So many days in and not fixed. I got to the point where I was going to start the next part of my story at “Chilblains – Hunt Jormag’s Abomination”. I had a 20 hour buff so I logged off. I logged in dead. I’m done with this story.
Thanks for the help. I’ll give that a go.
Yes, I was trying to do a HoT recipe, I’ll look into using the Mystic Forge, but will I not still have to craft the insignia… the expense piece?
Hi ANet. Can you please tell me if in-game support is just something which is ignored or do people actually check it?
I made a mistake in grossly underestimating the cost of making Ascended Armour. Cost to craft was going to be >1000 gold instead of ~300 gold. This was something I was hoping someone could help me undo after I started crafting and saw the I needed WAY more Jeweled Damask Patches than I thought.
It has been almost a week and I haven’t heard anything.
What is everyone’s thoughts on this trait. Is there a game mode where this trait shines?
I like the duration increase it gives. Also resistance isn’t bad.
But I look at the Superspeed and think great, pretty much a temp immunity to cripples and chills. Then I look at Resistance and see it covers those two conditions (plus all the rest).
Has anyone put down Null Field, Feedback or Portal and thought “oh boy… superspeed!”? Maybe for Veil I can see the allure, but 2 seconds worth?
Tool-tip does not list duration.
Should this ability stack with itself?
I find it interesting that the heal skill paired with this trait has a tooltip that says “Mirror (4s)”. And yes, the effect does last 4 seconds. In two separate 2 second buffs.
But if I were to simultaneously cast Mimic, Blink, and the Mirror heal then I only have 4 seconds of the Mirror effect. I would have hoped for 8 seconds total.
Can we please get an “open all” and “consume all” for these items please. It was bad enough clicking to buy 400 of these from the vendor; but this is just unnessary busy work.
I’m not young, this is uncomfortable to click all these.
Or better yet for “Liquid Karma”: Just give me the Karma. Why must I click the items?
Glider (Wings) =/= Backpack.
You can have any Backpiece you want and use any Glider you want. I can’t remember where but there is a tab on your hero-sheet where you select which glider you want.
+1 bump for “keys” getting added to the wallet.
I’ve put for the time in acquiring them. I don’t want to remember which character currently has the stash of them, going to the bank, depositing them, logging out, going to the bank with the character I wish to adventure with, withdrawing them, and then waypointing back to the action.
Please Devs. Such a small quality of life issue!
This trait doesn’t give the correct duration of Swiftness. My tooltip says ~9.5s should be given, but the duration is about half of that.
You’ll quickly out-level any gear you do get. But should you be given a choice in level-up rewards I would take anything with Power, Ferocity, and Precision.
Stats such as Toughness, Vitality, and Healing Power will just slow you down.
Enemies in PvE are not really difficult so trying to build a tankier character isn’t something I’d worry about yet.
The only new PvE zones are level 80.
Knight, there is no requirement to get HoT. You can continue to play the game without it. (no elite specs, no revenant, no new maps, etc). But all old content is still there for you.
As it was pointed out to me once, if the effect is conditional then it will not show on tooltips.
Since Agony Resistance is only useful for one mode of game play. And even then only for the higher difficulties. Why is it an item to modify gear with then?
Why not make Agony Resistance another Account Bound stat like Magic Find or Karma bonus then? Now you could consume your agony infusions like you would Luck.
The reason is “balance”. If everything scaled at 100% of your healing power the moment you do 3 things you could be 100% health. So they make it so abilities have a guaranteed min heal. Then do a scaling based on your gear. Or : y=mx+b
As I said, for balance reasons it is easier to tweek a few numbers to get something just right than one number you can never get right.
The interesting bit is your damage skills (weapons, utils, traits, etc) do this too.
For instance take a look at Guardian Sword Auto Attack #1:
This skill only applies 80% of your attack power.
If you think the characters are botting then report them.
Otherwise a player has every right to kill anything they please. Are they following you around and decimating a mob before you have a chance to hit? I have no idea what is going on from your description.
Also I am not sure how new you are, but has no concept of “killstealing”. So long as you get one hit on a creature you get full credit and a chance for loot. There is no exclusivity to XP/Loot and nor is XP/Loot split. You would both get full credit!
Yes I know. I’m just hoping I missed seeing it happen or that I’ve been unlucky in proccing the effect.
Since this trait was fixed I decided to give it another look. I was running some Fractals and I can’t say that I ever noticed the 25% recharge ever triggering. Either on bosses (seems like it would be unnecessarily hard to proc on them) nor on trash. I figure Magic Bullet has a chance to proc on itself maybe twice. Phantasmal Duelist is pretty much always on cooldown and I’ve never noticed this skill’s cooldown jumping down.
Is my anecdotal evidence bad or is this trait just still broken?
*Never noticed it proccing off of Diversion either
Hold CTRL and click the skill you want to continually use (likely weapon skill #1).
Now you just press once for autoattack.
Hope that helps unless you specifically are after a HOLD and RELEASE functionality.
To those that gave ideas on how I can have this process less painful – Thank you.
To those that argue I’m lazy or impatient; Maybe I am. But when a task takes 5 extra seconds doesn’t make it a better means on accomplishing said task. 5s * 50 tomes * maybe 100,000 accounts ~= 289 days of wasted time. So while I’m only a small portion of the time, I am only thinking of the community.
Could the Specific Map completion tracker (not the world completion) be moved to the upper-right corner please?
Trying to click the Verdant Brink waypoints is covered by these status indicators. I suppose I could pan the map down; but I generally try and centre the map when I make clicks.
When HoT comes out I"m going to be annoyed when I use 50-60 of these things. Each time you click on it you are asked if “Are you sure you want to consume Tome of Knowledge? Accept / Cancel”.
I’m pretty sure…And so are the million other players doing the same thing.
In fact can you please give us a right-click action that will allow us to “Consume All”? The community has begged for this for a long time.
Account-wide bag for Heart of Thorns, PLEASE
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Esreyr.6304
/15 chars
Revenant’s do have one. It is a Herald trait.
Salvation: Momentary Pacification – doesn’t show up on Elite Skills
Corruption: Diabolic Inferno – Also does not show.
Could this be because these have 10s cooldowns?
Salvation: Blinding Truths – Also does not show up for Heal skill (there is no cooldown)
Agreed with Zeft; I have no issue with audible NPC banter and Chat History. I encourage this sort of NPC interaction with the player.
Could you take advantage of the Free Accounts?
Just create 2 accounts that sit with you in your dungeon that you are trying to sell.
ANet, when you design your raids can you please keep a watch out for NPCs which might exhibit any of these following quirks? I’m being petty, but when you run dungeons and fractals a lot these minor annoyances start to become irritating.
We don’t want to talk to the NPCs. They have a conversation dialogue with just an option to close it. They communicate nothing to the players. No one wants to talk to these NPCs. We are trying to push buttons. Pick up items, or weapons; rez players; mine a node; or open up other dialogues (such as Mystic Forge – NPCs standing around the forge feel like obstacles to me). NPCs never have anything interesting to say.
NPCs with Voting choices. We get it. 4 of 5 players voted for option 1. Why do the rest of the group need to wait for player 5 to make a choice? Lets go already!
NPCs that die…I suppose it the players problem for not rezzing NPCs when they die. But it is still annoying when you realize some NPC is dead and you need to backtrack to rez them. (Looking at you Ellen Kiel who died on the lazer bridge on the Aetherblade Fractal).
NPCs that fall behind because they are having a moment. Can the NPCs keep up with the group please? The rest of the group is waiting at the boss, but the NPCs still have a long run. (I’m looking at you Rox and Braham for the Molten Furnace Fractal)
I love the idea of build locking.
But I’m curious as to what you think should be locked?
- Change Weapons
- Change Armour
- Change Stats (ascended armour and weapons)
- Trait points
- Class Features (Ranger pets, Revenant legends)
- Heal, Elite and Utility skills
Further how would ANET prevent this? For some reason I see people disconnecting and relogging. The same sort of shenanigans people use to rez for Mai Trin. Or could you drop your one class and bring in another toon on your account? Maybe even a duplicate toon with a different spec?
For me I crash repeatedly during TEQ fights. Its annoying and I end up with no reward (map I was in isn’t the map I come back too).
This is only during combat. Otherwise I’m perfectly fine.
Also combos well if you have the Resistance boon I imagine.
I do hope maybe the Revenant kinda just steps through the mists instead of rolling around on the ground like a peasant.
What is the point of Charge Quartz Crystals?
Near as I can see these, and the Celestial items they craft are account bound.
So these do not help the market in any fashion.
It takes 30 of these so 30 days of logging in. This seems pretty infuriating to me. Sure it might feel more important because it took long to make, but wasn’t that what was getting the crafting skill to 500 to make that gear?
Is this feature supposed to be fun? I’m finding it highly irritating.
I reported on the ranged only issue with the in-game bug logger.
I spent 30 minutes on my guardian with GreatSword/Sword+Focus. Only after about 30 minutes and turning on damage log did I see that only my focus was doing damage.
Very infuriating. I want my life back.
Can you link a screenshot?
So we can pretty much only get these from Dry Top?
I can’t say I enjoy this map at all. I’m finding it very frustrating to navigate. And events are hard to get too.
Any other suggestions on where to farm Geodes other than Living Story? I find those pretty boring.
Here are a few of my thoughts on improving Dungeons:
- Autoskip all cut-scenes. I hate going into cliffside fractal and EVERY TIME the camera looks at the colossus. This is one example. There are many others.
- When the path choice vote appears: why do we wait for the 5th person to vote. The four others already voted for the same path. If we can’t wait for majority rules can we get a way to minimize this dialog?
- Why can we interact/talk with NPCs at non-scripted parts. I’m trying activate a mining node or pick something up… but no. Rox or Brahmn have to talk to me now. Seriously… there is no point for this useless dialog. Remove please.
- When in a dungeon and you re-queue on the LFG…. why do we need to specify a room to advertise in? If I’m in Fractals 18 I should be auto-in the Fractals 10-19 group. If I’m doing pvp it should be there. If I’m in WvW it should be there.
Below is my improvement to the LFG screen.
- Removed scroll bar / Increased visibility of different rooms
- Accordian lists removed. Always display all.
- You can select multiple rooms to monitor now (hold CTRL to add rooms to watch list)
- Empty rooms are greyed out
LFG Currently:
LFG with proposed changes:
Thanks for the help.
Alright. I have an Ascended Infused Ring. 1st slot has a “versatile simple infusion (+5 AR)”. I bought another VSI and tried to socket it. It just overwrote. How can I get another +5 AR into the 2nd slot? If not what can go into that 2nd slot. I’m at 20 AR and I’m after 5 more so I can start doing higher level fractals.
P.S. ANet if you want to work on New Player Experience why not simplify the process of getting decked out with proper AR?
We need more Inventory space for HoT Anet.
I would argue that we don’t need more space. I think we need less useless random items.
These should be removed as items (auto-use them)
- Luck Stones
- Karma
- World XP
- Junk Items (give up pure money instead)
With the Buff on Salvage Kits we need items that have less useless runes in them now. You run a dungeon and it is “hang on guys… my inventory filled up from salvaging”.
The honourable and virtuous Guardian are resorting to traps? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.
With the new trait system coming up can we remove all the costs for purchasing individual skill points to zero?
The current system when implemented only punished newer players and continues to do so. When the new system hits all players will be affected and will have to under-go it. So why not lighten up the existing system?
- If I hate all the master traits in a line, but like two of the adept traits, is there any way to slot the two adept traits (as you currently can), or am I stuck with one of the junk master traits (as would currently be the case if I couldn’t slot two adepts)?
- Is there any way to go part way into more than three lines to build a more “balanced” build, or are we forced into just maxing out three and nothing in the other two?
from the Primer
For example, an elementalist may choose to specialize in Fire Magic, Earth Magic, and Water Magic. The ability to select one, two, and finally three core specializations will unlock as you level your character from 1 to 80.
From the look of the images it appears that mixing two adept traits are no longer possible. So within a tree some combinations of skills are no longer possible. Seems like a step backwards.
I think we have to also choose only 3 trees and can only make builds from those three. So less combinations of trees. Also a step backwards.
But we do get to max out three trees. So maybe more combinations.
I think maybe at the end it might be a wash for build diversity. Some builds will no longer possible. While new build possibilities now exist.
Question about the new trait lines. We are going from 13 select-able traits to 9 for each tree. (
So a difference of 4*5 = 20 traits are getting cut.
So that is 20 traits ANet allows us to buy with effort or gold+skill_points. Anyone else have a problem with this? Should new characters, as of last April, expect some sort of refund?
Thanks niea.
What an odd workaround.