Showing Posts For Asomal.6453:

Haven't played for months

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


Why is the PvP worse than ever? Tried to play some new Unranked and Ranked MMR and I’m getting some hotjoin level matches. I thought the new system was suppose to improve the pvp experience?

Also, what the hell is this crappy voting system. If 9 people vote on map X we can still get to play on the terrible Courtyard map. It this what this mode have become? Is this ANet’s idea of fun?

Furthermore, where’s the balance? The same builds from last year’s update are still roaming out there, dominating everything, not leaving much space for creativity. Will PvP ever get a real update?

But seriously now, is there any old school folk enjoying today’s pvp?

(edited by Asomal.6453)

venom share after the patch

in Thief

Posted by: Asomal.6453


This change is huge From all the things listed on that post, this one has the potential to be the most broken that will come in the feature patch. In the PVP perspective, the new Venom Thief will be equivalent as at least 3 condition specced members, since they don’t need to trait for condition damage to melt someone, anymore…

Trap Thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Asomal.6453


I use Needle Trap in my for fun build, it works quite nice.

S/D S/D new meta?! (Subterfuge's build)

in Thief

Posted by: Asomal.6453


New meta S/P P/P :^)

Bank of the mists

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


The solution is simple ,really. No need to get over ourselves.

What do people want?
- A bank, BL merchant, crafting tables or whatever, on the Mist

Why is that not possible?
- It would be a free access to those resource for our PvE friends.

- Just remove the button “Leave the Mist” from the PvP tab. Now you would be obligated to use the portal do LA, in order to leave the Mist.

Drop/Add Class

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Asomal.6453


- Delete Ranger. Why?

  • They can never be truly balanced. They are the only class that truly relies on AI to dish out damage. You can say mesmers are also tied to those mechanics, but that’s not true. Phantasms are more of a skill-attack than an AI. Rangers however, have their damage output shared with their pets. Why won’t it be ever balanced, you ask? If you buff the AI, people will complain about it being too easy to achieve good results, if you nerf it, then the Ranger won’t be much of a threat.

- Add Druid

  • Basically you don’t have a pet anymore, but you can “call on the spirits” (much like Norn racial skills) and assume an animal form. If you don’t like this style, you can also go for the more traditional druid style, using nature spells against your foes. You’d lose the GS/Sword weapon sets but would gain Mace / Staff /and Dagger main hand

Show me how thief is OP

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


I barely play or post here now days, but I can see people saying the same bs over and over and over again, like a broken record. First:

  • Zerk thief doesn’t allow any other zerk to play.
    What is this, September 2012? That statement hasn’t been true for a long time now. The only real full zerk classes that struggle against thieves are Ranger, Elementalist and Mesmer. Even so, It doesn’t mean they can’t win against it.
  • S/D thief can just BURST you down
    I don’t think you know what this word means. 8k crit from Steal + 10k BS was burst. What S/F Eles do is burst. 10k Eviscerate is burst. S/D thief is NOT bursting you down (air + fire sigil isn’t exclusive to thieves). Stop misusing the word already.
  • Thieves are the master of 1×1
    If you are a good player, winning 1×1 as a thief shouldn’t be hard but, have you seem what people play in today’s pvp? Tell me how can a S/D thief wins against a A/S celestial warrior? Celestial D/D ele? Zerk Guardian? Turret engi? And other builds? Sure thieves have potential in 1×1, but they are far from being masters

So engi's get revealed aswell now

in Thief

Posted by: Asomal.6453


if 1% of the engi players use this skill you run into 1 of those every 100 engis you fight. must be a terrible fate.

It’s not that uncommon, specially for zerk engies. Overcharged Shot → Utility Googles is a killer combo.

engi got nerfed again

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


  • Power Wrench: Previously delivered crippling blows with your autoattack and your throw wrench ability. This has been folded to the baseline of your toolkit so now you don’t have to equip this trait to maintain that crippling effect. Instead, Power Wrench has been changed to have a 10% damage increase while using the toolkit. Your combo, your pry bar and your thrown wrench abilities will all have the 10% damage increase.
  • Utility Goggles – Analyze – this ability now 6s of revealed in addition to the vulnerability it applies.

Buffs to zerk engie. I’m happy

Most broken class?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Asomal.6453


If we discount the huge amount of power creep we had in the last updates, the most OP profession, in a balanced view, would definetly be the Engineer.

There’s also the bunker Guardian. Yes, they are OP, but not them alone per se. What makes them OP is their interaction with their team and how long it takes to kill a skilled one. They can sit on mid long enough for their team to arrive there and clean your party.

Some people might even say Warrior, but honestly, the only problematic builds are Hambow and Condiwarrior, but conditions in general are broken. Hence why engies and necros are so fearsome in 1×1

(edited by Asomal.6453)

My New S/D Thief Roaming Video

in Thief

Posted by: Asomal.6453


I guess you canceled ir with a dodge roll. So you could use is twice in a row. Gonna test this for myself :-)
But i noticed you Always jump+dodge roll. Yea this Looks cool, some have a Makro for it, but especially for s/d Its impractical because the jump cancels slice (nr1 from AA) which Would occur during your dodge roll right After fs. So you lose dmg. Nothing too important but still…

It’s simpler than that, you just need to pay attention. As for the jumproll, I suggest using V + Space to do it consistently. As it is better than your normal dodge, every player striving to get better at PvP should learn it!

What counters acrobat s/d?

in Thief

Posted by: Asomal.6453


Don’t know what’s your definition of “counter” to S/D, so i’ll just post some hard match-ups:

  • Any x/P thief
  • Condibomb builds
  • Bunker Engie
  • D/D Elementalist
  • Medi Guardian
  • MM Necro

Hell, I’d rather fight a Hambow than any of those specs, when I’m playing S/D

Quick comparison of thieves

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Asomal.6453


That’s how It’s done


Cosplay Screenshots

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Asomal.6453


Believe it!


Can you nerf conditions already?

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


- Condition builds only take 2 offensive stats in accout to be strong where as power builds are affected by 4 stats (power, precision, ferocity, enemy toughness). This gives condition speccs a huge advantage as they can build more defensively why still dealing high damage.

I like how people that complain about conditions always pretend that condition duration is only a one way advantage for conditions and ignore the fact that duration can not only just be increased but decreased as well. Also, conditions have a disadvantage over power builds in that you can mitigate some or most of the damage AFTER getting hit by it. And I love that people pretend that precision is NEVER a factor in condition builds when there are condition builds/traits/runes/sigils that rely on critical chance (i.e. Incendiary Powder).

Yeah, try running an IP build with no precision at all, let’s see how far that miniscule base crit chance rate will get you burning. Way to be dishonest, people.

Sigil of Inteligence

I honestly think that the only thing holding conditions from domination, is the warrior.

Un-nerfing Cloak and Dagger?

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


Decrease the casting time to 0.25s and maybe add something extra, rather than the poor 3 invulnerability stacks it gets

Current State of the Game?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Asomal.6453


The game is better balanced, but not in a good way. Instead of nerfing some over the top specs, they buffed everything to the roof. Same old problems: AI, targetting is bad, AoE conditions, hard CC’s, way too tanky or way too bursty specs, are still a thing.

Asura Animations & Visual Effects are Broken

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


While we are at it, someone should also test the hitmarkers and add to the OP.

Condition Wars 2

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Asomal.6453


So you guys think conditions are balanced, eh? Lets throw some numbers, shall we? Pick your typical condibunker engineer with Balth Runes + Incendiary Powder. Equip your Doom Sigil and then use one single auto attack (if it crits, and that easy). Count your total damage and you’ll find you are doing 6k+ if it’s not clean.

Mesmer damage

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


There is currently a bug with all NPC damage in PvP being higher than intended. We are shooting to get this fixed before the Tournament of Legends.

What numbers are we talking?

High numbers, like 2 shotting glass cannons

Mesmer damage

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


I’m easily doing 7k dmg with iBerserk, on other glass cannos. Previews it was 4k~6k. Now it’s more like 5.5k~8k

You've played thief too much when

in Thief

Posted by: Asomal.6453


When they ban me from dodgeball, for evading too much

Mesmer damage

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


Soooo, how long until this is fixed Anet? I love being hit for 7k on iBerserk. That’s the same damage I expect from Backstab thieves, but it’s ranged and it’s on a freaking AI. Let’s also not forget it doesn’t need a setup, at all

How to not suck at pvp with warr?

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


I like to use this one: the good old 100b

There’s also some combos you can execute:

  • Whirlwind -> Blade Trail (rotate your camera, so you can face your enemy right away)

With Leg Especialist he won’t be able to dodge your next attack. You can use it to hit Rush or Frenzy + Bull Rush -> 100b

Also, using the sword:

  • Flurry -> Stow your weapon right away ->Go to your opponent’s back and start auto attacking him

I’d recommend swapping the Doliak Signet for Berserk Stance, if you are facing a team with more than one D/P thief, or two engineers…

Did the Condi-Meta get stepped up a bunch?

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


Conditions are still around. They even got some buffs with some runes and double sigils on swap/crit…

PvPers should be the Richest Players.

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


I really support this…2g a win is honestly very reasonable.

If you consider 10 minute games, 6 games an hour for the BEST players its 12/hour, that’s about par with old chump-trains and far less than old Queens Gauntlet.

I thought I was fair…

But there’s the queue time. So we are looking into 4 game per hour.

Either I'm a filthy cashul or

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


I am currently in the works of recruiting NPC ele and NPC guard for a pro tourney team. See you all in match! (npc thief refuses to play something else than stupid p/p
- Outplayed by AI [NPC]

Make him pick Ricochet and he’ll wipe mid fights easily

Ele Vs Mesmer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Asomal.6453


Ele if you want to improve or are good
Mesmer if you want to be carried by easy mode AI

thanks for your amazing idea

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


Or you can check where to get them in PvE. Some traits are really easy to get. I did one where i had to swim for 2 minutes to a sunken ship. The only thing i had to do in there was kill like 5-6 NPCs and get the trait. In and out in 3-4 minutes tops (within a q time pretty much).

Sure,I’ll just take all my lv 2 alts into Orr and pray that they survive

Rank1 SoloQ & Balthazar Back

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


Oh right, he is #1 soloQ NA, but let’s forget he only has 24 games played, right? dat joke.

The top 100 is full of people with less than 50 games. Truly it’s working as intended

Devs were right all along

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


More news at seven

List of changes that I personally dislike

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


All is vain

Yet another PVE oriented patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


  • You need to spend 3 gold + 20 skill points for each new trait, meaning 15g + 100 SP just for one profession. Total 120g + 800 SP for all professions.
  • New sigils = 6g / New amulets = 20g / New rune = 5g ==> 31g total to unlock
  • You need to pay one transmutation charge each time you change skin. Now, if you had those skins before the update, aka their PVE version, you don’t need a thing, just equip them and be happy. However, every PVP skin turned into wardrobe, meaning we don’t have any skin to equip, just to transmutate via wardrobe
  • If you have all your characters lv 2, you need to level them to lv 10 in order to unlock shoulders and a helmet

Did I miss something? Discuss

(edited by Asomal.6453)

Wardrobe: Feedback and Questions

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


Also, as some of my chars are level 2, I can’t fully equip them until I have bought PVE equips. Truly this aint a PVE oriented patch cof cof

What you do when you see

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


class pie chart.

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


Sucker for zerk/meele


A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Asomal.6453


Why won’t you use Headshot or save your Steal to interrupt his dash?

[PvP] [Thief] Dagger #4/5 small buffs

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Asomal.6453


Cloak and Dagger: Descrease casting time to 0.25s
Dancing Dagger: Projectile travels faster and it’s more accurate

There you go.

Just to compliment my post, since the discussion was prolonged. I honestly think those 2 changes would sufficient to solve some of D/D’s problems. However, if is there one thing holding it back, it’s Death Blossom. It’s a condition based skill, in a mostly power type weapon, it just doesn’t fit.

Now, how do we fix it? I think it needs a completly overhaul. This is my proposition:

Death Blossom
- Evades into the enemy’s back (just like Ranger’s sword 3), applying 1 second of immobilize and 7 stacks of vunerability. Deals 0 damage. Has a 0.5 seconds aftercast time.

Yes, 0 damage. People have always complained about evade spam. It’s not fun do play against and it’s way too easy cheesy. The new hotness is PW, but Disabling Shot is also a target for the complaints. But don’t get me wrong, 0 is good for the set! It means you won’t get revealed while performing it. So it’s basically a skill for setting up Backstabs, hence 1 second immobilize, or just getting into your enemy’s back, putting in use all those traits/runes that benefits from flanking your foe!

Is Signet of Spite going to get a shave?

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


.75 seconds is plenty of time to react and avoid Signet of Spite.

Funny because I still don’t know what the actual cast looks like.

That’s half the problem with condition builds. None of their attacks are properly animated or telegraphed.

The necromancer will point at you, I find it very easy to avoid unless I am immobilized or knockdowned..

It’s the same animation as the Staff auto attack. Now that’s some good tell! Anyway, no Necro cast it when the target can easily dodge. They generally do it when you are either immobilized, feared or stunned by the golem…

(edited by Asomal.6453)

Perplexity Runes in PvP, PLEASE NO

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


Ya, sorry to post it on April’s fools.

This is 4 realz.


Glory Spend down

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


Hope I’m not too late. Why Mystery Coffers you ask? Simple because every other option doesn’t to cut it, for me.

2 Tome of Knowledge? That’s only 2 levels in PVE, pretty passable and doable in less than a hour. 18 slot bags seems like a deal, but they are pretty cheap in the TP. Now, with 5800 glory, you could buy 29 Mystery Coffers (-1g 39s).

Assuming that all of them will drop 5 skins, you are looking into 145 items, in the best scenario…

Glory Spend down

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


Spend everything on Mystery Coffers!

Perplexity Runes in PvP, PLEASE NO

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


I look forward to theorycrafting a build for max confusion, torment, and retaliation uptime, i want to punish a player for moving, hitting me, and using their abilities

I want to punish an enemy for playing against me,
Won’t be any good in high skill games naturally.

What about 30/X/X/X/30 with the new traits?

There's water on Spirit Watch

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


There’s also water in Forest of Niflhel


Perplexity Runes in PvP, PLEASE NO

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


B-but if perplexity rune isn’t in PVP, how are newcomers supposed not to become confused and overwhelmed?!

Perplexity Runes in PvP, PLEASE NO

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


Condition Mesmers (with the new traits)
Condition Warriors
S/D or P/P Thieves (with the new traits)

Can you imagine the condifest?

[PvP] [Thief] Dagger #4/5 small buffs

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Asomal.6453


Cloak and Dagger: Descrease casting time to 0.25s
Dancing Dagger: Projectile travels faster and it’s more accurate

There you go.

All new traits

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


copied from
credits to jmpherso

Fire – Blinding Ashes : Blind a foe for 5s when you burn them. (5s CD)
Air – Lightning Rod : Interrupts cause an enemy to be hit by a damaging lightning bolt that weakened for 5s.
Earth – Stone Heart : You cannot be critically hit while attuned to earth. (um. watkitten.)
Water – Aquatic Benevolence : You heal your allies for 25% more (not yourself).
Arcane – Elemental Contingency : Can a boon when you are hit based on your attunement. 10s CD. Fire – 3.5s of Retaliation. Air – 5s of fury. Earth – 2.5s of Protection. Water – 3s of Vigor.

Explosives – Synaptic Overload : Can 3s of quickness whenever you hit an opponent with a knockback skill. (20s CD)
Firearms – Bunker Down : Whenever you critically hit, you create a proximity mine at your feet. Mines have a 10s duration, 2s CD.
Investions – Fortified Turrets : When placing a turret, it gains a reflective shield for 4s. Shield disappears if it’s picked up or destroyed.
Alchemy – Experimental Turrets : Turrets apply boons in a 600 radius every 10s. Thumper – 3s protection, Net – 10s of swiftness, Rifle – 5s of fury, Healing – 3s of vigor, Rocket – 3s of retaliation, Flame – 3s of might.
Tools – Gadgeteer : Gadgets grant boons on use. AED – 3s retaliation, Battering Ram – 5s of fury, Rocket Boots – 4s of vigor, Slick Shoes – 8s of regen, Throw Mine – 6s of aegis, Goggles – 8 might for 5s.

Zeal – Amplified Wrath : Burning deals 33% more damage.
Radiance – Radiant Retaliation : Retaliation Damage scales with condition damage instead of power.
Valor – Communal Defenses : Grant 5s of Aegis to allies in a 360 radius when you block an attack. 20s CD.
Honor – Force of Will : Gain up to 300 vit based on your level.
Virtues – Purity of body : Resolves passive effect increases endurance regeneration by 15%

Domination – Power Block : Interrupted skills now have a CD of 10s. (Previous was ~4s)
Dueling – Triumphant Distortion : Gain 3s of distortion on killing an enemy.
Chaos – Bountiful Disillusionment : Gain boons each time a shatter is used. Mind Rack – 3s of retaliation. Cry of Frustration – 3 stacks of might for 15s. Diversion – 5s of fury, Distortion – 8s of regen
Inspiration – Disruptor’s Sustianment : Gain 1000 healing power for 4s on interrupting a foe.
Illusions – Maim the Disillusioned : Enemies hit by shatter skills are tormented.

Spite – Parasitic Contagion : A percentage of your condition damage heals you. (5%, not affected by healing power)
Curses – Path of Corruption : Dark path now additionally converts 2 boons into conditions.
Death Magic – Unholy Sanctuary : Regenerate while in Death Shroud.
Blood Magic – Unholy Martyr : Draw 1 condition from allies every 3s while in Death Shroud. Each time you draw a condition, gain 5% life force.
Soul Reaping – Renewing Blast : Life Blast heals allies it passes through

Marksmanship – Read the Wind : Longbow and Harpoon gun velocities increased by 100%.
Skirmishing – Strider’s Defense : You have a 15% chance to block ranged attacks while meleeing.
Wilderness Survival – Poison Master : Poison you apply deals 50% extra damage. Your pets first attack deal poison damage when swapped to.
Nature Magic – Survival of the Fittest : Remove 2 condis and gain fury when you use a survival skill.
Beast Magic – Invigorating Bond : Your pet heals in an area when using its skill.

Deadly Arts – Revealed Training : Gain up to 200 power when you are revealed, based on your level. (duration is that of revealed)
Critical Strikes – Invigorating Precision : You are healed for 5% of your critical hits.
Shadow Art – Resilience of Shadows : Stealths you apply to you and your allies reduce incoming attacks by 50%. (does not affect condis)
Acrobatics – Assassin’s Equilibrium : Gain 1s of stability when you are revealed.
Trickery – Bewildering Ambush : Stealing applies 5 stacks of confusion for 5s.

Strength – Burst Precision : Burst skills have an increased chance to critically hit. (Currently 100%. Could be reduced for nerfing.)
Arms – Dual Wield Agility : Your attack speed is increased by 10% when wielding a sword, axe, or mace in your offhand.
Defense – Rousing Resilience : Gain 1000 toughness for 4s when you break out of a stun.
Tactics – Phalanx Strength : When you grant yourself might, grant it to nearby allies as well (6s of might).
Discipline – Brawler’s Recovery : Remove blindness when you swap weapons.

Show off your style in medium armor!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Asomal.6453


PVP 4ever
/15 char


Re: Pistol Whip

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


Haha, this forum is way too funny. There’s been countless threads about HS, Spirit Rangers, Hambow, MM Necros, Skyhammer in YoloQ and the likes, but none of these got a topic like this.