Showing Posts For style.6173:

Help with balance patch

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


After the balance, Mesmers, eles, and revs will still be OP. Same as season 1 and 2.

[Suggestion] Please remove these achievements

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


All you do is swap before the game ends. This is well known and counts for the class achievements

Not everyone does that. That’s why it is easier to progress at in the middle of a tier than at the beginning or end of one. People use the safe points as a chance to work on those achievements.

what happened to the queue times?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


People are bored with poor matchmaking and balance. That, combined with SAB, gives a much smaller pool of people.

Thaumanova Fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: style.6173


At 40+ pug groups, I don’t notice much issue with the anomaly. I think more groups struggle with Subject 6.

Legendary back?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: style.6173


I just hope they don’t add some new grind to it. Getting the “precursor” backpiece was grind enough.

Can we please Have Solo Q v Solo Q back ?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Queues would take longer and you’d never gain any benefit from queuing as a small group. They’ve already hard blocked 5m premade from fighting pure sq. No thanks.

tldr; farming solo pugs is good for those who can’t win solo

PPL leaving GW2 cause pvp is dead

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


The problem is this:
1. For a long time, there was nothing else to do in the game, so people went to PvP.
2. SAB was launched and so it gave a lot of people something else to do.
3. Even those who like PvP are sick of a poor balance team
4. Most people are sick of excuses from the matchmaking person.

when does the 'no pip lost' rule trigger ?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


You don’t lose a pip:
- if the player dc for more than 2 min’s
- if you were not in the party with the dc er

So, we’re you in a party with that person?

I don’t think this is accurate. I’ve seen people gone for more than 5 minutes and we still lost a pip. I was solo queue.

Organised team or rage

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173



You play as a 4 person premade, not 5. That way, you can farm pugs since the matchmaking person at ANET hasn’t figured it out yet.

Make Ranked Queue Map Selection Random

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


PvP is starting to get boring when 75% of matches are on foefire.

Fight to 350, then PvE, then game over.

Why do people always vote for it? If you guys like PvE so much, try HoT.

Please Tell Us the Population Balance Details

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


You guys need to understand the way ANET works. If they think players won’t like the changes, they don’t announce them to the last minute.

Will the return of Alpine BL bring you back?

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


I’ll understand why ANET creates useless work for themselves. They are spending time right now adding in all the HoT junk. Why? Most people don’t enjoy that.

A much better approach would be to keep all the HoT stuff out of the map. Let people compare the old system vs the new. Then decide what to do.

Logic is hard.

Balance team: Don't buff warriors

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I will measure success of the balance patch very simply. After the balance patch, I will watch the pro league. If virtually everyone is using an elite spec, I will consider the balance a failure. I want to see core specs viable again.

ANET has lost focus on the whole point of traits. You should have multiple viable trait lines to pick between. You shouldn’t be required to take one of them.

Make PVP pips buyable in the trading post.

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


This is a really bad idea, so that means I could see ANET implementing it.

Coming S3, a PIP booster. Gain double PIPs for every win.

PIP loss on DC

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


ANET, if a team has a DC for more than half the game, don’t make them lose a PIP. I thought this has been resolved already. Not sure why I still need to report it.

Tactivators alphine BL? Yes or No

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


I don’t think objections to the way World vs. World has been handled are noise. Many valid concerns have been raised over time. I just feel as though with some older players ArenaNet is doomed no matter what they do because some people refuse to adapt or compromise at all. It’s like our current political system in the US.

I don’t think you understand that this is a game. The lack of players in WvW compared to a year or two ago speaks for itself.

People are fine with changes. They are just not find with bad changes.

Please Remove Legacy of the Foefire(Temp)

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Definitely do not like that map op. Hoping they can at least nerf how many points he gives on death at least to 75 or give him a downed state as has been listed in other threads.

The problem with this is that with the lord currently giving 150 points, he stays relevant to the match. Any lower and there would be no reason to kill the lord.

Ultimately; it’s gonna have to come down to what the devs are going to do about the power creep. If they rebalance the classes appropriately they wont need to change much. On the flip side if they do nothing about it; the devs are gonna have to completely change the way foefire mechanics work.

wrong! It should only be worth 75 points. It still gives teams a chance to come back.

I never understand why so many people want PvE in a PvP map. There is a whole HoT map for PvE if that;s what people want to do.

The matchmaker isn't bad...

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


It’s only “bad” when combined with a low player population and the inability to lose divisions.

100% wrong. The matchmaking is terrible. Win or lose, there are too many games that result in a blowout.

Also, the divisions issue only exists because of the profession achievements required for the wings. People tend to work on those when “safe”. A better solution is to remove those achievements.

Balance Ideas for S3

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Here are some balance ideas:
-nerf elite specializations
-nerf elite specializations
-nerf elite specializations
-did i mention elite specializations need a nerf?

This ^^. I want to see all elite specializations nerfed. If base specs cannot be played competitively after the balance update, then I consider the update a failure

Offensive Small-Team Play: Alpine vs. Desert

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


There is a reason you see large queues on EB during reset night and nothing on the BL maps. You can argue all you want, but most people just don’t like desert. Sure, some do like it, but they are in the minority.

Thanks Anet, for allowing server stacking

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


Fact: Every server thinks they are better at fights than the other two servers in their tier.

EotM is awesome

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


EotM is good for two reasons:
1. Level alts
2. The quality of player is much lower, so it is a good place to go if you want an easier place to play.

That said, the OP forgets why EotM was put in place. It was there so that people had something to do during long queues. Those queues don’t exist anymore. It is better to merge the two different versions of WvW together to get a better population for everyone.

Sure some people will be upset, but that’s ok.

Give foefire lord downed state

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Indeed, already ranted about this useless feature, I don’t like winning that way, and I despise losing that way. Yes you’ll get people who will say you get ample warning from narrator. But often you’re not paying attention while you’re trying to cleanse conditions the reaper, and mesmer are handing you. Evading the rev, and dodging the DH’s traps, having to break stun from scrapper all while monitoring your minimap.
With everything going on sometimes you forget, or everyone died/locked up, and forgot too. To come so close to winning just maybe 3 more tics, then BAM your victory stolen. It’s a horrible feeling, and something I don’t wish on people too. If you lose because you got outplayed fair enough. But to lose when you just needed 3 more points only to SUDDENLY give your opponent a whopping 150? It’s depressing.
If ANET insist on keeping this stupid map in spvp at least nerf the amount of points he gives maybe 75 idk.. but 150 is way too much.

Even on in forest killing the two beasts only nets you 25 points per beast. (Though I’ve argued to get that out too. but w/e)

Finally someone who gets it. Most people always say things like “increase the hp” or “give it downstate”.

Nerf the points to 75. I still don’t get why someone can PvE to win a match.

No class stacking = best ballance patch

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


yes and putting your hands over your eyes will protect you from anything bad happening.

So, can we have info on patch?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I predict they will tell you during the last week. That way the following can happen.

1. “omg, thieves are going to be OP” and then they suck.
2. “you didn’t nerf xxx class enough” and probably true if elite specs are left unbalanced.
3. “delete mesmer and ele. ANET hates them” and then those classes are OP.

Why are people so afraid of raiding?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: style.6173


I think there is a different answer for why the OP can’t get a group. The real answer is that raids are not just not that popular. Those who do want to do them, have a group already.

Why is there no Anti-condi stat?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


The only viable condi classes in PVP are Necro first and Mesmer a distant second. If any more condi-hate gets thrown in the game then Anet might as well patch out condition damage altogether.

Do you even play PvP? Necro and mesmer are both insanely strong right now.

Will the return of Alpine BL bring you back?

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


That depends on how the map will be presented to us. If the waypoints are permanently closed and the HoT autoupgrade + gimmicks in place, I don’t see a reason to play there.

This ^^. I just hope ANET keepss the HoT junk out of it.

SAB needs to be esports

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Who would have thought that everyone would love a game mode that looks like it is straight out of the 90s

This is going to sound rude and awful

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Stop the thief hate. I carry matches as a thief. What you really need to watch out for is crappy players that play meta builds. You see them and you’re like, “Good. I got 2 necros, a rev, and engi on my team. I’m totally gonna win.” Then, your team loses every fight that you aren’t in on. Even when they have +1 advantage. A good theif is hard to beat. There is no class the I can’t beat in a 1v1, only better players beat me. Thief is sooooo fast. Dash, infultrator’s arrow, signet of agility. The key to playing theif is don’t get hit, and you have plenty of evades and blinds to do it.

Lets just say a bad druid or something else isnt as matchbreaking as a bad thief. I love having a good thief on my team. With good i mean a thief who knows his mechanics good and knowns how to rotate properly.
A druid who sucks still can be more useful then a sucking thief.
I guess thats what makes thief hate rise, there just not many thiefs who can play the class on a viable level.

Druid is a good example. Your pet does a lot of your dps for you so I think it’s an easier class to play well. Thief is much less forgiving gameplay. If you can’t shut down their attacks and stick the insane amount of burst you have, you’re pretty much dead. But I have to say this again: the amount of speed and burst you have as thief is INSANE.

I love it when teammates start complaining about 2 thiefs on a team, then we destroy the other team by pushing far and shrinking the map. Thief is imo the most fun class to play. Smokin bunkers like they’re blunts son.

You are confusing the state of the class with the skill of certain players.

The issue is that thief as a class sucks. Sure, there can be some good players who play it, but that is maybe 5% of thief players at most. The other 95% are basically free wins for the enemy team.

Do you think Raids in GW2 were a bad idea?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: style.6173


Raids aren’t a bad idea. The bad idea is:
1. Only releasing new raid content since HoT came out. Raids aren’t overly popular with the vast majority of players
2. Gating legendary armor behind those raids. I thought ANET learned their lesson with ascended gear and fractals. Locking a new tier of armor behind one game mode is bad. Locking a unique skin is smart and what they should have done instead.


in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


How is it disrespectful?
They screwed up the matchmaking, their update policy doesnt allow them to change it mid-season.

Not true. They updated in the middle of last season to prevent the “get an amber” approach.

The issue is that ANET has no idea how to fix the system.

Remove solo queue from Conquest

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


If you force everyone to 5 man queue, the only outcome you’d get is a lot less people playing PvP.

Season 3 Changes

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Class locking doesn’t really help in a scenario where PIPs play a big part into the matchmaking. A better solution is to remove the multi-class achievements. If you notice, the beginning and end of a division are harder than the middle. Why? Because people tend to work on their multi class wins right after going into a new division. They are bad at that class and it throws off the matchmaking.

Get Rid of Precursor Crafting: Problem Solved

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: style.6173


100% agree with the OP. Legendaries should be released. Remove the collections and add them to a similar process as the regular legendaries.

Legendaries are important to keep people interested in the game

Upcoming changes in Spring Quarterly Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: style.6173


Looking forward to the changes.

Two requests:
1. Preview balance changes early. It is a problem and really needs focus
2. Make the work on the dev team as easy as possible for the alpine map. Keep it 100% as it was. Don’t add in any of the HoT stuff. People can go to EB if they want that.

Alpine Borderlands will be back

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


I’m struggling to understand all the work effort involved with bringing back the old map. Please don’t tell me that you are trying to integrate the HoT junk into it. Just bring back the old map as-is and leave the garbage of HoT out of it.

Why do skilled people make alt accounts?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173



blowout matches are more because of
1. bad matchmaking in general
2. really poor balance

Revert Quickness/Slow on Finish/Rez

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173



No way. Really bad idea. In fact, I want to see the speed res of search and rescue nerfed next. It shouldn’t be possible to res in under a second.

mesmer nerfs better be in order

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Your team had a thief. Of course you lost.

Elite Specializations Arent Upgrades -Anet

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


d/d ele wasn’t overtuned before the specialisation patch, the balance between shoutbow rifle engi and d/d ele was very even. afterwards anet ruined everything with the 3rd traitline…

Burn was overtuned on ele prior to HoT. Good teams ran 2 of them.

That said, I’d like to see all elite specs nerfed.

What would make wvw fun for you again?

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


1. Population balance
2. Remove EotM – The purpose of this was to give people a place to go during long queues. That’s no longer needed
3. Buff stability. I miss large scale fights
4. Remove desert BL and bring back alpine
5. Remove PvE junk that was added during HoT
6. Create a legendary armor reward track

This expansion is falling apart. [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: style.6173


I’m just scared that ANET will announce the next expansion pack and include some other half baked new way to level. “Ok, guys, we realize masteries were a fail. Let’s try some new thing”

GW2 needs Colin back ASAP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: style.6173



You are crazy. So, Colin created a complete mess that we are in. MO communicates that mess, and you then blame MO for the mess. You really think the lack of content started in the last few weeks?

Use some logic before posting.

Balance Patch?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Yes, there will be a balance patch. I’d say 95% certain that it will be on April 19th or April 26th.

Stopped dead on Wings

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Here is what many people do not understand. Legendary armor/weapons/backpieces should be difficult to earn. Not everyone will be able to earn them. They should be a status symbol and not just something you can grind to get.

At the same time, there should be a PvP reward track (a really long one) that allows people to grind for a different, non-legendary backpiece.

An increased team size for conquest

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


we already have that since launch 3+ years ago.

its called 8 vs 8 hotjoin.

Unfortunately, too many people were playing it, so ANET killed it.

Balance: A framework to work in

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


It feels like they don’t have someone overseeing balance. Right now it seems like the classes are divided up between a few people who focus on their individual class.

ANET really needs someone to oversee the entire thing. If someone is already in that role, reassign them and have someone else do it.

ANet. Any plans of indroducing a PvP-team?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Not sure why you think killing esports is going to fix anything?

1. Is it going to make the balance team learn to balance?
2. Is it going to make the matchmaking guy learn to matchmake?

Your top 5 priorities for WvW-Overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


I hope whatever they push out for WvW makes everyone happy….

They just need to remember why people go to WvW. Get back to the basics.

1. Allow for large group fights. This is the unique part of WvW.
2. Give roamers something to do. Whether it be escorts, camp flipping, small fights, etc
3. Remove EotM. This is a population killer.

Above all, get rid of the PvE junk. There is a whole different part of the game for that.