minion changes.
Rigor Mortis need CD reduction to 30 sec.
Haunt need to add 2x blind and its radius need to be doubled
(edited by mazut.4296)
After a week of playing with the new DC, I can say thats its not better in PvE in general. Its only better when you are solo and only when you use the combination of RS5+RS4 (no other players to cover your RS5 Ice field). This is the only situation when you can stack good enough amount of chill. Unless you specifically make build with a lot of chill skills and spend all your CDs just to stack it, which is ofc pointless.
In raids you never can do the RS4+RS5 combo, because there are so many other AoE fields, that yours is always on top of another one, so in the end DC is a lot less useful then before.
I will not add any suggestions, because its pointless.
I like the gloves, gw1 nostalgia too, BUT they are clipping with most chest pieces… really!!! The ****
The only time where the new DC is better then the old one is when I use RS5+RS4 and land all hits. And ofc this works only in PvE. This combo now is more bursty then it was before. In every other instance the new DC is weaker then the old one.
Definitely not thief, the only thing you need to learn and it takes practice is to learn to disengage and not being greedy. Mesmer is harder.
I had that idea recently that can increase the build diversity a lot and it wont need to reinvent anything or change much. Still can’t avoid balancing.
I’ll take Necromancer as an example, because I know it best.
So for instance we pick “Rending Shroud” trair, because its easier to modify in theory crafting. Right now the trait read: Constantly apply vulnerability to nearby foes while in shroud.
What if this and all other traits (even minor) change slightly their effects depending on player stats.
We can have a simple system that can calculate a stat threshold and modify the traits based on main and secondary stat values.
Lets pick berserker gear, meaning Power/Precision/Ferocity. Power as main stats, if the power is below 1500 the trait read as it is, but if the power is above 1500 the trait gain additional effect or change slightly.
“Example variant over 1500 power: Constantly apply vulnerability to nearby foes while in shroud and give 1 stack of Fury for 5sec every 10sec.”
But if the same trait is used with completely different gear, for instance with Viper stats:
“Example variant over 1500 condition damage: Constantly apply vulnerability to nearby foes while in shroud and apply 1 stack of 4sec Torment up to 5 foes every 8sec”
All this are just examples, but it shows the idea behind it. The stats threshold need to be precise so people don’t get all the benefits, but create more diverse and highly specialized builds .
Lets be honest. For Reaper to be unique and stay unique it needed unique effects to be added to the game, but the devs dont want to complicate the system. They want simple debuff system with fewer effects. And all professions deal the same effects. You cant expect uniqueness.
I agree. Poison make most sense, but torment is good alternative as well.
6sec poison instead 8sec of bleed or 2×3sec poison.
(edited by mazut.4296)
I agree with the most, another bleed is pointless, should be Torment or Poison.
Also why the kitten did they nerfed Infuse Terror… this make no sense…
I’d be happy with this change if they’d remove the ICD on “Chilling Darkness” to compensate for the nerf to “Deathly Chill”. Revert the trait back to introduce some great synergy with GS, the new wells etc. At least reduce it by a second or something.
It was like that at first, but its to powerful. Sword/well of darkness and plague has massive aoe blind.
Also its in curses and you will be running more blinds playing power build. Its still useless more or less…
I understand why they nerfed chill, but why nerf Infusing terror… Our only stability… really…
He is absolutely right, even if his numbers are surely not exact. I’m also a little bit disappointed, but if I get more story/events I’ll be happier.
What if they put some sort of player detection. The fewer players attack it the
harder and stronget the lord is.
If there is 1 enemy player in the zone the lord get a 10 stack buff.
When 2 players are around it gets 6 stacks
3 players – 3 stacks
More then 3 its the same and It depends on the defending team to stop/save the lord.
Also the lord cannot be pulled out of its zone and canno be kill from distance. Which mean the lord room need to have walls and a gate of some sort(invisible dome maybe).
Don’t worry, next season if you cross all the way, you will get it. I’m in the same boat, because in season 1 I disliked the bunker meta and played only few games to 2nd division. On top of that I deleted the 1st wings so, now i need to buy them again
The “don’t spam suggestion” is ridiculous and yes it was discussed, f1-f2 is the best solution.
haha GL with that, I cant get it for more then 2 years
Last tier of Ruby, at lest for me was much more balanced. I think I had only 2 matches where 1 team with with 500 to 100. The rest were very close matches.
But Ruby tier 1 to tier 4 was nightmare…
The map is way to small.
Many times the pads wont give the boost and you will need to use them again.
Make another paths on a lower level, at least 2.
I like the holes where you can fall, but as other said it can be abused to much at the A/C.
The cannon speed of fire is ok, The knock down effect is also ok. Maybe lower the damage a little and make the aoe smaller.
I’m not pleased by how HoT turned this game into a complete mess where grinding is omnipresent.
This has nothing to do with HoT. The two Leaderboard seasons long before HoT where pure grind.
But they werent so intrusive. Now we only have unranked and “no fun”. Playing ranked before the new system was way more satisfying and fun.
And again its not the ruby, its the matchmaking that first match you with a good team against noobs and 1-2 games after that place you on the noob side. There are almost no equal (in skill) matches out there. Especially in ruby.
The only good way to avoid that is to have decent team, sadly I dont have one.
Try mesmer?
Really man… Its obvious you are playing with premade team. We are talking about random you get every game…
@Crimson Shi. Ok I can agree with what you say, but them the following happened to me few times already. After winning series of 8-12 games I lost 5-7 in a row. Not close games, but games where my team lost with 100, 150 to 500.
Can you explain to me why is this happening? And how is this a mirror to what I showed the day before?! There is something very wrong in the matchmaking system. If this loses were with very close points I can say I my team played bad or we got outplayed, but every one of this game feels like playing against pro league teams. And then all of a sudden I start winning again and the table turn 180 degree.
Its flawed.Were you solo and running with a premade team? If solo thats the risk. There isn’t always going to be a perfect pool of 9 other players exactly at your skill level – end result the system has to take player from below and above to fill in gaps. We already have terribly long queue times ( have you watch supcuties late streams? 30+ mins, he is lucky to spend all day to do daily) do you really want to stand by waiting for longer just for potitenally equal matchs ( nothing is definite by merely looking at stats)
If team – focus on areas where you can improve.
The last bit you kind of fell off on a tangent. Do you want a system where your always granted a win or do you want a system to test your abilities until you hit a ceiling with your current abilities? If the latter then I’d say the system is working and its just feelings of inflated egos over last seasons mess.
I’m playing solo. You make a good point, perfect match will lead to endless waiting, but we see the opposite here. I don’t know anymore if I’m winning because I played good or because the system threw at me target dummy. Also the win/lose ratio is very inconsistent. It feels wrong and it doesn’t encourage me to keep playing. No it pushes me to stop when I start losing, by giving me worst team players, but matching against better. And no I don’t want to win every time, but when I lose I want to feel I had a chance of winning.
Because I either get much less experienced team or much more experienced enemy team. Not counting premades.
All the other loses are by close games and they are either from mistakes I/my team make or when the opposite team outplay/out rotate us.
@Crimson Shi. Ok I can agree with what you say, but them the following happened to me few times already. After winning series of 8-12 games I lost 5-7 in a row. Not close games, but games where my team lost with 100, 150 to 500.
Can you explain to me why is this happening? And how is this a mirror to what I showed the day before?! There is something very wrong in the matchmaking system. If this loses were with very close points I can say I my team played bad or we got outplayed, but every one of this game feels like playing against pro league teams. And then all of a sudden I start winning again and the table turn 180 degree.
Its flawed.
I only find info for season one, on that topic. Can you please tell me if unranked games affect the mmr?
Or just fix staff and axe
Torch will fit way better, with shadow flames. And also some invisibility/spectral distortion and similar abilities. It lurks in the shadows of Death after all
If something similar ever happen the skill need to be like Illusionary Leap. I like the skill as it is, I can use it on the move and turn around and also I dont need target for it. But if the leap/teleport is a second skill with some additional effect (chill+ blast) it will be fine.
Do you like to lose all your minions in 2 sec to random aoe? If not, just enjoy the way they are, they are not OP.
Heya guys, I’m wondering what you do with the gold you’ve amassed. I’ve been fortunate to obtain hefty sum (<3 mystic forge), and am wondering what’s there to buy/obtain besides ascended armor and legendaries (pre’s).
You don’t need money, waste it on something. You only need few gold for traveling and buying/crafting food and you get enough by just playing.
I usually either waste everything on gems and buy useless stuff or start the long process of crafting another legendary or rare, expensive weapon skin.
Spite/Blood/Reaper – GS + Staff /full zerk gear
Utilities I change constantly, but most used are Well of Suffering and Signet of Locust(I swap it sometimes for specific encounters, but its pretty good against multiple enemies, its second heal and can heal you to full). Lately I use more shouts or another well for damage/support myself.
(edited by mazut.4296)
Yes I have killed Vg and Gorseval with full exotics, except the weapons, Its perfectly fine.
Super Adventure Box part 3!
The only pants I have found are Ascalon light pants and Profane pants. On female they look different.
When you look at wells, mesmers got the better deal…
Which is why in WvW you see zergs with 15 wells mesmers and just a couple of wells necros, oh wait…
Welcome to the world of game design and logical thought, comparing one skill against another in isolation (or one set of a certain type against another in this case) is dumb.
To take a couple of relevant examples in this case, firstly you are comparing a class with huge amounts of AOE that is always usable, to one with relatively little and even much of that becomes unusable in certain situations (hint: illusions don’t work well when there is lots of AOE flying around, they tend to die).
Secondly you are ignoring things like damage modifiers that effect wells, necro has multiple modifiers for that, some of them with huge modifiers, like Death’s Perception, Strength of Undeath, Close To Death, etc, as opposed to mesmer…
Dumb is the fact that Pve, PvP and WvW are NOT separated. This is the biggest problem, period.
can we pretty please delete both well of blood and well of darkness? no one would miss those two at all, trust trust!
I like well of darkness, its pretty useful in some situations and yes it need to be reworked and its cd lowered, especially now after we have a weapon skill thats better.
Well of blood also need rework, I say increase its effectivness with healing power. The skill is designed for support and if necro is playing support with healing power it can then shine. So having its niche is a good thing.
Apart from well of suffering, which is ok all the other wells need changes, either to their damage/utility or cd reduction. Or maybe another trait in different tree.
Well of suffering does more damage than Gravity well or well of calamity so I don’t know your complaint?
Wells can’t be stronger than traps due to their being targeted AoE rather than PBAOE. That sort of goes out the window when stacks of traps are pre-placed though.
You can easily escape well of suffering and only take 1 hit, but you take the whole damage from well of gravity plus all the cc.
Also traps only disadvantage is that they only can be summoned at your feet and has a bit smaller radius, but at least one of them has snare effect. In every other way they are better then wells.
Yes, this is the better way. I wanna play Death shroud with shouts!
No you misunderstood, whats the point in having resistnace if you dont inflict conditions on yourself.
To all the idiots that don’t see the satire, he is making fun of Blood is Power and corruptions in general due to the fact that they are the only profession skills in gw2 that harm the user.
What Anet needs to do is cut out the middleman (condi transfer) and just make it so the skills apply all the conditions to the foe instead of to you. BiP looks a lot stronger when you are inflicting 4 bleed stacks (and 2 torment when traited) instead of having to apply 2 bleed and 2 torment to yourself then send them. Either that or make all corruption skills grant you 1 or 2 seconds of Resistance.
Wow giving resistance to corruptions will be super good, but will make condi even stronger. When used at the right time all conditions on me wont deal damage and meanwhile ill transfer them on top of the corruption effect from the utility… way to OP.
But great idea, I like it
Axe 1 applies vulnerability at range: before all the HoT power creep this was a strong vulnerability stack with a moderate auto attack damage. It could use a life force generation of 1-2%, or slightly faster attack speed, but it’s a decent auto if you aren’t in need of AoE (i.e. PvP). The scaling is similar to the first 2 hits of guardian/Warrior GS, rev sword auto or thief auto , and higher than that of mesmer sword. Keep in mind Unholy Fervor gives a damage boost.
Basically any major buff to Axe 1(Rending Claws) would require it to be a auto chain.
Axe#2 (Ghastly claws) is for life force generation. The damage isn’t as atrocious as you make it out to be , it has a 2.88 multiplier . I mean the channel is a bit long (but still shorter than Life Siphon on dagger) and could be reduced a bit. But do you really want it to have AoE? How big of an AoE? 130 range? 900 range pierce in a line?
Axe 3 (Unholy feast) is a short recharge AoE boon corrupt & cripple. The only problem with it is PBAOE , but you should be able to put up with this given that it is a fast cast.
Scepter was buffed over the top IMO… the sheer amount of condi spam is over the top , the boon corrupt pushed it further.
Why are we buffing everything ranged with AoE / pierce? We should be nerfing all the 1200 ranged AoE/pierce skills with 2.5+ multipliers less than 1 second cast time and short recharges, IMO (CoR/Gun flame/ True shot for starters). If all the ranged skills are buffed , then there is zero reason to melee.
I agree, axe is not as kittenome people trying to make it. I use it, but I also think it need more effects added to it.
skill 1 could either give .5 or1% lf.
skill 2 as I suggested before should either destroy projectiles(the spinning axe animation is already there and its perfect for that purpose) OR every foe in the range of the spinning animation in melee cone range should take damage. To clarify, the axe 2 is still single target range skill, but it also deal damage(lower then the targeted) to up to 5 foes in small 220 range cone in front. That way skill 2 will be both range single target with kind if a good damage and melee with a bit lower damage at the same time. Or if this is to hard to implement just give retaliation or protection for 3 sec.
skill 3 convert 1 additional boon per foe.
(edited by mazut.4296)
1: Need to have some sort or 3 target aoe, piercing isn’t good enough.
2: Same functionality with boon removal. Ground target teleport similar blink/Lightning Flash, but with short precast animation to give enemies time to dodge. Also blast on impact. Lower cd to 10s.
3: Doom, the closer the target the longer the fear duration. 0-300 – 2s./300-600 – 1.5s./600+ 1s. (Similar to warrior’s “Fear me”)
4: Keep it the same, just add stability!!!
5: This skill need buff. Make it to deal damage per pulse for total of 4 pulses(4s duration). Initially 2 stacks of torment 8s and 1 sec daze, second pulse 2 additional torment stacks, third 2 and the final 4 for total of 10 stacks. Keep the immobilize at the end 1.1/2s (Maybe the daze is placed instead of immobilize)
As somebody suggested above. If an enemy run out of the 600 range it get free of the damage and torment but get 2 or 3s immobilize.
(edited by mazut.4296)