Showing Posts For inbetween.5623:
Where have I heard this before?
This thread surfaces every other day. Speculation about salvage rates never seems to end.
Three words: Small sample size.
Also the reduction in ecto prices is a direct result of the boss event chests, so it isn’t entirely relevant to salvage rates.
Share the same sentiments as most other posters. Why even have dungeons then.
Only some content should be available using specific methods. They are after all just skins. What’s next? Legendaries exchanged for laurels. I know its an exaggeration, and i personally have nothing against solo players. But honestly why not just TRY a dungeon once. They’re not great, but they’re not horrible either. You can still be a solo player, but dont just refuse to ever play alongside anyone else on principle and still expect identical treatment.
I suppose the argument for this change would be that fractal gear is available in exchange for laurels but i believe this was done simply to ensure parity in terms of gear amongst the playerbase from a functional point of view. Ascended gear needs to be available to everyone.
Exotic gear on the other hand has numerous methods to obtain, dungeons just being one of them. I’m impartial to the fractal gear but making dungeon tokens available for laurels is just absurd, though i suppose few players would actually exchange them.
(edited by inbetween.5623)
In every wave there was a Vet when i did these events…In 2 of the waves, there was also one Champ. Neither of the champs were killed by the events end though due to scripting of some sort they still do die upon event completion by default granting you kill credit.
Of course people were being downed all over and the event reward is either the exact same with more effort…or even possibly reduced.
Will discourage people to be honest.
The scavengers essentially die in two hits from the flames in path 1, An organized group can just remain inside the fire fields, and occassionally put up stability.
THe best way to do it is to go to the furthest field and have the army of gravelings walk through multiple fields such that they die as they arrive of even before they arrive.
The boss itself is easy now that its aoe attack has a smaller radius and is significantly easier.
Mmm I didnt mind most of the changes barring two…
Spider queen hits harder but its hp is lowered significantly. The only issue is that its aoe field lingers for too long making it more of a ranged fight which is somewhat stupid. But didnt mind it hitting harder.
Kholer is absolutely fine. Wasnt ever a hard fight to begin with. And it isnt particularly difficult now. Maybe if it spawns a necro it might be a tad frustrating. It by no means is 10x more difficult. its not evne 2x more difficult. Pretty much the same.
TROLLS. This fight is 10x more annoying. Constant fear spamming, melee inflicts daze. Its aoe has an aftershock requiring you to dodge twice now which is rather excessive. Didnt need the change in troll tbh.
The final bosses i didnt mind. My group is fairly organized though. They certainly were tough but it was the lag making it 100x worse than it shouldve been.
Note: that did take a while to defeat with some wipes but it was only our first attempt.
(edited by inbetween.5623)
Im certain someone else will post this at some point, so I’ll save them the hassle.
Server Population =/= WvW Playing Population. There’s definitely some correlation, though.
And I’m all in favor of free transfer to low pop servers, but keep in mind this, SoS is a very high population server, much like all tier 1 servers so it would not help your predicament. In fact, SoS, which i assume you play on, is probably as populated as the other tier 1 servers. The only thing it lacks is complete WvW coverage, so SoS is a terrible example.
Too much gold in the economy, so inflation is rampant. Therefore we are going to need more goldsinks i believe. Im just not sure how to go about it.
Over a one week period? Would be 100x more awful than the current format. You’d luck out to find a balanced matchup since the quality/numbers between servers of different tiers is very significant. What you’re proposing is the possibility of three servers from different tiers playing against one another, sometihng like tier 2 server A vs tier 4 server B vs tier 7 server C.
Outcome is entirely predictable and matchups would be decided in minutes to hours (at most a day). Blowouts galore. And no that doesnt mean one server winning by 50-60k like current formats but rather one server winning by 300k.
Would you seriously prefer that?
@ Arkangel.4806
No developer would say an item is “best-in-slot” unless mathematically it provides a boost to your character, to a group, or to a raid over the course of time.
If the developer actually meant, “Best-in-slot” as a cosmetic item, that would be the dumbest statement a developer can give over a topic of item progression.
There for, you have to rule out that a Legendary is a Cosmetic.
You can argue all you want but clearly you are missing the point.
Please just stop, you are embarrassing yourself. There is no mathematics involved, just very simple reading comprehension.
In fact, Dev comments have been very explicit. I suspect if 50 more people entered this thread to tell you that you’re mistaken then you’d still refuse to believe them.
No, its actually common knowledge that they with be on par will Ascended, therefore “best in slot.” For this reason they are labelled cosmetic.
And probably numerous other threads with dev responses if you do a search.
But if you refuse to believe me, then I’ve given up trying to persuade you.
(edited by inbetween.5623)
@ Rising Dusk.2408
No its not irrelevant, best in slot is best in slot. If you read the statement, Legendary states will be above Ascendant weapons when they come out.
Surely you know this because this is such common information, if not, well sucks to be you then.
You are misinformed, Legendary’s will be the equivalent of Ascended weapons should they ever be released.
Youve openly stated that you’re ‘just criticizing’ GW2 and all it’s supporters which is fair enough but THAT is not related to WvW in the end. I’ve offered you alternatives and suggestions to your scenario and youre only response is that “you dont want to play for several months, there isnt a good thing about it.”
Like I said you can have an opinion, but permit me to have my own without throwing random character attacks.
I did not say I wanted it so badly, just I take a break for few months and the game is still so boring with the same problems.
I mean its nice its free to play but, I am just recalling at the back of my mind of what Arenanet’s goals were and they totally went against it.
So I guess I am just criticizing whats so great about Guild Wars 2 because I still reading multiple post of people that are drooling over this game and just cannot fathom a single reason, their state.
Nice try being a tough guy though.
Yeah because that’s so relevant. If you dont want to hear an opinion different to your own dont make threads on message boards.
Apparently the issue was the Badges of Honor and now its just plain everything and you want to leave. Then go right out and let its GW2 reputation tarnish itself.
This isn’t WvW related anymore, should have made it in general and cry there.
Woah, really, mesmers are great 1v1.
Roaming wise, they are not particularly good; not because they cant win the fights but they cant make a stealthy getaway when required due to their lack of swiftness and movement speed. Sure blink and focus can work but only for so long. Youll encounter groups no matter what and a successful roamer is the one that knows how to pick its fights.
You want roamer, go thief or ele. Both have amazing escape abilities. But know that a mesmer can beat either. Especially one that spams confusion wink
Legendaries are still cosmetic.
It’s also a reach to suggest it’s the biggest game flaw. There are much BIGGER game flaws.
Anet has always considered WvW part of the PvE experience. God knows why.
Honestly, if you want it so badly transfer to a server with one dominant power and youll have unopposed puzzles and free mesmer portals.
Or you could just suck it up and earn it. Maybe play WvW.
FYI, PvE weapons are used in WvW. And I half heartedly agree, but at the same time getting 500 badges was no issue for me and i never really noticed because i actually enjoy wvw.
Let us refocus on the op topic. This is about WvW, not sPvP or solo roaming. If you are solo roaming condition/survivability builds are great, I loved my bleed/lifedrain tank build on my thief. I could 1v2 and 1v3 pretty easily unless they had an abundance of cleanses(guardian) Especially in lower tiers people run less cleanses in WvW when roaming.
BUT, when actually playing with more than 1 party of people condition builds handicap your teams DPS. (random cleanses i mentioned above)
Solo roaming and small group play is as much a part of WvW as zerging, what gave you the impression it wasn’t?
Personally I feel the only true indictment and argument against condition damage is when in large group situations, it is very unintentionally removed. It is the primary argument against it, and a very big negative. Condition damage is a great compliment to smaller engagements and works amazingly in 1 v 1 too provided you can pursue your opponent.
Reality is most people dont carry many condition removals.
But do you know what the greatest upside to condition removal is? Siege.
Most siege weapons can apply bleed which benefits from individual condition damage attributes. Similarly they benefit from power but since Siege cannot crit it is negligible for the most part.
I run a full condition damage toon and i apply individual bleed stacks that deal ~120 damage per tick, and since an arrow cart can apply multiple stacks, it disperses crowds insanely quickly. Have 3 full condition damage players manning 3 arrow carts can apply insane amounts of aoe bleed and the upside is theyll die even after retreating.
Yes I suppose english isnt your native language.
But your second post makes a lot more sense. It’s an intended game mechanic and the mesmer needs to be inside the keep for it to occur which can only occur through legitimate methods (I won’t be discussing any illegitimate methods).
Solution: Mesmer sweep after capturing any tower/keep. This has been going on for months now.
JP is not that big of an issue guys.
What youre suggesting is giving free badges/blueprints to the dominant server with no risk involved. In more competitive matchups this could work but in every other matchup where an established lead exists this only results in people monopolizing the JP. Might as well just give every player on the winning server free badges and blue prints without the need for a JP at all.
When word gets out, everyone hop on the bandwagon and transfer to the winning server. And no, paid transfers aren’t a deterrent, only to the newest players.
What an awful idea. Encourage spawn camping more yeah? Hell the entire game mode would be transformed into one giant camp fest.
According to you, everyone in t8 is better than t7. Then please explain how you lose to original t7 servers like Sorrow’s Furnace?
Im not saying SF wont win t7, they probably have high chances to do so. But you expect a Devona scoreline? You realise Sorrow’s Furnace was an opponent of DR, as was HoD which at the time was in freefall. Hardly a competitive matchup, so DRs score was heavily inflated.
The rating system is flawed i agree, and Sorrow’s furnace do not beling in t8 without a doubt. but you completely overestimate them if you assume that they belong in t5/t6 simply because you lose to them.
The only assumption you can make based on evidence is they dont belong in t8.
Sorrow’s Furnace will actually fit in well with T7. Youre overestimating them if you think they’ll beat T7 easily.
You cant compare them to DR when they finally escaped T8. Because DR was tripling their opponents scores, not just doubling. And they were required to do this for several consecutive weeks.
(edited by inbetween.5623)
I got ~180 badges in 4 hours after reset. I’m not sure what you’re doing but you’re doing something wrong.
no you didn’t.
Who are you to claim he didnt? Its entirely possible. Especially in an organized guild playing in a Tier 1 server with countless 30-40 man zergs being wiped every 10 minutes.
Yeah, paragraphs. Honestly Im sure you have a valid point but most people will be deterred from reading this.
Do not solo. Party up. There is a minimum damage requirement for you to be credited with the kill and loot. Like a PvE mob. At lvl 35 you wont be outdamaging the masses of 80s out there and theres going to be a group of them out there partied together doin 80% of the damage to a enemy you think you killed simply because you hit it once or twice. How many enemies have you killed just by yourself? I doubt many, else youd be getting loot bags and with them the occasional badge.
Dont play in Tier 8 (or 9 for euro’s), but couldnt agree more. The current ranking system is adversely affecting the playing quality and balance each passing week in the bottom tier. The most dominant server continues to win convincingly against the other two servers, and the other two servers continue to lose rating slowly but surely but cannot drop to a lower tier where it could be more even since no lower tier exists. Similarly the winning server just cant seem to leave the bottom tier even after weeks of lopsided continued dominance. There are cases of it happening in the past, yes.
Devona’s Rest did so under its own ability. Kaineng required massive waves of transfers, but this possibility is all but eliminated.
There is little incentive in bottom tiers, not for pride not for enjoyment and it continues to damage the populations and community.
Anet has left the bottom tiers high and dry and all abandoned them. Please introduce a lower ratings boundary so ratings cannot fall below a certain point.
That tribal armor is not available in PvE. Unless something has changed.
I’ve got to admit, the class i least want in any of my dungeon groups is the ranger (barring a few circumstances where they would be preferable).
Not that i hate them, just i personally feel other other classes do a better job of anything they’re supposedly good for. I very well could be wrong.
Not that i exclude them from parties, its just when i have one in the party, i sometimes do think “Oh, not a ranger.”
Premature thread. Take a look at the scores, and match-ups arent nearly as close as you think. IN fact some of them have been decided already just by the performances during offhours. For what its worth, virtually all matches are close a few hours after reset. It is reset after all and numbers are relatively equal. By weeks end, Anets decision will have been justified.
You truly do not understand how the Glicko-2 system works. Normally it takes into account several scores from past weeks to set the rating (which has the function of smoothing out the effects of individual weeks), but now it only has the 1500 point reference to work against. Take a look at the projected matchups ( for next week to see how screwed up your comment is.
I understand EXACTLY how it works. Even the math behind it. WHat you dont understand is my comment was directed at the person who claimed the matchups were find a nice equal balance when it is slowly proving to be anything but outside 3 or 4 tiers.
What you fail you understand is that the ratings is flawed. Take Tier 8 for example and the disparity between tier 7 and tier 8 and the fact that had these ratings not been reset, it would takes months for any tier 8 server to rise to tier 7 due to the fact that the rating differential between the best tier 8 server and the two others is huge. And the rating difference between the best tier 8 server and the worst tier 7 server is also huge.
In the current system that server (Sorrows Furnace) will need to continue winning for months on end (and by blow-outs no less) against their lesser opponents to even sniff a chance at going up. Of course this means tier 8 will be forever unbalanced. Sorrows Furnace cannot rise enough rankings fast enough, and hell even if they win if they dont win by enoguh they could lose ratings points.
So tell me again what i dont understand?
You jump to conclusions as if the projected matchups are gospel when Anet itself hasnt announced what rating system theyll be using of if some newer form of adjustment is being made. It could be the same it might not be. The site itself says its not accurate.
If anything you dont understand how glicko works. And no i do not play in tier 8, but you overlook the entire grand scheme of ratings and act as if it only applies to the top 2 or 3 tiers.
And no, it does NOT taking into account SEVERAL scores from past weeks, since in this format, the ratings are calculated on a weekly basis on conclusion on the match, meaning it is always up to date, needing the score of only the most recent score.
(edited by inbetween.5623)
Premature thread. Take a look at the scores, and match-ups arent nearly as close as you think. IN fact some of them have been decided already just by the performances during offhours. For what its worth, virtually all matches are close a few hours after reset. It is reset after all and numbers are relatively equal. By weeks end, Anets decision will have been justified.
Kholer rewards you with a chest, and coin, so no it isnt pointless. It can also be one-manned
I dont mind a 5 min timer though, but I dont see what your issue is in your examples. Jade Maw does not take an hour after the final platform jump. If youre referring to some point at the beginning it still does not take an hour. Hell might only take 15min for the entire fractal. If you wanted to respawn, ask your party to get out of combat.
Same can be said of Kholer, ask them to retreat a little or better yet, rez you.
This is not a recent development. This problem has persisted from day one. It is not a FIFO queue. Try queueing as a group and youll find it tries to get everyone in at the same time, whereas someone who queued individually at the same time as the group may get in half an hour earlier or half an hour later. Im not certain of the mechanics, but it effects all servers with a queue. Youve only just noticed it now since the reset boom in Kainengs population.
The Ascended Triforge Pendant does not have a jewel slot.
If you look at the difference between the exotic and ascended versions, the ascended version gets +10 to all stats and +1 crit damage instead of a jewel slot, which is significantly worse than an exotic jewel. I cannot think of a single character class in the game where I would use that jewel.
It’s really that simple. The ascended Triforge Pendant has less stats than the Exotic one once you take the jewel into account. You’re upgrading it for the agony resist or utility infusion slot, not the stats.
That is straight up wrong.
It may have less of specific stats depending on what upgrade the exotic variant has but total stats, the ascended version is superior.
+10 power
+10 vit
+10 prec
+10 toughness
+10 cond dmg
+10 healin power
+1% mf
+1% crit dmg
Find me a gem thats offers all that.
You are right that its still useless as there isnt a build that needs all that. But then agian the original triforge was even more useless.
Relax, im 100% certain they will be overhauling ALL legendaries. Just give it time, and theyll release them in batches. They’ve already said that was their intention.
Just transferred to CD! Took a while to find a time when it wasnt full though. Brought 10 with me!
200 exotics tossed into forge, (50 attempts). 50 exotics returned not one precursor. but i understand how RNG works so im not too bothered. And about 40% of the money i put in a get back (unless i decided to toss my forge rewards back in).
What does bother me is that others can get it in 1, 2 or 3 attempts and act as if its all worthwhile for everyone else simply because they get lucky. “Hey i got a precursor in a few attempts, so it makes up for everyone elses loss.”
Obviously im just going to buy my precursor at this point as ive done the math and it wouldve worked out cheaper. I dont mind the forge method remaining in game but they need to introduce another means of acquiring precursors fast (i.e. the scavenger hunt).
How is removing the gold costs for keep upgrades and replacing it with karma an improvement? There is a big incentive for upgrades. It makes the keeps easier to defend. Karma has value too if you had not realised. Why should i feel the need to waste my karma on the keep? I’d much rather spend gold.
The upgrades arent necessary, those who have the money and feel the need for the upgrades already do so.
If anything the system should be a collective pool, where each person has the option of committing small sums of gold to the total upgrade.
I have no issue with spending karma but what you suggested it is not an improvement on the current system because it then requires people to exclusively have karma to purchase keep upgrades.
I have no issue with badges being redeemable for karma.
For what its worth, i have a full set of WvW badge purchased armor. Im sure many others do.
Armor repair costs are absolutely fine actually. Perhaps reduced by half to help newer players? But they should always remain there.
You honestly shouldnt be WvWing to profit, thats your issue. The reward is the enjoyment, if you dont enjoy it, you simply dont do it.
I do agree there should be more incentives in terms of rewards, more exchangeable goods for the badges. But youre mistaken about there being too many disincentives. Just not enough incentives.
I too would like to know if this is intentional or if the frames will be made available again.
I know in AC there have been changes to some mobs. Scavengers for example will continue to use their knockdown/bite (which does massive damage) even after you’ve gone down.
They’ve always been doing it.
it used to be just a simple knockdown on initial hit… it seemed like it was changed at some point so that if you dont immediately dodge after using a stunbreaker they knock you down again (or if another team member walks in front of them whilst they’re chomping) – knockdown each hit
Nah, theyve been applying that knockdown even after that initial leap for as long as i can remember. Months ago. In fact if you felt inclined to do a search on the history of AC posts youll fidn complaints about this scavenger mechanic from months ago.
You do realise how confusion works right?
Had FUN with it. Was easy too.
Apparently you werent around for the Clock Tower.
Intended. Like all other runes, it triggers on the 6 heal skill. Would be unbalanced if any healing skill could activate it.
yes 1% is worthless. 5% is WAAAY TOO MUCH. Whoever suggested that.
But 2% for most pieces is adequate. Maybe 3% for chest and pants.
Hay funny you should mention that, because my personal experience tells me otherwise. Ive just salvaged roughly 40 rares and received 50 ectos from it which is much higher than normal
but really, this thread appears every week where someone speculates that Ecto rates have been lowered due to single bad experience. Its pure luck. 40 is not a large sample size. RNG. Sometimes its your friend, most times it isnt.
The rates are the same, sometimes you get good runs, others you dont. Some days i get a 0.5 return, others i might get 2.0. Why not wait before jumping to conclusions.
I am 100% convinced (2) is intentional.
ANet may have realised adds were being farmed with no intention of completing Jormag.
Bug im assuming. Remember Lvl 80s are scaled down and get one shotted too
yeah it was…nasty…5 lvl 31 skritt jumped me around AC.
I dont even play Engineer and almost this almost immediately stuck out in the patch notes. 30% is extreme, and in how does one (or two?) sigils = 30%.
Uh, Rising Dusk’s answer is slightly wrong.
You CAN do the same path more than once in the same two hour period without incurring DR. Proof? Personal Experience. I do this every other day. Ignoring the 60 token first run. I get 20 tokens for a specific path and then do another path, and then return to the initial path and complete it and get 20 tokens again. No DR.
What you cannot do is repeat a same path two times in succession. This will immediately give you the Specific Path DR s/he is referring to.
Also i do believe you cannot do more than 4 runs in any 2 hour timeframe, not 5.
Though this i cannot be 100% certain of. But i know i can complete 5 dungeons within 2 hours and on the 5th run i always hit DR.
Its a tanky-melee build. Works perfectly fine for PvE. You rely on naturally high passive regen and water attunement and permanent uptime for lightning hammer by using the trait that increases weapon charges. The hammer is inherently a strong weapon because of its natural attack rating, so you still output pretty high damage.
It is strictly a PvE thing though.